HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 84-35; FALCON HILLS; Tentative Map (CT)- -- LAND USE PLANNING APPLICATQN DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS REQUEST Zone Change OSpecific Plan D General Plan Amendment OSite Development Plan Tentative Tract Map DConditional Use Permit 0 Major Planned Unit Development Ovariançe Master Plan CiPlanning Commission Determination O Major Redevelopment Permit DSpecial Use Permit 0 Minor Redevelopment Permit []Structure Relocation O Precise Development Plan EMajor Condominium Permit (check other boxes if appropriate) X Annexation Complete Description of Project (attach additional sheets if necessary) The project consists of an annexation to the City of C&rlsbad, pre-zoning to R-1-7.5 and R-1-8, and a tentative tract map to create 250 detached single family residential lots on 85.51 acres. The project is in an inf ill area and will extend existing Pontiac Drive and Vailwoqd Avenue, and will grade to create flat pads for single family residences. Legal Description (complete) (see attached) Assessors Parcel Number 147-100-07, 08,_14,_15 Zone General Plan Existing Land Use RLM (0-4 du/ac) Vacant and Agriculture Proposed Zone Proposed General Plan Site Acreage Pre-zone R-1--7.5 Same 85.51 acres R-1-8 Owner Applicant Name (Print or Type) Name (Print or Type) FALCON HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT, LTD., and see attachment 4IKEOO IEVELO.P ,. IRC.: Mailing Address Mailing Address. 5205 Kearny Villa Way, Suite 211 City and State Zip Telephone TM City and State Zip Telephone San Diego, CA 92123 569-1883 I CERTIFY THAT i AM THE LEGAL (ER AND I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE CNER' S REPRESENTATIVE THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT '10 THE BEST OF MY I<NCLEDGE. AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY ENCJLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE 7/24/84 *t< li*Uäfl ec'd" Nui W11 af - J Zc!fZ I. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS General Plan Amendment/Zone Change 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items F-O 3. Reproducible 1:500 scale map of subject property showing requested zoning and surrounding zoning and land uses. 4. Fee: General Plan Amendment $765.00 + $5.00 per lot or acre, whichever is higher. Zone Change: $655.00 Master Plan/Specific Plan 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - fifteen (15) copies of items B-D - items E-O 3. Fee: Master Plan $1,635 + $5.00 per/acre Specific Plan $1,090.00 Master Plan Amendment: Major $545.00 + 5.00 acre Minor $185.00 + 2.00 acre Specific Plan Amendment: Major $440.00 Minor $ 75.00 Tentative Tract Map 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items - fifteen (15) copies of item A - items E-P 3. Fee: $530.00 (1_25k lots or units) $765.00 (26-100 lots or units) $1,310 (100 + lots or units) Revision: $330.00 (1-25 units or lots) $545.00 (26-100 units or lots) $765.00 (100+ unitsor lots) $150.00 Revision that does not change design of subdivision Major Planned Development (5 or more units) 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items; - fifteen (15) copies of items B-D - items E-O 3. Conversion to Condominiums - list of names and addresses of all tenants of the project, proof of notification of the tenants 60 days prior to filing tentative map. . Issuing Office: $AIECO TITLE LNSUIAIIC! COMPANY SikN T)IFOO, CALIPOJflA Attention: NANCY V1L!R 1301 TPI!D AV!1E P.O. EOX 1590 SAW M!CC', CALIVOPNIA 92112 (619) 232-4031 Your Ref: 2867 Our o: $-6457I Dated as of May 14, 1984 at 7:30 au. In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, s&nco TITLE L1$UtAI COMPANY hereby reports that it is prepared to issue or Cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or Interest therein hereinafter set forth insuring against loss uhich nay be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance sot shown or referred to as an Exception In Schedule I or not excluded fran coverage pursuant to the printed $cb.dul.s. Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the cowers,, of said Policy or Policies are set forth in the attached list. Copies .f the Policy ferns should be read. They are available from the office uhieb issued this report. TRII nPc*r (iXD At? stv pip LIT$ OR AM1IET$ !VUTO) 1$ IS$5Eb $OLILY POP TIE PIEPOS! OP VACILIEATI$C TIE IIIU*tCI OP £ POLICY OF TITLE ZUPIAMCE AND OD LIABILITY 1$ £UVNU IEUIY. II IT 1$ IZIlED flAY LUJILITY U £UD PuCE TO TIE IS$VAE OF £ POLICY OF TITLE IIEUU!, £ MINE OR CO11TNZPT $JOVLD I! U4U28TED. The fern of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: 1. California Laud Title Association Standard Coverage Policy 2. American Laud Title Association Owner's Policy Porn I C' 'I 3. American Land Title Association Residential Title Insurance Policy 0 4. Mexican Land Title Association Loan Policy 0. Tit*. Officer MULLETTTcOI ( c r 0- 3~7 112_ SAFECO . " 0 . Order $0. 1448571 $C$!OL& A 1. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is: A T!!, a. to Parcel I AN EASEMENT as more fully described below, as to Parcel 2 2. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is 'vested in: JOSE C. 1AWOS D. AND CArALIWA C. WOS, husband and wife, as Joint tenants 3. The land referred to in. this report Is •ituated In the State of Cali- fornia, County of San Moto,, sad is described as follows SEE t!SCPIPtIOW ATTACSF1 SAFECO [I $448571 DP 8CR I PT ION PI$CRIflIOV ?APC!L 1: That portion of Lot "3" of the Rancho Ague Wedionda in the County of San Diego, state of California, according to Partition Map thereof No. $23, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16 1896, described as follow: Caceencing at the Southwest corner of the Portbvest Quarter of Section 4, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, Ian Bernardino Meridian, as shown on said Map We. 123; thence Worth 07' 00' 00" West, 1106.00 feet, Worth 82' 19' 35" *ait (Record - Worth $2' 00' 00" test) 1335.00 feet, eare or less, to the Mortbvesterly corner of the land described in deed to Banton C. Caldwell and wife recorded August 15, 1951, in hot 4205. Page 235 of Official Records; thence continuing Worth 82' 19' 55" last, 1225,02 feet to a point in the Westerly liiie of the land conveyed by Minnie Lillian Borden and Va. V. Borden to Carroll Elaer Borden, by deed dated February 3 1912 and recorded in look 560. Page 478 of Deeds, records of San Diego County; thence South 25 0 10' 03" Past (Record South 23' 30' 00" last) along said Westerly line, 520.00 feet to an angle point therein; thence South 00' 19' 55" West (Record - South) 174.40 feet to the True Point of leginntng; thence continuing along said Westerly line, South 00' 19' 55" West, 811.60 feet to the center tine of said Section 4; thence Worth 89' 40' 05" Vest along said center line 1011.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Caldwell land; thence Worth 18' 00' 35" Vest, (Record Worth 1$ 20' 30" West) along the Westerly line of said land, 673.95 feet to a line which bears South $2' 19' 55' West from the True Point of legientag; thence Worth 82' 19' 53" last, 1235.10 feet to the True Point of Pagineing. PARCIL 2: An euenent for road purposes over a strip of land 10.00 feet in width in Lot "3" of the Rancho Agus Isdiceds, in the County of Ian Diego, State of California, according to Partition Nap thereof We. 023, ff1.4 in the Office of theCousty Recorder of Ian Diego County, Iorcelber 6, 1806, the Northeasterly and Easterly tin, of which being described as follows: DeSimiag at the Northeasterly corner of Parcel 1 above; thence along said Westerly line of Borden teed, Worth 00' 19' 55" Nast, 174.00 feet and Worth 23' 10' 05" West, 320.00 feet. J I 0) SAFECO rj Order $o. p-648571 Medal P Pat. 1 IC1IEDULI $ At the date hereof *ze.pti.us to coverage in addition to the printed Ixeiptions and Exclusions in the policy torn designated on the face page of this Report would be as follows: 1. Property taxes, including any assesssients collected with taxes, to be levied for the fiscal year 1984-19 which are a lion not yet payable. 2. Property taxes, including any personal property taxes and any assessments collected with tax.., for the fiscal year 1923-1914. let Instalment: $4.192.03 paid 2nd Inatall*ent: 4,192.03 open (delinquent) Penalty $ Cost: 429.20 Roweowners Vxeuption none Code Area: 62006 Assessment No: 167-100-14 3. The Lien of Supplemental Tax.., if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of lseat. liii P.. $13 (1913) of the State of California. 4. An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document Granted to: Ian Diego Gas 6 Riectrie Company (11. Representation is wade as to the present ownership of said .aaswant) Purpose: Public utilities ingress and ogres. Recorded: July 13, 1963 as Vile $0. 123003, Official Records Affects: Parcel 2 5. A deed of trust to secure an Indebtedness in the amount shows below, and any other obligations secured thereby $473 0 760.00 Dated: -November 27, 1979 Trustor: Jon. C. lanes D. and Catalina C. lance, husband and wife Trusts.: Western P.tusl Corporation, a California corporation Isneficlary: I.I.W. tisited, a limited partnership Recorded: January J. 1910 as Pile Pc. $0401540, Official Records A notice of default nader the torus of said deed of trust Reieat.d by: N.S.W. Usit.d, a hatted partnership Recorded: Psbranry 14, 184 as Pile Po. 14-053730, Official Records SAFECO order Yo. 1-648571 schedule I Fag. 2 6. A d..8 of trust to secure an tad.bt.dusss in the anownt shove below, and any etber obligations secured thereby Amount: $256,200.00 Dated: Way 160 1983 Trustor: Jose C. Ramos D. and Catalina C. lanes, who are married to each other trustee: Continental Auxiliary Company, a California corporation Beneficiary: lank of America National Trust and $avtnps Association, a national banking association Recorded: May 24, 1983 as Pile Jo. 83-270823, Official Records 7. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $78,128.41 Dated: Revanber 30, 1983 Trustor: Joe. C. Panes D. and Catalina C. Panes, husband and wife Trustee: War Vista Financial, Inc., a California corporation $.usftetary: Agri Isles, a California corporation Recorded: December 15, 1963 as Pile Jo. $3'458024, Official Records S. A deed if trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount above below, and any other obligations secured thereby Mot: $1000 000.00 Dated: May 4, 1*4 Trusters Jo.. C. Panes D. and Catalina C. Ran.., husband and wife 0 Trustee: Safe*. Title Insurance Company, a California corporation Ien.ficiary: Mike Toots Development, lee. Peoord.d: IScy 4, 1984 as Pile W). *4-166938, Official Records RID Of ICSIDULZ P tjf IM SAFECO z • .. -. ) r • . ,•.. p , ,? t t - ;L1 -.: . .. ; .:' •••• •': r• ..: ::.-- . - . ; , :. •4 _• : " I _ p - • . . . , . : . • ;fT'\ cr , - 40 - - 4(•. - i I - • * '•. . ' - U • .. . . \- .*•' .. Ji'1 .. -Z -.: . — I (/) 2 .. . . IL PAA 4 t_ I • • . ,-.• • .'•- .;. •...- • 1a I 4. , -' -' _••p. • - • • • • . . ,'••... . . .••t.•. .. (I U PRELIMINARY REPORT MIKE FOOTE DEVELOPMENT 5205 KEARNEY VILLA WAY SAN DIEGO, CA Date 4/2/84 Attention: MIKE FOOTE Your No. Our No. 200105 Dated as of MARCH 30 , 19_t 7:30 A.M. In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, the insurer hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or refer- red to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Condi- tions and Stipulations of said policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Schedule I and Schedule I (continued) attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. It it is desired that lia- bility be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Biar or Commitment should be requested. - Title Officer RON BEARSKIN The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: A PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT ONLY - The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: a fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: FALCON INVESTMENTS, N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION T-1A I I ORDER NO. 200105 The land referred to In this Report Is situated In the State of California, County of SAN DIEGO and is described as follows: THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF THE RANCHO AQUA HEDIONDA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO PARTITION MAP THEREOF NO, 23, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 14 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO, 823; THENCE NORTH 7' 00' 00" EAST 1535,00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO BENTON B. CALDWELLS ET UX, RECORDED AUGUST 15, 1951 IN BOOK 4205, PAGE 235 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID CALDWELL'S LAND, SOUTH 18' 20' 30" EAST 1351400 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CALDWELL'S LAND, BEING A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1809,00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the Exceptions and Exclusions in said policy form would be as follows: 1, GENERAL AND SPECIAL COUNTY TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR: 1984-85 A LIEN, NOT YET PAYABLE 2. DELINQUENT TAXES, REPORT TO FOLLOW. 3, SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES IF ANY PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 498 OF THE STATUTES OF 1983 OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA. 14, AN •EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES FOR : THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY GRANTED TO : SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION RECORDED : MARCH 19, 1953 RECORDER'S FILE NO,: BOOK 14789, PAGE 157 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS : AS FOLLOWS: Page Pages 1-lB S COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "J", WHICH POINT IS DISTANT THEREON 90.76 FEET WESTERLY FROM THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT "E" OF SAID RANCHO AQUA HEDIONDA; THENCE NORTH 6 33' WEST 899.88 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 68 146' EAST 899.47 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE RIGHT OF WAY HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, NORTH 65' 46' WEST TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LAND. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES FOR : THE TRANSMISSION ELECTRICITY GRANTED TO : SAN DIEGO GAS CORPORATION RECORDED : APRIL 214, 1953 RECORDER'S FILE NO.: BOOK 14833, PAGE 249 AFFECTS : AS FOLLOWS: THE CENTER LINE OF SAID EASEMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, SAID POINT BEING 839.87 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY FROM CORNER NO. 2 OF SAID RANCHO AQUA HEDIONDA AND WHICH POINT IS THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE RIGHT OF WAY DESCRIBED; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SOUTH 38 141' 55" EAST A DISTANCE OF 306.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 214' 32' 28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 3037.65 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 6' 30' 36" EAST A DISTANCE OF 3696.22 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT J OF SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, WHICH POINT IS ALSO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, DISTANT THEREON 123.0 FEET WESTERLY FROM CORNER NO. 11 OF SAID LOT I. 6. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES FOR : RIGHT OF WAY GRANTED TO : SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION RECORDED : APRIL 14, 1955 RECORDER'S FILE NO.: BOOK 5591, PAGE 593 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS : AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A P0 POINT IS DISTANT WESTERLY CORNER OF NORTH 38' 50' EAST THE RIGHT OF WAY BEGINNING, NORTH 70' INT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID "J", WHICH THEREON 203.78 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE MOST LOT "E" OF SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA; THENCE 67 14.03 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF 145' 30" EAST 11473.63 FEET, AND DISTRIBUTION OF AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A OF OFFICIAL RECORDS n . 7. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES FOR : ROAD, SEWER, WATER, LINES GRANTED TO : JAKOB WESCHINGS ET UX RECORDED • : JULY 27, 1967 LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSE GAS, POWER AND TELEPHONE RECORDER'S FILE NO.: 11000 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS : AS FOLLOWS: A STRIP OF LAND 20.00 FEET IN WIDTH IN LOT "J" OF THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, THE NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINES OF SAID 20 FOOT STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 14 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 823; THENCE NORTH 7' 00' WEST 1106 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 82' 00' EAST 1535 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO BENTON C. CALDWELL AND WIFE, RECORDED AUGUST 15, 1951 IN BOO;( 4205, PAGE 235 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 18' 20' 30" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LAND, 352.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO SOL -MAR POULTRY RANCH, RECORDED MAY 13, 1955 IN BOOK 56 141, PAGE 3145 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 18 20' 30" EAST 20.00 FEET, THE RIGHT TO PLACE AND MAINTAIN AN ANCHOR TO SUPPORT A LINE OF POLES AND WIRES AS GRANTED TO SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED : NOVEMBER 9, 1970 RECORDER'S FILE NO.: 20 14460 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS : AS FOLLOWS: THAT CERTAIN STRIP OF LAND 4.00 FEET IN WIDTH, BEING 2.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 128 OF EL CAMINO MESA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 57 146, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SAID COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE SOUTH 89 50' EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 128, BEING ALSO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "J", A DISTANCE OF 627.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0' 10' EAST 30.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 3.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT "J"; THENCE SOUTH 89' 50' EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 336.10 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE CENTER LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTINUING SOUTH 89' 50' EAST 25.00 FEET. S RECORDED RECORDER'S FILE NO,: GIVEN TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT OCTOBER 8, 1976 $247,000.00 ROBERT E. HARDING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION H THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRED B. CALDWELL, DECEASED, SUBJECT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE OF SAID DECEDENT NOVEMBER 3, 1976 76 -366292 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 9. A DEED OF TRUST STATED HEREIN DATED AMOUNT TRUSTOR TRUSTEE BENEFICIARY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST UNDER SAID DEED OF TRUST HAS SINCE PASSED TO MAlE C. TEMPLIN, BENTON B. CALDWELL, AND RICHARD H. CALDWELLI EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/3 INTEREST, BY DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION RECORDED JANUARY 16, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-017548 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, 10. A DEED OF TRUST GIVEN TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT STATED HEREIN DATED : OCTOBER 5, 1979 AMOUNT : $333,780.00 TRUSTOR : FALCON INVESTMENTS, N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION TRUSTEE TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BENEFICIARY : HARDING ENTERPRISES, LTD., A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP RECORDED : OCTOBER 5, 1979 RECORDER'S FILE NO.: 79-418542 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AN INSTRUMENT SUBSTITUTES THE TRUSTEE IN SAID DEED OF TRUST NEW TRUSTEE : STATEWIDE FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC. DATED : SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 RECORDED : 83-329784 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 11, A DEED OF TRUST GIVEN TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT STATED HEREIN DATED AMOUNT TRUSTOR : TRUSTEE BENEFICIARY RECORDED RECORDER'S FILE NO,: JULY 31, 1980 $108,045.00 FALCON INVESTMENTS, INC. TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST CALIFORNIA CORPORATION CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 4, 1980 90-285725 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS COMPANY, A S S 12. A DEED OF TRUST GIVEN TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT STATED HEREIN DATED : JANUARY 10, 1984 AMOUNT : $188,168.11 TRUSTOR : FALCON INVESTMENTS, N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION TRUSTEE : TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BENEFICIARY : JAIME TUACHI BETECH, ISAAC ABADI HUSNI AND RAFAEL MARCOS SHABOT RECORDED : JANUARY 10, 1984 RECORDER'S FILE NO.: 814-010062 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 13. THE FACT THAT OWNERSHIP OF SAID LAND DOES NOT INCLUDE RIGHTS OF ACCESS OF RECORD, TO OR FROM A PUBLIC STREET, ROAD OR HIGHWAY. iLl. THE REQUIREMENT THAT A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE VESTEE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ANY INSTRUMENT BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE RECORDATION OF SAID INSTRUMENT. 15. THE REQUIREMENT THAT EVIDENCE BE SUBMITTED THAT THE VESTEE HEREIN IS A CORPORATION IN GOOD STANDING UNDER THE GOVERNING JURISDICTION OF THE LAWS OF THE NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. TAX FIGURES FOR CODE AREA PARCEL NO. LAND FIRST INSTALLMENT .: SECOND INSTALLMENT 1983-814 62006 167-100-07 $1,539,427.00 $8,704.76 PAID $8,704.76 NOT PAID SCHEDULE I AFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIM. STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY — 1973 SCHEDULE B This policy does not Insure against loss or damage, nor against costs, attorneys' fees or expenses, any or all of which arise by reason of the following: Part I 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascer- tained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the Issuance thereof; (C) water rights, claims or title to water. 6. Any right, title, interest, estate or easement in land beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in Schedule A, or in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but nothing in this paragraph shall modify or limit the extent to which the ordinary right of an abutting owner for access to a physically open street or highway is insured by this policy. 7. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (Includ. lng but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any Improvement now or here- after erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordi- nance or governmental regulation. 8. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records. 9.Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not shown by the public records and not otherwise excluded from coverage but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy or acquired the insured mortgage and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured here- under; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had been a pur- chaser or encumbrancer for value without knowledge. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY-1979 EXCLUSIONS In addition to the exceptions in Schedule B, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees and expenses resulting from: 1. Governmental police power, and the existence or violation of any law or government regulation. This includes building and zoning ordinances and also laws and regulations concerning: land use Improvements on the land land division environmental protection This exclusion does not limit the zoning coverage described in Items 12 and 13 of Covered Title Risks. 2. The right to take the land by condemning it, unless a notice of taking appears in the public records on the Policy Date. 3. Title Risks: that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you that are known to you, but not to us, on the Policy Date - unless they appeared in the public records. that result in no loss to you that first affect your title after the Policy Date - this does not limit the labor and material lien coverage in Item 8 of Covered Title Riskc 4. Failure to pay value for your title. 5. Lack of a right: to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in Item 3 of Schedule A or in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land. This exclusion does not limit the access coverage in Item 5 of Covered Title Risks. 1-1c SCHEDULE I (Continued) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY-1970 WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT FORM 1 COVERAGE (AMENDED 10-17-70) SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: 1. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordi- nances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibit- ing a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any viola- tion of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or Interest insured by this policy or acquired the insured mortgage and not disclosed in writing by the insured claim- ant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (C) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (except to the extent insurance is afforded herein as to any statutory lien for labor or material or to the extent insurance is afforded herein as to assessments for street improvements under construction or completed at Date of Policy). 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of failure of the insured at Date of Policy or of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness to comply with applicable "doing business" laws of the state in which the land is situated. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM 8-1970 (AMENDED 10.17-70) SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE 1. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordi- nances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibit- ing a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions of area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appear in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. T-ID • • - • • • ii ttll* put U. DO• luthlilty 0426U1'ing by thereon," 1109 SHT 2 MAP 823 — RHO AGUA ROS 630.5412.8877. HEDONDA *c : • / Y. • ••'••• _ ST 3 •• • \ . • _____ N DGO C.*JTy M AOS A OF 2 NT PLMPMES ONLy ----- • • HTIOr SHT. I V1 V AVE. es V IiQAC A V SHT 2 SHT I JtcTOR ~P2r V V V l4 260AC-.--.% I V• V • t V V \ V z\> V ____ •- •. • V • • • O57AC, V , RCV4• 34 /2 N • • CD • V •V 940Ac 296 Vt V -q 45.80 AC - • • V • V V V • V • V •• V V V V • V V V V V • V V V VV• V • V V • LOT J V V • V V • V V. V 74 AC,• V V V • V •• VV •V V® V• V•V •: V •: '- V V VV V V VJ.L -f_ V__VV P VVV V V • • •- V V • V - NIJ V V V /0 (J..) •• V - V '40 o , .-•-------V-- - V - SAN DEGO V V V • • - V V • V V ASSESSOFrS MAP V • V V V • - • V V V BOOK I6? GE $0 SF41 j OF 2 • V V V V V • V V V - V MN - V • • MAPPED FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY V V V • • V V • •RQ QUALITY ORIGINAL (S) S FcJcom I1 CITY CARLSAD 1200 ELM AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 438-5551 1 RECEIVED FROM DATE 1 ADDRESS A/C. NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLI) ((( - lr4 V ' ..- 42662 TOTAL 9 . APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM In order to assist the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to avoid possible conflicts of interest, all appli- cants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their application. When this form has been com- pleted and signed, the information will be relied upon by them in determining if a conflict may exist, so please ensure that all of the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a final action on your application has been rendered, any of the information required by this disclosure changes, an amendment reflecting this change must be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either gen- eral or limited) or a joint venture, please state the full name, address and phone number of each person or individual (including trusts) who own any beneficial interest in the property which is the subject of this application. Should one or more parties to the application be a partnership or joint venture, then please state the full legal name of the partnership or joint venture, its legal address and the name and address of each individual person who is a general and/or limited partner or member of the joint venture. Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corporation (10 shareholders or less) or a real estate syndication, then please state the state of incorporation or syndication, corporate number, date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syn- dicate address, and the full names and addresses of each individual shareholder or syndicate member. Should the corpor- ation be a publically held corporation, then state the full name and address of the corporation, the place of its incorporation, number of shareholders, and the name and address of the officers of the corporation. Should you feel that additional information needs to be provided in order to provide a full disclosure, please include it. 0 I E. One (1) copy each of 8 1/2"xll" site plan and elevations. F. One (1) copy of 8 1/2"xll" location map (suggested scale 200" - vicinity maps on the site plan are not acceptable) G. Environmental Impact Assessment Form ($175) H. Public Facility Agreement: 2 copies: One (1) notorized original, One (1) reproduced copy. I. Disclosure Statement J. Property Owners' List and Addressed Stamped Envelopes (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit, Planning Commission Determination and Minor Condominium Permit) 1) a typewritten list of the names and addresses of all property owners and occupants within a 300 foot radius of subject property (including the applicant and/or owner). The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's parcel number from the latest assessment rolls. 2) Two separate sets of legal size (#10), addressed stamped envelopes (four sets for condominium conversions) of the property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of subject property. For any address other than single family residence, apartment or suite number must be included. DO NOT TYPE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ON ENVELOPES AND LEAVE RETURN OF ADDRESS BLANK. 3) For Condominium Conversions, two separate sets of addressed, stamped envelopes of all existing tenants is required. K. 300 Foot Radius Map (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Planning Commission Determination and Special Use Permit). A map to scale not less than 1" = 200' showing each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owner's list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Land Use Planning Manager if the required scale is impractical. L. For residential projects within Vista, Encinitas or San Dieguito School Districts, the applicant shall indicate whether he prefers to dedicate land for school facilities, to pay a fee in lieu thereof, or do a combination of these. If the applicant prefers to dedicate land, he shall suggest the specific land. For residential projects within the Carlsbad Unified School District and the San Marco Unified School District, the applicant shall submit written confirmation that school facilities will be available and serve the project at time of need. M. Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six months) N. Proof of sewer availability if located in the Leucadia County Water District. 0. Colored Site Plan and Elevation Plan,* P. Statement of agreement to waive tentative tract map time limits. *NOTE: It is the Applicant's responsibility to bring one copy of a colored site plan and one copy of,a colored elevation to the Land Use Planning Office by Noon the day of the Planning Commission meeting. V I If after the information you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further information required, you will be so ad"ea. MIKE FOOTE DEVELOPER, INC.,.A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION AND APPLICANT: FMiCON LTD PARTNERSHIP Name (individual, partnership,. joint venture, corporation , syndication) 5205 Kearny Villa Way, Suite 211, San Diego, CA 92123 Business Address 569-1883 Telephone Number AGENT: Name • Business Address : Telephone Number - • •MIKE FOOTE DEVELOPER, INC. - MEMBERS: A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, GENERAL PARTNER AND AGENT - Name (individual, partner, joint venture,, corporation, syndication) 5205 Kearny Villa Way, Suite 211, San Diego, CA 92123 Business Address - 619-569-1883 Telephone Number Telephone Number IBBIN INCORPORATED, N.y. ,A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION, LIMITED PARTNER OF FALCON HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT, LTD. Name 444 Camino del Rio South, Suite 126, San Diego, CA 92108 Business Address - Telephone Number - Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary I/We declare under penalty 'of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be' relied upon as being true and correct until amended. - MIKE FOOTE DEVELOPER, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION By: Micha1 J. Foote, President By: By FALCON HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT, LTD., CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP g)~ t~-- - Applic&fit MIKE FOOTE DEVELOPER,INC.,A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, GENERAL PARTNER Michael J. Foote, President Agent, Owner, Partner 4 1 4 A STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets a fifty (50) day time restriction on Planning Commission processing of Tentative Maps and a thirty (30) day time limit for City Council action. These time limits can only be extended by the mutual concurrence of the applicant and the City. By accepting applications for Tentative Maps concurrently with applications for other approvals which are prerequisites to the map; i.e., Environmental, Assessment, Environmental Impact Report, Condominium Plan, Planned Unit Development, etc., the fifty (50) day time limits and the thirty (30) day time limits are often exceeded. If you wish to have your application processed concurrently, this agreement must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, the City will not accept your application for the Tentative Map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved. The undersigned understands that the processing time required by the City may exceed the time limits, therefore the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits for Planning Commission and City Council action and fully concurs with any extensions of time up to one year from the date the application was accepted as complete to properly review all of the applications. July _24,_1984 Signature Date Applicant and agent for Michael J. Foote owne rs , Name (Print) Relationship to Application (Property Owner-Agent) FORM: PLANNING 37, REVISED 3/80 o 0 Addition to Disclosure Statement for Falcon Hills, CT 84-35 Owners of APN 167-100-15: Steve Schinko and Maria Schinko Eugene Oechsler and Gertrude Oechsler Reinhard Schinko and Ellen Schinko c/o Elfriede Shook, Attorney 2276 Torrance Boulevard Torrance, CA 90501 Owners of APN 167-100-8 Jakob Wersching and Maria Wersching George Merli and Maria Merli c/o Elfriede Shook, Attorney 2276 Torrance Boulevard Torrance, CA 90501 Owners of APN 167-100-14 Jose Ramos and Catalina Ramos 2418 Sonora Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 Owners of APN 167-100-7 Falcon Investments, N.V., a Netherlands Antilles corporation do Robert Kazdan 6116 West Washington Boulevard Culver City, CA 92030 Applicants for CT 84-35 Mike Foote Developer, Inc., a California corporation 5205 Kearny Villa Way, Suite 211 San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 569-1883 Michael J. Foote, President and Falcon Heights Development, Mike Foote Developer, Inc., Ibbin Incorporated, N.V., a 444 Camino del Rio South, Jose M. Aguillar, Presid Ltd, a California limited partnershp General Partner (see above) Netherlands Antilles Corporation, ltd partner Suite 126, San Diego, CA 92108 ant 0 9 October 5, 1984 City of. Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 ReL Falcon Hills, APN 167-100-15 Gentlemen, This letter authorizes Michael J. Foote, President of Mike Foote Developer, Inc., to act as our agent in signing all documents necessary to process a Subdivision map on the suject property for Calrsbad Unified School District, however, said individual is not hereby authorized and indeed has no authority whatsoever to encumber said property in any manner. Sincerly, Steve Schinko Maria Schinko I . October 5, 1984 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Falcon Hills, APN 167-100-15 Gentlemen, -This letter authorizes Michael J. Foote, President of Mike Foote Developer : Inc., to act as our agent in signing all documents necessary to process a' Subdivision map on the subject property for Carlsbad Unified School District, however, said individual is not hereby authorized and indeed has no authority whatsoever to encumber said property in any manner. ' Sincerly, Reinhard ScIuinko Ellen Schinko S October 5, 1984 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Falcon Hills, APN 167-100-15 Gentlemen: This letter authorizes Michael J. Foote, President of Mike Foote Developer, Inc., to act as our agent in signing all documents necessary to process a Subdivision map on the subject property for Carlsbad Unified School District, however, said individual is not hereby authorized and indeed has no authority whatsoever to encumber said property in any manner. Sincerely, 4 ~~ jhL Eugene Oe'chsler r trude Oechsler . 6 October 5, 1984 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Falcon Hills, APN 167-100-8 Gentlemen: This letter authorizes Michael J. Foote, President of Mike Foote Developer, Inc., to act as our agent in signing all documents necessary to process a Subdivision map on the subject property for Carlsbad Unified School District, however, said individual is not hereby authorized and indeed has no authority whatsoever to encumber said property in any manner. Sincerely, r ~6;1' /// 19, 6 :; Jacob Wet 9`61ring' Maria Wersching I September 21, 1984 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Falcon Hills, APN 167-100-8 Gentlemen: This letter authorizes Michael J. Foote, President of Mike Foote Developer, Inc., to act as our agent in signing all documents necessary to process a Subdivision map on the subject property for Carlsbad Unified School District, however, said individual is not hereby authorized and indeed has no authority whatsoever to encumber said property in any, manner. Sincerely, George Merli Maria 4erli . S 1/00 a2vi, E C E I V. E D e242 4d,6 92O0? JUL23 1984 ZWEIQ & AMBROZEK 19p/: /i7/8'-Y 72 czido' 7/&Aa€J. 9oc4 %u6 a6z., Z2 OZ cZQt' A & aa4f /c 4Q JaJ 2 -ze&4, 1. 3. h144 ag,2&wé Já 72 8a2I/ Ae' /flO 2d al ' 44L o. .-' I Ll Wf 4'z /9f 4/ 1 / / RECEIVED JUL23 1984 ZyjEIG & AMBROZEK 7- 7Ju z4oz AaJJ. 9o4 ze6 k 4a/ / 6Q â24o, i• z4% 2. ád i ,pd 3. Ja44 etaizwé t ea4Lt ,no e '/ &e 7e4fz ZV i Z 2aa/z nh S - S SS----SS 4LQQ-2O -i- __ - -- - 6 0 July 16, 1984 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Falcon Hills, APN 167-100-14 Gentlemen: This letter authorizes Michael J. Foote, President of Mike Foote Developer, Inc., to act as our agent in signing all documents necessary to accomplish the land development process, including but not limited to: submittal of appli- cations, tentative maps, permission to grade, and encum- bering the property for the payment of a Public Facilities Fee, and Deed of Trust to secure a school agreement. Sincerely, r7oos:e R ':~s Catalina Ramos / e, 7- EXHIBIT "A" LEC,AL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF THE RANCHO AQUA HEDIONDA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO PARTITION MAP THEREOF, NO 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNADINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 823; THENCE NORTH 7 0 00' 00" EAST 1535.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO BENTON B. CALDWELL, ET UX, RECORDED AUGUST 15, 1951 IN BOOK 4205, PAGE 235 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID CALDWELL'S LAND, SOUTH 180 20' 30" EAST 1354.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CALDWELL' S LAND, BEING A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1809.00 FEET - TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. • Residential Condominiums $530.00 (50 units or less) $1,090.00 (50 units or more) $365.00 (Amendment for 50 units or less) $655.00 (Amendment for 50 units or more) $ 5.00 Unit (Notification of Tenants for Condominium Conversion) Residential Planned Unit Development $530.00 (50 units or less) $875.00 (51 units or more) $275.00 (Amendment for 50 units or less) $545.00 (Amendment for 50 units or more) Non Residential Condominium or Planned Unit Development $420.00 (50 or less units) $1,090.00 (50 or more units) $220.00 (Amendment for 50 or less units) $400.00 ( Amendment for 50 or more units) Site Development Plan 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items - fifteen (15) copies of items B-D - items E-I, M-O 3. Fee: $365.00 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - fifteen (15) copies of items B-D - items E-O (items L,M & N not required for Special Use Permit) 3. Fee: $420.00 Conditional Use Permit/Special Use Permit $440.00 Precise Development Plan 4. Additional information may be required by the Engineering Department for Special Use Permits Variance 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - fifteen (15) copies of item B and D (if applicable) - items E. F, H-K, M, 0 3. Variance Supplemental Sheet 4. Fee: Single Family = $150.00 Other = $420.00 I Planning Commission Determination 1. Application Form 2. One page statement precisely indicating the determination request. 3. General Requirement Items: - fifteen (15) copies of items B-D (if applicable) - items F-I, M, 0 4. General Requirement Items for Density Determination: - fifteen (15) copies items B-D - items E-I, M-O 5. Fee: $330.00, Major and Minor Redevelopment Permits 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - Major: - fifteen (15) copies of Item B-D - items E-M and material samples (if applicable) - Minor: - fifteen (15) copies of items B-D (if applicable) - items E-F. H-M and material samples (if applicable) 3. Fee. (Not established except where other permit is necessary). Structure Relocation 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items - fifteen (15) copies of - items E, F, H, I f M - inspection notice from 3. Fee: $120.00 B and D the Building Department NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUBMITTALS WILL PREVENT OR SIGNIFICANTLY DELAY THE PROCESSING OF A PROJECT II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Tentative map/preliminary grading plan (24" x 36") Each tentative map/preliminary grading plan shall contain the following information: (1) Name and address of the owner whose property is proposed to be subdivided and the name and address of the subdivider; (2) Name and address of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, landscape architect or land planner who prepared the maps; (3) North point; (4) Scale; vicinity map; . 0 (5) Date of preparation; (6) The location, width and proposed names of all streets within the boundaries of the proposed subdivision and approximate grades thereof; (7) Location and width of alleys; (8) Name, location and width of adjacent streets; (9) Lot lines and approximate dimensions and numbers of each lot; (10) Approximate location and width of watercourses or areas subject to inundation from floods, and location of structures, irrigation ditches and other permanent physical features; (11) Approximate contours at 1' intervals for slopes less than 5%, 2' intervals for slopes between 5% and 101 1 and 5' intervals for slopes over 10%. (both existing and proposed) (12) Approximate location of existing buildings and permanent structures and proposed condominium buildings; (13) Location of all major vegetation, showing size and type; (14) Legal description of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision (approximate bearings, distances and curve data); (15) Width and location of all existing or proposed public or private easements; (16) Classification of lots as to intended residential, commercial, industrial or other uses; (17) Location of railroads; (18) Approximate radii of curves of streets; (19) Proposed name and city tract number of the subdivision; (20) Any proposed phasing by units; (21) Number of units to be constructed when a condominium or community apartment project is involved. (22) Method of draining each lot; (23) Earthwork Volumes (24) Also, proposed utilities, existing street, sewer, water, and storm drainage improvements along the subdivision frontage, including street lights and fire hydrants on both sides of the street within 300 feet of the subdivision. (25) Typical street section for all adjacent streets and streets within the project. B. Site Plan: Shall include the following information: - Name and address of applicant, engineer and/or - architect, etc. - All easements - Dimensioned locations of: access, both pedestrian and vehicular, showing service areas and points of ingress and egress off-street parking and loading areas showing location, number and typical dimensionn of spaces, and wheel stops. 0 - distances between buildings and/or structures - building setbacks (front, rear and sides) - location, height, and materials of walls and fences - location of freestanding signs - all driveways to scale on adjacent and across the Street properties for a distance of 100 feet beyond the limits of subject site. - existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and existing paving widths within 100 feet on adjacent and across the street properties. - typical Street section - any existing median islands within 100 feet of subject site. - nearest cross streets on both sides with plus or minus distances from subject site. - location of all buildings within 100 feet of subject properties. - a vicinity map showing major cross streets - a summary table indicating the following information: - site acreage - existing zone and land use - proposed land use - total building coverage - building sq. footage - percent landscaping - number of parking spaces - sq. footage of open/recreational space (if applicable) - cubic footage of storage space (if applicable) ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: UNLESS A TENTATIVE MAP IS SUBMITTED ALL DATA REQUIRED FOR A TENTATIVE MAP SHALL BE SUBMITTED ON THE SITE PLAN. C. Preliminary Landscape Plan (24w x 36k') shall include the following information: 1. Landscape zones per the City of Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual 2. Typical plant species and their sizes for each planting zone 3. An estimate of the yearly amount of irrigation (supplemental) water required to maintain each zone. 4. Landscape maintenance responsibility (private or common) for all areas. 5. Percent of site used for landscaping D. Building Elevations and Floor Plans* (24"x36" - floor plans with square footages included - location and size of storage areas - all buildings, structures, walls and/or fences, signs and exterior lights. NOTE: ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE FOLDED IN A SIZE NOT TO EXCEED 8 1/2" x 11". ON-SITE SIGN PROGRAM The Summit at Carlsbad 525 Ke,u ii Snit 211 CA 92123 \'dIi \X'av Sin 1)icgn, (19) 569•18 _lj1IIWI WY ON-SITE SIGN PROGRAM: The Summit at Carlsbad Summary This sign program consists of a total of eight signs. Three of the signs are project identification signs, 12' x 8' in size, to be placed at each major approach to the project. Five directional signs are also included. Four of these are 81 x 41 , to be placed at various points throughout the 148-lot project to facilitate visitor traffic flow. One is 2' x 3' and directs traffic to the parking area provided for visitors. The signs are all indicated on the following site map. Placement of each is also separately indicated on the site map following the dimensional illustration for that sign. At the planning department's recommendation, we have consulted with the engineering department for specific placement of signs on two corner lots. Illustrations are included for these signs showing that placement will be in compliance with standard sight distance guidelines of the department, as provided by Martin Lauber. FALCON HILLS I I I I 51 125 1 124 A j3 136 135 04 133 132 W 123 1_ jf ______,—T_____•__•7_1i \ 'JPLON %..i22.."\ 2 ID, gliB2'183 121 4 241/ 240 / 209>_<Z ' 'I—I 0 2os.g ' 142 141 -. - --n] I \ \ \ .-'I20 "\ --: ,24S247\ ) 239 21 >j140 z 76 17 204 uj 119 VALE 00 -- \ 211\ \ -203 ' —' -'----' 00 --I \ 238 213. \) P 2 143 - - -BERKLEy AVENUE'169 118 / -. -_ 0 2 . I ' 3 230 229 73i. - - 201 .144 147 148.14 150 167 16\ 184 \ 117 4 16 )< - - •:--'r :. - - - / 151 116200 Is 227 224 , : 87s;: 89 / 112 189 23 60 61 62 ' 66 10 L39 )__~"222122 2 30 cr- 82 94 110 24 281 157 11 7 u 511 11 ISO 109 Al 9 12 25 36 58 i 57 / 78 [ii 158 : 159 . 108 13 \ 26 2 32 -- A i - I 107 14 Is ----- -t—•Jj' 'STREET' - 53 .V-E E - --- —"' 107 37 38 3414142t4134414514647148 49 50 51 52 /67 09 70 71 72 73 7475 98 9 0 101 0 03 04105 106 • 12' x 8' approach signs 8' x 4' directionals X 3' x 2' directional 67 1 H E T SUMMI SPRCIOUS HONES 434 -1982 3, ha e7 - 0/J1,0Y/'/2 1 HE _ Summi SPRCIOUS HONES 434-1982 'at SCi9L: )'= i of r-r 4 1'..i7 FALCON ILLS . , 1*4 j36 ISS 13 133 I$7 131 i2012, '. 20$,207 240 209 o$ . AVALON AVENUE 123 241 * 21 171 VA 1 117,246 4 -. 210 205 uNrc in 172 171 170 ' 1_ 704 142 '39 140 212\ 211 TO *03 17$ 171 us $30 34 \213 , 0 143 L - - RK 174 173 /214 202 109 - I I--"i44 14$1 V 1 AVENU. 22 11 1,o, i4 19° 1$7 9° 21$.,.. ' .' 2011 - 164 II 111 p rn \. 227 I 219 ills 19° 200 - ISS 7 \\ /i$ 21$ •! $7 ' 111 17 II $Ø // 152 9 •lj 194 11$ PATO PCO *21 217 • '21 '*5 19$1951941l3t as Oi PL E' ! 114! 113 199 -c • 22 224 - --AVENUE -- . SHA a 114 163 Is? $2 I m III to . / /223 24 2$ / •. 222 221 9° ;si;92 13 - 11841 • •-- 199 It 0 L .. U 'i\ l J ? $2 - 01 , 11 - i UNiT 0 I -. 12 2$ 3 ." 35 3$ is s.117i' I is ) /2 i . ai - •' . 14 — STREET . -- .. . L_9° _____ 11$ In • : 10$ f OI4 •• VE —. -" Ill 1.. 1$ 37 $$ 13 dl 10 11 12 I; .7 E oil 170 1*0 71 72 73 74t7 1010 0301101 11 I - / 5205 Kearny Suite 211 CA 92123 Villa Way San Diego, (619) 569-1883 DvaImetCopan ON-SITE SIGN PROGRAM: The Summit at Carlsbad Program Revisions 6/12/87 The following changes are submitted for approval: Lot 97--Placement and size change. Sign to be placed just beyond the city right-of-way height to be reduced to 30 inches to accommodate sight distance requirements. Illustrations attached. Lot 54--change to Lot 67. Placement to be outside sight distance area. No size change. Lot 2--change to lot 1. No size change. All other signs to remain as described in the approved program. Attachments: Dimensional drawing, lot 97. Placement diagram, lot 97. Submitted by: Approved by: - -A Iddt LA da The City of Carlsbad Sign Program Revision 6/12/87 LSJ EI V Located on lot 97 Scale: 1" = 1' ON cn P. ro 00 0 crJ 0 16b'.4 LOo1W1OA) lot -CITY RI&HT- ~(D] 0 -rif5ugoN AVE'. FALCON HILLS.,.. 1- 10 Il Is 13 120 135 134 133 112 131 13017* 17* 12 12 20$ 207 122 * 2 241 240 209 200 - AVALON AVENUE 122 121139 4 ITT 1241 4 2O UNr - •- -: -. 230 !-. 204 - 142 141 •1 170 \ p *03 * to 119 -. •.• 212' 211 140 Z 176 17 120 22*, ss' 13 14$ERK 174 173172;17f, 1$. au . 201 - 145 14 Y AVENUE IGG ' 11$ - 7.14. 14 150 1S7 F 20 I 1$ II? 20 197'00 •1 11$ . 2 'I \227)-I<2b9 /1 U.. I 162 1_IS 216 191 1 0 co I • I r IS? 114 217 106 1S51V4193 of 91 15$ 115 H SHA 163 in •2' 1$4!._!' 11$ 23 21 -AVENUE ..23 m 163 112 $2 -. Ja / 223, 64 93 222 f-g II 'U as 06 33 as be -UNiT I $715 /T\1_J •4•••11_I$i Ill I 111 I ' lOS 34 35 as STREET _-- 7 ,.7 LL'L. . 1571 iso 32 3 \ 2$ 7 75 $6. 111 lee 14 - 64 4$ 4* VENUE - $7 u1s1I4uI 42 1413144 I1I 13 e ' 1$ ________________________________________ 42 'T°_I_1_72 "1_741ifI*5.I5*04b040*03F41 01 lee TO MODELS •1' FRONT FACE LOCPYEb cwirsS- FALCON HILLS.,- iss 1' 131 '13 0l3 114 114 20$ to? 24 240 aDa toe AVP10 AVENUE U3 IU 121 210 fl-c 110 ITS I - 239. * EpW 3 - 20 ui 142 141 / 212'21 140 s 213 '0 143 - 176 175 174 173172.171' 170 ' - .-.-,-.-- •_•11* iP iOS $ /13O 1%t$ ,3,,4.sis$23l (I4 " 302 l - -BERKL1Ey 1AVENUE. - is, 141 14$ - — 147 14I14 110 '.j 215- 2-12 — -.- I - IGG IRS.1 115 17 ; 227 1i0 1971<i.e ,o' r . . In "I _________ s,j / 111 I 112 II PA1Ø 10 17 0 114 co _______ 215 211 W ••-'.' . ____164 _____ 217 2 1I411e3I • j 'II 21 _______ $2 113164 • 23' 22 224 '!O- — --AVENUE -- • 10 -. / /233 T)1i ISO 1 s2 63 (0 11 / 222 V - • 1$I ,, 152 11* UI iso U i-ri _____ iie 13 2$ * ° "iiç' Li!_ t-•jj ii - ___ so el 416 ________ -1 154, p_ • 7$ [$0 11$ Joe a •7 • '4 ' 14 ._.. STREET 14 r —, V —. __ Is ___________________ " _"1'!li 11 'o' - " " so 71 721 011104*4.4 101 V . V cL 15i gA V No-i \V,W TH E T SUMMI / SPRCIOUS HONES 434-1982 14. 3 , 40 10 rr f 4) j: )= ii FALCON ILLS .,. 3$ ¶34 133 132 1 130 12$ 1,0 12 12* 174 241240 " '7-tt& AVENUE 1203\I /20$ ..) h-----iTh _____'__''___"'v-. _•__•\ %\-r w1 l• I I — -. 112401 ' ) " 210 1 os-_4 1 L' iSS\\ 'r \ I 23S \. 42 I41\ 121 212k 21\ 303 140 17$ 17 173 173'I72 171' 170 130 U) lit 2 *303$I$1 r' /214 302 143 L - - Y AVENUE- - rn ,i 201 :4414s 14sJs4714a,41i lU 164 •A 227'/1O ' la? 1*0 I — -- -. Its CO k44 ; %L Ila 9 T421 224 — --AVENUE I Pt 1*3 :- / i223, rrrTTrII I vr L__!L ' -- 1641 10 m 11 .: / 222221 I 164'65:1 U/fr*__r . 94 03 m • • . ! - lie so 65 f lee 13 3 34 35 .36 77. To \ '—:. U toy 63 VE 1$ 3' U 3t1401414214a4*14514hI41 49 10 *1 53 H Nips E 101 :03: IGS C' FALCON ILLS .~ - . 13 136 135 134 03 1 32 131 13012% 129 12 126 12* 124 2081 207 IPtON AVENUE rrT TL'1A \ \ \ a"/ 240( 209}..L </ -z 121 139 249 4 210 205 42 141 120 239 ".2 12 I ill! 1?4 173 NLJ t c1 \ \39 $ 1$DhI$i /\) s23 AVENU \IIS h/ 2t\! .7( 201 ! I44 145 141 j147 4$I4I5$ is ')- s 117 ) 2•' - . z - r - 'I -- is ' 127< lU 200 111 r ..- lie Is , 217 21$ _iii1T]T!,.!o '! ' " •o/,, ; 116 It CO '% SHA 113 2' 113 • - 4Lg0- - -- !— Pt 154, —zi • 22 224 -J I 'j $5 1U1 m lIZ 113Ile 11 : / .• '222271 00 *112 ss;ts : 2$ •••_- /P 7.1 1 7 : '' 100 U J 1 13 21 22 .33 M"3' . . ;7 166 ise ,1410 54.' . , 7$ 27 , 14 ---r STREET .., . IS? rrii I I ii 1 53 Ot1 VE E " )$I$I 4oI 41 I 42 j 4Il44 41 41 1 47 42 4* *0 *1 52 /' $7 I__l._i L I I I H •. 70 71 72 73 74 11 *1 0$ 101 0 03 00 •.?. :- TO MODELS 1 1 FRONT FACE ScRLE:t rV - -. I Tt-,1 tIK YOU 0 V5 fl/VC-i THE SU,\11IT BACK FACE tv CA! I..øT SC LE: TO MODELS Double face, one arrow each face. ScRLE:&1 Ic.q7ô J L o754 FALCON ILLS .,- Its 134 13'6 134 133 137 131 3D I23 123 12 i*. ' 20Sf 307 122 241 240 209 205 AVALO AVENUE 13$ 4 24 1 210 205 Ut\iI 121 249 A 130 ALE $ - 0 \ 'Is. 204 1*1 177 173 239 212'2h1 it 140 z 176 17 0 14$ - -BERK 174 7311y217j'1Th U *03 41 1-'44 14514 V AVENUE'.- $ 223;,30,,s.* (14 202 I 169 w 194 t 117 - 7S 14I 110 117 (1, 1$' 15 4 ' % !!$ i 2011 11$ 219 197 ,< log 200 - I :- ISIS •Its -' "I is ISO _±:( ' I leg '•'i"I •/ 112 13$ 1 ---- PA 1 21 '1: t1i1r1, _rc< _ S 114 7 6OU 153 •' i.0 4 2s S _______ 113 __ AVENUE -- j 135 ___ 9 113 • _ '\2$ -\<2)$0 iii 195 1344193 -Li , • :•{-- i--; _•.4 1 1$ /• I" 10 2• 21 0 • • m 112 u 951 Is ISO ______ 11$, I 11 110 £ ___ U 12 11 so Ty 13 U 32 i• •0 ! UIJ\lJ_J_s 2 _ - I---- 41( H iUNJ 1' ___ ____________ 10$ 14 7$ r _1fT STREET 971 t 15 3!H1!H4144I451+14}H31 52 Si VEE $7 3. t .4 1IEJ 71 721 '±1411176 1 •1I '°4 '''f °11"1 - LIL TO MODELS 1 1- CAI2ôY 97 ScRLg:JCV N. >1 TI-4/INK '(OU FOR vt T7N 21 7;zR5=7 THE SUMMIT BACK FACE Lci No ~Ifl'-1-- A SZ 4.1 N FALCON HILLS .,-- '16 134 13 136 13b 134 133 13 131 130120 It* / '70$ 07 " r i 34 341 / 340 04 ill r - AVM AVENUE -. —.— ' " / 1 c 122 4 121 ,''\'k \'3 aaai, \ 310 l 43 EPU 120 us 176 176 174 173172.,171' 170 A 204 140 Z is ,e231 ',213 14$ 11$ IS 4 1 _II° , ..:; L'167 f154 , Iss lag I Ile 161 17 isf ..l 227 219 /1 1 i isa r __________ - 117 lag CO $217 ~_iisij4ij_T1. (s7jj.0// is 116 225 113 cn 1 64 83 93,1 10 222 ,3 : _ 1__ iiF4:1D 80 cc I 33 so i 615 31 36 3S Ty. 7. • E'iu ."° ! :: 13 6 14 STREE is 37 ! 1 40 j41 1461 45147 1+ 1111 140 9RLES OFFICE i f 04V.Li7&3 - - •SCRLE: r=' 1 ON 0 AVEN!JE - _1Tzw 741~1761901910;~ 10 a 05 so LE " T' 1 1 73 j 3' 0 • 13 135 133 132 13111301 2" "' '2 1 i Its 134 1.35 134 240 20$ 204 20 AV AVENUE 1*3 122 241 ' 709 k 7 PLON -0 z 17*100 $1 .3102 Is ul 4 17 re 1 I ,41 - 23$ 210 305 J41c 141 - -' - \ '. 204 1142 172 171' 170 120 - $ 212' 211 140 17$ 17' \ 213 143 - ERK 174 173 - 11, (p *03 / 202 - -AS 1U a 3* 1(214 1$ 14$ 14 Y 1AVENU 8 I 141 14I ISO 1$, Iss U, 215 !U 2011 - 4 1 1l7' •z—•- r I - --. .)$4 117 ie 300 116 IGS - \.'• Is/i 2270(\ "! - 2$;0 ' - I • I$ $• $0 / I IS. .1 I 151 r :s"i S 7 • 11 "225 .5 • 153 154 115 pA'*0 -H 216 Lu P CO 221 165 laS 1$41$3 I o $ • 33' 224 - --AVENUE -- • SHA 157 O 114 to ' •'i23 ; ill 113 I ft lit ' 111 165 11 , so '222221 SO .1S2 3 Ill 52 24 24 2 I, 12 ' U j\j J -r 71.11 62 III - 51 $51 li7 110 I 105 13 32 ii$S Ty Ift ' L...!! , .5 115 14 r. .IJjT STREET 11 $sst14o14114*14o14414s141141 5: --- I " MIKEFOOR •cMMNY• 5205 KEARNY VILLA WAY SUITE 211 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 ItIN \ 01 LETTER OF TATTAL 4/ TO: City of Carlsbad DATE: 11/12/84 Planning Department A-rrENTloNMike Howes 1200 Elm Avenue REFERENCE'ALCON HILLS, CT 84-35 Carlsbad, CA 92008 _ U our messenger We are sending you, enclosed, via U.S. Mail El your pick-up Dother DATE DESCRIPTION 7/16/84 Authorization: Jose & Catalina Ramos (167-100-14) 7/20/84 Authorization: Falcon Investments, N.V. (167-100-7) 9/21/84 Authorization: George & Maria Merli (167-100-8) 10/5/84 Authrization: Jakob & Maria Wersching (it if Authorization: _Euctene_&_ Gertrude _Oechsler (167-100-15) Authorization: Ellen _Reinhard _&_ _Schinko Authorization: _Steve _&_ Maria _Schinko_11 (N/D) Addition to Disclosure Statement for Falcon_Hills,CT_84-35 El for your approval 0 for your review and comments - I for your use 0 other o as your requested REMARKS COPY TO: Kathi Riser o WITH ENCLOSURES 0 WITHOUT ENCLOSURES FOR MIKE FOOTE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY CASE NO C-7 - ?/z C DATE RXIIVED:if / 87L APPLICANT: REQUEST: Posted: Prior Compliance: Published: Filed: Filed: NEGEVE DEORPTI:________ Posted:J/-/9--q Published: /)/_>L,t Notice of Detenriination: PINIROMAENTAL IMPACT PORT:_______________ Notice of Notice of Notice of Preparation: Determination: PLNNmG Q4ISSIc 1. Date of Hearing: /- /_ 84 2 Publication: 3. Notice to Property Owners: 4. Resolution No.rcs96 (Continued to: 5. Appeal: Date: 42-10441_ ACTION: /?1 f0 CITY COUNCIL 1. Date of Hearing: 2. Notices to City Clerk: 3. Agenda Bill: 4. Resolution No. 5. Ordinance No. 7 ) L+ 7 Date:________ Date: ACTION Staff Report to Applicant: Resolution to Applicant:_____________________ 4. ki) 0 A. • '; .. ••j3 • p". .' I. •.4. t%• • tjej t •,••••r-T' •' i... : • I. 49. % ;• .. . . S •7 - \13313213113 / 1 \ i1 3 136 \ 123 13 8 122 .208 1 207 l\241//24OD 209 206 \ 'I 0• 1 : 24624\ \ 210k 205 ' 142 141\ \ J \ \ 120 WOOOr I 248241 212\.fl?O3 l 140 Cb 176 175 174 173 \ \ 10 I 2 238 /k 213 \\_) 202 143 '- K' SREETL1ft 169 \\\ 118 LI % 3 229 230 - /214 ' - - \ --144 145146147 148 1415O ' 167 168\. 184 117 : 6 !! 1'' \' ±* TJ 166 185 m'T : 116 row - 7 '\ _226 86 ' / 91 163 88 3 \i UU 8 \ 21 N/224 REE j it::: 162 H 112 \ !- 2322 *- .. N,223, ts 2 63b465 Ic, 85 /84183 93; __\ 189 \I 24j128 29 I/Ao:.1/ 22221 60 61 6 \ 66/ NTii- - 95 IIIk157 :1: 12 iN i •1 56 - i 77 80 - 109 25 U t 33 34 35 36 78 L 96 — 158 159 108 — 13 26 217 32 I. 1 14 QEj iTTTT'STREET ,, 107 I u R- i4—STREE 53 T - 15 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 44 4546 47148 49 50 51 52 /' 67 I 106 I I 68 69 70 71 72 73 7475 L 98 91 ;100 10 1102103 104 105 'H L N C DRIVE, PORTION OF VALEW000 PORTION OF "B" STREET, "E" 1 POTION OF "F" STREET, "H" PORTION OF "K" STREET, "L" PORTION OF VALEW000 DRIVE, PORTION OF "B" STREET, "C" STREET, "0" STREET, PORTION OF "F" STREET, "0" STREET, "J" STREET, PORTION OF "K" STREET. 10 .yv L .r1 . •. • 1t/EE(uk $o'n_ e2't)i2- L •t4' . ,. . osç AJ)M .-ri1' J1C4-7S Ji77 :±:!::- -- — - : • • — — — P4- ____ .. r:i:- 1 ' - -r--i-;A I \ 3 1 12> 7O 5•34 I 2 38 S . \ .122 vM;E;vr 'a241- 24O 2:2 \ c 46.2 210 42 14' 43 64 243H 3 213 to 1143 14i _LK'-S-REE-T .- 7.7c/ 110 117- \ ' SJ317 2 122 3 4 :1 i:4 " ; " 161 '\ 54s2)\ 19 450 I 2i2/O 67 C8CeO/11 3 Al • I - _t 102191 J I ee $713;.q3? J-4 ' 4341 • it, 26 217 , 15 15 1S4 1 _J, •,vB i 7- - I _____ L7I32 4l3. 1 188 -7o 1 13 4-,o ¶1 25 • _ 4 - -c--Ap:__ 43,l\LO. °C2 __ 1541 - 23 223 ) 4Jcr.t ¶;: : ° 224 01 ¶6t::: __:_1ooJ712_ 45 4 !8 cp (' .-- iI. J -L___ ! ___ '/? 932/ JT\ I :#2 11 O I . • \ t 11 tO .2 ° %o U \1 •; I U • 4' .1 j _ 5 157' ico 12 . UI 31 . , !G ' t:t' t-------- , ') _____ •9 J37i 4,' 7 u •1- 'j I '3 x. •– 33435.3C • •&9 7 77 7 D -" .0 158 150 M!!!— ii 13 2L0 32, / cS/ ?2 L • . , _ 7 I 1 I . 4 as 3 1 42 :c _ ca ' . RCEivr, NOV 2 5 1985 .a (, ('iv) ç,Qo vo sr1 NQ1 pQga 3j •i-. 'miii NQflV IJ-1t() 4 14 _________________ A LO P.4 SEE MAP 14 NT EA CRE 1(AM,o rI VIS1A '.. CORVR98 A43 4 - R0u7 MAY J, — — S CA 0 2 5 RA CO U p V j .s IR ER 2 .LTO Sr S •-' -i A.AO - STA ::T Ctl — 'It '_\\ / 1 3 a C4LA4U:5 A . NE 00 16 \.. 1 U CR E J JY C 0 - 1 I (I IN D A/ a , ,9V J5 OR 01 AGMA 6 NED IODA 'LRGOON __ — /11 1 A B C D E F SEE MAP r - - / \ N 19 ( I sit sl ;t coupolv MARK iz4 1>te 4p CIA PROJECT 0 \IW.BITE A.V I Ii I GARY ' 1r ISTROM IR s lie HESTNUT '" 1 t ffi CAMEO n RD 't I •..:::::::; / CARLSBAD SAN DIEGC Ct j. NA I 'I ---* -- — .'- . \\ ):9T : 0 COMLWOOD cl As Y FL A WY HOG £ ... RSL(°; C4 I I 6 jy•:.:.:... .: \ T:-::.. •1 1/1 I ARLSBAD ?Laguna 'A / a. 59O' 1500' k4 - - - — .... -- 10 0' 200' DIENVENIDA VICINITY MAP FOR FALCON HILLS C.T.84- DATE: 8/1/84