HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 84-43; CASA LOMA CONDOMINIUMS; Tentative Map (CT)'" ,~ LAND US LICATi'ON DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS REQUEST o Zone Change o General Plan Amendment ~Tentative Tract Map tJMajor Planned Unit Development o Master Plan o Major Redevelopment Permit DMinor Redevelopment Permit [JPrecise Development Plan (chec~ other boxes if appropriate) DSpecific Plan [JSite Development Plan [JConditional Use Permit OVariance [JPlanning Commission betermination DSpecial Use Permit , OStructure Relocation )l-tajor Condominium Perini t -Each unit has double gar,age under unit, adequate .storage, and re- places s commensurate with the environment. The en re project security fence radio operat entrance gate oors. Acreage l . 5 A C 12.E 5 . C,o, Ronald M. Feenstra 4550 Kearny Villa Rd Suite 212 Z San Diego, Ca 92113' (619) 560-0666 ALL '!HE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND '!HAT ALL '!HE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE CORRECr 'IO 'lHE BEST OF l>1Y KNa-lLEDGE. AND OORRECr 'IO '!HE BEST OF MY RNOOIEDGE. DATE -.tJEC.5j If BLf '. " ' r 1 -._, .~~,:!!I!" .• &&_!$$"t& ____ "· ____ ....... ___ ..... ·~ .... ____ t,,.-... I. SPECIFrC REQUIREMENTS General Plan Amendment/Zone Change 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items F-O • 3. Reproducible 1:500 scale map of subject property showing requested zoning and surrounding zoning and land uses. 4. Fee: General Plan Amendment $765.00 + $5.00 per lot or acre, whichever "is higher. Zone Change: $655.00 Maste~ Plan/Specific Plan 1.' Application Form 2. < General Requirement Items: '-fifteen (15) copies of items B-D -items E-O 3. Fee: Master Plan $1,635 + $5.00 per/acre Specific Plan $1,n90.00 ' Master Plan Amendment: Major $545.00 + 5.QO acre Minor $185.00 + 2.00 acre Specific Plan Amendment: Major $440.00 Minor $ 75.00 Tentative Tract Map 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items ~ fifteen (15) copies of item A -items ;'-P 3. Fee: $53ff.oo (1-25 lots or qnits) $765.00 (26-100 lots or units) $1,310 (100 + lots or units) Revision: $330.00 (1-25 units or lots) $545.00 (26-100 units or lots) $765.00 (100+ units or lots) $150.00 Revision that does not change design of subdivision Major Planned DeveLopment (5 or more units) 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: fifteen (15) copies of items B-D items E-O 3. Conversion to Condominiums -list of names and addresses of all tenants of the project, proof of notification of the tenants 60 days prior to filing' tentative map. ' IC 3 DA'IE RECEIVED :_I_::2~/-...,;/~/...::...8---,i-~ __ _ CASE NO.: c...-+ ~<7L -43[C2.-P-3c ;2. APPLICANT: ~~~ ~ REC.m:ST: ;2, ij..~ ~ EXEMPT OR EXCEPTED: --------------------- Posted: -------Prior Compliance: ----------Published: ---- Filed: ________ _ Filed: NEG.2\.TIVE D:ex:::IARATICN: --------------------- Posted: <t-;) q -~0 Published: <t(-.:J4 -f'S Notice of Detennination: --- ENVI~ IMPACT REPORT: _______ -::-:-o--_ _=__ Notice of Notice of • Preparation:__________ canpletion: _____ _ Notice of Detennination: ---- 1. Date of Hearing: jQ}-II-f.s 2. Publication: II--.;30 -~ ~-Id.~ ~8-Z5 3. Notice to Property OWners: 11-;;29-?.s-/;)-d7 -~.:) 4-ol3-~<O (( 'I:l-~e:, 4-}I-~(P 0-d-s-8to (p-IL{-gCp fp ... /3-gb 4. Resolution No. Date: /-&-8l.o ACTION~ ,ed..! (Continued to:fie~ k;-iLL dMLknU12h t(~~ 0!.-;;r~-~£o (O~-h·~l.{.ecl -+0 5. Appeal: /-/0-b'(o / .Ju-ne..) CIT'.{ COONCIL 1. Date of Hearing: d'-l/-f1& 2. Notices to City Clerk: /-dO .... ~k 3. Agenda Bill: ____ .:,;8S~{) __ 7 ________ _ 4. Resolution No. --------------------- ~) . Ordinance No. ----------------- S{:;;'ltf Report to Applicant: _______ _ Resolution to Applicant: ___________ _ .. __ ._---------------'--- !()-dS-~~ &'Vl+lr)UeJ-+d Date: c:1-4-~~ Date: _____ _ (\~'{:.f-~uJcvr ~. ACTION: fYl a. Her IG--tu.m +0 Pc-· lov CO'().~:\dett:ctiC>1'\. ~ ~ r<\, ~ \e.:h c>" o~ -\-~J<~, c-~ C (, BACKGROUND DATA SHEm' CASE ID: er 84-43/CP-302 APPLICANT: CASA IDMA CONDOS R.EX;2UEST AND WCATION: 18 townhouse condos with swinming pool and spa. North side of Luciernaga Street, easterly of Cebu Street LEX3AL DESCRIPTION: wts 393 & 394 of La Costa Meadows Unit No. 2, in the County of San Diego, State of CA, according to Map thereof No. 6905, filed in the office of the Cty. Recorder of San Diego, April 21, 1971 APN: 215-330-16,17 Acres 1.5 Proposed No. of Lots/Units ------2/18 townhouse condo units GENERAL PIAN AND ZONIN; Land Use Designation RMH (8-15) Density Allowed ----------8-15 Density Proposed 12 du/ac Existing Zone RD-M Proposed Zone RD-M ------------------- Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site RD-M Vacant North RD-M Multi-family housing South RD-M Single-family & duplex East RD-M Open Space West R-2 Multi-family housing PUBLIC FACILITIES San Marcos School District Unified Water San Marcos Sewer Leucdaia EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated December 13, 1984 ---...--------------- ffi,.jV!RONMENI'AL IMPACT ASSFSSMENI' !._Negative Declaration, issued __ A_u __ g~u_s_t_2_4_, _1_9_8_5 ____ _ E.I.R. Certified, dated ------------------- other, ---------------------------------- ~f after the information you """·""' ... ~-','l;;'t:ed. has been reviewed, it is determineci' .. hat further informatior ; required, you will be so a<! ;ed_ APPLICANT: AGENT: ~!-IBERS: Jing rong Hsu K & K Devlopment Company Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 4305 Gesner Street, Suite 200 San Diego, CA. 92117 Business Address 276-2113 Telephone Numl:>er Ro l'1 &\-P N\. fEEN sr12..A , CAL! e, R..Et:t1 s;, TE12,EQ i;,V ILQ 1A.1 c; o E~IG1'lE~ ii 4- Name 4-55 o Ki;A\2.N:t Business Add.r_ess Telephone Numl::ler · Gregory D. Kasai Na.me •(individual, partner, joint . venture, corporationp syndication) .. 3571 Millikin Ave. San Diego, CA.92122 Home Address 4305 Gesner Street. Suite 200 San Diego. CA. 92117 Business Address 276-2113 Telephone Number (.~ttn.) Jaw stpr Kang etal 8911 Via Andar, San Diego, CA. 92122 3•.isiness Address 457-0708 ~elephone Ni=be.r 455-5984 Telephone Number 8911 Via Andar, San Diego, CA. 921,, Home Add.rt>ss 457-0708 Telephone ~hmber 8911 Via Andar San Diego, CA. 92122 457-0708 (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We decla.:e under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be· relied upon as being true and correct until amended. Applicant ' • SAME PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE REQUfREMENTS City Council Policy No. 17 requires that all developers requesting a discretionary action for a project pay a Public Facilities Fee in the amount of 2.5 percent of the building valuation. The fee is computed by the Building Department and paid at the time the Building Permit is obtained. In the case of a condominium conversion, the fee is calculated on the building valuation at the time the fee is paid and the fee must be paid prior to obtaining a Final Map on the project. In addition to the above, a completed, signed, and notarized agreement to pay the Public Facilities Fee must be submitted with any application for a discretionary action. This agreement form should be completed by the Applicant and submitted as follows: 1. Select the appropriate form for either (a) the Developer and Owner are the same party,· or (b) the Developer and Owner are different. 2. Fill in the date the agreement is completed; -the name and address of the Developer (and Owner, if appropriate), and state if each is an individual, partnership, corporation, etc. 3. Fill in the type of project proposed to constructed (e.g., "a 12-unit condominium" or "30,000 square foot shopping center", etc., and the proposed name (if any). 4. Fill in the date the request will be (or was) submitted and the type of request' (e. g., "a tentative map", "condominium permit", or "rezoning", etc.) 5. Type a short legal description of the property on the last sheet (Exhibit "A"). Legal must be an original! No reproduced copies will be accepted! 6. Sign the form in the presence of a Notary and have the Notary attach an Acknowledgement of Execution to the form. a. Fill-out the title of the person signing the form (General Partner, Vice-President, etc.) • If the agreement is signed by a. corporate officer, the Corporate Seal must be stamped by the signature. b. The Notary form must be for the correct type (e.g., Individual, Partnership, or Corporation) and be completely and properly filled out. 7. Use the attached form as an original; a reproduced copy will not be accepted! Submit the original of the agreement and one (1) copy. 8. A current copy of the preliminary Title Report must accompany each application. (The preliminary Title Report must have been issued with the last six (6) months.) 9. Attach a check for $21. 00, payable to "COUNTY RECORDER". 4/86 -..:--' ~----~ ~ == < 0 :>-t Z E-4 ~ ~ == 00 ;;:::J == E-t Q t:::J 2: .0 ~ ~ z ~ == Q ~ . Z Q 0 < == Q , ....::I , < 00 < 0 --............ ' • ..-_nIIOO --,., .. ,"" IlIllIUllnl lI~ m"", ':~~IIY. Inlll YUSl3H m"lI. \ "1<::-___ :-----___ =--________ ~ I1nlll , j. !' i MtUl'''' _.-........... _ D~" _____ ~ __ -... _ .. "' .......... II __ ~_-'"111111' ~nnl" 'UJlllTrTJtnm !"JllIIIII l'~ mnnlllfnill nlilllill 1-~~-t_-_'~'~'--~~_'_1_Sl_'_n_'_II_._II_'I_.'_I_"_1_n_Jl_'3~1=1'~3'~r-_____ l_"_~._D_'_1'_3._~_I1_31_3_IJ_'~J~·~t-____ '_U_'_I3_H_S_nl_II_,._a_1¥_I~DI~~-+ ____________________ ~-!! U)ll lUI lUtl.. n •• , Ullin. Ii., ... I l[ --., I ~ . I. I • I \ 1 v I I I I __ -1 r-I --l I I , -, I ~ :: L_ I " I II II ::[1 :~ I ' I I = ~ ~ ... 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',.: .~ :e, .!! · ... _ . .. =0 · :' :s .. .. -~ 5 · ... 0;; .. ' VI~CINITYMA~P ()-GENERAL PLAN pc CRLM t------.....:-------------------.~----. CASA LOMA CP-302 CT 84-43 [;,1 SCHOOL [3RESIDENTIAL LOW (0-1.5) E3PLANNED COMMUNITY B SINGLE FAMILY E3RESIDENTIAL LOW MEDIUM (1.0-4) 8 MULT, FAMILY IRul RES IDE N T I A L ME DIU M ( 4. 1 - 9 ) (05J 0 F" ENS PAC E 8RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH(9.1-15)G COMMERCIAL 1;~"~;INEIGH BOR HOOD COMMERCIAL , VICIN.ITYMAP , RI ()-GENERAL PLAN (RLl Pc'" CP-302, ..-.-----~-----------------~--< -, -"""'-'---"- CASA LOMA CT 84-43 o SCHOOL 8RESIDENTIAL LOW (0-1.5) 5)PLANNED COMMUNITY 'A..:i SINGLE FAMILY 8RESIDENTlAL LOW MEDIUM (0-4) MULTI FAMILY I~~JRESI D ENTIA L MEDIUM (4?"'$.) (~i~1 OP EN SPAC E E3RESIOENTIAL MEDIUM HIGt'Ce-15 COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL 12000 _ __ _ _____ • J ~~L _ (' •• 13~21 ~ ... 30000 ~ .... ..-::.~ ~~ Q.., ~ ,~ ( 210~0-0~--~~~----~ • 70 •• 16896 • __ 20000 r.9100 • ~"5 •• 5463 ••• 3"1000 . ~'\ •• 6404 ••• 31000 EXISTING TRAFFIC • PROJECTED TRAFFIC •• OTHER P}R-OJECTS TRAFFIC ••• EXIS'TliN;G,: CA.PASITY 9700 • 3'\ 7:) H 8221- COIf 16000 14200 •. \Ci •• 6QO 5 ••• 18000 CASA LOMA COf41DO:$ CT 84-43 24 UNIT~ 192 TRIPS ()-GENERAL PLAN CASA LOMA o SCHOOL BRESfOENTIAL LOW (0-1.5) <1 -fr. E3RESIOENTIAL LO·W MEDIUM ( 0-4 IRM]RESliOI 5N:TlA.L, MEDIUM (4-8 ) PC (RLMl S'TE (R L) pc, CP-302 CT 84-4.3 Bp~ANNED COMMUNITY a siNGLE FAMILY ) E3 MUlTr FAMILY (3 OPEN SPACE [3R.:eSbl1'-;e:Nl':lA .. t,; M·SOI UM HI G H( 8 ... 1-$"ll~:ilC OMME R C I A L r:t:N;!Etl;;~r&.t;;a,:Q:;mt'i+0:€l' 0 C O·M:~H!;A: 0+ ~J~i I I ! -; '--._---------_.- ] ALGA ROAD MEADO,W VILLA CONDO 31 units MEHR VILLA CONDO a units LLEY VIEW CONDO 11 unIts ~ \ f CT 84-43 CASA LOMA CP-302 o IMFI MUL TIPLE FAMILY o (IJVACANT O· ,0 'D o o J ALGA ROAD' __ --r--.,...---J~_r_-------..,_-~ ME H R V ILL A CON 0 0 MEADOW-VILLA CONDO 31 unite 8 unlU LLEY VIEW CONDO 11 unit. CT 8.4-43 CASA LOMA CP-302 .. IMIFI M U L TIP L E F A MIL Y {I] VACANT ] ALGA ROAD --....,...--.----r--r---..:.----1r-::-~ ME H R V ILL A CON D 0 MEADOW VILLA CONDO 31 units a units LlEY VIEW CO.NDe 11 units CT 84-43 CASA LOMA CP-302 .. o IMFI M U L TIP L E FA MIL Y o mVACANT o ,0 ,---,--, ·40 •• 6387 ••• 37000 12000 • 134 ~ •• 13521 ... 30000 ~"""--li:-~-----,----,---- !f ( 210 ..... 0-0 .... .",---. ................. • 70 •• 16896 ."" 2000 0 •• 5463 , •• " 31000 " '$" .. " 6404 ••• 37000 EXISTING TRAFFIC • PROJECTED TRAFFIC •• OTHER PROJECTS TRAFFIC • • • EX 1ST I'N'6 CAP A SIT Y 9700 .:set f:) •• a 221- ••• 16000 14200 .. \C\ •• 600 5 ••• 18000 CASA LOMA CONDOS CT 84-43 24 UNITS 192 TRIPS