HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 91-05; La Costa Fairway Villas; Tentative Map (CT) (23)City of Carlsbad Planning Department April 29, 1991 Hossein Zomorrodi 5983 Cirrus Street San Diego, CA 92110 Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed your development applications as to completeness for processing. The application is incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is information which must be submitted to complete your application. All list items must be submitted simultaneously at the Community Development Building counter, and to the attention of Erin Letsch. A copy of this list must be included with your submittals. No processing of your application can occur until the application is determined to be complete. The second list is issues of concern to staff. When all required materials are submitted the City has 30 days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In addition, please note that you have six months from the date the application was initially filed, March 28,1991, to either re-submit the application or submit the required information. Failure to resubmit the application or to submit the materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn, a new application must be submitted. Please contact your staff planner, Christer Westman, at (619) 438-1161 extension 4448, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, MICHAEL J. Planning Director CW:vd cc: Gary Wayne Robert Green Erin Letsch Bob Wojcikj—"-— -t-j-fc • -*!>•; ,€» R Itritry Marjorie/Steve 2O75 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO9-4859 • (619) 438-1161 CT 91-5/CP 91-3/HDP 91-10 APRIL 29, 1991 PAGE 2 COMPLETE ITEMS 1) Please provide a roof plan for each of the units. This information will help to understand the exterior elevations and their relation to the interior spaces. 2) Include information on the common active recreation area and the guest parking deck. ISSUES 1) The limits of the hillside must be redefined. The majority of those slopes identified as "A"-"C" can be excluded by provisions under the Hillside development Ordinance, however, there are also portions shown which can not be exempted. Please refer to the attached redlined drawings. 2) Common active as well as private passive open space must be provided on-site. There is 2600 square feet shown on the plan as open space but there is nothing to indicate what active uses are being provided. 3) Recreational vehicle storage at a minimum of 20 square feet per unit must be provided. The space should have reasonable access and an area large enough for realistic use. 4) A centralized trash area must be shown. Discuss the service needs of this site with Coast Waste Management and provide this office with the information. 5) Architectural features which create interest on the building facade are encouraged. However, the code does not allow the intrusion of livable space into the required setback areas. 6) No fences higher than 42" will be allowed in the frontyard 20' setback. The concern is with unit types "C" and "D" which face Gibraltar Street. There are ground floor exits facing the street which imply that private yards will be proposed in the setback. 7) Building separation should be increased specifically between the "A" units in phase 1 and phase 2. There is not enough room to accommodate two sidewalks and landscaping. Using a singular sidewalk would help. 8) Pedestrian circulation on-site is limited to the driveways and access from phase 1 to phase 2 relies on the public sidewalk. An internal system should be provided. CT 91-5/CP 91-3/HDP 91-10 APRIL 29, 1991 PAGE 3 9) The upper guest parking spaces conflict with the circulation path for one of the units. 10) If retaining walls are used, any exposed areas must be architecturally treated to be compatible with the overall project. EN ^INEERING DEPARTMENT LAND USE REVIEW DIVISION TRANSMTTTAL To Project Planner : ( dri^d^T Ms&tdwBI Date From : ^J/sw /^/^T^ Project Id: Via Assistant City Engineer : COMPLETENESS REVIEW AND INITIAL ISSUES STATEMENT The Engineering Department has completed its review of the subject project for application completeness. The application and plans submittted for this project are: Complete and suitable for continued review. Incomplete and unsuitable for further review. Please see attached checklist for missing or incomplete items. In addition the Engineering Department made a preliminary review of the project for Engineering issues. (See attached initial review and assessment checklist.) Major Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to conditoning of the project are as follows: Also attached is a redlined check print _of the site plan. This plan should be given to the applicant for corrections and changes as noted. Please have the applicant return the redlined print with the corrected site plan to assist us in our continued review. CITY OF CARLSBAD ^ Projec^Id ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST FOR : Tentative tract maps and Tentative parcel maps. The following checked items were incomplete or missiny from the site plan or application package and must be completed or submitted prior to further Engineering review of the project: I. General Information: LJ A. • Name and address of owner whose property is proposed to be _ subdivided and the name and address of the subdivider; LJ B. • Name and address of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, landscape architect or land planner who prepared the _ maps; / / C. • North point; / / D. • Scale; vicinity map; / / E. • Date of preparation; LJ F. . Classification of lots as to intended residential, commercial, _ industrial or other uses; / / G. ' Tentative Map number in upper right hand corner (City to provide _ number at time of application.) / / H.A/a Lot width to depth ratio not to exceed 3:1. I. . Number of units to be constructed when a condominium or community apartment project is involved; Name of sewer and water district providing service to the project. Average Daily Traffic generated by the project broken down by seperate uses. 1 1 . Site Information: A. General 1) • Approximate location of existing and proposed buildings and _ permanent structures; ./ / 2)^/3 Location of all major vegetation, showing size and type; [__i 3)/<fa Location of railroads; ./ / 4) • Legal description of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision (approximate bearings, distances and curve _ data); /._/ 5) • Lot lines and approximate dimensions aqd number of each lot; (fv\A^ |ef "<3ir space/ <£oodc? p^<^y 6. Streets and Utilities ><7 ., A n The location, width and proposed names of all streets "> -V^i/ide prt4tU, ^rr within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision, show glctb\ of\ Proposed street grades and centerline radii. frpy jd.fi separate profile for all streets with grades in excess o f 2%.__Streets should be in conformance with City Standards and Engineering Department Policies. (Especially _ Policy Numbers 1 and 22) LJ 2) ' Name, location and width of existing adjacent streets _ and alleys. LJ 3) • Typical street section for all adjacent streets and streets within the project. 4) Jiiith and location of all existi.^ or proposed oublic private Easements;, (^je^se* ^fet^e^. ££,. Sc.-T.xsi;™ -rtti" <-«, 5) • Public and private streets and utilities clearly ' ": — identified. LJ 6) • Show distance between a-J 1 intersect ions, and medium and hiqh use driveways. i'^iaj iS-xi^IT/Tct drii/e.to,^tJ ItCoqTcvis'juse driveways. (&&£ exi^rr/Ta drVe.io,^ Itc^fpons) 7) t Clearly show parking stall and i sle^climens ion/and truck turning radii for all parking areas. 8) tJfo Show access points to adjacent undeveloped land LJ _ n reas. LJ. 8) tJfo Show access points to adjacent undeveloped lands LJ 9) • Show all existing and proposed street lights and utilities (sewer, water, major gas and fuel lines, major electric and telephone facilities) within and adjacent to _ the project. LJ_ 10) • Show all fire hydrants located within 300 feet of the site. _ C. Grading and Drainage LJ 1) • Approximate contours at 1' intervals for slopes less than 5%, 2' intervals for slopes between 5% and 10%, and 5' intervals for slopes over 10% (both existing and proposed). Existing and proposed topographic contours within a 100 foot perimeter of the boundaries of the site. Existing — onsite trees; those to be removed and those to be saved; 2) ' Earthwork volumes: cut, fill, import and export. 3) i Spot elevations at the corners of each pad. 4) / Method of draining each lot. Include a typical cross section taken parallel to the frontage for lots with less than _ standard frontage. L-' 5) < Location, width and/or size of all watercourses and drainage facilities within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision; show location and approximate size of any _ proposed detention/retention basins. _•' 6)/y£ Clearly show and label the 100 year flood line For the before and after conditions for any project which is within or adjacent to a FEMA flood plain. / / — 9. Preliminary Hydrology map and calculations for lots exceeding one acre. Show before and after discharges to each included drainag0 basin. LJ 16/^For projects with'an average daily traffic (ADT) generation rate greater than 500 vehicles per day: Two (2) copies of a Circulation Impact Analysis for the project. The analysis must be prepared by an appropriate registered Engineer. The analysis must show project impacts to all intersections and road segments identified as impacted within the included Local Facilities Management Plan. The following should be included with the study: a) 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" plats showing zone impacted roads, background and project AM and PM peak hour impacts and traffic distribution. b) Project traffic generation rates c) Necessary calculations and or analysis to determine intersection and road segment levels of service. d) Any proposed mitigation requirements to maintain the public _ facility standards. LJ 17.' Two copies of preliminary soils/geologic report for all project __ with cut or fill depths exceeding 5 feet. / / 18.— For all condominium conversions, a signed statement by the owner stating Section 66427.1 of the State Map Act will be complied with. CITY OF CARLSBAD Projt . Id : P 'y1 '/ '- 3 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST FOR : Conditional use permits, condominium permits, master plans, planned development permits, planning commission determinations, redevelopment permits, non-f loodplain special use permits, specific plans and site development plans. The following checked items were incomplete or missing from the site plan or application package and must be completed or submitted prior to further Engineering review of the project: I. General Information l_J A. ' Name, address and telephone number of the applicant, owner and _ Engineer or Architect who prepared the plan. / / B. • North arrow and scale. / / C. • Vicinity map showing major cross streets. / / D. • Date of preparation/revisions. / / E. ' Project Name and Application Types submitted. LJ F. ' Name of sewer, water and school districts providing service to the project. All facilities labeled as "existing" or "proposed". A summary table of the following: 1. Street address and assessors parcel number. Site acreage. Existing zone and land use. Proposed land use. Total building coverage. Building square footage. Percent Landscaping. Number of parking spaces required/provided. Square Footage of open or recreational space (if applicable). Cubic footage of storage space (if applicable). Average Daily Traffic generated by the project broken down by separate uses. II. Site Information A. General /.. / 1. • Approximate location of existing and proposed buildings and _ permanent structures on site and within 100 feet of site. / / 2. /^Location of all major vegetation showing size and type. / / 3. tffo Location of railroads. / / 4. / Bearings and distances of each exterior boundary line. / / 5.— Distance between buildings and/or structures. / / ' 6. — Building set backs (front, side and rear). / / 7. • Location, height and materials of walls and fences. / / 8. — Location of free standing signs. B. Street and I I Hies ^ 1. • The location, width and proposed name of all streets within and adjacent to the proposed project. Show street grades and center-line radii. 2. • Name, location and width of'existing adjacent streets and alleys, Include medians and adjacent driveway .locations^ 3. ' Typical street cross sections for all adjacent and streets within project. *• Width, location, and use of all existing ,and/or proposed publicor private easemenis.^'r^v. fJc. ^ &r ^urvv-rrHe.<"<^cr-r) 5. ' Public and private streets and utilites clearly identified. 6. • Show distance between all intersections and medium and high use driveways. /_/ 7. . Clearly show parking stall and isle dimensions and truck turning radii for all parking areas. / / 8. '^Show access points to adjacent undeveloped lands. / / 9. ' Show all existing and proposed street lights and utilities (sewer, water, major gas and fuel lines, major electric and telephone facilities) within and adjacent to the project. / / 10. • Show location of all fire hydrants within 300 feet of site. C. Grading and Drainage I_J_ 1- ' Approximate contours at 1' intervals for slopes less than 5%, 2' intervals for slopes between 5'i and 10%, and 5' intervals for slopes over 10% (both existing and proposed). Existing and proposed topographic contours within a 100 foot perimeter of the boundaries of the site. Existing onsite trees; those to be removed and those to be saved; ./. / 2. ' Earthwork volumes; cut, fill, import and export. / .' 3. • Spot elevations at the corners of each pa~d. / / 4. • Method of draining each lot. Include a typical cross section taken parallel to the frontage for lots with less than standard frontage. / / 5. . Location, width and/or size of all watercourses and drainage facilities within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision show location approximate size of any proposed detention/retention basins. / / S./J/a Clearly show and label the 100 year flood line for the before and after conditions for any project which is within or adjacent to a FEMA flood plain. i_L 14^p For projects with an average daily traffic (ACT) generation rate greater than 500 vehicles per day: Two (2) copies of a Circulation Impact Analysis for the project. The analysis must be prepared by an appropriate registered Engineer. The analysis must show project impacts to all intersections and road segments Identified as impacted within the included Local Facilities Management Plan. The following should be included with the study: a) 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" plats showing zone impacted roads, background and project AM and PM peak hour impacts and traffic distribution. b) Project traffic generation rates c) Necessary calculations and or analysis to determine intersection and road segment levels of service. d) Any proposed mitigation requirements to maintain the public facility standards. L_L 15. ' Two copies of preliminary soils/geologic report for all project with cut or fill depths exceeding 5 feet. y ~ ""',.. c< HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT INFORMATION SHEET GENERAL INFORMATION This sheet generally explains how your Hillside Development Permit (HDP) will be processed. If you have any questions after reading this, please call Development Processing counter at 438-1161 or review Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad's Municipal Code. When a Hillside Development Permit is needed: A Hillside Development Permit (HDP) is required when development is proposed on land with a slope gradient of 15% or greater and a slope height of greater than 15 feet. Development means building, grading, subdivision or other modification of a hillside area. It is highly recommended that you, as an applicant, 1) review Chapter 21.95 and Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (The Hillside Ordinance, Excavation and Grading) and 2) discuss the Hillside Development with a City Planner before submitting an application for a Hillside Development Permit. The Hillside Development Permit should be submitted concurrently with any permit or application for development of a Hillside area. How your Hillside Development Permit will be Processed Generally the steps involved in reviewing your HDP application are as follows: 1. A Hillside Development Permit application is submitted to the Development Processing counter at 2075 Las Palmas Drive. The application must be submitted with and reference any other permit application such as a building or grading permit, tentative map, etc. All maps submitted shall be folded to 8-1/2" x 11". Information items required: (a) A completed Hillside Development Permit Application Form (b) i Four copies of the slope analysis - Include north arrow and scale (see Section 21.95.020 of Carlsbad's Municipal Code) Acres % Identify slopes 1. 0 to less than 15% slope «—i r—> 2. 15% to less than 25% slope ,—, •—, 3. 25% to less than 40% slope i—i i—i 4. 40% or greater slopes r—, r—> TOTAL 100% 10/89 % Slope = Vertical Distance x Countour Interval x 100 Horizontal Distance (Distance between contour intervals) (c) ' Four copies of the slope profile(s) - Include vertical and horizontal scale. (d) • Assurance of slope analysis and slope profile accuracy. Both the slope analysis and slope profiles shall be stamped and signed by either a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor indicating the datum, source and scale of topographic data used in the slope analysis and slope profiles, and attesting to the fact that the slope analysis and slope profiles have been accurately calculated and identified. (e) Show with a site plan, grading plan and building plans and elevations how development fulfills the following Hillside Development and Design Standards (21.95.060) Submit four (4) sets of each plan. 1. Coastal Zone Requirements (if applicable) 2. Contour grading 3. Area or extent of grading 4. Screening graded slopes 5. View preservation and enhancement 6. Roadway design 7. Hillside architecture 8. Hilltop architecture 9. Hillside drainage - 10. Man-made slope height and volume of grading cut orjlll. Volume ^~~^ of earth moved for cuts and fills shall be minimized. The larger , volume of the total cut or total fill volumes divided by the total area \ TV J(7)\l\n~(L in acres that is cut and filled (that is graded) shall equal the volume l I fl^Vjqr, of hillside grading for this chapter. The relative acceptability of hillside grading volume shall be determined by the following: Q Cubic Yards of Cut or Fill - — ' Grading per Acre of Relative Sensitivity of Cut and Fill Area fin Acres) Hillside Grading Volume 0 - 7,999 Cubic yds./acre Acceptable 8,000 - 10,000 Cubic yds./acre Potentially acceptable > 10,000 cubic yds./acre Unacceptable -2-