HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 92-07; CARLSBAD RANCH; Tentative Map (CT) (2)j I 1 " . " 536 ;llH~§H~266S5 BOOl' 1915 IECORltEO REQUEST OY C tl e:;,·brdy" .:-.. : Nov 10 10 34 ~H In olFFiCII.'_ nr~n;:jS SAN OIE:;O COIJHll', CALIF. HARLEYF.dLvOH RECOROER __ ---------------.-L-----£PACE J\1l0Vt. fOR RECORDER'S USE'-------" oc~ ... ,~,.-.. ~ ..... ; .... ",' C" fb .• t.'.\.-, t'. I' • ~ ... , a····-r-· . __ .,-- GRANT OF EASEMENT hereinafter called "Grantor", for valuable conside::-ation , SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation, grants to the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, hereinafter called "Grantee", in accordance with City of Carlsbad Ordinance No, 9279, a temporary floating easenent and right of way for road purposes and appurtenances thereto, over, under and across, Grantor's land situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: Those portions of Lots "F" and "it" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823. filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County of San Diego, November 16, 1896, described ~I Deeds to San Diego Gas ~ Electri= Company, recorded May 2, 1952 in Beok 4456, Page 49; recorded January 21, 1953 in Book 4722, Page 350 and recorded June 16, 1953 in Book 5055, Page 447, all 1:.eing of Official Records of said County of San Diego. The temporary easement herein granted shall be for the purpose of constructing Cannon Road over those portiop s of the above described property and shall be approximately located as sho~~ on the Specific Plan attached to said City of Ca~lsbad Ordinance No. 9279. ,.. , .~ ::'.1:u;n fO: 536 f!-li/f 1 (~.L(li1l(£rd.. /.) ('-xJ1 [J }'~'\... al. t( . (Ca CI.l.Lr.~d'.. 4:1 C)...Jo(i ... OFfiCt~~ ~r:O;::J5 SAN OIE~:l cou" t " • CALIF • ItARLEY F. dliHlH RECOF.OEil . -. ~.::-. __ --------------l.-----5PACE A30VE FOR RECORDE.'l' 5 USE:..-_·_·'_tj_r._:: ~---r:n::~;,::~.i{ .. 7.:' ' .. ", '::~: :. ... _f... .... _. GRANT OF EASEMENT SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation, hereinafter called "Grantor", for valuable consideration, v.rants to the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, hereinafter called "Grantee", in accordance with City of Carlsbad Ordinance No. 9279, a temporary floating easemp.nt and right of way for road purposes and appurtenances thereto, over, under and across, Grantorts land situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: Those portions of Lots "P" and "8" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State ~r r.~11rorn1~-accordin~ to Map thereof No_ 823, filEd in the £~RT!FICAT~ OF AccrpTA=C~ ~. of said County of San Diego, . 53'7 'I in Deeds to San Diego Gas & Electric ~hit is to ccrtify th~t the tnt.rest in ~ in Book b456, Page b9; recor~ed rra~ pr~p~rty conveyed by the dcud or ., Page 350 and recorded June _6, 'jrallt da ted November 4th. 1975 from all being of Official Records San Diego Gas & Electric Company to the City of Carlsbad, California ~ political corporation and/or ' 70vcrll~ental agency, 1s hereby acccpt~d bg the und~rsignea officer or agent (n: behalf oE. .•. tho,.,city Council of the ~ent herein granted shall be ; 't ng Cannon Road over those portions ty and shall be approximately C 1 ty nE c.ai:!.!t.~/Jt!:;:·Ci}lJ Eornia, pUrSlldTlt to llutllorit:.II·::Cbll;!."rrcd by Resolution I l£ic Plan attached to said City r IS 3 7 of .. ~.~,;". ·t·~ I--Y":.:c{(. "Cit r 1 s bi! d ,!Cio nted en JI:J1y 2" U68! "d . I , ~ f~ ;t:.......' 01.". ~:the yrillJte~ 79 -:on .. nt;s •. ,!=o .•. t:;;lJ,,: r(!co?,"dation thez ~ot" by .• 1 t!t. d u l!i .. ~ u.r5b.at j ZWJl;<J': f fie e r;,. " -:,,:..M.r·, .. J "'r:' JI/ : .•• ."1C;t-t' .... c, ?-/,«-r?f..-<!./ 1~~~~r ..... E."· A nI. N:'; , ci ty clerk ;,ATI::fJ: Novembe'r 18. 1975 .-........ -..... .,. ~ -.... -. ." -...J U1 . W N C en en (.Q -.? U1 .. 538 Grantee, its successors, assigns, agents or con- tractors, ~hall be responsible for any damage to Grantor's existing facilities occasioned by or aris~ng from the con- struction, operation or maintenance of Grantee's facilities within said Grabtgr's property. Grantee covenants for itself, its successors, assigns, agents or contractors, that all work in connection with the installation of Grantee's facilities and appurtenances shall be done in a workmanlike manner and 1n accordance with standard engineering practices. Grantor reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, the right to use the subsurface, surface and air- space thereover , of the hereinbefore described easement and right of way, for the installation of such facilities as it shall now or in the future deem necessary, provided, however, that such reserved use rights shall not be exercised by Grantor, its successors or assigns, in such a manner as to be incompatible with Grantee's installation. Grantee shall at all times indemnifY and save harmless Grantor against and pay in full any and all loss, damage or expense that Grantor may sustain, incur or become liable for, resulting in any manner from the construction, maintenance, use, state of repair or presence of Grantee's facilities installed hereunder and all necessary and proper fixtures and equipmen~ for use in connection therewith, including any such loss, damage or expense arising out of the (a) losS of or damage to property, and (b) injury to or death of persons, including the defense of any action arising -2- "-.-~--------_. -. _. -. -- \ I I J. I t f· t i therefrom, excepting any loss, damage or expense and claims for loss, damage or expense resulting in any manner from the negligent act or acts of Grantor, its contractors, officers, agents or employees. Grantor shall, upon receipt of the description of the approved location of Cannon Road within Grantor's proP,rty, pr,par, a grant of ,a"m,nt de,eribing th' approv,d route. The termS, conditions and purposes hereinabove stated. Grantor shall execute the neW described easement, and Grantee shall within 90 days deliver to Grantor a Quitclaim Deed for the temporary floatin~ easement herein conveyed. The terms, covenants and conditi0ns of this grant of easement and right of way shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors or assigns of Grantor and Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand ___ N~'_Jv_e_~_b_er __ ----' 19~' 4th thiS .. , ........... . . ' JtTTEST;> . .... ..... . ',_ :< :'" /0 ~I\.~''''-UC : __ . -: " . ,~s.;ecretary ......... .... : .'.~ ~ .'. Of. .. •• day of Atto~ney .---,._--------.-.. ~.-.-- \. o. -3- . W N ~C co ./ (J1 . . ' ( !' i I. i , . , I t .... ! / / / 510 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY FORM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) S3. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ON THIS Atb day of Noyemher ' 19.15-' be rore me, the ur.dersigned, a Notary Public in ~nd for said County und state, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared R E Morris ' kno~tn to f'Ie to be the Senior Vice Pre~;ldcnt ~nd 'i ,T. Kene" ' kno\~n 1.0 rae t'J U'-' t~le Secretary of CA:l nrEr,O Gr,:] & ELECTRr:: COHPAlIY, the corporation that executed t.hc ~llthin Instrument, known to me to be the persons I"lho execut.ec\ the \~i\..!lin lnstr'!Jrnent, on behalf of the corporation therein Iw.m~cj, ::.tncl acknowledged to me that such corpornt ion executed the \.: lLh ir! Instrument pursuant to its By-Laws or a Resolution or i t.s 1.10:tr·d c!' Directors. WITI1ESS my hand and offidal sea], ... ___ .... _ •. _".-...-...n-,.. .. --. ----.. -.. --' POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL (5) i I . i· / / -- \ '. , :!' - -.. ............ ..~- I~ / " 'I}\ tf1-tgCILfA~3 -. t itt! • ...., ... 5 '.J 2·'·5 'l'O~ GFF~fk.\~~A \ -7~ ~:;t.I" .. -~.: .. '" ""':' ...... .. PLlASI ucosm TIIl8 DOCOXIN'l' AT MO PII AI IT I8 TO '1'HI BIJfIPIT or '1'HI8 DI8T1t:tC'1' cOOV. CODI [S103]) \990 oct ... J.M s: 35 .IICOIDIIfG IIQOUTiD BY A!fD WID IICOItDaD, PLZU& HAIL TO. CAr1.bad MUnicipal W.ter Di.triat Ingin •• rin; Depart.ent :~'~~ktW.w 5150 11 caaino Real CU1.bad, C&litomi. 12008 I.a ••• aor'. P.rce1 Wo. Ill-Oil-I' Proj.ot X... • Wo. 11" •• '~li .. "looa'io. '¥' ~ ,.1_" Ai..,.", .... t ... ' CMWD IZO~... ... '0-10. DOCOXIN'l'ARY 'l'lWfSPD TAXI Hon. CARLSBAD IlUHICIPAL WATD DII'l'RICT ,~; .~ ..... .... ... ... ..... ~ ', .. 4 ~'. \!.. ,..... " NO,. caawu 0CIIIDft, a oalilonia Uai'''' ·panau.laip,4 ... "h.rBy gr.nt to OaaLiIAD KV.ZOZ'A~ "~ •• ·DZI~.ZCl, a '-bli. &9 •• 07 01'9 .. i ... ,. ,It. Ih'. 01 aalitoma, it. auac ••• ora and a •• 191l8, an ... ~. ". ,"'" ', .. _" . ", J ~ . .t. ...... .~, , .., .,," 1UpO'.' '!'be .. aaent 9ranted herein. aha11 be. 9rante4 for the to11ovin9 A,purpO ••• , the con.truction, -op.ration, r.pair, r.con.truotion and all .ctiviti •• n.c •••• ry to con.truct, reaonatnct, operate, .. int.1n .nd repair f.cil1t1 •• d •• iped for the gen.ra1 purpo.. of c011.c1:iDeJ, .tor1n;,. tranaportiDeJ, puJlpinq and traatinv all vat.r, including .urface vat.r, .traa vater, f1004 v.t.r and gZ'ound v.t.r flavin; into .• a1d tac11U:1 •• , and all natur.1 and .rtiticia1 dr.inag. ditcbe. and .truaturea of any kind, vtl.~u abov. or below the .urtaoe-ot the cp:ound. Said f.c11ity •• y 1nc1ud. p1p.11n •• , puapin9 tacL1it1 •• , .tructur.. 4 •• 1pe4 to control the f10v of vater aDd all f.ci1iti •• &Dd .truatur •• a •• oci.ted vith .. 1d u •• Which are d •• 1ped to facil1t.t. the u •• and protect the lec111ty trOll natur.1 .nd oth.r tora ot d"'9. 1nolud1ng, but 1a1ted to, .ro.1on. control fac111t1 •• , f.nc •• , gat •• , door., looking' . device., .1.ra, light., and .11 oth.r .uch prot.otiv., t.o111t1 .. ..;:; :: ~ •. ~ . .:-.,' ; ::~. ;~~~.:_1.·.:. ,~;.~1~ :?-.~-. ?'.:.~. .. .~~fi!,:q,=!~ ~!!L I r-;,...J • ", .... , .. - . ...... ~ .. St ..... ~1"~' I' -,.., . ~ . ~ ... : •. ~ .... ''-. ~ -and ctaYloe.. The \18. ahall a1.0 include a .. asw of .ace.. to and tZ'Oll .. i4 taoility for the purpoH of CIOMtz:uctin.;, operatinq, .. 1'epai1'in9, i·· .. intainin9, in.peotin9 r.an4",.1'eoon.truotinq :~.ai~ .. _. • .. _ .. faoility... '.'. -: . · , · . · ~'-, ,-':". " I; · .. -;\' ; .-.: \41;.: • The ue. 4e.c1'ibed he1'e1n .hall be axcluive to the Q1'antae. Qranto1' barain atree. that no bui14in.;. and/or .• tructure. will be ezoec:t.ed, vall. conatructec1, fence. built no1' tZ'M8 planted, nor .. y the .... ..aent be uaect by the Qranto1' or any ethe1' per.on· or entity, includin.; other ut11it1e., whether publio or private, for uae. vbatber QOIIP&tible or 1nooapatUtle with· the . ~ 4eaor1be4 ,,' hezoein witbcNt 1:be &Xp1'e •• written appZ'OYal of the Grantee. . :'l1 ........ p ~ -.' • !~. -;ir;.·~·a:·: ~.7,.t,,-:-~;. ::::. .... ~ ~ .. :. .. '~. . ~.~. . .. t :.l-~ ';"-._ • ..~ The ... ..ant 9~anted he1'ein .hall be located within and upon the pzooperti .. JIOH particularly 4elC1'1be4 in Ixhibit, -A-and Exhibit -.-attaahe4 he1'eto and by thi. 1'etezoence .. de. a part hereof. , ...... ... . . . ca&"a. OO.~a.Y,. 1 101'81 a li.ai~.~. ~:.";":'" /, .5·~n. t~=:/ /.;/. ~ ~-. .......;.:.. ... . . .' ~ ...... , '. ~:' '10. '! .. ~-:\.~\·t>·.~ .. , ,. , . .. . 1 ., ;"':;" I ..... ,,;~ .. ,,~ . :.,' . ~ , " ~.: .!..~ . j . jI.IIll!!!i!~~~~':-:....,~£-?,~ -':.: ~ "': l ,.~. ~ ~ .. ";.: :::%0 .. : • ~.-t .~ t.ii;i. . t r.:·~~: ·"f,lJ: ;." ." ~~. Ir~~ ),:"': . :,,~, ~:i " .. .-.$ .~. ,.~ -... , • ... ~'I:'~ ~ .... , .. :.:..~ • ., . l_~?---,:"0: ~. ·.~~':'I· ',4 .' ~ -.. \'. ~~ ;;;;.'l· ~ .' CII1ID '0-104 ./ ~ "'-.~~!, .~!:. '':': ... ".: .... ~ ... " ~.: . J·~,·--:.("'.~:. .... 1 .... -.'t.': .. :: ...... : . • 4 ': .~.~ •• _ .. ': ~~ , .... ,~ .: ........ 'l .. _ ~ .. r ........ -.... __ .. '... '.1-.. ~.:: .. ,' '/ .J .,,, ......... ~.....r:.;. ........ -.. :._..;.;.... •. fti.t.!i •. to ._o.1"1:1fy that the 1nt,.Z' •• t in r.al· property ;;,.~ '., ......... , .. L.JLr.:c ~).' ~~_.l ,~. ';lp (, P.;.. .I ;}~ . ,-' ~' OOfty.yH·'~;:tb.: DeM· dat.d AIIet',la, , l'fO,i, , .. ~ ~.o ........ , ~ ~"'''«*''I_ .. f , "'" ................. ..... .._ " ~ • _, , ~::~~·;~:.iZ'oil;'Uar.Iu ---·CoHan,· • "·C.li,o~.i.~liaJ.·t.4 .. ,.l"t •• Z'.'i" .•• ;i.:::~.:~t .. ;~~ .. -::fi.~'(~~y."""=" .. ~. ti.J . , t.~ ~ . ~~_'J}:""."\ '. • ." ~ .. --.• p'utol"", ~; cu.LlMD MUlCICIPAL WATIIl DllftlC'l',. a JlUft101pal W.ter f>':'~:~\' ", ,,:: 't' ~:,: n ~... ,'" t..i:-:i~Di~!.Z'i.:.~ , .. of 1,11, .. aunded, 1. henby accepted by 02:du" Of. ~;;.'. to' "'·"';'-,~:..i:be,;1oa1'd of Director. j..:; ;,r."",·a, ..• -.11..... . .: ;-.--::\.'", i'~~';'" _t._ 18 -.. . c :';-.• Oft .,.;".,. _ pt_Z' of the carl.bad MUnioipal W.ter Diatri. 1"0, and tU:: GZ'antee oonaent. to recordation t.hareof ~ it. duly author1led officer. ~~:-... : I ,::-;:";.", .. _,,, . '.pc"_" 21 , 1 •• 0. ~f" -l'k.~:.~ ...... -----------, ~: .. 'r l . &, .:-... . ,. .. ' •.. :!: .• '.' . . ~~:..c . '.~t ~,,~ ~:~ .. :,.~~ ..... ~~......,.i...~. ~,~.~. ..,.. "-,,~f'.r'-} .~ ~'''r:''t-' ':':' .• ~ . . : :'::. ~~.1flii-: ~~~, '~~ •.• , . :i.·::--:: . U' ' • • :I:' : :.. .. ~: .. ~. ~ ~~.ao . 'r. .. ~>-: \r .... r·. ... _ " .. : :,:t!: .. :.~ .. t:~f-",:~:~;r"! ~::,..". .. .,.,r ..... _ .............. -'I.~""".~_,, __ "._~tc"t':"· --.. ....,.. ." ": ", ' ....... ..,....-........... ,... .... _ .... . ';~'''''rtll_ n,~;;Cii .. ~~:, ,:<;d~l}.G : :~'. t·:·.... ....... ~ :0..,. ... -.- .. '. t': oi. ~' . r',t· .... r-..:.; .... " '~..c 4:, ~",':" "". AP .... ....~ "'.~. --:~~.4~ .. t" .... -.... ' •• _ .......... " · .. r ---... -.'''' - 4' '" :; . '. -i .i~ '--' . .... " 3 • .''''''' ~ ::.:.t. . .... ..' " I" I ...... ': .. .:' -, _-' c-, _, L' L' L' --, .. .. state of ______ ) ) .. county of ) \-·1 .: •• .; ~-:',,' . '\...... .. . ~ -.. . -",',-.. on "'i. day of , in th. y.al' , "ton .. , tiii uncsel'aiqned, a notal:)' iNbiia in and foZ' .ald atate, penonally appeare4 , peraonally known to .e (01" provea to •• on the 6aaia ot aatiataatory .vidence) to ~e the per.on that executed thi. 1utrUMnt, on behalt ot the partnerahip and acknow1edqe4 to .. that the partnaZ'ahip executed it. . , (sIgnature ot Notal:)') STAT. or CALlPORKIA COUlC'l'Y or SAH DllGO } ) ... } ., ... (Seal ot Notal:)') . --, ... . •• .J.. •• . . • ,.\0." .' . ;J~'. - ,!",,!,,-L __ ~r-~~~~L., betore .e'--the ·under .. i~,r • N~ry' Stat", peraonal1y appeared' ~~"4~~ ...... ...:..."""'""~aA ... ~ ___ peraon.11y MOwn to .. (or proved to .e on the ba.ia 0 .at1.tactory evidence) 1:0 be the peraon that executed the within 1natruMnt aa llllnagu:···· on behalt ot garly' GPU'nY. , g,lllami • Liat£;t· 1tirine"blg, the par1:nerah1p tIIeriln naMCI in4 aoknowlecltecl to .. ~~e .rah1p executed it ...... . ... ~ .~~ II~ 1I¥~~~~~I~CI :1.:·. ~lJtf Siqnature . _.~ __ ~t'I. .. 19M .' ?.~ . • ~~:.: • .,,: ~_ \~ •. '-i} . •• . .c.!.~\~. ~-"'~.A"" -r ~~r""~~'''''--'-'--, .. ",----.. ,.. . ~ .. , .... .. '. ,-"., -.. -.:;... ... :~:-.r· '''~. " .• j ..... 4t, , ll~ ;' CMWD gO-104 ~r " , I' ... .. --i', .. ' , ).E , ',$ ... ~:rj~ .. " .. ' ......... ': ... 1 j J '.'" .,\;.~. . . 'oil'" I, " l' 4-.. ~ ~ j-:. ';.:1' -t ••• '._' -..... .-" ,to "c''''''",rt-c..J ~ .. ,:-' ~ '. a ~; ," i\.r.: ' ,< "<" .. : ~.).~~ • __ " -l "4. ~ I ;.:~. ~: .~I.w,:~·~ .... ""'!' . ,,-":)~ .:r·~ t' :~ ~~.~:;: : ~ r 4 G • ,-. , • '. :I;<Z: ,,~' ~, --~ ,." ' " - r-• ,- PARCIL A'" EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 2 QUI MARRA 'ARM ROAD CHWD 90-104 IN 100/88/03 5/8/90 ,r REV. 6/6/90 REV. 6/25/90 ALL THAT PORTION or LOT 'H' or THE RANCHO AGUA HIOIONDA ACCORDING 1'0 HAP 1'HEREOr NO. 823 IN THE CITY 0' CARLSBAD, COUNTY or SAN 01100, '1'A1'1 or CALIFORNIA FILED IN THE orFICE or THE COUNTY RICOROIR or SAN OLIGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896 BIINO A STRIP 0' LAND 20 riiT IN WIDTH, LYINU 10 '1&1' ON IACH 8IDa AND PARALLEL WITH 1'HI 'OLLOWINa DI.CRISED CENTERLINE, BEGINNING AT A POINT ON TH2 IASTERLY LINE or SAID LOT 'H', SAID POINT BIING AT THI POINT or INTERSICTION WITH THI SOUTHERLY RIOHT or WAY LINI or ROAD SURVEY NO. 1534, rILED IN THE orrIcE or THE COUNTY SURVIYOR OF SAID COUNTY AND SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVIY MAP NO. 5715 rILED IN THI OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDIR, DICIHBIR 19, 19601 THENCI ALONO SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT O~ ~'Y LINB 0' SAID ROAD SURVIY 'OUTH 70'45'45" WIlT (SOUTH 70'45'53" WEST PIR ROAD SURVEY NO. 1534, SOUTH 70' 46'S3" WIST PIR AN ACQUISITION IASIMINT UOCUH£NT RICORDIO SIPTI~BIR 15,1988 AS rILE NO. 88-463309, O.R. HIRIIN TO BI RlrlRRIO TO AS DOCUHINT), 80.42 'lIT; THINCI CONTINUING lLONG SAID SOUTHER.Y RIGHT or 'AY LINI OF ROAD SURVIY NO. 1534 SOUTH "'42'07" was" '01.54 '111' (SOUTH 69'43'15" WIST, 391.30 rllT PIR IAI~ onCUHINTL~ A POINT ON' A 2313.00 rOOT RADIU. 'CURVI, CONCA VI NORTHIRLY, A RADIAL-TO lAID CURVI THRouaH 'AID POINT BIAI. NORTH 20'11'53" 'liT (NORTH 20'11'45" WIST PIA 'AID DOeUHINT); THINCI WESTIRLY ALOIO 11XD CURVI 901.72 rllT THROUGH 1 CIH'fIlL lNGLI or 22' 27' 31" (906.45 rliT', THROUGH 1 CINTRAL AHOLI or 22'21'14" PIR SAID DOCUHINT) TO A' POINT, A RADI1L TO .110 CURVI THROUGH-SlID POIM' BIAR. NORTH 02· 09'45" lAST (NORTH 02'10'29" BAST PIR SAID DOCUMINT)i THINCI ;LIAVINO SAID SOUTHIRLY R.O.W. LINI NORTH 02-09'45" IA'T (NORTH 02-10'29" IAIT PIR .AID DOCUHlHT) ALONO lAID RADIAL, "3.00 rilT 1'0 A POINT Olf THI CaNTlRLI.1 or .AID ROAD .URVIY NO. 1534, ,lAID POINT AL'O 81INO THI CINTIRLINa BEGINNINO or CURVI STATION 42+85.13 or PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PIR CITY or CARLSBAD DRAIING MUHBIR 283-7, AND CARL.BAD MUNICIPAL IATIR DI.TRIC' DRAWING NUMBIR 1'-604; THINel lLONO SAID CINTIRLINI NOR'H 87'50'15" liST (NORTH 87' 50'2'" WIST PIR SlID ROAD SURVIY NO. 1534, NORTH 87'49'31" WIST paR CITY or CARL.BAD DWO. NO. 213-7 110 C.H.I.D. DWO. NO. 1'- 604), 213.4' rliT 1'0 A POINT'ON/,THI' INTlllleTION or lAID CJ:NTlltLIIII ' or, lOAD 'URVEY 110. 'i153_(.AI(J) THI ClNTIRLINI .. lOr., AN w!:' , •. ~:'-I .. w./rARM 1 , " . " .. -. ., 'If'" ..... ~ ... ~ •• ,. I -, I -I I -, -, " - , -, , -, I -, , - ,_ I _-, -, ...J I~ '...-:. '-' '-' '-' '-' .. .. -;--• -.............. .,.:Jl.-.~ • .,. ._ .......... ,-':'-' . • f • ;.' _ l." .<.r'·... :, -.. , '7' s·. , Page 2 of 2 IXI.TINO 20.00 'OOT WIDI IASIHINT, RICORDID HAY 15, 1961 A. 'ILl NO. '3t5t, o.a.1 THINCI LIAVINO .AID CINTIRLINI O' ROAD .URVEY NO. 1534 AND CONTINUINO ALONO .AID CINTIRLINI 0' IXISTINO 20.00 rOOT 1101 Il.IKlNT NORTH 05"27'46" lAST (NORTH 05"27'32" lAST PIR .AID 20.00 'OOT IIDB IASIHINT), 55.09 'IITI THINCI LIAVINO SAID C~'IRLINI NORTH 42"50'15" WIST, 11.32 'I&T TO THI TRUI POINT 0' 810INNINO, SAID TRUI POINT 0' 810INNINO ALSO 81INO ON THI NORTHIRLY RIOHT 0' WAY LINI 0' PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (126.00 rlBT IIDI) AND ALSO 811NO THI CINTIRLINI 0' SAID 20 'OaT WIDI STRIP 0' LANDI THINaI ALONO .AID C!NTIRLINI NORTH 42'50'15" WI.T, 36.94 'IIT~ THINCI NoaTH 02"09'45" EA'T, 192.11 .IETI THENCI NORTH 47" 09'45-11ST, 1.'1 riiT TO A POINT or TIRMINUS, SAID POINT or TIRHINU. IIINO THI CINTERLINE or SAID IXISTINO 20.00 rOOT WIDI IA8IHINT. ~ THI SIDILINII 0' lAID PARCEL A, 20.00 'OaT WIDI STRIP or LAND TO 81 LINOTHINID AND/OR SHORTINID AT ALL ANOLI POINTS SO THAT 8AID .IDILINI. .HALL II CONTINUOUS AND .HALL BIOIN IN .AID NORTHIRLY aIOHT 0' WAY LINa o. PALOHAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND .HALL T&RKINATI IN THI WESTIRLY SIDILINI 0' SAID C.H.I.D. 20.00 rOOT IIDI IASIHINT. ARIA 0' DIDICATION, PARCIL A. 4769.14 SQUARI 'liT • ". • , " CHARLIS •• KAHR R.C.I. 23907 DATI RIGI8TRATION IXPIRI. 12/31/93 2 - . " I./'ARM CMWD 90':-.104 I ". '! -•. .:<.~ ~ ~, 9'to'--:.~. • "I..... -: "J"1I( •• ~ .. . .. .... . .... ' ... _-,.., .:; L-,~ '-' ,-,,_, , t,.."1." ... ~..:~~""'" I~~~ ~".~~~·r .. .... _. ·r ... '. ~ ....... .:.. :.r', ... ~ .:. :~::. " ... ' . j . .. ..... inr45'45-W 11O~2.1 (17Cr45'a:rw ... R.a. .... , ."10-11(.'$1,"'11 PCA. ... 'Q.6SMT, ~".&. ",nls' 1."0(,.'1' A'lZ"l7"'I'~L..'O'.40" A'1I'J1'1'I" t'Uooc.., WZ.6'o~~!~'~ Nlr5O'15'"W, 2M."" (ter5O'2rW PIA R.l.15N) (N~'·""JI"w P'(' I:IW"''''' 1'-7",..",0 ,,",w N05'2TWI, Il.Ol' (NOr2r32"l NJIt CMWD DWG. 5U71-21A) ...a-8O'15"W,11.a' NW8O'rw, aM' H02'OI' .......... H4rOI'45"E, ur t-..."w I..' 1!.M1' 4.-. I. ~ I ~u.a..·.w.r."""&. t=.LG ..... ,.."O.A. --..:....30..' • ---~ OI!iAIL A :AHR AND A •• OCIAT •• 401 MANCHESTER AVENUE. SUITE 107 ~CINITASt CA. 92024 Ph' (619'632 -1941 100/11/03 III/eo • yICjtTY:MAP NTS 'DIal r POfL ~ LOT H, MAP NO. ID ··.WATERLIE EASEMENT CMWD 10-104 .~ . -I I _,_ , _, '-' I_' '-' ,_, " ... ' .. • • • t' • .', ,LOCATION MAP IsI i/1 ' ,.. -TIN..M IA.....,. ': fbl.~~,en l It." S'l'tr..L w, L... ~ " /'' '/ PCIL~::'~JIo/, -) I ... -...: -; "l r-___ Ml_OMJ_.&:.R u.oR_ TAD. - --.II.. _ , - \,'.) I~ A , "t ~94-9 pM NO PROJECT NAME: 'PoImoNOFLOTH,AOuA~ .. :. PROJ.~· EXHI~I.~ '., . ~ '... NO. .. '''='~~C'' CUWfRA FARM ROAD a WATEJI.IE fEI.OCATa. ~ , .: ="~ ~-=:::. .- ~ .... *_ ---.~:~. "~,,:,~, ... _ . .': .1' ... -- RECORDING RZQOESTED BY: Carltn coapany 4401 Kanch •• t .r Avenue, se.. 206 !nciniea., CA 92024 WH!H RECORDEO, MAIL TO: Carlt .. Company 4401 Manch •• t.r Avenue, St •• 206 Inc1n1ta., CA 9~0~4 8B ~78G53 '. r-· ~B .. '~i~'~Q?!3 U: r:[C 30 ,." 3 '.6 I _v" L..£.c:"'Iot' . I • ~cUII.ntary franltlr Tax ~~~ Declarant a= CBAlf'l' or IMI"I!!T -0- CARLTAS OEVELOPKElIT COMPANY, a california corporation ("Grantor"), tor valuable conaid.ration, haraby qrantl to the ASSOCIAfION or CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION OWNlRS, • california nonprot1t mutual b.n.tit corporation ("Grant •• "), an .a •••• nt and right ot aW1Y in, upon, ev.r, uncl.r and aero •• ··h. Ilop. prop.rty d •• crib.d on EXhibit. "A-1" and "A-~" attached h.r.to and ~.ncorporat.d h.r.in by thi. r.t.r.nc., tor uint.nanca and r.pair purpo •••• Pur.uant to that c.rtain O.claration ot Cov.nant., Condition. and R •• triction. tor Car Country Expan.ion r.oord.d on Deo.-ber 2, lUI in the otUoial r.oord. ot San Oi.go County, Calitorni ••• docum.nt No. 88-61969~, G;~ntor and Grant •• aqr •• al tollow.1 ~ ~ 1. All dope aaint.nanc. Ihall b. don. by and at the .xpen •• ot Grant •• , 2. C.rIta. Coap.ny, • C.1ifornia Li.itecl partn.r.hip (-carlta.-) .hall have the riqht to aodity or oth.rvi •• ch.ng. ~ •• lope property, 3. In the .v.nt ot any .o41tio.t10n or oth.r chanq. punua!lt to par.qr.ph ~, .bov., th.n Carl ta. .h.ll a.IUII. all .lope .. int.nano. .nd landlc.p, ~a1nt.nanc. obliqat10n. and thi • ... ..ant .hall terainate, and 4. Notwith.tandinq p.raqr.ph. 1, 2, and 3, abOVe, upon .ny ••• uaption by C.rlta. pur.u.nt to p.raqr.ph 3, abOVe, all •• int.n.noe .h.ll b. in .ccord.noe with the City ot C.rl.Nd .t.nd.rd. or r.quir ••• nt •• Th1 ••••••• nt .h.11 b. bind1~upon .nd inure to the Nnetit ot .uoae •• or., heir., .x.outor., .daini.tr.t~r., peraitt •••. lie.na ••• , aq.nt. and a •• 1qn. ot Orantor Ind Grant ••• - ~I ·137 STAT! OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY or SAN DIEGO ) I ••. I On thi. ~ day ot December in tha yaar ~, batora .a tha ~ndaraiqn.d, a Notary ~lic in and tor .aid stata, paraonal1y appaarad Cbr13tocher C, C;lhtps paraonally kn~wn to .a (or provad to .a on tha ba.ia ot aatiataotory avidarca) to ba tha.paraon ~ho axacUtad tha within inat%"\.1.mant .. pr .. idant ~~ or on behalf at the corporation therein na:ed a~d acknowledqad to .a that the corporation exacutad it. WITKlBS .y hand and otticial .eal. Siqnature ~,/ /~-.,..../ N';,ney: 5'" 1 me n STATE OF CALIFORNIA cotnrrY or SAN D'EGO f•• .................... : e., ,."" ..... ~. • N.tncy L, S.'rnon : • 1IC' ..... " ... 4(", .. • ••• : "'''''''6. ,,,I'I"! '110 • i ,. "'''''I'r.n'IItIN~ : .,e-."I ... (.~.I1t1'" I~t." ......................... 1 ••• 0:1 thi. _nth. day ot De.-cmt::er in t,a year ...!..2!.!., betore .e tha underaiqned, a Notary ~lic in and xor aaid State, personally appearad Chnst9"bH C, Calkin! per~onally known to .e (or proved to .e on the ba.i. ot aatiaractory evidence) to ba tha paraon who executed the within in.tnuaent a. Incc,r~,oro1tor or on behalt ot the corporation tharein named and aCknOWledqed to .e that the corperation executed it. WITMZSS .y hand and otticial aaal. Siqnatura ~~ L Jt.f.".,-r?-' N~CY.Sar.;on STATE or CALIFORNIA COUNTY or SAN DIECO ) f .. • ..... ••• ....... •••• .. ·~ tj""~' ",I, ... <°, : : ' N.ncy L. S<l/mon : • 1101".,. "Vf'll( r.,."OMti.: : ............. (lfl ("f ttrw • • • ,,, .. nl{Q(lt'",,"'''' • ! II, __ h,,,,, OCI lO 1!90:: ........................ ~ ) a •• I ~.)I On December 28. 1988 , betore .e, the underaiqned, a Notary PUblic in and tor .aid state, perlonally appeared Christopher C, :alklns per.onally known to .e (or proved to .e on the baai. ot .atiaractory evidenca) to be the parlon that executad the within inatruaent aa MAnAger p.~", on behalt ot CArl tn Q=mepny A en 1 j torn) a LlImtqi B:I'PJII'»P , the partner.hip therein n •• ad and acknowladqed to .e that the partnerlhip executed. it. IrI'1'JfUsay 'iqnature f••• .. •••••• ............. ," . ~• T' ",,, ... ".. : : NMlCY L. SotIITlOI'I ..:. 'CJ,..,.IIU",C " .... d •• "'a: t ........ 101 ..... • • ,. "' .. ' .. etC't' .... " : 1. W,C--I...,Ort 11 1'I'ICI: ......................... 138 IN WITNESS WHEREOP, Grantor and Grantee executed th1. 21th d~y of Oeeeabar, 19aa. "Grantor" "Carlta." CA>LT~1~pyUom .. L1a1 te P -.h~/ IYI ltal ~~ ... ..., ~ Executed by Carltas on Dec<:lmber 28, 1988 • I ( . ,I :. "ijl'lt~ .. /, .' _,., I .• -t,' i)', ,; ... ; '.\ -' .. >0;'1,1. \1 il',lfl .. • . :, .... : i ~<I 1 iI:lt~ I d· ·~.·~"l'··"\ ./'..\' r ,,, ,b, l "1\-1" 8879-118',,0)' '., 'j ,; ~ ·bl• 1 l'rl . ',I · :~~I.' 1, • l\! toli .:"\ • • , ',' I ~F':;~dt",,!li'l. ~'i IJorrERESrCRANTOR MAY /lAVE .IN~--:-.,,' ';'., '. h~\ l'iY:fiN{'TIIAT p:mTioN OF LOT II OF nAt/CliO :.\C~A' IIEOIOI~A, IN TilE CITY' OF CAnLSBMl," .': /' ',),i~'!'I" !":j:~'ti CIlUIITY OF SAN ul£GO, STATE OF CAllFOlllllA, ACCOnnlNG TO ItAP TIIEREOF flO. . ;,1:1" ,~VJfri·r.~:),~~jl..Wa2l, FILED IN TIlE OFFICE OF TilE "couim . RECCrulElt OF :;N' 'DIEGO' COImTY. . ~ :.:,.. ·~\·t:lH'~llr.: :,~\J~7., I, ' , •• ' I ••• • • ',' ·~~i~~I:I:t\~1i,~I.H9YEKIIER 15. 1896. DESr:RIBED A$'FOllOI/S:" ": . . .... ,,:-::~, ··'1·~ft;P.I.!'·/·t~!·'" , .. ' 'i",,'.·· ,',", I" ,j. "'l"'t .•. ,. . . . , .' ",1' ". '. • •• :" r" .. · .. ·'1··· ", 'I .. 't f: ' I "I. y'l :. "1'" ! .. ·(i.·:·· i ,', ..... 'j.. , . ..,' .. '\!1:":~ ~·/.!i!i)~;·:I~:,~t{· BEGlI/lIl11G AT TIlE . HORWEAST CORNE!! OF. LOT 4' OF CAIlL~'Ao TMCT /10.·' 72-3. IH' '::'.!::::.' . \I·u .1·1 'Ilo' • ., '. . .~: :I~l' ,; !!\ ;:.i::;it':~, TIlE CITY OF CARLSIW). COUNTY OF SA:' DIEGO, STATE OF CAL.IFORlfrA; ACCOROIII!; .. :,.: : •• r .,. 'I I I I .~ , I '. ., "; <'J:l:· ' " '.: . TO HAP TJlEREOF 110. 7492, FILED lit TilE OFFICE OF nlE COUNTY RECORDER OF . · .1·1·1: ',. ,'t·! . : ': SAN DI~GO CoollTY, 1I0VEHDrR 3D, 19721 i'HEIlCE TIlE FOLLOIlWG COURSES: '('1" , . 1'1 ,'j I • ,'.' '. I.t • , 1','1:1, '~J'( I :':~,:! 1. SOUTH 51'32'39" EAST, 20,59FrET;' ,: · ;·"f .' "i ·Z. SOU TIl 24'50'34" EAST, 219.19 EETI · ~{:!.. '" .l. SOU TIl 24'08'.8" EAST, 276.6Z ! EET\ r i ~ . I, 4. SOUTII 24'13'38" EAST, 3&2.76 mTI '. :'k ., "1 I, SCUll! U'46'44" EAST, 3".Oj FEETI . .. \~;. ~:.!.; I. SCUll! U'07'1I" EAST, 387.13 FEET I · ",~t'~: .. :~~ 7, SOUTII 20'37'07" EAST. 321.55 FEETj' · .; .' "/ ..... / B. SOUTII 9'Z9'4I" EAST, 13.34 FEETII ,i ; ,,'; .. :. '.:: r.:.-: 9. SOUTII 21'11' I 5" EAST. H .01 FEETI'" : 'i'" .1".\ 10. SOUTlIZl'46'OS" EAST. 224.05 FEETI : .. ~;.: ':" . :.1.: 11. SOU1/I 22'46'44" EAST, 198.00 FEET\' .; ;.. . ::: '.12. SOUTII ::1'55'10" EAST. 201.01 FEET I ' · IL'~' .' ~.: .. 13. SOOTII 19'47'20' EAST. 105.12 FEETI.· ': , ' .•• ,'.:. ':'::: 14. SOUTII 18'50'54" EAST. 110.22 FEETI . ; , ~~ ". :. :.: ... ".',~:: 15 •. SOUTII 24'ZII'08' IIEST. 20.52 FEET ,TO nlE SOUlIJtl.ST CORIIER OF LOT t OF . i': .:;t ~~{:»~:·!r/.SAID CARLSBAD TRACT 110. 72-31 nIEii~E.ALOIiG nIt IlORlll£ASTERLY LlfIE 'O~ SAID '.> .+, ,::;::{iN"i9;! TRACT /lonm 22'29'22-VEST 2SU.lO FEET ~Q.~IE POllrT OF SEGl/IIIIIIG. )'1 ~ It':l':'Ij''~lt~llit~f":. . , 'II,',:' . . ," . 't 1~·'1t:r-·~:~tw~·:': . ., '. . u f, • _~I ~.: i! '. 'I)i~ f,·tt •. · 1":'T01:'" '''EA . .' , '.: , , ,f; .., , •. • "~ll":ff r ;.-\f!'/ .... N. "" r 'l.tl ACRES '. . ( .~ ;.~. ~:'~'II !\!lr~,l~:.IJ·:: . ,':. ,0, 'I" (, "'i 4" ..' ~'I:!" :.'. . ; l' II\t,jt fa ii ;,:,.' 'oi • I' • • ., • ,t " 1~1~(!~:+tI:I'!I;" : .:' •. ' .... :. '!:o. ,: ... ,~. ~')~~IIi~I~~~t:JlU.l·ls.q; , ': .. ,;:;. ,< ..... ;' ,. I .• '. ' .:.1 ~f~" 'bf~ ,.!)gl,U!;j· ~if1W,,~~,¥,i .. ' " .:.' :.: .. :', :'" '. , ~ .:i;· .. :!.; ;'. I' I: .... ('. f ~., ll, ". I I .' :"~'lki;~'I:I" :"1:'1':. !~" f '-', .0 I. ':, .~ ,,' ~"n", " ,'j'" • I I i ,~if: t.~.~· ... : . ':",:,: I, .. ···1'.... ;':~,';:, ~I . '"1' ',,' , I: • ~r' • .' Ill.·, .. , r.,"" . I .. :, .1 • II' '~. ." , ',' ". '. . '. ", ...... ~ , ,,:!. '0,' ,.~" i.~! ':';'".W., I' .... ·r .v.!~ .. h.IO',~.·1 '.'.. .' ", ,. ~ ;.j . ., . , .... " ~~. ". ~ , ;. : \ '. .\,/ : , Ii!!' ", : -.",\: d' • .. ·3 ~ . I . ~~ '. :':" ~ ', . I. L. t: , I . . '. , ,c.;.~ . ~:t. . . , .' .~ i', ,. .... ,'. ., " .' r ",.. .. , " ':";,-: ::!' I " ., " .: , ..... t-•• ' .,: ~ . '. ;;t} ,0; :.. ~ :-.~~ '~"~ 1',(1;. I .. ~ ! ,1'1 J.~ , .'1." , . '':) '~:.~' " .. '. . -, ~I'j~ ~~ , i." i t '.' . ... ~ :( Qo) :, "1. ,.., ~ • t. '~ " .. , ,I '" : " , .... P", , ,. I 1 ..:e , ~ ,'. I, l: '.: ';(!' .:". ," .. .. ),1. , ) : ., t·:·· ~ I(~ ~ '. " J;". '1't j' . ~t .,' 0 . ":Y~ .:! .," .... i$ ',I '. ~t : .~ ~ •• W c· l c.u ;,.;"'; '.'..,. .... ;}~: ~ 1\,.. .:' , " Li. J1 : . " ~: .... ( . for ,:' .~. ii, ~ "'. ~~:~ ',"' '0(, I~: ,.): ..... : .1 r.. ; ;1'.;, .' ). 1 ~" .... '. , ., , I.: If,' .. ' ';1 • , ~ .. .. , sR. ',~ .; .... " '. ( I , J .. -~--.. ~--. • I ... I ; , '" \ ! • I' ",.:,\:,: ,', 'I~:( , ,-;-, r.·: .... ~';1 / fJl! ~:.I .. I".I • t " ~l1' ;I~' j~;·:r;·~~~6 A'; bl,::. "r;~.t "'~'. :~'i"\ ~~~'f< .. t, .f" ~ '\ ("i ~111,,\,,'t' ,,\t.~,n: t i~I..;!lI. I .1 l.xhibit "A-2' ':'1. , ,,r,, 8819-88.12" .,",:;:, " t" ,,'I . ,I :,,'. -,.,,~,~I!I;NfY-f1n'1!:WES'l'-'CRAHTOR MAY II/VE IN : ,1;. ',1,' " .,IJ4_f:, . . I~'~~;~<:' ',it,:: nlAT PORTION OF LOT II OF IINICIIO AGUA IlrorolloA, III TIlE CITY OF CAnLSDAD, ','.,. ". ,', . ' .. " . ;,;.' .. '.}~" ":011'~ COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFonHIA, ACCOROmG TO HAP THEREOF 110 • . )J~:r;'~\ia~tiZ31 lIL~D. 'IN TIlE OFFIC:E OF T~I~ ~'J~Y mO~DEn OF SAN DIrGO CDUHTY, . '" :,,!f ',),l i'l"I!r~"~':'''''''!(;I~~t HOtEHBER 16,' 1896, DESCRIDED AS FOl'.OIlS: ! ': , .' '" "I~LI' r{ '" \I. n, " ; I "',:, 'I ~'·r"'I .. Ihjl' .1"~ . ". : ','.: " I '! .. ~~t.\~t,·:;~~,,,,! ,'" " ' 'j',", ',' ,;.:( . d~)t:}~ :V:I:,JJ}EGlHHIHG 'AT TIIE'SOIITilEAST eORIIER' 'o~ lOT 9 OF CARtSDAD ,TRACT 110. 72-3, 11/ :):'. , '1\ :.: ' • ',': TilE CITY OF CARLSBAD, tourlTY OF SAIl DIEGO, STATE OF eAl:rFORlIlA, AeCOROIIIG ",'1 " . . ',... .:, TO HAP TIlEREOF 110. 7492, FilED 11/ TilE ,OFFICE OF TIlE ~OUIITY RECOROER OF . ,'j ~i : SAIl DI£eo COUIITY, 1I0VEHDEIt 30, IS ,I TIIENCE SOUTilEASTEnlY AlOIIC TIlE , . ..1 . : ... , ' " 'I J , ,,' 'f; 'j' r', " '; 'j ,.' i .;' , . PROlOI/GATtOIl OF TilE I/ORTI/EASTERLY 1I11£ OF SAro LOT n, SOUTII 22"29'22" EAST, 72.00 FEET TO TIlE TRUE POIIIT OF BEGlI/IIlIIG; TllmeE COIITl/IUIIIG SOUTI/ .: 22'%9'22~ EAST, '.00 FEET, Til Eller IIORTII d'U'U" EAST, 124.04 FEET TO ',,: '!IE BEGII/HIIIa OF A 3&0.00 fOOT IWlIUS CURVE COIICIIVE /lORTIIWESTERlYI TIIEIICE ',' /lORTllEASTERl'( AlOIIG TIlE flRC OF 'SAID CURVE a4./i2 FEET TrllOUCII A CEI/TRAL " ': A//GlE OF 37'20'28"; TllEIICE /lOI/-WICEIIT TO SAID CURVE SCUTJ( 5S'26'42-, EAST, 2.14 FEET TO TilE BECIIIIIII/G OF A !lOII·TMIGEIIT 400.00 FOOT RADIUS " " I'" ':', .' "I ',. • .. h , . ',,"i :' ~:: '.1" . :~.;: :., ( ,f .';" I" " r. 1 .! \ . \ ... ' , " ( J r •• HORTII 22'29'22' WEST, 5.00 FEETI 9. SO" III 67'30'38' WEST, 85 00 FEET; 10. NORIII 13'10'12' WEST, 98.00 fEET; II. SOUIIl 76'49'48' WEST, 6.00 FEET; 12. HORlIl 13'10'12' WEST, 49.03 FEET; 13. NORTII 28'25'15' , :ST, 155.02 FEET; . '14. NOIITII 14'03/45' IIEST, 54.59 FEET; 15. HOIIlII 22'55'00' WEST, 134.15 FEET; 1&: t:ORT/I 37'30"28' WCST, 42.45 FEET; 17. HORTII 19'09'52' WEST, 68.91 FEET; 18. NORTII 21'46/24' IIEST, 160.01 FEET; 19, NORTII 28'40'41' IIEST, 83.49 FEET; 20. IIORTII "04'36' WEST, 68. JO FEET I Z1. NORTII 21'31'04' WEST, 142.35 FEETI U, NORTII 41'11/13' WUT, zO.n FEEil 13, NORTIf 12'59'00' WEST, 116.00 FEETI 14'1. 8879-88-12 PAGE 2 24. NORTI! 22'48'57' IIEST, 114.69 FEET.TO IIIE BEGINNING 01' A 140.00 FOOT CURVE CONCAVE SOIJTII£ASTERLY, TIIENCE NORTI:\lESTERLY, IIORTII[RLY AIlD NORTllEASTERLY ALONG TilE ARC OF iAID CURVE 171.07 FEET TllnOUGII " CEIlTRAl AIIGLE OF 70'00'41', TIIENCE TilE FOLLOWING COURSES: 25. NORTII 47'11'44' EAST, 46.44 FEETI 26. scum 48'48'19' EAST, 6.00 FEET; 27. NORlII 45'04'19' EAST, 73.55 FEET; 28. NORJII 38'37'02' EAST, 21.64 FEET TO TIlE BEGIN/lING OF A 320.00 FOOT RADIUS CURYE COIICAYE HORTlIWESTERlYj TIIEIICE IIORTllEASTERlY AIm HORTIIERlY AlOlIG TIlE AnC OF SAID CURVE 251.27 FEET TIIROUGII A CEHTRAl AIIGlE OF 44'59'20'; TIIENCE HOII-TAIIGENT TO SAID CURVE /lIRTII 39'57'51' EAST, 40.94 FEET; TIIEJlCE TIlE fOLLOVIIIG COURSES: 21. NORTI! 19'21'15' EAST, n.59 FEET; 30. IIORTII 78'28'43' IIEST, 25.67 FEET; 31. SOUIII 11"31' 17' VEST t 51.00 fEET TO JJIE BEGIIIHIHG OF A llOft-TAnL':HT 25.10 fOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAYE SouTlIEASTERLY t A RADIAL TO SAID POUlT BEARS NORTII 11'3J'17' EAST; TlfEHCE WESTERLY AIm SOtITllWESTERLY ALOII; TIlE -4..)1 ARC OF SAJD CURYE 39.21 FEET TllROUCi1I A CEJlTRAl AH;LE OF 90'00'00·, TIIEHtE • ~OUTH Jl'31'17' IIEST, 74.00 FEET TO TIlE BEGJNNING OF A 33'.00 fOOT RADIUS • tURYE tllllCAYE IIORTIIllUTERlY, TIIENtE SOUTlI1l£STERLY AlOlfli. TilE ARC OF SAID I .. _--- t I Z ':I " ·1"42 8879·08·12 PAGE 3 CURVE 174.01 FEET IIROUGII A WOML MGl,E OF Z9'~O'Z4"1 TIIEIICE SOUTII 41'11'41" IIEST. 100.00 FEET TO lIlE BEGllfNIHG OF " 264.00 FOOT MDIUS CURVE COHCAVE EASTERLY: TIIEHCE SOUTIIIIEST(RLY, SOUTIIERL V MO SOUTIIEASTERLY ALONG TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE 293.44 FEET TIIROUGII A CENTRIIL fltlGLE OF ,I ' '63'41'03": TIIENCE SOUTH 2Z'29'22" EAH, 234.48 FEET TO TIlE BEGINNIfIG OF A 10.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE COl/CAVE ffORTIiEASTERLYI THENCE .. OVTIIE"STEP.lY M,OtlG TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE 1.9Z FEET TIlROUGIi A CEHTML ANGLE OF 33'55'Zl" TO TilE Br~IHHING OF A 107.50 FOOT REVERSE CURVE CONCAVE SO'JnrwEsTERLY; lIIENtE SOUTllEASTERLY ALOIIC TilE ARC or SAID CURVE 63.65 FEET TIIROUGII A CENTRAL AlIGLE OF 33'55'23"; TWICE SOUl II 22'29'22" EAST. 00.00 HET TO TilE BEGIN/IIHG OF A 107.50 FooT,MOlt: CURVE COHCAVE IIESTEPtY TIJEIICE SOUTIIERLY ALOHG TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE 63.65 FEET TIIROIJr.iI A CENTRAL NfGlE OF 33'55'23" TO TilE SEGINNING OF A 10.00 FOOT RADIUS Rr:VERSE CURVE COHCAVE EASTERLYj mENtE SOUTIIERLY ALOIIC TIlE ARC OF SAID CURVE 5.92 HET 'IIROUGII A CENTML AlIGLE OF 33'55'23": TIIENCE SCUTII 22'29'22" EAST, 33S.S5 FEET TO TilE BEG~IIHING OF A 10.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONC/WE 1I0RTHEASTERLY; TlitNtE SCUTllEASTERLY ALONG TIlE ARC OF SAID CURVE s.n FEET THROUGII A CENTRAl AIIGlE OF 33'55'23" TO TIlE SEGII/HING OF A 107.50 FOOT REVERSE CURVE CONCAYE suunIllESTERLY; TIIENCE SOUTliEASTERLY ALONG TIlE ARC OF SAIO CURVE 63.65 FEET TlIROUGlI A CEI/TRAL ANGLE OF 33·55'23'; TIIEIICE SCUTII 22'%9'22" EAST, 60.00 FEET TO TilE BEGIN~IIIG OF 'It ttf.50 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CcitiCAYE WESTERLY nlENCE SOUTIILRLY ALOIfll TIlE ARC OF SAID CURVE 63.65 FEET TIIIOUGII A CEHTAAL ANGLE OF 33'55'23' TO TIlE BEGIIflfIHG OF A 10.00 FOOT IlAUIUS REVERSE CURVE COltCA"tE EASTERLY I TIIENtE SOUTIIERLY ALONG mE MC OF .'SAi) tllRYE 5,92 FEET TIIROUG/I A CENTRAL AIIGLE OF 33·55'23", TIlENeE SOUTII 'ZZ'ZI'U· EAST. 338.85 FEET TO TIlE BEGllnlIHG OF A 10.00 rOOT MOIUS CURVE " ;, , :C" I ;,' , ',":," l ~', ':" '-/' " " . ...... .. , .,t. t '0' ~ ~; '/ ,I.. (_ ~I # f .J., t I :'.' .;..:. '.'.' , .... ; I I , ' " . ti, .' ", .. ::\" ., ',' \": , j t . ! ~ i'" ,,~:01 " . \ ,.I' . • I' ,i ' .:t.: -t, ":' .:.~. ; ..... "~,, . ". n" ~ (-.' r· :' .. ~ ./ :"l \'1 ...... ~I 1 :--. : • .:'. ~. I, f:-J . ~ " j' ,. ~ .j' , . ~~, 1..-'! f ,1 H " ,. / .. f. ·143 8879-88-12 PAGE 4 ConCAVE HORTllEASTERLY; TIIEIICE SOUTlIEASl ERLY ALONG TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE 5.U FEET T1IROUGII A CEIITIV.L IIIIGLE or l~,'55'23' TO TIlE BEGINI/INC OF II )07.50 fOOT REVERSE CURVE CONC/IYE, SOUTlIlIESlERL Y; TlltNCE SOIJTIIEASTERL Y : .' ALOHG TIlE ARC OF SAID CUR' E 63.65 FEET TIIROUG/I A CEI!TRIIL AnGLE OF ljv5S '23"; TIIEIICE SOUTII 22'29'22" EA'l, BO.OO FEET TO -'IE BEGHINING OF A,; 107.50 Foc.r RADIUS CURVE COIICIIVE WESTEI LV TIIENCE SOUTIIERlY AlOIIG TilE ARC OF SAID CUR'/E 63.65 FEET TIIROUGII A CflI'rRAL ANGLE OF 33'55'23' TO TIlE BEGINNING OF ,. 10.00 FOOT MrIUS REYlRSE CURVE CONCAVE 'EASTERLY; TIIEIICE SOUTIIERLY ALONG TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE' 5.92 FEET TIIROUGII II CEI!TRIIL AIIGlE 'JF 33'55'23"; THENCE SOUTII 22'29'22" f.\ST, 61.43 FEET TO TIlE BEGINNIIIG OF A 336.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE COIICAVE \(L' TERtY; TIIENCE SOUTIIEASTERLY, SOUTIIERLY Nfl) SOUTIIIIESTERLY ALOIIG TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE 527.79 FEET TIIROUGII A CEI/TRAL ~.NGlE OF 89'59'59'; 1I1Et1CE SOUTII 67'30'37" WEST, 138.00 FEET TO TIlE TRUE POINT 0;: OEGIN/IING. TOTAL AREA: 2.,6 ACRES (LDOIl4-Q) • i.: "," :, ., .' " ,: I ~ I. .. .... , .. , .. _ ..• - RJ:COROING Il!QlJ!!S:ID 1I't: e rlta. ccapany HOl Manch .. Ur Av.nu., Sta, :106 !ncinita., CA 9:1n24 WH!)i V.CORO!O, MAIL TO I Carlta. ,=oapany 440J Man;h.ater Av.nu., Sta.206 !ncinl~., CA 9l0~' ~ 0964 88 Si 7018 [;; ,::.-.,.,,0::1 .Gf~· .•. 'r~ I 88 OEC 30 AT'I[O: S " ! 'Ie"'.!. 1. !..'fLEo I L..E.v~~. '::C«(~ -.. CARLTAS COMPANY, n Calitornia L1.1t.d Partn.~lhtp (-Grantor-), tor valuable con.ideration, h.reby qrant. to t..'1a ASSOCIATION 0' CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION OWNERS, a Calitornla nonprofit ~tual benetit corporatidh ·-Gr.nt •• "), an •••••• nt and rlqht at .V4Y in, upon, ov.r, under and Icro •• the .lop. property d •• cribe4 ~n EXhibit -A-attached hereto and incorpor.t.d herein by this retereno., tor .aintenano •• nd r.pair purpo •••• PUr.uant to that certain D.claration at Cov.nant., Condition. and R •• triction. tor Car country Expan.ion r.cor4ed on Decaabar 2, 1988 in tho otticial r.cord. ot San Oiaqo Couney, Calitornia a. 4ocua.nt Noo 88-619692, Grantor and Grant •• aqraft a. {011_1 1. All _lope aaintenanca .flall be 40ne by and at tta .xpen •• ot Gran~~), 2. Grantor ra •• rv.. the riCJht to a041ty or oth.lNia. ebanq. the alope property, l. In the av.nt ot any .00itlcation or oth.r chanqt purauant to para9Z'apb 2, abov., th.n Gr.ntor "hall ... \IM a.1 1 .lope .. lntanane. and land.cap. .aint.n.ne. obl1qation. and thi • •••• .ant .hall t.rainat., an4 1 j 0965 • lCotv1th.tlna1nq pc.rlqraph. l, 2, Ind 3, above, upon Iny 1 •• u.pt:1on ~ Orantor pur.ulnt to plrlqraph 3, above, all .alnt.nance .hlll be 1n Icoordllnc. with tha City of Carl.ba~ .tanc1arda or r .. quir_·lnt •• '1'hb aalleMllt .hall \)e bindin.; upon and inure to the \)enefit of .uceeaao .... , heir., executor., adaini.tratora, ~raitt ... , 110.naee., a,;.nt. and a •• iqn. of Grantor and Orantaa. III 1f%'1'JfU' WHEJU rl', Orantor an~ Ilrantee execut~ thi. 21th dlY of Deccaber, 19'~. .--------.. -_ .. • ~rilnto~" CA.1UIl'~A.I MY • 1 ia L1.1t ip IYI Ita I ..,.-tIM#?( ASSOCIATIOII 0' CAR COCXTRY IXPNfIIO~::=~,,~~ Hornia ~ it ~ 00 ~ " " , = I ~ CD • <;{ (~.' r. 09i6 STATX or CALIrORlIIA ) ••• COUNTY 01 ~i...Ol.W.L ________ ) On ' pc" ?L...-J '/7'6_.,....,.. __ , betore .e, tn. und.r.iqn.d, a Mor.ar;' Pub:ia in aD~ tor .aid Stata, peraonally appaarad ______ _ ~~~----------------------------- peraonal11 ltnovn to .a (or pro ad to •• on the ba.i. It .atiatactl"ry .vic1.nC''' to be the P Iraan that executed the w1th} t, inattuaent sa MI!\!!t:..,e.' ~~ ;UiW4t11tl, on behaU at __ '''r'tM ~_'" CAlifonll ... .l.J.!!!i.:~~ne~hl.5?, tho partnara~.lp tharlin n .. ad ana lckn,wlaaqed to .a that tha partner~hip IXecuted it. WITXBS8 .y hand and otticlal .a.l. Utnatura Qc;.~' R t ~ --.-.. _ .. -_ .. -_ .. _-------_ .. STAT! or CALIFORNIA COO1I"1'Y or _~.Nf plECjO .a. On thi8 -ZSJ;h.. day at _~ _ in the year ~, bato::-a .a the und.el'a1qned, a Notary Public in and tor a.id Stata, peraonally appeared ChriJltoptw::r c. calldnI , peraonally known to .a (or provad to na on the baail at .a~iatactory evidanca) to be tha per.on who executad the w1th ... n 1natrwNnt a. .p.a:eeident (or .acretary) or on bahal! at tha corporation therein na~ed and acknovledqed to .e that tha corporation exacuted it. ~ ar hand and otticial •• a1. Siqnatur.~CL t .3l~ .@&~. ',. 1M ~CDIft't t .0... ... _ ... _ .. _-. ~... •• ..... • .... ~."'.I" "Ll !Y lilt: rv "" ur 1t1l .. 1 .. Ifti. lOTAI: AlEAI 'l.ti ACRES • • I .1 I r 0967 hlJ1b1t "A.l" '''71'''~' "'" flI'n:1a:!iT, c,1WI'rolt )tAr HAY!: Iff , • TIIAT PORTIOH )F LOT" OF RAHCIIO ACUA U[DIOIIDA, 1M nit C'ITT ,. CAIU.suD, '.'coCnm tW 1M DIECO, STAU OF CALIFO'HIA, ACCl)":"'NG rD RAP ~,..,~. 'U, FILm III nit omCL OF nit axIIlTT It[C iUlU 0' 1M 01110. aunT. ·IIOYEl18!Il.,~I, ,I,S95;··,DESCU,1l AS· fOL~ .EGl/UIING AT nIE.NORTIIEA~T, eaRlIER Of lOT 4' ~f CAA~SIlAD TRACT HO,' 72.l, II mE CITY Of CARlSBAD, CDUilY Of SAIl DIE"', ~ATE OF CAl.lfDIHIA, ACCORDIHG , " 10 IW nlEREOf KO. mz, dLED IN nlE OFf~cnF nlE COUHrr. "CORDER OF SA/I DI~GO CCUIITY, NOVEHlli I 30, It7zj, ~'IEllc(nIE FOLLOIIIMc COURSES, l. SOUTII 51'l2'39" EAST, %o.n FEET, 2. SOUTI/ f4'SO'H' £AST, ~19.19 FEET, 3. SOUTI/ 24'OI'.a· EAST, H6.62 FE£T, 4. SOUTI/ 2C'!J' Ja' £AST, 362.76 FEETI 5. SOUTII ZZ'46'H" [AST, 395.01 FEn I 6. SOUTI/ 2Z'07'1]' EAST, 317.53 FEET, 7. soum 20'37'07-[AST, lZI-.n FEETI e. SOUllI "21'41" EAST, 11.34 FEET, 9. soum 21'11' 15' [AST, 44.01 fEET,. 10. SOUllI 23'4&'05' EAST, 224.06 fEET I 11. scum 22'46'44' EAST, Ita.OO FEETI 12. SOUTI/ 21'55'10" EAST, 201.01 FEET I Il. SCUTII "'47'ZO' [AST, 106.1t FEET, - ' ... H. SCUTI/ 1,'50'54' EAST, 110.22 fEETI J5 •. scum 24'Z"OS" IIEST, 2D.52 fEU .10 nlE SOUTIIWT COIUtEl OF LOT. OF SAID CAltLSIAD TRACT NO. 7Z·~ I nlEJICE ·ALOIIG T1IE HORnlWrDlY LIKE Ot SAID , TRACT Jl)Am ZZ'U'ZZ" VEST m1,10 fEET !Q :nlE POliO' OF "GIIIUHG, TOTAI.'MEA. 'l,tI ACl£S ~ j , 1 ! , 0968 t:xb1~t "A .• r"· I MY rwrr:xzTl' CIU'fTOIt HAT In.~ 'If TIIAT I'OnTiOH OF LOT 1/ OF IWICIIO ACUA II~OIOHDA, IH TIlE CITY OF CMUIAD, ,COUim OF SAN DIEGO, SlATE OF CALlrORHIA, ACCOIIDIHa TO ,...., nl£UOF ., • . ' . . IZl, ~IlEU IN TIlE OF~lCE OF nlE COUHiY RECORDER OF SAN DfEto COUNTY,'. '" . ft09£HDER 16,' I896, DE~r.RI8ED AS fOLLOW ~ '. ~y .iWIIIIINII AT TIlE 'sOUTii::A~T eORIIER OF Lor I OF CAlU.SIAI) mCT ~.o. 7Z~3, til TIlE crTY OF tARLSSAD, eOUlITY OF SAN [lmo, STATE OF CAl·iFOANIA, At. Jll!)IIIG . . TO HAP TIlEREOF HO. 7m, FILED 11/ TIlE: .omcE OF nlE cOOIm RECORDER OF SAlI DI£CO I.OUIITY, HOVr'1BEn lO, 19121 TIICllCE SOC1TIlEASTERlT Alot/Ii nlE . . 'ROLOI/~Tlot/ OF TilE H<.I1T1JEASTEJlLT lINE ':IF SAID LOT I, SCUTII U'21'U. EAST ° 72.00 FUT TO TIlE TRUE rOIllT OF I£GIIQUHG, nIEHC[ C!IIITIHUIIIG SOUTII . . UOWU· rAST, '.00 rUT, TII£IICC HonTIIII'I3'45· EAST, 124.04 'EET TO . .' TilE BEIiIU/IIIIG OF A l60.00 FOOT RADIUS ctJRV( COIlCAVE HORTlII/E:STERlTr TlIEIIC: . . 1I0RTllEASTERlT MOl/ii TIlE AnC OF 'SAID CURVE 2H.IZ FEET nlROIJGII A CEHTRAl • AlleLE OF 37'20'%1"1 TIIEIIC( Ilarl·TAlICEIIT TO SAID CURVE SCUTII.sa0'ZI'U-. EAST, 2.14 HET TO nlE IIEGIHlIlHG 'OF A lI\)ff. TAHGDrr 400.00 FOOT RADIUS CURY[ CO/ICAVE HORTJIVESTERLY, A TAHCDrr TO SAID POIHT IEARS SOUTII 11'3"0'" EAST, TlIEHCE HOnTllEASTEIILT, HORTllEAlT Nm l!OlnlllESTERlY "lOll; • '. • I" T1!£ ARC OF SAID CUllY! 3SS.2~ FEET. nlltOOClI A COORAl AHC!.[ OF SO'S3'~I"1 TIIElIC[ nlE fOl.lOllIIIG COUlISES: . . , ",,' --.' .. J, irlmt U·Zt'zz· vrST, 3o.i."'EETa I. Il0l1111·27'1.· WTt 47.U.f[[TI. J. _TIl 17'11'4'" W , 41.71 nET, 4 ... ·IIIUT1I.I·0I'1I·.vrST, n .... nET' •• IIIIITII ""IO'H" VEST, 101.41 fUTI J. '1011" 34·31'U· VEST, 71 ... FEET,. 1,: DTII17'lO'U" EAST, 'l.OO.fUT,· ~ .~ 0') .., .., ~ ~ QO , I <./' -- , ...... ' .. ... •• HORnl 2Z'ft'IZ' VEST, E C) FEET I t. SOUlIi &7'lO'3I' VE5T, 85.00 F(ET~ \l' 10. NORTH 13'10'IZ' VEST, 98,80 FEETI II. SOUlIi 75'41' .,' IIEST, &.(>0 fEETI 12. MOITH 13"IG'II" VEST, .9,03 FEET I )3. aTII ZI"2!1'15' VEST, 155.02 FEETI ,'14. NORTH 14'~'45' IIEST, 54.S' fE£T; II NORTH 22"11'00' WEST, 13 •• 11 F[ETI I'! IOtTII 37"30'%1' IIEST, 42 45 FEETI 17. HOATH 1,00"5Z' IIE5T, 68.97 FEET; II. IKlRTII U"U'24' VEST, IS'I.Ol FEET, 1'. NORTII ZS040'41' IIE5T, 13.49 fEETi 20. QTIf "04'36' VEST, ".30 FEETI 21. I«lRTIf 25"31'04' VEST, 142.35 FEET I 22. NORTH 45°11'Zl" VEST, ZO.'2 FEETi , i 0969 , . 8871-88-12 PM( 2 23. IDlII ZZ°$9'OO' VEST, 11'.00 FEETi Z4. IDTH 22°41'57' IIEST, 174.6' fE£T,TO THE IEGI""IMC OF A 140.00 fOOT ClmE CcttcAYE SOUTHWTERLY, TItENeE HORTIIW£STEAU, MORmw.y NfJ IIORTltt~T£R~Y ALOIIIi TilE ARC Of SAID CURVE J71.07 I EET T11l1OUG11 A CEHTRA1. MelE 01 7O"00'41'I.THEllCE mE FOLLOWING ClMSES: ZS. NORTH 47°11'44' EAST, 4'.44 fEETI 2'. SOUTH .8°41')9' EAST, 5.00 FEET I 27. IIORTII 45'04'19' WT, 73.55 FEETI 21. aTII 38"37'02' WT, 21.'. fEET TO TIlE IEGIIIUHG OF A 320.00 fOOT RADIUS CIIIYE eoHCAYE HDlTlftlESTERLY, TIIEHCE HOItTIIWTEIU.Y NfJ HOItTlIERU AU .. ; TIl( Me Of SAID CUlffE Z5I .27 FEET THROUGII A COORAL AMeLE OF 44°5t'ZO', TlIEJICE _-T_OO' TO SAID CURYE ~m 31°57'51' EAST, 40.14 FUT; nOtE THE FOUOllIIC COURSES: H. ant 1"21'1S' tAST, 13.5' F££TI lO. IDITK 7"ZI'43' VEST, 25.'7 FEET, 31o socmc 11 '31' 17' VUT, 11.00 fEET TO J:HE IEGI""I" 01 A NOII-TAHIIEIfT 21,10 Foar MOIUS CURtI CONCAYE SouTHwTEJU.T. A UDIAI. TO SAID POIR' IENtS II1I1I I1"JI'17' WT, TIItHtE IlESTOLT N'IJ SOU11MSTEJl.T AI.OII8 TJI[ ;' ,., OF SAID CUIft lI.27 FEET nlROUGH A CDn'RAL MlI.E Of 10°00'00'" lHEJICE " ~ 11"3J'J7' VElT. 74.00 FEET TO T1IIECIIIU. 01 A mo. FOOT UDIUS .cum COIItArt IIIIInIIESTOLY, T1ItJ1CE SOUTJIIUTDU AL •. THE lit. 01 SAID '., •. ;.i ~. !~: '" '.' " • r/ ·~ , 0970 U7I·U·1% 'AGE J 41'11'41" WfST, lor.OO FEET T~ '~E a£Gl""ING OF A 114.00 FOOT ~1U: tuRY[ CCllCAYE EASTERLY I THEHCE SOQTllWESTiliy ~ SOUTHERLY All) SOUTlIEASTERL Y Ala" nlE ARt OF 'iAID CURVE Z9l.44 FEET ntROUCII ~ CENTRAl. AHGLE OF ·,i'41'03", THEHCE SOUill U'Zg'ZZ" EAST, Z34.4B FEET TO THE'SEGIIIIIHG OF A . 10.DO FOOT IWIIUS CURn. CONCAVE NC«Tli~TERLY; T1EHCE SOUlltEASTERLY ALOHG .::. ll1E ARC Of SAID CURVE 5.1% FrE· lHROUGII A CEHTRAl ANGLE OF 33'55'23" TO , , : THE ImlaU"e: OF A 107.50 FOOT REVERSE CURYE C1mCAYE SounIVESTERLYI TIIEHCE sc,uTIlEASTERLY AlOllG TilE ARC OF, SAID CURVE 53.&5 FEET 111ROU1i11 A C[MTRA!. AHGLE OF 33' 5S' U'; THENCE scum %Z' 29' ZZ' EAST I SO. 00 FEET TO THE IEGUIU", Of A 107.50 FOOT ,IWIIUS CURVE COftI'..AYE WESTERLY 111EHCE SDUTHEaLY AUlIIt TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE 63.15 FEO 'MOUGH A CENTRAL NtGLE Of 33'55'U· TO ll1E IEGlN'U"a OF A 10.00 FOOT RADIUS R[YWE CURVE toItCAYE EASTERLY, THEMC! SOUTHERI.Y ALOHQ TilE ARC OF SAID CUlYE I,IZ rUT 11~1 A CEKTRAI. ANGLE OF 33'55'23"; THENCE SOUTH ZZ'Z,'ZZ' EAST, 33 •• 'S FEET TO TIlE IEGUIltING OF A 10.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE Cl»ICAYE HOInlEASTERlYI llUtE sounUSTER1.Y AlONG THE ARC OF SAID CUIIYE 5,n FEET THROOGII A tEJllRAL MQlE Of 33'I5'U" 10 THE IEGll11l"' OF A 107.50 FOOT IlEYWE CUllY[ CGHCAY£ SOUTHWESTERLY I TliE"C[ SOUTHWTEaLY ALOIC& THE ARt OF SAID CUlYE U,II FEET TIRMH A t;OORAl ANGLE Of 33'55'Z3', THEJICE SOUTH ZZ'ZS'U-tuT. 10.110 FEET TO THE BEG1111iItG OF A 107.SO rOOT MDIUS CUlYE ccii:An vmuu nmE SOUlllERLT AlCIIG THE AA/:"Of SAID CURy[ U,IS FEET l1IIIIUIII A CEmIAL NlGU Of U'55'U' TO TliE IEGUln. Of A 10.00 FOOT ~ ,',', MUIUS UYUH MYt COl:c.AVE EASTERLTI TlIUCI SOIITHOLT ALGIII till MC 01 , . : lAID CVRYI I.IZ nn TIIROUGII A CENTRAL NICILI or U'II'U-, mucl ICIUTJI " 'ZZ'U'ZZ" EAST. 331.85 FEEl TO THE IEGu.n15 Of A 10.00' fOOT MDIUS CUIYt :.,., " , '.; . ., , r..' . , , " " 1 ~ 'Q CI') "" I "" :~ ,.,. I QO ~ I .. .' ~I '..I. , 0971 ~. ~ ". 117'·88·12 PAGE 4 I. alllCAYE IIOllltEASTERLY; THOICE SOUTltWTERU AtOll; rn£ Mt. Of SAID tulrfE ( . , -I.n FEET TIIIUMJGII A CrJlTRAL AHGLE OF 33"55'23' TO TilE IEIUlln", Of A 107,50 FOOT REYEJU CURVE COItCAY£-SOUTIIl/ESTERlYj 111EHCE SOUTlIWTERLY :.' ALOHG TilE Me OF SAID CURVE 63.65 FEET TlIROUGlI A CEHTIIAL MGLE OF 3~\i65'Z3'1 ntEHCr SooTil ZZ'2':'22' EAST, 80.00 iEET TO TilE IECIIIUIIG OF A II 107, SO FOOT WIUS WRVE COOCA'fE VESUrC tlW4CE SOUn!EJlLT AlOtfG TilE AIlC 01 lAID tvI'Il n." nET rlWlJGlI A C'IITIW. MGL' 0' U'II'U' TO lMt " IE'11GC1"C OF A 10.00 fOOT RADIUS REYERSE CURVE COHCAYE 'EASTERLY; TlfDlCE , SOUlII[RLY AlOHli THE kIlC OF SAID CURVE 5.9% FEE~ 111ROOG11 A CENTRAL AHGLE OF 33'55'21', TIIEKCE SOOn! 2~'Z9'ZZ' EAST, 51.43 fEET TO TilE BEGIHltlHG ~F A 331.00 FQo'JT RADIUS CURYE !.OtICAYE WESTERLY, TIlEJlCE SOUTHEASTERlY, SOUTIIERLT NfO SOUTlIIIESTERLY AlONG TilE ARC OF SAID cmE 527.79 FEET TIIROUGII A COORAL MGlE OF 89'59'59' i THENtE soum 57'30'37' VEST, 131.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT or BEClIOlIHG. TOTAL AREA: Z.U ACRES " (UIOl14·Q) .. " -, . ' • .. __ .. _ .. _-_ .... -_ ... _---. ~ .Q ~ " , " I :;) } ,.. I Q) ;, " . .~. \~, --. " .. \,! ,> - -;~~; ~:-'" ,0; r II I (~ ." (.'5 I' t ,I -t: • .: ,", ", . ! 1988 S£P 15AMNO L&i6~, .. 1 ., WDExr FOIl Ml.1C HI .. , I'1'tj," 11.0. 111.---- CAll.fU : .JI,AII' •• C.l".""i. 1.1.,," hrtntmf •• ht"'\"inl" cantil MAMTOII 40(11) 11"-"1 .,.,,,&. Clllft,)' 11141 tllllllicn. "',. Ut, can rtI WI.SlAD. SU.,ClUl'trllil, 1It"."in" C411H MNlTU. fU I"""",,, antlll,i",s. III .... ..en, H~ MtJIwiI .,.,. ",lite vUHt1 1"/..,. ... 1111$ IftC1dlll&l U,,..,o. U"", OftI' P' M • \!Ill em"t" ,...1 '1'O"l't1 .IUlI, tilt CITY 01 '-'RLSIAO, 5llu ot ~tt'oMll" IItser'!'" u 10110""; Sf. tH iCUChtd 1,,11 dH(l'iDUOft ~ .. 1t"Il" tIIIltt& -1" 1114 IUlc!IeIt Ac:llul.1C1011 'til ... tt"lttll bflt!lt~ ., •• lIell .. tI, I p.tl't Mrtot ~ ""'I'MC'. ,}~,\\:~,,:; :,.' ' ,,~": J. , " ' .. .". "."tor llerftt f"rtMP' ,,,,"ts to eM C1~ of Cil'lilltd tlln ~hn'l/I _ ,.1_ t. ::,: .' •• ttll\! ~I'.III'" stl'llCtllP''' tlld •• ca •• Uo" IIId .... ft_lIt IIDIMS ~oM tfllt U.fts 0' " ' 'fttf" ,..,..111 Clea¢1'1 bH I'f9l1t-of~ wII.,., I'Iqllf,..4 'or Ut. ",,"I'IIet iolt Met :. : , .. tlltelline. 0' I.id "'Dl1e Htlhwt1. USElYlHQ 1I11~O grantor 0' ;11, 1110." described " ,.~tl 0' I.IIIS. /11, J~4:tUO'" 01' ' .. 11"1, til. r1,IIt to .It.fnUa tlil¢II &totl" &rttj0l' , , ~l'Ihl." ItNCtllrtt 01' porUolI. UM,,"', .... 11 111 til. "riU,,, 0111111011 of "'. C1tt ':.. ',,'"UI',O' Gr,,,, .. , t1l' ft.clnit, tll,,.,tor, fa ,. ••• ~.d ~1 IIIbltftllUII, ."' ... ", ".,.ctIOll. 'UJlIOrt Uld/Of' dl".in.ve flCilft)l. pru"1~ 1114:11 IlUlltiClltfllll II tfl'at ."ro.,td 1/1 wrftin, 01 "ld £ngine.r{.). • lJIt Sruto' 1M ... " flirt"" ,rlnu til Irillt" .n t""'. grMhl (,row'n, 0" lhlt _ ~.'t.1' ,row). end 1'0.4 ~fld1nl .. ",.1.11 .'tllln Illd rlgllt-of-wtt. tllclVdtn, tn. "1'1' '0 &.111 waU". ",o9ftll'r ..,ftll th, I'tillt '0 11', thl u. ill Illelt "M,r , .. II tvell louUllI1 IS Slfd Grtnue •• " .... IIroP'I'. 1I"d'ul or Uc:lU'1"11 'A 'tie UII,Vuctloll, 1'tC000svl.t~tfon. flIP""""' 0" ,,'"t*lItIIC. of Slill !I1th"'1. ~. ",",or, {Ol' ~1~.tf. ~I' IUCCf'IOri lAd Illi9"" hI"'~ -.iY'1 1"1 ellf. tor ,,,, iH ,II .... "s to QIo,,,tor', ,....Inlllll '#'oP'I", III rt.IOII Qf UII gl'."t 0' M, ... '" I'lt"'. tIllS thl tOCU101l, conltl'lll:'l,n, l'IId.Clpi", 01' .. 1nt.llillC. of "Id JlUltlfc III,h .. .,. '1101'1 cr CAL:7OU:t.l COUJTY 0' $aN P'EOo •••• p.l'lo,,&11y ~Mm to .8 (01' pnweca \0 .. 011 iii, ... 1. .f •• t1.:aatorr ev1danaa) '0 ~ the ,.~.Oft that ._a~e.d tb& v1~1n 1n.t~n~ .. geDOJ'li ,..:rtnel'(.), OIl ~eh&lf of CHIt"M O-'PV a ,>11 tn .... ', ! !:t'w1 ~:s:rMt'hlA' eh. P'I'~n':Um ehe;e1n n ... a and .O~ ed, e= I. ~.c ~. pa~ar.b1p ex.aut .. i~., . wtTWISI If hand an4 otf1oial ••• 1. I ' Ii ....... ~u -t.~ ,"""'\lht.". ~""''''' t1 I~ •• '1 .nlNf'l~ Uti 'loW, ~; .. 7-.(:0""" II It~~:+jt (1m CouSUIliNG fNClNfflfS .. ..uMUmIl'CAMON~ J4m ~ SAN PlCOQ C'A 921» II"IJ ~ NN7 f'OUNTNfY &.wocwu.1C ~\ ~ GrtA'or hlrttr fvrtft.~ ,rlnll to ar,ni ••• ,1 treel, ,~h' (trowln, or ~b.C .., Ml'tlttll' .rw). ~ ""iiI \111l1d'ng .. urllts within uld I'j;ll'~f...,., 'ncllllftll, Cltt '1",' to uie Mt.r. co,.tll,,. .'U1 ihl ,.,./1, to II .. til, u. 11, sue" .. 1Ift1" .1'4 .t "ell loca,tofts ., 1114 ir.nt •• "1 d ••• prop.,., "'Idtul or II.C •••• 1'1. 1ft tht cOfIInI'llI:UOII. "'1:~'''MlCcto", 'IIprov,,/I' 01' .. ll1t1ninu of I.fd 1I1glllfll1. Th. Gr.ntor, ror ht.,.11, hll Sycc,slort Ind .s.tgn" "''''01 .. " •• I~ ct.,. for tftl llId .11 d .. 9t1 \0 ar,lIur', 1't111111111, 1I~.,.tl by "' .. 411 of eMs ,rlIlC ., .n.-eaC ""IIts 1,,11 ,ft, locltiOll, cOIIstrt,lctlon, 1.1ld11:.,'1I1 0" ,,'nhlllllC::e .f uhf pvDlIc "' "'WI. llIttci tilts 2Ath QI1 of _--=J:,::lIn:.:.;I! ____ ....,," ... '~~;;;;;.~~ CI~tf'I6'W I""'t ~.""I'" ~~~~~~~ ....... ~~-__ -~""!'~~x-H~le__.lr~'e~~ . • b ~ ~~!!fI."~ AC;r.tri1ci\~.!.:~-~~~s~~ . J "mMl.M''''t'~ ~ Mff 210 W4twOQ G4"~ l5Kt~mo CI,",~rNl't'~ fC MI .... ""'..., . D,.t.,.J..-ftlf '" ~ ~ .... 1 Q. ,....... A _ ...... :-*._---f,III. • I' '. •••• • • :" ..... · .' .. ,.... . · rr.~.~-.-.....~--~~ .......... ~.~~ · .. '. I. UJf181T t,," ~CGAl DtSCRI'TIO" 411 t~.t ~0~tl0" of Lot 'H' O( the ~.~cho .ltv. Ht.lo~o. '~CQtdfft, Co .. , tll~ "Of 110. I2l ff1.~ III til, OfffcO If tilt COUIIll -'':Ol'd,I' of $411 Dtt,O COIIAtl ~o,.~.~ 16, 1.t6, In ~n. CtC1 Of ',,,Is_fi, C.vn~ Of Son OfOto, Stlt, of ,."fotnl., ~.Ift; ~o/', P.rtlculc/,'1 ~'.~rfold c. follows: .. ,111111119 n I j)Gjl!~ Oil til. 'tU'I'll Ifll' 0' •• fo Lot 'Ij', ulo 'O~lIt IIffng It Cft, ~Oint of f~~,rsectfoll Wl~1I tilt ~e";trlf", of ~O.d SU~ty ~O. 15~ 'fIt. fn til, alffCI Of :lIt Coun;, SU~Y'YOl' of 'Ii~ Cou"11 '"f I' .lIown Oft Reeo,. 0' Suty., ~a Hq. 1715 'lied tn the OfficI Of the CounCl ~.eorolr DIe .... ,. It. 19'0: :lItllce ~IOl!t til' IUUI'll li"l 0' '1111 I.4t 'H', II 0.03'Ia" £ (~ O·ll'l'· w per .,corf o( SVI'Yt, Mip~. 5115), 12.'7 'teC to • pof~ on ~h. 1I0ttllll'l1 I'fgftC-o'..,ll of "J~lt AIrport Ro... II Silo. all .. 14 ~04d SV""'1 ~. 1534, Slid POI~: ~I~r the TRue POINT OF aralHHlHS: ;ft.nc. COfttf n w1n, lion, $'14 "Ste~ll lin, H 0·03'18-! (~ O·ll'l'~ W ,.r ~.~al'd st $YI'Y'1 HI, ~. 5115), ~O.OZ 't,,: tft'nc. IIIY1ft, li14 t.,tet11 lf~. S 6i •• J'lS" W. 11 •• 1, 'fIt t~ t~. ~'9f""j"t 0' I tl1l9.nt cur", conel', ~ar;he~11 Inf haY!", I rl~lu, 0' 2.181.00 f"~i ~h'lIel "'t'~ly Ilont 'lid CYr" th/,;uQh I c~trll In,l, ot .2-%"1.· 1ft 'I'¢ l,n';h of '17.07 fltt: eft'nc. t'n"nt to s.fd Cy~. H a'·~·Jl"~, 1,13 •• " f,.~ La the tt,tnnfn, Df. """nt curv •• c.n~lw, JouCft'~ll In4 ftl,'n9 • raolus gf 2.~lJ.OO ".t: tft'ftC, ... t.rl, Ilong 1114 c~~ •• ~nrougft • Cellt~.' In,r. 0' .":0'02' ,n Ite l'n,eh O( 17 •• '6 rltt: tft,nc. ~'"9'nt '0 "14 ~ury, $ 81·50'27" W 84.52 , •• ~ to I 'Dint of In""'~'IOft wi'ft t~, nor~~'~I, rl'~t.or~'l 01 ·.I~.r '1",,/'~ IOI~ '$ Sft~ an 1,10 Roa. SW~Y" ~o, 1534; t~."c •• Ion! Illd ~ort~.rtl r19"t.Of9W.Y $ a1.4t'~1. , ;$ 3:·~$·l~" E ~Ir a •• 4 ~'yt1 Mo. l5J4), 1,455.4' f,.C to t~. ~gf"nf", of I t·~91"t 'ijrYf ~O"(~~t ~Ort~I'11 'ft~ ".Yill, l r.dfwi Of 1,110.40 "'~I thtllet usUrl,.. .1°"9 Slfd ~ .. ". tlll'ollOh • Clntl'.) 111", of Zl-U'JI" .• 11 Ire 't ft 9t1l 0' ?U.lO ftf~: ~1I.n~. ,,,,,,tnt to Ulo (ur" H 10· •• 'S~" t, Sal." , .. ~ ;0 Cit':". •. r~U£ ~HjT M atGIHlflliG. . e:XHn~[T fe" Of"rT" a: ~. ACQUI.mo~: . ; .... l~. I I . : . .N9~ .. 483810 oj' IA .:' , ," ~ ~ ..;.;,;.:,:,:, ~ ~ .. ,. .. ., -h " .'F~-. , ~ .~ 1~" Se1' ~'401' 'W Otf..~' A'-4-''It?~· F-,.~~I t..-114-.4aII' I • 5' \ . NCJ 463310 \ ...... Lo-r H RHO.AGUA HEDJOND}.\ lYJ)·\P NO 823 APN &11-0.1-'. all ·Oll ." I WHEN RECORDED. PlEASE K4IL \;I nilS INSTlILI'I£NT TO: ~ CITY CLERK C I n OF CMLSBAD IZoo ELIC AVENUE CARLSBAD. CA 9Z008 NO TRANSFER TAl DUE Ass.sso~'s p,~c.1 No. ZII-021·19 EAS£'€NT ORAl NAG[ SPACE AIOYE Fa. .ECa.OER'S USE ~~. p~J.ct ____ _ CARLTAS C~"ANY. , C,llfornh Lh,'U<I P'~tn,rshfp. h,r.ln,ft,r <lesfgn,U<I G~.nto~(s) dol's) her.by gr.nt. b,rg,fn, ~ony.y ,nd r.l"s. unto CITY OF CARLSIAD • • • unlC'p,1 corpo~ltlon of th. Stlt. of C,lffornl" h,r.fn desfgnlted Grlnt ... fts suce.sso~s ,nd ISS I 9ns. , jarpetu,I euf!ltnt ,nd rfght-of ... IY upon. th~ugh. und.r. over 'nd ,cross thl he~.ln,ftlr dlscrlbed rl,l property for til. I nsul ht Ion. construct fan, .. fntln,ne., rep,f ro, r.pl,e ... "t. rteOllstruetfoll ",d Insp,etlon of ,n ,ncl05.d or unlnclos.d floOd DRAINAGE cll,nn,l ,nd ,II structurlS 'nc,denul ther.to. ,nd for thl flow,g. of ,ny w,ters fn, oVlr, upon or th~u9h uld ch,nn.I, toglti1e~ with thl perpetu,l right to r.-o., buflClfll9S, structurtS, t~ees. bush.s. und.rg~wth. ,nd ,ny other obstruction Intlrflrfn, wfth tile use of s,'d e,steent ,nd rf9ftt-of-w.y by the G~,ntl'. tts sucCISSOrs or .sstgns. To h,v, ,nd to ~old s,ld I,s.-tnt ,nd rl,ht-of-w,y unto ItSllf ,nd unto fts succlssors ,n~ uSlgns fo~eYI~ with thl right to convey Slid us_nt, or Iny po~tlon of Slid e.s~nt. to othlr public 'g,nct.s. • If • substituted dr,ln,,. f,cllltyell') Is/.rt constrvettd on tilt rt.l property ~eft~~td to h.rtln, but .t , dlfflrlnt loc,tfon(s), til, &aANTEE "rl'S to oultcl, •• the I".-tnt ,nd rfght.of ... ,y gr,nted htrlfn wh,n no lonttr requIred, on condition th,t • p.r..ntnt I., ... nt(s) .nd rf,ht-of ... y ~f~td for s,ld substltut. dr,fn,,. facllfty(fts) 15 gr,nttd to tilt GR.UTEE, IIIIfcll In \tie sol' <llscr.t lOtI Of til. Cny OF WLSIAD wi 11 P~yt4t ." ... hll,nt NS8MtIt(l) ,nd f.Clllty( Its) for dr,ln,,. as th,t cOtlnyld IIlrttn. ~ J Til. rtll p~plrt, r,f,rr,. U IItrtln'btYl ,ltd .. CI. IIIIIJect U I,f ... .-c ,ltd r'9"t.of.w.y b, "," gr'ft' II slhaUeI III tilt Cfty of Carlabe., CMtItI .f $t .. 01190. St.t. 01 C,llfornl,. ,/lei fl partlcularl, dt'Cr1~ II follows: ~e tile ,ttae,," Itt,l dtscrf~tfOll dtslgft.ttd E.llfblt -A-, COWSfltl", of 3 I~tl, .~d til' .tt,c,," AcqvllftfOft 'I,tl, 6tlfgftlttd Exhlbft -'-, coftllstf"l of , sheets, I,ell .ad, • Plrt h,rlOf by rlfer,nc,. COtlSUfTHCi fHCilHfBlJ JdJ,....,., CNI04IOi'4 sm_ W4 c.OQ ~ 92122 .... aGIID (\POI1 f'OUHfNf' & ASIOClaS N: . ...-..-~-.... ~ • -··------·--f EJMlalT 'I' I i t \ , I I Tne Gr.nte~ sl'l.11 n .. t tl'l, rlqllt t" f,ntt .11 or .ny pOl'tton of s.Id tlS'.ht nerelll conveyed witnln wIllcll tllere IS Insulled or constructed .n unenclosed flood dr'ln'ge cll,Mel' Tile Gr.ntee, tt successon Ind ~5St9ns, sh,ll oe rtsponslbl. fJr OPfl'.tlng, .'lntllning, Inc IffPlng In good rep,tl' tn •• bo~. dtscrtbfd WOl'ts of Improvement. Tile Gr.ntor, I'IIS successors Ind Isslgns, reserves the right to .nclost In , .. nn.r IPproved by t~e Grlntee. Its successors Ind Isslgns. 'ny portion of ,n untnclos.d flood dr,ln,ge cll.nnel provided sucll enclosure IS constructed or Instilled by • licensed contr.ctor In .ccord,ne. wltll pl,ns Ind sPtClflc'tlon, .pproved by ,nd :0 tile Sltlsflctlon of tl'l. Grant .. , Its suee.ssol's ,nd ,sstgns. In 91'.ntlng Its ,p"roYlI, tl'l' Gr.nt .. , 1 ts lucCtssor, .nd 11119n', •• y 1l1li0.. r .. son.1I It conditIons, Includln9, but not 11.lte~ to. tile filing by til. contr.etor or Grlntor of .n .dtqu.tt perfOMaince bond to qu,rlntet co.pletton of the wort. Tl'lere t s reserv'd to the GI'.ntol', Ills successors ,nd us f gns. tht right .nd prt.llege to use tl'le .bov, descrlb,d l.nd of thl Gr.ntol' .t ,ny tl .. , In .n, ~'nntr ,nd for 'ny purpose not tnconslstent wltll tht full USI ,nd ,njoy.tnt by tilt Gr~nt't, Its succ.ssors ,nd .sslgns, Of tn, rights .nd prlvlll,.s hl,..11'I gr.nttd. Elecuted tilts _..;! ... ~.;.;th~_ d'y of JUf'l(" • 1988. rARI.Tt\~ CCIMnicY • California Lialted PtrfnQr.hlp STATE or CALlrORHIA ••• COUlfTY or SA.'i OlfT,Q On Junr 24. 19fIH , before .. , the undenlqnN, a Hotary Public in and tor .aid state, penonally appeared. __ _ !,!Iul E£1lc:, Jr. penonaUy known to .. (or proved to .. Oft eM baa1. of .a~1.flctory evidence) to be the penon ~t executed tbe within inatZ'1mtlnt a. Gc:m:ral pertne~(.), on bebalt of Clrlty ',..,01' • C,11Cgrpi. Llm110cl PartlFrF'P, tb. partneZ'em therein NIIIed .... loMovledpd to .. that tbe put:MnIU, •• ecNtM it. WITIIII ay band and off1c1al ... 1. .19Mture ~u.,.. e .~cJi) / \ .cl ,., C'ONSUIr..o fHCiHIIS ~4~ MtM" CNI'fON ICC SU112» SAN Of'GQ CA 92IZJ .., A-fJIIO (l1ClI1 rotHfNfr & ADOCIoft1 JC --_ ..• ------ I , -,_. . -cPt cPt '" • e· z I ~I ~i ! I "I I I ", J l I ""' Grlntt, shill hlv, th' right to 'e~ce all or Iny portion of Sltd US.lllfnt ~er,'n conveyed wlthtn whtch there IS lnS~llled or constryct,d In unenclos.d flood _r,lnI9' ch,n,,1. Th. Grlntfe. It suc=~ssors .nd ISSt9ftS, sh,ll 0. r.sponslbl. 'or oper.tt~g ... tnt.inlng. ,nd k.eptng In good rep,tr the .bove d,scrib.d works of U~rov_nt. Th. Gr,ntor, hts 5YCCelSOrl .nd "SI9"" r".ry,S th, right to .nclol. In • ~nn.r 'PprOv,d oy th, Gr.nte., tts successors ,nd 'SS19ns. Iny portion of '" une"~los.d flood dr'ln'ge ch,nn.l provld'd such enclosure Is constl"1lcted 01 Inst.lled b) • Ilc.nsed contr.etor tn ,:cordlnc. wtth plans Ind Spfelfle,tlons IpprOytd by Ind to th. uttshetlon of the Gr,ntu, Its successors Ind I5St9nS. In 9r1ntlng Its .pprov.l. the Grlntff. It, successors Ind Isslgns, .. y I~OS' r"so~'bl. condltlO~S, I~clyding, b~t not 11.lt.d to. th, filing by thl eontrletor or Grlntor of ,n ,d,qy,te perfo~nc, bond to gu,r,nt., coapl.tlon of the wort. Tn,r, Is r.strvtd to the Grlntor. his sYc:e,uors ,net us I gnl, th, rl911t ':'Iel prhlle9' to IISI th' 'Oov, descrlO'd hnd of UI, &rlntor .t 'ny t filii , In .ny ~Inner Ind for 'ny purpos, not Inconslst,nt with th, full us. Ind ~"Jo,..n~ by th- Grlnt", Its sucelssors ,nd ,ssl,"s, of the rIghts .nd privIleges htr,ln gr,nt.J. !(fcuted this __ :_~_rl_1 _ d.y of , STAT[ CW (.11 tr ... nlA Coynty o( '.n nl~~' Iss. ) 'U!'Ir • 1988. CARLr AS COMPl:'NY .,CAllfornla 1.l.lt~ ~.\ri'n .. r.hl? I 011 ' .. n .. :~ , 19~' before _, the unet,rsl~. I lIoury PublIc In ,nd for uld COlmty .nd St.tt, pirson.lly 'PPflrtd ____________ _ Paul frk~~!~J~r~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p,rson,lly ,nown to .. (or proved to .. on the b.sls 0' ,.tls'.ctory .vld,nc.) to .~ til, p,,.sonsCs) "",ost III .. (S) IS/Ire subscribed to thl .Ithln Instr ... nt .nd tcknowl'd9td to _ tllit h'/'"1/tlte, IlfewUd tilt , ... ~t"'SS ~ II,nd ,nd offlcl.1 sl.l. --__ lGI1a ----_. ---............ , .. "IS is to certl'1 tll.t tft. I"t.~st I~ 1',,1 propertl COftYeyed bl tlte fO~90ln9 .. snent to t ... City 0' C,rlsNd, • .,nICIPlI cOrpol'ltlOft I, 11 • ...01 ICCtllttd by ~, CIty Coun;11 of 'ltd Cltl Of C,rlSb.d. C,llfomll pvrsulnt to •• solutlon til. U-.J.tI~a_ttd 0/1 ~!I'.f~ /w . alld til. "'lntH constllts to .. r;or'iiT'iiil t ....... , ., It. Ii i ,,,£Ii ru o"iClI'. litH 7.Cg.'''' 11 ALtYf4l:"bu~Jt;fflk .. " ......... ~ . EXHIIIT 'II .......... "'Ofl.". =. ' :7.\ CON5U('HG rHOlHffll 44.5.5 MIJIIIItff CNtl'tOH DA am., WI DrGQ CA f'21ZJ . ""' .... <'KIt' f04JH1Hl'f' 4SICQC He -_ ..... -. ~ ;: .... ,01" ....... • EUiJIIT ••• ~£UA~ DESCRIPTION Assesso~s Plrcel MD. ZI1-Ol1-1' All th.t po~tlon ?, Lot 'H' of th, ~'ftCno Agu. Ht4llftd. 'CCO~dl", to ... tn,~of No. 123 ,tl .. t" tn, of'I:, Of th. Count, •• co~,~ of Seft Di.to eount~ lIoY~r 16. 1896. In the City of C.rISb.d, Count, of Sen Dlf90, St.t, of C.ltfornll, ~I". ftOr. Plrtlcullrly d.scrlb.d I' follOW1: S.,I"nln. It , point on th. northerly rlght-ofow" of .o.d Surv.y No. 1534 ~~ fll. I" tn, o'fici of th. County Su~y,yor of slfd County. k"own IS Plloa.r Afrport Ro.d. It En,l"ftr's Stltlon '3+'6.'1 '.C.; thlnel .l~, slfd nOrth,rl, rlght·ofow.y. II 87"'9'31' II (IC 81'SO'ZI' V per Slfd R.S. ISlel. 37.31 fftt to thl TRUE 'OINT OF IEGINWING'A': thlnCt IIIYf., s.fd north,rl, r'9ftt-of ... " " '"'7"6' E, &2.62 fftt; th,nce II 8S'12'1" V. 20.00': thlftCl S 1°47'4'" II, 3Zo'8 fftt to s.fd "Orth,rly ~I,ht-ofow.y; th,"ce .lon, s.ld north,rly rI9ht-of-.,y, S 87"'9'31' E, 20.00 fut to lh:TR\JE POIlIT OF BEGlN"ING "A". St,ln"'", It • pOfnt on th. "Orth'l'l, rlfllt-of ... , of a .. 4 $v,..,.., ... 1534 fll~ In tfte of'lc. of th, Count, SuJ'Ytyor of •• 14 Cleftt" tnown .s ,.I ... r ~lrpOrt Ro.d. s.ld ~Int bttn, .t £n,lne.r's St.tl .. 43 .... 41. I.C •• s shOWft on s.ld ~,S. 153 •• S.td st.tton btin, .t t~ Iftd 0' • CyrYt, COftClY! north.rly ,nd ~ytn9 • r.dlus 0' l,tsO.oo f,.t: theRe ••• ster!, .tORt Slid ~I, rl,IIt-of_l .1Id Slfd ClI"' throw", • c.-trll • ..,1 •• , 7-z1'U· I!tI .re IlIIft" 0' 254.37 'Ht to tn. TlW 'OIIIT OF 1E61_1I. '":~ 1...,1., Sif4 CUI"f'I • !3""00" V, '3.23 'tit: th.nc. II ""1"00" E, 20.00 flit: thtftCl S 13""'00" £. ".0' f •• l to th. ftO~th.rl, rl"".., ... , of ,.Id ..., SuJ'¥l1 Olil/s. 26'-01-1(.)347.75 -d • "0 I ~O. 153': SlId pOInt ~ln9 on • non-tangtnt curve, conC ••• northtrly Ind ~ •• 'ng • r'dluS 0' 1,950.00 feet, I r.dl.l lIne to S.id point b •• rs S :5.53')4° £; :~enct "s:erly .lon9 s.id curvt th~9h • ct"tr.l '"gl, of 0·35'37· .rt It''9tn of 20.20 fttt to tile nIlE I'OlIn' OF IEGI""IIIG .ao. ~og'th.r wIth the followin9 o.scribed portion of Slid Lot 0Ho: a,gi"",n9 It • point on th, north'rly rigftt-of .. ,y of Slid Road SUrvfy 110, 1534 Oft fil. in the office of th, County Sur.eyor of Slid County. known .s p.lan.r Airport Ro.d •• t Engl".er's St.tlon 51+78,49 Ahd., E.C •• Slid pol~t b~'ng .t the tnd of • cur.t. conc •• e north.rly. Ind hl.fng • r.dlus of 1.950,00 fett •• rldl.l lin, to s.ld pOint bt." S 19·13'07" E; tht"Ct w,.t.rly .10"9 s.ld north,rl, rlght-of-w., .nd s.ld cur ••• through. ct"tr.1 .ng:e of I°S6'Z7" on .rt length of 56.05 ffet to the TRUE POI"T OF aE6:~"I~ ·C·; thlftCt 1 •• yf"9 Slid cur ••• " 21"DC'00" E. ]5.6Z f.et; th.nCt H 69·00'00· V. ZO.OO fe.t; thence S ZI"oo'oo· V, 91.19 feet to the north.r,y right-of .. " of s.ld Ro.d Surv.y 110. 1534. Slid pefnt btlng on • cur ... conc.ve northtrly .nd h •• lng • r.dlus of 1,950.00 f •• t. I rldlll lint to Slid point be.rs S 16"31'59· E; th,nc, .Ist.rly IIon9 Slid cur •• throu9h I c.ntr.1 '"9Ie of 0·""1" .n .rc I,ngth of Z5.35 ftet t~ ~he TRUE I'OIXT OF IE'INNI __ ~09.th,r wlt~ :he followln, described portion of ~.Id Lot "H": 8.ginnl"9 .t • point on the north,rly rlfht-of ... y of load Suryty No. 1534 on fll. In the office of th, County Surveyor of s.fd County, knOWft .s 'ilo-er Alr~ort Ro.d. It Engfnttr's St.tlon 51.7,." Ah4., E.C.; th.net .1Oft, s.ld "0~th.rl1 right-of ... y N 70-,,'53" I (N 70".5'53" I ,.r •• f ••• 5. 1534), ZIZ.Sl ".t to tht ~Rut ~INT or "'INWING °0°: th.nc. I •• yln, •• Id "'~h.rll rtg~t-of ... y, N ZO"16"S" w. 67.59 f •• t; tft.nCI N 6'-'3'15" I, 20.00 fttt, ~~enCf S 20°16"5" E, 67." 'ttt to s.ld nortfttrly r!1~''''y; tfttftCI .Ian, 1.Id "o~t~.rly rlght-of ... y, S ]0°,,'53° ~. 20.00 fttt to tft. TRUE ~Irr or OLW/st 168-01-1 (w)347.75 AI2EA TO H ACOUUtEP SHOW., ~ r."',1ff1 ft'· UQ, U. ~ • • l I· t ~ l !·9'~nl/l9 .t • ~O'"t on the nortnert, r'ght·of ...... y of Ro.d SUI'yey '10. 1534 on ~Itf In t~t offle, of :ftt County SUI'ytyol' of s.ld COUftty. known .s '.Ia..I' 'IrOOI"t .O.d. It E/l9In.,1'" Stltlon 43·.' .• 1. I.C.; UltnCt lIon, Slid ~ol't~!l'ly 1'1'IIt·of .... y " '7°,,'31" 11 (II '7°50'Zlo 1/ Ptl' s.ld R.S. 1534). '11.16 fttt to tn, TRUE POINT OF !EGINNING 't'; th,nee l,.vln, s.ld nol"thtrly r1gM·of ••• y. N Is030'OO' E. 92.37 (ttt; th.nct H 71'30'00' Ii. 20.00 fttt; th,nct S ls030'OO' w. 98.'0 feet to Sild northtrly rlgllt .... y; thtne, .lon9 Sild northtrly rlgllt·of ... 'y. S 87"H'31' E. 20.8' fttt to t~. TRUE PO/liT ~ 9£G!'IIIIIIG '~'. i~'t~~el' wltft .tth rollo.ln, dtscrlbed pOl"tlon of ,.Id Lot 'H': 9!G/NNING .t , point on t~. t.sterly lint of s.ld Lot 'Ho .t Its Inttl'Stetlon w1t~ tht nortlltrl, l'i9I1t·of ••• y of Ro.d Survty No. IS3e Oft fll. In the offlet of :~t County 5ul'ytyol' of s.ld County. kno. .s '.10111' AfrPOrt Ro.d; th.ne • • :o~~ s.ld "ol'!~frly r'gllt·of ... y S 70""53' Ii (S 70'45'53" Ii ptl' s.ld Ro.~ Sur'/ty 153'), 15.17 'ttt; tlltne, luvtn, Slid northtrly rl'lIt.of .... y. , :9°30'03' e. 43.01 fttt to tilt t.sttrly lInt of Ilfd Lot 'H'; tll.net .10n, '.'d •• 't'l'ly ltn,. S 0'03'IS' 1/ (5 O'CZ'OZ' 1/ Pt .. s.fd ~o.d SVI'Y'7 1534), J5.55 fttt to tftt ~olnt of !EG/NNING. • Co J :t:l O~.ilSt 264·C1-1(.1347.75 ' •• 3.~3 --- f r: --} , ... ''"''t -, f' ~- I. ,/'-~ I LOT H }U-b AGUA HEDIONDA NJAP NO, 823 N"'N ZII-021-Iq /-IN' t.k:l ~ '"""'an."f LINE,!£I" 'H' ~ ~ H;()A Hel'\O~ I .... 0 -r~ _-.,_ ~ -•• f/f:\: ;~l;,~ ~~.". SCfo?/ I&"W !S,,", (""'0"02'02."£ "Eft U. I~·'!.J) • . ~ - . \ :~ I ... • , • t f ~ I ,"-40' POH LOT H RHO }-\GU}-\ HED10NDA ~/J}-\ P NO. 823 Al'EA TO N~ "tOWN f2:d .. , ~.~rll -'1 D,~~. :~ .! , f, t f ! I ",401 POR LOT H HHO AGUA HEDJC\lOA --It~JI -*'t-t"~~ -;.ntrowe-f f ~.'!o. I~ I I \ --~I-+f---------------------, MAP NO. 823 APN 211-021-'" FDH LOT H F~HO AGUA HEDJONDA Nt.A· OO'oo"w 2D.DO' JvJAP NO. 8?3 A-,''3w' Z7" / 11 .. 1,C:j'!>O.OO' L· "-". O!>. )l·\.-{ft ~.- I AilE" TO _ ACQUIREP StfOWIoI E2ZJ I~~nt.~~. PDF< LOT H F<HO • AGUA HEDJO'IDA JVl)'\P NO 823 f , •••• t l .. to:. r ~ , ~~ ----.... • e \ o· Z L_ .. _._ t t ! r , • I V I i i , t I-I ' ~ S· POF~ wr H F~ HO ;.\GU,.L\ HEDJOND).\ J\/I.AP J"lo. 823 t-PN 2,1/-021 -19 t..:lU TO OE ~I~O ~LJOW).I EZa 1.~.4trt'· ~.OI". ~IHGINfIS 4415 MlMft' CAH'ICH JOIIA"'_ SAHCIfOQ CA mD ,....~ '"' ~ til cti a: \tlr ~&,l .i~ '!-c -.. ",3 'It, r..; C):z 2~ """ rocJHfNf"~ Ie ... -----el.jGIIoIE!.I.t$ 5Tl>11Q1.,1 <4-~·44"" O.c fCIU:t ~Cl&\O SURVE. V f.4O I~ D 8 ~ bOt afQUDT fI nlST AM[lICNi lIIU ~ ;COIU>lNG IlE~I"'<;TEU Di' ArlU RETURN TO: STATE or CAL 'C N IA CAI.IfORNIA Cu/\:;TAL COMMISSION /tJ. D1F':0 AREA OHIGE 1333 CAlIWO DEL RIO SOUll1, SUITEol25 1 SA!l DU:GO, CA 92100-3520 2 Ci-n).~o)-\S 88-22010~ r:m,ECORDED INP.il OFfICIAL RECORDS Of SAIl DIEGO COUNTY. CA. 1988MAYll AM8:00 :s • DEED RESTRICTION I y~J\ L lYLE_ I L.,E0UNll' RECOROE~ I. WIIEREAS , _Gu:11Rs CompanY, 1\ Cullfo,'nla "lnllied 51 _______________________ ~lw);~lr~tl~lc~I'~Sllh~l~p ______________________________ __ 6 hereinafter referred to as OWner(s), ia the record OWIlIlI: of the 7 fol10winq real property: 6 9 10 Sec Exhibit "II" 11 hereinafter reCerred to as the sUbject proporty: and 12 11. WIIEREAS, the California Coastal commission ill I 13 actinq on behalf of the People ot the State of California: and 11\ I III. WIIEHEAS, the subject property is located within the 10 cOilstal zone as defined in Section 30103 of the California Public 16 Resources Code (hereinafter reCerrod to as the Calilornia Coastal 17 Act): and 16 IV. WlIEIIEJ\S, pursuant to the California Coastal Act of l"a ,°1 101 .. (lflV"\ 0;1"11 "ll('Il~y.l'lrl I fl.'fU I a ('o,ouo,onl I'in ("(':\"\ t a,.") 19 1976, IhltXt'\lJl.'(!:C applied to the Ca [ornla coasta COlUm sslon for a 20 coastal devp.loplUent pecmit for the development on the SUbject alx,vl' and 21 prop.Hty <lesccibed~~.x.w.fI(:x>m).<l< in Exhibit "A" anti owned b~' Own!'r. 22 V. WHEREAS, coastal dovelopment permit No • ..!i-tl7-GBB 23 was 9ranted on ~h!,\I"ry 23, 19B8 by the California 24 COlltll commilsion in accordance with the provision of the Staff 25 Recommendation and findinq" attached hereto as Exhibit "C" Ind 26 herein incorporated by reterence: .nd 27 I ,:.2.7 ! ° I i~ ~ , .... -2- 1 VI. WU!REAS. coisUl devaloplllent permit No. -G.-87-Ga8 2 was subject to the terl1ls and condition's including' but not lhited l 3 to the following conditions: ~grlc,!!.llIra.t lJcoed Ilestrlctlon. Prior to the IRRII:HK'e or Ihe coaslal dcvelofX(I'nt IJClmit, the applicant shall rceonl a deed rCRtl'lclion against e tlJ(! ad,lac£'nt agriGlI1turally'deslgnated 345 acr£'s of tim ('a 1'1 las PI'OIX'l'ty. as Indicated on IIttaehed Exhibit 13. 11m dC!Cd reRtrl<:t1on shall Indicate that the 8 :1-15 acr£'s Is dl'slr.naled for coni Inued agricultural IIRn Illull'r Ihe C£,I't I fll'd ('arlsh:,,1 I<~'al ('oaslal PI'<>grarn Mello 11 Rcgrront and thllt IIny liRe olhC'I' than 111"<;(' 7 pctmlUNI pursuant to lhn eertlrled ['ep on Ruch agl'lcultlll'al IlImlR shall In Itscll requll'e approvlIl of an IIl1y·ndn ... nt to the ["xal Coaslal PI'ORl'arn, 'Ill" fonll and 8 ronif-llt of Ihe 111'(''' I'estrlctlon Rhall he subject to review ami wrl t .en appl'oval of tha EXI'Culive Director, II 10 11 12 13 14 111 16 17 1B VII. WIIEREAS. the Commission found that but for the 19 i~p~sition oC the above conditions the prop~scd develo~ment could 20 not be found consistent with the provisions of the California 21 Coaatal Act ot 1976 and that a perl1lit could theretore not have 22 beln gu.1ted: and 23 VIII. WIIEREAS. it 11 intended that this Deed Restriction 24 is irrevocable and ehal1 conltitute enforceable reotrictions: and 25 IX. WIIERP:AS. Own~r hal elected to cOlllply with the 2& conditions illlpoued by reclllit No. 6-!:!7-G88 , __ so a8 to enable 27 OWner to undertake the devllopl1lerlt authorized by the pvr_it. -3- 1 NOW, THEREFORE, In'conaidecatlon of the QrantinQ of Permit 2 No. 6-8i-688 to the Owner by the California Coastal Co 111111 is s ion, 3 the Owner heceby ircevocably covenants with the California Coastal " Co_hi ion that there be and hereby is created the followinq 5 celtrlctiono on tho use and enjoyment of said subject property, to 6 be attached to and become a part ,of the deed to the property. The 7 undttslQned Owner, for hl.self/hecsel[ and for hia/hor heirs, a a88iQII~, alld successors in interest, covenants and agrees that: 9 lU 11 12 13 H 16 1& 17 18 ID 20 21 22 24 nn 27 The property described in attached Exhibit "B" which is attached and incorporated here by reference, is designated for agricul tural use pursuant to the Local Coastal Program for the City of Carlsbnd (LCP) certified by the california Coastal Commission. The LCP does not permit the use of said pnrcel for any purpose other than uses permitted pursuant to the Williamson I\ct and LCP until there has been a determination that ~gricultural use is no longer viable on the property or the LCP is amended -each of which requires Coastal Commission approval. Tho purpose of this declaration is to give notice of these clrcumstnnces to any prospective purchaser of the property and to forestall any later plp~ of hardship by any such purchaser that the property was acquired without notice of the restrictions on use. This declaration is intended to give notice only and is not intended to itself operate to restrict the property in any way. If any provision of these restrictions i8 held to be Invalid or fot allY reason becomOB unenfocceable, no other provision shall be thereby arCocted or i~palcod. I I " .. " . '~" .~-~ -. .', ~ : ,.- f : .. - , . ~ *".: 1 ,f,. ' .. -.. - Sald d.ed reatrlctlo~ ahall reaaln in full force and effect a durinq the period that said perMit. o~ any aodification or 3 a •• nda.nt th.reof. re.ains .ffective. and during the period that .. the d.v_Iop.ent authorized by lald perait or any modlfication of B lald d.v.lopment. reaalnl in exlltence ln or upon any part of. and 8 th.r.by conferl benefit upon. th~ lubJect property described '1 h.r.ln. and to that extent. said deed restriction is hereby deeaed 8 and agreod by Owner to be a covenant running with th~ land. and e ahall blnd OWner and all hl./her a.signs or .uccessors in interelt 10 11 OWn.r agree. to record this Deed Restriction in the 12 R'corder's office for the County of __ ... S.uaun ....... p .... luc~Il .. ()'-______ al 13 aoon .. poulble after the date of execution. ,14 1& 11 1'1 18 U 20 21 22 23 a .. 2!1 2. a7 DATl':D: CARI.TAS COMPANY. a California Limited SlGNEO:~!~ly~·~~~~~aL~~~uu.~~ ____ _ o Sl~O:~{~'-~;~) __ ?/~/ ____ ~)~ ____ ~t~J~i~/ ____ I Xa:NT ~~YPE/ NAHe/~f' ~,J (NOTARY ACKNOHLl':OGHENT ON NEXT PAGE) ,.,~, ..... ~, .... .i!\t<., ........ __ t' ........ " 0' -5- 1 OTE TO NOTARY PUBLIC: I~ you are notarizing the signatures of 2 peraona aigning on behalf of a corporation. partnership. trust. 3 etc., pl •••• use the correct notary jurat (acknowledgment) as 4 expl.ined in your Notary Public Law Book. D 8 St.te of Californi •• County ot ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ________ __ ~/.J ~ /l /J t1 • Sl ~7 day of ~ • in -----?;t;h~. 1Ial<~~L-..lI~"""""~~~:::"--' a 7 n this the 8 yur life • befoee me 9 Nouey Public. personally appeared Christopher C. CalklLfL ____ _ 10 perlonally known to me (or proved to ~e on the basis of 11 satilfactoey evidence) to be the person' .who execuled lhp within 12 In8trum~nt aR Mannger of tho Limited Partnership nnnwd thereon and .' 13 Ilckr\()wl~dR("l to me that 'tlw Limited l'al·tnel·Rhll> eXOl!ut(·" It. 14 lD 16 17 ~~¥.-:£~~~ No'f.YPtHH;fc IN /\tID 11'01< SA I D COUNTY AND STAT! 18 State of California. County of ____________________ ___ II 19 on this day of _____________________ , in the 20 year ______ , before me ___________________________ , a 21 Notary Public. personally appeared 22 personally known to mo (or proved to me on the basis of ~3 watlltactory evidenco) to be the poeson whose name Is Bubscribed 24 to thil inltrument, and acknowledged that he/lhe executed it. 28 21 NOTARY PUBLIC IN Aiipj.·OR SAID COUNTY AND STAT! ---------_ .... _------- i_~~...c;."~I.~~~~~1Q~~~~!~~~ ..... ---.... -----::_-: """., ... -"' ...... , • -6- 1 This Is to certify t~at ths deed restriction set forth above 2 i. hereby acknowfedqed by the undersiqned officer on behalf o~ the 3 California Coastal Commission pursuant to authority conferred by 4 the California Coastal Commission When it qranted Coastal ~ .13;/9Sf G and the California Coastal Commission consents to [ecor,lation 5 Development Permit No.~v,-j?~1_-~tL?~~~ ___ on 7 thereof by ita duly authorized oftieer. 8 Dated: 5/2/'0 9 10 ~~(;k , --L.::~~-• .l..l..U-'r/rl-;;;Z;:d[)j~jK~ 11 12 STATI': or ~!.HC!..rnla ) )Sll 13 COUNTY Of' Snn 1,_l!_P-'-I!'--O _______ J California Coastal Colnmission 14 On ~ 5~-It; }f'~ ___ . before me~!Je un1JU..~19n~gl,--__ 15 Not ar y rub 11 e. per son a 11 y a" pea red, __ ::::.1Jt--"-1.:.",.:..('r...:-=a=--t.'---'-'-!:..:e=----:~=__ 16 reraonally known to me to be (or proicd to mo on the baols of 17 oatlsCactory evidence) to bo the person Who executed thio 18 Inurument as the //,",>r;/. /)~l 4)~<.,f-c.y and authorized 19 representative of the California Coastal Commission and 20 acknowled~ed to me that the California Coastal Commission exec~ted 21 It. 23 24 25 28 27 ,. .' ( _ ... 1<:.-,-.. * ~! .:" ~'" " -to, 1 It I .:~ . c .. ~. ~ to' ~.. " ORDER NO. 937263-15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE UNO REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED III THE STATE OF C .... LIFORNIA, COUllTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: TH .... T PORTION OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP NO. 823, FILED IN THE ornCE OF TilE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLL~WS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF LOT "H" OF SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WITH THE CENTER LINE OF THE 100.00 FOOT JUGIIT OF WAY GRANTED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY DEED RECORDED I<UGUST 30, 1935 IN BOOK 432, PAGE 60 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BY DOCUl'tENT 110. 46278 IN A PORTION OF SAID NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF LOT "H" BEARING S,:>UTH 78'03' EAST 1149.32 FEET (RECORD 1148.08) AND NORTH 72'21'30" EAST 2036.33 FEET (RECORD NORTH 72'24' EAST 2036.30 FEET) FROM CORIIER 110. 1 OF S}l.ID RANCHO:> AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO LICENSED SURVEY MAP '10. 173 FILED IN TilE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DECEMBER 16, 1913; THEIlCE SOUTHE}l.STERLY ALONG SAl D CENTER LINE OF RIGHT or W}l.Y 6664.92 FEET TO ElfGINEER'S STATION 334 PLUS '19.00 AS SHOWN ON THE ~~P or SAID 100.00 rOOT HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY OF ROAD XI- 5')-7-B ON FILE III THE OFFICE or THE DISTRICT STATE HIGHWAY E' GINEER, S .... IO ENGINEER'S STATION 334 PLUS 79.00 BEING IN THAT COURSE OF SAID CrtlTER LItlE or RIGliT OF WAY HAVING A BEARING or SOUTH 30'38'50" EAST ( .... CCORDING TO SAID HIGHWAY ~~P AND ACCORDING TO SAID BOOK 432, PAGE 60. THE BEARING IS RECORDED AS SOUTH 30' 43' 30" EAST): THENCE NORTH !>9'21'10" EAST 1097.36 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEY-A AND SANTA rE RAILWAY COMPANY AS SAID RIGHT OF WAY IS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED MARCH 10, 18Bl IN BOOK 38, PAGE 171 or DEEDS: THENCE ALONG SAID CENTER LIla: or RAILWAY RIGHT or WAY NORTH 2)' 06' Wr.ST 962.84 rEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID CEIITER LINE NORTH 66'!>' '10" E"ST 1770.00 FEET TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER Of' TIIAT LAND DESCRIBED IN PA~CEL 2 Of' DEED TO PAUL ECKE AND WIFE, RECORDED "PRIL 15, 1953 1<5 DOCUMElIT NO. 51682 IN BOOK 4821, PAGE 209 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BFI NG THE TRUE POINT OF BEG limING : THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY ArlO NORTHEASTERLY LINE or SAID lAND AS FOLLOWS: SOUTH 85'28'16" EAST 770.00 FEET; SOUTH 23'05'05" EAST 282.14 FEET: SOUTH 85'28'16" EAST 2802.96 rEET: MIO SOUTH 23'05'05" EAST 325.77 FtET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE or THAT PARCEL OF lAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO PAUL ECKE MID WIFE RECORDED APRIL 29, 1948 AS FILE NO. 43669 IN 800K 2778 PAGE 348 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS: THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 80' 4) '25" EAST TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THAT LAIIO DESCRI BED IN DEED TO SMI oItGO COUNTY WATER COMPAIlY RECORDED JUNE 17, PAGE 21 ~»llnlT """ .. -- .. .... • • // ~ = ~ I = N N o· :z: ." I ~ . .--" ~ J J . A~ll"/( ~ /.... ,. , ,'t / ... ORDER NO. 937263-15 1940 1I.S FILE NO. 28815 IN BOOK 1035, PAGE 3()1 OF OFfICIAL FtECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINF. SOUTH 0'32' EAST 4855.00 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF SOUTH 89'59' WEST TO A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTH 23'05'05" EAST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID l.INE BEING THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 OF ECKE LAUD ABOVE DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 23'05'05" WEST ALONG SAID PROLONGATION AIlD SAID WESTERLY LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINlIING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM TH1,T PORTION LYING WITHIN PARCELS 1 AlID 2 OF PARCEL l"J\P NO. 11284, IN TilE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, fILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAtI DIEGO COUNTY,' MAY 11, 1981 AS FILE NO. 81-145557 OF OFfICIAL RECORDS. }'LSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING SOUTHERLY OF TilE NORTIIERl,Y BOUNDARY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AS DESCRIBED III DEED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBI\D, FILED HI THE OFFICE OF TilE COUNTY RECORDER or SAil DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 7, 1959 IN BOOK 8030, PAGE 216 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. }'LSO E:<CEPTIIIG THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE; BEGINNIIIG }'T THE IIITERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY BOUNDI\RY OF LOr "H" OF SAle RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WITH THE CENTER LIIIE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY GRANTED TO THE STATE Of' CALIFORNIA BY DEED RECORDED AllGUST 30, 19:'5 III BOOK 432, PAGE 60 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BY DOCUMENT NI~. 46278, III A PORTION OF SAID NORTHERLY BOUllDhRY OF LOT "H" BF.ARIIIG SOUTH 78'03' EAST 1149.32 FEE1 (RECORD 1148.08 FEET) AND NORTH 72'21'30" EAST 2036.33 F!:ET (RECORD NORTH 72'24' EAST 20J6.JO FEET) FROM CORNEP. tw. (1) OF SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIOllDh, ACCORDING TO LICENSED SURVEY YoM' NO. 173, FI LED IN THE orn CE OF THE COUllTY RECORDER OF Sl,1I DI EGO COUllTY DECEMBER 16, 1913: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTER LIIlE OF RIGHT OF Wl,Y 6,664.92 FEET TO ElIGItlEER'S STATION 334 PLUS 79.00 A5 <;HOWN Oil TilE. MAP OF SI,ID 100 FOOT HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY OF ROhD XI-5D- 2-11 011 flU: Itl Til!: OfFICr. OF THE DISTRICT STATE HIGHWAY EHGINEE?, S'" I D Lt:G WEER I S 51 ATIOll J J4 PLUS 79.00 BEING IN THAT COURSE OF SAl [J CEllTER LIm: OF RIGHT OF W"Y HAVIIIG A BEARING OF SOUTH JO'38'50" EAST (ACCORDIIIG TO SAID HIGHWAY "''''P AIID ACCORDING TO SAID BOOK 432, PAGE 60, nu: n;:ARIIIG IS RECORDED AS SOUTH 30'43'JO" EAST): THEIlCE SOUTH !>9'21'10" WEST TO THE ORDINARY MEAN HIGH TIDE LItlE OF THE PACIFIC OCE}'11 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIllllING; THEIlCE RETRACING NORTH 59'21'10" EAST TO SAID ENGItlEER'S STATION J)4 PLUS 79.00 III SAID CtlITER LItlE OF HIGllWAY RIGHT OF WAY; THEllCE COllTINUING NORTH 59'21'10" EAST 1097,36 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE RIGHT (IF WAY OF THE }'TCHISOll TOPEKA MID SAlITA FE RAILWAY COMPAtIY AS SAID RIGHT OF W,l.Y IS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED MARCH 10, 1881 HI BOOK 38, PAGE 171 OF DEEDS; THEIlCE ALOllG SAID CENTER LINE OF RAILI-.·AY RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 23'06' WEST 962.84 FEET; THENCE LEl-VIIIG SAID CEIITER LIllI: NORTH PAGE 22 ~~~J'I ':~~·~'~~I''''''~.r,I'''''',~~t' .·~i~""~·~;""lf/ .• U~til'!'-'~art,~, !·Hh,~~~':l1t:11.QIp."i-< __ "'__ ... . . ~­.,- ORDER NO. 937263-15 66'54'10" EAST 1770 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 23'05'05" EAST 1485.87 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 80'·43'25" EAST TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LAND DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED TO SAil DIEGO COUNTY WATER COMPANY III BOOK 1035, PAGE 301 OF OffICIAL RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF TERMINUS. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT POINT 9 OF LOT "F" AS SHOWN ON SAID PARTITIOlI MAP NO. 823, SAID POINT 9 BEING A POINT IN THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY COURSE OF SAID LOT "}!" COllllECTING POINTS 13 OF LOT "G" AND POINT 8 OF LOT "F" AS SHO""l1 on SAID MAP NO. 823; THENCE NORTH 0'07'28" EAST fLOtlG THE SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY COURSE OF SAID LOT "H" 110.00 FEET TO TIlE: TRUE POINT OF 'BEGINNING: THEIICE CONTl!lUING NORTH 0'07 '28" EAST ALOlle; SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY COURSE 160.00 FEET; THENCE LEAV'ING SAID DOUNDhRY COURSE NORTH 89'52"32" WEST 120.00 FEET; THENCr: SOUTH 00'07'28" WEST 160.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 89'52'32" EAST 120.00 FEET TO TilE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTIOII OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAt! DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORUIA, ACCORDItIG TO MAP NO. 823, FII..ED It! THE OFFICE OF TIIF COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIttllItIG AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY COrulER OF CARLSBAD TRACT lie, 72-3 A::CORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7492 FILED IN THI: OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID ShU DIEGO COUIITY: THEnCE ALONG All EXISTING PROPF.RTY LINE SOUTH 22'29'22" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1,426.93 FEET TO TilE POlllT OF IIITERSECTI011 OF SAID LIIIE WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THAT PUBLIC ROAD £1..Sf.HEllT GRAIITED BY PAUL ECKE AllO I'.J\GDALENA ECKE TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BY INSTRUXDIT RECORDED III THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER or SAID SMI DIEGC! COUNTY tlOVEMI'lER )0, 1972, FILE PAGE 320457, BOOK 1972, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTIOII BEING 011 TilE ARC OF A 643 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE COIlCAVE SOUTIIl'ESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE OF SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 10'00'57" EAST: THEIICE WE~TERLY A1A)UG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LIIIE THROUGH A CEIITPJ,L ANGLE OF 4'39'15" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 52.23 rEF.T: THEtlCE COtlTIUUIlIG ALO!IG SAID LIlIE NORTH 84'38'18" WEST A DISTANCE OF' 239.30 FEET TO THE BEGItIlIING or 557 FOOT RADIUS TAIIGENT CIRCULAR CUilVE COIICAVE EASTERLY; THENCE 1l0RTHWESTERLY AND NORTIIERLY ALOIIG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88'08'18" FOR J.l1 ARC DISTANCE OF 856.B3 FEET; THENCE NORTH )'30'00" EAST A DISTr.JICE OF 196.12 FEET TO THE DEGIlIllING OF A 643 FOOT RADIUS TANGENT CIRCULAR CURVE COl/CAVE WESTERLY: THENCE 1I0RTHERLY ALOIIG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL JUIGI..E OF 25'59'22" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 291.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 22'29'22" WEST A DISTNICE OF 4.38 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID CARLSBAD TRACT 72-3; THENCE NORTH 67'30'38" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERt.Y LINE A DISTANCE OF 302.39 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE 23 / '" ·/e., .r.". 1 "., . ' .. . . ' I ORDER NO. 937263-15 PARCEL 3: ALL THAT PORTION OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIOlIDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSB.\D, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO PARTITION HAP THEREOF NO. 82J, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. NOVEI1BER 16, 1896, SITUATED WITHIN THAT PORTIOr: THEREOF DESCRIBED IN DEED TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER COMPANY, RECORDED JUliE 17, 1940 III BOOK 1035, PAGE 301 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BY DOCUMEI:T NO. 28815, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BECIIIIIING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE \<.'lIICH IS PARALLEL loll Til All 0 DISTANT 2000 FEET AT RIGHT AllGLES SOUTHERLY FROM TilE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BLOCK "V" OF PALISADES NO.2, ACCORDING TO MAP TllEREOF NO. 1803, FILED Itl THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF S"I! DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 25, 1924, TilE BEARING OF WHICH PARALLEL LINE AND ITS WESTERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF IS RECORDED AS ~lORTH 72' 25' EAST ON SAl D MAP OF PALISADES NO.2, WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF TilE RIGIIT OF WAY OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SAUTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AS SAID R I GilT OF WAY 1",5 ESTABLI SHED ON SEPTEMBER 22, 1948, SAl D POIlIT OF BEG I NNIIlG BEIIlG ALSO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF THE l.J\110 DESCR! BED III THE DEED FROH W. D. CAllIION, ET AL, TO THE 5 All DIEGO GAS AIID ELECTRIC COI·~rANY, A CORPORATION, FlECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1948, III BOOK 2')7<1. PAGE 493 OF OFFICIAL RECOHDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALO"G SAID \<.TSTERLY LItlE OF TilE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE ATCHISON. TOPEl:"]>, AllD SAIlTA rE RAILI-;AY COMPANY, A DIST,\NCE OF 2755.18 fEET; THENCE PARALLELWITII A PORTI 011 OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE JACOBSEN l.J\ND I!ERETNAFTER DESCRl BED NORTH 66' 54' 10" EAST 50 FEET TO THE CENTER LlIlE OF SAID P.AIL~AY RIGIIT OF WAY; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTER LINE SOUTH 23'06' 1:A51, 60 FEtT TO AN ANGLE POIllT IN THE SOUTHERLY BOUllDARY OF 'fHE LAIID DESCRIBED III QUIT CLAIM DEED FRO!'; PAtH. ECKE, ET UX, TO GROVER C. JACOBSEII. ET AL, RECORDED APRIL 29, 19~8, AS FILE NO. 43667 IN BOOK ~ 7 78. PAGE 341 OF Off 1 CIAL RECOHDS; THENCI: ALONG SAID SOUTIIERLY BOVI/DARY or SAID L"'ID SO DESCRIBEr), NORTH 66'5~'10" EAST, 1770 FEET TO A SEC01:D A!:GI.E POIIlT III SAID BOUI/DARY AND THE TRUE POIlIT or REGIIIllIlIG OF TilE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED SAID TRUE POIIIT or S£CIIIllI/IG SElIlG A1.50 DESIGNATED AS POINT "A" IN A DEED FROM W. D. CAm:or: TO !;'AII D1 EGO GAS AlID ELECTf{l C COMPAlIY RECORDED IN BOOK 4722, PACE 3 ~o Of OF Fl CIAL RECORDS; THEIICE FROM SAl D TRUE POIIIT OF SEGINlIING ALOIIG A PORTIOII OF THE SOUTH\o,'ESTER1.Y BOUNDARY OF TilE ABOVE DESCRIBED JACOBSEN LAND SOUTH 23'05'05" EAST 1485.87 FEET TO A THIRD AllGLE POlllT III THE BOUIlDhRY or THE ABOVE DESCRIBED JACOBSElI LAlID; THENCE 1I0PTII 80'0'25" EAST ALOIIG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE SAID JACOBSEN l.J\IID J 2 60.20 fEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY BOUIIDARY NORTH 23'05'05" WEST 10. DISThNCE OF 325.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85'28'16" WEST A DISTAIICE Of 2802.96' FEET; THEIICE NORTH 23'05'05" WEST ~ DISTAlICE OF 282.14 FEET; THEIICE tlORTH 85'28'16" WEST A DISTANCE OF 770 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THJ..T PORTIOII OF LOT H Of SAID t'.AP NO. 823 DESCRIBED AS rOLLOI-;S: PAGE 24 .. ,. I{ fr.-.'. ') r. ." ~I a ,II Ie ~ ,...... ". 1 ''\. ~: \f"'--: ORDER NO. 937263-15 COMMENCING AT THE CO~ER COMMON TO LOTS "F", "H", 1\ND "I" OF SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING To SAID MAP NO. 823; THENCE SOUTII 0'34'51" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT "F", BEING ALSO. THE WESTERLY BOLNDARY OF THE LAND. DESCRIBED IN DEED TO S1\N DIEGO GAS AIID ELECTRIC COI1PMIY, REGISTERED JUNE 16, 1953 AS TORRENS AS FILl: NO. )0674, IN TilE OFFICE Of' THE REGISTRAR OF LAND TITLES, FOR SAN DIEGO COUIITY, A DISTAIICE Of 1318.39 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'28'00" EAST, "LOIIG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE Of SAID SAlI DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COXPAIIY'S LAND, A DISTANCE OF 1865.00 FEET TO CORNER NO.8, Of' SAID LOT "F", OF I'J,p NO. 823; THENCE SOUTII 0'32'00" EAST, ALONG TilE COMMOII BOUNDARY LINE OF LOTS "F" IJID "II", BEING THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID :;AII DIEGO GAS AIID ELECTRIC COMPANY'S LAND, DESCRIBED IN BOOK 4456, p"CE 49, A DISTANCE OF 625 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORIIER OF THE LAND DESCRI BED IN QUI.TCLAIM DEED FROM PAUL ECKE, ET UX, TO GROVER C. JACOBSEIl, ET AL, RECORDED APRIL 29, 1948, AS FILE lIO. 0667, III BOOK 2778, PAGE 341 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 80'43'25" WEST, ALOtlG THE SOUTHERLY BOUIlDARY LINE OF SAID SMI DIEGO GAS M:D ELECTRIC COMFAN'{'S LAND, DESCRIBED IN BOOK 4456, P',GE 49, A DISTANCE OF 321.54 FEET TO A POINT III SAID SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND HEREIN OESCRI BED IN PkRCEL 1: TIIENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUING SOUTH 80'43'25" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAIO SAil 01E'::0 GAS AND ELECTRIC COMrANY'S LAND, A DISTANCE OF 1451.85 FE'::T TO #-11 #-NGLE POINT IN ShIO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMp1\NY'S BOUNDARY LINE: THElJeE NORTH 23'OS'O~" WEST, ALONG SAID S1\N DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPAllY'S BOUNDARY LINE, A DISTANCE Of 325.77 FEET TO AN AllGLE POWT THEREIN, SAID MIGLE POINT BEING HEREINAFTER KlIOWN NIO DESIGNATED AS POIllT "A" THENCE FROM SAID POINT "A", SOUTH 85'28'16" F."ST, A DISTMICE OF 108).64 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEHLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2000.00 FEET: THENCE EASTERLY, n..o:IG TilE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13' 48' 19" A DISTANCE OF 481.89 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIlIG. At..sO TOGETHER \-!ITII TIIl,T PORTION OF SAl;) LOT H DESCRIBED AS fOLLOWS: CO~Y.EllCllIG AT All Al:GLE POINT IN TilE BOUNDhRY LINE or SAID SAN DIEGO G.\S AriD ELr.CTRIC COMPAIIY'S LAND DESCRIBED ABOVE AS POItIT "A": THENCE FROM SAID POIlIT "A", 1I0RTH 85'28'16" WEST ALONG THE ShID BOUNDARY LIla: OF SAil DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMP1I.11Y'S LAND, A DISTANCE OF 1074.05 rEET TO A POIIIT III SAID BOUNDARY LINE, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POlllT OF BEGlllNIIIG Of TilE PARCEL of LI\1lD HEREIN OESCRIBED IN PARCEL 2: THENCE FROM ShID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF PARCEL 2, CO)ITlllUIIIG llORTH 85' 28 '16" WEST ALONG SAID S1\N DIEGO GAS 1\N0 ELECTRIC COMPAIIY'S BOUNDARY LINE, A DISTANCE of 1755.91 FEET TO AN ANGLE POlllT HI SAIO S],1I 01 EGO GAS AIID ELECTRIC COMP1I.11Y' S BOUIIDARY LINE: THENCE rORTH 23 '05 '05" WEST ALONG SAID SAN DIEGO GAS AIID ELECTRIC COMpAlIY'S 1l0Ul;OARY LIIIE, A 01 ST1I.11CE OF 216.63 FEET; THEIICE LEAVING SAID SAN DIEGO GI.S 11.110 ELECTRIC COHPAt<Y'S BOUlWARY LINE, SOUTH 79'05'50" EAST, A DISTAllCt OF 1617.28 FEET TO THE BF-GWNING OF A ThNGElIT CURVE PAGE 25 I ,. 4 "",I o -o t;'\l 4 ".t ... Ie ~ • .,. '. 1 " . ORDER NO, 931263-15 COIICAVE NORTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2000,00 FEET: THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CONTROL ANGLE OF 6'22'26", A DISTANCE OF 222,49 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLI~WS: CO~ENClllC. AT THE CORNER COMMON TO LOTS "F", "H" AIID "I" Of SAID RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO SAID MAP NO, 823: THEIICE SOUTH 0')4'51" EAST, ALOIlG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "fIt, DESCRIBED III DEED TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED IN BOOK 5055, P"GE 441 Of SAID OffICIAL RECORDS, A DISTANCE Of 1318,39 fEE',; THENCE NORTH 89' 28' 00" El,5T, ALOIlG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LIIIE Of SAID SAil DIEGO GAS MID ELECTRIC COXPANY'S LIVID, DESCRIBED IN BOOK 5055 AT PAGE 40, A DISTAllCE Of 1865,00 FEET TO CORNER NO, 8 OF SAID LOT "f" Of I'.AP 823: THI:I:CE SOUTH 0'32'00" EAST, ALONG THE COMJ-:ON BOUl/DARY LIIIE OF LOTS "F" A!lD "II", BEIIlG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SAil DIEGO GAS MID ELECTRIC COMPAIlY'S LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 4456, PAGE 49, A DISTAIICE OF 625 fEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORI:ER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN QUITCLAIM DEED FROM PAUL ECKE ET UX, TO GROVER C, J.a.COB5EII ET AL, RECORDED APRIL 29, 1948 AS FILE NO. 436(:7 IN BOOK 2778, PAGE 341 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THEIlCE SOUTH 80'43'25" Io:EST 1,LOI:G THE BOUIIDARY LINE OF SAID SAN DIEGO GAS AlID ELECTRIC COMPAIIY' S LAIID DESCRIBED HI BOOK 4456 PAGE 49, A DISTANCE OF 1773.39 fEET TO AN MIGLE POINT THF.P.EIN; THEIlCE NORTH 23'05'05" WEST, ALONG SAID SAil DIEGO GAS AIlD ELECTRIC COMPANY'S LINE, A DISTANCE OF 325.77 fEET TO '-II MIGLE POIHT ';I!EREIN; THENCE !lORTH 85'28'16" WEST, ALOI.'; SAID BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SAl/ DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC C01·:PANY'S LAND, A DISTANCE Of 2802.96 FEET TO All ANGLE POINT THEREIlI; THENCE NORTH 2)'05'05" WI:ST, ALOIlG SAID BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SAN DIEGO GAS MID ELECTRIC CONPAIIY'S U,IID, A DISTANCE Of 216.63 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID Sf,l1 DI EGO GAS "':£) ELECTRI C COMPAl:Y' S BOUNDARY LIIIE, WHI CH SAl D pOlin IS THE TRUE POIIIT OF BEGIllllIllG; THI:llCE FROM SAID TRUE POIlIT OF Br.C;IlIllIllG NORTH 79'05'50" WEST, A DISTANCE Of 449.94 FEET TO THE BEG ltWIIIG, OF A T,\IIGElIT CURVE, COIlCAVE SOUTHERLY, HI,VING A RADIUS OF 1000,00 FEET; THEllCE NORTHWESTERLY, WESTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALOllG THE "RC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CEIITRAL AllGLE OF 34'00'00", A DISTAIICE OF 593.41 FEET TO A POIllT OF CUSP, SAID POINT OF CUSP BEIllG THE INTERSECTION WITH TilE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUIIDARY LINE Of THAT CERTAIN i'ORTIOll OF SAID LOT "H" DESCRIBED IN DEED TO SAil DIEGO GAS AIID ELECTRIC COXPhllY RECORDED JAIlUARY 21, 1953 IN BOOK 4722, PAGE 350 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS AS FILE NO. 9010; THENCE FROM SAID POIIIT OF CUSP NORTII 66'54'10" EAST ALOIIG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAil DIEGO GAS AIID ELECTRIC COMPAIIY'S LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 4722, PAGE 350, A DISTAIICI: OF 250,00 FEET TO A POlllT OF IIITERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY BOUIlDhRY LINE OF SAID SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPl\NY'S LAND DESCRIBI:D IN BOOK 4456, PAGE 49: THEIICE SOUTH 85'28'16" EAST ALOIIG SAID SOUTHERLY BOUIIDARY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 770.00 FEET TO All AIIGLE POINT THEREIN; THEIICE COIITlNUING ALOIIG SAID BOl:IIDARY LINE Of SAil 01 EGO G"S AND ELECTRIC COMPlJlY' S LIVID SOUTH PAGE 26 ORDER NO. 937263-15 23'05'05" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 65.51 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE 27 ..... • '1' .. I " 8879-87-05 LEGAL DESCRIPTION -AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE THAT PORTION OF LOT H OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA ACCORDING TO HAP THEREOF NO. 823 ON FILE WITH THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 9 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-3, HAP NO. 7492 RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOf 9, NORTH 22'29'22", WEST, 264.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 67'30'38" EAST, 402.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 22'29'22" WEST, 1607.06 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 336.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG TIlE ARC OF SAID CURVE 373.46 FEET TflROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 63'41'03"; THENCE NORTH 41'11'41" EAST, 100.00 FEET TO TIlE BEGINNING OF A 264.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTlIWESTERL Y; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 136.73, FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29'40'24"; THENCE NORTH 11'31'17" EAST,-IS0.00 FEEf; TH~NCE SOUTH 78'28'43" EAST, 1398.31 FEET TO TIlE BEC,INIIING OF A 2000.00 rOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEAST(RLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 222.34 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL AIIGLE OF 6'22'10"; THENCE SOUTH 84'50'53" EAST, 2144.34 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 2000.00 fOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THEIICE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 483.16 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL AN,jLE OF 13'50'29"; THENCE NORTH 81'18'38" EAST, 334.05 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT K; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE SOUTH 0'00'27" [AST, 1466.29 FEET; THENCE lEAVr~G SAID LINE SOUTH 89'59'33" WEST, 120.00 FEET; ·"IE/ICE SOUTH 0'00'27" EAST, 160.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'59'33" EAST 120.00 FEET TO THE AFOREMENTIONED EAST LINE OF SAID LOT H; THENCE f~IIB1T "W !' .'''''' " ALONG SAID LINE SOUTH 0°00'27" EAST, 2443.00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY SIDELINE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID SIDELINE SOUTH 70°46'54" WEST, 582.97 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1950.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CON~AVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 728.10 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°23'36"; THENCE NORTH 87°49'30. WEST, 559.62 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SIDELINE NORTH 12°00'00" WEST, 2588.44 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67°30'38. WEST, 132.00 FEET; THENCE NORTI! 69°05'00. WEST, 722.97 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22°29'22" EAST, 1140.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67°30'38" WEST, SSO.OO FEET; THENCE NOR)~ 22°29'22" WEST 1392.27 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67°30'3S" WEST, 72.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (LDOI06-Q) ,/.' ~.~ ~;~ ! \~> ~~! .~ ~. I ...... " . '. -r, ~ 556 LAND CONSERVATIOtI CONTRACT Agricultural Preserve No: 76-1 TillS CONTRACT, made and entered into this loth day of FebruB17 19~. by and between CARLTAS CORPORATION hereinafter referred to as "Owner", and the City of Carlsbad, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referr~d to as "City": WIT N E SSE T H: ' WHEREAS, tile Owner represents that he is the:owner f)f certain land located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State ~f California, t/hich land is presently devoted to agricultural uses, recl'eational uses, open space, or combi nation thereof, as authorized in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and lies within an agricultural preserve heretofQre established or to be established and designated the ECKE (CARLTAS) Agricultural Preserve ~Io. 76-1, said land being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and hereinafter referred to as the Premises; and' 14HEREAS, the O.'mer and the Ci ty des ire to 1 imi t the lise of Premi ses to agricultural and compatible uses, recreational uses or open space uses or some combination thereof: IT IS AGREEn by and between the Ol~ner and the City as follows: Section 1. COtITRI\CT. This is a "Contract" made pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, as amended as of the date first above ~lritten, including amendments enacted at the 1970 R!!gular Session of the California Legislature, (hereinafter referred to aS,the "Act") and is applicable to the Premises. Section 2. Tt.Ra'>l. This Contract shall take effect on February 17, 19 76 , and shall remain in effect for a period of ten years therefrom and during any renewals of this Contract. Sec:tion 3, REflEHAL. NOTICE OF NONRENEliAL. This Contract shall be automatic~lly renewed for a period of one yQar on the first day of the first January after the effective date and on the first day of each January there- after unless ~/ri tten notice of nonrenewal ;s served by the Ol~np.r on the City at least 90 days prior to said date or I~ritten notice of nonrenewal is served by the City on the OI'm<?r at least 60 days prior to said date. Under no circumstances shall a notice of renewal to either, party be required to effect- uate the automatic renewal of this Contract. Upon receipt by Ol'iner of a notice from City of nonrenCl'ial, the OI'iner may make written protest of such nonrenel~al. City maya t any time prior to the renewal date withdral'i the notice of nonrenel'ia1. Upon request of o-"ner, Dj ... : \:. [l7' fD r,:1,r;j 1,';;::"'\ ~~. :::T-lj' ~ . , fJ~," 'I ),,1, ,. :' '. /,;. \' .,i I" :" I . 'J \ .. -" .... ,' 1.... • ',. a ~ • ~. ... ... ,. :: ;.\ I;': ~··I.~jr 1"';; ~1.-h\,;: !:,; I," ! I).{ I,,: lJ ' .,~ \:.l\.oJ i...Il.:~[;~ .• I Z I .0 1 I I U1 I ~ , ~r\, 1 1 J ; i . .. ! .. f '/J. ~' j. -. "--, ~ , L I· 557 the City Council may authorize Owner to serve a notfce of nonrenewal on a portion of the land which is the subject of this -Contract. If either party serves notice of intent in any year not to renew this Contract, this Contract shall remain in effect for the balance of the 'period remain'jng on the term sinc.:, the original execution or the last renewal of this Contract as the case may be; Section 4. AUTllORfZEO USES. During the term of this Contract and any and all renewals thereof, the Premises shall be devoted to agricultural uses and compatible uses and shall not be used for any purposes, other than agri- cultural uses or compatible uses as specified in Exhibit ~'B" attached here~. Section 5. AlJDITION OR ELIrUNATION OF AUTHORIZED USES. The City Council of the City, by resolution, may from time to time during the term of this Contract or any renewals thereof amend the resolution establishing said Agricultural Preserve to add to those authorized uses or eliminate a use listed in Exhibit "B" which authorized uses shall be uniform throughout said Agricul- tural Preserve; provided, however, no amendment of such resolution during the term of this Contract or any renewal thereof so as to eliminate any use shall be applicable to this Contract unless the Owner consent~ to such eli~ination. Section 6. POLICE P0l4ER. -Nothing in the Contract shall be construed to limit the exercise by the City Council. of the police pO~/er or the adoption or readoption or amendment of any zoning ordinance or land use ordinance, regula- tion or restriction pursuant to the Planning and Zoning La~1 (Sections 65000 et seq., Government Code) or otherwise. Section 7. ZmIHIG. This Contract shall not be cO:1:;trucd to authorize lhe establishment or continuation of a use of-real property contrary to any pro- vision of the Zoning Ordinance (Title 21 of the Carlsbad Nunicipal Code), any amendments thereto, heretofore or hereafter adopted. Section 8. Er~mENT OClt!HN. (a) Except as provid~d in subdivision (d) , of this Section 8, when any action in eminent domain for the cor lemnation of the fee title of an entire parcel of land ~ubject to this Cont~act is filed or when such 1 and is acqui red in 1 i eu of emi-nent doma in for a pub 1 i c improve- ment by a public agency 0\" person or \'/henever there is any such action or acquisition by the Federal govern~ent or any person, instrumentality or agpncy acting under authority or power of the Federal government" this Contract shall be deemed null and void as to the land actually being condemned or so acquired as of the date the a~tion is filed and for the purposes of establishing the v31ue of such land, this Contract shall be deemed never to have existed. Upon the termination of such proceeding, this Contract shall be null and void as to all land actually taken or acquired. (b) Except as provided in subdivision (d) or' this Section 11, \'/hen such an action to condemn or acquire less than all of a parce1 of 1and subject t() this Contract is commenced, this Contract shall be deem~d null and void as to the land actually condemned or acquired and shall be disregarded in the valua- tion process only as to the land actually being taken, unless the remaining land subject to this Contract will be adversely affected by the condemnation, in which case the value of that damage shall be computed \~ithout regard to this Contract. -2" I I I I I I I I I z .0 r r: 55~· (e) The land actually takelo shall be removed. from this Contract. Under no circumstances shall land be r~moved that is not actually taken, except as othen/ise provided in the Act. . . . . (d). The provisions of subdivision (a) and (b) of this Section 8 shall not apply to or have any force or effect I·lith respect to (1) the filing of any . action in eminent domain for the condemnation of any casement for the erection construction, alteration, maintenance, 0" repair of any gas, electric, vtater 0; communication facilities by' any public agency (including the :;;ty) or public utility or to the acquisition of any such easemE:nt by any public agency (including the City) or public utility, or (2) the filing 0-;-any action in eminent domain by any public agency (including the Ci ty) for the condemnation of th: fe~ title or l~sser estate fo~ the establishment, construction (including the I·ndenlng and reahgnment) and malntenance of any road, street or highvlaY, \-/hether existing or planned for the future, depictt;rj on the Circulation Elemertt of the City of Carlsbad General Plan adopted by the City Council (including any amendments thereto adopted by said Council prior to the dJte of this C0ntract) . or depicted on the pht attached to this Contract and marl:ed Exhibit IOCIO or to the acquisition of any such f~e title or lesser est~te for such purposes by the State of California or any public agency (including the City); and the filing of any such action in eminent domain for the condemnation of 0" the acquisition of any such e,:scr.lent, fee titl<:! 0:' lesser estate shall r:ot terminate, m:lli;-y or void this Contl'act and in tI,e event of the filing of any such action in eminent .domain or acquisition this Corrtra(:t shan be considered in the va Jation process. Section 9. 1:0 PI\YMENT BY CITY. The fr"mer shall not j"cceive any pay- ment from the City in consideration of the obligations imposed herellnder, it being recognized and agreed that ;:he ror:sideration for the execution of the Contract is the substantial public benefit to be derived therefrom, arid the advantage l'lhich 11i11 ilccrue to the C\1ner as a result of the effect on the assessed valuation of land described herein due to the imposition of the limit- ations on its use contained herein. Section 10. CllrICElU\TION. (a) The Owner may petition the City Council for concellation of this Contract as to all or' any portion of the land ~Ihich is subj~ct to this ontract but this Contract may not be canceled in l'lhole or in part except by mutual agreement of the C) .. mer and City pursuilnt to Section 51282 of the Act (Government Code). City may only consent to the cancellation of this Contract in l'lhole or in part l'lhen, after d public hearing has been held in aceordanc(nlith the provisions of Section 51284 of the Act (G0vernment Code), the Council Finds {l) that the cancellation is not inconsistent \~ith the purposes of the Act, (2) that t.he cancellation is in the puo:ic interest, and (3) that it is neither necessary nor desirable to continue the restric- tions imposed by this Contract; providpd, however, this Contrtlct shall not be canceled until the hereinafter r.pecified cam.ellation fee has b('en paid, unless such fee or some pration thl~reof is waived or deferred pursuilnt to -:ubdivision ee) of Section 51283 of the Act (Governm('nt Code). As provided in SJid Section F1282, the existence of an opportunity for another usc of the land involved (Premises) shall not be sufficient reason for cancellation and a potential alternative use of the land lOay be considered only if t.h':!re is no proximate, noncontracted land suitable for the use to ~Ihich. it. IS pro~used the land (PrC!mises) be put. The uneconomic character of an eXlstl~g a911- cultural use shall likewise not be sufficient reason for canccllatlon and the -3- z .0 r I·· .55[' uneconomic character of an existing agricultural use shall likewise not be sufficient reason for canccllation oInd the uneconomic character of the exist- ing use may be considered only if there is no other reasonable or companlble agricultural use to l'lhich the land (Prcmises) may be put. . . (b) Prior to any action by tnt? City Council giving tentative approval to the cilOcel1ation of this Contract, the County J\ssessor shall determine the full cash value of the land as though it v/ere free from the restrictions of tlds Contract. The ',5sessor shall multiply such value by the IIlOSt l"erent County ratio announced pursuant to Section 401 of the Revenue and Tuxiltion Code and Shall certify the product to the City Council as the cancellation valuation of the land for the purpose of dcterming the cancellation fee hereinafler spec- ified. (c) Prior to giving tenta~iVI~ approv<ll to the cancellation of this Contract the City Council shall determine and certify to the County Auditor the amount of thl! cancellation fee v/hich the O.mer must pay thp. County Treasurer a,; deferred taxes upon cuncellation. Not\~ithstanding the I1rovisions of sub- diVision (b) of Section 51283 of the Act (rovernment Code). if cancellation occurs ~lithin the first five-year period of the tc;-m of this Contract, the cancellation fcc shall be :00% c.f the canc<lllation valuation of the land; if cancellation occurs after the expiration of the first: five-year criod of lhis Contract the cancellation fee shall be an amount equal to 100% of the cancell- ation vtlludtion of the land lp.ss S% of said cancellation valuation or each year this Contract has remained in eFfect in excess of the nf(Jrernentioned first five-year period; provided, hm/ever, in no e':ent shall the cancellation fee be less than an nmount equal to 5O;~ of the cancellation valuation of the land. If ufter the dat.e this Contract is initially entered into the publicly announced c.vunty ratio of assessed to full cash value i::; changed, the perc en tage paymcn t spec; fi ed in thi s paragraph !.ha 11 be chang~d so no greater percenttlge of full cnsh value I·lill be paid then \'lOula have been paid had there been no change in such ratio. . (d) The City Council may l'/aive or defer payment of the cancellation fcc or any port'ion thereof in uccord.1nce with subdivision (c:) of Section 51283 of the Act (Government Code). . (e) Upon approval by the City Council of the above mentioned cancell- ation petition and payment of thl~ cancellation fee, the City Clerk shall record in the office of the County Recorder a c('rtificat(! I'/hich shall set forth the name of the owner of such lnnd at the time the Contract is can- celed with the amount of the cuncellation fee specified by the City Council pursuant to Article 5 of the Act (Section 51281 et seq., Government Code) and n legal description of the property. From the date of:recording of such certificate, this Contract or such portion thereof as is appropriate shall be finally canceled. (f) Upon a'pprova 1 by the City Counci 1 of the above mention'!d cancell- ation petition nnd waiver or deferment in I'/hole or in part of t' ! cancellation fee, the City Clerk shall record in the office of the: County Re,;order a certificate ./hich shall set forth the lIilme of the owner of sllch land at the time the contruct is cilnceled \-lith the amount of tl]e callcel"lntion fee spec- ified by the City CO'Jncil as being due pursunnt to Article 5 of the Act (Section 51281 ct seq., Government Code), the cortingel1l:y of such l'laiver or deferment of pnyment5, and a legal dl'scription of the ;n"operty. From the date of recording of such certificate fhe Contract shall be finally canceled, -4- , r I· 560 I. and to the extent the cancellation fee has not yet been paid or \1aived. a lien shall be created and attached against the real property described there- in and any other real property o~med by the person named therein as the owner and located within this City. Such lien shall be in favor of the City, shall have the force, effect and priority of a judgment lien an, shall remain in effect until the unwaived portion of the cancellation fee is paid in full. Upon the payment of thE' cancellation fee or any portion thereof. the City Clerk shall recl'lrd with the County Recorder a ~/ritten certificate of the release in ~/hole or in part of said lien. Section 11. DIVISION OF LJ\ND -HINIf.lUM SIZE PJ\P.GElS. The ~mer shall not divide the Premises contrary to the restrictions on the division of Premises as set forth in Exhibit "13" attached hereto. Section 12. CONTRJ\CT BIDS SUCCESSOI{S. The term "~mer" as used in this Contract shall include the Singular <lnd plural <lnd this Contract shall be binding upon the inure to the benefit of all successors in interest of the O~mer including but not limited to heirs. executors. administrators, und assignees. In the event the hnd under this Contract or any portion thereof is divided, the Owner of any parcel may exercise. independent of any other owner of a portion of th:! divided land, any. of the rights or the ~tn(!r in the original Contr('lct including the right to give notice of non- renel1al and to petition for cancellation. The effect of any such action by the owner of a parcel created by the division of land or any portion thereof subject to this Contr"ct shall not be imputed to the o'mers of the remaining parcels Clnd shall have no effect on this Contract as it appl ies to the re- mainir.g parcels of the divided lanel. Section 13. ItEf.lOVi\L OF I.ArIO FROM PRESERVE. Removal of any land llnder this Contract rrom an agricultural preserve, either by change of houndilrirs of the preserve or disestublishment cf ';he preserve shall be the equivalent of a notice of nonrenewdl by the City, provided, hm'/ever, thilt the City shall, at leasl 60 duys prior to the next; renewal date follo'iling the rcmot'al, serve a notice of nonrene~.I1 uS provided in Section 51245 of tIl(! J\ct (Government Code). Such noticn of nonrene\~al shall be recorded as provided in Section 51248 or the Act (Government Code). Sf.:tinn 14. CONVEYi\r/CE CONTHJ\RY 10 CONTRACT. J\ny conveyance, contract or authorization (I'/hether oral or written) by the (}.1ner 01" his slIccessors in interest ~/hich 110uld permit the u!;e of the Premises or creilte a division of the Premises contrary to the term!; of this Contract. or any renewal thereof may be det.:lared void by the City Council; such dec1ilrutioll or the provisions of thi:; Contrilct mily he enforced by the City by lin action filed in the Superior Court of the County for the purpo!;e of compelling compliance or restraining a breach thereor. 5ectioll 15. OH~If.R TO PROVIDE INFDRMJ\TION. The OWnel", upon request of the City, shall provide information relating to the O~mer's obligutions under this Contruct. .1;- r---- , I I I I J I , I I I I i j i I ! , 'f :! !'< I' I:' r. ~ . ! 3; ::t ::.;. ~:. ::: 1: ~ ~ t >I < '. , " > , " it i -" '':I ~ STATE or CALIFOII="H } COUI\'T\' or SAN DIEGO 55, On~ARr ~,_~.1L.. ____ ""'or. 11M, the untl~ffil!ned. a ~otar)' ruhUc In and lor liIid County and State, "" ...... Ily appeared ,PAUL_ECKE....1R , 'known to me to 'lfO dll·_.~CE __ I'rf'~id('nI. anll-__ _ ~~CKENSTAFF ____ , known I. m. t. a.. _~URER ~, , " , '" "I the <orl>o"t;OI1 thai ""'ulrd tl .. whhin·ln,trumenl. \'nfJ.n I~ me to IIf' th(' (t("tl'on" "hO (Ouf'lItt'd tht- .ithin t".uunlt'nt on hrhalf of 'he rorll(ttalion Ihr,..,.in n3med. onl' 41f"Jcno.ll"Ch:rd to me th.11 "urh ror~or.'ion r~«uttd the within in,lrunlmt rUtfUanl to it .. h).'_ •• or I rttoJution of ill 6a.rd of direttors. --.-~ - .t,., . ~ '-'']:;';1,' .... -. '-"-~ ," ~:. <: " ~, /, \' " " ,~. ',:. .". , FOR NOT ... RY Sr. ... \. OR 5TAM,. I ", I : " ./-,i '-' ,,'" -~f':-:..: .f1 )t· ~f "{;t' ~~ t} .:Sj \\., ! :~-{ l " $ 'j l 'I ! ", .' - \.' 5(;2 Section 16. NOTICE. Any notice given pursuant to this Contract may. in addition to any other meth~d authorized by law, be given by United States mail, postagl! prepaid. Notice to~e City'shall be addressed a$ follol,/s: t-1~<' City Cl erk ~~: .. City of Carlsbad 'j;> 1200 Elm Avenue ~. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~~ ~~~: Notice to the Olmer shal] be¥'addressed as follows: ~.: Carl tas Corp. ~t P.O. Box 1\88 ~f::':r Envi nHas, CA 92024 .~.l' IN mTl~ESS \olriEREOF, the Ol~ner and the City ha ve eXCCl! ted th; s Contrac:t on the day first above written. t . f jf: i· ~ t roSSU. ~ :. Jf~~f;t.~-ROBERf'C:F'RAZEE. Mayor f. the City of Carlsbad. Californla This is to certify that the foregoing contract is hereby exec'lted on behalf of the City Council of said City of Carlsbad pursuant to authority con- ferred by City Council Resolution No. 3853' adopted on Februar'l 17. 1976 and thee, ty consents to recorda1lon tfierCOif by its duly authorized :::~icer. &t'.·J77~ Ely. ~~dc4~ '. , mHY~ e i • " NOTE: All signatures of QI.mers must be acknowledged before a notary public or public officer authorized to take acknowledgements. -6--'.' z .0 r - 563 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION : . . i That portion of Lot F, Lot G and Lot H of the Rancho Agua l1edionda, in the .:ounty of San Diego, State of Ca~ifornia, according to I-lap thereof Ho. 823 nn file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County lying Northerly of Road Survey No. 1534 (Palomar J\irport Road) on file in the Office of the County Engineer of said County and 10Cdted ~Iithin the following described line: COMMEtlCIrlG at Engineers Station 4.3+46.41 as shown on .said Road ~urvey No. 1534 (Palomar Airport Road); thence along the centerline of said Road Survey Horth 87° 'i0' 28" ~Jest, 565.00 feet to the TRUE POIlH OF BEGINNHlG; thence 1eavi.Tl9 said centerline North 12° 00' 00" \'Jest,' about 2625.00 feet; thence South 67° 30' 38" Hest, 132.00 feet; thence ~Iorth 690 05' 00" Hest. 990.00 feet; thence South 67° 30' 38" \-lest, PSO.OO feet to an intersection with the ~Jesterly lin! of l'and conveyed to Carltas Corporation; thence along silid line North 22" 35' 15" ~Iest, ahout 27118.00 feet to ail'intersecti-n "Iith the centerline of Cannon Road, said intersection being the ,lnrth'i1esterly corner of land conveyed to Car.ltas Corpo.ration; thence continuing along a convex curve ,·lith a radius of 1000.00 fef't, about 290.00 feet (said radius being the Easterly extension of the centerline of Cannon Road and a portion o~ the 1I0rtherly line of land convE.>yed to Carltas corporation);.thence continuing along said Northerly line South 79<) OS' 50" East, 2057.22 feet to the beginning of a concave curve "lith a radius of 2000.00 feet; thence along said CUI"Ve, 232.119 feet to the end of said curve; thence South GSo 28' ~6" East, .. 2157.69 feet to the beginning of a concave curve "Iith a radius of 2000.00 feet; thence continuing along said curve, 1181.59 feet to. the end of said curve: thence ~Iorth 80" 43' 25" East, 321.54 feet to the Northeasterly corner of li1nd conveyed to Carltas Corporation; thence along the Easterly line of said conveyed land South 0° 32' 00" East, 11083.00 feet to an intersection \~ith the centerline of said Itoad Survey No. 1534 (Pi110mar J\irport Road); thence along said centerl ine South 70° 115' 53" \'Iest, 515.18 feet to the beginning 01' a cOlwex curve \'lith il radius of 2000.00 feet; thence continuing-along sai.d curve, 746.79 feet to the end of said curve; thence along said centerline North 87° !i0' 28" \'Iest, 620.00 fellt to the 1RUE POlMT OF BEGINNING. .. "-7- , , , , I I I z .0 EXIIIBIT B AGRICULiUijAL PRESERVE NO. 76-1 Section 1. In the above named Agricultural Preserve only the follow- ing uses are pei'1llitted: a) Th~ following agricultural uses: 1). 2) ·3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) '11 ) Cattle, sheep, goats and swine production, provided that the number of anyone or combination of said animals shall not exceed onp. animal per half acre of lot area'. Said animals shall not be located \-lithin fifty feet of any habitable structure, nor !'hall they be located wi·thin three hundred feet of habitable structure on an adjoining parcel zoned for residential uses, nor shall they be located within one hundred feet of a parcel zoned for residential u~es I·/here a habitable structure is' not involved. In any event, the distc!nce from the parcel zoned for residential uses shall be the greater of the distances so indicated; Crop production; Flori cu 1 ture; Greenhouses; Horses, pi"ivate use; Nursery crop production; Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters and othe . small ani- mals provided not more than b/enty-five of anyone or combina- tion thereof shall be kept I~ithin fifty feet of any habitabl/! structure, nor shall they be located I·lithin three hundred fer:!:: of a habitable structure on an adjoining parcel zuned for residential uses, nor shall they be located within one hundred feet of a parcel zoned for residential uses \'Ihen a habitable strwcture is not involved. In any event, the distance from the parcel zoned for residential uses shall be the greater of the distances so indicated; Roadside stand for display and sale of products produced on the same premises, provided thClt the floor area shall not exceed tl'/O hundred square feet and is located not nearer than twenty feet to any street or highway; iree farms; Truck farms; Wildlife refuges and game preserves; -'8- I \ I I I \ 1 1 z .0 r ~, 12) Other uses or entey'prises similar to the above customarily carried on in the field of general agriculture. 13} The following uses if necessary and incidental to the agri- cultural use of the land: a) Accessory uses and accessory buildings and strurtures. including but not limited to private garages. children's playhouses. radio and television rece'iving antennas. windmills. silos. tank houses, shops. barns. offices, coops, lath houses, stables, pens, corrals. and other , similar accessory uses and structures' required for the conduct of the permitted uses; b) Dogs, cats and other domestic pets, pl'ovided not more than four dogs cr four cats older than six months or any combination thereof shall be kept on any lot or parcel of land; c} Farmhouse. single-family dwelling; d) Guest house; e) Home oppupation. b) The fl111m·ling compatible uses. provided a c/,mditional use permit authorizing such lisa is issued by the Planning Co:r.missicr; or City Council of the City of Carlsbad. Such conditional use permit shall be applied for, considered, granted or denied in the manner pre- scribed by the Zuning Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad for the application for, consideration, granting or denying of lpplications for conditioned use permits under that c·rdinance. 1) Apiary, provided that all hives or boxes housing bees shall b~ placed at least four hundred feet from any street, school, park. "R" zone, or from any d\~ellillg or place of human habitation other than that occupied by the owner or caretaker of the apiary; 2) Aviaries; 3) Poultry. rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters and other small animals in excess of the number specified in Section 21.07.020; 4) Farm employee housing for persons working on site. provided the number of units shall not exceed two per gross acre of land area and no such housing is located closer than fifty feet from any lot line; 5) Hay and feed stores; 6) Nurseries. retail and wholesale: -9- \ I I \ \ \ \ I i I. 566 7) Packing sheds or small processing plants for farm ~rops, similar to those being grown on the premises, provided no"; such processing plant is located ~,;thin fifty feet of any lot line; 8) Public \~orks" projects; 9} Sanitary la'ldfi11s, temporary; 10} Stables and riding academies, public; Sedion 2. Not\~ithstanding the pro~isions of Section'l, no dwelling, guest house. farm employee housing or fnrm labor camp shall be constructed; erected or maintained upon any pr£~mises containing an area of less than 10 acres; provided, however, one sinHle family dwelling may he construct~d and maintained on the premises subject to this Contract. Section 3. Nothi ng herein shall be construed to authorize the establ ish- ment or continuation of a use of ,'eal property contrary in any provision of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cilrlsbad ir.cluding any amendments thereto, heretofore or hereafter adopted. " Section 4. The premises subject to this Contract shall not be divided so as to create a parcel of land having an area of less than 10 acres, pro- vided that this restriction shall not be construed as prohibiting the o~mer of premises having an area of more than 10 acres (hereinafter referred to as the Grantor) from conveying to the o~mer Jf contiguous premises subject to a Contract of equal or longer unexpired term a parcel containing less than 10 acres for the purpose of enlarging such contiguous pre:ni:;es I'h:!re the remainder of the Grantor's premises after such conveyance has a" area of not less than 10 acres. Section 5. "Area" means an area of land" inclusive of that 'and within easements or rights of \~ay for roads, streets and/or hicjh~/ays. Section 6. Definitions. The definition of \'/ords set forth in the Zoning Ordinance 01 the Citi of Carlsbad shall apply to the \·/ords used herein unless othel"\~ise sp~cHical1y defined herein, -Hl- \. Z ~ .0 , ~ t1t I ~ 1 -t1~" I I t1t ." ~1.! "~!, -' -----' -'_ .... _..!. .• _---.,._- ,- ) \ \ ! I " i '.:': ,- .., ... \ - AGUA ·AGRICULTURAL, PRESER.VE . NO .. 76-1 . LOCATION MAP & ASSESSOR PARCEL NO's. APPLICANT' CARLTAS CO . ... % PAUL ECKE . . P.O. BOX 488 ENCINITAS. CA. 92024 .. .. . . HEDIONDA AI.RPORT >->-I-i-? o 5 u '2! .0 . .. ..... ~ ____ .. __ ---t~"::.1.~_ .. --"-.. . , " -, ' . \. ~ 569 AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE : NO. 76-1 " TAX CODE AREAS & ACREAGE APPLICANT' CARLTAS co. .. ....., % PAUL ECI(E . , . P.O. BOX 488 ENCINITAS. CA. 92024 , , i ·Z J ;j " . 1 ~. , AGUA .' .. , .. _--.. . ' HEDIONDA -. -_ ... -._ .. __ .---"'-' -rCA 09000 '2.39.74 o.c • \ \ \ I " I \ >->-... I-_ z o ~ o u z .0 , 1 " .. .. .r I '" . I ;-' 1 ~. • •• , f '. A\. trr N 570· AGRlCUlTURAl PRESERVE NO. 76-1 HEDIONDA ". PROPERTY OWNER'S LIST 'APPLICANT- CARLTAS CO. "% PAUL ECKE . P.O. BOX 488 ENCINITAS. CA. LAGOON CD 92024 >->-I-t-Z u is u ~ ~ AIRPORT ~Op.O "0 ..... ~ . . " 1 ... ~--=~'.~~ ~ ! L-'-::::';:;"; i I " .. , ' KEY TO PROPERTY mINERS l-lAP ~ Q) San Diego Gas & Electric 101 Ash St •• San Diego. CA 92101 ® Japatul Corporation ~ 101 Ash St •• San Diego, CA 92101 (';;\3 Paul [cke ~ P.O. Box 488. Encinita$, CA 92024 ~4 Carroll R. Kelly ~ P.O. Box 175. Carlsbad. CA 92008 ® Carltas Corporation P.o. Box 488. Encinitas. CA 92024 ~ Tri-City Auto Dealers (Car country): David Rorick, Jr., et al ' 810 Mission Ave., Oc~anside, CA 92054 Fei~t, Vetter, Knauf & Loy 810 Io\ission Ave., Oceanside. CA 92054 Robert Brooking , P.O. 'Box 1548. Oceanside. CA 92054 Vincent Dixon 5555 Pasco del Nvrt~, Carlsbad, CA 92008 James B. F:nney, Jr. 440 Santa Helena, Solana Beach, CA 92075 Feist, Vetter, Knauf & loy P.O. Box 240, Oceanside, CA 92054 DonCl1d D. Sharp 1476 La Habra Dr •• San Marcos, CA 92069 .' 211-010-22&19 , 212-010-11 21.2-041-05 212-040-35 211-0Z,1-03&12 211-060-02 211-050-03,04&12 211-060-06 211-060-07 211-060-09 211-060-10&'4 211-060-,'5 ~ 'Z ~ .0 ~ at ,4 , (D " I ~}~,: I I I 'j .. , 1 L i .. " ... \. 5'12 z oQ ! I I I I I , ~ J - I ~ I I I i 1 I • i ! r- I 'f.lmc Strut --City' RECORDED AT REQUEST Pf,)()" ,.c. .......... ,) ""'''-'---..,r.w._ _T_C_, .... _ .. ...".If ........... ,~ .. t.Jtt.~._ .... .,..._ .......... ,-WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO RETURN TO RIGHT OF WAY Otf"" nn: rAe. TEL. & TEL. CO. 4838 Ron..,n Court. R;x>'" lM .., .;~:fp{~67~~ 5001\ 1211 RECORDED REQUEST OJ Tm.£ I"~U/(/i//\" Jo,,,} I~~~: C~MPAlll' OCT II I 01 FH '71 .jF~'CI"L iI£:O"OS SAil O.£CO r.C~lIn.r.ALIF. ;;ARL: l F .BLUIlH kECOROEii ,. Z.17. (.-67) ( .... " u ... ·) (STANDARD) Sc.c. L. 'San o·r.r.o. c..Iot<.trnt.o <mlr;17C-[l. ~3.00 --------------''-!....!..::.....:;.-.L.----SPACE ABOVE TH,S L.IHE FOR RECOROEP'S USE --- OCEANSIDE-HARDING GRANT OF EASEMENT DB-7160R c,alrAS CO • a corpo r a t1oa ~ does h .... by gr~nt to THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TElECRAI'H COMPANY, a corporation, Its successor. and assigns • .,..~ easement to construct. place. operate, i~ct, maintain, tepaif, replace aDd remOVe such aerial I&.~ ........ & 1M iii .. ~ is,,'?' ",'C''''O' as Crantet-may b:om time to time require, consisting of poles, anchors, wires, ~ables.~··· _ . ~.WI lu, P d' : 1 • markers, :md necessary fh:turel aDd appurtenances,...i&. oYer.~, and upon that cenatn red propc'rty ~~ In the County of San P:I ego , State of CaUfomia described as: -- ~ A portion of Let H of Rancho Agua Redionda subdiVision as said lot --__ J ~~ is shawn on map of said subdivision filed for record as Hap No. .. 823 on the 16 day of November, 1896, in the Office of the County ! Recorder of San Diego County. 1 i Jj . 1 ~ ~ u The above described easement shall be located on a strip of land five (5.00) feet in width in said property the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at Point 8, Lot F of said Rancho Agua Red1onda; thence South 00·32'00" East, 698.48 feet; thence South 87°55'28" West, 593.45 feet; thence North 80·42'03" East, 25.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 80·42'03" West, 1837.39 feet; thar~e South 77"26'33" West, 349.50 feet; tnance South 78"55'33" West, ,17.80 feet; thence South 79·04'33" West, 318.40 feet; thence South 80°48'33" ~ West, 351.90 feet; thence South 80"40'33" West, 707,45 feet; thence ~ North 69°02'27" West, 101.78 feet; thence North 23"33'21" West, ft 286.70 feet; thence North 23°28'27" West, 269.01 feet; thence No'Cth § 23°49'27" West, 296.82 feet; thence North 23°30'27" West, 330.58 ~ feet; thence North 28"42'21" West, 235.00 feet; thence North 79" .~ 05'50" West, 480.00 feet to the Point of Termination. ~ It 1s agreed by the parties hereto that the Grantee may place, erect and maintain on the lands of the Grsntor, adjacent to the above described right of way, such anchorage as may be necessary to properly ~uy the pole line. , [d.':' . ",. .. W(,.iil-T,,,(!; 110 r;.x OIlE'1 .... , -: ;¢/~. lA"" '.--'./ PIIcif.c Tlilepll:"' • , '1VJ,~ ....... , .. -.'.... I ••• ".r .. !~. _r:!"TY OO-A"GENT-----iii{M N/~~_ Crantor al'io granu to Crantce the right to trim Nch trees and other follage and to cut such roou on said propt'rty as may be nect!nary Cor the PfQtection of said $tructures, ;tnd to ("nter upon said plO~ny at all times for the purpose 01 e~erebin, the righu hereby granted. Crant~c Ihan be liable to Crantor for any d .. ma~e which may occur to the :lbove ... d.clcribt!d prol>cny by :oeason of negligence on the part 01 Crantt tn the exerctse of the ea&emcnts Kr~ntcd. IN y,'lTNESS WHEIUPF this I",tromen' I, executed thlt~day o(-...S..~-M.\\r;a • 19:13. S TA T£ OF C","IFORNI" COUNTY OF ':.""'-1 )., C,-£-1/ ) In. I -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CARLTAS CO., s corporation • I ~ I , \. ,."'-----. S7-ICi~r '--<.--- UCOftDl"~ II&OUUTaD I' Cl~o£ Cu15b.uJ • Y.foo Elli Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 -----"' ... r or Carlsbad :::"1200 (lllll Avenue Coal£arbbad, California 92008 .J _f .. ____ .. r -Ci:y of Carl~I'au ..., II .. ~ 619 85-390632 [uj G:r 21 /1111: 22 I _YC:::.I.,vLF. I ~l;hl" .. ;::.:.cE.::j 12110 Elm '\v~11\Ie NO FEE co:.: L C31'l:lbad, Cal i fcrni:l 9l00~ I ,------·---------...!..--_SOO"CE A80YK THIS UNa I'D" "aC""DE,.·S U&E---- eAt. _0 H"eo.1P TO •• ;, CA 12~ '1' Corporation Grant Deed ASSCSlor'9 Parcel ~o. 211-021-15 1\ ........... ..! ...... 0.(.) .Iod.,.(ol: o.,e .. ~,.". tnll ~IH ••••• 1_ ,-'· .. 0,--'--__ I ) c .... H1I •• r,,11 ..,.1 •• ot prnp.rly ~o"ve"tdt or t 1, .......... o. (,·11 ..,.1 •• I .. ~. ul"", or !tf'ftft e"d ~"cu'"bt'ntl'!'4 ,pm.i"ialilat ti,"~ ttf •• Ip. 'IU.i .... _.'.d ..... : o.)C .. ,ol Carlsbad •• nd. FUR \ \. "'.Il "IILF. CONSlOt'R ,·nON. ""'pl of whtch io h.,eb-. ocknowled,.od. ·:;ARLTAS CO • • c ...... otiu ." •• "..1 ... d" tho 10 .... I,ho StateM e:ll i Cornia hercnyCiRA:-;TSlu InJ IIEllre/HI:S to 'he CITY OF C/\'H.SBAll for the ~urposes of a pubi ic road, u.ility, ~(","'r InJ t.;ater (':lsemcnt:; ,h J,,1I ... ialldr •• rtb.-d, .. 1 prop .... "\h~ Cit}' of C:lr!sbad C-I. "I 5:1n 01 cg<, • s.lII~ of C.lilomia: '~ce I:XIIIBtr ',\' fllr I.l'g.t1 De~.criptilln :lttached hereto and by this rcfcre~cc incorrnr~teJ herein. '~ll 3~ shown for ~onv~nicncc sake on the attached EXHIBIT 'B' In Wit_ ~....,( •• id ..... T""'.rioo : ............ it. carpo,ale name .nd ... 1 to be a/fixed herelo and this inslru· _ too _ ~ by ~ Preoidenl and ~y: ~ leN awtll.naed. Vice Pres. 0 .. .., OctaLs;: 15 UJ!.:, ... i ___ _ ~; \T" m: c.\urll"'" t , }ss (tW'<TV OF _ 540 OlallQ ('., Csl:Qbet! ~. ~ • ""fore _. ,h • • ,.f""",...,... .• "_UN" .·IINK It .nd fUf' w.td S .... (c. pc.lOrully *""""" Plyl "C), Sr ,...,....,..... 1il ... 'tW9fI ". "'" ... P"'""f'd In 1M ttft the hurl of tah .... .... ~ ~ ttt br Ihr P"""" who r"rcvtN the .tchln ... .....--.. .... I'rnNenI and Pml rs,. Ie foC"Orw11y k,..".11 10 Pr .. idml -~ Vice Pres. SEE EXHIBIT I I ..,...,,....... .. ....., ..... I .... b.".o(""trriH1."..,~~cobcrtw ,._ ...... _ ,1M _ ... ~ -nuMM .. 11M Vic. PIli i1ICIlt: __ ... I'" r...,...._ , .......... od '1M _ .... _ .......... , 8 -. ..... l If .8/ N I ~ ~ ft ... Mia ................... ~ , .... ~ rcwpor.a:tot. CXft'llCN Ihr ..... ~ ... .,....... pwwUIC 1o tn by tawl 011 A I"DOIwrion fA its t..-IeI"""'--' wmtUSo, -... ':;:0. '\o........c?;:v.~ IM8ARA J. PfI£CHT ~­-_ .. . . .;eo:.c:~ I!II!I f ... ,., ........... , ..... 1, ...... ~----------------------------------~--------------------~ ____ ---F_ or to.n No.-__ -..... L •. •· .1 ~ RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~~',~.cr.l~~T;i"o'P·" 620 3088 PIO PIca OR. • SUITE 202 • CARLS clAD. CA 92003 EXH I B IT A THEPHONE • AREA CODE 619 7')9-1987 PJI.SE'l DEL NORTE pa.rcel A , lA A parcel of land being a portion of parcel 2 and rarcel 3 of p~rael Map No. 11284 and a portion of Lot H of Rancho ~gua H~dLonda o( Map No. 923, in the City of Carl~b~d, county of San Dl~qo, State of California, on file in the Office of the county Rncord~r o! said county, of said State, mor~ particularly do,crLbed as f v llow9: !.~cel 1\ 1\ Itrip of land AF..OO (eet in width, lying 43.00 feet on each 8Id~, pnr~ll~l and con~entrlc with the following described centnr- 1:nel Beglpninq a~ 4 p~lnt on the Horthw~st boundary of Parcel ], of A41~ ma9, ~~id point a150 heing on th, centerline of P\~eD Del ~ortft ~8 shown on gairl parcel map; thence, South 22°28'06" East ?25.0' fftet to th. b~1inning of a ~angent 600.00 foot rddiu~ curve concave Northe~scerly; the~ce, Southe4sterly along the arc ?f Gald curve thro~gh a central angle of 30°]7'22" a diRtance 120.69 teet t~ , p~int herein described as point "A"' ~hBnce, contlnuinq Easterly ~long 1~ld ~urve through A central angle 24"43' .. 0 •• a dist.'rc~ 2'5L9S feet; thence, ~ou~h 77°49'07" East 100.00 re-t to th~ h~~lnning of a tang~nt 600.00 foot ra~ius curve conc~ve Sou~hp.rly; thence, Easterly alon~ the arc of said curve throuqh II central angle of 0"JO'23", a distance 5.]0 feet to a point of Termin~tlon. T~e sidelines ~E said easement ~halL be extended or sh~rtenerl to begin on the Nr .hwest bo~ndary of sald Parcel 3 and pass through the point of Beginning and to terminate on a line that bears Mo:th 22·~8·28" ~est ~n~ pass through the point of Termination. !'ar~el LA C~MM~NC.NU at ~he ~bov~ described point "A"; thence, along a radlal li"~ of saH finO.OO foot radius curve Sou!:h 36°54'32" WE!l\t 43.00 feet to th'! THUE ;'01NT Of' SEC-INNING, said point being on a 40.00 foot radiu'l curve concave NortheastE'rly; thence, Eastel'.LY .!lonq tl"! .lr.: of 511i<1 cur',e I:hrough a central angle 4°14'18", a dl~tlln~e \1.56 !-et to a point of reverse curvature, concave Southerly IInt1 h"vlnq a r",Hus of 20.00 feet; thence, Westerly, Sout~ve!lterly ann southerly along the arc of said curve chrough a c.ntral an~la LO]"'~'42·, a di5tance 36.23 feet; the~ce, South 19 0 H'n" if'!st, 59.£') feet to the beginning of II tangent 50.00 toot radlu .. curv .. c,)ncave Northeasterly; thencE', southwesterly, N_4t~rly, ~orthwesterly along the arc cf said ~urve through a :entral ~nqle 216"02'00", II distance IB8.52 feet; thence, North \ 53°59'33" r~~t, 3'.~J feet to the beglnning of a ta~gent 20.00 r-:::-t~--7~-.---------. 01'\."1"10-.,VltlO::" \ ••• : ... ct t~~-----·· , ~ ______ --l-_______ ~ ______________ ~ _______________ _L ___________ ~ __________ ~ EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B j!~ PLAT FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET EASEMENT- PASEO DEL NOr;TE CAAL"tASCll N (p , CfV11.. .NOIN •• Ra· eURV.VORD . PI. .. NN .... _ ~.......-. IIIIID,..,.. ~CA .1._14707 ~....a-=a~~CA.""~ ... &M»G aAlltnA Ie lIQ.aAH ~CA .,.~ ",",E.C T N. N~E r> 7 ~ 64. SC:J\I.E I": 200' DATE IO-(O'~ .. I· 11' · . RICI( ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~:':iL=~m 21 30118 PIO PICO DR. • SUITE 202 • CARLSBAD. CA 92008 EXH i. 8 IT A TELEPHONE • AREA CODE 619 • 719.J,987 I'ASf.O 'JEI. NOPTE fOQt radius ~urve concave ~esterlYf thence, Northeasterly, Northerly, Northwesterly along the ~rc of said cu~ve through a c~ntral angle of 103"46'42", a ~istdnce 36.23 feet to ~ point of reverse curvature concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 641.00 feet, thence •. Southeast~rly along the arc of said curve thcough a central angle 4"14'la" a distance 41.56 feet to the TRIJE POINT or BEGINNING. !X:SPTING THEPEFROM. tho.e potions lying within Parcels 2 and 3 oC Parco I Map No • .1.l28~. said map having been filed in the Office of the County recorder of San Diego County on May 11, 1981. z .0 EXHIBIT A t -----;n;;;r,or--I .... ·'·.... I 'tv"' •• ' ~;:~~. _;~PM~:~~r---.------_'I" .. ~.t,-._-_-~_-~_-_-_-_-_~~. ____________ ~._1 ____ ~ __ ~!._ .. _" ______ ~ EXHIBIT B PLAT FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET EASEMENT- PASEO DEL NO~TE CNCL.1AS~ RICK .NGIN •• RING CDMPANY CIVIl. .~.R_-.U~V."'OR_· Pl.AN __ __ ....--......... ~CA .1._1~ ,.......,--=a~~CA.1 .. ~ ~&~a.AIIft" ... IIID-....,.,-......CA .... ,.......... ""'O.£CT N.NeE" 7064- .. -. -:~~-~~ ·3II~111I· .... wgr_aem?'i"SJlil '-. -... ---------.--. -. ----~. -~EO-_---~ NORTE P'O'~I N.N. 80UNDARY... ' OF PARCeL 3-........ _ .... _ PER PA~CEI. MAP ;12~ ~6' PUBLIC RD.,/ EASEMENT TO'" C/TYOF CARLSBAD AS FILE NO.j2045d , DATE: /1-30-72 , , , , , .;, EXHIBIT 8 I: ;: PLAT FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET EASEMENT- PASEO DEL NORTE CMt.'TI6ca , '. RICK .NGIN •• RINQ COMPANY C~ ___ AS· .UAV.VCIA •. ,",-ANNIIA. ! ~--------------------______ -L~~~~ __ ~~~~~ ~~~~~t~~~:l"""~15NMiJ .. ~~;~~iJiiI!i!iM!*+MM~~ .. _~_ . . l it }' f' .. ...... :! ..... u.~ 623 EXHIBIT I This corporation Grant Deed is signed subject to the simult.aneous pa~sage of the attac:hed SUMMAR~ V;'CATIO~ marked ExhiIJit II by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad California by Octol~r 23, 1985. CARLTAS CO. Paul Ecker Sr., president ~Ul "oke, 3r., f October 15. 1985 Vice president , Z 1 , oQ , " ~ ·1 ~ II ~ Q '"J') ;1 ~ ~ ~ '" ! ex & 0: I. .. I: i I J .' 1 III :, I :\ I .:, I 11,\ i' I' ' . . i'~ I • r ! , ... . .... 624 CERTI~ICATION YOR ACCEPTANCE O~ DEED Thi. 1. to certlfy that the intorest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated October 15. 1985 frOM ____ C=i\;:.;RL·~/\S co •. " corp-:>rntion to the City of: Car13b.~, California. a municipal corporation, i3 hereby accepted by the Clty Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, prusuant to Resolution No. __ 8_2_30 ______ , adopted on October 1~. \9>15 d .. t t th d ____________ , iSn tile grantee consen s 0 e rece)r a- tion thereof by i ':.l> duly authorized of ricer. 8Yl Date: Oct"ber 18. 1985 z ·0 W ~ ~ I c:I) W & N ____ ~ t.-.., No ____ .... ' ~ Vice Pres. '-,4-.-I .~ .~ .- cr. lJ: I .- I: Recnrding ~lque8ted by SAN otEGO GAS (, EI.ECTRIC COMPANY When Rpcnrdcd !lall tn: S\X;,<,E, p.ll. BOK IB11 92 I 12 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) .... 1446 Sf 675367 :.:!., '·---1 I I • t. I ~.lf " 1:.£7 DEC -0 :v. e 21 I ~.,!ll'.~ I I." i ~lI'lIYhIL('''''' J Sltn Ulp~o, G,\ ATTN: ot{~('e Sct"viCl!tJ, ROllm 611 ) ) ___ --------------------SPI\Cf. ABOVl-: FI)I( RECORD"':' S U5l-:-----~;:':"'..;J.- i,:)(;rlS t EI\Sf.m:NT CARLT~S CmII'ANY •.• r.alHnrnl" Llmn"d partnership, (c;rn"tor ), for ""Ioah!,· co nAid l!ralio1\, ,~rant" to SA:; on:GO GI\H I. ~:U:CTRIC COHl'MIY, " corl'llrnli"n (l;rant",!). An ";\",,me'1t and rl~ht ()( way In, upon, over, under lind acr,,"" the lands hereLnnft.,r .!e~crihed, to ere.,t. construct, chantle the size of, improve, r"constrllct, reLncatr. repair, r.laint"ln and .,se raciliti<.s c(}nslstln~ of: I. Un,.~r>lround facilities and appurtenances for the tra""mis<;lon anti dilltd bllt ion of electricity. 2. Gnmm"nic:ltion facilities, ;\"d :lppurtenances. Tht! ab",," facilities will be installed at such locilt!ons and "le"ntlo ns "por., alont:, o'/er and IIndcr the Iwr(>!nilfter de"crihcd easeml!nl 3S Grantee may .0": or 11l're;)fter deem con"enient or neces5ary. Grantee :llso ha~ thl' rt)~ht o( Int~resS antI e,re3s, to, from ~nd alon~ this easement in, upon, over and acro~S tlw her.!~artcr describE'd landS. Grantee further haM the rI)\lIt, but not tht' dllty to dear and ke"1' this easement c1car from explosl.v2S, buildings. structures and matf!rlal s • The property in which lh1~ ea~ement and right of way is hereby ~r;lnted Is sltuatcd in the Connty of SIIn Ol"go, State of California, described as folloWS: That portion of l.C't "1\" of Rancho Agna lIedionda, according to map the(cof No. 623, filed in the off ice of the County Recorder of sald ';ollnty of San o!eg n , descdbcd in il dr.ed recorded December 18, 1986 at Recorder' s File/P".le No. 86-597265 of Official Records of said County of S.,n Diego. 81-0236-5 -1- ..... ~ .. ,..~ ..... \~ \ c:n ~ _1 "" W \., c:n ...:1 ~ .. ., , . ..... '--._- • ·-1 I, .! r ;, n 7 1447 That certain strip of land 10.00 teet in width, the center line is herein delcribed as tollows : CrlIlUllen"ing at the Southeast corner of Parcell as shown on Parcel :L~p r;o. 11284. filed May 11, 19l11 at FUe :;0. 81-145557 in the office of Lhe County lU,corder of laid County of 5nn Diego, said corner bears South 87" 49' 04" East, 266.12 feet (r'!cord) from an an~le point on toe southerly b,)undary thereof; tnenc, leav,inlt sai~ SOlltheRAt corner North 51° 20' 40" East, 120.:32 fee~ (0 the true point of b,,~innin~ of. the center line herein des.:ribed. said trlle poi.,t of beginning also u<'tng a ""int on. the arc of a non tangent 25.00 foot radius curve concave Northwesterly; then .... • fr"'" ~Ilid true point of beginning Soetherly and Southwestprly along the arc of said CllfVl! through a centnl a.,~le of 1,3" 06' 28" a dtst.lnce of 18.81 feet. ALSO: TI,al certain stri? of land 11.00 feet in width. lying 5.00 feet Weslerl! and 6.00 feet Easterly of the following described line: Be~inning at said true point of beginning thence North 02" 09' 37" f.:lst. 30.00 leet. Grantor shall not erect. place or construct. nor permit to hI! erected. plil.:ed or constructed. any building or other structure, plant any tre". drill or dill 'Ill)' "ell. within this easement. G~antor shatt not increase or <ieere"se the ~ro .. nd s"rfncI! e["v"t[0I15 ",\l!,in thi9 ~aseme.,t after installation of Grantee's facllit ie~. without prior writt"n ""I\~,,"l of Grantee. "hich consent shall not unreasonably he withheld. Grantor further ~rants to Grant"e the rl~ht to assign any of all of the rlght~ granted tn this easement in "I,ole or in part to Pacific Sell and/or to other compa.lies providing utility or communtcation filcllities. Grantee shall hdve the ri)\ht !>ut not the duty, to trim or r"mo',e trc,," ~"d brush along or adjacent to this easement and re'llove roots from within thlS els"lI~nt whenever Grantee deems it necessary. Said rl!lht sha 11 not re lil!ve Gr,1ntor of the daty as owner to trim or remove trees and brush to pr~v"l\t dan!l"r .)r hil":lr. to property or persons. CONDU IT5 CARRY HIGH VOLTAG& ~:I.~:CTlllCAL CONDUCTORS, the r" f or~ Gral1tnr _hail not ,aake c,r allow any Cxcllvntion or fill til be made within this easement WITHuUT fIP ... r NOTlF"!l:lG SAr; lJi&GO GAS .. &1.~:CTRtC ClJMPAN~ 1I'i CAI.LiNG 696-2000, and tlIlrAtNHIG PERlil SS ION. This easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benef it of sllcc,,<sors. heirs, executors. administrators. permittees, licensees. ag"nts or ass igns of Gfllntor 81-0236-5 and Gran tee. -2- Z '::l ~ '" Q) ~'1 W r ~ .... 1 .;. " . .:..~ ". .' . :.;;_;~J_~ ::-.:. _ .-;5-,~,,: ~~~~~~t.: \ . , " -~ 'I .. ~ , 'J i • I i ~ , .. v\, 1448 IN WLTNESS WHEREOF, Grantor ex~=uted this instrument this ~~/ ~ ~ day of _' __________ ' 19_'_-----,- Executed in the I'rl.lscnce of: °..litness Drawn Checked Sketch Dace MOPAC Const. No. A.p. No. . ., ...... --. .-~ ...... Dehesa Oehcsa C-4S27 9-21-87 45855-03,04, ~:- 2214400 221-021-20 Ref: R/W 92558 . ~-"------ -3- , CmIPAN'l. A CALlfOR!UA 'U PARTNERS III P "UAfURES Mt"ST DE hOTA.1llrO ucnAJ'UU v;t f1tUfi"".R (t,.riiJ / 81-0:D6-s z 00 ~ .. ;, . ~. t.:"': t .. i~'';'Jc,..i _:::',.~~q <'" .~ .• 'f..... ," • --' l , .. ~ ! • 1449 I srATE OF CALIFORNIA :Ss. COUNTY OF San Diego On October 12, 1987 . bafora mfa.lhe undnr"lrqnl'd. a UOI.,.y Puhlrr. '" ilmJ fo' SolId Stalp "p.r50nallvappeared _ Paul Eck~, Jr. p ... ,son."lily known 10 mf) lor provf'd to me on Ihr' bato .... r:~ SOI!r$' fa·:to,y ...... dlmeel to he the person that exeeuteod the within Instrument AS General. parlnlJfl!ioI. or behail 01 Carl tas Company, a Cal i forni: Ltd. PartnershiRhoP.Nnorsh,P ,hl!fom nnm,.d nr'ld ncknowledgpd 10 me th.11 Ihe pnr1rlt:,shlp e7'eculp(j It /'-_~IL_ WITUfssm~h'lI1ditl1fJOflCUII'tl.tI $IQf'alur4't ~ ::=:::~~~-------'--------- z .0 ., - , \ I· .. ! , .:~ I ... < .y j .. ICOIIOtNO lliaulnll) 1'1' City Clark. City of Carl.bad AIIIO ""IN IIICOllOIO ..... 'L TO r City Clerk City of Carlsbad -1200 Elm Avenue _ Carlsbad. CA 92008 -CI.., • .... L.. r ----e,y. -I.. ..... ,1. TAlC nATIMINTS TO City Clark " City of Carlshad l200 El. Avanua Garlsbad. CA 92008 .... 1118 ., ...J RF f-~':'~. 'I.. ., ...J JI' '~ r~PO ---------------...J..---II'ACI AIOYI THIS LINI I'Olt ItICOttDIlt .. UII---Partnerahlp Grant Deed For Euemant TN' ..... "V_IIIM ..... ".,.. 'fl'ft.a • .., .... The undersigned grantor(s) dec1are(s): t"1A"V" Documentary transfer we is -0-(VtU1 API 21 1-021-25 CT '7-3 ( ) computed on fuU value of property conveyed. Of ( ) computed on fuU value less ulue of liens and encumbrances remaininl at time of ale, ( ) Unincorporated area: ( X) City of Carlsbad • and FOR A VALUABLl CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby leknowledpd. Ca,.,t .. Company. A CnlHomia Lim1 ted Partnership a limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of California h-ereby GRANTS to the City of Carlsbad. a municipal co,.po,.atlon. an easement for drainage and appurtenant facilities over, acroll and under the followinS described real property in the County of San Diego City of C.,.lsbad • State of California. See Exhibit "A" to,. legal description, 1111 al shown on Exhibit "8" attached hereto and Inco,.porated hereby by this reference. ~:---------------------- STAnOFCALI'~ } .. ~O, ________________ _ 011 bcf_ •• eM .~ •• NoQry hblie M II1II for IIitI Saa. ,.-a".".... __ ~ __ _ ~~------.------------- carltu ~. Il california L1m1ted Partnership POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL (5) City Clerk. City of Catls~ad ANO _eN IIICOfU)ID .. AIL TO r CHy Clerk City of Carlsbad .... 1116 .., --1200 Elm Avenue 5..... Cllrhbad. CA 92008 -... CIty, 5 .... L r MAIL TAX STAT~MINn TO City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 E11II Avenue Carlsbad. CA 92008 .., _..A:. .ACE AIOVI TH'S LlHI '011 "ICOItOI"" USE CAT "O.NN_" ro ,,» CA nt_u) Partnerwnlp Grant Deed For Easement The undersigned grantor(s~ dec:!are(s): r&.t+' Documt'ntlry transfer tax IS "0-. Apt 211-021-25 CT 11-3 .. ) computtd on full value of property conveyed. or ( ) computed on full value I~.s value of liens and enCllmbrances remaininC at time of sale. ( ) UninCflrpotated atea: ( lc) Citr oC Carlsbad • and FOR A VALUABLE COSSIDERATtOS. receipt of which is hereby acknowledpd. Carltas Company, A (aliforni < Limi ted Pru-tn~rship a limited partnership orgtnized under che laW! of che Scate of California hereby GRANTS to the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation. an easelMnt for 1ralnage and appurtenant filcillties over, across and under the followinJ described re~l property in the County of San Diego City of Carlsbad • State of Califomia. See Exhibit "AM for legal description. all as shown on Exhibit "S" attached herl!to and Incorporated hereby by this reference. , . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \1 \1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DETENTION 8ASIN-Eb~ E.(hibit "A""" 1118 8879-88-12 6-3-88 THAT PORTIO~ OF LOT H OF RANCHO AGUA HEOICNDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING iO HAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER~ tOT 9 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-3. IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DW;Q, STATE OF CAUFOfUHA, ACCORDING TO HAP THEREOF NO. 7492, FILED IN THE nrFItE OF THE COUNTY RECOROr.R OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMB[R 30, 1972; THENCE ALONG THE SOOTH EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 9, SOOTH 22'29'22· EAST, 72.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; lHENCE NORTH 67°30'37" EAST, 58.12 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22'29'23" EAST, 300.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 67°30'37" WEST, 360.48 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY SIDELINE OF PASEO DEL NORTE AS SHOWN ON CARLSBAD DRAWING NO. 246-8; THEIICE ALONG SAID SIDELIHE NORTH 22°29'10" WEST, (RECORD NORTH 22·28'06" WEST) 275.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAIO SIDELINE NORTH 67'30'50' EAST, 5.21 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 25.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 67°30'50" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 39.27 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGL~ OF 89°59'47.; THENCE NORTH 67°30'37" EAST, 272.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOTAL AREA: (l.DOllS-Q) j'Iy_!C ..... (Of OfQWd to .... en tile balo eI .. " .. actOl'f ......... , to I>e _ fM! •• «utlC! th. wilhln _IUfIIe", • Q --.. ~~ ----------., .......... - .. (TlIIe--...... --OHlI l ~ I eQ I ( ~ l\:) CQ , ~ I ~ I c.c .( I ... 1119 Ei'Il/.8/T I?' -LJETEAll/lJ;V ~A.s/N E~SEMENr r.t~O.fJ. OtreNT/ON !!A~/N eAst;!lreNT (f.4bA~) 1.7~.~O' a::L NOtU"e ~TBS __ ca_ !'tOLD anel ----. ...... ..... -a;x:s 4L ' ~b1l8 QWUS a. ICN« II.'.t. Z!IGl 00\11 . _-,_w_t--- Exhibit -S- ._-_._----------------...,....., _ 10"" (Of """*' 10 .... "" I~. ~ ... ", .. 1,-" **",......-110 be II1II1._0<1 IM- --....-J.~.,,~fV.JI~ ~~,,~~~~~~~-~ . .L. . 1~ • .,..-oIIiII • ............ _Is ....... IMIIIeI ... ...---......... • ... 7 ''''t-.... .,....rt ...... ~''''''~ ....... _____ •• ___ _ 1120 • C!!!RTIF'( CATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DEED T!li!l is to c:ertHy th!t the interest in real property . conveyed by the dE!F.·d or grant qated June 16, 1988 f:-om Cafltas C"!!!I!.any -----.---------------------------.-- to the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal cOl:poration, ill hereby accepted by the City Council of the City ()f Carlsbad, , adopted C.l.lifornia pursuant: to resolution No. 88-214 «""~ , and the grantee consents to the on July 5, 1988 recordation ~hereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: July 6, 19118 ~ ·0 I c..., (-." I I ce I ~ ce t : .~ .i :. J; .. I ;1 I f r ./ MCC a • atQUCST'IO ey B 8 ~! ~ 9 I 3 City CI.,.k -r City of C.rlsbad ___ 1I&A04 \'0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 EIIII Avenue ea"labad,CA nooe CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carl.bed. CA nOli' i fo?i . : . :;'';;,.i, 1i-4 iJ OrrICIA'.I'tCOR"l! ,.., s·,' ~., or ·'"·'r' c' w ., ••. } ..... .1"1 r. A N(' . ,_:: ---------------....:..---.ACi dOW 11411 LN fOIl RlCOfIOIR'lUII----Partnership Grant Deed The un~ p-antor(s) cledare(s): Documentary transfer tlX is -0·' . ( ) 'O/nputed on fuil nlue of propcny con~ed, or ( ) eompured on fuji Y"&Iue In. value of lier-s and encumbrances remainin, It time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated are:&: (x ) City of Carlsbld , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERAT!ON, recrlr' " .. Iuch IS hereby ICknowlcdp. Carltu ~J:J.,,1rItIrN COftIpany . a I~H~~ p I"NMMI~ orpnized u.rdcr the laws of the Srare of CaUfornla hereby GRANTS ro the City of C."lsbad. a municipal corporation. an e.selM'nt for ,.oedway and gene,..1 utility purposes. togethe,. with .dj.cent .'ope .nd d,.lIinaq" facility right., to construct .t,.eet Impl"\lvelll'lnts ove,.. ICI"OSI and urder the followi"l desaibed rnl proper!)' in the City of C."I~bed County of S.n Diego • State o( C&!ifomia. See Exhibit -A-(or leg.1 desc,.lptl.:>n •• 11 15 shown on Exhibit "8" .ttliChed he,.eto .nd Inco"p<>r.tec:l by this refe,.ence, I Osted: June 28! 1988 STATE OF CAl.IFUIlNI" COUNTY OF Sap Q1C1!p I --~--~~~~~~~-------i I I r~I' ......... o 1946 8747-88-00 A PORTION Of lOT °Ho RANCHO AGUA HEDIOHOA. IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNTY Of SAlt DIEGO. STATE O~ CALIFORNIA. ACCORDING TO /WI 110. 8Zl: fILED IN THE OfFICE OF THE COUHTY RECORDER OF SlJI 01 EGO COUMlY. NOVEMBER 16. 1896. , ~BlCING AT TIfE ~THEAST CORNER OF LOT 4 OF CARLSBAD TRACT 110. 72-3 IN THE cm' OF w.:.sBAD. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO MAP 'P.fEREOi=' 110. 749Z. FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COl"fTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COONTY, IIOVEl1BER lO, 1972; THENCE NORrH 22°29'2t" VEST ALONG THE NORTHERlY PROlONGATION ce THE WES1ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, SZ.77 FEET TO A POINT ON " CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HA'IIItG A RADIUS OF 1000.00 FEET TO WHICH A II~IAl BEARS IIORTH 7'59'29° WEST SAID POINT BEING ON THE CEHTERLIIfE OF CAK."IOH RnA!) AS SOOWM ON AND DELINEATED ON PlAP 749Z; THENCE EASTERLY 340.56 F~ET ALONG SolID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGlE OF 19°30'45°; THENCE SOUTH 78'28'43· EAST 767.00 fEET Tv THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 78'Z8'43° EAST 1286.67 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 2000.00 FEET: -;-/,EIICE EASTERLY 223.59 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGIt A CENTRAL ANGLE Of. SOZ4'19"; THENCE SOUTH 84°53'03. EAST 1076.21 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 1451.0~ FEET TO WHICH A ~I~L EEARS SOUTH 10007'lZ" EAST SAID POINT BEING A POINT OF CUSP: THENCE WESTERLY 385.85 FEET AlONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF IS·14'09·; THrNCE NORTH 84·53'03" VEST 694.89 FEET TO THE BEGIHHIhG OF A CURVE CONCAVE HORTHEnlY HAYING A RADIUS OF 2051.00 FEET: THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 229.29 HET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6°24'19°: THENCE ItCRTH 78°28'43" VEST lZ86.67 FEET: THENCE NORTH 11°31'17. EAST 51.00 FEET TO THE TJ'.1JE POINT OF BEGINNING. RONALD C. PARKER . KY REGISTRATION EXPIRES 6/30/92 (LD010I-Q) £X/1IGIT tAl ,p';:'Jii; ~\ ~ ~ II illi ~a -. ~ [Tt $ S2 0 ~ z \ '::1---~ -0 f') I » • I:') • ~ ~ • --' 0IIfI \) ! z ~~HIIIT 'S' ,.--:-::-:--;-:-.-._.-"'--~. -.... -. . ; .... ..., 0) -c::> .. I . • • (O'II''ltI'''~'f 1"100' -. T.P.O.&. 10' ZtI'4l)" f): IZ~(D1' -+-I~ .' ",,. r:! 4' H II' "'11". "'00' ....-.. .~ --X """ .. ' -t -------. ~ u 'W'-.." .... -~. • CAN"ON ROAO ~ , H 1.' ZO .... W ~" .• 1' ~ l!c 'I _ I~ I I 2 PORTION LOT Ii RANCHo AGUA HEDJOl'iDA MAp 823 I· -SO ... til ::r; ... ~ ••• £l6tlf ~\ ~ ~~ 101M. PRA Of PeOICldIOH. IZ.;,cll6.41 \~ \'3.-~1\' ~ ~ A-~.Z4' \1\" ' f\. ZOOO 00' \01CP.ZI :"p U~.~, ~ ............. _. ...~ ~&4.~1~. e ~I.~~ ~.~ . '"'Z.,.~t ""'~1'-\ '':>,{--._ ~ .. '.,'~~ fe'14.o<I' -. ~ :~ i: CANNON_!!QAD M' -... -~, I ::: 1&'m'4~W IZ6fl.tD1'==1 7tc:· ...... H 64''»'D'" VI (A4. . .. ~~. Io/l4'OQo ". 14., IOO ~; r~1~: ~... PORTJON LOT H L,-t3l.fI1' RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA MAP 823 1--t)M.~' h .. t;Q. f'( /2. te4 AQW& ,. o 1948 CZJtTIr:tCATION FOR ACCZP'1'ANC!! 0 .. DEED Tnls is to certify that the interest in real pro~rty conveyed by the deed or qrant dated __ ~J~u~n~e~2~8~.~1~9~8~8 ________ __ frolll Carle .. Cotapany to the City of Carlsbad, California, a lIIunicipal corporation, ia h.reby accepted by the City Council ot the City of Carlsbad, California purauant to resolution No.~~, adop~ed on AUluae 16, 1988 and the qrantee conaents to the recordation thereof by its -1..1; Authorised officer. DATED: Au,un 17. 1988 OIl Itt,.. 28 '988 ..,. _ dot -....... •• Neary MIle ia .. f .... ............ .,.."... .. ~~~-----"'r1atnptwr C Cplk'n- Iy 6/ ; '::j--~ . ~ Ii.: :: --c· z --~I ..... " .. : .. @ ~ ----............ - I t 'r- J .. ' •• -':'it; 1738 TRANSfER TAX NONE '~::. .' _ .. ' ....... ,01 .... ~.. RIGHT OF WAY' SAN DIEGO GAS &,.t:~ECTRIC CO. ~~:~"~_==;'~====~~l::.:~~_=~=~~~~J:= -"-,:, ......... _.... ........ ....... ... ......... .. ......... _ ....... : ............ : ........... hereina/l .. r ""lIod "O .. nlor." lor valWlbl. conaide .. 1Ion ,ranl(.) 10 '.~~'.. San Dil'1lo G .. " F.leclri. Company ... corporatilJll, bareinall.r ""lied .. Granl ..... an e ...... enl and ri,hl 01 way upon. over. ..... und., and Ben,... tht" landll hert-in.It"r d...cribM. to rrrc:t. con.trod. r«"Oftitruct. repl.c~. r~pair, maintain and UH •• line 01 -4~ . poIn with wil'H AU»IMlnel"1 th"f(.'un and all nf"ft'Mllry and propt'r illY'll •• neburae,.. CfOM8rtJW, braes and olher fhr:curH lor " ...... in ,,,nn,,,,liun Iherewith. lor the tralllmiuion and dlatribnt.un uf electricilY lor all pur_ for which it may M .....t •• 1 . -luch In.aliun. and .Ievalillno UI)lln. ailing and ov.r th~ hereinufl .. r d"",rihed ........ nt and righl 01 way ... Grant .... may nnw or iwreaf&er doem conv.nienl and m..",...ry al any time and from time 10 lima. toeether with Ihe nchl 01 in,.--thereto and 011'" lherefrom. 10 .nd alon, .. id line. over and ...... Ih. Grantor'lland lilualed In the Counly or.. ... ~~ .. P.~!.~~~ ... Sial" 01 Califurnia. and more particularly d....,rihed .. 101lowl: That por~ion of Lot "H" of Ranoho Agua Hedionda, according to Hap thereot No. 82', tiled in the ottioe ot the Reoorder ot said Oounty ot San Diego, desoribed in a Deed reoorded September 21, 1965 at Reoorder'a lile/Page No. 171765 of Offioial Reoords ot said County ot San Diego. Thp .... iol ~ ... mcnl lind ri~ht "I way in lhe afllr ... id In nolo shall "" .12.00 ... leet in wid.h. ""ing 6.00 .. 1·.~llMu, url"d at rich' an,IH. on each sitfe 01 Un-followi", d~ribt. .. 1 center lin~: £'1" .- • . Commenoing at Ranoh corner No. 6 of Rancho Agua Redionda, '1iJ said corner .No. 6 bears North 89° 27' 10" Vest from corner No. 5 thereof; ~--,thenoe North 57' 01' 46" East, 4363.54 feet to the TRtJ'E POINT OF BEGINNING : 'ot the oenter line herein desoribed; thence continuing North 57° 01' 46" b£l&at, 252.1,· feet. Grnntor Ie,,."t,, to n,nnl.·t· the ritchl to r'l'C't and mnintnin on th ... hoY. d .... ,ibt'Cl land" of thp Grantor adjacent to Mid .uernent and ritch! 01 way lIuch anchurale •• may he nt"Ct"MAry at any time and frum tim"" to lime tu pn,pto,ly cuy .. id linp of pol ... Grantor !lhaJi not t·'toct. plnN!' or CUM' nICe. nor ppmli. tit ..,.. f"rflCtftl. pllln"tl or ,"u",,'ru('ced. any buUdinl or olMr .true- tUlIP: plant an~ .rroe: drill or dhc any wrll. within the limit. (II said t,'alWl1mlt .nd rich! of way. Grant .... h.n have .h. ri~ht. bul not Ihe du'y. 10 lrim o .... move I .... and brulh alo"l or adj"""nl to .. id _~nt and right 01 way whf"nrvc,', C;,on'H' d('(>m. it n«c .... rv. Said right .hall not r~U"r-Grantor of tht" duty .. owner 10 trim or NmovC! trl," and brullh tf) prevt"nt danler or haunt 10 .)rul»eft)' or pef'lOn •• 'n... terml. rov_n.n' •• nd conditiu ... 01 thill ....... enl aad riKIIt 01 way thall M bin,linK upon .nd Inure to the b.nelll of any hei ... px«uIo .... dminillralo ... ""rrnltl_. licen-. a,.nll or ... 1 .... 01 Grantur .nd the lu_ra uod uoilM 01 Grantee>. ': . ': '1' '~I, .:. " J •• u.n •• _rmJf. Ih. Granlor ........ _ ............... nl!Clltrd Ihia inalnllnent Ihil~l.(!..da,. 0I .... ~ .................. It. Z.((., • .':g~A~~~~::': "":;:~~,~~~:,~~:~:_.;:,_~~'" DRAWN BY ...... ~;'ay .... CHECKED B~~ .. -ta 'y; S!(ET<;H NO._ ........... . DA~.'!" .. _:~l~7.~ _: MOPAC No.-2414J,..Ol ,f :: tJ. "/: li',l" ··_ ...... · .... ··WlliMiii: ...... "l' .I :"'. . 1'- , ,...,\ 1 ·i. " . .. 'lIT ..... '." : •• '" 'M';::h '" . ~ I", ~'1 \ .It! !.' ~~u ,I "I #.,f!.lo fC'. 'c:1!:,. ': ~ ,II .!~:q :": SIGNATURF.S MUST BB NOTARIZED NOTARIE8-USB PROPBR FORM ON BACK UU/j. . ., , . .: I . ~ ....... -.-----------.--.... f· ~ .. • \ ,-. STAn 0 .. CALIFORNIA, County of San Diego 1'739 ON THlsgThlLday of __ ---.J·!a., ....A.D •• 19_12-. before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said County and State. residing therein. duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared ---1U.llQ~---fuI.nt&L-known to me to be the perlon whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument. as a Witne .. thereto. who being by mp duly .worn. deposes and says: That he reside. in ---..San Dic '0, Co,) j Corn iil and that he was present and ,aw 1"11] Ecke, ,rr. known to him to be the Secr"t"ry and knou-n tl) him to be the ._of the Corporation named in said Instrument. execute and d,,/iv('r the same. and_--h!! __ _ ac/mow/edged to said affiant that.~e:iecuted the same on behalf of the Corporation therein named. and that said affiant subscribed his name thereto as a Witness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my~ my offrcial i·r\I··Y ••• ItIIWI"'W!O&lIfitII'IIiIIIII'~ibfMt"It ............ Y" ~• SHARON L. COLTON ~ (Seal) s: . . __ . _ . __ . ___ _ II.:!-'; ',,> NUrAllY PUBLIC :: Notary Public in and for said County and State :: ,~---C1WWoiil'fiiYUM'Fe>MW:-;: _n. n.'" ~ M) Ccdnmiulon Elg:(,,, Novtmtllt 20. 1912 ~ ... tI' ••••••••••• ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·~ ... ·.·.·Il~ ... ·.· .. day .nd yrar in Ihia certificate -1I;;i'.i~" w,ii·ie .. : GENERAl. FORM STATE OF ..................................... _! . ""-County .. i . .... . ................. . ON THIS . .. ... dRY III A.n. 19 .• Ix-rorf' niP. th,o undp",ignl'd. a Nutary Public in and ror IUIltl Cuunty lind Stat ... "*""iding thrtein. duly cummi""iunt'tl n orl "wurn. lK'nonnlly appearM .............................................. _ ..... . 1 ';'~~.r-':H "LE/"A~E NO.,'::'IIo:r-__ BOOK 1912 RECORDt'D II(OIl£$T 0' . known to rtll" tu Ix· thf' prtsun.. . whDlW' name-.......•..•..•...•... BuhKc.·rilN'11 tn th .. wllhin In"lrUln('nt. Rnf' duly Rl'knnwlPlI.ed tn mt" thal. ........ he .... __ .. PXNoul...-. Ihf" Mmf". In lOUnr." mI,rrruf. I havi' hf"r.'untu 114.'1 my hand and a"isM my offici.llftal thp day and y.·nr in It1l'4 ""rlifh'alr fif"llli aoo"'" writtl'n. !II ,. z C iii PI n SAN DllliO G(IS &. ELECTRIC CO. 0 ~ C) 0 e 0 '1 • 5 12 liS PM In ~I~AL RECO~I "'" M6~ \\~~IT · ALI'. "il ... t. C) In' go .., m 0 In 0 ~ :II 0 0 0 ~ "\I ,. Z -< '8 C') '1 II> n ::Co ... ? ~;J. .... 0 O~ 1:1 "'I'J~ ~ "'< ::;:::.:::::~::.::::=::.:::~::::~::::::~:~I ~ CORPORATION. ":~~ ,. ON THIS .................... day oI ........................................ A.D .• 19 ...... helo .. mo. thp und .... IKnoci. a No~ •• y Public: In and ro. oaIrI Couly and State •• Nidin, I~. duly """"'"-ion..! .nd -m. peroonally .""""reeL ........................... _ .... ~ ............ .. lIMwD 10 1M 10 be the.._ ................. _._ ............. _ ........... ~ and. ................ _ ................................................ know .. 10 .... 10 be the ·· .. · .. ·· ........ _.H_ .. __ ....... _ ...................... 01 .......................... _ •. _ ............................ _ .. _;.. ........................... _ ........................ __ •• __ ... .. . ;,: the CorJ-aIInn lhal ... ..,..locI 11M within rnal ...... enl. k_ 10 ,,",lobe the _ •• wlM> ....... t..t the-wllhln , ... tru..-&, 011 behall 01 the CorporatJon I ................. nd IICknowloclKod to,,", Ihnt....,h ~ n_lod lhe within r_~ ... -.. ~ 10 Ita By. La ... ~r ~ R~I':'~lon 01 Ita BooIrd 01 .Jirocto... ~ In .Ibt,~ .~rr~\I.r. 1 "'" ....... nlo "' Ill, hod and .... t'd my ~ lhe day and year In Ihl ... rtl&'ta ,"I ...... wrll..... -l (Seel) .':.1" .. ·.--, I N ., ('-1' At H'U( .' I CO t) 1 .: ~~'T:"iJ~ '~~_;y'PiibiIi iii·"fror·iiiiiii·coufiti·.iiinita~ I'l tC "'I!'~jf ~" IWX ,. ·.I~ " ... ~ ~~ \ ~ ~ ,. ~. ': ~IGORDlNQ RaQUa.TlD IV City of Carlsbad 1200 Blm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 r -City of Carlsbad _ 1200 Blm Avenue --Carlsbad, California CIooa 22~O "Lf./I'AG[ Ho'~?'O·158 lOOK 1m IIUORDlO HCOUUJ 0' SECUR'lY TInE INSURANCE COMPANf Nov 30 3 01 PH 'n uNOffJfrU~~~~~81LW. HULU '.ILOOM neo"o," NO Ft:e -L ,;;;;;... _________ • ______ J.... __ ."ACE A.OVII: THI. UNII: 1'0" "CCORO!!:"'. U.E ---- 92008 -.J r """ ,aa "AUMfMl TO Documentary Transfer Tax S ~ C~puted on full valuel5y-piOperty convey~d. ---or comouted on full value less liens and en- cumbrances'remaining thereon at time of sale. -City ot Carlsbad _ 1200 Elm Avenue --Carl.bad, California CIooa s-4' -4 ??7') As.essor'. Parcel No. 211-02l-02 92008 ~~nu ,'c t::;;")t.£ e .. ~ ignat~~f declarant or agent determining t4X -.J Pirm Name Corporation Grant Deed TO .. 08 CA c 7 •• 1. THI. '0" .. 'URN'.HIED av TITLE INaUIIIANCC AND TItUaT CO"'~AHY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. reffipl of which i. hereby acknowledged. CARLTAS CORPORATION I eorporalion orglniard under Ihe law. of Ihe .Iale of California hmby CRANTSlIIX and DEDICATES to the City of Carlsbad for purposes ot A public road, ut.il!ty, sewer And water easements the rollowing described real property in lhe Counlyof San Diego City of Carlsbad .5,.,. of C.liforni.: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto Exhibit "B" is attached for convenience in locating • .. ' G··~·~:::~;.'·';··· .. ~. ... c:i'" I" Wilnen Wh,!reflr, "did .... 'p,,'Alinn It .. ".,n ... ,' il ..... "IIIr.,lr nalllr ."" ... a',n I .. .,1Ii • ." hrttlMlnd I~. in ... u· •.. -:";:.· mrnl In be f'~t"I'ute" bv iI~ P'rf'li,It'nl .lId .: S' :SrCrrt.u,.; .2 .hflrnnl .. duh Ilulh"rj~,.d. !' ~. t·: ~ e;':'" naled: NOVE/!BER 17. 1972 '. :._ 0 ...... :: ST.\TF. Ot· C"LlrORNJ.~} •..•. " a.. SS. c:nUNTY nt· SAN D . .::Im=-:.IO=-__ _ 0.. -1!01JE!.!BElL17J9.1.2... ___ h.rnrr on •• ,10. und., • • illtrd •• Nolary J' .. Mic in pnd fur Jli,1 ~I.I,". ,.,."tlnlll,. Ippt'lrrd PAUL ECKl!'! known &. .. 10 br the I're.illrn •• and R. L. JlLICKE'1STAFF knnwn 'n mr '0 h. Srrrrtn)"y or the (;urporatJlln 11,., rl«"ull'I' til,. .ilhi" 'nl'I'II,,",nl. Lon"wn In tnfO .n IN' III,. pn .. ,n. "hu "ul'ulrd thlt .ithl" In .. uu ....... , un h .. h.1f Df Ih,. C.,rporatJnn therein nlmf"C'. and ... 1" .... I,..'.rd "I mr .ha •• UC"h Ct)f'pn'lllun rlft'ulfti Ihe wl1hln In.er .. ........ put.u.n) 10 h. h,,'aw. ", • r ..... IUlln .. ." h. bnlrd nI dlrfflor .. • ·ITIIES:' III, h.~IIia.1 ... 1. ~pw~. ~~~.4t~ ____________ __ R. A. WHI'l'E"::::---:--,,-.,.--...,.,. _______ _ N.". 'T,ped 0, ",I.,edl Id. Order No. ____ _ _1Mrow 0 =.:.:: ==..:.=:.:=::-.=.:. , _ No C~R~r'tcA~E OP ACCEPTANCE ~hJ. 1. to cert1f~ that the 1ntere.t 1n re.l prop.rt~ conveved b~ the deed or grant dated Hoye~~er 17. 1972 fro. C.rltas Corpor.tfon to the CJt~ of Carlsbad, CalJfornJa, a politJcal corporation and/or Munfcipal go.ern.ental ag.nc~, Js her.b~ accepted b, the unders1gned off Jeer or avent on behalf of the C1tl Council of the ~ Cit, 01 Carlsbad,'Cal1fornia, pursuanC to authorJt~ confer e.oluCJon ~ ,15J7 ot the CJt, . dopted o. "ul" :1, l,._ (1ons.nts to ~ ,*c. r ... L./,. '."~yl":rlll,llllU. I', :::, SI6.;::::'~:~;~O~l~,~~lIb:.~r~' ;~.~;;;;~~~~~ k ~~i;:~1ft:iE;~ :~~~:~lij~' . -: rio, "'. . ~ . Exhibit "A" In the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, ...--, Those portions of Lot H of Rancho Agua Redionda according to Map thereof No. 823 filed in the office of the County Recorder of .aid County described as follow.: . :r;~4. .. i~~~" ~ / Parcel No.1 Public Road, Utility, Sewer and Water Easements C/ That portion of said Lot H that is within a strip of land 86 feet in width, being 43 feet in width on each side of the following described centerline: Beginnjng at the intersection of the centerlines of Palomar Airport Road and Lowder Lane as shown on Parcel Map No. 19' filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County: Thence North 2° 09' 55" East a distance of 50 feet to the northerly line of said Palomar Airport Road, being the TRUE POINi OF BEGINNING of the centerline to be described; Thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING North 2° 09' 55" FA.t a distance of 176.97 feet to the beginning of a 600 foot radius tangent curve concave southwesterly; Thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 86-48' 13" for an arc distance of 909.01 feet to a point of tangency; Thence North 84-3R' 18" West a distance of 239.30 feet to the beginning of a 600 foot radius tangent curve concave northeasterly; Thence northerly along said curve through a central angle of 88-08' 18" for an arc distance of 922.98 feet to a point of tan-gency; Thence North 3° 30' 00" East a distance of 296.12 feet to the beginning of a 600 foot radius tangent curve concave westerly; Thence northlerly along .aid curve through a central angle of 25-59' 22" for an arc distance of 272.16 to a point of tangency; Thence North 22-29' 22" We.t a di.tance of 4.38 feet to a point in the southerly line of Parcel Two of that Deed of Trust re- corded February 11, 1972 as File No. 33944, .aid point being also distant 357.00 feet along a bearing of North 67-30' 38" East from the easterly line of the California State Highway as described in deed to the State of California recorded June 18, 1965 aa Document No. 10'8756 of Official Record.. (Said point is hereinafter designated •• Point "A" for the following described exception and easement.) Excepting therefrom the portion lying Westerly of a line deacribed 4S follow.: Starting at Point "A" North 67-30' 38" Ea.t a di.tance of 345.39 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING thence from aaid TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING South 22-29' 22" Ea.t a diatance of 2322.53 feet 1IIITUL to the point where aaid line intersects the northerly boundary line ~ f Palomar Airport Road. 2 Land.ca~ and Utili~ !aa •• nts W4:i:b--=!eJ!ftH!i:en-.fm: ~~~~~~-oaehiliftilfIth lH ht to Grant UUlIt L .... nt to otli.rs •. ~.~ .e'" ,.. A atrip of real property .xtendini for a width ot 10 f •• t ~~ L-__ ---n both aid •• of the boundary of the 86 foot road d.scribed in 'arc.l No. 1 abov •• ---------- / ·1 I I I I I I I I • .. ' ' 2293 '. :- .. CP.NNO,y ef " ~ U ~ ~ ~ ,.. ..... 0 -~ .... tu Cl . .- ........ . ~.: ... : ,' .. '" ... ,:. ~I' •• :~ •• 00; '. '. .:~,,;. ~3 ,. ,. ______ ------------~.t .;. , , --, LY I I I I I -----"'11 ._ ~ __ J i , j I I I I I Ii (JJ.l~ '1 &If..dc<< I JbJ' [) h-t., (lV .. l- {~t~~4:J ~ 536 OFFICIAL n(~Oi1:lS SAN DIEGO COUtll)-'CALIF. HARLEY F. al.OOM RECORDER ------------------'-----5PACE ABOVi:. FOR RECCRDER '5 USFl------- • ~ I I I , , I 1 I I I I , ! I I I GRANT OF EASEMENT OOCI.H,:::rm' ",\" .. ;: :'-':'-:': T:.\ 5 ... _1-.. -_. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation, hereinafter called "Grantor", for valuable consideration, grants to the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, hereinafter called "Grantee", in accordance with City of Carlsbad Ordinance No. 9279, a temporary floating easement and right of way for road purposes and appurtenances thereto, over, under and across, Grantor's land situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: Those portions of Lots "F" and "h" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County of San Diego, November 16, 1896, described in Deeds to San Diego Gas & Electric Company, recorded May 2, 1952 in Book 4456, Page 49; recorded January 21, 1953 in Book 4722, Page 350 and recorded June 16, 1953 in Book 5055, Page 447, all t.eing of Official Records of said County of San Diego. The tell.porary easement herein granted shall be for the purpose of constructing Cannon Road over those portions of the above described property and shall be approximately located as shown on the Specific Plan attached to said City or Ca~lsbad Ordinance No. 9279. " U1 . ~ .. ' !Sj': (J1 • J . , lj\ '" ~ ,," ; ....... ~----.. --_ .. _ ...... -.-~. _ .. -~-......... -..... ~----.... --....... '--- ',~ h"lum to: 536 ;llE/i.:bi~69S BOOK U15 IflECOR,.fEO REQUEIT 0' &tOt-7 &.{~tll1'd. /.)c..'-xf lj'rY\-&t.~. C1 tl1J~b(i;titJ" ',' C.::" Nov ZO 10 3It AH '75 . ~At.l!..~d7.. 4:1 qJoq[ OFFICiAl. il£ ~ O~:lS UN DIEGO COUN1 '(.CAU'. HARLEY F, BLOOM RECORDER -------------------l------6PACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USEi-------- GRANT OF EASEMENT oocurt.:::~Tf': \' ";" ;: ... ro:~ T.'':'; $ .•• _f.. .... - SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY. a corporation. hereinafter called "Grantor", for valuable consideration. grants to the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego. State of California. hereinafter called "Grantee". in accordance with City of Carlsbad Ordinance No. 9279. a temporary floating easement and right of way for road purposes and appurtenances thereto, over. unde" and across, Grantor's land situated in the City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego. State of California. described as follows: Those portions of Lots tlF" and "H" of Rancho Agua Hedionda. in t~e City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego, State "r r.A11forn1A. accordin~ to Map thereof No. 823. filed in the £~RTIFIcATe OP ACC~PTA._,C_!_O ~' of said County of San Diego, I • 53'," in Deeds to San Diego Gas & Electric "'hj~ is to certify thnt the int t'! in Book 4456. Page 49; recorded r~a! pr~p~rty conveye~ by the d:~~sor~n !. Page 350 and recorded June 16. ';ratll: dated November 4th, 1975 from all being of Official Records San Diego Gas & Electric Company 1 to the City of Carlsbad, California h ~ political corporation and/or ' rent herein granted shall be 'lOvcrtloental agency, is hereby acce ~cd 1 tt!] the; undersigned oft 0 p tng Cannon Road over those portions ~cer or agent J ' Ull behalf of .. ,tJ'-f~, City COUncil of th C ley of C.rJ "Vaa::'-''C-'li f' e ty and shall be approximately " 0'_''':., ',.'0 "f' orn~a, pursuant I ii ;0 Duthori~.I1.·,::cfi}I:!r:ti'r:.d by Resolution in Plan attached to said City .. ·1537 ~£. .. ?,~.c, t~ ~Y'·.:.,! . .f -C;ar1sbad adopted C ••• tilt on ~ul!/ li':.~('8,· a.'l~-:t.he grantee E: ~~;!;~i~~~~~.iiG~f; 1 ~;~~/~!J!;; theruol' by ,9 . . ~~ 7~; d,4~ II! H"~ .' E;,' A Dlo flS , Cl ty Clerk j :JI-.TED: Nov~e'r 18:"~975 . I ~ : ----~----'--'" ,,---.. --.... " -----.. _.--t !. "t...o..", ............. _ Grantee, its successors, assigns, agents or con- tractors, shall be responsible for any damage to Grantor's existing facilities occasioned by or aris~ng from the con- struction, operation or maintenance of Grantee's facilities within said Grantor's property. Grantee covenants for itself, its successors, assigns, agents or contractors, that all work in connection with the installation of Grantee's facilities and appurtenances shall be done in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with standard eng1neering practices. Grantor reserves unto itself, 1ts successors and assigns, the right to use the subsurface, surface and air- space thereover, of the hereinbefore described easement and right of way, for the installation of such facilities as it shall now or in the future deem necessary, provided, however, that such reserved use rights shall not be exercised by Grantor, its successors or aSSigns, in such a manner as to be incompatible with Grantee's installation. Grantee shall at all times indemnify and save harmless Grantor against and pay in full any and all loss, damage or expense that Grantor may sustain, incur or become liable for, resulting in any manner from the construction, maintenance, use, state of repair or presence of Grantee's facilities installed hereunder and all necessary and proper fixtures and equipment for use in connection therewith, including any such 108S, damage or expense arising out of the (a) 108s or or damage to property, and (b) injury to or death of persons. including the defense of any accion arising -2- . Co.) ~S~ 0) I CO , en ! " . I I J. I I i .... & 539 therefrom, excepting any loss, damage or expense and claims for loss, damage or expense resulting in any manner from the negligent act or acts of Grantor, its contractors, officers, agents or employees. Grantor shall, upon receipt of the description of the approved location of Cannon Road within Grantor's property, prepare a grant of easement describing the approved route. The terms, conditions and purposes hereinabove stated. Grantor shall execute the new described easement, and Grantee shall within 90 days deliver to Grantor a Quitclaim Deed for the temporary floating easement herein conveyed. The terms, covenants and conditions of this grant of easement and right of way shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors or assigns of Grantor a~d Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand this ___ 4_th _____ day of _---.:N::.;o:..;v..;:e;;;l!Io.;;.e;;;r:..-. __ , 19~. ., ... , .. , ..... . ATTEST: '": ..... ' ·-::<.'·.t;o~/hk9 .:._ . .. ·~retary .","", . . .•. .... :.''': .". ., . ". . . DIV,'" 6Y __ ',01'''''',1 CHr.:;r.~~ g., •..• ____ _ ~;~:l.::. !;!j.. _. ___ .1 v.;F 10/31/75 I TO . "I-"r~o~"-"" .. ----. , . .. --.. ------.. .., , y Attorney SAN ~EGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMP corporation By_~~~~~~ _____ __ s Vice President -3- ;;: ~) CO ~I '" I , ( I j j -------'" ,.--.... ,..,~"' . ....., ....... --...... --------------------------~~,' 'J~ :l"" .. ,t .-. A l540 -i~' :; {. , SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY FORM S~A~E OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ON THIS ~ day of Noyaml!lu: , 19.75-, bet'orc: me, the unders1gned, a-aotary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared R.!il Morris , known to me to be the Bani or v, ca Pres Ident and li. J Karnes , known to me t(J ut: the Secretary of 3AN D!EOO GA3 & ELECTRIC COMPANY, the corporatIon that executed the within Instrument. known to me to be the persons who executed the wit.llin inlltrlJment, on behalf of the corporat1on therein named. and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed t.he ~IHhln Instrument pursuant to its By-Laws or a Resolution of its DO:!T'>1 of Dlrectors. WITUESS my hand and off1~ial seal. ~~.~tE"'1.otary P~J~tr1.t:counLY oF. Prloclpil OIhce. San Dlreo ::.1 .., e-ISSIOII UPI'n _bot ~, 197& ...... · •• ,.· ............ ·.·.· ..... ·.v., .. ·"' .. . ! i 1 i i I ______ , ______ J --.---.~--.. ~--~---... ----- .J:: '. f 'r ~, }J -'::f~ • ;,'t- iFEQ WE g=5W?n 1~1 GRANT ll..!...E By th1~ ir.clrulnent dated __ ..... M ..... a'.ly'-"I ... 0 .... _1 .. 9 ..... 6 ... 1 _______ • for Q valuable cone ide ,·nllon. PAUL ECItE and MAGLALF.IlA ECltE, husband nnd wIre. os Joint tenants, hcr!!by r.n~N'l':; 1.0 CAnr.sRAD )·;:mICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, n municipal ""ter dlr.trict o r.<::"" 1 zed and exlotinp; UIIUP" the MJnlclpal water Dl~trlct Act of 1911. a:; nmended. Th:ll pOl'l1on of Lot "lI" of Rancho Agua lIedJonda. 1n the CoUr.ty of San Di(:p;o, 3tnte of Cal1fornia, according to ParUtior. Map 110. 823 fnl'd 1n the office of the County Recorder of San Tl1~go lIovember 16y 1896. de~cr1bed an follows: . Beginning at Point 9 of Lot "F" as shown on ~~id Partlti~n Mnp No. 873. Daid Polnt 9 be1ng a point ill .• Easterly bounda~J course of said Lot "H" connecting PoInts 13 of L<lt "a" and Point 8 of L<lt "F" as shown on sald Uap No. 823; 1.hf'nce North 0'07128" Eant along the sald Eallterly boundary courDe of nald Lot "H" 110.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIIIG: thence continuing North 0'07128" East along said Esnterly boundary course 160.00 feet: thence lcaving said bounda~J course North 89'52132" We$t 120.00 feet; thence ~outh 00'07128" West 160.00 feet: thence South 89'52132" Ellnt 120.00 foet to the true point of beginning: containing O.~~ aerea. more or less. TOGETHER WITH the right of ingress thereto and egre3~ therefrom by a pr3ctical ro·.ltt' or routes In, upon, over and across the following de-scrlbpd l~ndD: Thnt portion of Rancho Agua Hedlondn, In the City of Carlsbad, County ot San Diego. State of Callfornla according to Partitlon M~p thereof No. 823 filed In the Officu of the County Recorder of San Diego County on November 16, 1896. situated wlthln that portlon thereof descrlbed In deed to San Di~go County .ater Company, re- COrded June 17. 1940 in Book 1035. poge 301 of Official Records, by Document No. 28815 and lying Southerly and Southeasterly of a 1111(, descrIbed as Collows: ~glnning at the Intersu~t10n of the lIorth~rl~ boundary of Lot "II" of eald Rancho AgU3 lIedionda with the ct!nter line of the 100 C(lot l·lght of way granted to the State of Californ1a. by deed recorded Augu~t 30, 1935 in Book ~32, page 60 ot OfCic1a1 Rerordn, by Document 110. 116278 in n portion ot' said Northerly boundal'Y 01' L<lt "II" bearing South 78°031 Esst 1149.32 feet (record ll~8.08 feet) and North 72'211::;0" East 2036.33 f'let (record North 72'241 East 2036.30 teet) !'rom Corner No.1 ot' ~a1d Ro.ncho Agua Hcdlonda, Gcnording to Licensed Survey !.:ap No. 173 fUed in the Orrice of tile County Recorder of San Diego County December 16, 1913; thence Southeasterly along sald center line 01' right of way 6664.92 feet to ~~inecrls Station 334 plus 79.0~ as shown on Map oC foald 100 toot Highway Right of Way ot Road XI-SD-2-B on file 1n l.h~ Orrice of the Distrlct State Hlghway Eng1neer, said Engineer1s Statlon 3311 plUD 79.00 being 1n that course of said center line of r1eht of way havlng a bearing of South 30'38150" East (accOrdlng to ~nld lIighway M~p and according to sald Book 432, page 60, the bellr1ng is recorded as South 30'43130" East); thence ~outh 59' 21 110" West to the ordlnary mean hlgh tlde 11ne of the Pacific Ocean and the true point of beglnnlng; thence ~traclng North 59°21 110" EIl9t to said Eng1neer1b StQt10n 334 plu: 79.00 in said r a .. r ,.p '.~ 4 ••••• .,. 0. -~---.. ------~--,--. -e.'tt"""'7 center line of Highway right of way; th'!noe continuing North 59°21110" East 1097.36 teet to the center line of the right of way of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rall",ay Company as soid right of way 1~ descr1bed in deed recorded March 10, 1881 in Book 38, page 171 of Deods; thence along said renter line of Rallway right of wny !Iorth 23'061 \o!est 91i?.BII feet; thence 1eav1ng sa1d center l.1ne lI:lI'th 66.54 '10" End 1770 reet; thence South 23°05'05" El1nt 1485.87 feet; thence North 80'43125" Enst to the Easterly boundary or Do1d land descrlb~d .I~ sn1d dnl'd 1;0 S~n Die(!o Count.y Water Company 1n Book 1035, pnge 301 or orficial n<!co"ls; the lond described in snid deed to the ~nn Diego County Wnter Company ~corded June 17, 1940 1n Book 1035, png" 301 of Officiol Rccords, Document, No. 7.8815, being descr1bed ne follows: P.p.g1nning 'It Comer 110. 6 of said noncho, as chown nnd de11nent.ed on the soid Mnp, running thence 1I01·th 89°59' E3st along the ~outh Une of eaid Rancho, R3 shown on Daid MoP, 5317.58 feet to a point; thence North 0.321 west 7039.93 feet to a point: thence South 89°281 Wer.t 1865 feet to B point; thence Ilorth OO)l" West 1319.2;: feet to a »oint; thence HoIth 64 °35 I West 2531 feet to B point; t!>".,ce North 53 °57' Went 892.70 feet to a point; th~.,ce lIorth 72"141 WL .)~5.3 feet to a point; thence lIorth 34°21 1 Went 1290.3 fef>t to a pol:-.t; thence South 63°421 Wect 893.68 feet to a polnt; thence South 72°24' Went 2036.» feet to a point; thence North 78"031 West to the line of the ordinary mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean; thence Southeasterly along said ordinary or meBn high tide line to an intersectic1II wIth tne Westel'ly extension of the oaid South line of said Rancho: thence lIorth 89°59' East nlong :laid Weoterly extension of said South line, 144 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM thnt portion thereof dencribed ns follows: Beginni .... g at Comer 110. 6 of snld Rancho, as shown and 1ellneated on sald Map; thence runnlng !Iorth 89°59' E~st nlong the South line or odd R3ncho, as shown on saId Map, 5317.58 feet to a poInt; thcnce North 0°32' West 1558.90 feet: thence South 89°591 Went along a line parallel with the South line of said Rancho, 6137.80 feet to an Intersection with the ordinary or menn high tide l!n~ of the Pacific Ocean; thence South- east .. rly along said ordlnary or :ne3n high tide l1ne, 1705 feet more or less to an intersection with the Westerly extension of the said South line of sa!d Rancho; thence North 89°59' East along sald Westerly ex- tension o~ said South 11ne, 1411 feet to the point of beglnning. ALSO EXCEnDiO TI!EREFROI1, thnt portlon thel'eof lying We3terly of the Easterly l1ne of land conveyed to the State 01' California for freeway purposes, by deed recorded June 18, 1953 in Book 48911, page ~9'+ of Of't'ieial Records, said Slate land being described as follows: That part of that portion of wt "Hr. of Rancho !.gua Hedionda, in the City of Carl~bad, County of San D1ego, State of Callfornia, according to Parti tion Mop thereof No. 823, fUed in the County Recorder'z Office of San Diego County on Ilovember 16, 1896, dencrlbed in Pnrce1 2 of deed to Paul Ecke and Hagdnleno Ecke. husband and w1fe. no J01nt tenants, re- corded Septl'mber 14, 19114 in Book 1749, page 511 of Ot'f1c1nl nee.ords or San DIego CoU!!ty, described as follolis: BeginnIng at a pol~t on the Southerly line of ~a1d portion of Rnncho Agua Hedlollda, described 1n 3aId Parcel 2 or deed !'i!corded III Book 1749, page 54 of Orf1cial Record~, distant thereon North 89°56117" West 357.17 feet from the point of intersection of nald Southerly Une with the Westerly line of the 100 l'oot right of way of the Atrh1son, ~peka and Santa ~ RaIlroad Company (formerly Californ1a Southern Railroad Company) described in deed recorded 1n Book 38, page 171 of Deeds, in the County Recorderls Offlce, which point 01' intersection bears along sal.! Westerl,; line llorth 23.05128" West 120.45 l'eet from a ra1lroad with -2- ~iiW ~'. • • ',0; '.' " , .......... -',... . ...... :. chiseled "X" marked "So T. '" S. F. I'rop~rty LJlle". ~nid poilll or ooglnnlng also bearing for reference along nnid Southerly line, !:ollth 89°56'17" Bant 161.)5 feet from E:u>;IIl('er's StaUol1 296 pIu:: 10.18 On the Center line of the ~part.ment of Public 1I0rk~ 1;urvp.y mnde in 1947 b~tw"en 2.2 miles South or Carlnbnd, and the Soulh Cit:! Limit or ~etll1nlde, Rond U-SD-2-Cdb; thence along tilt! following courses and diDtan~~:;: (1) liort.1] 17°20'33" W~3t. 305.67 feet: (7) Along a tnngrmt curvE' to the rIght wHh n r:ldLu~ of 217 rCb~, llu'ough 011 angle of 43"20'33" a dist.ance or 160.3'r feet; (3) lIorth 26°00'00" E:l.ct 107.9) r~"t: (Ir) Horth 60°4'''00'' Enot 33.87 f".,t: (5) South 89°0;6'26" E1Ci 41.00 feet; (6) 1I0rth 0°03'34" Enni GO.OO feet; (7) Horth 89°56'2(" Weci 41.00 feel: (8) Horth 82°27'51" W"ct 106.60 feet to a p01nt which beare l:o~th 70°12'57" Enst 265.00 reet from Engineer's Slat ion 301 plus 90 on the center line Of 3aid ~p:lI'tmenl of Publ1c 1oI0l'ks Survey. (9) North 14 "02'40" W,,~t 284.49 feet: (10) North 35"00'26" West, 190.87 feet; (11) North 69"36'03" Wast 127.04 feet: (I2) North 7"12'46" We~t 76.14 reet: (13) North 7°08'59" East 1185.85 fClat to " point 1n the said Westerly right ot' lmy line of the Atchison. Topaka and Sant n FCl Ra1lroad Com;>nny. distont thereon South 23'05'40" Eant 2362.92 feet from - a 2 inch iron pipa I,;arkcll "R. E. 32" net for Lhe Southaact comer ot' R~­ cord of Survey No. 1806, t'ilad 1n the County P.acol~ler's Offica on Apr1l 30, 1948; (14) 1I0rth 10°13'10" Eant 182.06 reet; (1'») /lorth 12°50'37" Eant 6Go.94 faat; (16) 1I0rth 4'36'25" r:o~t 262.20 feat; (17) From a tangent which bcars NOI'th 4"24'12" E!lni n10ng a ~Ul'V(' to tha left w1th a r(ld1un of 31110 feat, through an nllgle 0(' 77"30'07" (I distance of 1507 faet to n point wh1ch baal'S North 66'5'1105" East 140.00 feet frole Engineer's Stntion 338 plus 90.00 E. C. on the cr:nter line or ~aid ~p(lrtrncnt ot' Publ1c Works SUI'Va:!: (18) Along Il ) ine parallel \/ith and d1stant Northcasterly 140 feet at r1ght :l.'1g1es to said ~enter line, North 23"05'55" Wcr:t 710.00 f"ct: (19) Leaving sa1d parallel line. North 10"26'46" Went, ,~08.7(l feet: (20) North 60'07'58" Enst 45.00 feet: -3- .:~ " ....' ~p. '. .. ~. • ,,~ • . ~ _. . '. ____ ' • ,~...,..... .~. <;"... "', .' ,....~4"' ... , , ... _" :' I. •...... -', '. ':'''.'" -•• .,. ... '" ~ '.... '. .. ,': .. ". ",.-, (71) CO!lt!nulng l/orth 60'07'58" Ennt, 120.52 feet; (22) North 1i6'5'P37" Enrl, 100.00 fr,p.t; (23) NOl'th 23'O~)l23" WeDt, 30,00 feet to :l peint on th~ SO!1lh~rjy boundary Ulle ot' t.he la"d de~cribr.d in QuIt claIm ll'!t>d fMm Paul Ecke, and wIfe, to Grover C. Jacobeen, et &1, re~~rded Apr1l 29. 19'18 in Book 7.778, poge 3~1 of Offlc1ul Record~, In the County Recordcrlo OffIce, dlotnnt thereon Soulh 66'54'37" West 545.64 reet t'rom a 1 inch iron pip", mnr!<<>d "R. E. '2" sct for the E~~t.crly tE-mination of th<lt rou,,:'C dl'~~rll>~rI ae "North 66'54110" Eat't, 1770 feet", In cald deed to G,'over C. Jscobsen: (7.11) Along said 1 nnt m~nt1oned 30ulher1y boundnry 11ne. South 66'54'~7" West (record Sout.:, 66'54'10" Woet) 450.00 feet to E,..gineer'3 :.tation 348 plu:: 52.77 on the centrr 11ne of onid I>.!partl:lent 01' Public Work:: Survey; (2,) Contlnuing a! Oil?, "aid ::louther1y bou,.dn,'y l1ne, South 66'54'31" Wer-t, 400.00 f('eli (26) Leaving ~aid Southerly boum13ry J Inn South 23'051::3" E'lnt, 30.00 feet; (21) North 66'54'31" Enut 190.00 f~et; (28) South 89'49'29" Eant 49.04 reet; (29) south 37'4~113" Eaut 106.89 feet; (30) South 28'34'59" Eant 502.31 feet to u point which b(,3rs South 66'511 105" Wect 90 fcet from &~1neer's StRtion 342 plu: 00 on the center line of soid Department of PUblic Works SUl've7; (31) Along a lin'.! parallel wHh lind distant Westerly at right angle: 90 feet from sllid center line, South 23'05155" East }lO.OO rcet; (32) Along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 2910 feet, through an angle of 30'27.'00" a d1stance of ~542.30 feet; (33) LeavIng sllld parallel line South 15'53140" West 5}3.08 feet to a point on cnid Westerly right of way line of said Rai!road, dintant thereon South 23'05140" East, 1878.99 feet f~ said 2 inch 1ron p1pe nccord1ng to said Record of Survey No. ~606; (3'1) South 11'17'05" Went, 364.27 f~et; (35) South 1°08100" W~st 480.03 feet to :1 point which llearr rad1ally South 88°20'11" We3t 109.00 feet from Eng1neer's Station 309 plus 46.00 on the cent.er 11,'Ie of s~ld I>.!parlmpnt oC PUblic Work: SuMen (36) North 54'59'36" Went 525.77 Ceet to 0 point on th(' Eact"l'ly line of the right of way described in deed to the State or Cnl!Corni', ~,­ corded August 30, 1935 1n Book 432, pagt> 60 or Off1oi31 Records of said County. (37) Along sa1d Eanter!y 11ne South 35'22100" East 275,00 feet: (38) At right lingle: l/orth 54·}8'oo" East 17.11 Ceet; (39) South 46°28'54" East 346.33 fl'et; (40) From a tnne"nt which bear~ South 11 ·06'19" lIest, along ~ c!1'"Vf: to the right with Q radius of 250.00 fect, through ar; :.r.g!e of 25'''2' 48" Q d1utancc of 11~,2~ feet to R point on last said EQ~terly linPl (41) South 2'30110" West 154.81 reet; -4- (~2) South "2·29'114" Eliot 144.02 (e~t; (113) South 7.7"12'00" h~t 11,,6.70 (cet; (1I1j) Along R t~ent curve Lo th~ rjght wjth a radlus of 5011 feet through Dn angle oC 1·38'50" II d1BUnc~ of 111'1.06 f~~t; (115) :louth 70·39'<'5" Bsct 272.61 r""t to R point on f1rst nnjd S"utherJ~' 11ne, dlst3nt thereon North 89.116117" Vest 70.00 feet from enid ~:!lRlllfol'r': StaLlon 296 plus lCl.18; (116) noulh 89'56'17" Batt 231.15 Ccet to the polnt Of b~glnnlng. STATE OF CALIFORIIIA COUlITY OF \~ '\) \ ~c. C r 0:1 this ).;1 'f!: :s. Jlundrod and '.1'b:N (,0'2= '-. . ," . .A • , '-..... /. I' ./ (i· ,./ ,_/...;,,-'~, .;;.., ..... :\""' _......,6 ... .I-... (--.1,.::.~· .. <_ day of \\\)2 \ \.-, N.1neteen , beCore m~ ')'\~\.It'(,\ t.)\'lin- ___________________ , II Notary Public In and for SOld County and State, resIdIng therein, duly commissioned and swo~, personally appeared ~i\t,)\':~~':'E WlI ~M)M:w.t.-tl\(r: kr:01o:n to me to be the peraon.l. dp.scribed in and whose nam,,~ subscrjbed to the withIn Instrwncnt and Rclmowledge to me that lh~~ executed the same. ,.,.'lIIIlIHI/'1 .' " ',::rl\;'\n!!,NESS VHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and arrlxed my Off1ciol . ". ,: ,:$.l!ii.I.'.Rt my office in said County of San DIego, State Of California, the : .. -.. '\ aax:··bnzf,.yeBr in thia eert1f1cate Bbove wrltten • • • : •• : I' 0 •• ~ ~ .: 1. ~: ~ ..' :, ~:~:t·::· ........... ·· : ~~ <~fj .. ',," "Ice c"\,--'i!; Notary ounly and ',.tl'"-1~I;:~:\\'\''''' ..•.. ,' .. '\ 1 ,\ 1 ! \ I I \ , --, " --751 ",~,OF, ~GHl' OF "!aY , .. " ---_ .. _---------------_...:....._-----:- ·"'t \ '1-.:' ,~ IIOJfATUJIU MUIT •• KOT.uIDD KOTAJImI-VIII J'ltOPU .0_ 011 !lAce, , ,"d.L': •.• :: I., .-l '-~---- ... ,)~\,,-, ..... ~·J~r,. ;,...,; M ' • ';·';:;,::·:d;,,·;~::~L:~r,: \ \ I I \ I I {. \ i -': :.,' ..... .~:-~ .. " 1,l,tl 755 ':"'_ I ~ :1 • ....... ~'.~,.... ..... ~Nt----~~~----------------~-.. IC"C(,II'! •• : •• ; ••• r '~III" -..,-_.------... ~ .............. ... -:..... ...... -..;~.--..... _I ......... .... ~:~ '-:; ~!::~ .(f.Mll.a"I{'lllll' '::.:'-I' ...... ~ .. ~. .1r" ,Ci.;.1J:" (,t· .... ·.· • . ,"\U,Io ." •• ', •• " I 11,11'. -'. . ........ , r,: i.' ;.'. " ,,,.,,,,", ,,'-,,' . ,"". . . __ ...." 1 _____ ." (!l'l"fC ... (,."'t.: ;J;, ...... II' .,', , •• ":. "t·"· ...n_ · __ ..':.,..j~ __ .£t_ '.ilL::... t • I" •• 't1<i :Ulli.lq~LI".a ", .t1C fJ~,.'.r "', to", : .... ~.~~;. .. ~~ ....... 'WIIIIiii. "', •• ,' • I.,. .... '1 • .... ,""1 CI.",,·;c..L if;'!':: .10, 'i'i.'. hi. '. '.:, ',. "'/0 a.. 'DI" llr, .) V I ,'"," 'I,", ,,:"',,; ./O.J .. LJ'.f_'·'If~1 It. ',.-;\ i:':'C ,r:urcq :'1"" "'i !jl'~ C ' .. !l ',-"'l .' "';:~:" •• :I.,.,: •• j; .... ,ld.l: j:"' I, • '~"~~~ '''';.~,v.~).IIlC~~', f,: .. ·:':Ij ........ '".'.ClIQ~ .. pOD' 'Lo': • ... Clp· .. "". :'j " .. ,;t".... .. .:11: .. ' .\ .. l' =:F _______ ) .. OH 'J'HlI dq ."1-......;':.,., 0:----&.» ..... "_ W_ -. ................ H.-y PIII1IIoc Ia _ ... ... eo.tr-................ --'L--______ _ 0<1_1Il00 .... 1141 .. _ ..... __ -:-..... ", .... _. _ -(i.Q • ... _----.--' --. ----~-_ .. ,-------_._. •.•• !'1.·:.!r·tJ.: .. :.-t,..r-,· . ., ..... ......... iIIIftnI. 1 .... :_"" _ ............ _..-.w_ ...... 7'-............... ...... • ';' ,. I"~ !)" •• ~::,:,~,~~~ . . Cit'''' ".MAYN~ . .:.....-~ ... r·:.···~2.S.1;Cl '1 I I I .... ;; :' ~AUL EeXE AND r·1AGDALENA EeG, .hu.bant.nd ~(r, ·,FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION do hereby QUITCLAIM to SAN DIEGO GAS ~ EUCTP.IC COMPANY, a corporatio::,:' .' tho real property in the City ot Carlsbad, County of ;>ar;' D1 0';0, Jtate of California, described ae: ThO:;c cortain portions of Lot "H" of R.:ln~ho ,\f"ua !!edl l'nrlu. in t.ho Cit· .. of Carlsbad, County of .Jan n. ~ '0, :J!.3to ,,~ C;1\11-~'n!"~.i3. accordinr. to the partition "'oap "ne::e"!' No. t';>,. !'!lcd 1': :ohn ol'!'1ce of the COU'lt," necorder of :;/In D10"0 COIU::': . :'I'IV!l:~1 or 1", !e?~, described as Parcel 2 :n Quitclu~r.1 '.loe'! ·• .. ..,:"_.4rJ:'_V.fH:.::·_·~_tJ.!l.9~1!l!n_l!.t al, to Palll !~c!:e et U)". rCCl'Il'dctl l~·I.!O(l" :~·"·I'. :I' .• J;j"O )52'of CI'fici3l Records o~ ::mlrl (;l'lI;lt:· '-!~ .. :::: ... :'~y~,',,,:,I~e~c;:-t1 .. 'ed as r(\Jl~W:l: ~'':';' ''-\~;ii~:~~I'~-1*'la'' :!("I !'eet wido. OI.LU:ltad wHh!1l ~:dd 1M. II!" ... !' ·:~:.!l::O ..... \::1 !!cdionda. tle::l!:rH'cd us !'ollows: '4 ;;":,:!:.nin:: at ~he i~t.e:-:lect10n or ;.!:p ::or:.l:orl:· i;o:::.da:-; oJ ~ ;"ot "!!" 01' sllid i1:1nchc ,',eu:! IIediNlI'I:l wi til t.he on:ltor l' .:C C''' :.lIo 100' ~oot. :"ic:;ht ot' wn:' ::r:lnted ,,0 t.he :';1;at.c of' CoU-t":,,:".:,, !:. decd rccorded ,\IlC::::t JO, ln5, ill P.oo:: ',::', j'" ~!: tn (:.. ... C':'""te.(al :~~cor-d!l a:; Oocur.:.C!'lt '~o. l.~:! .... ~, ~'! ~ r('t·tio~. (II' ,· ... :d "o!"thc:-l:' !'oundur:: o~ Lot "!!" t'oa:-l:'.:: ';ol:th ··.~o');, ~:I •• ::!~.::' ·~oct. (:'ecord 1l/.P.M !:'cot) and :·'orth 7:>o:-J.'~"l" __ ::'1::' ;::'I~".j: ·~cct. (reec:-d ::or·t.h,7:?o:/.' ::a:;!: ~(')3:'.:(' !·cot.l ". "',. ""Co" "(a"'o" "r: •• 1 o!' said !luncho 1\1"1101 !!edionda, a~cc~:,,:" '0 ~:< -~.: :.'j'""'':''I7~ :jt: .... ·:r::· ! . .:.l~ ~fO. ~"J. rl]cd"j .. , t.he o"~~rc 0:' !.r.c "c,!.!"-: • .. ~ . ': .... :.4.: ..... ),. ':W"I :Hc:o r.ou~t.·:, noccr.tl'e!" 16, If)l); the 'C'~ ~~o,··J·-, r.u~· () .. ~:. al"""; 30.1<1 CC:1t.cr lj~lc of ri ·h~, of ~:a:: "',:.:'-.1 •• 02 "''''.;'' • t" .:n;;~ ·~cc;"t: '::;t:lti on 'J!. :ilu:: "~.no us s~c,'!r '")j. t.t~c -'::":l ,:." ~.:. ' .. , :""'; "'cCot. n!~~,,:~:· -!.:ht or ''!a:' or :\c~d ::1_ .. ;1"_:'_" c:' 12 ~ .. '0 I!~c "J ... r-!r:~ C'~ .. ~hc ~:stri~t'. ~~.ut.c n'::"htl~:' .:: ..... f.'t,;: .. , .~~ .. " :-,:·:·~cc' .. t:: :.~:·:..~ic:,,: "I .. I;l\~~ ..,~."O hc~n:: 'in ~.!':iLt. :!("·I!·;:r .,,:'" .,;_ .... ! CCH"·r:u t~·'1'" o!' r~ .:hr. o!' "tau h;.L\""tn.: .l rc~:,,!! . C'~ .:o···~ :"O"~I'~"tt :'::"&:l!' (acc('\~d1n,--: to,o.lid !B.:~\·:~:" ::~~) Ur',l .:Jccr~di"l· • ~ '~Mt.! :l('n'! :\..,,,!~ Lj~. l':.t::n .. (\. ~.ha l'C:"~1!'-it --"cc(p'·dn!'! ac ::"'''~l ;nnt,,)f~~'t ::.:..::-.:): t]~a"':C(l :~o··1.h 5')o:J'~.J')1f :.~!,:~. lr': .... 71'· "',,~ .. !".C' tl~e ,:,(:·-:t:~l" ~t~n of' the !"'~.:l:': C': ,·ta:' 0'" ".he ,,".,,:I~-tnc"'. -.... 1"· ~ "" ... ! :;u····.:.l t:'c :~~i 1."1:1:' ~o::"!,}:l:'!:· :l:l o:l"d ... t ··~-t "," \ •• .:.t~. ',: !C'~"':""'''c~! ~.~ rfce:! t"~c(\rdc:i i:arc~ 1.0, 'f'f.l .• ;t~ !"'cc!: ~~t ..... ,.' :-~ n:'" ~/C'cn:; ~hc~cc alo~;-3ai.d {-c'-Iter' 1: :11;: of "'..Ii It··",,:, :--! .1.~ n'" t·!~:· "("';~"h ~3°0';" :~ast 9j2.Rl. ~cct"; the:"'cc 11",-" .. t.~. c:.' r! ~C"·.c:-J 1"1') 'fort.h 1'('·54' 10" ~st: 17,"'0 !'cct: ! 0 .t :,o!·· ':~rol "·~~.c·! hc"'ci"l as PC'il"\t "AU. the.,cc ~:o:-t.h :;;o0 .. tr:rll "(.:;-:, ·/1.~1 "('ct.; ':he~!lo North G6°5t"/,f)" East 'I,RI.J2 "f!C~ te· thr: t:,\:e ,J01:,t o!' ,'c::ifl"lin',':; thence :;outh :?:)°2()':'C''' :·:~Z~. 21'l-? "cc·, ~.lO··C 0:-less to a l1,fle "Ihi ch 1'ouI'0 ~!o:"t.h ~()o!.~ '::'~" ::.l:;': • "':",:rj :l po:i nt ~.'hich is :1outh :JoO;tQSIt r.a:;t lh$5 •. r'., ~~:et. "':.c.~:1" ~:~-tc! .:o:r.t trA". I" •••••• ;,'.''T' lJAttC~·t .. ",,_ ... , ..... : .. ~t.:"ji, ~i< l~nrt 2() roet "lido situatcd ~I!thi"! :;a;'! :.:Jt 01"" c;" !: .. tncho .,;:-,:'" l!odiollda, aocordln~ to l'u :-t.~. t.tO!: :'.:I~) ~!o. ~2:. :icsc~ihed a:; !'ollo~ls: !1c.~:!.r.::in:: at 3aid I'o:nt. "A" at'ovo desor:!~ed; t.r-once " , . ~ .~ .. -:"': ... ~~-~7!-~-"-' .' t,' \ } .' .... .( '. ~;~ti' "', '~")i';" ,: • ".;', ,~'., " ';-<0"':.1 .. \' .;;' ... ~~ 111" !;Ql: rornb),ss ':;\\'::1,: 0" ~an DieGo) On AvrIl «//.-1(')53, !11~'''''::'t~ h~, t.hc t~r.clc!"'o!.:nca, Q r;ot:l: .. ·· i" : l! 1:: : •. ul':d fo:'" caj d ~Ol.!~t.:. tinrl :t~tc I"!",' ,. :.11;' uppcu!'cd i'~111 l~cyC and •. ", :;.: ..... ;, .!t: .... :':c!~c,' !-:now:1 t.o riC to be tho • r"':,( ":;, whor-c name:; wp.!'e :lu\';scl'ibcd to "1.<: \,;; ~,:;I ~ ! '!::~.rll::lnnt. 'Inri .. cknotllctl.:;cn ~!'.:.l" ·lv::' Cycct:tcd tho S3:"tC. .. . . Horth' f.~. S6 t 40" . W •• t 2'4 t.et: an intersect.ioll Water-p1po-11no, be/:1nn1ng; thence p1p..,t.1ne Worth uld Lot "H" of . . ::;~l~~~,if.t:;t; .......... ~~-... ~,,,,, . '" 'G. "-\ ' . .' , . :-:; (I;' ~"'-{.~~ ::?~ ;~:~:J~;.:.f!W1i~i:f!i4 " . . ;;4"i;U;;· .. ·_y·U···.'·· ... " .. l'·.·.. ::=~~i~~~.t=;~~;~~!!!~!\i)~~illo.mlrg I'."oa. ~ O ... t .... tiD ... ,.", ..... , M, LUI, 'GAl. lUCIlle COH'AIIf, .·CO .... ,0 •• \10 •• n .......... ,. ....... 'I1 ..... ~ .. _ ... _ .. '.~6.,i!lIlIl'.ot V.,..lOO ... tH' 1. vldUl la. upo •• 0 .... '· .......... \Il. ·i ...... Ia ••• ia.h ........ "'.d.· M ..... ,. _.t.NCt.. 1'0- .oa.t.no' •• .,'acte ...... 1 •••• u.,ua ...... ·a"·.,. .. :' .... ' ...... l.alo. ood dl.'.lbllt.1o" ot .1eot. .. lolt.,. .. d to .. ul Of,II ... ,8..,0'" _"..... 1a ••• vU.II •• 1·!a. 0 .. lad.p.ad.nt. 11" .. ot' ,01 .. 0 ... ,.el 'ove •• 0. 'oi. ... ,} ..... ,;Ir .... 0". o.w. .. ~ ,.u.p.aded tb ... o. ood nppo .. ,.ct t.ller~II", bGludlall vb .. to .. _t.~~ .. boa •• \ .• ~II".l .. d oo_.lo,Uoa ,urpo ... ,,,d ~l otoll.r ."U .. O .... d tl.w ... to.·",. '1.· ...... Ucia· '11 .... v"". ,100 l.olud- 111' ,111". ..obor".. OI'O,,'rc .• ood '-1'..... "lIetob ... \fUb t.h. rl,lIt. ot 10 ..... and ...... troll .aid .l,lIt. ot v., II,. • ,r~.'U.' &:0IIt.. o",rollt. .. la, IIPO". 0"'" ODd .. oro •• 'II. II ••• l •• tt. •• d •• orl11.d lOAd.. '011.'11 ... vlt.b 'b. 'l,lIt. \0 01.,1' and k •• p oh ... &ld rl.bt. ot v.,. tro. OIIplo.l" ... IIIlUdlllj •• ·'\l'IIot.llr ... t.r •••• lana." aad 1n- tl .... lal •• ,t..rl,l. tor ,rot..ct.lo, tro. tlr ... d ot.ll.r 1I •• ,.d.. . ' 'II. load. 1. vllloll •• 1d ••••••• t. ot rl,lat.·ot v.,. 1. 1I ••• b, '.oot.ed 'I" .Hu".d 1ft ,II. COUAt., ot ... .iaD...Jl.Legg. ...... t.". ot c:uU'orcla. OAd ... ".Ucvla.ll' d .. o.lbed ,. toUov •• t.o v1\: That;· c.rt&1II perUoa ot Lot 11 ot Ranoho Asua Bod1onda Ilccorrlin.; to th" ParUUoll Map th.reot Ifo,' 623 CIIl IU" in the ottlc" ot tl:~ San D1Cl~u Cu.U\ty RecordarI C_lIclll8 .t conser c.-,a to Lot. 7, If an1 I ot' !laid RIUlC!ho A.~u" ficd I un ..... , vhlch comoI' 10 lczIown u CoJ'Dllr Iro. 6. ot .a1c1 Lot P; Lhence Souf.h 87" :.~, 0\" EIlI! L, II dllll.lu'·" ot' 2025.06 te.tl tIIenCa Bout.!'. 6-48' 36" "a.1., • d111tlUll.'t! ur 121tl.96 rC!(!tJ thenca ~th·O· 26' 13" EMt., • eli.tance ot 592.31 to~t tIl thl! lllUuL EaoJtorly cornel' ot that CI"rtain t.ract or Iud cOAyqod to the Sea D.1l!go Gl&II " /U~ct.r1(· COIIIJ>IUIY by Qn.ce Oaka. J.cob.en at al b1' II 4Htl recorded in Boo.t lili56 lit. /'/lCC 49 "I' OS·ticte.! Rccol'lill ot San Diego CountYl •• id JIOat Easterly (lornl!t' bC'inl: "\ ... ,, ',h" t.I'II'· pulnr. or lxrgJMlng or the tract or land hercin deacrll1ed; thl'!:"1! rrulll IO,,!·I ',1' "' pellnt 01" l>c!elnnll1l~ lJouth 00· 43' 25" 11".1., oJong the Couthel'ly HilI! 01' II,,' I,""I .11"''''1'11 ... '<1 1n t.hl' ",wve IIKInttollcd "eed, • dtetanel' or 300 tl!et, t/lI'nl.'p Guul.h O· .'6' II" ':lIl1t. 11 dl .. ",nec or JOO relit, tllClnc. HOl'th 00· ~.1' ~5" l!:R."., R dbll..alc<, III' .. _, ...... t •• " n '",,1111. u .. LI,,' I"_tvl'ly ltne ur ... l.~ Lol. II, Ulon.: .. Ho,·l.h 0· :'6' I J~ 11",\, ,.lnn~ t,h,· 1".lIu'"rly 11 .. 0 or Ulaid Lot. H, a tli.tllllco or 300 ro"t 1.0 ~h. "~rue rut III, '.II' tl",~Jnlll n,~. i 'I .. ·,,'1 I • ... In \h •••• ral •• ot \h. rl,h\. h.r.b, ,r.nt..d. Or.n\ •• Ih.ll a.ald unr ... • on.bl. In\.rt.r.no. ot luoh UI. b, Or.n\or .nd hi. luoo ••• or. ln •• ,.,. ot 'h •.. for ... id land ••• 18 no' lnoon.1Ihn" vHh "h. I'Iall .n,jo" •• n" ot \h. 1'1,,,,. h.rdn •• ·.n'.d '0 Or.n' •• / pro"ld.d. hov.".r. , ... t. 01' .. \0 ... ad hi •• uoo ••• or. ln •• ,." • • h.l1 no" .... 0' 0" oon."ruo'. 0 .. p.r.l, '0 b ..... o'.d 0 .. oon.,ruo'.d. an" buildln, or o,h.r ."ruo'u .... plan" anl" ...... or ,1' •••• or drill ... " _11. vl"hln .. h. U.l'. ot •• 1d rl,h" ot v., . . Or ... ' ••.... U h·.". "h. rl,h' '0 .... 0\ •• a1JI'IlA and u •• ,., •• 1 •• U t.n- 0" vhlch nov cro •• 0 ..• h.l1 b.r •• t'.r oro ••• Ild rout.. or rou'... and \0 'rl •.. d ou, .. d c1 ..... vll' .. , "1"" and b~.b vb.n ••• r lA 1,. Jud, •• n, "b ......... 11 b • •• c •••• r' for ,h. co.v.n1 •• \ and •• t •••• rol •• ot ,b. rl,h" h.r.~ •• r •• ,.d. 'h. rl,h, to tr ... t.r and ••• 1,. ,hi ••••••• n' 1. vIIo1. or lA p.r' b.l~. b.r.b, ,r .. ,.d '0 'h. ar .. ,... I 'h. Ot"'or ,ran,. '0·"'" Or .. , ••• 1, •• uoo ••• or. and ••• 1, ••. 'b.rl,h" '0 "rl. or top .. d '0 k •• p 'r1 ... d or 'opp.d. .., .. d all 'r ••• 0. ,b. land. ot ,h. ar .. "or 'dJ'o,.' '0 .aid rl,h, ot var Urlp tor. dll'''01 ot ••• ?St •••• t •• , fro. thi '."1'10" 11 ••• ot th. rl,h, ot v., "rlP. '0 .uoh hel,h' ••• la ,h. Jud •••• ' ot \h. Oran' ••• 1, .uoo ••• or. 0 ..... 1,n ••• h.l1 b ..... aon.1I1' •• 0 •••• 1" tor 'b. pro,.r Don- .'rua'lon. op.ra,10n and •• 1.' .... 0. ot •• 1d .1.0, .. 10 'r .... l •• loa 11 •• or 11 •••• bu" a" no pola\ ouUld .. ,h. rt,b' ot v., "rlp \0 • h.l,la, ot h •• '11 ..... 30 ... t .. ,. 01''''0'' "1".' 'h., no 0\11 .......... , or ••••••• ,. .b.11 b. ,ran' •• on. uad.r or 0 •• 1' • •• ld .'rlp ot land b, 0 .... \0 .. , vl'lao.' 'b. pr •• lou. vrl" •• 00 •••• ' ot Oruh.. 'l ~~ . _ I III VI'J'II&88 IIH&RIOP. oraaur II •• '.'OU' •• , \II ••• pr"'lI'" t.II •• ~ .... ot ... V.""M!II!~,. ........ , 1~. .. ~~~~~~il~~~~~~~~~~§~~ ................... . lie, •••• _ ... ,. .... . • • ••• M ••• ,,4 4 •• ""C ............. ,Ia. W,. __ • ,11 •• _ ...... , ....... .... . ..... , ..... , .. , ,,, .-.~.~ •. .;:J":a:.: !~~.. ., ...... : --::~~~ i.e., ,... ....... Jar ... .) .... " •• i······~ _~""'."l. ': . ... .. .... ~, ... .' .-. r -'---, ,. '.~- ............... " ................... . . . ' ....,. __________ .....;._ •. _ . .:.·.:.·>-:;.·-·".:.~·_·i· " .... ., ... _ .. ~ .. oM~,"""""'''''''''''''''-'''' .., .. " ...... c.... ........... -_ .......................... -0-, ......... _ ........................ -dr. ......... ,....... ................... " .......... ., .............. .....--..................................... --..... _ ... ,.... .... ---_ ... .... ........... ,. .... ---.---. .................. " ............ ..-.......... ... .... 11M -. _ ... _ ... a.--. """' .......... c.o.p.. 8.u! :!U«CP ..... CoIhnIo. Mol -,..,....., ................ Those c:ertain port1olllot Lot II ot Ranc:ho Agua HedlonoJa. .. per Part 1 t.lan Hap thereot JIo. 823 OIl tu. in the ottic:e ot the San Diego County Reeor<lC',. ln dcedll recorded in BooIt 1749 at l'a&e 54 UId. Book 4821 at page 209 Orrtclal Record» or said San Diego county. I " I • . . . TIIe_ .. i.w ................. _..w ...... a .... ' ...... Beglnnlng Ilt Il point 011 I.llr III,,· ,">IIII1Ion to. Lol.li n nnd 'I' ot .aid RMc:ho Agua Redlonda diatM!. thereon 50ut/lrrl" 6<11)".1.11 1· .... 1. r,·aa·Polnt. 110. 8 ot said Lot. '1': thc:nce SOut.h 87" 55' 28" \Iellt, Il dl"t,u:.:.· 01' '".ll, :,.0 fet't; thence SOut.h SO" 42' 03" \lest a distancc or 1813.12 frr'.; th"n,,", (;0,,110 n· ;'6' B" \lent .• Il distance: of 349.50 reel.; the:nce South 78" 55' 33" \1 •• ::1., n ,lint lUll'" U" \l'" .:\(1 t·.'C'q th"''''e South 79" 04' 33" \Il'lIt, Il diatMee of 316.40 r ... ,·l; UIC" .... • :;.",1/, ''(,. I,ll' UN W,'''I., " dlntance: 01' 351.90 re:e:t; thence South 00· 40' 33" WI'ut., n dl"·'Ul.·.· of '(1.1·,..4', ,',.,"; ti: .. , .. ••• !lort.h 69· (Y.?' 2'1" \Il.'nt, a dilltane .. or 101.78 frC't; U ... n'·" lI .. rn, .'i" Ii' .·f" ilr:::', " .U.ltIUlI·1.' ot :>86,70 fe:I.'t.; th.nce /Iorth :!3" ::6' 2'{" \Iullt, "Jl::'.IUI'·' .. I' :b·/ ... I J', .•• ,; !l"'''''l' North 23" 49' 27" \It'lIt, a dilltance of 296.82 fl.'r.~, th,m'" II'""I: ,'j. ill' ."(" W,·,,:. :. tll::tnnre of 330.58 fe:et; thence 1I0rth 28" 4:>' ;>7" \IC':l~, 11 .11::11" .... · nl' .' i·,.j~ j· ..... I.; th"nl'l' /Iort.h 51· 16' 27" \Iellt., a distance or 290.16 reet; thl.'uce Ilorlh \,," .'1)' .';" W,'n:., " .1t.-tWlrl.' of 517.02 feet. I!:x.·.·l'llu ... J'rom We above descrlbe:d right of vq portlonll thl.'r,'ol' not lylll •. "l:.!d" ~"I' ",",.V'· ''''''''rU'I',1 !'1'O!K"I'ty of thr t::rant.or ht'rein • . -------_ ... _ ........ _ ... _ .. - ------_. __ .... _. ~ .. • J .;~ " ....... . , ~r::'::"~;~':~'::~~~T::":::::'<'" ~'~~:;'~~~ ;:~~~ .:;'~,: .. :::,:.::;,~.-.:;-~:<.,:' .: . .':'.:: ";':~:' ~"~::~..:; '::: ~~::':::::.-:~ . .. ,,---... ~ . .. {~ -.l \" _ •. s;ze -. 14' ::':..:.c . ':~t . WIftaItN .. \ . . ' .. lIrt • ..2$th .... ef lap"..,. A D.-It.5L. .... -. Y0rteM" Y.1eztZ1'·'· • H_17 PaIo,IIe ........ * .... c:.-, ................... ".1 •• I ... _ ,..-a, .".,.. 1t:--L....l.Dlm_u:..---__________ .. _ ..... ...--. ...... "'--1,". w-.. __ ...... ~_...,_ .......... ..,. ..• n. --'--...w....a-. .. SIll! NeG'l, C!.tl1torn10 ... dIM _1tt...lrM-............. !JR'} lOe • """'rna lete . ..-ur __ .. 11.1&-....... ______ ...... _ •• art! ........ .. * ........ _1-._ .......... _ ... _1iloo.L-............ ..w ....... I __ ~ ___ ... _I ... t ............ .......... Ida __ " ""- I •• U., ..... "'.... r haw "-Nt ..,. ......... ' ... 14 ." oacw .... ... ., ... _ .............. ---. N~.e:~-l.~·~ ...... c~ My c-nss1Oft Espirn AprI2II, 1956 GENERAL FORK JTAT£ OF .• , Count,. 01 ..• . .. " IL en .. Ihl. . d.p 01 ............ ___ --'-D. It. __ • W ... m ...... ""_"_ ...... _ ..... _ .. _ .. _ ............... .. • H~t'tJ' Public in .Ad ... lho .... 1:_ .... S ..... rllidiloc Ihtrcia, dulp .-n ......• Ad ._ ... pon.oU, ._ ..... ... _ .. _ ..... _ .... ____ .... _ ...... _ ................ _~p ...... I. ID, I. be IIIr _ ... .............. . _ .... ~ •• tile wItJoIoo 1--..., .... ftIp &._w_ .. _ .... ____ I._I'" ........ .. I •• Un,.. m"",.f. I haw h«maa .. Nt ..,. .............. mp .. clal ... 1 tile ., ... _ ... 1IIa _ilea .. Ant • ___ ., 0IUiC GAS , ructKlq (If HIli" 9 O? Ali 'S~" 8(10115167 F,IGt387 '''' ;'';''" "t' I,'·· :"'. ,11:~O -::!UNI r.t".'''. ~; ~;~ .. ·'''"If. Nfr lr:r::'11 .. ,.; '. ":'" .. " "e ", ,A,~.:: »_. ->;.. '.:-1'·· , \ -. ,"":, . ., . """:-"'~''l'\'' i:" ~~ "'~ --;' '.; : .... ;,...;', ,:..,"":'. .. .., ;~ ,,~:!,;;::::: .r'~",$4r.".o.::;~9tJ"lob.:~=-.'I.,o!."""~~~"'~.I'~$~.""~~~~~t,J. .......... ~ .. -,,.~"t! .. -. ,. -..,. ..... , .. .... '."-k~ '00«6305 '.m 97 " . . , , .. ' G...1Or, for &lid la could_dots of the lum of Ten Dalla .. and ot ..... w.Iubte -.lduMlOII ~ 111 Sa 0-.0 Gu Ii Electric Cota~Y. a corporatloa. II Grantee. receipt wbenoila b_by aclnlowled;M, do IIINbYlfUt to I-'d ~3sf1eco Gt.I A Electric Company, a corporation. Ita ._ ............... ___ of "'Pt of war *t la wldtb In, llpon, over. under and _ tbe laW .....,. 4eoIcribed. to -..ct. coutrllCt, -tnICt, ~ "pair. lIIalntain and u.e a line or lachpetl4_t lIMe of po'-ud/or .teel knnn &lid wira &Ad/or cabf .. lIIapended thereon and supported thereby ad lIa.s..ro.Dd -nita, .hle., 'VIalta .. <I _boa ... for tbe lranlmlllloa and diltribullon of electrid'ty .. d for all other pa~ _~ tJM.w1tb, IIld for telephone, llCOa! and communication pur- po.ea, IACllldlq ... ,.. aachOraP. _linn .. brKu' &lid &IJ otber appIla_ aod fixturel for u.e in connection therewltll aDd &Iio for plpel. for Iny and all parpo .... tocether with their neee .. ary fixtures and arpur. tealncea. It .acII locatIon. ud ..... tIOn •• upon. lIOn,. Ofti' a1ld IIDder the hereinafter deacribed right 0 way u Grantee may now or hetufter deem convenient and necenary fl'Om time to time. to~ther with the riKht of Inrre~a thereto and q-rell tllerefl'Oftl, to and alottc IIld riKht of way by a practical route or routn in. upon. oyer Ind _ the hereinafter d_rlbed land •• torether with the ./. ' t to clear and keep clear oid right of way fl'Oftl aplo.l"" bullcHn .... truCll1rCl and Inftammable male' •• ,. for prntrction from fire .nd other hazard", The land. In which IIld _ent of rlpt of war I. hereby «Tanled Ire .ituated in the County or ................... ~ •• !?+.!!f.O_ ......... _ ...... Stat. of California. and are plrtleularlr ducribed al Collow •• to. wit : That certain portion ot Lot H ot Rancho Acua Hed10nda according to the Partition Map thereot 10. 823 on tile in the ortice ot the San Diego County Recorder J C~D01ns at the corn .. r C~I\ to Lot. F, H and I of sa1d Rancho Agua lfed1onda, which corner 1a lQIovn u Corner Ko. 6 ot aaid Lot f; thet\ce South 87· 25' 01" llut, a d1atance ot:2025.08 teet; thence South 6· 48' 36" W""t, n distance of 1218.96 t .. t; thenc. South O· 26' 13" last, n distance of 592.31 faet to the MOat Iluter1y corner or ~t certain tract ot land conveyed to tho Snn Diego au • Electric: CCJIIIP8ZIY by CIr&<le O&Jce. Jacobaon et a1 by n deed recorded in Book 4456 at Pase'~9·.r Oftioi&LReeords of .aid San Diego County; said moat lasterly corner beine alao the true point ot be,iMing of the parcel or lnntl I.,·t'.,!" deacribed; thence trOll aaid true point ot bftginnilll: South' u' 43' :!5" W ·,:t, UJ.III~ the Sou;.hor1y 11ne of the lancl described 1n the nbova lIIe"tionatl d .... <I, " .Untlln.:" "r 600 teatl thence South O· 26' 13" kat, a diatnM" ot' 700 feet; thence Nor:'h eO· 43' 25" Eaat, Ii <listllJlee ot 600 reet to a point on the Jl'A'\oter1), Una of' alli.1 Lot II: thenco North O· 26' 13" Wt'st, a distance ot' 700 t'ec't to the true point of bap,lnning • . . . ',. " ...... ~:f .... -.... r : .............. '. ,.. .... ',!. "''1'" • -C'S"r .r~'" .... .., ~ T' ..... :;~ ... ' .. -~ ~\. .. -~ '" ... 1-. ..... '-y :A:'," . :"'~.u.. elf iIU4.n,tn of "..,...-u be ,..uel vith and 50 . t.n ~, ....-.n4 ail l'illat mel" lUI4-tbe· JIorthIuter17 l1ne ot .aid .I'SIb' fit wr IMU 'be )IIl'allal W1t!l l1li4 100 teet lCIrtl:aeuter17, .. uured at I'Slbt IIIIClM tI'aI tbe ~'ocIMariW. l1zIe, .' 0_11\1 at HJ.4 _ ...... flit tot • ., 1l1li4 II tbence Soutb 87° 25' 01" -.at, • 41Itua. of .,.08 tNtJ thac. SoIrtb ~ •. 118' 36" Veat, a dlltance ot 1218.96 teet, tbetIot IoIltIi o· ~, 13-.. t, alone the lluterly 11De ot 8&id Lot H, a U.taaot of 10117.85 ~ W'.lIOtn,,'.loh point 18 tb. t\'\le polnt ot beginning ot tbt 1'1ClIt ot ~ bem. 4eeol'tbet·, ,beftct. tl'o. laid true point ot beglnnt .. 1' Iortb 311· 44' 58" Ve.t, a 41.t_. of ~ t .. t ~. or 1 ... to the Southerl)' . lIowI4ar7 ot ~ abon deavlM4 1M' Dteco ~ • lleatZ'lc CCIIp&Q1'. land • .. The .ide l1n.. ot tbe &bon d •• crll1ed rl&ht ot vat lball ~ lencthened nod/or Ibortlned 10 u to ter.1nat. la14 l1n •• 1n tile boundar1 •• ot tbr aboYe described proptl't)'. '. . ..... . - Grantor and •...• ~!l~~r. .... u~ce •• "ra in estate shall lIut erect or con.truct, or permit to be eroctcd or con· atructcd, any building or other structure. plant aDY tree or tree., or drill any well or wells, within the limits 01 .aid right 01 wa,., Grantee .hall have the right to erect. maintain and u.e gatealn all fencu which now cro •• or._h!,U .her •• alter croll said route or rout ... and to trim and cut and clear away any tre.a and bruah whenever In III JudA" . ment the .ame ahall be necClsar,. for the cnnvenlenl and .. I •• xerclae 01 the righta herehYlrant.d. Ih. riltltt I .. tran.rer and a .. l", thl. e •• emenl In whole or in p.r t helDIr here"y A'ranted to the Granlee. The Grantor gr.nts to the Gr.nl ••• It •• uceellnrl and ... I~I. the rlA'h.t tl! Irim or top a.nd 10 k.~p trimmed or tllpped. any .nd ~II tree. on the lands 01 t he Grantor adjacent to Illd r'Kht 01 w3y ~I~IP lor. diS' tance of .. ...:.:.:II._I.et from the exl.rior line. 01 the ri~ht 01 wa,. Itrip. to such heightl as in th.e JudKmen! of the Grantee, its luccessou or Illips. shall be rcasonOlbly necessary for the propcor co .. ~tru(hnn. op~rallon 3n,1 mainlenance of .. id electric tran_nti •• ion lin. or Ii n.s. but at no point outllde the right 01 way stnp 10 a Iteiltht of leu tha ,_.Jut. Gr.ntorS · diu •••• m.nt or e.um.nt •• hall be IrTInted on. under or onr •• id "trip of land hy Grantor, written eonlent 01 Gr.ntee. '. It I. al d~'· qreed by the partl .. h.reto that the Grantor .nd ... ~.!!~~r. .. lllrr"_(1". or ••• • il:"" Sban~' ,oJ ........ or pennit 10 be Incr ... ed M d.cruled. Ihe exi.tinA' ground el.!al,onl !,f the abo~e ~ n.¥,. Y. exiatinA' al the tIme Ihi. document ia exocuted. withoul the pr.,·",u. wttt· -;.~;:~-:' .. ~ 'L JOi" L( ..... . ten COBtu.,..; . J •• lllIIiIlMlllliiiI •• Grantor~..... ..A..executed theae pr.aenla thl.U.~.;.d.,. ol_ ...• /-... : .. r.;t,: .•• 19 ....... ,Executed',· • . ... 01: ?-:;:-> /' .' . /' . e..(~ ~:...-L..-L.£.K;:!.:::L~.~ .. ~ ... ~ ............ . . 7·_····-~ ···~/Wii~;.,-'/)-~ .<: ........ _ ...... _.: .. .L.t::.L..".~ .. u G. <"6 ........... !.~ ........... ~ DRAWNBY~ CHECKED BY /.&I..I:.. SKETCHN~ Wlln .... HOTAPTD..Jr.& noPa ~ ON BACX. .p .. ; -, . • I." WlTHUI Jl'ORK STATE 0 .. CALlPOUIA, II. c-q ol Su I)iIp. 0.,." 29th da,ol Septe!lb!r .... D .. 19..2Y...bol...... Uortencig. Va.ls:nzus:la. •.. _ ... _ •. _ • H .. ..,. PMIIc Ia _ I ...... ..w Coutr'" Stale, .. oIdl .. tho .. l .. 41.1, .... 1'1'0... • .......... porlOu.lI, Ippo .. ,d . ____ JoJw.wC"".wiC:.£"[loody .. --.-... _. kftOWll to •• to 1M tho 1'4'_ ..... _hot, .ame 1:1 •• ~ ... Ik4 to t .... Ith!. laau.. .... II • Wit .... t ......... H 110111_., _ d." I .... " de_ L ''''' .. y II : Tha._ .. _ .... __ .. nlW&-l. Sen 1)108Q, en] I '".Q'C.w.a. n ••• tul,I .. , h • . VIoA .. _ .• pm.nt ........ • PW_!'.clu:...& .. !.Wo:Jlllcna. ~I.~ .. 0 0- : .::. ..... pdlOnallJ' know" to h im...._ .. to be ,lit I&tI'ft' pc:rlOn.J.L whoM unit a. lU'l! IIId.acrihrtl , '" .'. \." 1o the w .. hi. a_ .anne .. 4Inltrum,nt. rare .. l. anet dt'IiYlf the pm •• and 'h.;,' u.",,,,,1 . : i \ • ~ • ":. : ;. ;drrd to 1814 allianl that .the V t1IfCuled tlw IIlmf; and that Hid afti""t 'u'"ull ... d '. • ... .. ",)..:';, . l.; ... hJ..!._ naml thereto II. "'hM ... •••• • _ •••• : .... ' •• '0 ••• :~. ,.: '" ' •••••••••••• : .... ,,' .lea .1IIt,.. __ ",.c. 1 han hen.nlo lei 1 •• .1 nand and alli.ret nlY ollici,1 lui Ihr II •• ~"" • t· "........ ct., 1ft. ,car 'ft dale certificate 6r .. ,boore wrltttn. -."",." . "':.-/" :7 . (' ..... -L ~ _ ... 1. l· . .6.-_ .... ..-•• (t ' •• t",-' Notary Public in and tnr did Cnllllty .nd ~ •• t ... M, CommissIOn expIres APlil 20, cibt, J r-; .. ' ... 'J pt. "'1"'1 .,., I.... :'1 ": ':r:i~!C CO. , .-__ JIi \ \ '~ ... II~ \::;: ... ~' .;> \ \ ~ .. ~ ?. : L I, f , ~ " ,-r ., , ::1k: GRANT OF RIGHT OF WAY l'AUL ECICE and MAGDALElIA ECICE, huob:lnd :lnd wHe, :.~ JoInt tenunt~, • n Grantor. tor anJ tn ton"idcraliun ar the Mint uf One noll.r and ocher .. Iuahk ronwdoralklft paid hy CARLSBAD MlJIIICIl'AL WATER DISTRICT, U mUll.lcJpul \/al~'I' dl:- tr1ct ol'gunlzed amI exlctlns .. unucl· Lh.., ~]unlclI'111 Water Dl:tl·.I~t Act of 1911, oc a:nended. a. O'anle... "«'Pi ... he,..,1 .. he .. hy ackn"",lcd,ed. "" h.rchy I,.nl 10 .. id C.\HLSBAD MUll!CrPAL WATF.a DISTRIC'i', 20 (re. in widrh in. urnn. over, un~r. and Icrm' lhe lands heftoin .. r.er dcKnbcd, 10 crft1. conllruct. reconstruct. rc:r'a«. rq1air. maintain and U\C • pipeline or pipelines for any and _II pU"",,",. 10 .. lhe, wilh lhei, ........ ry ft"u,n and apport •. nonon includinl hul nlll limilcd 10 <'OI1duill and nbles fot rowe'r lrammiQion and c:ommuntcalion rurposc:s. Oil ~uc~ lac.dionl and clcvadanl. upmt. a&on,. over and under the Mrcinaflcr dncribcd ,jahe of way AI O,olnlCC may now or here.fter dftlh .... nvenicnl .. nd 1k"'l:~5:try (rom lime to limt'. tOldhcr -.ilh Ihe ri",' or in,reu IMma and Clrc:u therdrom. to Ind aJona yid ,i,hl 01 way by a prxlical route or rouln in. uron. 0 •• , and _, lhe he,.inillo, dosc,ihcd land •• IDIolher wilh Ihe ri,hl 10 cl •• , and ~ccr ck .. laid ,ipl of way (rom .. pIOli .... huildinp .nd "ructu, ... 1bc I.nda in ... hich .. id .... monl 01 ri,hl 01 way i. h<rchy ,ranled arc wlU.led in lhe Counly 01 S:m D1I:'o .... SCa .. 01 Calilomia. and arc panicularly dclcrihed •• lollows. 10 wit: .: •• 1 ._--_._-----_._------ i f, ' J I I I , I f I I ,~. '!';l/J 10 p':)I'1.1nll or 1\.:IIlCI,,' Il,;":' lIedloww, 111 1.1,1: Clio] of ~:lrlallad. ~oullty of ;,UI. 01c;;0. :;t:'t" __ 1' Ca!L:ol'!lh a,'- cor'HIlt; \.u l'IH'\.1tl"1I WIP tlwrl:of 110 • ..,~3 1'1,1.I1d 1n loll", 01'1'1"<1 or !.Iw t:(lIlllty lioeor.:! ... " of Sun DIego ~Ollllty on Ilovumloor lu, l~.Iv. 1J1tuutul1 wI!.h1/1 tnat pOI'1.1ol1 thCl'{':<lf deoe rlbccl 1n 111.'110 1.0 jnr. D10l;0 \leun;; ',.;J I.c.:r ~ Ol1i''''';'', 1'<:-cordf~d Jung 1'/, 1,4(') 1n Dook 103!j pne;e 3ul 01' 01'f16:1:11 Hc:"ol'do. by Docl!nlfmt 110, 2, Ll~ and .;:In,; .;"t.:"I."rl~· ul1I1 ;louthualll.arl;t or '" lilll: OC;)ctlU<JCI ,1:1 foll.)\H,; U",.Lllr,lnl; :.1. ti .. : 111\.ulll ... ,:\.1'.n v1' tIll: Jl.)r~t".:"J.~· uvt."dar~' c..t' 1.0t. 11' or 0010 :tanerll' 1 • .:;\.0:" !ledl')lIuu wll.,. ~nl; cl:ntl;~ l1n'.l vi· Li.v l)") l\}O~ "lv 'lt (.)4' \1:J;" r:l:Jt1t."l1 i,.~ ~h'; ..tf.,:J,\.4,o 01' ~al U'o:nlu '0;; ,I"cd rec,~ru.:rj AUL;U:JI. Sv, J.j3;i 1n uooii. 432, jlO~1I 00 of Vl't'~c1;Jl Iiceorllu, b;; l,)o.:ur.II"·, lie., 4"27,, 1n n por~!cn of Dala IWItnoI'l, 'Ooumillry 0" 1.01. 'if oo.:nt- lnC :00 ... ~i1 7B ·v3 j;o;:; t nl;) ,;::: ." (I, ".Jr:.! 'HII;' .iJ~ ,0;:1; ) and 1:'01'100 72~.:1 30 !':net 203 ... 3~ I'lIot ( rec.:roJ IiOrlih 72" 24 l::<:lIt 2;)3b ,30 fcot ) fro::l Ccrm,r Uc. 1 01' :;~la Hnn.:no AeU3 Ucdlonda, cn~crdlnG to Llcc"~ed ~urve~ M3P He. 173 fUod 1:1 tllC 01'1'1":0 01' 101111 COL;nt~ ;tccor'd~:' tll' !i::n 1>$ ~.;o Count: i)coecmbcr 10 W13; tnen':e ~"'Jthca"'tC:l'lY nlonc auld c~nte" Unc or 1'1~t or way \lccll ,~2 fve t to En- zlMcr':1 ~H:lt1.on 3311 plus 79.00 at' Shown on Map ot :l3td lCO ,'oot JI1~l'Iwa:l Rl(;ht of l':ny or ROlld XI-Sl)-t-B on r11t1 1n I;he Ol'flce of 1011(.1 D1OJtr1et Stll1:e JI1~w .. ;; En.;::lncer. :1ald Enc!neor's ;;tntlon 334 plus 79,OiJ 0(:1n.; ln tiln1: course or GBld o!enter line of rl:;bl; 01' \\Iuy hav1n;; a' oearlni: or South 30·30 5(J" Ea::t , lle;:orcl~nt.: to ~ld Jl1chW:l:l H;IP Ilnd OIccordluc to 3atd Boole 432. pa&c bO,ti'le bear1n.; !a recorded all SoU;h 3u·43 30" Eatlt J; tnllnCQ Sou \011 5J·::!1 10' ;~e%lt to ~hQ orl11nury lIIean 1,1oin ;lde llnll of the Pnc1r1c Ocellll end the true point or bC!e:1nn1::<:;; ~hcflcc retr"lc1nc llorth 59·21'10' Jo~ot to said ~~llIecr's $t,::::'o~ ~34 1'1'1:; 79,0" tn t:ntd center .ll:\c or 1I!.:;r.wClY rl~ht 01' wuy; IOt.t:nca con~1nulnl! ilc-;'\;h :i)°21 U £:1:11: 10;:"/,3u feet to ';hc cellter Une oi' ;.he :'t,; .. t N' way of 'I'he A;,:hl:lOn, l'ope,u. Ilnd ~anta Fe ,wllw .. y (;OMOany as lI .. ld dght ot wuy 1:1 deacrlbed 1n dCll:d r'l.lcor<led r.al'cil Iv. IdLl In 5,<:lk 3,:', pn~e 171 01' D<:ctls, tllllfH,C :'Ilene ;luld cent.c;:' line o. 1"-'11way riG"1: of Ioouy I;vl til 23·0u \,~;;: )62 .. 14 1'0<.;10; thence lcuvl11"; ~;llo.l eel,tv!' H .... ,;"rti, u,,":,J+ :i.v' :::n3t 177;) i'cct. ~'lcnce ... O~~.I 2;3°05 v;' :',,:1.14':',,;..7 1'1; .. :;" t,1.(JI,o.:e I,ot'til bv'1l3'25 A.'l~t to tl • ..: ".::atl.l1;,o Q'o.Ih~:O";; ot' .. : td lund dCBCI'lhI)Q 1n l.Iald docd to ;)<H& D1o.:.;c :':OUllt:; :'::ltcr ~crnp::n;,' l;~ Be... 1035, P!lt"u ~,)l o!· O~·l·ic!al al,,;c()rri~; the land Q~1l"r1oed ';'IJ eaid dced too the :>,,11 JteJ;1.I CcJlm~;; 'dn tot' Comp:my r.;cot'ul!d .J:me J 'j 1,)40 In 13~ol, J.('J~. lI:..c,e 31.11 or urn,,:nl Uccoldn, Document 1;0, 2vvl;;', odr,~ 111::.1- crlbcd ~c rclluh~: Beg Lnn1n.; u Ii COl'mll' flo, ~ of ou La :!oncrlo. :.a ai,o .... ~')(l d('111l~oted on tile enid }mp, rUI,lil: • .; tll~IJ':~ ;:':r't., .. ,.j°5:J' ~at alonG :hc ~outh line of sn!d It, 0 r.; , I ~.! .;.11.;,,: .• , ,)U aald l'r...lp. ~Jl·l.~!J .'"-:O\' \,c a 1101.,,-; \-hc;,..;,: t;~JrtL J"3~ ~-;OGI; 703d.~(J l'l:ut to n polnt; t.ncnC<J ';';outr. ,,).~::" ~,()at l~ U';> 1'0\11; to a potut: I;i,c .. c.;: 1I~11i .. 0-34 ~,ect; 131) ,22 feut to Ii point; tnollce ;:ortil 114 -35' \,oat 2531 1'1:..:10 ~o a pOint; thence Uertn !.i3"57 , ,~e:Jt 0')2."'0 I'Cul. to .'1 .\>01nt; thence north 72°14' ',·oal. 1505.3 rcet ;0 u. !loint; tr,(:IIC", joIorl.h 34°21 'Weal; 12:10,3 l'cut to d. point, lOll.:: .. .:" ;;o~; .. 1.13· 112 \'/(,I>t .::i)3.C:.i fc(:\; to Il 901161.; tllcnce :>outh "'2°24 :;cllt 2'J;;iJ.33 f<:<.:1; t.o It polr,;; tl&<:ne') J;(>rtll 7C·o3' II;c::t I..' ti,t: line \,11' 1:he orcHnar:; 1:IC:lfl h1~h tId" Uno 1'1' t:,c ;,:.,,'11'11: Oce:;'}: thence So:.;th.:ntlturly ol()n • .; 31.i1d Ol'dln:..rj' Cl' .. ,\J1J1l tlL.:h t1de.: l1ne \.0 o.r. 1r.:;.,":'\lIc'\.1on with tn..: .. \I:;tcl'li el(-tt.ll~ l:"n 01· ttl, cu 1 cl ~CI.! t~l ll:~c :,!' :::.1.1 d ~r:ch'?: t."'::"i~·J j:v~tj~ d"-:;')' r;:,::t :.1.:.'r: ~(Jld ;:c~tcrly cX:;':II:.l1or. ,)~' :::lll! ~~t,;t!1 It!!..:, 144 re~;. t) .... 1( poLHt ')r ueg1rul1..,.;,. 1614 "-'" .~~~ -' i 3': '\i:~: ';::.. ,~ --, -:--::,~;+~:~,:,,:,----.-.. ---~ :l:~-;~[~ [::':';;~-':,'~,,~,'" i,.l, ~~.t1'''~'·!t1~·~:I:U::" ":' ':~~P~."!':!~:':'="'~!; ~ -~. 1115 . ";": '~'~.l; '!llong tho SOLIton Une c.:' .aieS Ranc:ho, 31 Chown on laleS MaP. l "':';:'·!';·.~;-:.5317.58 r~Q" loo II ,,01nl.: ·thenco Horth 0·)2' WeD; 1;5U.go "!~::-""'.~.', teet l thonclI 30uth D9·~9' ~.lIt alonc a line p4l'al1cl witn -.;~ .. ~. thQ SO"Jth Itno or acid !lUlllnO. ~131.;)o feot to an Intor-::;,.~:,: :~'" lIoct1on tiH11 t.1., ord1nurl or IlIGan nigh tid" Uno of the ,~-:.' '-" Paclflc Ocean; thoneu :ioutnolUlturl:: a long ~Dld ordInary 01' mean high lola", 11,..." 1'(05 fOG", m~' e or lelia, to IIU Inli8r-Icctlon with t'h", "~.}~t:I·l~· IIxtenD1011 of tl:e lill1d Sout.h lIne of lIald u..ncI)o; I;h(I/I':o NOI'tn 0:/·59' wIt alone; Bald I-Iolltlll'l:l oxtenalon or e'lld ;;ou~n lIng, 144 feet 100 the point 01: bo- s1nnlnc;. ALSO ~r:;::I"n;:Q ·rll,.:" ,,~',tJ!~. I.r.ot n"nt",., • !'l-" '~l;Vll1b I:ollterl;, ot tho la.to:'1:, Uno or land c:on •• yed to tho 3taloo or Call!-omi. tor troqway ~urpoa~a. b:l deua r.Qgrdg~ Juno lil. 19~3 in Bnok 14d~4, P:l&C "94 ot' Ot'flctal Roc:or<1ll, :liA1d .. tato l"nli ~.1ng deacr1boeS a. tollows, '1'Ilo.t pr.t't. ut' 1;il:;:; ;;-)1'';lon ot Lot "n of ?~ncr.;) f,!:ua llucl1cnda, 1r. tl1a Clio;,' of ~~r15blld, Count.~' of 3Dn D1ec:o, Stat.e at' Clll- 11·U1,,1:., :,c\;v.-d~I~'; ~'" Partlt1o.1 ,,:3P t,.(;:"eo1' ;.io. -, fUea 1n till': Cuun;;;; !\.JcurUvX'·:l Ofr! ... of ~"n Dio.;u Caul ... ;,-011 lluv-Q:~lJcr l.j. 1:")':", uou":l'llil,1I1 1.1 ?:'I'~~'1 2 of dc.oa 1;0 ?aul ::;c:C", uud 1'~::.ccJal':lIa );cke, hu::banll :mll wlfo. 118 Jo1olO t.Oli<tIIl::I. 1'0- cordod ~".,t,,:r,b':I' 14. 1;J .. 4 1n Boo:: 1711? P:lIN ;4 of OfficIal Rccol'da 01' Sail Dlvco County, descrlll(:d illl follow .. : Boc1nnlng 01; a point Of! tho Southerly l1ne of suld portion of Rancho Acu::. Hadlonlla. dc:;cr10ac1 1.'1 !l1l1d Parcel :l of deud ro- COl ded 1n Hoo" 174), Pllt:;l;l 54 of Of1'1c13l nc.:cortia. d1lltant thereon U.-,reh -,rsu' 17 , ',:c=~ ~;7.rll·ccl: f;,~r.I tl,o polnt of 1nterlloctioll of :lald Joutherly l1no \(1I:h thc '~e3l.crly 11ne or the 100 focI: rl.;;;nt 0:: ... ay of 101:" "teh1ll0n. 'lope\al and ,q"nt:n II .. R,011r,,;,,1 .:nnoanv , fOl'lllQl'ly ~al1torll1a ;;;outnom Ral1ro:ld CorJJ),my ) described In deed r.oortlod 10 Book: 3~i. pa~e 171 of.' Dooda, lu th~ County Rocorc1or'lI Orfico, tihich po1r:t of 1ntorac::tloh bonr: along laid WosttH':Y line NOI.tll . 23"~5'2;':" lil:lIt 120.115 l'Otlt l:-OCl a raU"oad tilth chl:eled .~ .. markod '.>. 'r. ~ ... ~. l'rapcrtj' L1nQ", &::;lcl point of DO- c1nnlOJ 81110 Dour1ne for reference a~onc 1I111d Soutt.erly 11m:, South 5j05u':!.7' ::t.:.t l'l.l~ rllQ~ rro~ ';;u-lncer'll Stat10n 2)0 rlua lO.l~ on tn~ Center l10e of t~e Dopart- ment of fubUe: ;vor~::l ;;ut 'IOY lOI3do 1n 1)117 botwcell 2.2 lII110a South of C;lI'1cQad. al;a tn. Souta ":llO, L1.mI1i of.' ucellr.:slc1c:, Rend XI·;;D·2-~::lo; Lt. .... ..:.:: a1un& ;111 •• 'ollou1n/S !luuruez and d1atanc~s, • (1) lIOf·tt. l'(u~'·J·33 :,est, 305.,,'( ftlc:t; (2) r.1:m;.:" t;'";:;Cllt ..:,,1''10 to ';he to! ::Jt ;.,~til a rad!.Js or 212 l"':~t ..... a·o:.:::; •• :. ... ;;':l5.Lu 0: 43 '~J' J3 E. c11:.l1;.mce eX' 19().31 teet; (;3) l:orth :oOU..J' ~h.: ),;:15;; 1.)7.':; ~'<: ... L; ~ ',) "ea·t'l ,,0 "4/,' uJ ";a:; \, 33.S7 [&:01.. (5) , :iouth o:J°!i6'26, ~3;, 41.:)0 rgC~; (ti) ::ol;'th O·oS· ~4'1 t:n:st 60.00 :cet; (7) North ':\)"56'26 \~elt 41.00 toot; (el :Jorth ~:.!·:r(' ~,l" ',;<:lIt loti.W ract to :I potnt willon vears Uorth 70·12"/( .: .. at 2(,5.00 tect rro~ r.r.;;1noe:-·;s ;;;l;atior. 301 plu:s 9;) nn til" c~:;~c~· Hlle ot' aa1 d lX:pnt'tlll(;:nl: 01' 1'14011c ltor~a' i'''~'·c·r· _ .. ___ . _____ "-____ _ I-t t. i ,. 1 , ,. ·r , -f I ."1 .. j , i "t' : t -.- .:.".: (9) llorth 14·02~,~O" WeISt 284.4\1 ("ut; (lO) 1101'1.11 Js-oOtn6" ~Iellt. l')u.c', feet; (n) lianh t.~·:36103" \:VII1. !~1.oJl .·,"Qt~ (12) ~ur'~ 7'12'~bu ~U~~ 1~.~4 ;~_ti _l11G (13) ltOtth 7·0;';'59" i-:att ij·-l5.t5 !" .. H:t 1.0 .. [.::1:.1. 1i1 ~hu ;; .. 1<1 i'.1:1I;.o\'ly rlc~lIt of wny Itu<! (,,' ~hu jnclllu<Jll, 'l'C!'''i". ""J w,:'.;':" ~.' .. ;(:l111'Ot'lU ~,.;:cr'[hJ."j· I ~!~t:al.'-:; .. ta' .. "",. ucu~'. ":3,0 '~'J':'<J J-..:..1Il; 23t.2.')2 :"ct. .'ro:n u 2 inch 1l'01l plpQ 1II::\!;0<l R •. j,. ~2 tct; fl.,r t:,c :rcuL.:;l.!ll:lt ... ...;tnl..l .• ~. rtC:'!or"J of :.i,U'" v~'J j;o. l;iOb, 1'11ud 111 tt;" CQuntj Il,,:c:lf'u,,r'c On'letl on j.,H'l.l 30. 1 ~4ci; (.l/l) ';cr'i. 1'J·:~·.l:J' .. :Dnt h:!.Ob facti (.i.~) %{ortl, l;!·!j'-· 3T &DOlt ~U(j .~II 1'<:"t; (lIi) l'oNil 4·:ti'2S·' j:::J:lt. 202.20 t(.;~I.; (.If) P;-a .. '" tnnCO"lt wi.tcil OQarli "c:,~n 4°211'1:: li<l::1; alone .. cur-/Q to tilc lu1"1; w 1 tb a t'lIUlUD tl~ 3140 .rc.~t, t'lro~';1I an ": :.:l~ OL' ';!1·~···()7· u tll;ll;:m.;c of l:i;J'{ :0,,1; t(J :. 1,01:1t wil1c:h • "1':: ;;ortil (''';-54'05'' ~at l!;O.OQ foct ~'l'om ~t;ll1c .. r';; .stat-~ .. 330 l:l .. J :-:: .• 00 E, C. on ;.:0 .:cutcr 11n.: 01' "::lId Dc~l't­to.':.I:; o~ PUlll!..: I>orlcil Jurvl1;;; (J.,,) .HunC II lIno purnll!:l wtth-'llOd d\::;:lI1t Nort!lc:J.::tQrl", 1:'0 reet ill; rlE:t,t lln&lea to .. .lid cllntoz' llne, ::vrth 23·05' ~:j" "':Q~t 71..l.0v teet: (1.1) wav'0L: s;lld p3rallcl 11ne, ,~orth lO'2~t4tJ I ~;C3t. 200.21i toe t : __ '; (20) . ,,-,~ (21) •••. <r._ 'lortll t!0·.)7'58" A:1st 45.00 t.ot; Cont1malnc lo ... 'b 60·07'58-&lat. 120.52 t •• t; Borth go-54'37" Ian, 100.00 rona ~" (22) . ~. --'. (23) NOl"tb 23-05'23" ~eat, 30.00 toot to a p01nt on the : . .-~ Southerlr bouncSa&')' 11ne ot the land deaor1Nd In "uUolala -'~ Deed tl'Oll Paul lolee, and wit •• Co Grover C. Jacobsen, at ·-.al, recorded Apr1l~. l~b 1n Book 2176. page 341 or -Orflc1a1 aeoorda. 1n the eount~ RoQordor'. orrlce. d1at-,ant ~reon BouCh 66'54' 37" W.at 545.64 toee fl"OIll a 1 incb iron pipe. uZ'lccd "K. I. 32" a.t tOI' ebe Eaatel'lr teralA--; aUoR or thae course deacl"lbed al "Nortb 6o-S-'10" iI.c. 1770 toee". in aald deed Co Grov.r c. Jaoobson; . (24) A10ns a.ld l •• e mentioned Southor1~ boundarJ line. : South 66-54'37" Wen ( record south 66-54'10" West) • -.~4SO.00 te.' Co Sngll1Hl". StaU~n 348 plus 52.71 on the :,oentor 11ne ot aald Dlpal"tmont or Pub110 Works Surve1; . (25) Contlnuins aloAS aald Douthorll boundary 11nop ::SOUth bO·~'37'· Weat. 4OQ.OO tOGt. _" .. ' (20) . ;''-. i .. " .. ~~:. :;;;--...... ~.;::. :.~_:_-.~.;;' ~~i' . '. <~,.: .!~. ~ .. ~~ . :...adns .a1el Sou thoI'l, boundar7 line souen 23-05'23" 30.0U fGe'; _ .. "' ' . North oo·S4'37" £m.t 190.00 teeti: . _. ;J2U) South 89-4!)'29" iIlae "9.04 toot, . -... --. . . -, ... ... ~ , . . -.... ----_. -.--... "-".. . --_. · . . . .. . . . ~ ., .... '" ; i i f t t i ~ .' \' t i ~ I , i I ; -------,--------. ------------ (31) Alon~ il liue pnrall~l wIth :1I1d dl:1t;mt \·i ... aterly ilt rlf,,:t, :lnC1us 90 feet fl'om aolcl <:C:lItcr line, :;uutll 23'0~'5~" l~aut, 3.10.00 fcet; (3;;) {,le:'.;';:l tallgen t curvu 1.0 the 1'1r;ht w1 th D rad1us of (!)]:J I'l'eL, tl1r()u::;h an anele of 30°22'00" Q d.lllLallcc or i)112 ,30 fc~t; (33) Lcavlnt; lIald pnrallcl line :30uth l!)·~3'IIO" Heot 533.0~ foct to n p01nt on nnid Wcaterly rL6ht of wny line nr lw1d flllllroad, d1:Jt::mt thereon South 23·0~'/IO" EnGt, .1[l7u.?9 feet fl'orn oalu 2 Inch lron pilJo accordlng to sn1d Rucord of Survey Ho. lJo6: (311) 3autil 11°17'05" :'!Cllt, 3611.2', fe" (35) :3o\.:tl1 1 ·oS' 00" ivcct lidO .03 fcC't to II POil,t wh1ch benrs radiully ::;outh :3U"20'lT Weot 109.0',) feet from Sn~!ne~r'c SLation 30? plUD b6.00 ml ~;e center I1ne of oaid i)c!,ut'tr:Jcnt of' Public !".orJ:::; t :';'.1 r'V I,)Y j (3u) ::artll 54'5;)'36" ~:Cllt ~25.77 feel. to " point on the En:;tcl'ly lillc of thc rieht of ~In:; dcocribcd in rte~d to the S tn to of Ca11fornla, rucot'dccl AugU3 t 30, 1~)35 in noole 1132, page 60 of C:'fictnl fleco!'Oc of said County. (37) AlonG sald ;;;"oter:i.y llno South 35°22'Ou" £.'1ot 2'(5.00 fect; (38) At I'1eht anGlco Nortll 51,°3(;'00" Eaot 17.11 teet; (39) South 116"20'54" &tst 3110.33 i'cct; (40) From 11 t.1.ne;ent wh1ch beurs South ll·OU'lSl" 11est, along a curve to tho riGl, t. with a r"diu:; of' 2,0.00 fect, ti1:,ouCh an an.;L oI' 25 ·42' 11:'3" (: dis tallce of 112.20 fect to a pOint on :,I:;t :;a1d Ea:Jtel'l~' 11no; (41) South 2°30'10" '.-ieo\; 1511.51 :'.:e:;; (112) 30ut.h 42°29'44" BOost .. :,4.0:' l'cot; (11;') ~cuth 27°12'00" East 1126:IQ rcct; (/J/Jl Alufi!; to tur,cent curve to tlle riSllt with a ['actiu:; of 50ll fcet through all a:;r;lc of 1 °30' 50" .1 dis Cunce of 144.0u f(':eL; (1I:i) :.louth 20°39'25" Ea:;t 2'(2.07 1'oct tr: a jl')int on !'irllt :;::id :;'J'.lthcl'l:: line, dlotllnt the:'con :Io:'th e,)"llo'l,{" I';e~~ 70.0·') feet from anld En..:lm'et"S Station 2)0 ph:; 10.113; (116) Saut.h :';,)°56'17" East 231.1~ feet to t'10 pc-int at' bq;lnntnc; • 1 I .j , ~ j 4 = • . . "" ~ ~.'":i . • '. . ~ r L. . . .Tht _101' line or Mid e_t or riGht of ., In the ai_HI ... 10 put\cooIutr -..w ;.. foIIow.. 161'" -Parcel 1. a -ili"glnnjng Bt PoInt 9 or Lot "F'", pDl·t1tlon .. o1'dIIltlCIlD '~ual Ifed1oms."QlI.31!o\m on !lId Map !{o. 82'; tl'l~nc(! Rnsterly 1I10ng the boundary courso connecting PoJntD 9 nnd 10 or sa1d rJ)t 11ft·, NOl'tn·,7.1~'2!2B" Bl\sl. -:145.16 teet; thene" North 18°27'32" "'eDt 10.00 reet: thpl1ce alon(. II. l1Ilt: ,\lar,aUeJ. )lltll f,nd,lQ .• OO ('eet 1I0rtherl.Y or zllld boundnry courop South 71"32'28"wi-iJt 126.10 't'cet: thene~ l;Ol·tl\ 18':!7'~~" I(e:i't "1'20.00' reet to the 'l'l!t1E POIN'!' OP • .BF.GIIINDlUI.th"Ql'u l'IItradng South 18°27'32" RaGt 120.00 rc:P.t; th"nee So~th 710'2'~~" We.at ~7 .. p~Je:at; then.CO SOU~I) '2!n.'57~ l(e~t.2}().75 rpet; ~h"nr.1! .~outh ~ 04'01" West 2Q79.5' fe.p.t to n poJnt .. ht'!Y!ln.o.rte.' .':'!rerred. to 'nn . roln!. A·: th""c" South 2'·2~P55" 'kHe" (l~'J. 37 rrlel: thence nlong a tnnv.ent-~ul'V"· . cortt!nv .. rIght, hovll1g Ii rnd1u~ of 500.00 feet through II ('entrnl anp:l" or 18°/1'/11'5" n-d1otr.nN' or ]/;3,~9 feet; thl!nce South 1,°11] '10" East 6?6-.03 oofet'tl thr.r.~" !:outh, 5°?7'3~" li,.~t 511.5H feet.: th"ne" South ;>3°?5"5" IiAtlt Z5.00 fectt. . 'l'lIl'Ml '!. ,. ~-:-n.'gl/11dl1p:·nl ~nld Pol/lt "A"t tho:-"cl' South jljoO/j'Ol" W~~t '3.?O reet: thence ~QLl~h cl°:!G':n" k'c:~t 467.00 l't'et. , •. :< ' .'" -,, EXCEPTI:IG THEREFROM all that portion thereof not 1 ne luded within the lands fIrst. obov" dencl·1bed. Cranfntj Ind •.. .LhC.11. ... 1UCCf'l.forS in tltllr shan not firer. or ron~trut'l. or ~rmil to be t'rt"Cted or conl'lf1lctefJ, any huildin! or other ,Irudu",. plan. uny Irl'e or I ....... or dtill any won or wrIt., within the limita of laid rislll of woy. Grlntf'C" Naln hDV4!' thf' fiftht to C"Trt'i, m:aint3in nnd UN" ':01('_ in .n fenrf'J which n?w. ~ or allan ~rrlltrr crou Nit! roul .. or roul ... and In trim :1110 rut and dt':lf .,,'OIV anv 1n"C!' 03nd bru!lh wfK.never In Jb Judgment the ~m~ !'h.lIllC' IIr(,C"PMry Inr fill! ('o~u·nirnt Ind MIt' C"s:('rci~ 01 the ri~hlfl b~rl.·b~· srahlN, the rir:ht to tnn.lt'r and &.!lip this r.!tem!'n. in whole or in I'Drl It(*ing hrrroh)' gr:UHt·d 10 the Granh'f". Gr:1ntpT "'IUM's rhat no oth~r rZlSfomrnt or l"a~l1'K.·nr! 2'h:tU ht' gralltrd on. unMr or o~r SAid ,trip of land by Cr:mlur. without Ihe pl't"\'iou~ "'·rillrr. COf'!!IC!'ni of Grantt't"'. h i, ar~ undrntourf Dnd agrt'«"d by ,h~ pOlrti..,. hf"rt'tu 1hat thr.G.r:\nl')t:3nd .. llu:..:. . .L· • ..IU('f'"""O~ nr a!\ .. ign,,: shan.not ;' •• roo"" or <kc"' ...... or I"nnil 10 b" inc",u .. d or ckrr ..... d. Ihr .... linE plollnd d"',"nno of the .hove d""""hrd "r.hl tJt way, «if ling nl tilt" l;nlC~ this docum~t is ext"C'UtfNf. without 'hit pm'intl! "riUm ('On""lt of the G"n~~ ... ~ ;I-.it .... l!~rrt.f. ,h. Grulllom •. lla.V.e._ ......... ·'·ul.J Il.,.,... p, ..... ",. d.i ..... .,9.~:? .. day ol"'_'.~1 19 .. !o.t. ","CCUled in the Preronc-e of: ......................... _._ ........... -........................ _.- Wltn ..... .... ......... _ .................................................................... . Witnf'N. II/W XI) 3?-IC4-7:'110// DIIAWS II\' ... S""C ... P'--____ _ CIIl':C"~:J) II\·--"C .... L""·!.'--__ _ NOTARIES-USE PROPER FORM ON BACIC. /lJo:WO ?5?Z .." . .. . -...,. .t!."/:' :y;,'(I' • -~.... /1' J 1G19 1I1'l'NIIIS FORM j STAn or ~~ Ditp. }.. ~'" .... ,. 0. .~Io _ Ai ..., .. --u:~.),;) :" __ A£,19iQ.! ........ _~1. \.\ ~ \t!'~T!..! •. _. __ _ """.'7 'o%!Ic. lot ... lor .he .. u (' .... -r 004 50... . ~ ..... ". ............ oN ..... aJIJ _004 ..• ___ • -.. ':I.:!\I.·.I..:x..~'r..L_~.~ __ .~.l\l.,I::~1\....: .• ~~I::.. ___ • __ • •• _ ....... _5....,,'-_~ .. ,-•• /bod ..... ,,~Wo ... ~ .... ;:; .. *;?_.:~:~:=:.::~~:~:~~~:~ .. ~ .. ~~~~'~ \ ~--=: ... _ ........... be.he ..... pone_ ...... _ ........... ____ .. __ ....... riIM V.M wilhl ..... ;:.~ • ..-cI ' .... nu'"'"'. f'1.f'Cule and dtUHr lbt ..... , aM.._ ••. k-. .,.Iro ..... WI'l t • ..u ~ • .., .. _. ___ ... nerUWd d", _1M; ud ....... 14 am ..... heerlbN ._ ...... ___ ~Itent .... Wit,.,.. J . ,. _1Iat .. _~.rt.f. 1 ". •• br ........... , load oN .1Ii .... , .111.,., ooaJ dro .; ud ,.., lot dolo .."Uk ••• '",, ...... _I .. . ..... ... N;;;~;;:'j;;;bii;i;';~"i'i';;';;i;;'C;;;;;;if';;;d'S"i;1'" T': -<,. ~: ~ ) GENERAL FORM STATE OF1:: •. ~_~\ f .. ~¥~.Il.-1 (''''.IM)' .'--~ .\.£ ........ __ .. """ ':, 0.. Ihla ~-::=' .. d., .t.....~~JlJ.l::::_-A. D. 1911.. br/ ............. ){ .. } .. _Cy..\..l.I!..~.\.. .... ;::.:L1:~.\.1..! ___ _ • ~rT l"ubUe 11'& Utci 'Of tM ... itt Cou:ftI, Me: Slat •• ,"idial tJterC"ln. dul, l'omm;",lonf!d a,.d , ..... , J'CTMrlaU, appured.. ____ _ ... .l~.%.lh.~~y.E. ..... ~.lI. _ _M..lW.}.l\.hE.Y.f.r._~ q,~~ __ ........ _ .• ____ ..... ____ . ___ ._. __ ... petwtulJ, u... Ie .. to be 1M pe......, .. ~ ••• who.e n ... e.~.~-----rfb.ed 10 .he .iIIaIa J ........ ~ aod dill, ...... I<d;ed 10 Ole Ih.'_-.:1.r...!L.._ .... _«I .he ..... ~::-~:-".' .. "": ~:. " • .'. ~t·. "C'liEl~ ·'.I: .... ',!:.,.· ,-uMllR CORPORATION FORM STATE O~'F.·====::-::=l ... c-.r ... - 00 dolo ____ '" oI-. _____ A. D. 19 __ .• kl ... _~ ______ . ___ . __ .• _____ . ___ . ----_._----...... __ •. _ •.•. .1"u •• to ... e be tM._._. __ .. ____ .. Pl"Nlclftt .. d. .----------------__ . _. _____ ._ ....... .1".0 I. _ I. I.e rk.--.----__ s--..., ~I~ __ .----~--.------------------ tJ.t ~ cUt ca«.Ucd th. wi&Jaha r,...". ...... ~1MW1I .. ~ .. be t1Ie ~ ",ho UWUIM dro ..... ~ _ Ioolooll .1 Iloo c..p., ..... ,Mr.lo ...... aod acbowJ.dcoclI ... Ihal ... ~ ....... oloo_ •. ,. _ilIuM _~nuf. J he ................. , , __ ..... 111,.., .., .f/idol .... 1 "" d., M4 _ .. dolo .... ,,.,..,. II ... at.. •• rInn. ..-' • ". ~ .4 •• .... ~ _. ~ •• , :-'.~: ;:' \I ~ >, .. ~ ....., l • • • ;,., '.' ';-" 1'0-Plew RmI,. 'til $nUlh and Sw",*¥ Annm~' .. t~w 580 Ill", Avmnr C ... hb.d, C.dil ...... i. '\ 'rbia 'e \1) ~nlry Illat the in! ... ~e\ In reat prOpen), COn\.-.yed by tb" dMd of araat dated . l\!i!.Y .. tq ... J.!!2.1 ___ . __ , Cram _________ .. ---.. -----._. -~-. -----_. ---_ .. _--------.. _--... _------- To C}\I(I.StlAO Mt.NIClh"-. WATER DISTRICT, • M:mlclpal W.tel' Dl.tl'ict Orpnl:ll'rJ and •• datInIC ""del' tbo Mllnlci ... ' ~ .tel' IJlnl'let Act 'II 1911, .. • mendeCl, III hereby .c".pted b.r order of tM 1:x' . or L'>lrecton of CARuJiAD Mt.:NICII'Al. .... ·ATER DISTRICT on _. 2!.!l..!.~....!E.!iL ___ &Dd tb. vanc •• COllatlot. to recordation theNa! by Ita duly a.ltllol'h:ed ollle"l'. OATELt: May 10, 1961 (SEAL) CARLSBAD ?!uNICU'AL. WATER DISTRICT Ey_. ~rd"R~i~---'-- ~-ecretlU'.r of tb. CaI'J.a!>ad lvIWlleipal ..... t.r Ol.trict and 01 tlw DOIlrd 01 Pll'1Icto". tller.ot _ to •• that .uoh Corporation .xeout.d the .... a •• uoh Tru.te •• In Wltn ••• -hereof, ! haye hereunto •• t .7 hand and afflxed .7 offl01al •• al tha 4&T and year ln thl. oertlfloate flr.t aboy. wrltten. '1.60 35SS9 I /6 Earl. W. Sund.11 Kotery Publio ln and for .aid CountT And State. COMPARED FRANCE'S E. LEWIS Recorded et reque.t of UNIOII TI!l.E IKlltmAHCE '" TRUar CO. APr ~ 1~7 9 A.X. ROGER II. HOWE, CountT R.oord.r BT Deput1 D Col. x-x-x.-z-x-x-x ROAD AKD PIPE LINE EASDlEII'l'S ACIIOSS POR'l'IONS O!' LOT 'H' O!' RANCH" AOOA HEl)IONDA ACCOJU)IN~ 1'0 HAP THEREO!' NO. S23. V.D. OAKNON, an unurrled un, do .. herebT grant to PAUL !OIeE an~ XAGDJ.LEIIA !CIE, ihu.band and wlt •• a. Jolnt tenant., an .e.e •• nt tor road purpo.e. and tor the le7ln«, • ...:,:;s. CI&1nt&1nlng and operatlon ot under ground plp. l1ne., oyer, through and eoro .. the follow- 1ng d •• orlbed paro.l. ot land. PtltOEL 10. 1 , An .e •• ent tor road and p1pe l1ne purpo... oyer a .trlp ot land 20 t •• t ln Width , bdng 10 teet on eeoh dde ot the tolloWing d .. orlbed oenter l1ne, CO .. lnolng et Corner , ; Nuaber Sls, ot RANOHO AQUA HEDIONDA, aooording to Xap thereot NO. 82" tl1.d ln the ottio, I of thl Oount7 Reoorder of San 1)1e80 Count7, Oa111'orn1&; theDol Eaeter17 along th. South-: I : I erlT 11n. ot ea14 Ranoho Agua Hedlon4& North 8ge 59' East to an lntereeotion wlth th. ' '; oenter l1n. ot Callfornla stat. HlghwaT Road IX-SD-2-B, Book ~32, page 60 of Offlolal ! Reoords of Ban Dlego count7; thenoe Northwelterly along the oenter 11ne of .ald stat. I RlghvaT to Engln.or. statlon ))4 plu. 79, .&1d Statlon );4 plu. 79 belng al.o on thl i NortherlT 11n. of that port10n ot lai4 real propertT AI d •• oribed ln Book 1749. page 54, ! ! Offlolal Reoord. of San D1ego COUDtll theno. Korth 59, 16' 30' E .. t along the laid North-: I ! erlTllne of .&1d propert7 10S7.110 feet, .ore or le .. , to the oenter l1ne of the rlght of, va7 ot tne AtoM.on, Topeka and Santa !'e R&11VAT COlIPany; thenoe along .aid oenter 11ne : i North 22-37' veet 953.04 teet; thenoe leaYlng eald oenter l1ne North 67-24' Eaet 1770.00 , I i teet to a polnt, .aid polnt here-ln-atter oalled POIN'!' 'A'; th.nce IIorth 22-35' 15' ve.t, ; 461.74 t.et; thenoe Korth 67-26' 30' Ea.t 486.32 teet to the true polnt ~! b'«inn1ng; ! : thenoe Bouth 22-Sl' 00' zaet 2079.00 te.t, .or~ or le.e, to an Inter.eatlon with the i : lCorthtZ'11 11n. of that real proPtZ't1 oonnyed b7 Lander. and Hughe. to !!oke b,. Grant DI.d ! t11ed septeaber 14, 1944, 1n Book 479, page 54 ot Oftlolal Record. ot San Dlego County, Cal1torn1a, .&1d Norther17 11ne bear. North Sl_ 13' 15' Ea.t. PARCEL NO. 2 An .a .... nt tor road and plpe 11n. purpo ... over a .tr"p ot land 20 feet 1n w1dth, belng 10 f.et on .ach .1de of the follOWing de.orlbed center line: Be«innlng at .a1d POIIIT 'A', •• de.crlbed aboye ln Paroel No.1; theno. North 22-3S' lS' we.t 461.74 f •• t; thence Korth 67-26' 30' East 350.15 feet; thence Korth 22-33' 30' ve.t 234.00 teet: theno. !forth 67-26' 30' Ea.t 225.3S f.et to an 1nter.eoUoD With the oenter 11ne ot an .sietlD« S' water plpe, .aid Inter.ectlon belng the true polnt of beglnnlng; theno' Horth- , ••• terly along the oenter 11ne ot .~d ezl.tln, S' pip. 11n. (!forth 12-42' ,0' Ea.t) , 2100 t.et, aor. or le.e, to an lnter.eot10n With the Northerly l1ne ot Lot 'H', .ald JLUCIIO AGUA H'£DIOICDA. PARCEL XO. 3 Aft ..... lftt for road and plp. 11n. purpo.e. oyer , .trlp of land 20 fe.t ln wldth, ) \ '\, '-. ·1 , '. '- being 10 teet on each .ide ot the tollowing de.cr1bed center line, aeKinning.t •• 1d POIHT "A", ". de.cribed .t-oye 1n Parael 110. 1, and betng the true poInt at beglnnlng: thenoe ~orth 67. 24' East 478.4~ teet, more or leea, to an lnter.eotlon WIth the Wa.ter11 l1n. at the 20.00 toot .a.~aent d •• cribed •• Parcel Ho. 1, .boYe. PARCEL HO. 4 An •••••• nt tor ro.d and pipe 11n. purpo... oyer a Itrip at land 20 t.et 1n w1dth, d.lcr1bed al tolloWl' Coma.nolng.t the oorner oom.on to Lot. r, H, and I, at ~CHO AQUA HEDIOHDA, aooordirg t~ Hap Ko. 82~, tl1ed In the ottice or the Count1 Reoorder at San DIego Count1; th.noe souther11 along the £alt.rl, boundar1 ot Lot "B", SOuth o. )~, talt ,600.00 t •• t to the true point at b.ginnlng: thence continuing along tha Ea.terl, boundar1; ot Lot "H", South o. )4' Ealt 719.22 teet to • polnt, e.ld polnt belng .arked -int 7 on ,.81d Xap Ko. 42): thanoa la'Ylng the EaaCerl, l1n. at Lot "H", south O. 34' Eaat 925.00 I ' ,teet, aore or 1 ••• , to the Korth 11ne ot th.t portlon at .ald RANCHO AGOA R!nIOHDA oon-! , I iYl1ed by GeorS'e J.O. Lander. and Ann. J010a (L1JIoh) Landara, hUllband and wite, and Oharll~ ,r. Bughe. and sarab Ro.e HUghe., bu.band and wlte, to Paul !Cke aDd Xagdal.n. EDka, hus-~ , . i :::::~::do:l::: ::e::-::W::;~ ::::::::l:;P:~:::: :::t~9:;: ~;,B:;: ::::'.:::: ::1:tH:::~OJ1L1 :11ne a dl.tanoe ot 20.21 teet to a polnt: th.no. Korth o. )4' ve.t parallel to, and di.t t ; 20.00 t.et W.aterlr •••• ured .t r1ght aI,gles tzooa the aald Ea.te2"lr 11na at Lot "H" and I :th. Ea.terl, 11na ot Lot "B' produoed 1645.00 te.t, .ore cr le •• , to a polnt 1,1ng south I I 49-26' we.t di.tant 20.00 t.et tro. the tru. polnt at beglnnlng; thenae Kartb 890 26' laet 20.00 te.t to the true polnt at begInn1ng. Thl. D •• 4 1. mad. to oarr1 out tbe te2".' or the agree.ent. b.tw •• n Paul EDk. and ,Xasdalen& Eak., And (Jeorg' J.O. Lander., Anna J01O' Landera, Gen. L. S&1th, Le. o. S111th" Charlotte H. SaUb, Char1 .. r. Bugh •• , Sarah ROIO Hughes and L.wU E. DuVal, d.t.d Jul.1 9J I 1946 and r.oorded In Book 2161, page 402 at Ott101al Reoord. at san D1.go countr on Oato-j i bIZ' 9, 1~, and In Book 217S, pase 121 ot Ottl01al R.oord. ot San Diego oount1 on ootober I 9, 1946, and 1 •• ac.pted b1 the grant .. a. a tull and co.plet. compliano. With the ter •• ' ot .81d asr ••• ent.~ fh. proYi.lon. tor • 50 toct ro.d .entloned In .ald asr •••• nt. re- oorded In Boot 2161, ~e 402 ot Ottl01al Record. ot .aid San Dlego Count1, haYlng betn .utua111 cano.ll.d b1 the pert1.a her.to. Da1:ed thh 17th 4., ot rebruar1, 1947. ft.u'1: or CALIroMU; ss 000lI'r1' or SAIl DIIOOI 11 D Oannon II.D. OANKOII OD thil 17th da7 ot r.truar" 1947, betore •• , H.zel l' .. ung, • Kotar, PUblio In and tor .81d Count1 and at.t., peraoDall, appeared II.D. OAllllOK, known to .e to b. the peraon Wbo.. n .. e 1. .ub.orlb.d to tb. toregolng Inatrument and .oknowl.dg.d to •• that h. .x.- outad tb ...... VI'1'lIESS .1' hand and ottl01al .eal. Ru.l XtlIIIIC .oear1 Publio In and tor •• 1d Count1 and St.te. X7 0_1 .. 1011 .xplr .. , s.ph.ber 10, 1950 Th' .boy. and tor.~"Olne D.ed la her.b, acoepted ••• tull ao.pUana. With the ter.a ot the two av .... nt ••• thao.in r.tel'l'ed to. ~O~rC~r:~: II on Chie )lat dar at 1CarOII, 1947, b.tore •• , Haul roune •• Kotar:r Publio In and tar .81d COllAC1 and n.ee, peraonall, appeared PAUL I:CICZ and IUGDAL!!IfA I:CU, known to •• to . be eb. per.one ~o.e ..... are aub.arib.d to Cb. tor.colns In.Crua.nC and .aknowledred to < • I .e that the1 .x.out.d the ..... WITHESS a1 hand and otf101al .eal. /14 .. ~ ._J---- Hazel young Hotarl Pub11a 1n Rnd tor .ald oount,. and Stat •• MI 00a21 •• 10n .xpire.: s.pt.abar 10, 1950 Reoorded at reque.t at WIOII '1'I'rLl! INsmwtOE " rRUS'l' 00. API' 4 1947 9 A. H. ROGER K. ROWE, Countl Reoorder B7 DIIput,. DOole '1'h1l IndentlA"', llade the nlnth dar at septeaber, nlnetlln hundred and tortl dx lie. ;twllln HOBERT O. MOKROE, and ltA'l'HAIIIII!: 9. HOHRO!:, hu.band and wit., partill at the tir.t ,part, and OHARLES W. LAlI'E and JUANn'A V. LAK!:, hu.band and wite, aI J01nt tenants, parti •• !ot the .aoond part, I ,WI!NZ8SI!B, that the part1e. at the t1rat part, 1n oon.1derat10n at !en Dollar., law. I ,""\ ' ! r :' ~ ~~' aone,. at the un1ted Stat .. , paid b1 the partiu at the .eoond part do .. hereb,. l!2'ant , 1 •• tJ ,') • I , ~j~ ;'. d relea.e unto the parti .. at the leoond part, and a .. 1gn. torner, All ; 111~1.h.. ~~J Lot III 1n Valle,. of the Oak., De.oan.o, Ban D1ego oaunt,., Oal1t., a. I p~~~~g I ' p.r .. p 12156 reoarded 1n the ottiae at the oount,. Reoorder at .aid 00unt1. I :,: :: ':. !OGmHEll With the appurtanano .. and all the utate and r1ghh at the parUe. at the I . ~ -. 1 ' ~~ ~ ~ , at part 1n and to aa1d preau .. , I :: i1~ ': :.: i '1'0 BAV'!! AND fa HOLD the preahe. herein gzoanted unto the parUIII at the 8800nd part, ' ~ 1:1 .~ ~ I ~ ';Q:;'~ land a .. 1gn. toreYC'. j -.. ,5 '" ..) ~ .~~ ~ XX~CO~XXCO~~XXCO~XXCO~ I en 0 C OJ (PARAaRAPI! DELJ:1'ED) lru:) s ~ JI i~ '\ IK WITNESS WEllEOr, tb. partie. at tbe tlrlt part haY!! bereunta lit the1r hand. and I.eala the dar and ,.ear tlr_t abaye wr1tt.n. , I I In pre.enoe at: IS'1'AT!: or HEV lORK ) •• :cotnn'r or UIf lORI:) • Robert O. Honro. L.S. Katharlne 9. Honrae L.S. ! I on th. t.nth 4a7 at S.pt.aber, nlnet •• n hundred and tort,.-11x b.tor •• e oame ROBERT iO. MORRO!: and I:A'fIUJIIJU: B. HORRO!: to a. known and known to a. to b. the lndl"ldual. de- ;.orlh.d ln, end wbo .s.out.d, the foresolnr lnatruaent, and aoknowledg.d to a. that th.7 'exeouted the ..... ~ II ClllAIf1' DEED 1, CO .. "'PAREO J II-r'~~lpuruglo I.r. 00. Olk'. No. 13, 1I0g. 110. 2~-D-7 I, 00&ll1 .. 10n Expiru Maroh 30, 1947 \',: Recorded at r.qu •• t ot FRANCES Eo LE'MS UNION TI'rLE I11I1URAlIOI: " '1'IIU8'1' 00. Apr 4 1~7 9 A.K. ROGER If. HOWE, Oount,. Reaorder 87 Deput1 D 001. , z-z-x-x-x-x-x ArrIX REV. SrAMPS • lion. IILnO IlLAJrOO an4 ElfIUOUETA GOSOtt d. 8LAJrOO, bu.blUld and Wife tor and 1n oonddll'a· tion at !IX and no/1OO DOu.ARS, do lIerell, p;rlUlt to '1'l!E OITr or SAl( ''lIEGO, a MUnl01pal r ~ t,/ I ,. ~ Oorpol'ation all that real proPWt7 dtuated ln the CU,. of San Dlego Count". ot San D1IIro, __ S,.C. at Cal1tol'nla, ~unded IUId d •• oI'1bed a. tallow. 1 Lot. 2' to ,2 lnoluel". 1n Blook J or Eleatrl0 Line Add1tlon, aooardinc to the Hep tllereot !fa. 861, f11ed ln tile 0~1o. at the Count1 RlIOol'der ot .eld San Diego Oount" Auru.t 2', 1'99. ( ",?';' ~ -M v -: :~. , " \;) j, 15 Ne:v ;;: ,,~ _ """,.!f!.!fJ/,1i , City of .st.1!!.rJ,7j8.;zS 1:r:D'¥Fniiii~. 2075 Las Palmas Drive, c-- Carlsbad, California 92009;;"157~i' '(:.:.:0'W " f~.,..,. ~"::..I r " {Ail jY:::'~/I -\J..L. ./ C;tiOJ"'t~/) • 4.;: ,V 'd--;, f Or /(No WN ..-{" ~ /,' ;"N¥JCY R BLAKE ~ \ I,... 3528 SOHBRSET WZW • LY ItDV 1987 CAf<:L8BM CA E! 9 A A A- ni n~'''l'"'' 0 IUli>ihi!ll !EPARTMENT l . City Of C~ft;bd ~." •• L'£"~"l""'!.-.". ... _~.~ "..,.-"~~-~"'--~ tr. ~:t,;t;-;:,..r;;;:,~::..-+. .. ''''~~'I' _;"",,"""'" II!"'" -~~-...... ' ~~.~,...-,. "'" ~~~.( ""'"",""",,,",_-,",","_.c...'" --~ ....--.--.,. City of Carlsbad -UG",;,,·'·i·'A·P,;;,"g.J, 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 q~:t' c,i CE RUDINGER 31J1f57r / 286~LEWOOD WAY t' ItZIt CARLSBAD~92008 i ~ fI /I RUDX6bb* 920063032 ~79b ~9 ~~/2~1 FORWARD TXME EXP RTN TO SEND RUDXNGER'BRUCE EDWXN 36QO CARLSBAD BLVD APT ~2 CARLSBAD CA 92006-Q007 :-··~t:{~~~\f;'i'f.'.. .~;l~: .t. A~O.e\'a."'. if ,:\I!lt~\~M,.'i"f~!'1!fllttW~'4(~~M~'P~'~I.~~ City of Carlsbad -AG;';";;'.I. '4 ,';';;'g'" ~m.JSi.'.'id.'. 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 ~-'\ / (\~p .~~.~ ~~t}~:~:~»Y~ I ~oS~ '\ "P .. N 61 .. fl'. \>~ ,:. i""';.; i-~ ~ I;"', 1C,c\, 1(;'\) 1 , -If<.1 .~ ::::.:i ... ,,'~ u ~, J ..... , .....-i. ..... ___ . ~~6"). .A: r--.' ~,'i'!"'-,,,,,,,,,,~~.,,~. \ ~', :-, ' KEITHLCOCITA 2220 MONROE ST 104 SANTA CLARA CA 95050 ft I 1"11.1, tt, ... I.1 ,U"U' n,l t, ,IIIHt"I,'"I,tII. HnHf I 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / C\ -o--? \.)--\ <----<-<------«---<-----1 d \ MELISSADKUO 3523 SOMERSET WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 ./ \).?:~ ~~ --._------------ ~ ~ ,I E p:\ !! Ii',,: mN 1987 -./ .?::?:rm;1arr/ .tj.. ::T1. CI\~;~f"'? i.l&V ?ilY~" \ i\ ··~:;B~RAH R JUDD ~O \}J..285 6 AN1J9VEF-AVE r CARLSBAD 'CA 92008 r r' L City of Carlsbad -A6;;;;'''g , 'g'S';;;;I;;;1 'II'i"RW _:l'iI'rnTii 1"i'iT:JTI. 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / ". c:.,-\ \\y? ~\ .; 0---~-·~~----"---·-·-·J {. .,;" .. ,,";. f" ..... , '</, ii'?: C.7:!/i -4.r i (, tJ, (}tf 9?GOB / GORDO)y M BIZIRFF 282;(FAIRFIELD AVE .LSBAD CA 92008 . .'; ,,'..' '.' .,' §";;i.'~ >'~~, "$1."::00. ''':'.1t~1;ilhj,''J''4,.,;a.W*,t;9Lii'ttrlfjt$'f ~ City of Carlsbad .iIl.l"i •• Ulail"*-:nt!l¥ill3lliilliiiW 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / c,,1 q~/p c.::;'--::-:.. ~~/~,~~.~~ 1(';:J; .,:': .:'~: t -t:. __ .iJ.J.. , /.'.1 j'" '.y'+' i, .. :-, ..... :: : " ,;, __ :.t::·J ,. ~·1.r...i 1-l:_::Jl /-1 ' ... ~ t ~.I"r--:-I.k!, ~ ;to ""_ ;'i.;;; \.,.i ":-; .~.; .. '-'t..::..; '-'6\1 .::; i·~ T"\7\u-rT"l (" r. rZU;>J;>TR r-Zl.J;>7.Zl. -iJ.""i-\! 0;1.."~. .:._~ ,,_.A. 010. ... '-..... -.-.\ ~~ "'wI ................. ~ .... PSC 3 1574 EL PASO TX 79936 DIEGO It 1 1m 1\ H Ii tit I "' , t It' 1,1·1IJ I ", II!' "It' 1; 7 '-'/' '{~4 ui .7l City of Carlsbad _:.Il'iimU.b __ .LiI~RD"im.i. 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 ./ {q~-.P :*::~ i 1-i C}---9? ~;FJI-~ [! I E~;[J (:A _~I A TTEMPTED NOT KNOWN MARY F SCHIEBLE RTE 155 BANGOR ME 04402 1.1?C.t\l)~ ~"_~,, .. ~ iliullilli,illHluwHfh.! III);;,,! Itt ') !, " " City of Carlsbad _::;Jbii.ill.i.KHij"R ..... M ••• 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / c1q~'P J!. If..;' lQQ7 VVI N.Ji.r:WNG DEPARTMEN1 City(}f C.lf}ot2~ NANCY J SWEENEY 1650 NANTAHALA-BLVD MT PLEASANT SC 29464 SWEEosO =QQ6QS27q ~Cqo 05 ~~/~3/q7 RETURN TO SENDER SWEENEY'NANCY J ~807 MONTCLAIR DR APT 0 MOUNT PLEASANT SC 29Q6Q-9sQQ RETURN TO SENDER S. Ac..' TO 6:9404 III ",II"" ,11,,1 L II II II II II"" " City of Carlsbad -.:IPJiiiillb •• Y:J.eiiUi •• LSl.I_ 2075 Las Palmas Drive. _,. Carlsbad, California 92009-157er:, ,c,)., ,_" ~ AS AuUNt;K ~iNAI3LE 10 1=(11 ! ,'"" L ~i,) / q~/P 1997 rtlvn-!!HG DEPARTMENT .1 • Crry Of t:Jrisbe! , AJ" ~ Cm.J~,LES W CAGIJIOBTRO 27 SEBASTIAN CT City of. Carlsbad .;J f¥ 1,1,. i d. &::.d¥dI ffil.a •. E2S.' a 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 ~'d-l ,~ ./ i . .~ <;./{3~~G?:-;-:-·· / '.\ '. ' I' r.,,· ,.. /.' r;: ". : .... , \,\'\\\ 'I(\~l ~. cil ' \' ,~ l\l\! ' , ~.' .. '\~~'g" '\\\~'i:.'''''' n" " ~~~~,~ •• , ';' ........ i ~ \' -JOHI\JY~/ ~_/'''<~ ~~ , ~ _ "'e':'{ IIW \. f;;'1 :,\..~,i'_ { -J , _ . ~,y,,_;R KEENAN --' ' ,<- . 107 -' '/ .~ <-c < <.~OKEY ~~-.::_.:.:._,:~YLEjO ~iE1LS DR I ~~M~~:ti1$~ -4, ' 94589 City of Carlsbad *W.] ..... hGiWS_aJ4424i·niimuu 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / C'" q :f ,:;. ! l. ~~.$I .< <I" ..... JEFFREY w & SUSAN BOWEN 1.1.30 BOBO AVE yUMA AZ 85365 ~-----.--~--~-~ -------~ -----~---------~------- IMu l1MIt.nti. uM hI Httll.M Ulft.\~"t"t4 .. 1*Mftl· !' .. '.'.-.. ~ ---~~---~~-~~----------- City of Carlsbad _iJbi .. :h.ua,m&JiMl&& 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009...;1'576 / {<\~p G ::~1:·}t ' .. :" ~~"., .t. Avrc fl • .:>;;:? NANCY HAGERMAN _ _ _ _ ..• _ ... ~ • ~T. HAGE30~ ~aOa'l2077 ~~q7 ~7 ~~/~~/q' RETURN TO SENDER HAGERMAN ~b37 e VA~~EY PKWY #~eo eSCONDZDO CA 9aoa7-a~oe RETURN TO SENDER III ... II, 111.11, ,lInll ... 111 .. 11 II , City ~!.",2JTI1!ti?J?!Qg R'J(.Tmrnt·]~ 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / q~/p ~ ,-' , ,~,<i,::;', J. At .• r~r",~.t\&~ ESPIE GRAHAM & PAMELA S ""432 VIA AMABLE SAN DIEGO CA 92122 ESP~~3a qa~aaaooe ~~q7 ~q ~~/ia/q RETURN TO SENDER ESP:IE PO eox ~O~5 eONSA~~ CA qa003-~O~S City of Carlsbad -0""";;114-';'6"';";'" 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / ~q~P --' ; J!i ~0-0"""~ St;eot.:,u, .. at RICHARD K JACOBS 2726 CRESTI'lOT AVE C'~RT.!=:R~n ("~ q?()()R ~AC07ab qa008~010 1C~b 1~ 11/1~/qJ RETURN TO SENDER- ~ACOBS a10~ WEDGEWOOD DR OCEANSIDE CA Qa05b-32ob , City of .Q.,e.r.J.§B;?;S~ ,~~ 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / ;\q~Q G\ ~----:----- / ~":' ... NUV 1997 PLAf;:{I,':() D;:PARTM£ff{ (, CI'~" f'j' c: -J Ih , 'I. C!lrJsbij , " l!: ,y ~',,, (0 .... ~, -\;)1., c'f. _ ~t:>O~ ~ J, j ·~·::-iiiiii·:;-i :-:i? .::.~ REBECCA A RAGLAND 7216 MIMOSA DR CARLSBAD CA 92009 RAGL2i6 920092028 i797 22 ii/i2/97 RETURN TO SENDER RAGLAND 2877 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 920u8-7u0~ 11.1", .. hUt"n .• ,~. L \'" Il1111T I, "ltHtl'i, I' !hl!~ 1l ,in I r City of Carlsbad • Elb'. i. i '.ll!' -14 HU.lffit4iil 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / (;'\ Ot :J-// --::--:;----." , ~. ' . ' ~. . , "nr:i\\(.i ... \ i . ': !\~''''r,,~~\ t.;:., t'" \ , i '" \,\..1 •• " • .-,..~,,\)\ 1 THIERRY FALLET 12630 CARlvjEL COu.NTRY RIJ B~~ DIEGO CA 92130 \ " YSN \S~l, .. ,._ \\ .. ' \Jl~J .\ I "\);" e;:.,\,):>.', ,.j FALL630 92i303003 ie97 23 iili3/97 ... ("/' RETURN TO SENDER "-..::'~ ',. J':,' FALLET' THIERRY '<;';'" _' ... / 2e76 ANDOVER AVE #2i ~ CARLSBAD CA 9200e-700~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~I~/~~~_~~~G~~~~~~~~~~'~~4~~1~1~!t~\!!lltl11!,l\'!!'11!JI!!,1 l~lJI!IJI1\!~~lit~n;1~~il'1;lJltIH1 City of Carlsbad -ld""''''';14·6.;;,,,,,., 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 / ~:7"8;' ~p!} \1 l 1:J~ /h-';;'-' ·-o.:~.''-.. /,., t '-'.". ; 'r .. -· "<'- t·,' ' :; \ '" n ~/ . _ 1_.--:: .. " \d) ! ,',. ~O~ 1991 ~1 DEI'i\R1M£.Ni tit'} ()t ~cb\l-'A4 vl_ e_ .. _ ... -....."., .MCJT -_ . lE1l itT. ~=-;;;:' .-es-• as ... ,".; .~ .... :, .. .-. ... ~-~~-----,. LlVERt,8lF _ J rR.-("\;:--rr-~-~ i~~ ~~,~~j;.w~nD-<;,-.~_1 RN TO c.EUL!~.R il. JOHN W -& tH-CHELE LEWIS 2828 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 City of Carlsbad -Uk .. ;', .. I_I. '4 &';;',[4 .. 1 .~~~ 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 ./ G{C1Y? ~ /'. ~ J 10 '.;),:"'0 .. ;;;', ... : " '>') fa;. ..... ,1 , .... , "\ '\ '. \ i-,.;:: I I \~f\\l ... C\!\1 , hUI l'J\J1 \ v,~r"''''''~ r<:";"'\I;:':~\\ • ~. t. \," : ... ! >-, -, • ", \,' p,r,! \~ \;~i': ~ \;:' '-~"'/":f"'-,,(.' , . " ".r'-:"'/ , .. ,.-/:./ I I I KENNR.'T'.H E ROYER 2916 AVENIDA VALERA rnDT.conn 0n Q~nnQ ··,1 ROYE9i6 920093050 i297 26 ii/i2/97 RETURN TO SENDER ROYER i750 VIA PETIRROJO APT E THOUSAND OAKS CA 9i320-59Q5 1.. A(.';ib~·~.Y~J:-:C~(br;' II 1 1'111 ',II 1 \ II i 111:j·l· U'l '1 ~ 1'i!il' 1 ,l,.I1·t 11 II' !l11 !' 1I1'11\!11 I II HI IlH liunl1h lJ"Hlj!llH-ul'il\ll!l-l!UII! City of Carlsbad .:anennmams;ti'ih,g". 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 /-f~ ~/O? ",\0\ ~ r---,-·-"----!:LI ~Ri\ELF' :1 r:) ... .;;' ,:,'-r ' ...... J"t,.,;,)tlr ~ ~~ u: 1[; fQfWt' ill ~ _ 'j RN TO c,ElJu[R ~ r-------- /' ,/ b~ '-.."., .. - -''',,-'- '\t),~1 )\: ;\ LEE ~9 S SIERRA AVE 137 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 City of Carlsbad -ih'';;'';;;''';·;';''''U;', .lD.Ai .... iUC •• 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 ~ /+~ q3-,07 <-.:-. {. ~, l~ ~ 1:) Na fiE ; :., ,....,----Fl,Ui; -""-J R. "-~c OUrr:",,, f""- C ... Ik'.i,....... (~"i 4RDII~. -... r--11/11 .. '![.',., ,.~ ... tt~-,~,_ t 1 • JJiLi.'J' '·.i'.I: .. , ~ ---.~~ ----...'-., ~ ...... ~ .... ~ .......... ~. AVrt:.t UI{$I$~ ... SARAH K HOFFMAN 24911. -GEORG IA -SUE LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 lJ=City of .w,e.r.!§.B.2,S 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 c,.-r Cf't. -L/ S- S. A (..I'1"£')' :f.f :t ;z, 1($, ~ ~. A'OJ! JOU} PiAA'lI/iVG f)£P/j~~ " , "if" .tMt.NI ""f Of EARLENE D DIETZ, 233 VIA COLINAS "" ""TY-. .... __ C:.r4;;;;fJ 'Wl I I D:IET.:!33 q.13b.:!3005 .1QQ7 -.15 .1.1/1.0/( RETURN TO SENDER D:IETZ'I-IARLENE 55eQ E PARK CENTER OR #.10~ FRESNO CA Q37.:!7 RETURN TO SENDER City of Carlsbad -;-;"';;"""6-"0);[·'·""4'" 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 c;( '1,Vl>5" , ..... ~-~ j ,'''' ".....-~ ,~'-f ,i ~ , "-., .~~<~ i ~:~iJ/ '''''~-., .. ,,,.~ ~ ~ ~ l,~ \~~~~~L~~m,~~~=~ • 1 .. -IJ;.. ... J997 PlAt~:;I:;~; D!:f'ARTMENT \ r (~tv Of \" Ctrf.bd \\:;:, ~>'':'C'~'' '. , ~~:.:.::-::..--,~,,-~_/ ,<::G~;:-?>., , I.," ~~ ( " P"' "' . . . ~~ . ~,J i . ,', ~ :: ' -1 .. , ..., I '\' 18 ~~v ''-''. , .' . . ~~"''':pJ6:B~Q(''' 'to \ '. o t::tC2t~,':.:-;;'i3~ AS AODFl:SSEO r;:::.: . c;.::.;d.;r ACOr.ESS ~-'p-":"~ "or "'CI'fN . :"~';'~:"C'H:';';";'1-7;~'" " ",~~ ... ""'?' c:: '~';"~~L I ROU:Eij,23 1A1ITI~j,,~:V;~ __ ~ JEFFERY K THOMAS 4395 SHASTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92008