HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 92-08; LA COSTA GLEN/GREEN VALLEY; Engineering ApplicationZOO s~ed ~ SlNVllnSNOO Ava,o-~~ ···i ' WdBZ:Zl lOOZ-vl-J~~ PSA!S:JSH ; . . , ern'OF CARLSBAO·· Er.$INEEIuNG DEftARTMENT .. . • ',' It ,'" , .,'., . . . .APPUCATION:·, '.. . . .'. "-', ;"~" ENGiNEEIUt4(rp,UH:.CHE<=~':.... " .:' . ,,' . . Co~plete all~ ~p~~prla~~:finform~~~'~~ W;'~!I. r..Il A ~e"j,o~ ap'pdQble~ .. . I :n.', PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: LG\40 :L.e,,~··:s£:~:ca.rL\ba.cL (JA l£UJog 5 MAP NO.,:': ::-::".::: '~. : .,' .'," ::APN(S).: ;;65 -0 (,).-1100 \ .. . NUM.B~R OF ACRES: / . ;) LOT NOeS).: NUMBER OF LOTS: OWNER: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: . E-Mail: ,·P.hr:m~ N,umber: . ,Fax Number: .~-' -" . E-Mail: Signature: . _SOILS . .EN.GINEER: Date: - , ,:Fl~; . : ........ ...,¥.L.a...L...a....I...!...II~~~_~--w-r-::::--;:­ . ·M~I.,,~g Address: ~ l ",' ~ 1 ~_., Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: . :Fax' Nillnber: '.' :, E-Mail: Qt:~tac~~Xl4A.f.GC~W1W.m.--· • .A·Ro..M·· '~f(~ ~".'" State Registration State RegistratIon Number: o •• , •• ' _, • • ... , ._ri.. -v _ .4 •• ~ _ AoomONAL COMMENTS: : !';' ,-..... , .1. ',': ',.' r-,"" -:i IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water dIstrict is the proposed project located in? (check one) Dcarfsbad MunIcipal Water Oisbict . IiaOnvenhaln DVallecltos 2. If In the carfsbad Munldpal Water DIstrict, what Is the: totaJ cost estimate, Including the 15% conUngency fee, nJr water and reclaimed wa~r irr?provements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District olllly), street.. publJc (median) land~pe and irrigation, and drainage Improvements (If applicable)? $ GRADING QUANlIT.tES cut cy fill c:y remedIal cy import cy export Cf SEE REVERSE SIDE ". ..,. Q , -0 ls Jii=. ,.R.. H:lDEVElOPMetlT SEAVICESlMAS1ERSlAppJIcaIIoo for EnglnseJ!no Plan Cheek .' '-", \ ..... Revised 1114102 2'd 0898~£68:01 2929-b0L-09L WWOJ 3~Il ~NlnNI1NOJ:WO~~ L2:2! L002-bl -~~W CITY'OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN ,CHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROJECT NAME: 6~\l~ DATE: 7/J7LDo" PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 400 1l~!1 f2-6n \Z61VI \8N -r ~dL--11'1 ... '! ' . . . WIT1-t ~l:f}\ C6rJ~ PROJECT ADDRESS: -=t=ro=t ~CArv1lrJO ~l CA12lS0AO~ CA q~,'\, , LOT NO(S).: . II MAP NO.: l '??'tort APN{S) . ~b-I2Z.·~Lf; U/31; 2S5-01i~~i'i;/~)~ J2- .. t.55~p:;J.J rPfiJ "",,07") ot? NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: 10p LFMP lONE: 2.3 # LOTS: 1\ # ACRES: 1-7'1.12.3 OWNER: ' eoNnNVlrJC:;f I-lfi:; CoMt-'lVNJ]e=8 APPLlCANi: ~AfVI-e. ;.g. OVJNf3:e..; Mailing Address: ~ro HQetJ1N'{;[SlO~ Vl2.lv'f:. Mailing Address: 'f1J~N" CA :lVO~~ Phone Number:' , (II + .) zs,'e-f30l.f8 t V3t., .. <t@lJ Phone Number: ( ) .... .~ •• .-1 .. \' . , I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above ;. information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Signatur~~ SignaturN?~4"L Date 7-~7-t:JCJ Date7-27, -.t>d . CIVIL ENG'INEER: OAN\6~ p... ~ SOILS ENGINEER: JDS~t-\ 6.~~~e.., Firm: P~12 CDrJ6v~ Firm: 1~6H:f1)N &. A!3cSoCA A-1C-S Mailing Address: :1:0 \ \l\fG1i C£A71 ~-r~ g-n;:1sVD Mailing Address: 3:Z¢~ ~'UrwYc.A:NYorJ,~ 'SN'.! Ql~Q.lCA '1.2.1 0 I ~,'Dt660,CA Q'd-/.l.3 Phone Number. (b'(q ) '2-'32.-Y4f, (P Phone 'Number: ( blj ) 2"(2 -8'D30 ,- State Registratio,n Number: 2 '2s' 3::10 Stat~ ~egistratjon Number: 3A§Sz. F ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ~k66 e. R. 3.. Zt lQ'~ -P. 2 .. 11~ IMPROVEMENT VALUATION '1,. What water-district is the pr,oposed project-/ocated in? (circle one) , Carlsbad Municipal'Water District,' C::OIiV~ , Vallecitos 2. If in the 'Carlsbad Municipal Water Distri~, what is the total cost estimat~, including the 15% , , contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? . ,$ ~/A 3. What is the total cost estimate; including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad. Municipal Water District only), str_eet, public (median) landscape and irrigation; and , $', tJ[A drain,age improvements (if applicable)? 4. What is the total cost of landscape' an? irrigation improvements on private property (if appJicable)? $ ,tJIA r GRADING QUANTITIES cut q Ii I! 075l? cy fill ~I~ 0110 cy remedial ~,tJOZ) cy import/export ~ cy ~ ' . ... ~'I\: :E FOR CITY USE ONL.Y APPLjCATION FOR: Plancheck Drawing . DepositlFees (./ all that apply) Number .Type Number Project 1.0 .. Paid o Adjustment Plat ADJP o Certificate of Compliance eoe o Dedication of Easement DOE Type: Type: 0 Encroachment Permit I ENCROACH o Engineering Standards Variance ESV o Final Map FM o Grading Plancheck GRPC o Grading GRADING o Improvement Plancheck IPC o Parcel Map I PM ri Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: Di2A1NA-6r£; ft6'O~11 l'-lIO r./ Type: o Reversion to Acreage RTA o Street Vacation STV o Tentative Parcel Map MS o Certificate of Correction eeOR o Covenant for Easement COVE o Substantial Conformance Exhibit seE APPUCA TION ACCEPTED BY: lrAi ~Oelv, . MASTER PROJ:ECT 10: .4(j6 l]-D O~ . RECEIPT NUMSER: '~/lJG lOoo D~f:J ~I\tr::~ . Y.Jf:("ilftJ,lrltvG PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITfAL: C:tv.,. I.SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: : ... . . . R:BASE' INPUT INITIAL: .' : .. MASTER FILE NUMBER: F o OTHER: DATE: STAMP APPLlCATlON RECEIVED .. • R PROCESSING REV. t 0106i99 f erN OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERlNG DEPARiMENT APPUCATION FOR ENGfNEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROC:ESSfNG C'omc2l~!!! i?f?Pt.O.e~ inf2!:n!B!tlon. Wtile MIA Y!dJsQ am ~I2Iic:abJ!. PROJECT NAME: Green Valley DATE: "2 ( \3 {1 g .ao:zL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: AD:) TD /...oti 71 ~ ~q~ ~ , r ... , cr 92-08 PROJECT ADORESS: , LOT NO{S).: MAP NO.: . APN(S).: -NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: LFMPZONE: #L.OTS: # ACRES: OWNER: Continuing Life Ccmnunities APPLICANT: Continuing Li.;Ee Ccro:nunities ~ilirIg~: 800 Mornin..s:side Drive Matling Address: Sa.me as owner Fullerton,"CA 92835 . P/'tor'la N&.fnber: ( see) ~@:6GJ:O il<£" -2-0 rJ'-~ Phone Number. (7,ij) :?..S't; -g&;~tJ I eerlify that J am the leIQaI owner and that all the above InfarmaIkx11s true and ctI~ tQ ttle .tJest. or my \mowJedse " , - Signatu~J2","~; or Date 2--3 -<JJV Signature~4!~ Date Z--3--jy ClVll ENGINEER: P&D/CI'E Engineers SOILS ENGINEER: , . Flm'I: Firm: Mailing Addte:ss: 401 West A St. I suite 2500 Mailing Addre5s: -San Diegol CA. 92101 .... --Phone Number: L 619) 232-4466 Phone NOO1ber: { ) , . ~ Re~ NumbEr: State Registration NImlber: .. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: AOomONAL COMMENTS: FJtrn: ...... ...... ,r-.- Mailing~ ..... .. " .,... .. . Phone Number': ( ) State ~ti<m Nr..nber: , . JMPROVEMENT VAlUATION 1. What water. d.istrict is the proposed project located in (elt'de one)? cat't$bad Munidpal WafS DiStrIct OIivenllain ValJedtos 2. If in "!he Carlsbad Munldpa! Water Oistrlet. wtr.at is ihe tctai cost estimate, including the 15% $ contingency fee, fer water and reclaimed water improvement5: (if applicable}? , S. What ~ the 1;gtaI' wst ~timate. iridud"ItlQ 1he 1 S% ~tingency fae.. fQr 8eWor (for Cari.l;)bad MlHlicipat Water District only}2 street. pubU.; (m,edian) land$cape and irrigation~ and $ drainage improvements rtf app1lcable)? 4. What is 1he tcta1 cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private prOper!¥ rrf $ applicable)? . GRACING QUANTmES cut cy fill ey remedial cy import/export C'j ReI. 6J1tWf -, ' __ r .--....... --'-, ,-Y'I I , I_I)~.C~ oC.?01 Ff3..:f . ". ::_ ti~~::: ~ '" ':. FORCITY USE ONLY APPLICATION FOR: Plan check Drawing D~positiFees (./ all that apply) Number Type Number .' :·Project·I.D •. .Paid ISYJ\djustment Plat ADJP 52? Cl Certificate of Compliance coc Cl Dedication of Easement DOE . Type: Type: : Q Encroachment Permit .. ENCROACH Q En~ineering Standards Variance ESV Q Final Map FM Cl Grading Plancheck GRPC tl Grading GRADING Q Improvement Plancheck IPC .. " Cl Landscape Plancheck LPC Q Parcel Map PM .. Q Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: . . . . . Type: :: ". ~ . . ' " . Q Reversion to Acreage RTA .. Q Street Vacation STV . · .. Cl Tentative Parcel Map MS · '. Q Certificate of Correction CCOR '. Q Covenant for Easement COVE .' '. Q Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE : . '." O. .. . ... f,'c i-.--- .' . APPLiCATION ACCEPTED BY: .' .. . . .. : C T::1 L .. 0<6 '. MASTER PROJECT 10: .'. RECEIV~D '. :·RECEIPT. NUMBgR: .. . FEB 1 3 "998 ':" . .... ; PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: · . SIERRA SYSTEM rNPUT INITIAL: ENGINEERING.· .... : ... .R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: DEPARtMENT " · .' .:, : : .' · , MASTER :FILE.NUMBER: F Q .oTHER~ DATE.STAMp .' .',' . " APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCSIMISFORMSlAPPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6110197 CrTY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERlNG DEPARTMENT APPUCATION FOR ENGjNEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING ComDlS!D i!!pp.t!:WrjaW iJJf!:!n~tlort.. WJife ~ am 1'!e!:lIic:ahJi. PROJECT NAME: Green Valley DATE: -'<2..-1'3 -lcS PROJECTDESCRJPnON: X :sn=eEr ::DeDICAno,u ... cr 92-08 PROJECT ADORESS: LOT NO{S).: MAP NO.: . APN{S).: . NO. OF OWEU.ING UNITS: LFMPZONE: # LOTS; # ACRES: OWNER: Continuing Life Ccnm.mi ties APPLICANT: Continuing Li;fe Ccmnun±ties Mailir1g~: 800 Marni.ngside Drive MaIling Address: Same as own~ Fullerton,' CA 92835 . PI'Iona NliTIber. ( 800) '!2@:6010 7/1. -dSZ -r~~ ~ Phone Number. ( 7 /4; ) LSb -g>iJ ~t8 I <:ertify that T am the legal owner and that aIr the above rnfarmatJorJls 'true aocl c;orteCt to the tJe:st or my lmowfedge . - Signatu~~~4~; .. Date 2..-3-9r Signature~ ____ Date Z--3-/J>" CNIL ENGINEER: P&D/CIE. Engineers SOILS ENGINEER: FIf1'I'I: Firm: Mailing .Addt'es$~ 401 West A St. I Suite 2500 Mailing Ad~: . San Diego; CA 92101 -Phone Number. ~ 619} 232-4466 Phone Number. ! ~ . ~ Re~ MJrnber: Sta~ Registration Nmnber: .. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: .A.OOmONAL COMMENTS: FJtm: --.a..I''''''' Mai.Iing~ • & . , ...... -Phone~ ( ) State ~tion ~ . " - IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water. district is the proposed project l~ in (eitde one)? cartsbad Munjdpal W~ Distt1ct OUveMain Vallecltos 2. If In 100 Carlsbad Mun!dpal Water 0istJiGt what is ihe 1Dt2l cost estimate, including the 15% $ CQntingency fee, fer water and reclaimed water improvemenb {if applicabfe}? '. S. Wha~ ~ the ~. wst ~~te. u1cltn:rIt'lQ the 15% coo.tingency fae-. wr"",or (for Cart.~bad MlHlicipat Water District Ollly),. street. public: (mooian) landscap& and irrigation. and :$ drainage improvements rtf applicable)? 4. What is the t¢taj cost of Iarn:fSGa~ and irrigation improvements on private property (If $ applicable)? . GRACING QUANTmES cut cy fill cy remedial OJ import/export f;'j ... " , .. :.....It APPLICATION FOR: (./ all that apply) b('Adjustment Plat Q Certificate of Compliance k¥" Dedication of Easement . Type: ~t Type: Q Encroachment Permit • Q Engineering Standards Variance Q Final Map Q Grading Plancheck Q Grading Q Improvement Plancheck Q Landscape Plancheck Q Parcel Map Q Quitclaim of Easement Type: Type: Q Reversion to Acreage o street Vacation Q Tentative Parcel Map Q Certificate of Correction Q Covenant for Easement Q Substantial Conformance Exhibit Plancheck 'Number APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: ~. O(,'(k.. · MASTER PROJECT 10: ·RECEIPT. NUMBER: · PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: · SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: · R:BASE·INPUT INITIAL: ·.,MASTER FILE NUMBER: F :Q OTHER:· .. oOCSIMISFORMSIAPPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING • - FOR CITY USE ON.L Y Drawing Deposit/Fees Type. ·Number .. Projectl.D .. . Paid .. ADJP COC DOE : i..ot-, p~ 3.4~s~ C'QZ.o<6 200;.;::;D k1L 'Pi-3. t.f#~ \ \. ~, 1'RJ.q.~· II II PR. 3)-1. >"26' .. -ENCRO~ ;.\ \ \ ESV FM GRPC GRADING .. IPC LPC PM .. . .. . . ".' .. QUITC .. .' . .. .' '. ... .. .. RTA .. STV MS CCOR .' COVE '. SCE '. .' . : -' . .,', : ',' , '.' ~' ..... :. .. .. . . . ' ... .. . ' ' . . . . -.' : .. .. ' ... RECEIVED::·· .... :,-:·.:·:i·::.:: . FEB '.': 13 1998 .;' " .. : ... } . g~;INEERING .- ... . _ 'ART~~T DATJ;:: S1. -. .. APPLICATION . RECEiVED : - REV. 6110197 . -----~:---~--~----------------~---------------------------------------JAN-IA~98 WED 17: 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD corm DE FAX NO. 4380894P,-(l3 - - -~.. II J"I'IH 14 '98 -0S'-ooR1 I S"'--CJTY O~ARL.SBAO _ ENGINEERING DEPAR ENT '~--: '-~ "'''- APPUCATION ' , FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING s;gmols,!U i1DDt,o.,mjate inforrnatiQl't. Write N/i. ~ 3OoliS!!ll! . PROJECT NAME: Green valley DATE: '2·~~18' . . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: .......... IW I'I!.-........ c:r 92-08 I PROJECT ADDRESS: --LOT NO{S).: MAP NO.: . APN{S).: .. I NO. OF DWELL.ING UNITS: LFMPZONE: # LOTS: # ACRES: - OWNER: Continuing Life Cc!urru."r1ities APPLICANT: Continuing Li;fe o:mw.mities Mailing Mdmss: 800 Mornin.,S'side Drive Mailing Address: S~ as owner -Fullerton,' C2\ 92835 . .. Phone Nwnber. ( 13002 19~:6010 'lIt{ -$&"-#' ~ Phone Number. (71" ) .:z..,>b ,gbiftJ --.-. I ~ that f am t:/1e legal owner and that all th-: above Inrol'l'Tlatlorlls we and w~ 11:;) ttle !"JeSt 'Or my krrowledge , Sjgnaturq::L2~~~£.. Date 2--3 -~r Signatur~~t Date 2-3-Pr " CNIL ENGINEER: P&D/CI'E. Engineers SOILS ENGINEER: -, -Fum! Rrm~ Mai»flg AddtE=s$; 401 west A St" Suite 2500 Mailing Address: . .. San Diego; CA 92101 -Phone Number: { 619i 232-4466 -Phone Number. ".i ! -... St3ta Re~ti(ln Number. State RegiS"..t'2tion Number: .. .. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: AODiTIONAL COMMeNTS: Firm: --=1 -T"""'l"'"' M~fin9 AQdr'e$$; ~ ad .... WE -, , ...... Phone Number. < ) -.-.. ---.. State. ?'~oQn ~. " . ... .. IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water. d.istri~ IS tt'ae prof!')OSed prOject loeated in (eirc/e one)? Cartsbad MUI1Ic;ipal Water Oistrlct OIiveMain ' . Valledtos 2. If in '!he Carlsbad Municipal Water District. what is the total cost estimate, Inc!.uding the 15% $ contingency fee, for water IJl1d reclaimed wmr improvements: (if app!icable)? -. S. Whtat i~ the wtal' wst e~timate. il1cfucf/tlQ the 1 S% co"fmgency feEt. for SfNIfIR (for Carb:~bad Municipat Water District: only). street. public (median) landscape and irrigation. and $ drainage-improvements (if applic:.:able)'? 4. Wht.t is the total cost of landscape ood imgation improvements on private property [If $ applicable)? GRADING QUAN1TT1ES cut cy fill t:y remedial cy importJe:xport . f:/ REII-6li1W7 SCl33HISH3 31J/Q:ogd WdL17:EQ 86, 20 83::1 - ,I I~ I , i, ' I FOR CITY USE ONL Y APPLICATION FOR: (.t all that apply) o Adjustment Plat o Certificate of Compliance ,cYDedication of Easement Type: Cifff,AlA(t/T Type: _______ _ Plancheck . 'Number Type ADJP COC DOE a Encroachment 'Permit 'ENCROACH o EnQineerinQ Standards Variance ESV a Final Map FM a GradinQ Plancheck GRPC' a GradinQ GRADING Drawing Number '. ·ProjecU.O.··· DeposiUFees ,Paid, Z()O a Improvement Plancheck IPC I!-=;....;.:.:.:J:..::,.;:..::...=.=~~.=..:=.:.....--,..-+------f-----+--......;....-+-----+---------II,· o Landscape Plancheck LPC a Parcel Map PM a Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: _______ _ .... : Type:' _______ _ a Reversion to Acreage RTA : .... : a Street Vacation STV a Tentative Parcel Map MS a Certificate of Correction ceOR o Covenant for Easement COVE a Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE ,APPUCATION ACCEPTED BY: --!-JI1....:...:.;../J..:-y _____ _ ,', ,.::"" :. .,;' MASTERPROJECT ID: , :.~ ,:RECEIPT:NUMBER: _#.L-.!....7..:...;1 8~0 ______ _ RECEIVED' -.'," ,PRELIMINARY S1ERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: m Jj r . , ,:SIERRA-SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: __ _ '·:R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: __ _ ~~~!~~~~~*.,:':::: ":'''-:';::::;:::~.::'.~ :'::'::,-:::::/: Jv1ASTERFILENUMBER: ....;F;,.... ________ _ ." ... : " ,,' ,:'? QTHE~: _' _____________ _ , 'DATESTAMP' ::, ., APPLICATION'::RECEIVEO': ,. ::, • DOCSIMISFORMSIAPPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6110197 P~25-97 THU 12:16 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMM DE e . .P.02 SEP25 '97 01:10PM CITY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING P1.AN CHECK OR PROCESSING Comolete all aoproDriate information Write NfA when not aDDlicable . PROJECT NAME: G.?7~1 V14-1 Let (Rn<.c.,,{)~( DATE: 11212191- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ~·.4..0 C'..Lx--. n.e:::.. t -11 ·T~ 1'~.L A 'f lr~..nJ , 7"--" .... _ "'T -l -":? "~\.J PROJECT ADDRESS: LOT NO(S).: MAP NO.: APN(S).: . Q:)1" -01/-<:1)' NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: LFMPZONE: # LOTS: # ACRES: OWNER: Gtat-!> 13A-r;) cp~,-~t?-~. APPLJCANT: '0'if? CCJN>~r, Mailing Address: ~~I f2D2~ ~c: Mailing Address: ~I ttJ, )4.." ~T .s.~ p~S i'>s. -Z~'2.D1 S"V LA-~'LIO I Phone Number. ( ) Phone Number: (1:::11) z..~ <:.-4-4~ G:, I certify that J am the legal owner and that a/l the above ~ .information is true and correct to the best of ~y knowledge r/JtJ,/r7, SignClture Date Signature Date CIVIL ENGINEER: SOILS ENGINEER: Firm: Firm: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone Number: , ~ Phone Number: ( ~ State Registration Number: State Registration Number: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Firm: -, Mailing Address: !'hone Number: ( ) State Registration Number. .. IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in (circle one)'? Carlsbad Municipal Water District Olivenhain Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee. for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? $ 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad Munieipal Water District only). street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ 4. What is the total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private property (if $ applicable)? GRADING QUANTITIES cut cy fill cy remedial cy import/export cy , OOC$lMISFORMSfAPPLlCATJOIII eNG PLANCHECK OF! F'ROCES$lNe RF,;II,6110197 .. . ' ... ,-' ....... . • FOR CITY USE ONL Y APPLICATION FOR: Plancheck Drawing Deposit/Fees (./ all that apply) Number Type Number Project 1.0. Paid o Adjustment Plat ADJP o Certificate of Compliance COC r£f Dedication of Easement DOE Type: S~..-r cM~'C'~1j-~ '5.'1.36) C'I '12-08 Type: o Encroachment Permit ENCROACH ·0 Engineering Standards Variance ESV o Final Map FM o Grading Plancheck GRPC o Grading GRADING o Improvement Plancheck IPC o Landscape Plancheck LPC o Parcel Map PM o Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: Type: o Reversion to Acreage RTA ·0 Street Vacation STV .0 Tentative Parcel Map MS O. Certificate of Correction CCOR . o Covenant for Easement COVE o Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: J); R it-/,It MASTER PROJECT ID: (7 PJl,·()~ : RECEIPT NUMBER: PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: RECEIVED SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: OCT 0 2 1997 \ MASTER FILE NUMBER: F ENGINEERiNG DEPARTMENT o OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6110197 , PROJECT NAME: CITY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information Write N/A when not applicable Green Valley Crossings DATE: PROJECT :~'ESCRfPTfON: Residential ano. commercial Development PROJECT ADDRESS: Southwest corner of LaCosta Avenue & El Camino I See att. See att. See attached LOT NO(S).: MAP NO.: APN(S).: IegaI aesc. IegaI aesc. Real list OWNER: Carlsbad Partners ( Ltd APPLICANT: Carlsbad Partners [ Ltd .. Mailing Address: 2001 Ross Ave, Lock Box Mailing Address: 2001 R,oss Ave, Lock Box Dallas TX 75201 142 Dallas"TX 75201 214 ) 754-8961 214)754-8961 '., Phone Number: ( phone Number: ( 142 I certify that I am the legal owner. and that all the above information I certify that I am the agent of the legal owner and that all information on is true 'and correct to the be1.my knowledge ' !~ <L / 'if A Signature ':?......... ..... : ~tei; 96 /J(,t/.A/.e~3 .ffi;..e""v/ ' th~s sheet is true and corre~~f1:n!;~nOWledge., Signature §~ / ~/'7"'; ..d:')ate %66 CIVIL ENGINEER: Manuel Nieto SOILS ENGINEER: Jose}2h Franzone, Firm: P&D Consultants, Inc. Firm: Leighton and Associates, Inc. " Mailing Address: 401 West 'A' St, Ste. ~ 5tA~ng Address: 3934 Mur~Y'on Rd. , ·Ste. -B2c San Diego, CA ,92101 San Die'go, CA 9212'3 .. Phone Number: ( 619 ) 232-4466 Phone Number: ( 619-'} 292-8030 State Registration Number: '30724 State Registration Number: R.C.E. 39552 ' .. .. . LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Charles G. Evans ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: . , . ' . . , ' . .. Firm: Planning Systems, Inc. .. , -~ .:...:~ "'-: . .; . ~ "'-~ ~~ .. -. -. " -. .. , -"--. . Mailing Address: 2111 Palomar AirEort Rd'l , ~ .. .. ' .. 920~~e. 100 ,. Carlsbad ( CA ,,, Phone Number: ( 619 ) 931-0780 .... ... ... -I '. . . .. -.. State Registration Number: 3900 ~~ '. ",' , NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: 400 LFMP ZONE: 2·3 NO. OF LOTS: 11 NO. OF ACRES: 281. IMPROVEMENT VALUATION: sewer, water & reclaimed water: ,;ot-, ""'f ¥ ,., /'.1''' ... , ,..... r. Water Dist1ic\ttCi}blt:'dnJ)'~tYarlsbad Municipal Water District .~ivenh~ Vallecitos streets and~:~r~e: J~'.l // ~) '::;-1-1 landscape: GRADING QUP,.NJIT.IEir . ,ji'I!lL ,tS.:;:l~1. f.wd CY cut 7f{/C)S0 cy fill 8/'2/3tBg » cy 'f~1]rllrrHA~t:.10 remedial cy import/export cy PLEASE CHECK OFF APPLICATION TYPES ON REVERSE SIDE FOR CITY USE ONLY APPLICATION FOR (CHECK ALL THAT APPLy): D Adjustme:1t Plat D Certificate of Compliance D Dedication of Easement Type: ___________ _ Type: D Encroachment Permit D Enqineerinq Standards Variance Plancheck Number Type ADJP DOE ENCROACH ESV FM Drawing Number Project 10. Deposit/Fees Paid 1~~~~ra~d~in~qp~la~n~c~h~ec~k~--------~F~~~~1~4~q~9~~+_--G~R~ __ ~I~OkJ~6.3~q~-~·~~------~--------~ o Gradinq GRADING D Improvement Plancheck IPC '.". " o Landscape Plancheck '. : .. L~ o Parcel M2.o . ' :.': ..... : ... " .. ' ." . ... :.: .. ::: .. o Quitclaim of Easement . : .. :: ... :,.::.: ...... : ... . ':i·::/,i\.:':'i::::::·:·.::.::":-:· ' .. :. '. aorrc ,:.-: .. , ...... , ::.//:i:· . ........ :. '. . :.: ....... . . .. :.:.::.,.:::::.: ... ::.::.::.:.::" . ..... . ',.,: Type: _________________ ___ Type: ' .... '.' . ~:::. :.:':. . : . ". : .. :. .' ...... : . : ..... : ... : .... : .. : .... ;.; .. :.: ... :< ... : .... :,: :.: ... '." ".:.:::: . ::. '. '::"'::>:'.: . o Reversion to Acreage o Street Vacation o Tentative Parcel Map o Certificate of Correction o Covenant for Easement ..... " . o Substantial Conf~rmance Exhibit APPLJCATION ACCEPTEE>-l3Y'':''; .'. ' ..... ::.:. . -'. . . ... :.: ',,:-::' :.:" .. '.:.:'::' .. : .. ~: '.';':' ,~ .. : .. :: ,' ........ ~ ..... ' '~.". ~ ... . .. ,. : :'.:.':' . . 'Cx?VE~:·. . .' '.' ' .. : seE:::}.· ," .. .., . MASTER PROJECT 10 ___________ _ RECEIPT NUMBER _______________ _ PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL, __ _ SIERRA'SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL,...;... ____________ _ R:BASE·INPUT INITIAL ______ _ .. MASTER F,ILE NUMBER:·:~F ____ _ .. -.. lliher:_· ________________ _ .. : .. : .... ::.::::: .......... : .... :: :::':":": .. , .. ' '.' .. ' . ...., :.:' ·.:.:.: .. :;·::.:.t.:.~:~.: .. :,. :.'." .. ::. '.:,., .. : .. :.:':':" .'.:' . .' ." ..... ' .... '. ·.. .•• ·.i. . ... '. .':Y:d·': 'I RECEIVED JUl 2 6 1996 INQINURING DEPARTMENT .... DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED , .. PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approva:!: Project Name: G({ftrJ U¥uzy Project No: cr 1Z-0$ Drawing No: :3 tf-2 -3/1 Sheets No. I thrOugh, __ 8 ...... Z'---.....:-____ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby d~lare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. . Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Diego. CA 92127 Telephone:_4=5:...:..1-...=6:...:..1 =00=--_________ _ BY~~Date: WIllE P.E. (Civil) No:C3iC/9 Expiration: 3/?I/o/ t I (seal) NC038819 Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.8&H PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: a c,!}1YUIJJl) RI::At ... Project No: c,r 9Z-08 Drawing No: 3t.fCf -.8 8 Sheets No. / through_I"----""2=--~_=t)::.....J€'__.£;.3V~_ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. ". Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Diego. CA 92127 Telephone:_4.:..::5:...:..1...::-6:....:,1-=.0.:::.,0 __________ _ (seal) NC038819 Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.8&H /f!/ PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name:------'6~&-""''f&ic::=L...7V~aL.:~''''-'=....<:..+_--- Project No: __ -=(!_I_q--=-Z_-_tJ.=-t' ____ _ Drawing No:_--=~:..-tf~9_---l3~ _____ _ Sheets No.Lthrough /8 &E 3'3 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. .. Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Diego. CA 92127 Telephone:_4=5....:..1--=6....:...1 =.;OO~ _________ _ BY:~~Date ft(4f1~ P.E. (Civil) No:t!/2f?Ff/ Expiration: Jj'P//tJ/ I (seal) NC038819 Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.B&H PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: 04#r' Me,c cy Project No:C ,7:' '1'" '2 -tJ8 tl Drawing No: :31" t -g.s Sheets No. g through _________ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. . Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Diego. CA 92127 Telephone:_4=5:....:.1....:-6~1..;:;0..:::.0 __________ _ By: IJJ:.QL LJ ¥"ate: 8 -30 -'i' 2 P.E. (Civil) No: (O'l~'8I? Expiration: cr-30~ oc (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.8&H \~ ) - • PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ~ t/lLt,.1ft ". tZ Cbr,NtI HA. Project No: t!.r '1l."....t;fj D:awing No: 1 ~9 .. ~ {5 .~: Sh~e..ts No. __ tbr;l~§h (, ~ 'l t /~ -DECLARATION-OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ~ hereby d~lare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan· review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. . pran review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Heniaar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Dieao. CA 921'27 Expiration: -g ~ 3C .. oce (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RAL1.E\WPDATA\PLANREV. B&H • PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPlETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name:--:=~:;;...II-L:w;;~~"_::;..;.d&-~L~L_e....:r ___ _ Project No:_....;:c:;...r""---~9--:2~-_CJ..=;.t ____ _ Drawing No:_'"5_"?_/~1_ .. -:::3~,6~_'~' ~:.....;' ~~~ __ _ .. Sheets No. __ t(.L.l.lbriW.:jl"'lkl=lh:ill __ ...!./:...!O~/-=Z::..:0~, ~=--__ -DECLARATION-OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ~ hereby deelare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plari' review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance. with applicable codes and' standards. Pfan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Heniaar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Dieao. CA 92127 Telephone:_4,;.;::5;...;,1...;:-6o".:1..:;0.;:;.0 ____ ---: _____ _ By: 11f£ /J ~/ Z/ Date: 10-/7·00 P.E. (Civil) No: CLt8f/9 Expiration: 9/36/01' (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALl.E\WPOATA\PLANREV.S&H PROJECT MAP REVIEW COMPLETION The following project maps have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~t~~~~~~~~~~ Project No.: _______ C~T_&_..'.....;;.'Z_-__'()'___""f'___· _________ _ Map No.: p~ 1.1.,/~t,'I~ 1",111, Ill, 113,111; II~ II' Sbeets No.: through ------------~--------~ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby d.eclare that I have exercised responsible charge over the map review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the maps are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Map review of these project maps does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities of compliance with state and local ordinances. K:\admin\fieldser\proj rev map comp.doc Berryman & Henigar 11590 West Bernardo Court San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 451-6100 ·1 • PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name:--'o{;~~'-=~~'" ----'!/fi=-.=;,.,t."'-/}=-~ ...... y ___ _ Project No: __ e...~r,----.:.1_2_-_~_8 ____ _ Drawing No: ___ --:3_.I!-._~_9_-_"5_t> _____ _ Sheets No. I through __ ~_2-_____ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Diego. CA 92127 Telephone:_4:..=;5 ..... 1-...;:;6-"o,10=0=----_________ _ By: ;r1;,.~ ! ~ 1U/ Date: riz/-z-;/ Cif. .. No: U f4 ~ Expiration: 'B' 2 t -tJD '~=s.:: (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.B&H • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No. 8355450 -U50 Fee: $300.00 Dated: March 27, 2000 at 7:30 A.M~ Subdivision: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO.~ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES The County of SAN DIEGO and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues, and other easements offered for dedication by said map are as set forth in Schedule A. Issued by: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 925 "B" STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 PHONE NO. (619) 239-6081 FAX NO. (619) 544-6277 Patrick F. Stone President ~~~AJ:~~=k~ Secretary Order No: 8355450 -U50 • Dated: March 27, 2000 at7:30 A.M. MapNo: Subdivision: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRACT 92-08 Fax Number: (619)544-6292 SCHEDULE A The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION The parties hereinbefore referred to are: OWNERS: CONTINUING LIFE COMMUNITIES LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LESSEES: NONE TRUST DEED HOLDERS: EQUITABLE DEED COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, AS TRUSTEE UNDER DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JUNE 29, 1998 AS FILE NO. 1998-0398422, OFFICIAL RECORDS EASEMENT HOLDERS: (1) THE SIGNATURE OF LA COSTA ACRES CORPORATION, OWNER OF AN EASEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 5, 1929 IN BOOK 1660, PAGE 476 OF DEEDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (A) (3) (A) (I) OF GOVERNMENT CODE, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. (2) THE SIGNATURE OF SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, OWNER OF AN EASEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1948 IN BOOK 3059, PAGE 321, MARCH 2, 1960 AS FILE NO. 42870, JULY 25, 1960 AS FILE NO. 149737, OCTOBER 17, 1961 AS FILE NOS. 180011 AND 180018, OCTOBER 20, 1965 AS FILE NO. 190722, JANUARY 16, 1967 AS FILE NO. 6083 ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT Page 1 DESCRIPTION Order No. 8355450 LOT 9 AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALI FORNIAI ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF LOT 1 OF RANCHO LAS ENCINITAS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALI FORNIA I ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY I JUNE 27, 1888, DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER SECTION CORNER OF SAID SECTION ON THE TOWNSHIP LINE AND RUNNING WEST ON SAID LINE, 270.00 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 6° 45' EAST, 725.00 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 66° 15' WEST, 284.50 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 20° 15' EAST, 142.00 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 32° 151 EASTI 158.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 66° 29 1 20" EAST, 91. 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 682, 60 FEET WIDE, KNOWN AS EL CAMINO REAL; THENCE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY NO. 682, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID SECTION 2; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE BEARING SOUTH 32° 15' EAST -FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 32° 15' WEST TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO TOGETHER WITH LOT 4, THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY APPROVED APRIL 19, 1881, TOGETHER WITH LOT 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY APPROVED APRIL 19, 1881, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED BY MAGDALENA BELLER TO FREDERICK PRINDLE BY DEED DATED MARCH 13, 1895, RECORDED IN BOOK 237, PAGE 335 OF DEEDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER SECTION CORNER OF SAID SECTION 2 ON THE TOWNSHIP LINE AND RUNNING WEST ON SAID LINE, 270 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 6° 45' EAST, 725 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 66° 15' WEST, 284-1/2 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 20° 15' EAST, 142 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 32° 15' EAST, 986 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A STAKE INTERSECTION THE NORTH AND SOUTH QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 2; THENCE NORTH ON SAID QUARTER SECTION LINE, 1 /795 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. ALSO TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY APPROVED APRIL 19, 1881, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE CONCRETE MONUMENT DESIGNATED THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 2; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF, SOUTH 88° 39' 20" WEST, 1,259.25 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE Po..LONG THE WESTERLY LINE THEREOF, SOUTH 4° 20' 10" EAST, 914.20 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTHERLY LINE, NORTH 88° 39' 20" EAST TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 67080-B IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED NOVEMBER 28, 1969 AS FN 217326 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BEING A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 682; THENCE IN A Page 2 DESCRIPTION Order No. 8355450 NORTHERLY DIRECTION ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE TO AND ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 67080-A OF SAID DEED, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 2; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, SOUTH 88° 39' 20" WEST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THOSE PORTIONS LYING EASTERLY OF THE CENTER LINE OF -COUNTY HIGHWAY KNOWN AS ROAD SURVEY NO. 682 AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 1950 IN BOOK 3518, PAGE 221 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING ALL THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE CENTER LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 60 FOOT STRIP AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1966 AS FILE NO. 180730 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, KNOWN AS ROAD SURVEY NO. 1796-66, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. ALSO EXCEPTING THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN RO~ SURVEY NO. 1800-1, DESCRIBED IN DEED TO COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, 1970 AS FILE NO. 27777 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BEING A STRIP OF LAND 90.00 FEET WIDE, THE CENTER LINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT ENGINEER'S STATION 91 PLUS 44.13 ON THE CENTER LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 458-66, ENCINITAS BOULEVARD, FORMERLY SAN MARCOS ROAD, BEING ALSO ENGINEER'S STATION 122 PLUS 91.60, FORMER ROAD SURVEY NO. 458, PLATS OF SAID SURVEYS BEING FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID COUNTY, AND BEING THE NORTHERLY TERMINUS OF THE CENTER LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 1802, SAID ENGINEER'S STATION HAVING COORDINATES N EQUALS 321,386.98 AND E EQUALS 1,690,893.61 OF THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, GRID ZONE 6; THENCE ALONG BEARINGS AND DISTANCE BASED ON CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, ZONE 6, AS FOLLOWS: NORTH 00° 06' 44" EAST, 547.32 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,000.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15° 39' 24", A DISTANCE OF 546.52 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 15° 32' 40" WEST, 2,691.11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 3,500.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15° 58' 53", A DISTANCE OF 976.25 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 0° 26' 13" EAST, 1,014.57 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 4,000.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7° 53' 44", A DISTANCE OF 551. 21 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 8° 19' 57" EAST, 445.46 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5,500.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6° 41' 44", A DISTANCE OF 642.74 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 1° 38' 13" EAST, 603.21 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 9,000.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5° 24' 29", A DISTANCE OF 849.47 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 3° 46' 16"-WEST, 1,061.58 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,000.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32° 31' 18", A DISTANCE OF 1,135.22 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 36° 17' 34" WEST, 292.44 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A· TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,015.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 27° 25' 21", A DISTANCE OF 964.40 FEET. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS THEREOF DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1, RECORDED NOVEMBER 28, 1969 AS FILE NO. 217326 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. · ' Page 3 DESCRIPTION Order No. 8355450 ALSO EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 3 LYING EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION, IF ANY, LYING WITHIN RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO. 10774, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 30, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-494180 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, DISTANT THEREON NORTH 3° 36' 28" WEST 68.43 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTERi THENCE ALONG $AID EAST LINE SOUTH 3° 36' 28" EAST 68.43 FEET TO SAID SOUTHEAST CORNER; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER SOUTH 89° 31' 00" WEST 1249.81 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER NORTH 5° 11' 56" WEST 177.46 FEETi THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST LINE SOUTH 81° 12' 40" EAST 158.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67° 34' 57" EAST 98.83 FEETi THENCE SOUTH 83° 28' "13" EAST 65.75 FEETi THENCE SOUTH 89° 35' 37" EAST 275.52 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 52' 03" EAST 292.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85° 54' 26" EAST 381.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. .. , Policy No . . Page 1 EXHIBIT PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (A) (3) (A) (I) OF GOVERNMENT CODE, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. (3) THE SIGNATURE OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, OWNER OF AN EASEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 1950 IN BOOK 3485, PAGE 208, MARCH 9, 1951 IN BOOK 4031, PAGE 440, FEBRUARY 28, 1950 IN BOOK 3518, PAGES 221 AND 226, NOVEMBER 15, 1966 AS FILE NO. 180730, NOVEMBER 28, 1969 AS FILE NOS. 217326 AND 217327, FEBRUARY 16, 1970 AS FILE NO. 27777 ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER. THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (A) (3) (A) (I) OF GOVERNMENT CODE, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. (4) THE SIGNATURE OF LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, OWNER OF AN EASEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 7, 1963 AS FILE NO. 178460, JULY 21, 1982 AS FILE NO. 82-223154 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (A) (3) (A) (I) OF GOVERNMENT CODE, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. (5) THE SIGNATURE OF OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, OWNER OF AN EASEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY DEED RECORDED JULY 22, 1975 AS FILE NOS. 75-189465 AND 75-189466 BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAS BEE~ OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (A) (3) (A) (I) OF GOVERNMENT CODE, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. (6) THE SIGNATURE OF CITY OF CARLSBAD, OWNER OF AN EASEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 24, 1987 AS FILE NO. 87-352754 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAS BEEN OMITTED ~~ER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (A) (3) (A) (I) OF GOVERNMENT CODE, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. EXHIBITB --12/22/88