HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-08; Carrillo Ranch Village O; Tentative Map (CT) (19)RICKPlanning Group
5(20 Friars Rood
Son Diego, CA 92110-2596
Phone 161?) 291-0810
Fox (619) 291-4165
October 10,1996
Miss. Terri Woods
City of Carlsbad
Staff Planner
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, California 92009
Dear Terri:
We would like the opportunity to present additional information and justification for our proposal
on the "drop a lot" condition in Village O. Our proposal is that the restricted lots be split down
the center with each of the two halves becoming part of the adjacent lot's nonbuildable yard. To
support this position we make the following points:
1. Village O has met its recreation requirement with other facilities so no additional
recreation space is required (the public park is also next door).
2. Village O is planned to be marketed and priced for young family home buyers where
budget is especially critical. Due to this, Continental Homes is making every attempt to
be sensitive to the amount of homeowner association fees these buyers will be required
to pay. Additional common open space will add to these fees.
3. Breaking up too long a line of homes with an unbuildable area will be equally effective
whether it is owned and maintained as a landscaped space by an individual homeowner
or is under common ownership. As part of the adjacent lots ,the area can still be restricted
from structures void of the scale and mass of a two story home and landscaped so that the
space will be recognized as providing relief in that row of homes. Yard fencing facing
the street will not have a major influence on this visual relief (See photos 1 and 2). Yard
fencing at the rear of the lots facing the park are at the top of slope where privacy is not
an issue so they will be a visually open design.
Li summary, although our proposal may be a new way of handling the "drop a lot" condition, when
viewed for its intended purpose, that of producing visually relief, a "drop a lot" open space will
be as effective in private lots as it would be as a common area and does it without additional
homeowners association fees. Thanks for your continued consideration of this proposal.
Robert E. Wilkinson
Director of Design
REW:vs. 12916.002
cc: Mr. Dave Lother Continental Ranch Inc.
Mr. Mike Howes, Hofinan Planning Associates
Mr. Norman Arndt, Rick Engineering Company
Mr. Steve McPartland, Rick Engineering Company