HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-08; Carrillo Ranch Village O; Tentative Map (CT) (23)RICK _Planning Group 5620 Friars Road San Diego,CA92110-2596 Phone (619) 291-0810 Fox (619) 291-4165 ' May 12, 1994 Ms. Terri Woods City of Carlsbad Community Development 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 SUBJECT: Dear Terri: VILLAGE "O" CT 93-08/PUD 93-07 ARCHITECTURAL DATA SHEETS (RICK PLANNING GROUP JOB NUMBER 12004-G) Enclosed are two new copies of the Architectural Data Exhibit. Please substitute these copies for what I sent you on March 14, 1994. Note Number 1 on the plan has been revised because it was not consistent with the design guidelines Number 4 (setbacks). If you have any questions on this, please let me know. Sincerely, RICK PLANNING GROUP Robert E. Wilkinson Mrector of Design REW:jp.001 Enclosures Physical Design Policy Planning Development Services Hofman PlanningC Associates Corporate Office: 2386 Faraday Ave., Suite 120 Carlsbad. CA 920&\ Tel: 619.438.1465 Fax: 619.438.2443 Regional Office: PO Box 208 Laclede, ID 83841 Tel: 1.800.433.4460 Fax: 1.800.322.4277 Date: Delivered By: For Your: Attention: Message: JUN 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD From: Hofmon Planning Associates June 14, 1994 Bob Wojcik 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 RE: MEETING NOTES FROM JUNE 8, 1994 REGARDING ENGINEERING CONDITIONS FOR CONTINENTAL HOMES TENTATIVE MAPS Dear Bob: The following are the notes I took during our meeting on June 8, 1994 with you, Mike Shirey, Ken Quon, Ray Martin, Chris Chambers and myself. Chris and Ray have reviewed these notes to make sure that they cover everything we discussed at our meeting, OFF SITE SEWER ALIGNMENT Chris recalled the City agreeing to the off site sewer alignment being proposed by the Rancho Carrillo Property Owners . You said that there was a meeting with the Water District subsequent to that meeting to discuss the alignment since they would be the agency responsible for the condemnation of the alignment through the Fieldstone & Bressi property if it became necessary. At that meeting the Water District said that they could live with either alignment, but would prefer the alignment being proposed by the Rancho Carrillo Property Owners. At previous meetings, the Engineering Department has stated that they are in favor of the alignment as proposed by the Rancho Carrillo Property Owners. We would like this mentioned in the staff report. You said that the Engineering staff report would be rewritten to state that we are proposing an alignment parallel to the existing alignment, not in the future alignment of Poinsettia, but we are only proposing one alignment. It would also mention that there has been some discussion of an alternative alignment. You indicated that you have sent a letter to the Water District stating that they should be at the hearing for these tentative maps. ACTION NEEDED: Engineering to revise their staff report to reflect that the applicant is proposing a single alignment for the off site sewer. CONDITION NO.54 You said that this condition assumes that we have already completed the mass grading of the site or are close to obtaining our permit to mass grade the site. This condition just applies to this tentative map. ACTION NEEDED: Engineering to revise this condition to specifically refer to this tentative map. CONDITION NO. 56 ACTION NEEDED: The word slope in the fifth line of this condition will be changed to plan. CONDITION NO. 68 We addressed the need for this condition to refer to mitigation for improvements shown on the tentative map as well as improvements. This would make it possible to condemn off site for mitigation purposes if it became necessary. You agreed to this change. Chris and Ray objected to the last sentence of this condition and questioned its legality. They felt that it conflicted with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. We felt that the wording in this condition could cause a significant problem if this project had to rely on the condemnation of property off site for mitigation purposes. ACTION NEEDED: The first sentence of this condition should be revised to read as follows " Some improvements shown on the tentative map and mitigation required by these improvements and/or required by these conditions are located off site on property which neither the City nor the owner has sufficient title or interest to permit the improvements to be made without acquisition of title or interest. You will check into the intent of the last sentence of this condition. Chris is of the legal opinion that the City is required to condemn to acquire property which is subject to City imposed conditions if good faith efforts by the applicant are not successful. EIR GRADING RESTRICTIONS We objected to the use of the word shall in bullet point item #2 on page 3. The EIR mitigation uses the word should rather that shall. You agreed that the condition should be the same as the wording in the EIR. ACTION NEEDED: HP A to provide Engineering with the wording from the EIR addressing this issue. Engineering to revise the condition to reflect the wording in the EIR. BRESSI DAM You explained that the evaluation of the Bressi Dam may be required if the City does not allow for the dam upstream from Melrose Drive. You explained that Lloyd does not want to have the responsibility of maintaining a dam. Chris expressed strong concern about allowing increased runoff from leaving the site. You said that the City would like to see a study addressing the impacts of this increased runoff. Ray explained that if we do not do the upstream mitigation for drainage, the Bressi Dam will be overtopped and probably breached by a 100 year storm. ACTION NEEDED: Chris will communicate the property owner's opinion about increasing runoff. PHASED GRADING You explained that Engineering wanted to see exhibits that accurately show each phase of grading. Ray and Chris explained the intent was to develop Villages L & M prior to Village G. You stated that staff is concerned that the conditions for Villages F, G & P would require grading in Villages L & M which do not have a Tentative Map scheduled for Planning Commission approval at this time. You also said that staff is requiring full street minus sidewalk off site one side rather than 1/2 street plus 12 feet improvements due to the length of the roads. You told us that reimbursement is not mentioned because the City assumes that there will be a reimbursement agreement between the developers. Chris stated that this will be difficult to provide if this tentative map is conditioned for the street improvements that benefit other property owners. You informed us that the City can only require reimbursement for improvements that are oversized to accommodate the needs of off site development. Bob will consider Ray's comments for a reduction to improvements adjacent to Village F and require the Palomar Airport Road improvements with Village P. Ray mentioned the need for a reimbursement agreement for the full median on Palomar Airport Road. Bob is willing to consider this request. ACTION NEEDED: We will show rough grading in Villages L& M and let the Planning Commissioners know that they will see a detailed tentative map covering Villages L & M in the near future. You will consider Ray's request for a reduction in the improvements required adjacent to Village F and our request to provide the Palomar Airport Road improvements concurrent with the development of Village P rather than with Village F. CUL-DE-SAC Ray asked that Village P be conditioned to just restrict the development of the lots that fall outside of the requirements of the cul-de-sac policy. The condition could be revised to state that second access through Village G or another acceptable alternative secondary access was acceptable to the City. ACTION NEEDED: You said you would consider this request . LFMP REQUIREMENTS We requested the condition be revised to specifically address what was needed for this Tentative Map and not what was needed for the Master Plan. I mentioned the text provided in the Master Plan which states " unless otherwise modified by the final decision making body. Ray went through a list of items that would not be needed for this map. Chris explained our concerns about being conditioned for improvements not needed for this tentative map. The property owners do not feel they are responsible for any Palomar Airport Road improvements because the improvements were financed without any recourse to owners LFMP guarantee. Attached to this letter are a set of the Engineering Department's conditions addressing LFMP requirements and tentative map requirements. Ray Martin has marked up these conditions to indicate how we believe they should be revised. ACTION NEEDED: You will talk to Engineering about the Palomar Airport Road improvement condition and consider revising these conditions to only reflect the improvements required for this tentative map. CONDITION 53A Ray said that the State does not issue evidence of a permit. We would like it revised to say "comply with the State requirements. ACTION NEEDED: Engineering will revise this condition to state "comply with the State requirements." CONDITION 2. D on PAGE 7 Chris and Ray stated this agreement should be between the City and the property owners of Villages F rather than Continental Homes & UDC in case the property changed ownership. We also suggested that the word "may" should be changed to" shall." ACTION NEEDED: Engineering agreed to change the wording accordingly. CONDITION FOR PHASE III 2. A. ON page 8 Ray said that this should be an on site rather than off site improvement, since it really only applied to the portion of Melrose Avenue that was within the boundaries of the tentative map. You agreed with this recommendation. ACTION NEEDED: This condition will be revised to become an on site rather than an off site improvement . VILLAGE O - CUL DE- SAC POLICY You informed us that Village O would have to have a second point of access to develop since it could not be developed in conformance with the requirements of the City's cul-de-sac policy without a second access. DRAINAGE FAIL-SAFE OVERFLOW Ray had concerns about the wording of this condition . ACTION NEEDED: Bob will talk to David regarding the drainage fail-safe overflow swale requirement. Ray will provide Engineering information to address the City's concerns. Ray will also provide a revised letter from GEOCON regarding lot drains and drainage swales on individual lots. PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS AFTER THE DISCUSSION OF ENGINEERING CONDITIONS PLANNING MODIFICATIONS VILLAGE F We confirmed to Brian that the only affordable modifications-incentives being requested were the following: VILLAGE F 1. 24' Driveways 2. Less than 10' patios for some of the units. 3. Tandem garage 4. Public maintenance of streets VILLAGES O & P 1. 15' front yard setback 2. More than 10 units in a row TANDEM PARKING IN VILLAGE F Brian will add wording that the intent is to market the units to single families. Chris explained that the elimination of 48 3-4 bedroom units forces a loss of over $1.5 millon in revenue to this project. PUBLIC NOTICING Brian and Terri said that public noticing must be based on the boundaries of Continental's ownership, not the boundaries of the Tentative Maps currently being processed. We also must notice Bressi and Fieldstone. ACTION NEEDED: Rick Engineering to provide addresses and legal notice map based on the boundaries of Continental Homes property rather than the boundaries of the tentative map. Bob, these notes accurately reflect our discussion at our meeting on Wednesday to the best of my recollection. Chris Chambers and Ray Martin have reviewed them and given me their comments. Please call me if you have any questions or believe that we have misunderstood anything you told us. Sincerely, f?ti% Mike Howes cc Mike Shirey Ken Quon Brian Hunter Terri Woods Chris Chambers Ray Martin attachments FINAL EN\TRONMENl^^^iP^GT JUEP0RT FOR THE RANCHO CARRILLO IVfASTfeR^^EAN AND GENERAL PLAN AMENlWVIENT " Prepared for CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 .-. • ,Regional ETXvironn>enteilCorisuttants 746C Minion Vatoy Hofc.&W.Jjigo, CA 821OT (61B) 5*2-1611 •- '-- ' - RECON NUMBER2417E This document printed on recycled paper. FEBRUARY 8, 19-93 2. Summary Coastal California Gnatcatcher Mitigation As proposed, the project would have a significant impact on coastal California gnatcatchers. Mitigation for this impact would consist of a conservation easement and revegetation of gnatcatcher habitat on-site and participation in a city-wide Habitat Management Program. Additional Mitigation Measures The dedication of a conservation easement over wetlands and other significant natural areas would preserve sensitive plant and animal species associated with those habitats. The conservation easement should preserve large connected patches of habitat to maintain wildlife corridors on-site and connections with habitats off-site. A revegetation plan which includes mitigation areas and any manufactured slopes or disturbed areas adjacent to natural habitats should be prepared by a qualified biologist with experience in preparing riparian and upland native vegetation restoration plans. A qualified biologist should be on-site when surveying and staking of native habitat impact areas occurs and should see to it that the limits of grading are flagged or otherwise marked to assure that impacts do not exceed those proposed on project plans. Grading of natural habitats should not occur during the nesting season. All grading within 500 feet of coastal California gnatcatcher-occupied habitat and within 200 feet of riparian habitat occupied by least Bell's vireo and willow flycatcher should be restricted to the period between September 1 and February 15. No least Bell's vireos or willow flycatchers have been observed on-site, but surveys of potential habitat should be conducted prior to grading. 3) Cultural Resources a) Impacts Three sites within the Master Plan area were determined to represent significant resources under criteria cited in the Carlsbad Guidelines and CEQA: SDI-4691B, SDI- 12,740B, and SDI-4687. SDI-12,740B is within an area of open space behind the ranch house which is to be preserved. SDI-4691B and SDI-4687 would be directly impacted by implementation of the Master Plan. Within the proposed off-site improvement areas, two sites, SDI-9846 and SDI-9043, were determined to be significant resources and would be impacted. FROfl 1C '?4 15=16 RICK EMGR. 3fiN DIEGOTR.~ " "2.12.1987 7U51 P. 5 Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the City Engineer may require an engineering evaluation of the stability of the exit ting Breaal Dam. Tht evaluation aha!! be conducted by an appropriate registered engineer. Any recommended Improvements to protect the axlatlng dam, if required, ahall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to eubmittal of a grading plan for the project the applicant shall submit and receive approval from the City Engineer for a phased grading map clearly detailing the limits and quantities of grading for each of the three proposed recordatlon units of the project Prior to approval of any final map, the following Improvements ae required In the Rancho Carriilo Master Plan (MP) and Local Facilities Management Within the Blairs PfOJMt. phase . - . !••. — * M~ Melroaa Driv * Ala Read to Palpma Airort oad Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime arterial atandards. Construction of a median and two lanes In each direction and Intersection Improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. lEr——Polnaettla Lane - Melroae Dflve to 2one 18 Western Boundary Complete $n standards. .ultimate rlght-of-way^ddttrto major arterial onstructlen oTfull major arterial etandararslronTthe4olfrsectlon ItiTMelrose Avenue to the entrance to Village J and the Its.i C; -BL F^erte Street - Through Zone 1Q Com -^«rtt site. Construction-6fone lane in eaciToWctlofMBJin the southerly -Boundary of the Master Plan to the entrance to Vf- 2.12.198? 21J 32 0. Sawer Facilities. Includin: F. l Melroao Drtvo 12' main In, or adjacent to Polnaettla Lane Buana/San Marcos Trunk (BSMT) 1« Section A Buana/San Marcos Trunk (BSMT) 1, Section C Buana/San Marcos Trunk (BSMT) 1, Section D Buana/San Marcos Trunk (BSMT) 1, Section F Buana/San Marcos Trunk (BSMT) 1, Section 0 North U Costa Uft Station Water FacilHIea. Includin: A portion of the proposed potable 24-inch main In the future alignment of Melrose Avenue. Tho proposed pressure reducing station at the southeast comer— The preposod-petablo 30-lnoh tyanamlsslon line in the proposed ailgnmenl uf El Puerte within 'Zone 1ft A portion of the proposed reclaimed 8-Inch main In the prppoaad alignment of Melrose Avenue. .- ' '/^-.. The proposed rodalmod j^-tneh main in the proposed alignment of El Fuorto within Zone 18. The proposed potable 1E" main from Melroaa to Bl Puarta TrirWw^iT Wl VIVV ^V^B R»» I Drainage Facilities. Including? Proposed double 5' x 5* box culvert under Melrosa Drlvs. itantlc islns, channel and flood control Improvements lary to mHigata for erosion and protect downstream properties from significant Impacts. VILIAQES P. G. AND P «. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS ^33A Prior to the Issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, the developer shall eubmli-prauf erf-a General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit te*tne» City ifigincar.TViis permit is required of all projects that disturb five or more acres and must be obtained from the State Water Resources Control Board. e Direct access rights for all lots abutting Palo mar Airport Road, Melross Drive, and P-B/Q-8 Street shall be waived on the final map. SCv^ FROM JUH 13 ''54 15=13 RIO, ENGR. SPiH DIEGOTR.2.12.1587 21=32 P. ? TWe project Is specifically approved as thraa (3) units for rtcordatlon purposes. All public facilities needed to serve each unit, in accordance with City Standards and to tha satisfaction of the City Engineer, ahall ba guaranteed for construction prior to recording of a final map for this project Prior to final map approval, tha applicant shall provide an acceptable meant for maintaining tha private easements within Village F and all of tha private Improvements locatad therein. Tha coata of auch maintenance shell ba distributed In an equitable manner among tha ownara of tha properties within Village F. Adequate provision for such maintenance shall ba Inctudad within tha CC&R's, subject to tha approval of tha City Engineer. This subdivision contains a remainder parcel. No building permit shall be Issued for the remainder parcel until it Is further subdivided pursuant to the provisions of Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, This note shall be placed on a separate non-mapping data sheet of the final map. re Iss er of theaubfect property shall execute an agrecperirnoldlng ding dwfoige across the adjacenfpipbperty pjtorto appr of any grsdln^afmlt for e final • Plans, specifications, and supporting documents for all public improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to approval of the final map, in accordance with City Standards, the applicant shall toaeafNv agree to Install and secure with appropriate security as provided by law, alt improvements shown on the tentative map and necessary to sen/Ice tha proposed villages Including, but not limited to: PHASE I ^ •**•- ' - r U /:. .. - • 1. VJIIaoa F On«8fte Improvement* '' A. Village F Frontags Improvements to Palomar Airport Road, including: i • No. 3 eastbound vehicular travel lane Eaatbound bicycle lane Curb, gutter, and sidewalk (south side) Street light standards (south side) Landscape raised median Community theme wall (south side) Landscape area between sidewalk and theme wall '181 »t£*f£** «^.<K*s« jQ*/-*^*.^^;<K«U. be Jrf-er^J -n» »r^'"^-i 8. Full Impfovsementslo^P^BStreet Aiongthe vlll¥ge Frontage, mcTudlng: TWO vehicular travel lanea (48f width) Curb, gutter, and sidewalk (both sides) Street light standards (both sides) /l ^ C.Ail public storm drainage facilities necessary to convey drainage to an approved drainage course. 0. Ail sewer and water facilities required to service the Village. FROM I-IEGOTr. 2.12.1987 21i33 p. a B. p QfNSlte Imrovements Wage P Frontage Improvements to Paiomar Airport Road, Including No7*3MU|$tbound vehicular travel lane gaatbounerbfeyde laneCurb, gutter, Street light st median timmfty theme wall (south side)landscape area between sidewalk and theme^ Temporary Emergency Acceee Improvements, Off-Site through Village E, Including: • Two vehicular travel lane aephalt/conorete pavement (28* minimum width) off-site through village E. • Temporary emergency access easement must be obtained to facilitate this emergency access construction and uae. • This emergency access shall be gated to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal and City Engineer. If this temporary easement cannot be obtained, then off-site Improvements will have to be constructed to facilitate emergency and/or public access In accordance with all applicable City Standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. NC W* s^««-V f u* i* -Putt-Improvements to Village E *B* Street and T Street from the village P Project Boundary to Paiomar Airport Road. 9khwalK limy Us limitedto eivo aide on an tnluil A fully actuated traffic signal at the Intersection of "I" Street with Paiomar Airport Road. t prtf be executed be reimbursing C. D. A relmbursemen Homes and proportionate snarfor Installation of this traffic signal. Improvements called out In Items C and D, above, must be specifically shown on the Conforming Tentative Map.i PHASE II , Village P On«9lt» imoroverpenta Village P on*alte Improvements A. All public streets within the Phase I! boundary Including all sewer,water, and storm drains, FROM 2.12. 158?21 : 33 „•«». P. 5 B. Pedestrian/bicycle trail Improvements, including: • D/Q surface (8* minimum width) Village P off-site improvementa A, B. Full Improvements to 0-B Street from ttid Village P project boundary to Carrlllo Way, Pull improvements to Carrlllo Way from *G-B" Street to Melroae Drive. Sidewalk may be limited to one aide only on an Interim baala. PHASE Hi 1. Village G on-«lte Improvementa A. Alt public atreeta within the Phase lit boundary including all aewer, water, and storm drains. B. Pedestrian/bicycle trait improvements, Including: D/G surface (8' minimum width) Village G Gff-attejmj . i • Frontage Improvementa to Meiroae Drive, Including: No's. 2 and 3 northbound vehicular travel lanea Northbound bicycle lane Curb, gutter, and aldewalk (eaat aide) Street Tight standards (eaat aide) Landscape raiaed median Landscape area between aldewalk and eaat right-of-way line Pull Improvementa to Carrlllo Way from Village boundary to Meiroae Drive. Sidewalk may be limited to one side on an Interim basts. Improvementa called out In Item £, above, must be specifically shown on the Conforming Tentative Map. A copy of ail of the above conditions ahail be placed on a non-mapping data sheet on the final map In accordance with the provisions of Section 66434.2 of the Subdivision Map Act. The dealgn of all private streets and drainage systems ehall be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of the final map for this project. The structural section of all private streets shall conform to City of Carisbad Standards based on R-value testa. All private streets and drainage systems jhall be Inspected by the City, and the standard Improvement plan check and inspection fees shall be paid prior to approval of the final map for this project 7 8