HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-08; Carrillo Ranch Village O; Tentative Map (CT) (4)City of Carlsbad Planning Department August 13, 1993 Mr. Chris Chambers Continental Homes 12636 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92103 SUBJECT: CT 93-08/PUD 93-07 - CARRILLO RANCH VILLAGE O Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed your Tentative Map and Planned Unit Development application no. CT 93-08/PUD 93-07, as to its completeness for processing. The application is incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is information which must be submitted to complete your application. This list of items must be submitted directly to your staff planner by appointment. All list items must be submitted simultaneously and a copy of this list must be included with your submittals. No processing of your application can occur until the application is determined to be complete. The second list is issues of concern to staff. When all required materials are submitted the City has 30 days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In addition, please note that you have six months from the date the application was initially filed, July 14,1993, to either resubmit the application or submit the required information. Failure to resubmit the application or to submit the materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn, a new application must be submitted. Please contact your staff planner, Terri Woods, at (619) 438-1161 extension 4447, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely^-imM ZMIIJ<ER Planning Director / MJH:TW:km c: Gary Wayne Team Leader Bobbie Hoder Bob Wojcik File Copy Data Entry Marjorie/Steve Mike Howes, HPA 2O75 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92OO9-1576 (619) 438-1161 CT 93-08/PUD 93-07 - CA&wtLO RANCH VILLAGE O AUGUST 13, 1993 PAGE 2 LIST OF ITEMS NEEDED TO COMPLETE APPLICATION: PLANNING: 1. Affordable Housing Requirement. In accordance with City policy, combination projects require concurrent processing of a site development plan for the affordable site (see the Developer's Guide to the City of Carlsbad's Inclusionary Housing Program attached). Pursuant to this policy, submit for preliminary review a site development plan, drawn to scale, which includes: the number of affordable units, affordable unit breakdown, building footprints, driveway and parking layout, building elevations, existing contours and proposed grading. A letter identifying what specific incentives, (standard modifications, density bonus or fee subsidies) are being requested along with justification for each incentive requested should also be included. Propose and justify phasing of the affordable units. This project may remain incomplete until the applicant submits a site development plan for the affordable site. 2. Prior to Tentative Map approval, a detailed soils testing and analysis study shall be submitted to the City for review. The soils testing and analysis study shall identify the range of possible measures necessary to mitigate high concentrations of hazardous chemicals. ENGINEERING: 1. The site acreage is identified as 19.3 acres, as opposed to the Master Plan, which identifies the site acreage as 18.3 acres. 2. The legal description includes several Assessors Parcel Numbers that do not appear to be a part of Village O. 3. Please provide separate profiles for all streets in excess of 7-percent. 4. As there are several private streets planned within the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan area, please label all streets as public or private streets. 5. Please show the name of "Q-C" Street as "Carrillo Way." 6. Please show and label all easements, including appropriate date and file number, as indicated in the preliminary tide report. The plan set should include a chart identifying the disposition of existing and proposed easements. 7. Please identify an easement for the water line as it runs from "O-B" Street to Melrose Drive, in front of Lots 1 and 2. 8. Please identify slopes that are to be maintained by homeowner associations as easements on the tentative map. 9. Please identify the connection of proposed utilities to existing utilities as "stand-alone," without assuming that the adjacent tract will be developed. 10. Please submit a hydrology study in accordance with the requirements of the Master Plan. CT 93-08/PUD 93-07 - CARjtfLLO RANCH VILLAGE O *W AUGUST 13, 1993 PAGE 3 11. Please identify all trails on the plans as either part of the Village trail system or as part of the Citywide trail system. ISSUES OF CONCERN PLANNING: 1. The existing topography is shown on the tentative map. Provide an additional exhibit with the Master Plan approved grading to illustrate that the proposed tentative map grading complies with the master Plan grading. 2. Tentative Maps with Multiple family residential projects adjacent to Circulation Element roadways must propose designs which achieve interior noise levels of 45 dBA CNEL or less for second or higher stories. This map will be conditioned to submit acoustical studies demonstrating compliance with City standards at the time of submittal of delayed architectural review. 3. Fencing. The Planning Department strongly recommends upgrading the proposed chain-link fencing to enhance the project and improve the quality of the development Proposed side and rear yard fencing requirements should be included on the fencing exhibit for all lots. Currently, lot 39 is fenced with chain-link; a screen wall may be needed to provide resident with needed privacy. 4. Submit Tentative Map on 24" X 36" sheets for manageability. 5. Show the location and height of noise walls on the Tentative Map. 6. Show property boundaries on Tentative Map. 7. Show units per village/phase on Tentative Map. 8. Open space lots should be redrawn on the Tentative Map to correspond to phasing plan per the agreed upon exhibit. 9. Maintenance responsibility of slopes shall be redrawn pursuant to our agreement. 10. Submit a letter regarding Solid Waste disposal pursuant to the Master Plan EIR. 11. Submit special design criteria for Carrillo Way pursuant to City direction. 12. The Master Plan EIR requires the preparation of a revegetation plan by a qualified biologist for the riparian mitigation. The recommendations of this revegetation are to be incorporated into the proposed landscape plan. To complete the landscape plan submittal requirements, this revegetation plan must be submitted for review. The biologist should recommend the necessary buffer between the riparian mitigation and natural area containing coastal sage scrub if necessary. This will be a condition of approval of the Tentative Map. CT 93-08/PUD 93-07 - CAI&ttLLO RANCH VILLAGE O AUGUST 13, 1993 PAGE 4 13. Prior to approval of the Tentative Map, the applicant must show evidence to the Planning Department that a qualified consulting biologist has been retained to monitor all relevant mitigation, assure compliance with mitigation requirements, supervise implementation of mitigation, and file a report on mitigation compliance with the Planning Director upon completion of biological mitigation requirements. 14. Provide clear designation of the 20' wide trail easement of the citywide trail segments. The citywide trail segments should be identified separate from the community trail segments. 15. This Tentative Map will be conditioned to prepare a plan for the timing and phasing of the RV storage facility prior to the approval of the final map. If the RV storage facility is not proposed to be developed concurrent with or prior to phase I development, a temporary RV storage facility must be approved. 16. The note on the tentative map that states "smaller walls not shown may be incorporated into final design to enhance the project." This language should be replaced with language consistent with that of the Master Plan (page 75). 17. Conservation easements over natural open space and riparian mitigation areas should be added to the Tentative Map. The dedication of these conservation easements will be a condition of approval of the Tentative Map. 18. The potential for discovery of fossils during the implementation of the Master Plan is high. Therefore, monitoring of grading by a qualified paleontologist with recovery and curation of any significant fossils discovered will be required as specified in the EIR. This will be a condition of the Tentative Map. 19. Diegan Coastal Sage (gnatcatcher habitat) is present onsite. Compliance with the Endangered Species Act will be necessary. Prior to final map approval, the developer shall be required to consult with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the impact of the project on the California gnatcatcher and to acquire any permits required by the USFWS. 20. The PFF Agreement submitted has an incorrect signature on the notary. Please revise the signature on the notary consistent with the developer-owner identified on the face sheet of the agreement. The original PFF agreement was returned to Rick Engineering on August 13,1993. 21. Submit for the file a copy of the grading and Hillside Development permit exhibits approved by City Council on July 27,1993. 22. The resubmittal of Village O as a separate application included new conceptual landscape plans. These plans are being reviewed for consistency with comments provided in our memo of June 1,1993 (attached), and comments of the Parks and Recreation Department included in their memo of July 22,1993 (attached). 23. Clarify wall heights at the entry of Village O. The plans show both retaining walls (2'-4* high) and screen walls, what is the proposed combined height of these walls? CT 93-08/PUD 93-07 - CAT^atLO RANCH VILLAGE O AUGUST 13, 1993 PAGES ' ENGINEERING: 1. Several sections of the trail system have grades steeper than the suggested maximum grade of 7%. There is concern that these steep grades would gradually cause erosion of the decomposed granite sections. 2. Sidewalk should continue from Lot 51 along the east side of "O-C" Street to front the top lot on Lot 52. The Landscape Concept plan shows a sidewalk meandering through the top lot, but it ends in the middle of the lot. 3. Improvements that are a part of another project should not be shown on this map, such as the dam facilities on the west side of "Q-C" Street, and the proposed improvements to "Q-K" Street. Attached are redline check print sets of the project. Please forward these plan sets to the applicant for corrections and changes as noted. The applicant must return these plan sets with the corrected plans to assist us in our continued review.