HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-09A; Ocean Bluff; Tentative Map (CT) (5)January 12,1997 Catellus Residential Group, Inc. 5 Park Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92614 SUBJECT: CT 93-09(A)/HDP 93-09(A)/CDP 97-54 - OCEAN BLUFF Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed the subject tentative map, hillside development permit and coastal development permit applications as to their completeness for processing. The application is complete, as submitted. The technical acceptance date is December 26, 1997. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise supplement the basic information required for the application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues may exist. These issues must be addressed before this application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Department will begin processing your application as of the date of this communication. Please contact your staff planner, Anne Hysong, at (760) 438-l 161, extension 4477, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, Planning Director M MJH:J&n c: Gary Wayne Don Neu Mike Shirey Bobbie Hoder File Copy Data Entry Planning Aide 2075 Las Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 - (619) 438-1161* FAX (619) 438-0894 @ ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: Tentative Map 1. Please incorporate the grading (grade elevations) of Poinsettia Lane between “A” Street and Blackrail into Sheet 1 of the map consistent with Sheet 7. As shown on Sheet 1, the pad elevations of the lots abutting Poinsettia Lane have increased in elevation, however, the future Poinsettia Lane elevations abutting these lots have not changed except at the intersection of Blackrail and Poinsettia. The walls/berm combination separating these lots from Poinsettia Lane are required as mitigation to reduce the noise level; therefore, the proposed change requires verification from an acoustician that noise levels on the raised pad elevations will not exceed the City’s 60dBA CNEL standard. Please submit an addendum to the Ocean Bluff noise analysis verifying the noise levels for the proposed revision. 2. Please change Item 5 under General Notes to indicate that existing zoning is now R-l and change Item 9 to (SF ADT) since all units are now single family. 3. Please designate the lots proposed and show the area proposed for RV spaces as required by the R-l zone (24 lots. 4. Please correct TW elevation of Lot 48 to 348’ rather than 358’, provide T/W elevation on Lot 346 (355.10?), and the 4’ walls proposed on Lots 40 and 41 exceed 3.5’ in the front yard setback. Hillside Development Permit Site Plan 5. Sheet 2 - Lots 78 - 84 and 86: Please show the retaining wall and noise wall on the site plan consistent with that shown on the tentative map. All plans must be consistent for the project to proceed. Also include the proposed grade elevations of the adjacent Poinsettia Road alignment. 6. Please show the unit breakdown in table form on the title sheet: Model 1 (No. of units) = %; Model 2 (No. of units) = %; Model 3 (No. of units) = - Oh. 7. Lots 38 and 39 have inadequate side yards, i.e., reduced side yards are permitted if the adjacent side yard is not reduced and if the increased side yard is not less than 10’. Please provide adequate side yards in compliance with the R-l single family setback standards. 8. The site plan indicates less than 60’ fire suppression buffer from the property line on Lots 16 and 20. Please revise the plan to show the buffer from the property line due to adjacent habitat. Also, since these units will be restricted to preclude patio covers within this buffer, the Planning Department recommends that units be proposed on these lots that would allow attached rear patios. 9. Please note on the site plan that Lot 1 will be utilized as a temporary desiltation basin and that the proposed single family development is proposed upon a finding that the basin is no longer necessary. 10. The 18’ front yard setback on Lot 2 is inadequate. Please provide a minimum of 20’ from property line to structure. 11. Show street side setbacks from property lines on Lots 78 and 96. Enkneering: Mapping/Land Title 1. Please renumber the lots to coincide with the proposed project phasing (i.e., Phase I, Lot’s 1 through -; Phase II, Lot’s # through #, etc.). 2. On sheet 1 of 7, please delete the “(S.F.: 920 ADT, M.F.: 96 ADT),” in General Note number 9, it is no longer applicable. 3. On sheet. 1 of 7, please add “in accordance with approval from the City Engineer and Planning Director.“, to the end of the sentence in General Design Note number 16. 4. On sheet 4 of 7, please change the Black Rail Road improvement drawing number to 335-5. The 355-3 which is currently being shown is incorrect. 5. On sheet 4 of 7, please change Black Rail Court, to Black Rail Road, in the “Plan of proposed extension.. .” note. Grading and Drainage 6. Please delete the “if required” text for the proposed temporary detention basin note, adjacent to Lot 2 in Phase III. 7. On sheet 1 of 7, where is the plan view “cut line” for storm drain section A-A? Traffk and Transportation 8. Please add 5.5’ concrete sidewalk to the “A” Street (Collector Street) cross-section. Also, add this sidewalk to the “A” Street plan view on sheet 1 of 7. 9. Please be advised, the proposed reduction to a 28’ section for off-site Black Rail Road, instead of the approved 32’ section, has not been approved and is still being discussed among staff. 10. On sheet 1 of 7, the 346’ street elevation at the terminus of proposed “C” Street should probably be 320’. Please verify and revise. 11. On sheet 1 of 7, please delete the word “future” in the “on-site Poinsettia Lane” note. 12. On sheet 2 of 7, why have the vertical curves for proposed “B” Street been reduced from 100’ to 50’ and 60’, respectively ? If the pads and street centerline are being proportionately lowered, why do the vertical curves have to change? Please verify and revise/explain. 13. On sheet 5 of 7, add a 5’ minimum A/C walkway to the Poinsettia Lane typical section. 14. On sheet 5 of 7, carry the “improvements as part of this map” designation/dimension line to Black Rail Road. 15. On sheet 6 & 7 of 7, delete the “Future Poinsettia Lane Reach 2.. .” note. Miscellaneous 16. Please be sure that any revisions which are made on one sheet, are reflected on all applicable sheets. 17. Enclosed for the applicant’s review for making the requested revisions is a red-lined check print of the project. This check print must be returned with the revised plans to facilitate continued staff review.