HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-10; SEAPOINTE RESORT; Engineering ApplicationCITY OF IRLSBAD -ENGINEERING 'PARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate Information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROJECT NAME: CAP-Lbi?AD ,5S'\Pc>r NTi% DATE:---.;.,I,,..::./~~/..::::~::;...· _._ PROJECT ADDRESS:_,-A~\{,,-,ACAA=-~lo<Io:-.::..-...,.!;;..D-..:.:Q~,\~Nt...,;t..:.. . .....:Of=~_..:..H...::Ot::::;::..:.N.;;.:=:?:;;.:~~=-;t~A:...---".,, ___ ,;s....:.:;;--=et-~.....:~..:..~= • ..:..At-=~=.;;;;"",,· ~._~= .. LOT NO(S).:_~NL+b=A ___ MAP NO.: ...... ---r.N-Tb~4:1--___ APN(S).:, __ Q..!~ ..... '-t_-....:O~I O~-=D.-;l _____ _ I '"'; OWNER: Mailing Address: Phone Nl,lmber: CIVIL ENGINEER::---.:~~~~.f:::::::~~ __ _ L Firm: 0 DAy L:oN2L¢-TANiS Mailing Address: 7,2,P A..g§/(QA. ~ffi"'? 519 ¢:::Jt ~Ai:::> CA 9d£;cff i Phone Number: ( (pIC( 9;3( -770D State Registration Number: _...lRC-E-= __ ?",Qpt=:;.:..4--..L..-__ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:, _______ _ Firm: L.PA Mailing Addre .. : 5.&1 U:p..eq C4 9';}J .7.?> Phone Number: (011 58")-"~z: State Registration Number: _________ _ APPUCANT: Ca..mNFti®r< ~ G:s.? MallingAddre .. :..595t? ~'OA PoNA2 en; :ZC:O . .~2'C4. '9~ \ Phone Number: l - . owner and that all Information on -of my knOWledwe. ' , Date I .r ~~~~~~~~~~ SOILS ENGINEER: I-tl-E Firm: G>~ Mailing Addresa: ~ erGO ~D€i?-:S ,5r-\N ~t CA . 9:J.\;)../-: ";)..97+ Phone Number: ( b 11 ) 5::;""B -£900 State Registration Number: c...EG I tc::'O ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:, __________ _ NO. OF DWELUNG UNITS: 7$ LFMP ZONE: 2,6.. NO. OF LOTS: ~ IMPROVEMENT VALUATION: sewer, water & reclaimed water: JP<233,744: NO. OF ACRES:2wOg, stree!.s and drainage: .!J ..573 'J..,IQ . GRADING QUANTITIES: SX7 ~ Cy landscape:,~------water ·district: ______ ____ cut a,..7Lt-e9 cy fill ~ remedial cy -iR=lpert/export PLEASE CHECK OFF APPLICATION TYPES ON REVERSE SIDE· P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FRMOOO63 REV 12/16/i3 " . , , APPLICATION FOR (CHECK ALL THAT APPLy): o o lC!tI'Y'U::Int Plat o Certificate of Comn":a'nr ... o Dedication of Easement ncocorlnn Standards Variance o Plancheck o Parcel o Quitclaim of Easement o Reversion to o Street o Certificate of Correction o Covenant for Easement o Substantial Conformance Exhibit P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FRMOOO63 REV 12/18/13 • "'" CITY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING d!r1ARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING' Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROjECT NAME: ~~;fel2t.t:J.[lft' -gFS'O.e/ DATE: c;g;(}otJ. /22.t.f' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: t1{;'Z3-ICJ lIMe:. ~H";,eC 2O~ {d.AJ{Z- PROJECT ADDRESS: Cfl&,J6tJLl 8l.vD· , ~ LOT NO(S).: MAP NO.: APN(S).: OWNER: {l:ufJit/-lilfli1. &~m~/;tK...o Ca~. APPUCANT: Mailing Address: P. (/. ,8D (?;f 9'O6l: Mailing Addre .. : e.~C-lid~/2 ~t1:. 22.dl'l Phone Number: ,hl'l fJI' -1'S-OO Phone Number: , 1 I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information I certify that I am the agent of the legal owner and th. all information on i8 true and correct to the beat of my knowledge. thla sheet Ia true and correct to the beat of my knowledge., Signature Date Signature Date CIVIL ENGINEER: 0'0&7 toAJSUl.%47S SOILS ENGINEER; Firm: 9&2t6e ot27 Firm: Mailing Address: 2J.,ZD t£.t/~":b..~ Blu:.t.~'.!::1. ?t.~ 20'1 M81llng Addre .. : 6/b.r4:'il2. ed· L:Zoo2 Phone Number: ( ~/L 1 z$..I-2200 Phone Number: , 1 State Registration Number: teet; 320/7' Stat. Registration Number: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Firm: Mailing Addr ... : ~ ... " , Phone Number: , 1 State Registration Number: NO. OF DWEWNG UNITS: LFMP ZONE: NO. OF LOTS: NO. OF ACRES: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION: sewer, water & reclaimed water: \ streets and drainage: landscape: water district: GRADING QUANTITIES: CY cut r:t fill Cy remedial r:t import/export .-r:{' PLEASE CHECK OFF APPLICATION TYPES ON REVERSE SIDE P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FRMOOO63 REV 12/16/i3 . APPLICATION FOR (CHECK ALL THAT APPLy): DBou D IC!Tn"U:,.,"T Plat D Certificate of lance D Dedication of Easement D Encroachment Permit • o .",,,,,,,,,p.r, ... Standards Variance o o 1m Plancheck Plancheck o Reversion to o.f""'c\l:IIr,a o Street Vacation D Tentative Parcel D Certificate of Correction o Covenant for Easement Substantial Conformance exhibit P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FRMOOO83 REV 12/18/i3 ~~i'E-~F CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES PETE, CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION pez-~I-ry 6-94-157 SAN OIEGO COAST AREA 3111 CAMINO OEL RIO NORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108·1725 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. Page 1 of 6 (619) 521·8036 On February g. 1995 , the California Coastal Commission granted to Continental Commercial Corp. this permit for the development described below, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions. Description: Subdivision of an approximately 8 acre lot into a 2.4 acr~ parcel (Lot 1) and 5.5 acre parcel (Lot 2). Lot 1 to be developed with a 45-foot high, 72,396 sq. ft. 78 unit timeshare resort including underground parking, club house, exercise room, volleyball court, two swimmin'g pools, and play yard. New signalized intersection at Descanso and Carlsbad Boulevards. The project also proposes an offer to dedicate an open space easement over the proposed Lot 2. See pages 6-8 for a detailed description of the project. Site: Lot Area Building/Paved Coverage Landscape Coverage Unimproved Area Parking Spaces Zoning Plan Designation Project Density Ht abv fin grade 8 acres 1 .4 acres (181.) 1 . 1 acres (141.) 5.5 acres (681.) 99 Commercial-Tourist;' Open Space Trave 1 Servi ces Commerci a 1 ; .Open Space 10.8 dulac 45 feet Northeast of Carlsbad Boulevard/Descanso Boulevard intersection, Carlsbad, San Diego County. APN 214-010-01. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission by PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director and Govc.mor ·-COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PFAtT NO. 6-94-157 • Page 2 of _6_ ., IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID. UNLESS AND UNTIL A COpy OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. STANDARD CONDITIONS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and ~onditions thereof. Signature of Permittee L.oKrr it::>r: i::rrAL-C.OIY\rY\~ 11"1L.. Co{<. P . C./J • Pt<.e:s\.D.::,.jT 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgement. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit. signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced., the permit will exp';re two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the ~pplication. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. . 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Directqr or the Commission. 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the development during construction, subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person. provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit~ 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. ~' COASTAL DEVELOPMENT lIfMIT NO. Page 3 of _6_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 6-94-157 The permit is subject to the following conditions: 1. Offer to Dedicate Open Space Easement. Prior to the issuance ~f a coastal development permit. the applicant shail submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval evidence that the applicant's proposed irrevocable offer to dedicate to a public agency. or to a private association acceptable to the Executive Director. an open space, easement over the area shown on the attached Exhibit "#3" and generally described as the 5.5 . acres of Lot 2. has been executed in accordance with the terms as proposed by the applicant and as detailed on pages 6-8 of the staff report dated 12/22/94. Sai d open space easement sha 11 prohi bi t any deve,lopment .. i ncl udi ng but not limited to, any alteration of landforms, placement or removal of vegetation. or erection of structures of any type; except that development for habitat restoration may occur in existing disturbed areas as shown on the Biological Resources Report by ERC, dated January 1990, pursuant to an approved coastal development permit. The document shall include legal' descriptions of both the applicant's entire parcel(s), the easement area, and the existing disturbed habitat area. 2. Open Space Deed Restriction. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall record a restriction against the subject property. free of all prior liens and encumbrances. except for tax liens. and binding on the permittee's successors in interest and any subsequent purchasers of any portion of the real property. The restrtction shall prohibit any development, including but not limited to. alteration of landforms, removal of vegetation or the erection of structures of any type, in the area shown on the attached Exhi bi t "#4" and generally descri bed as 'that area from the top of the slope at the north end of the proposed Lot 1, to the southern boundary of the proposed Lot 2 as referenced on the tentative map dated August 1993 (revised 8/2/94) by George O'Day, except for: 1-) landscaping in accordance with Special Condition #3 of COP #6-94-157, and 2) hand-fflling and compacting the cave on the north-facing slope on Lot 1 as shown on the tenative map submitted January 13. 1995. The recording document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant's entire parcel(s) and the restricted area. and shall be in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director. Evidence of recordation of such restriction shall be subjact to the review and written approval of the/Executive Director. 3. Final Landscape Plans/Deed Restriction A. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit for the review and written approval of the Executive Director, a detailed landscape plan developed in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game indicating the type, s;'ze. e·xtent and location of all plant materials. the proposed irrigation system and other landscape features. Drought tolerant native or naturalizing plant materials shall be utilized to the maximum extent feasible. Said plan 1hall be COASTAL DEVELOPMENT P~IT NO. ;-Page 4 of -L • 6-94-157 • SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: submitted to, reviewed and approved in writing by the Executive Director and shall include the following: 1) The placement of at least 20 specimen size trees (minimum 24-inch box) along the west facing areas of the site. Said trees shall be ~f species compatible with the natural character of the area with varying degrees of height and canopy sufficient to break up the west facing building facade from views from Carlsbad Boulevard and the beach in substantial conformance with the draft landscape plan received January 9, 1995. 2) The placement of at least 10 specimen size trees (24-inth box minimum) and plantings arranged on the northern slope of the developa,ble· ar;ea. Species compatible with the adjacent wetland vegetation shall be utilized to effectively screen the structure from views from the north; 3) The area on the north-facing slope of Lot 1 disturbed by filling and recompacting the existing cave in the hillside will be planted with drought-tolerant. non-evasive natives compatible with the adja~ent wetland habitat. 4) Prior to occupancy of the timeshare units. all required plantings shall be in place; 5) A written commitment that all required plantings shall b~ maintafned in good growing condition, and whenever necessary~ shall be replaced with new plant materials to ensure continued compliance with applicable landscape screening requirements. B. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permi~~ the applicant shall record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptati1e to the Executive Director. to ensure that the intent of this condition continues ~o be applicable throughout the life of the project. The restriction shall provide that landscaping shall be implemented in accordance· with Special Condition #3 and consistent with those plans approved with COP #6-94-157. The restriction shall be recorded, free of all prior liens and encumbrances. except for tax liens. and binding on the permittee's successors in interest and any subsequent purchasers of any portion of the real property. 4. Sign Program. Prior to the issuance of the coastal deve10pement permit. the applicant shall submit a comprehensive sign program for all proposed signage documenting that only monument signs. not to exceed eight (8) feet in height, or facade signs are proposed. No tall, free-standing pole or roof signs shall be allowed. Plan shall include signage identifying Descanso Boulevard as a beach accessway. Said plans shall be subj~ct· to the review ahd written approval of the Executive Director. .. ' COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PElT NO. 'Page 5 of _6_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: 6-94-157 • 5. Disposal of Excavated Material. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall obtain a written determination from 'the California Department of Parks and Recreation identifying, based on information submitted by the applicant, the quantity of material suitable for beach sand replenishment on the adjacent Carlsbad State Beach, and the process required to enable deposition above the mean high tide line by June 1~ 1995. If processing permits, the applicant shall be required to transport all suitable material to a location approved by State Parks by that date. For any material determined to be unsuitable for beach deposit by that date, the applicant shall identify the location for the disposal of graded spoils. If the site is located within the coastal zone, a separate coastal development permit or permit amendment shall first be obtained from the California Coastal Commission or its successors in interest. 6. Construction Timing/Staging Areas/Access Corridors. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, a final construction schedule, which shall be incorporated into construction bid documents. The schedule shall specify that no lane closures shall take place on Carlsbad Boulevard between June 30 and Labor Day_ In addition, the,applicant shall submit final plans for the location of access corridors to the construction sites and staging areas. Access corridors and staging areas shall be located in a manner that has the least impact on public access via the maintenance of existing public parking areas and traffic flow on coastal acc~ss routes (Carlsbad Boulevard, in this instance). Use of public parking areas for staging/storage areas shall not be permitted. No staging areas or acc~ss corridors shall be located within the environmentally sensitive habitat areas located on the proposed Lot 2. If more than one staging site is utilized, the plans shall indicate which sites are connected with which portions of the overall development, and each individual site shall be removed and/or restored immediately following completion of its portion of the overall development. 9. Exterior Treatment/Deed Restriction. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, a color board or other indication of the exterior materials and color scheme to be utilized in the construction of the proposed hotel facility. Said materials shall be consistent with those described in the following which shall be recorded as a deed restriction against the property that states: Any future modifications to the exterior surfaces of the resort shall b~ implemented with building materials of natural earthen tones, including deep shades of green, brown and grey, with no white or light shades, an~ no bright tones, except as minor accents, to minimize the resort development's tontrast with the surrounding scenic areas, and consistent with those approved under Coastal Development Permit #6-94-157, on file in the Commission's San Diego office. . '