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CT 94-09; Carlsbad Ranch - Lego; Tentative Map (CT) (6)
I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Consultants April 13, 1995 Project No. 44950029-01 To: Carltas Development Company 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Chris Calkins Subject: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the 26.04-Acre Parcel North of Future Extension of Cannon Road and the 20.66-Acre Parcel North of Palomar Airport Road and West of the Future Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, California Leighton and Associates, Inc. (Leighton) is pleased to present this report of our Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the two subject parcels. The purpose of this study was to assess the existing potential for the presence of hazardous materials/waste contamination at the subject sites. If you have any questions regarding our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (619) 292-8030. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to the Carltas Development Company. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Thomas E. Mills, RG 4439 Director of Environmental Services DLG/TM/jss Distribution: (3) Addressee 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292-0771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Consultants I • Ll&n _ \ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT OF THE 26.04-ACRE PARCEL NORTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF CANNON ROAD AND 20.66-ACRE PARCEL NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND WEST OF THE FUTURE HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA April 13,1995 Project No. 44950029-01 Prepared For: Carltas Development Company 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292-0771 44950029-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Involved Parties 1 1.3 Scope of Work 2 1.4 Limitation 3 2.0 GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS 4 2.1 The Northern Parcel 2.1.1 Location and Adjacent Properties 4 2.1.2 Site Description 4 2.2 The Southeast Parcel 4 2.2.1 Location and Adjacent Properties 4 2.2.2 Site Description 5 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 6 3.1 Regional Physiographic Conditions 6 3.2 Soil Conditions 6 3.3 Geologic Conditions 6 3.4 Ground Water Conditions 6 4.0 RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION 7 4.1 Site Reconnaissance 7 4.1.1 Site Inspection Observations for the Northern Parcel 7 4.1.2 Site Inspection Observation for the Southeast Parcel 7 4.2 Adjacent Site and Site-Vicinity Observations 8 4.3 Limited Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analyses 8 4.4 Regulatory Agency List Review and File Research 9 4.3.1 Additional Agency Contacts 11 4.4 Results of Site History/Land Use Review 12 -1 - LCIGHTON AND ASSOCIATK, INC. 44950029-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Section 4.4.1 Personnel Interviews 12 4.4.2 Results of Aerial Photograph Review 13 4.5 Review of Environmental Reports 14 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 15 5.1 Conclusions 15 5.2 Recommendations 15 List of Illustrations Figures Figure No. 1 - Site Location Map Rear of Text Figure No. 2 - Site Reconnaissance Map for North Parcel Rear of Text Figure No. 3 - Site Reconnaissance Map for Southeast Parcel Rear of Text Figure No. 4 - Vista 1-Mile Radius Map Rear of Text Appendices Appendix A - References Appendix B - Photographs Appendix C - ATI Laboratory Report Appendix D - Vista Environmental Information Report Appendix E - Corporation Grant Deed for Southeast Parcel -11 - LEICHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 1.0 INTRODUCTION In accordance with your request and authorization, Leighton has completed this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the 26.04-acre parcel north of the future extension of Cannon Road and the 20.66-acre parcel north of Palomar Airport Road and West of the future Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The work was performed under Leighton's proposal, dated January 26,1995 (Revised January 30,1995). Authorization to proceed was received from Carltas on February 13, 1995. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the potential for the presence of hazardous materials/waste contamination at the two subject parcels from past or present use and to determine the absence/presence of pesticide residue in the near-surface soils. 1.2 Involved Parties As can be ascertained from conversations with the property management company, the parties involved with this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment include: Property Owner for North Parcel: • San Diego Gas and Electric 101 Ash Street San Diego, California 92101 Property Owner for Southeast Parcel: • Co-Trustees of the Paul Ecke, Senior Irrevocable Trust c/o Carltas Development Company 5600 Avenida Enemas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008 Property Manager: • Carltas Development Company 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008 Mr. Joe Larkin (619)696-2000 Mr. Rand Wassem (619)696-2483 Mr. John Hernandez (619) 696-2738 Ms. Monica Browning Legal Counselor for Carltas (619) 431-5600 Mr. Bret Berry (619)431-5600, and Ms. Glee Boykin, Property Manager (619)431-5600 -1 - LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 44950029-01 Environmental Consultant: • Leighton and Associates Mr. Thomas E. Mills, Dir. of Env. Services 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B-205 (619)292-8030, and San Diego, California 92123 Ms. Donna Gooley, Staff Geologist (619)292-8030 1.3 Scope of Work The scope of work included: • A reconnaissance of both sites to visually assess current site utilization and signs of surface contamination; • Site observation of adjacent properties to assess potential characteristics of environmental concern; • Collection of one composite soil sample from each of the subject parcels and laboratory analysis of the two composite soil samples for pesticides. • A review of the geologic and hydrogeologic setting; • A review of relevant previous geotechnical and/or environmental reports, and discussions with persons familiar with the site; • A review of historical aerial photographs to assess historic land use; • Research of government database documents and interviews with government agencies concerning available pertinent environmental information; and • Preparation of this report, including findings, conclusions, and recommendations. This assessment did not include ground water sampling or analysis, geotechnical evaluation, or investigation for asbestos, lead or radon. The list of references and aerial photographs used for this study are presented in Appendix A. Site photographs are presented in Appendix B. Copies of the laboratory report and Chain-of- Custody form are presented in Appendix C. A full copy of their report is presented in Appendix D. A copy of the Corporation Grant Deed for the southeastern parcel is presented in Appendix E. The research of selected government documents was subcontracted to Vista Environmental Information, Inc. (Vista). -2- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 1.4 Limitation Our findings and professional opinion are based on the information made available to Leighton from the owner and public records. Leighton make no warranty, either express or implied, concerning the completeness of the data made available to us for this study. We expressly withhold certification of any type concerning the absence of contamination at the subject site. This investigation should not be construed to an environmental audit -3- LCIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 2.0 GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 The Northern Parcel 2.1.1 Location and Adjacent Properties The northern 26.04-acre parcel is located north of the future extension of Cannon Road in Carlsbad, California. The site is generally rectangular in shape with the long dimension trending east-west. The site is bounded by Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the north and by active agricultural fields to the east, west, and south. 2.1.2 Site Description The site is owned by San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) and is leased out for agricultural purposes. The site is undeveloped and currently utilized for agriculture. Several dirt roads trend east-west and north-south^ A dirt road bordering the parcel on the south side approximates the location of the future extension of Cannon Road. SDG&E transmission lines border the property on the north. Surface drainage generally appears to flow north towards the lagoon. Topography in this area is low coastal hills. A golf course is the proposed development for this site. 2.2 The Southeast Parcel 2.2.1 Location and Adjacent Properties The southeast 20.66-acre parcel is located west of the future Hidden Valley Road and north of Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad, California. The site is generally rectangular in shape with the long dimension trending north-south. The site is bound by Palomar Airport Road to the south, active agricultural fields to the west, a water tower and vacant undeveloped property to the north and east. -4- LflGHWN AND ASSOCIATfS, /JVC 44950029-01 2.2.2 Site Description The site is owned by the Co-Trustees of the Paul Ecke, Sr., Irrevocable Trust who are C. William Dealy, Jr., Ruth E Dealy, Ray R. Winter, and Barbara Ecke Winter. The site is undeveloped and currently the northern area is utilized for experimental agricultural purposes irrigated with reclaimed water. The southern portion of the property is covered with grass and weeds. An access dirt road to the water tower represents the eastern boundary of the property. This road approximates the location of the future Hidden Valley Road. Surface drainage generally appears to flow south toward a storm drain located on Palomar Airport Road. A portion of Lego Family Park is the proposed development for the site. -5- LCIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3.1 Regional Physiographic Conditions The subject properties are situated within the coastal plain of the Peninsular Range Province physiographic province of California. The coastal plain is underlain by Cretaceous, Eocene, and Quaternary-aged marine and non-marine sedimentary strata which unconformably overlie crystalline basement rock of Cretaceous and Jurassic age. The topography at the edge of the batholith changes from the rugged landforms developed on the batholith to the more subdued landforms which typify the softer sedimentary formations of the coastal plain. 3.2 Soil Conditions According to Bowman and others (1973), the subject sites are underlain by the soil type mapped as Marina loamy coarse sand. This soil type is level to steep with 2 to 9 percent slopes. It occurs on broad rolling ridges parallel to the coast. The Marina soils are somewhat excessively drained. 3.3 Geologic Conditions Based on our site reconnaissance and review of pertinent in-house and available geotechnical literature, the subject sites are underlain by man-made fill soils and Pleistocene-aged marine terrace deposits typical of the Carlsbad area. The marine terrace deposits are underlain at depth by the Eocene-aged Santiago Formation. The gently sloping nature of the site area represents an ancient wave cut surface and, as such, fill soils on the property are anticipated to be relatively shallow (on the order of 5 to 10 feet thick). The formational materials and fill soils derived from them in the area of the site are predominantly granular in nature. According to the "Geotechnical Hazard Analysis and Mapping Study of Carlsbad" (Leighton, 1992) active faults are not currently known to cross the subject properties. 3.4 Ground Water Conditions According to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) control plan (RWQCB, 1975) and the State of California ground water study (California, 1988), the subject properties are located within the Carlsbad Hydrographic Unit, Agua Hedionda Subunit. Ground water within the Agua Hedionda Hydrographic subunit is designated as having beneficial municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses. Ground water levels within the Agua Hedionda Hydrographic subunit dip uniformly toward the Pacific Ocean following the surface topography (California, 1988). Ground water wells are not known to exist in the immediate vicinity of the site. However, based on our experience on nearby properties, the depth to ground water is estimated to be on the order of 40 to 50 feet. It should be noted that seasonal fluctuations in rainfall and irrigation, variations in ground surface topography, and subsurface conditions may significantly affect surface and ground water levels. During our site reconnaissance, surface water was observed on the southeast parcel but not on the northern parcel. -6- LE1GHTON AND ASSOC1ATK, INC. 44950029-01 4.0 RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION 4.1 Site Reconnaissance Observations made during the site inspection for the northern parcel is illustrated on Figure 2 and for the southeast parcel on Figure 3. A summary of these surveys is presented below. Photographs of the site are presented in Appendix B. 4.1.1 Site Inspection Observations for the Northern Parcel • North-south and east-west trending irrigation PVC pipes were observed. • SDG&E transmission lines border the parcel on the north side. (Appendix B - Photos 1 and 2) • The site appeared recently tilled in preparation for agricultural use. (Appendix B - Photo 1) • Indication of wells, cisterns, or onsite sewage disposal systems (e.g. leachlines or septic tanks) were not observed. • Stained surface soils were not observed. 4.1.2 Site Inspection Observation for the Southeast Parcel • A storm drain was observed at the south boundary of the parcel near Palomar Airport Road. • Natural drainage was observed trending north-south in the center of the parcel and which is diverted into the storm drain. (Appendix B - Photo 5) • Ponded water was observed near the center of the parcel (Appendix B - Photo 6) • Scattered piles of aggregate and ground asphalt were observed along the dirt road bordering the east side of the property. (Appendix B - Photo 3) • A fenced area in the north portion of the site encloses an experimental agricultural field utilizing reclaimed water for irrigation. (Appendix B - Photo 4) • Two manholes in the northeast edge of the property were observed marked reclaimed water. -7- LflGHTON AND ASSOCIATK, INC 44950029-01 • Adjacent to the northeast corner of the property, two abandoned automobiles were observed and a steel frame trailer. • The SDG&E main electrical supply lines trend north-south on the adjacent property to the east • Indications of wells, cisterns, or onsite sewage disposal systems (e.g. leachlines or septic tanks) were not observed. • Stained surface soils were not observed. 4.2 Adjacent Site and Site-Vicinity Observations Properties adjacent to the site are active agricultural fields and vacant, unused, natural fields. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon exists on the north side of the northern parcel. 4.3 Limited Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analyses Each parcel was subdivided into 100 equal sized square areas. Each square was assigned an identification number of 1 through 100. Utilizing a random numbers table, five squares were selected for soil sampling from each parcel. The five near surface (3 to 6 inches below grade) soil samples from each parcel were collected using a precleaned hand trowel and then placed in a laboratory-supplied sample container and labeled. The two soil samples were transported in an ice-cooled container to Analytical Technologies, Inc. (ATI). The purpose of collecting five random soil samples at each of the selected areas is to obtain a more representative sample of each parcel for laboratory analysis. ATI composited the five samples for each parcel into one sample to be tested for the presence of organochlorine pesticides by EPA Test Method 8080. ATI is an approved State of California laboratory. Three compounds were detected above the laboratory detection limit in each of the composite samples. The concentrations are listed below for both sites in mg/kg. Pesticide Compound 4,4-DDT 4,4-DDE Toxaphene North Parcel (Composite 1-5) 0.079 0.097 1.6 Southeast Parcel (Composite 6-10) 0.25 0.11 2.5 A copy of the ATI laboratory report is presented in Appendix C -8- LCIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 4.4 Regulatory Agency List Review and File Research Governmental agency listing of reported hazardous waste spills, underground tank releases, and federal/state expenditures on hazardous waste sites were obtained and reviewed. The results of our review are as follows: • A review of the RWQCB Well Investigation Program (California, 1991), indicates that there are no public wells that contain volatile organic chemicals within a 1-mile radium of the subject sites. • A search of selected government databases was conducted by Vista Environmental Information (1995). The search radius for each database searched follows American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) guideline ASTM E1527-92 for Phase I assessments. The following is a list of agency databases reviewed by Vista along with a summary of the number of reported sites within various radial distances for the subject site. Environmental Risk Distribution Summaiy Agency/Database»Type of Records A) RISK STIES searched to 1-1/2 mite: US EPA NPL Sites designated for Superfund cleanup by the US EPA US EPA TSD Facilities that treat, store and/or dispose of hazardous waste US EPA CORRACTS Facilities under RCRA Corrective actions STATE SPL Site prioritized by the State for cleanup within 5/8 mile 0 1 1 0 5/8 to 3/4 mite 0 0 0 0 3/4 to Imfle 0 1 0 0 Ito 1-1)2 mite 0 0 0 0 B) RISK STIES searched to 1 mite: US EPA CERCLIS Sites under review by the US EPA STATE SCL Site under review by the State STATE/ LUST Sites with leaking REG/CO underground storage tanks STATE/REG/CO SWLF Sites permitted as solid waste landfills, incinerators, or transfer stations 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 - - - — -9- LIIGHTON AND ASSOCIATK, INC 44950029-01 Bwjraoineota| j^ DirfributiooSuHHnaw Agency/Database-Type of Records STATE DEED Sites with deed restrictions RSTR STATE CORTESE Sites on state index of properties with hazardous waste STATE TOXIC PITS Toxic Pits cleanup facilities COUNTY HE17 San Diego County unauthorized list 0 7 0 4 0 3 0 3 1 0 0 2 - . — — - C) RISK SITES searched to 3M mile: US EPA RCRA VIOL Sites with RCRA Violations or Enforcement Actions US EPA TRIS Facilities with toxic chemical releases inventories STATE UST/AST Sites with registered underground or above- ground storage tanks 0 0 13 0 0 4 - - - - - - D) RISK SITES searched to 5/8 mile: US EPA ERNS Sites with previous hazardous materials spills US EPA GNRTR Sites that generate large or small quantities of hazardous waste 0 13 - — - — - — The Vista report is presented in Appendix D. Figure 4 presents the pertinent locations and sites discussed in Appendix D that are within a 5/8-mile radius of the site. The same site can be listed on more than one publication, and one map identification number in the Vista report can represent more than one site. Vista's report included 1 site within 1/4 mile or less of the property, that was listed in one or several government databases because it is reported to (either in the past, or presently) store, use, and/or generate potentially hazardous materials/waste. This site (listed below) has reported leaks or releases of hazardous substances into the environment The potential impact to this site may pose on the subject property has been qualitatively ranked as high, moderate, or low as follows: 1) High potential if located hydrologically upgradient (upstream, to the east) and less than 1/4 -10- LCIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 mile from the site, and presently under investigation; 2) Moderate potential if located upgradient and less than 1/4 mile from the site, and presently under investigation; and 3) Low if located downgradient or cross-gradient from the site; or upgradient and 1/4 mile from site and under investigation, or upgradient of site but signed-off (that is, the site has been investigated and no further action was deemed necessary), regardless of distance to the subject site. Vista Map I.D. 9 Name and Address Toyota Carlsbad, Inc. 5124Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California Contaminant Released not reported Distance and Direction from Site <0.25mi/W Potential Impact on Site Low Additional Remarks Ground water affected, Case Closed/Cleanup Complete, Two Active Petroleum USTs in Service 4.3.1 Additional Agency Contacts 1. Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) The Regional Water Quality Control Board's policy is not to respond to requested information regarding hydrology, water quality, depth to ground water, and the status of contaminated sites listed in governmental publications. A publication (California, 1988) was provided by the RWQCB for our in-house review. We have reviewed this publication and included pertinent hydrogeologic information in Section 3.4 Ground Water Conditions. 2. Carlsbad Fire Department The Fire Prevention Bureau of the Carlsbad Fire Department was contacted regarding permits for operating underground fuel storage tanks at the subject sites. The Carlsbad Fire Department does not keep these records. For further information regarding this issue, see Section 4.4.1. 3. San Diego Water Utilities Previous discussions with Mr. Bill Brennan of San Diego Water Utilities indicated that 80 percent of the water supplying the San Diego area is imported from the Colorado -11- LCIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 River and Bay Delta in northern California. The remaining 20 percent is obtained from local San Diego County Reservoirs. The San Diego Water Utilities maintains several ground water wells in the county; however, none are used as a source of drinking water. 4. San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) Mr. John Dawsey of SDG&E was previously contacted regarding the possibility of PCB's in transformers. Mr. Dawsey stated that all of the field equipment (i.e., transformers, switch boxes) was of a mineral oil type which does not fall within the guidelines and regulations as specified by the Federal EPA for PCB-contammated equipment In addition, Mr. Dawsey stated that SDG&E carries all responsibility for the transformers and their content 5. San Diego County Agricultural Weights and Measures Department The Weights and Measures Department was contacted regarding the use of pesticides at the subject site. As of the date of this report, Leighton has not received a response from this Department. Upon receipt and review (if a file exists) information provided by the Weights and Measures Department, Leighton will forward to Carltas the information we review. 6. Air Pollution Control District (APCD) The APCD was contacted for information regarding environmental records for the site. As of the date of this report, Leighton has not received a response from APCD. Upon receipt and review (if a file exists) of information provided by APCD, Leighton will forward to Carltas the information we review. 4.4 Results of Site History/Land Use Review 4.4.1 Personnel Interviews The following information was obtained from Ms. Glee Boykin, Property Manager for Carltas; Mr. Bret Barry of Carltas; Ms. Monica Browning of Carltas; Mr. Rand Wassen of SDG&E; and Mr. John Hernandez of SDG&E. According to Mr. Hernandez, SDG&E purchased the north parcel May 2, 1952 from the Jacobsen Family Trust Prior use of the property was agricultural and vacant unused land. The first SDG&E transmission line was installed in 1953. The current transmission lines were completed in 1973-74. -12- LtlGHWN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 According to Ms. Browning, Paul Ecke, Sr. acquired the southeast parcel February 11,1972 from Brooking Olds, Inc., Vince Dixon Ford, Inc., Rorick Buick, Inc., Weseloh Chevrolet Company, Don Sharp Volkswagen, Jim Finney Pontiac, Inc. A copy of this Corporation and Deed is provided in Appendix E. 4.4.2 Results of Aerial Photograph Review Five black-and-white and color, stereopair, vertical view aerial photographs were reviewed as part of our Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the subject properties located north of the future Cannon Road Extension and west of the future Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, California. These photographs represent photo flights conducted in 1929,1953, 1967, 1983, and 1989. A list of the aerial photographs reviewed is listed in Section 7.0. In general, the subject sites are situated on a coastal terrace approximately 0.8 and 1.25 miles, respectively, from the Pacific Ocean. The sites are mantled by Quaternary marine terrace deposits that naturally (in an undeveloped condition) slope gently to the west. Major natural features in the vicinity of the site are the Agua Hedionda Lagoon located adjacent to the north parcel and approximately 4,000 feet to the north of the southeast parcel, and low-level, subdued hills to the east The following are our observations made during our review: • In the 1929 photographs, the north site and adjacent areas to the east, west, north and south exist as dormant agricultural fields with uncultivated grass growth. Man-made features in the area include the Santa Fe Railroad tracks located approximately 3,000 feet to the west of the north parcel, and a dirt road at the approximate road alignment of Carlsbad Boulevard (formerly Highway 1) approximately 4,000 feet to the west of the north parcel. Interstate 5 did not exist There is a north-flowing stream that drains into Agua Hedionda Lagoon approximately 1,900 feet west of the north parcel. The lagoon appears to be in a natural condition. Development to the east of the north site consists of dormant agricultural fields and native slopes. The southeast parcel appears as native slopes. The water tower and Palomar Airport Road do not exist A natural drainage was observed in Canyon de las Encinas. Surrounding properties appear as native slopes. • In the 1953 photographs, the two sites appear as they did in the 1929 photographs. A dirt road exists at the approximate road alignment of the present Cannon Road. A two- lane, paved road exists at the approximate alignment of the present Interstate 5. Residential development was observed west-northwest of the site along Carlsbad Boulevard (Highway 1). • In the 1967 photographs, the west half of the north site and adjacent areas to the south, west and east were observed to be active agricultural fields. San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) transmission lines were observed. Flood control and/or bank stability of Agua Hedionda Lagoon has been performed and the lagoon is generally in its present shape. The southeast parcel appears native. The water tower was observed and a dirt access -13- LflCHTOH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 44950029-01 road from the Palomar Airport Road. West of the site, active agricultural fields were observed. To the east and north, native slopes were observed. In the 1983 photographs, the north site and adjacent properties to the east, west, and south remain as active agricultural fields. Paseo del Norte to the south exists and is paved. Properties to the south and immediate north of Paseo del Norte have been developed. Cannon Road has not been extended east past Paseo del Norte. Auto Center Court and Car Country Drive do not exist The north half of the southeast site appears to be active agricultural fields with native slopes to the east and north, and agricultural fields to the west In the 1989 photograph, the north parcel and adjacent property appears as it presently does. The southeast site and property to the west appear to be active agricultural fields. The property to the north and east were observed to be native slopes. 4.5 Review of Environmental Reports According to Ms. Glee Boykin, there are no previous environmental reports pertaining to the southeast subject site; however, Mr. John Hernandez of SDG&E informed Leighton of an environmental report for the north parcel; however, as of the date of this report, the SDG&E report has not yet been received for review. -14- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATK, INC 44950029-01 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions Based upon the information gathered to date during this historical review, site reconnaissance and chemical testing of the near-surface soils at both parcels, Leighton presents the following summary of findings and conclusions: • The northern parcel has historically been used for agricultural purposes since 1929. • The southeast parcel appears as native slopes from 1929 to 1967 and between 1967 and 1983 the parcel became active agricultural fields. Currently, an experimental agricultural field is operating in the northern portion of the parcel. • Stained surface soils, ground water monitoring or production wells, pumps, clarifiers were not observed on the two parcels. • Composite near surface soil samples from each parcel were chemically analyzed and 4,4-DDT, 4,4-DDE and toxaphene were detected at concentrations well below which would be considered hazardous or a significant environmental health risk. 5.2 Recommendations Based upon the findings and conclusions presented in this report Leighton recommends: • That further assessment is not warranted at this time. • That observations be made during any future site development for areas of possible contamination such as, but not limited to, the presence of underground facilities, buried debris, stained soils, waste drums, tanks, or odorous soils. Should such materials be encountered, further investigation and analysis may be necessary at that time. -15- LHGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC -N- 2000 4000 feet Base Map: Aerial Fbto-Map Book, San Diego County, 1986-87, Aerial Graphics, Page 7D & 8D Approximate Scale CARLSBAD RANCH/ LEGO CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 44950029-01 Date 4/12/95 LJLJ FIGURE 1 BLUEPRINT SOURCE & SUPPLY 163050 CflRlTflScompnnv April 18, 1995 John E. Bridges Cotton/Beland Associates, Inc. 6310 Greenwich Drive, Suite 220 San Diego, CA 92122-5918 RE: Carlsbad Ranch/LEGO Eir Dear John: Delivered to you with this letter is a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for the area north of Cannon Road and the area east of the existing Carlsbad Ranch property, which is included within the scope of your work for the LEGO project. This is being delivered at the direction of Don Neu, to whom a copy of the site assessment is also being delivered with a copy of this letter. Very ristopjier <L. Calkins for Car^ias Company CCC/j Enclosures cc: Don Neu s:\wp51\lcc\letters\bridges.doc 56664AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 100 • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 U.S.A. (619) 431 -5600 FAX (619) 431 -9020 Approximate location of soH sample collected for pesticide laboratory analysis SITE RECONNAISSANCE MAP FOR NORTH PARCEL Approximate location of SDG&E mam electrical supply line A r\ r> A Project No. 4495Q029-Q1 Scale 1" = 4QQ' Engr./GeoI. DLG Grass covered slope Manholes forreclaimed watei Approximate location of soil sample collected for pesticide laboratory analysis Ecke experimental agricultural field SITE RECONNAISSANCE MAP FOR SOUTHEAST PARCEL Project No. 44950029-01 Scale 1" = 400' Pnnr /Geol. _DLG_ SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) Map of Sites within Three-Quarter Miles ^i Category: Databases Searched to:Subject Site Single Sites Multiple Sites Roads Highways Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities NPL, SPL, SCL, TSD CERCLIS, LUST, SWLF UST ERNS, GENERATORS If additional databases are listed in the cover page of the report they are also displayed on this map. The map symbol used corresponds to the database category letter A,B,C,D. For More Information Call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Page #4 4/12/95 Figure 4 " 44950029-01 REFERENCES * Published References I Bowman and Others, 1973, Soil Survey of San Diego Area, California: United States Department of Agriculture. I California EPA, 1991a, Department of Toxic Substance Control, List of Hazardous Waste Generators and Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities, September 30, 1991. • - , 1991b, Annual Work Plan, October 31, 1991. - , 1991c, List of Potential and Known Hazardous Waste Sites, October 31, 1991. | California Integrated Waste Management Board, 1991, Inactive Landfills, dated October 1, 1991. California, State of, Water Resources Control, 1975, Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan Report, San Diego Basin (9), dated June. -, Department of Water Resources, Southern District, 1986, The Resources Agency, San Diego Region Ground Water Studies Phase HI, dated October. , Department of Water Resources, Southern District, 1988, The Resources Agency, San Diego Region Ground Water Studies, Phase IV, dated June. , Office of Planning and Research, 1990, List of Hazardous Waste Sites, November, 1990. - , Department of Water Resources, 1991, The Resources Agency, Well Investigation Program, Volatile Organic Chemical in Public Water Supply Wells, dated August. - , Water Resources Control, 1992, List of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, January 31, 1992. Leigh ton and Associates, Inc., 1992, Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study, Prepared for the City of Carlsbad, dated November 1992. San Diego County - Department of Health Services Hazardous Materials Management Division, 1991, Site Assessment and Mitigation Unauthorized Release Listing, Public Use Authorized, dated October 15, 1991. Weber, F. Harold Jr., 1963, Geology and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California, County Report 3: California Division of Mines and Geology. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992, CERCLIS List, dated January 9, 1992. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 44950029-01 Record of Personal Communication The following are personal communications make for this investigation: • Boykin, Glee, 1995, Property Manager for Carltas • Berry Bret, 1995, Property Manager for Carltas • Browning, Monica, 1995, Legal Counselor for Carltas • Wassem, Rand, 1995, San Diego Gas and Electric • Hernandez, John, 1995, San Diego Gas and Electric • Brennan, Bill, 1993, San Diego Water Utilities • Dawsey, John, 1991, San Diego Gas and Electric • Waldrip, Dick, 1994, San Diego County Agricultural Weights and Measures Department Aerial Photographs SUMMARY OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Source San Diego County USDA* San Diego County San Diego County San Diego County Date March 1929 April 1953 May 1967 November 1983 April 1989 Photo No. 52A,53A 8M-101, 8M-102 142,143 244,256 3-5,3-7 Scale 1"=1,000'r=2,ooo' 1"=2,800'r=2,ooo' 1"=2,640' Angle of View Stereo/Vertical Stereo/Vertical Stereo/Vertical Stereo/Vertical Stereo/Vertical * Leighton and Associates' in-house aerial photographs. The remaining photographs were reviewed at the County of San Diego, Ruffin Road, San Diego, California. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 44950029-01 PHOTO 1: Eastward View of Recently Tilled Agricultural Fields of Northern Parcel PHOTO 2: Proximity of Northern Parcel to Agua Hedionda Lagoon 44950029-01 PHOTO 3: Northward View of Southeast Parcel with Water Tower PHOTO 4: Southward View of Southeast Parcel, Palomar Airport Road I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 44950029-01 PHOTO 5: Storm Subdrain with Natural Drainage on Southeast Parcel PHOTO 6: Ponded Water on Southeast Parcel I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l©$f I DC. Corporate Offices: 555O Warehouse Drive San Dlega CA 92121 (619) 458-9141 ATI I.D.: 503002 March 22, 1995 LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 3934 MURPHY CYN RD., SUITE B205 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Project Name: CARLTAS Project # : 44950029-01 Attention: DONNA GOOLEY Analytical Technologies, Inc. has received the following sample(s): Date Received Quantity Matrix March 01, 1995 10 SOIL The sample(s) were analyzed with EPA methodology or equivalent methods as specified in the enclosed analytical schedule. The symbol for "less than" indicates a value below the reportable detection limit. If any flags appear next to the analytical data in this report, please see the attached list of flag definitions. The results of these analyses and the quality control data are enclosed. Please note that the Sample Condition Upon Receipt Checklist is included at the end of this report. -JON V. BREWSTER 'f'ALAN d PROJECT MANAGER LABORATORY MANAGER 1 • ^LA^AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. • * Client : LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Project # : 44950029-01 • Project Name: CARLTAS ATI # Client Description 1 Sl-1 2 Sl-2 3 Sl-3 • 4 Sl-4 • 5 Sl-5 6 S2-1 _ 7 S2-2 • 8 S2-3 • 9 S2-4 10 S2-5 — 11 COMPOSITE 01-05 • 12 COMPOSITE 06-10 1 - Matrix I SOIL ATI I Tbe sample (s) from this project will this report. If an extended storage department before the scheduled disp 1 1 1 1 1 SAMPLE CROSS REFERENCE Page 1 Report Date: March 22, 1995 ATI I.D. : 503002 Matrix Date Collected SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 SOIL 28-FEB-95 TOTALS # Samples 12 STANDARD DISPOSAL PRACTICE be disposed of in twenty-one (21) days from the date of period is required, please contact our sample control osal date. ANALYTICAL SCHEDULE Page 2 Client : LEIGHION & ASSOCIATES Project # : 44950029-01 ATI I.D.: 503002 Project Namei CARLTAS Analysis Technique/Description EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) GC/ELECTRON CAPTURE DETECTOR I • ^ AnalyticolTechnologies/lnc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ^jJ4 AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS Test : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) Client : LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Project # : 44950029-01 Project Name: CARLTAS Page 3 ATI I.D.503002 Sample Client ID # 11 COMPOSITE 01-05 12 COMPOSITE 06-10 Parameter ALDRIN ALPHA-BHC BETA-BHC GAMMA-BHC (LINDANE) DELTA-BHC CHLORDANE 2,4' -ODD 2,4' -DDE 2,4' -DDT 4, 4 '-ODD 4,4' -DDE 4,4' -DDT DIELDRIN ENDOSULFAN I ENDOSULFAN II ENDOSULFAN SULFATE ENDRIN ENDRIN KETONE HEPTACHLOR HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE METHOXYCHLOR TOXAPHENE AROCLOR-1016 AROCLOR-1221 AROCLOR-1232 AROCLOR-1242 AROCLOR-1248 AROCLOR-1254 AROCLOR-1260 SURROGATES DBC Matrix SOIL SOIL Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG % Date Sampled 28-FEB-95 28-FEB-95 11 <0.025 •C0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 0.097 0.079 <0.050 <0.025 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 1.6 <0,25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 85 Date Date Extracted Analyzed 03-MAR-95 15-MAR-95 03-MAR-95 14-MAR-95 12 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 •C0.050 <0.050 <0.50 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 0.11 0.25 <0.10 <0.050 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 2.5 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 100 Oil. Factor 5.00 10.00 1 • fu^ AnalyticalTechnologies/lnc. _ GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - QUALITY I • ITest : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE Blank I.D. : 34632 Client : LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Project # : 44950029-01 1Project flame: CARLTAS . Parameters 1 _______ ____ _ _ ALDRIK ALPHA-BBC BETA-BBC 1 GAMMA-BBC (LINDANE) DELTA-BBC CHLORDANE 2,4' -ODD12,4' -DDE 2,4' -DDT 4,4' -ODD 4,4' -DDE14,4' -DDT DIELDRIN ENDOSULFAN I ENDOSULFAN II • ENDOSULFAN SULFATE • ENDRIN ENDRIN KETONE _ HEPTACHLOR • HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE • METHOXYCHLOR TOXAPHENE I AROCLOR-1016 AROCLOR-1221 AROCLOR-1232 AROCLOR-1242IAROCLOR-1248 AROCLOR-1254 AROCLOR-1260 • SURROGATES DBC REAGENT BLANK PESTICIDES & PCB'S) Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG % CONTROL Page 4 ATI I.D. : 503002 Date Extracted: 03-MAR-95 Date Analyzed : 07-MAR-95 Dil. Factor : 1.00 Results <0.0050 <0.0050 •C0.0050 •C0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 62 1 A• £U£AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL 1 Test : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINEIMSMSD # : 73850 Client : LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Project # : 44950029-01 • Project Name: CARLTAS II -— _ Parameters Units ALDRIN MG/KG GAMMA-BHC (LINDANE) MG/KG 1 4,4' -DDT MG/KG DIELDRIN MG/KG ENDRIN MG/KG HEPTACHLOR MG/KG 1 MSMSD PESTICIDES & PCB'S) ATI I.D. : Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Sample Matrix : REF I.D. : Sample Cone Spiked % Dup Result Spike Sample Rec Spike <0.050 0.033 N/A N/A*K N/A <0.050 0.033 N/A N/A*K N/A 0.25 0.067 0.35 N/A*V 0.38 <0.10 0.067 N/A N/A*K N/A <0.10 0.067 N/A N/A*K N/A <0.050 0.033 N/A N/A*K N/A Page 5 503002 03-MAR-95 07-MAR-95 SOIL 503002-12 Dup RPD % Rec N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K N/A*V 8 N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K • % Recovery = (Spike Sample Result - Sample Result) *100/Spike Concentration RPD (Relative % Difference) = (Spiked 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sample Result - Duplicate Spike Result) *100/Average Result I I I I I I I ^^AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOORAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL BLANK SPIKE Test : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) Blank Spike #: 55060 Client : LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Project # : 44950029-01 Project Name : CAKLTAS ATI I.D. : Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Sample Matrix : Page 503002 03-MAR-95 07-MAR-95 SOIL Parameters Units Blank Result Spiked Sample Spike Cone. % Rec ALDRIN GAMMA-BBC (LINDANE) 4,4'-DDT DIELDRIN ENDRIN HEPTACBLOR MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 0.026 0.027 0.070 0.054 0.067 0.028 0.033 0.033 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.033 79 82 104 81 100 85 % Recovery = (Spike Sample Result - Sample Result)*100/Spike Concentration RPD (Relative % Difference) = (Spiked Sample - Blank Result)*100/Average Result I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. SAN DIEGO FLAGS ORGANICS FLAG MESSAGE DESCRIPTION A A TIC IS A SUSPECTED ALDOL-CONDENSATION PRODUCT B ANALYTE FOUND IN THE ASSOCIATED REAGENT BLANK C PESTICIDE, WHERE THE IDENTIFICATION WAS CONFIRMED BY GC/MS CO THESE COMPOUNDS CO-ELUTE AND ARE QUANTITATED AS ONE PEAK D COMPOUND IDENTIFIED IN AN ANALYSIS AT SECONDARY DILUTION E ANALYTE AMOUNT EXCEEDS THE CALIBRATION RANGE J ESTIMATED VALUE H QUANTIFIED AS DIESEL BUT CHROMATOGRAPHIC PATTERN DOES NOT MATCH THAT OF DIESEL K QUANTIFIED AS KEROSENE BUT CHROMATOGRAPHIC PATTERN DOES NOT MATCH THAT OF KEROSENE L QUANTIFIED AS GASOLINE BUT CHROMATOGRAPHIC PATTERN DOES NOT MATCH THAT OF GASOLINE N PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE OF A COMPOUND P PESTICIDE/AROCLOR TARGET ANALYTE, WHERE THERE IS GREATER THAN 25% DIFFERENCE FOR DETECTED CONCENTRATION BETWEEN 2 GC COLUMNS TR COMPOUND DETECTED AT AN UNQUANTIFIABLE TRACE LEVEL U COMPOUND WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED X SEE CASE NARRATIVE Y SEE CASE NARRATIVE Z SEE CASE NARRATIVE * OUTSIDE OF QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS *D COMPOUND ANALYZED FROM A SECONDARY ANALYSIS *F RESULT OUTSIDE OF ATI'S QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS *G RESULT OUTSIDE QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS. INSUFFICIENT SAMPLE FOR RE- EXTRACTION/ANALYSIS *H RESULT OUTSIDE OF LIMITS DUE TO SAMPLE MATRIX INTERFERENCE *I BECAUSE OF NECESSARY SAMPLE DILUTION, VALUE WAS OUTSIDE QC LIMITS *K DUE TO THE NECESSARY DILUTION OF THE SAMPLE, RESULT WAS NOT ATTAINABLE *L ANALYTE IS A SUSPECTED LAB CONTAMINANT *P A STANDARD WAS USED TO QUANTITATE THIS VALUE *R DATA IS NOT USABLE *T SURROGATE RECOVERY IS OUTSIDE QC CONTROL LIMITS. NO CORRECTIVE ACTION INDICATED BY METHOD *V SAMPLE RESULT IS >4X SPIKED CONCENTRATION, THEREFORE SPIKE IS NOT DETECTABLE *Y RESULT NOT ATTAINABLE DUE TO SAMPLE MATRIX INTERFERENCE @A RESULTS OUT OF LIMITS DUE TO SAMPLE NON-HOMOGENEITY @C VARIABLE ^JESSAGE @D RESULT COULD NOT BE CONFIRMED DUE TO MATRIX INTERFERENCE ON THE CONFIRMATION COLUMN @E RESULT MAY BE FALSELY ELEVATED DUE TO SAMPLE MATRIX INTERFERENCE @F RESULT OUTSIDE OF CONTRACT SPECIFIED QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS @G RESULT OUTSIDE OF CONTRACT SPECIFIED ADVISORY LIMITS @H DETECTION LIMIT ELEVATED DUE TO MATRIX INTERFERENCE @M RESULT NOT CONFIRMED BY U.V. DUE TO SAMPLE MATRIX INTERFERENCE @N RESULT NOT CONFIRMED BY FLUORESCENCE DUE TO SAMPLE MATPJX INTERFERENCE @P RESULT QUANTITATED USING FLUORESCENCE ONLY DUE TO THE LOW CONCENTRATION @Q DETECTION LIMIT ELEVATED DUE TO LIMITED SAMPLE FOR ANALYSIS @T RESULT DUE TO TCLP EXTRACTION MATRIX INTERFERENCE. NO QC LIMITS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED @U SAMPLE CHROMATOGRAM DOES NOT RESEMBLE COMMON FUEL HYDROCARBON FINGERPRINTS @Z SAMPLE CHROMATOGRAM DOES NOT RESEMBLE A FUEL HYDROCARBON g:\groups\datamgmt\mgmt\flags.doc08/10/94 I ACCESSION #: INITIALS: ^| %;^?T'^W^^^^ : *.,„> ^>,~>; -^ . ^-J^^^g^(gO^<HSf ACCESSIONS^ COMPLETE *7..5*tftft> & ^^fc^C'rr1 1 <Is 11 -1 •1 8 1 9 10• r • 12 • "' 1 " I 15 Does this project require special handling according to NEESA Levels C, D, AFOEHL. or CLP protocols? If yes, complete a) thru c) a) Cooler temperature b) pH sample aliguoted: yes / no / n/a C) LOT 8'S! , • . Are custody seals present on cooler? If yes, are seals intact? V ^n^ Are custody seals present on sample containers? If yes, are seals intact? { <^/i^ Is there a Chain-Of -Custody (COC)*? "^::: — Is the COC* comple^e2 r^x ( Relinquished: (ykajno Requested analysis: (yes/no Is the COcVia-agreement with the samples received? ^^ tf Samples r^yeWtio Sample ID's:(j^e^no Date sampled: (^es^io Matrix rt^ei /)io # containers :cyesXno Are the samples preserved correctly? Is there enough sample for all the requested analyses? Are all samples within holding times for the requested analyses? Cooler temperature: <?.O°(^ Were all sample containers received intact (ie. not broken, leaking, etc.)? .. Are samples requiring no headspace, headspace free? VN/A ' Are VOA 1st stickers required? Are there special comments on the Chain of Custody which require client contact? ^ \ If yes, was ATI Project Manager notified? ( ;J(L/ YES ( YES YES YES YES ^YESJ ""YES^ /Ires" fYES ] THETJ (s^V ^s) YES YES YES YES 1™) <*&J NO '^NO 1 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO <>>>Cv/*) NO \^^Describe "no" items: *"" IH II ' Was c] I£ yei Lient contacted? .yes / no J, Date: Name of Person contacted: Describe actions taken or client instructions : *0r other representative documents, letters, and/or shipping meroos ATIFSM902 (11/92) 5550 MOREHOUSE DRIVE j^ AnalyticalTechnologies, Inc. ^ . „ -_ .CAia/n of Custody OF PROJECT MANAGER: {^hflfla (^>O«/P I/ COMPANY: |_ f l\ h^) A ^ ADDRESS: V BILL TO: COMPANY: ADDRESS: \j^^/f\&J*-^>v(.&^ ( v-i )<yt}2. -cO2>o SAMPLERS: (Signature)U PHONE NUMBER SAMPLE ID ^DAjf 5 1 - 1 v-J®-^ S\-l ^ Si -3 ^ <,! -4 / Si -5 ( $3-1 ^~) 520- / 5X-3 ^ S2~4^ PROJECT NUMBER: J^H* !> Q22 ^ ~ 0 f~ PROJECT NAME:Cai I'-flS PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: VIA: TAT: O24HR O48HRS D72HRS O1WK pfy/K r/Mf M^r/?/x Soi ^/S/S// LAB ID 0\ 6T- 03 o-( 0-7 o; 07 02 C$7— *« Recommended Quantity and Preservative (Provide triple volume on QC Samples) f Petroleum Hydrocarbons 418.1S.Oil and Grease 413.2j Gasoline (MOD 8015/DOHS)i Diesel (MOD 8015/DOHS)G 1 Gasoline/BTXE (MOD 8015/8020)Maximum Contamination Level ofGasoline:2ppm(water),50ppm(Soil)' V -', - S4MP1E ftECaPT . ^ A:^,:, '^ TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS «C$iAIN<)F CUSTODY SEALS YM/NA isW^WA^'Y/N/NA^W^: ^ &&'.**!.•' -*- s :~- * ••* v-—-'c— '•-;•,"•.: •'-- -)•>•*•* .-*..a -A. .• .^RECEIVED GOOD CONDJCOLD }0 nj k AJ4 •z.o^z. LAB NUMBER ^CC>OOZ__ £$£&: ^•^mi^^Stili^^ '• f'»r|^S5W^^: ;*?-; ^ATI Disposal @ $5.00 each D Return D Pickup Comments: . . <^ I i -fhfOtAC. (Q \s\ n\ *N "~) 1 ~--T-~T\ h f^.1/4 M c/ v O t- | 1 / l/c-O" K-SVs- ^_^2^\4o2(HCI)/50gMOD 8015 (Unknown)\2X40ml (HCI)/50gBTXE(8020)f I Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (8010)\2X40ml (HCiySOgAromatic Hydrocarbons (8020)\2X40ml (HCiySOgChlorinated/AromaticHydrocarbons (8010/8020)\500ml/50gS. I 1 'if if j •p •4- ";V .,-, RELINQUISHED BT. 1, Signature: TVme:, Printed Name: Date: Company: . . L? ,MUH.- <"«•' A^5. RECEIVED BY: .^r^,*.. Signature: Time^ Printed Name: >/Dafe: Company:/ o> J ^s.V \ / *"> / r < 1 I Base/NEU/Acid CmpdsGC/MS (8270)\ <\2X40ml (HCI)/100gVolatile Cmpds GC/MS (8240)|Polynuclear Aromatic (8310)\500ml/100gi \500ml/100gPriority Pollutant MetalsRELINQUISHED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company:/^ RECEIVED BY: ;, - 2. Signature: Turt^, Printed Namtrf Date: *Comp£ny: t Number of Containers1 / I |t i / / ; RELINQUISHED BY: 3.^C-iWv-;- •'. • • . ;r •-.; SigwttirSr Time: Printed Name: Date: Company^^ BCCEIVED BY: (LAB) 3. ^^^dl^rTfaf^uz/t 7?$ Analytical Technologies, Inc. DISTRIBUTION: Whilt. Ctnuy • ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. • Pink • ORIGINATOR SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) PROPERTY INFORMATION Project Name/Ref #: EXT CANNON ROAD FUTURE EXTENSION OF CANNON RD CANNON RD/P ALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Cross Street: CAR COUNTRY DR/PASEO DEL NORTE/l-5 Latitude/Lonqitude: ( 33.130948, 117.313655 ) CLIENT INFORMATION DONNA GOOLEY LEIGHTON ASSOC-SAN DIEGO 3934 MURPHY CANYON RD B-205 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Site Distribution Summary Agency / Database * Type of Records A) Databases searched to 1 1/2 miles: US EPA NPL National Priority List US EPA CORRACTS RCRA Corrective Actions US EPA TSD RCRA permitted treatment, storage, disposal facilities STATE SPL State equivalent priority list B) Databases searched to 1 mile: US EPA CERCLIS Sites under review by US EPA STATE SCL State equivalent CERCLIS list STATE REG LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks CO STATE/ SWLF Permitted as solid waste landfills, REG/CO incinerators, or transfer stations STATE DEED Sites with deed restrictions RSTR STATE CORTESE State index of properties with hazardous waste STATE TOXIC PITS Toxic Pits cleanup facilities COUNTY HE17 SD County unauthorized release list C) Databases searched to 3/4 mile: US EPA RCRA Viol RCRA violations/enforcement actions US EPA TRIS Toxic Release Inventory database STATE UST/AST Registered underground or aboveground storage tanks wtotinsamil« 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 - 7 0 4 0 0 13 5/8 to 3/4 m/b 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 4 3/4 ta Imlle 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 - . «tef */7mtfw 0 0 0 0 - . — . — . - - — VISTA For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Pago»1 Site Distribution Summary Agency / Database -Type of Records sate 3/4 Ml ft 3/4 ta D) Databases searched to 5/8 mile: US EPA ERNS Emergency Response Notification Systeitrof spills US EPA GNRTR RCRA registered small or large generators of hazardous waste 13 This geographic database search meets the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) standards for a government records review. A (-) indicates the search distance exceeds ASTM search parameters. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; Customer proceeds at its own risk in choosing to rely on VISTA services, in whole or in part, prior to proceeding with any transaction. VISTA cannot be an insurer of the accuracy of the information, errors occurring in conversion of data, or for customer's use of data. VISTA and its affiliated companies, officers, agents, employees and independent contractors cannot be held liable for accuracy, storage, delivery, loss or expense suffered by customer resulting directly or indirectly from any Information provided by VISTA. NOTES VISIA For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page*2 VISTA SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) Map of Sites within One and One-Half Miles 0 0.25 0.5sse Mile* Subject Site Databases Searched to: 11/2 mi. Single Sites Multiple Sites Q Roads Highways Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies -- Utilities NPL, SPL, CERCLIS, SCL, TSD LUST, SWLF UST ERNS, GENERATORS If additional databases are listed in the cover page of the report they are also displayed on this map. The map symbol used corresponds to the database category letter A.B.C.D. For More Information Call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report March 1,1995Pago #3 VISTA SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) Map of Sites within Three-Quarter Miles Subject Site Single Sites Multiple Sites Roads Highways Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities NPL, SPL, SCL, TSD CERCLIS, LUST, SWLF ERNS, GENERATORS If additional databases are listed in the cover page of the report they are also displayed on this map. The map symbol used corresponds to the database category letter A.B.C.D. For More Information Call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995Page #4 VIS1A SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) Street Map Roads, Highways, Rivers, Water Bodies Railroads, Utilities For More Information Call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995Page #5 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) SITE INVENTORY MAP ID 1 1 2A 2B 2B 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) VISTA tt> DISTANCEurtecrioN PACIFIC JEEP EAGLE «OOT?O 5365 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE °-41 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BOB BAKER CADILLAC SUBARU 4023364 5215 CAR COUNTRY DR °'41 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MEISTER DODGE 267080 5548 PASEO DEL NORTE 0-52™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BOB BAKER VOLKSWAGON 51855 5500 PASEO DEL NORTE °-54 ^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CAL WORTHINGTON DODGE 73983 5548 PASEO DEL NORTE . . °-541^. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HOEHN OLDS-ACURA 4038896 5556 PASEO DEL NORTE °'53S^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HOEHN MOTORS (OLDSMOBILE) 386388* 5566 PASEO DEL NORTE °-53^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DIXON BODY SHOP 1601249 5555 PASEO DEL NORTE a54 *" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DIXON FORD-ISUZU INC 1258981 5555 PASEO DEL NORTE "-"Jj* CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HOEN MOTORS 1587572 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE °'56 *" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HOEHN MOTORS-MECEDES BENZ- «736l 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE a56 *" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TOYOTA CARLSBAD BODY SHOP 428227 5450 PASEO DEL NORTE °'57^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEXUS CARLSBAD 4038895 5444 PASEO DEL NORTE as7*" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NORTH COUNTY LINCOLN MERCURY 299693 5434 PASEO DEL NORTE a58^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 i A CORRACTS2 Ji n B CERCUStf n X 0 K nE | HI3t 3 X X n L ^<>. uX X X c g >•1 e 2 I 0 X X X X X X X D cai 111 GNRTRX X X X X X X X VISTA X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page*6 MAP ID 4 4 4 4 5A 5A 5B 5B SB 5B 6 6 6 6 6 6 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite] VISTA K>DISTANCE DIRECTION RORICK BUICK INC 1601248 5434 PASEO DEL NORTE °'58 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 JIM FINNEY INC "35004 5445 PASEO DEL NORTE °'58 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 JIM FINNEY PONTIAC INC 218103 5445 PASEO DEL NORTE a58 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TOYOTA CARLSBAD CAR DEALER 428228 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE °'58 *" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 7-11 FOOD STORES-271 09 3778090 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT °-59Ml CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ARCO 1187482 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD °-59 Ml CARLSBAD, CA 92009 WINDMILL CLNRS 3201265 6020 PASEO DEL NORTE °-6* *" CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CALTRANS / PARADISE VALLEY 3778088 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD °-62 ^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PALOMAR SERVICE 3778089 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD a62^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PALOMAR MOBIL SERVICE 318437 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD °-62 ^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BURROUGHS CORP (UNISYS) 4061001 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS °-62 *" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ENCINITAS GROWERS SUPPLIES 4013925 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS a62 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 UNISYS CORP., CARLSBAD 4823668 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS °-62 {{J CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BURROUGHS CORPORATION 3063697 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS °-62 *" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BURROUGHS CORP 63692 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS °'62 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BURROUGHS CORPORATION 1219031 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS °-621^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 A _i z a 1cc8 X aA X i B (/>i UlO X i X 1 X X a. X £ iaUJa X UJn.u x.8 X X X X X n I OiSh 5 X X G _J > 2 F w i 55< » X X X X X X 0 (/) i g rza X X X X X VISTA X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #7 MAP 10 5B 7 8 8 8 9 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 5/8 - 3/4 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE CALTRANS CARLSBAD MAINT STATION 66430 6050 PASEO DEL NORTE a63^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 WESELOH CHEVROLET 360398 5335 PASEO DEL NORTE °-63 *J CARLSBAD, CA 92008 GM OIL CO INC #46 5078370 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD a63 ^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PEASOUP ANDERSON/UNION S/S 934554 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD °-63*!' CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD PROPERTIES, LTD J636776 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD °'63 ' *" CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TOYOTA CARLSBAD USED CARS 428229 5124 PASEO DEL NORTE °'72^ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 A DL g D £ B CO 1Oii X X X CO:;PEEDRSTRLU£3£ 8 X X X 12E 3 fc 5 X X X c o CO I X X X X D to 1 h- 0 • • • MAP ID 10 11 11 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/4 - 1 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE OIKE&TtON TEXACO SERVICE STATION 119*852 665 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 0-78™ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ENCINA WPCF 3765389 6200 AVENIDA ENCINAS °-M *J CARLSBAD, CA 92008 3303 AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATN 1636596 6200 AVENIDA ENCINAS a93 *" CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A a.CORRAGTS0 P _i B IO _! 1 X X CO aUlUlo Ul LU K 8 CO £ o Xe LuX X X c o uto § i • • D CO 1 a: z (9 MAP ID SITES IN TH£ SURROUNDING AREA (within 1-11/2 miles) VISTA ID DISTANCE OtREGTIQH A a.CORRAGTSa a,(0 B eg 1 LUa 01 * CO a:io LUUlo CORTESEl!CO 51o Xe s c o o01 to \mmsmLsniD CO iiSNRTRHiiffis:No Records Found VISTA X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #9 UNMAPPED SITES VISTA 10 CARLSBAD 70700 CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL 3077946 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION 3492777 ENCINA POWER PLANT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION 3491771 NEOF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CARLSBAD LANDFILL 4823234 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HUMMEL'S EXOTIC GARDENS "67344 PARK DR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 A cu COI 8 D P s!« B to iULiO X $ X fe 1 X X cdioUlata Ul Iu 11l»»<P» 1 c o> 2s IItoST X X D (A i| o VISTA X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800-767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page#9 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) DETAILS PROPERTY AN& THE ADJACENT AREA (wlthfn 5/8 mile) VISTA Address*: PACIFIC JEEP EAGLE 5365 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA $2008 RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC# 1832 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: VISTA ID* Distance/Direction; Plotted as: EPA ID: 1600770 0,41 Ml /W Point CAD982435190 SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE 100 KGJMONTHBUTLESS THAN 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE NO NO NO Map to 1 VISTA BOB BAKER CADILLAC SUBARU Address*: 5215 CAR COUNTRY DR CARLSBAD, CA 32008 RCRA-SmGen> RCRA-Small Generator 1 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SRC# 1832 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 4023364 0.41 Ml /W Point CAD983664129 SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE 100 KGJMONTH BUT LESS THAN 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE NO NO NO Map ID 1 VISTA Address*: MEISTER DODGE 5548 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: 267080 0,52 Ml/SW Point Map ID 2A JRCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 1832 EPA ID:CAD981571706 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE AT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OF ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page*10 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. VISTA Address*BOB BAKER VOLKSWAGON 5500 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA 1C* Distance/Direction: Plotted as; 51865 Q.S4MI/W Point Map ID 2B (RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC# 1832 EPA ID:CAD023406135 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE LESS THAN 100 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO STATE UST- State Underground Storage Tank /SRC# 1612 lillEPA/Agency ID: |N/A~ Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: BOB BAKER VOLKSWAGEN 5500 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2 NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): 1 PETROLEUM NOT REPORTED 1000 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): OILfNOT SPECIFIED) NOT REPORTED 1000 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS VISTA CALWQRTHINGTON DODGE Address*: 5548 PASEQ pEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 RCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 1832 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: VISTA ID*. Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 73983 0,54 Ml /W Point CAD982347072 SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE AT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OF ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1 612 i i Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: 1 Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): 1000 (GALLONS) EPA/Agency; ID:; mim CAL WORTHINGTON DODGE OF CARLS 5548 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1 NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank Status: ACTIVEAN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Map ID 2B VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 -800-767-0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page#11 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. VISTA HOEHN OLDS-ACURA Address*: 5556 pASeo DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 rlE-17/SRC#1962 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: VISTA ID* 4038896 Pisrtance/DirertiQh; 0.53MI75W Plotted as; Point Agency ID: H03941 SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE JUNE 18, 1990 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE AND OIL MIXTURE UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantify (Units) STATE UST- State Underground Storage Tank /SRC# 161 2 1 EPA/Agency ID:! |N/A Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: < Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): *ro (GALLONS) Tank ID: 2 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): sso (GALLONS) Tank ID: 3 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): sso (GALLONS) SAME AS ABOVE 3 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tan k Material : OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Map ID a VISTA HOEHN MOTORS (OLDSMOBJLE) Address*: 5566 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground 1898 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: Storage Tank / SRC# VISTA ID* ; Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 3863881 Q.53MI/SW Point N/A SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE JUNE 18, 1990 OTHER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantify (Units), Leak Source Map ID a VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Pago*12 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (wtthta 5/e tntte) CONT. Regional LUST - Regional Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1905! Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: Agency ID:9UT1741 HOEN MOTORS 5556 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA NOTAVAILABLE JUNE 18. 1990 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSEDKLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantify (Units), Leak Source VISTA DIXON BODY SHOP Address*: 5555 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 [RCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 1832 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: VISTA ID* Distaflce/Difection: Plotted as: EPA ID: 1601249 0.54Mt/SW Point CAD982429094 SAME AS ABOVE GENERA TORS WHO GENERA TE AT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTEL Y HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OF ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO Map ID 3 VISTA DIXON FORD-ISUZU INC Address*: 5555 PASEo DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: * Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): sso (GALLONS) Tank ID: 2 Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): sso (GALLONS) SAME AS ABOVE 2 NOT REPORTED NOTREPORTED VISTA ID#; Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 1258991 0.54 MI /SW Point N/A Tank Status: CLOSED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: CLOSED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Map ID 3 VISTA Address*; HOEN MOTORS 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 :ORTESE/SRC#1082 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as; EPA/Agency ID: 1587572 0.56 MI /W Point N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE List Name: LEAKING TANK Site ID: NOTREPORTED Map ID 4 VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #13 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. VISTA HOEHN MOTORS-MECED Address*: 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ESBENZ- VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 EPA/Agency ID: Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: * Tank Contents: OIL(NOT SPECIFIED) Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): 1000 (GALLONS) Tank ID: 2 Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): 1000 (GALLONS) SAME AS ABOVE 2 NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED 197361 0,56 Mi /W Point N/A Tank Status: ACTIVEAN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS CORTESEYSRC#:1I)82;;;::!;;;;;!;N;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;-;:;::;;;:;Y::- Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: CORTESE/SRC#1082 !!! ;: ^'Z- Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: HOEHN MOTORS MERCEDES BENZ 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HAZARDOUS WASTE INFORMATION SYSTEM CAD981684335 .TV-":.:; •;::;. :;Y:-!;YYi lEPA/AgencyilD: SAME AS ABOVE UNDERGROUND TANK 14128 N/A^:^^ :' ^ Map ID 4 VISTA Address* TOYOTA CARLSBAD BODY SHOP 5450 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 | RCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 1832 VISTA I D#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 428227 0.57 Ml/W Point CAD9820191:84; Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERA TORS WHO GENERA TEAT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OF ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO Map ID 4 VISTA Address*;LEXUS CARLSBAD 5444 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as; 4038895 0.57 Mi/W Point Map ID RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC# 1832 EPA ID:CAD982004848 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE 100 KGJMONTH BUT LESS THAN 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE NO NO NO VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 -800 -767 -0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page It 14 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within #8 mite) CONT. STATE UST- State Underground Storage Tank /SRC# 181 2 |EPA/Agency ID: |N/A Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): 1 PETROLEUM NOT REPORTED 600 (GALLONS) 2 UNLEADED GAS NOT REPORTED 1000 (GALLONS) LEXUS CARLSBAD 5444 PASEO DEL NORTH CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4426 2 NOT REPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS VISTA Address*: NORTH COUNTY LINCOLN MERCURY 5434 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID*Distance/Direction:" Plotted as: 299693 0.58 Ml /W Point Map ID |HE-17/SRC#1962 Agency ID:H12085 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: SAME AS ABOVE NOT AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 1, 1990 UNKNOWN UNLEADED GAS UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK NOTAVAILABLE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units) STATE UST- State Underground Storage Tank /SRC# 1612 ; |EPA/Agency:iD:;; JN/A Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: SAME AS ABOVE 2 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): 1 PETROLEUM NOTREPORTED 500 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): UNLEADED GAS NOTREPORTED 2000 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page »15 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. VISTA RORICK BUICK INC Address*: 5434 pASEO DEL NORTE _ CARLSBAD, CA 32008 _ __ RCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 1832 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: VISTA ID* Distance/Direction; Plotted as: EPA ID: 1601248 0,58 MJ/W Point CAD982022824 SAME AS ABOVE GENERA TORS WHO GENERA TE AT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTEL Y HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OF ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO Map IQ 4 VISTA Address*: JIM FINNEY INC 5445 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA $2008 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 1235004 0.58 MI /W Point N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Underground Tanks: * Aboveground Tanks: NOTREPORTED Tanks Removed: NOTREPORTED Tank ID: 1 Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Size (Units): NOT REPORTED (GALLONS) Tank Material: °™ER DESCRIPTIONS Map ID 4 VISTA Address* JIM FINNEY PONTIAC INC 5445 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA IDA Distance/Direction; Plotted as; 2181Q3 Point Map ID 4 I RCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 1832 EPA ID:CAD981369424 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE AT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OFACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO VISTA Address*: TOYOTA CARLSBAD CAR DEALER 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA $2008 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as; 428228 0.58 Ml/W Point Map IP RCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 1832 EPA ID:CAD982019168 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE AT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OF ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #16 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. STATE UST -State Underground Storage Tank /SRC#1612 |EPA/Agency ID; |N/A Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): 1 PETROLEUM NOT REPORTED 550 (GALLONS) TOYOTA-CARLSBAD INC 5424 PASEO DEL NORTH CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1 NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS VISTA 7-11 FOOD STORES«27i 09 VISTA ID#: Address*: 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Distance/Direction: Plotted as: STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 EPA/Agency ID: Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: 1 Tank Contents: LEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): 9728 (-GALLONS; Tank ID: 2 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): 9728 (GALLONS; Tank ID: 3 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): ™o°° (GALLONS) CORTESE / SRC# 1082 Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: 7-11 FOOD STORES-27109 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 3 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED 3778090 0.59 Ml /S Point N/A Tank Status: ACTIVEJN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: FIBERGLASS Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: WBERGLASS Tank Status: ACTIVEJN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: FIBERGLASS ;:.:;: :: /::;:Y:--::!;:;;:::::i:::!:;:;:;.|EPA/Agency:l.D;::i::i;!:: 7-ELEVEN FOOD STORES 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 UNDERGROUND TANK 20090 IN/A; i ,;:.;:-;:;.:i,ii- Map ID 5A VISIA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #17 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within #8 mite) CONT, VISTA ARCO Address*: 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT I CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground 1898 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: VISTA ID* 1187482 i^D Distance/Direction: 0,59Mf/$ Plotted as: Point Storage Tank / SRC# EPA/Agency ID: N/A SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE OCTOBER 17, 19S5 OTHER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source Regional LUST - Regional Leaking Underground Storage Tank / Agency ID: 9UT25 SRG#i905 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: iHE-177SRC#:1962 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE OCTOBER 17, 1985 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSEDKLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source lAgencyilD: |H12961^!;i;:i ^\m ARCOAT0087 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 NOTAVAILABLE OCTOBER 15, 1985 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units) (STATE USTvStateUndergr6uridSt6raaeTank/SRC# 1612 ! I EPA/Agency ID: |N/A Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: 1 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): woo (GALLONS) ARCOAT0087 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 4 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Map ID 5A VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page 918 PROPERTY AND WE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/0 mite) CONT. Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units) Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units) Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units) CORTESE/SRC* Agency Address List Name: Site ID: CORTESE/SRC* Agency Address List Name: Site ID: 2 LEADED GAS NOT REPORTED : 6000 (GALLONS) 3 AGENCY REPORTS TERM 'OTHER' NOTREPORTED ; 8000 (GALLONS) 4 PETROLEUM NOTREPORTED ; 550 (GALLONS) 1082 Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: THE UNDEFINED Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS I EPA/Agency ID: |N/A ARCO SERVICE STATION #3066 90 f PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEAKING TANK NOTREPORTED :;:;;!;;;!;|..-;::;H: ••'• ;;;; -hi :JEPA/Ageney:ID::::. 1JSI/A! ;;;;:;;:;;:- •O-.:. : ARCOAT0087 901 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 UNDERGROUND TANK 12961 VISTA Address*:WINDMILL CLNRS 6020 PASEO DEL NORTH CARLSBAD, CA 92009 [RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC# 1832 VISTA Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 3201265 0.61 MITSW Point CAD983601436 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE 100 KGJMONTH BUT LESS THAN 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE NO NO NO Map ID SB VISTA Address*; CALTRANS / PARADISE VALLEY 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CORTESE/SRC#1082 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as; EPA/Agency ID: 3778088 Q.62MI/SW Point N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE List Name: LEAKING TANK Site ID: NOTREPORTED Map ID SB VISTA Address*;PALOMAR SERVICE 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CORTESE/SRC#1082 VISTA 1C* Distance/Direction: Plotted as; : EPA/Agency ID: 3778089 0.62 MI /SW Point N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE List Name: UNDERGROUND TANK Site ID: ^547 Map IP SB VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page*19 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (wltMn Sft mite) CONT, VISTA PALOMAR MOBIL SERVICE VISTA ID* 318437 Address*: 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT I CARLSBAD, CA 92008 STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground 1898 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: ^p Distance/Direction: 0,62 Mf / SW Plotted as: Point Storage Tank /SRC# EPA/Agency ID: N/A SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE AUGUST 11, 1989 OTHER UNLEADED GAS UNAVAILABLE OTHER REM INVEST/FEASABIUTY STUDY NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source Regional LUST - Regional Leaking Underground Storage Tank / Agency ID: 9UT1498 SRCJSM905 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: HE-17/SRC#1962 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE AUGUST 11, 1989 GROUNDWATER UNLEADED GAS UNAVAILABLE NOTAVAILABLE SITE INVESTIGATION (SI) NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source lAgencylD; [1+12547-:-:::::: 11 MOBIUPALOMAR SERVICE 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 NOTAVAILABLE APRIL 5, 1989 SOIL/SAND/LAND UNLEADED GAS UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK NOTAVAILABLE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units) STATE UST- State Underground Storage Tank /SRC# 1612 lEPAMgency |D;i : ! |N/A : :;; Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: 1 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOT REPORTED Tank Size (Units): 10000 (GALLONS) MOBIUPALOMAR SERVICE 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 4 NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS *«~ ^f^> Map ID 5B VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page»20 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/6 mite) CONT. Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Unite): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Unite): CORTESE/SRG#10 Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: CORTESE/SRC#1C Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: 2 UNLEADED GAS NOT REPORTED 8000 (GALLONS) 3 LEADED GAS NOT REPORTED 6000 (GALLONS) 4 PETROLEUM NOT REPORTED 250 (GALLONS) Tank Status: ACTIVEAN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: ACTIVEAN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank Status: ACTIVEAN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS ••:.::.:::::::::.:. '::::. ::,::::::::::: I r;p /V/AViarir-U IfV IM/A :; : :::::::.::.:..-:...:::. PALOMAR MOBIL SERVICE STN #081 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HAZARDOUS WASTE INFORMA TION SYSTEM CAX000220228 :0;.-;;;i;:;!!i!;!:;;;;:;:-M: :.|EPA/Aqehcy:ID; : i\WA\\: • I:;-:;.;-:: •;..:.: SAME AS ABOVE HAZARDOUS WASTE INFORMATION SYSTEM CAD981377021 CORTESE /SRC#;i082! ••\\m+\\-\\-^:^W- :::;;;!i;;;::;::;.:/:n.-;:i;;;;i;v::;!-|EPA^encyil.D::::;;;.:::|N/A: :•, •-:-•• - /-- ' Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: MOBIL OIL STATION 899 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEAKING TANK NOT REPORTED VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Pago #21 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. VISTA BURROUGHS CORP (UNISYS) VISTA ID* 4061001 Address*: geOO AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 30RRACTS / SRC# 1952 Agency Address: Prioritization Status: RCRA Facility Assessment Completed: Notice of Contamination: Determination of need For a RFI (RCRA Facility Investigation): RFI Imposed: RFI Workplan Notice of Deficiency Issued: RFI Workplan Approved: RFI Report Received: RFI Approved: No Further Corrective Action at this Time: Stabilization Mesaures Evaluation: CMS (Corrective Measure Study) Imposition: CMS Workplan Approved: CMS Report Received: CMS Approved: Date for Remedy Selection (CM Imposed): Corrective Measures Design Approved: Corrective Measures Investigation Workplan Approved: Certification of Remedy Completion: Stabilization Measures Implementation: Stabilization Measures Completed: Corrective Action Process Termination: Distance/Direction; 0.62 Ml / W Plotted as: Point EPA ID: CAD047784871 SAME AS ABOVE MEDIUM YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCRA^TSD/SRC#;i:832::;;;:;;;;;;;;i;::::;:;;;;;;;;;;;i;-;;;:;::::;;;;;^: \^\i\^\:- ;;::;::::|ERA!:iD^;;;;;;;;;i:;;;i;;;;;;;;:;i{eAD0477848T1;;;i;;i;; Agency Address: Off -Site Waste Received: Land Disposal: Incinerator: StoragerTreatment: Ground Water Violation: Closure Violation: Financial Requirements Violation: Corrective Action Violation: Land Ban Violation: Other Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCRA-LgGeri -RCRA-Larae Generator 7SRC# 1832 ! IEPA ID::: !! ; ! ; ICAD047784871 Agency Address: Generator Class: Generator Requirements Violation: Violation of Corrective Action Scheduled: Land Requirements Violation: SAME AS ABOVE GENERATORS WHO GENERATE AT LEAST 1000 KGJMONTH OF NON-A CUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE OR 1 KGJMONTH OF ACUTELY HAZARDOUS WASTE. NO NO NO Map Id VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page*22 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. VISTA ENCIISirrAS GROWERS SUPPLIES Address*: 56oo AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 EPA/Agency ID: 4013925 OI62W/W"Point N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Underground Tanks: < Aboveground Tanks: NOT REPORTED Tanks Removed: NOTREPORTED Tank ID: 1 Tank Contents- REPORTED AS -UNKNOWN- BY AGENCY Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank SizeJUnitsl: isooo (GALLONS) Tank ID: 2 Tank Contents- REPORTED AS -UNKNOWN- BY AGENCY Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units):^ eoo (GALLONS) Tank ID: 3 Tank Contents- REPORTED AS -UNKNOWN- BY AGENCY Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): ™40 (GALLONS) Tank ID: « Tank Contents: REPORTED AS -UNKNOWN-BY AGENCY Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): S44 (GALLONS) Tank Status: CLOSED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: CONCRETE Tank Status: CLOSED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: CONCRETE Tank Status: CLOSED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: CONCRETE Tank Status: CLOSED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: CONCRETE Map ID 6 VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page 923 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/8 mite) CONT. VISTA Address*: UNISYS CORP., CARLSBAD 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 32008 VISTA Distance/Direction: Plotted as: 4823668 0,62 W /W Point Map ID 6 |WMUDS/SRC#1734 Agency ID:9 000000382 Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Threat To Water: Complexity: Facilty Status: Waste 1 (Nature/Type): Waste 2 (Nature/Type): Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: SAME AS ABOVE NOT REPORTED INDUSTRIAL - Facilities that treat and/or dispose of liquid or semisolid wastes from any servicing, producing, manufacturing or processing operation of whatever nature, including mining, gravel washing, geothormal operation!, air conditioning, ship building and repairing, oil production, storage and disposal operations, waterwell pumping. YES NO NO NO YES NO NO 1 MAJOR THREAT TO WATER QUALITY Category A - Any major NPDES facility, any non-NPDES facility (particularity those with toxic wastes) that be a major if discharge was made to surface or ground waters, or any Class I dispoal site. Includes detection systems or ground water monitoring wells. HISTORICAL - Any regulated facility for which the Regional Board has rescinded all WDRs or consciously allowed an NPOS permit to expire. Those facilities that are not under Waste Discharge Requirements (WURDs) may be set to HISTORY when the Regional Board considers regular enforcement, monitoring or compliance activities unnecessary at the facility any unregulated discharger with a pending application. HAZARDOUS - Influent or solid wastes that contain toxic, corrosive, ignitable or reactive substances and must be managed according to applicable DOHS standards (industrial/manufacturing process. /PROCESS WASTE NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED NO NO VISTA Address*: BURROUGHS CORPORATION 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Deed Rstr - Deed Restrictions / SRC# 1703 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as; EPA/Agency ID: 3063697 0.62 MI /W Point N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Alias Name: NOTREPORTED Map ID 6 VISTA Address*: BURROUGHS CORP 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CERCLIS/SRC#1955 VISTA ID& Distance/Direction: Plotted as-. EPA ID: $3692 0.62 Mi /W Point CAD047784871 Agency Address: SAMEAS ABOVE NPL Status: NOTA PROPOSED, CURRENT, OR DELETED NPL SITE Site Ownership: UNKNOWN Lead Agency: NO DETERMINATION Site Description: NOT REPORTED Map ID 6 VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #24 PROPERTY AND WE ADJACENT AREA (within 5/6 mite) CONT. Event Type: Lead Agency: DISCOVERY STATE PRELIMINARY STATE ASSESSMENT PRELIMINARY EPA FUND FINANCED ASSESSMENT Regional CERCLIS/SRC* 1884 Agency Address: Regional Utility Description: ACIDS Event Status: Start Date: Completion Date: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED MAY 1. 1981 NOTREPORTED MAY 1,1984 NOVEMBER 1, 1987 NO FURTHER REMEDIAL NOTREPORTED NOVEMBER 10. 1988 ACTION PLANNED • :: ' : . ::•• •;::;•: | tp/VJU--:. .:::;• -;;:::-:;-:-::: | t>Mli/U*f ./• r OHw '• 1 • SAME AS ABOVE HEAVY METALS DRUMS, ABOVE GROUND IMPOUNDMENT TANKS RCRA (MAJOR) REGULATED: GENERA TOR, TREAT STORE D STS SITE HAZARD UNCERTAIN- FOLLOW UP VISTA BURROUGHS CORPORATION Address*: 5600 AVEN1DA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SCL - State Equivalent CERCLIS List / SRC# 1885 Agency Address: Status: Facility Type: Lead Agency: State Status: Pollutant 1: Pollutant 2: Pollutant 3: VISTA ID* • Distance/Direction; Plotted as: Agency ID: 1219031 0.62 MI /W Point 37270258 SAME AS ABOVE NOT AN NPL SITE NOT AVAILABLE NOTAVAILABLE NO FURTHER ACTION CONTAMINATED SOIL UNSPECIFIED SOLVENT MIXTURES UNSPECIFIED ALKALINE SOLUTIONS Map ID 6 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 5/8 - 3/4 mile) VISTA CALTRANS CARLSBAD Address*: 6050 PASEO DEL NORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MAINT STATION VISTA ID* p Distance/Directions Plotted as: STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 EPA/Agency ID: Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: ' Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): 4°°o (GALLONS) CAL TRANSKARLSBAD 6050 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD. CA 92009 3 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED 66430 0.63MI/SW Point N/A Tank Status: ACTIVEAN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Tank ID: 2 Tank Status: ACTIVEAN SERVICE Tank Contents: AGENCY REPORTS THE UNDEFINED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN TERM -OTHER' "Tank Pioina1 UNKNOWN Tank Age: NOTREPORTED TankSeHal- OTHER DESCR,PT,ONS Tank Size (Units): 2000 ALLOWS) Tank ID: < Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): »o (GALLONS) Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Map Id 5B VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page*2S SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA {within 5/8 - 3/4 mile) CONT. VISTA WESELOH CHEVROLET Address*: 5335 PA8Ep p^L NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground 1898 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: VISTA ID*. 360398 Distance/Direction: 0,63 Ml / W Plotted as: Point Storage Tank / SRC# EPA/Agency ID: N/A RORICK BUICK INC 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 NOT AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2. 1989 OTHER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE OTHER PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantify (Units), Leak Source Regional LUST • Regional Leaking Underground Storage Tank / Agency ID: 9UT1183 SRC#1905 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: HE-17/SRC#1962 : -••••^•l\\\\ !;- Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: RORICK BUICK INC 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NOTAVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2, 1989 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE NOTAVAILABLE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source \-.::':':-'--^^^\\::-::}^^^ RORICK BUICK INC 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NOTAVAILABLE JANUARY 17. 1989 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK NOTAVAILABLE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units) | STATE UST- State UndergroundiStoraae Tank /SRC# 161 2:;: ; ; |EPA/Ageney ID:; !::::;;JN/A: Hi! ; Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: 1 Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): *x> (GALLONS) RORICK BUICK INC 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: UNKNOWN Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS _,_AfaJ Map ID 7 VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #26 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 5/8 - 3/4 mile) CONT. STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 |EPA/Agency ID: JN/A Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: 1 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): soo (GALLONS) Tank ID: 2 Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): soo (GALLONS) Tank ID: 3 Tank Contents: PETROLEUM Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): soo (GALLONS) Tank ID: * Tank Contents: UNLEADED GAS Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): 2000 (GALLONS) CORTESE/SRC#1082I: m^. Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: ICORTESE/SRCHM082 Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: |CORTESE/SRC#1082 : ; Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: ICORTESE/SRC#1082 : ii ;; i Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: WESELOH CHEVROLET COMPANY 5335 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 4 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS ACTIVEX SERVICE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN FIBERGLASS ;::;;::;;:;':::::i;;N;;l:;;;;;!;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;i;;;;;:::|^^ SAME AS ABOVE HAZARDOUS WASTE INFORMATION SYSTEM CAD981982135 •::^l-:'.\\\'^:-mii\^'-^\mt WESLOK CHEVROLET. 5335 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HAZARDOUS WASTE INFORMATION SYSTEM CAX000128397 •'••••• ••' • .::.:::::. :.:..:--::::. ::::::: j EPA/AC SAME AS ABOVE LEAKING TANK NOTREPORTED WESELOH CHEVROLET COMPANY 5335 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 UNDERGROUND TANK 12127 jency;|p;i;;i:;;;;;.|N/A;^:M;!H!;;i:;:;:^;!:^'--- :- lpnf»/ iry [KI/A|.s?vl V]T ; I.IV*' ••;::•;:: J l/»/^\ ;:;;:•••:::•:::::••••.:••." VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 -800-767-0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page *27 SJTES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA {within 5/8-3/4 mile) CONT. VISTA QM OIL CO INC #46 Address*: 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HE-17/SRC#1962 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: VISTA ID* 5078370 RI3 Distance/Direction: 0,63 Mi / SW Plotted as: Point Agency ID: H20085 GM OIL CO INC #46 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4443 NOTAVAILABLE MARCH 29, 1991 GROUNDWATER UNLEADED GAS UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK NOTAVAILABLE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units) HE-17/SRC* 1962 •: :^ ••\\--:\-r\\.-\—---\--^-----\--:-^ |EPA/Agency:IDN ^ : (N/A ^ ;r::;::-:-::;:; ••• Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: GM OIL CO INC #46 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4443 NOTAVAILABLE OCTOBER 22, 1986 GROUNDWATER DIESEL UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK NOTAVAILABLE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units) VISTA PEASOUP ANDERSON/UNION S/S VISTA ID* 934554 Address*: 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 on Distance/Direction; 0,63 Mi /SW Plotted as: : Point STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# EPA/Agency ID: N/A 1898 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE OCTOBER 22, 1986 OTHER DIESEL UNAVAILABLE OTHER REM ACTION PENDING NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source Map ID 8 Map ID 8 VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page *28 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 5/8 - 3/4 mile) CONT. VISTA Address*:CARLSBAD PROPERTIES, LTD 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: 1636776 Q,$3IW/SW Point Map ID 8 STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1898 EPA/Agency ID:N/A Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE MARCH 29, 1991 OTHER UNLEADED GAS UNAVAILABLE OTHER PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source Regional LUST - Regional Leaking Underground Storage Tank / [Agency ID: SRC#1905 9UT1953 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: CARLSBAD PROPERTIES, LTD 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NOTAVAILABLE MARCH 29, 1991 GROUNDWATER UNLEADED GAS UNAVAILABLE NOTAVAILABLE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source |CORTESE/SRG#1082 |EPA/AgenGy:ID::::::;:!::|N/A Agency Address: List Name: Site ID: CARLSBAD PROPERTIES LTD 850 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 9200 LEAKING TANK NOT REPORTED VISTA TOYOTA CARLSBAD USED CARS Address*: 5124 pAsec> DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 02008 HE-17/SRC#1962 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: TOYOTA-CARLSBAD INC. 5124PASEODELNORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NOTAVAILABLE MAY 11, 1987 UNKNOWN VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: 42822$ 0.72 MJ /W Point H01389 UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK NOTAVAILABLE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Substance, Quantity (Units) Map ID 9 VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #30 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 5/8-3/4 mile) CONT. STATE UST -State Underground Storage Tank /SRC# 1612 | EPA/Agency ID: [N/A : Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): 1 PETROLEUM NOT REPORTED 500 (GALLONS) 2 PETROLEUM NOT REPORTED 550 (GALLONS) TOYOTA-CARLSBAD INC. 5124 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2 NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: CLOSED REMOVED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER DESCRIPTIONS SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/4 - 1 mile) VISTA TEXACO SERVICE Addres$*r 665 PALOMAR AIR CARLSBAD, CA 92 STATION VISTAIDfc rn 1194852 pnpT RDAn Distance/Direction: 0.78 Mt / SW QQ* Plotted as: Point STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# EPA/Agency ID: N/A 1898 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: Regional LUST - Regional Leaking SRC#1905 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1, 1990 OTHER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantify (Units), Leak Source Underground Storage Tank / Agency ID: 9UT1619 SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1, 1990 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNAVAILABLE EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source Map ID 10 VIS1A * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page»31 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/4 -1 mile) CONT. HE-17/SRC#:1 962;-::-;:!::!;;. ;;;:;;-- Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: HE-17ASRC#1962 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: .:-::::;:; ::ih';.: ;:- :; ,:;::;;;::;: :: -'.::^\'-^ -'•. . [Agency ID:;; ;:;;;: :; TEXACO REFINING MARKETING 665 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD. CA 92009 NOTAVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1, 1990 GROUNDWATER GASOLINE (UNSPECIFIED) UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK EXCAVATE DISPOSE CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantify (Units) lePA/AgencyilD; SAME AS ABOVE NOTAVAILABLE AUGUST 14, 1986 UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK NOTAVAILABLE CASE CLOSEDKLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Substance, Quantity (Units) ::::|H12879; i - IN/A VISTA ENCINAWPGF Address*: 620o AVEN1DA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HE-17/SRC#1962 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Leak Source: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: ENCINA WPCF 6200AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 NOTAVAILABLE JULY 25, 1990 SOIUSAND/LAND DIESEL VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID; 3765339 0.95 Ml / SW Point H20070 UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK UNDERGROUND TANK CONTAINMENT BARRIER CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units) Map ID 11 VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #32 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (wtthto 3/4 -1 mile) CONT, VISTA 3303 AGUA HED1ONDA PUMP STATN Address*: 62oo AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE LUST - State Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1898 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1: Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: Regional LUST - Regional SRC#1905 Agency Address: Tank Status: Discovery Date: Media Affected: Substance: Leak Cause: Remedial Action: Remedial Status 1 : Remedial Status 2: Fields Not Reported: VISTA ID* Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 1636596 0,95 Ml / SW Point N/A SAME AS ABOVE NOT AVAILABLE AUGUST 16, 1990 SOIUSAND/LAND DIESEL UNAVAILABLE CONTAINMENT BARRIER CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOT AVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source Leaking Underground Storage Tank /Agency ID:9UT1778 3303 AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATN 6200 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA NOTAVAILABLE AUGUST 16, 1990 SOIUSANDAAND DIESEL UNAVAILABLE CONTAINMENT BARRIER CASE CLOSED/CLEANUP COMPLETE NOTAVAILABLE Quantity (Units), Leak Source Map ID 11 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1-11/2 miles) No Records Found VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNMAPPED SITES VISTA Address*:CARLSBAD CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CERCLIS/SRC#1955 Agency Address: NPL Status: Site Ownership: Lead Agency: Site Description: VISTA ID* EPA ID: 70700 CAD981621717 SAME AS ABOVE NOT A PROPOSED. CURRENT, OR DELETED NPL SITE PRIVATEMON-GOVERNMENTAL EPA FUND FINANCED NOT REPORTED VISTA Address*: PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA STATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 1237 VISTA IP* Agency ID: 3077946 37-AH-0002 Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Facility Type: SANITARY LANDFILL/LANDFILL Facility Status: CLOSED Permit Status: UNPERMITTED/UNUCENSED VISTA Address*: CARLSBAD LANDFILL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 WMUDS/SRC#1734 VISTA ID* Agency ID: 4823234 9 000024N90 Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Solid Waste Inventory System ID: NOT REPORTED Faci I ity Ty pe: SOLID WASTE SITES-CLASS III - Landfills for nonhazardous solid wastes. Facility In State Board Waste Discharger YES System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: YES YES NO NO NO NO 1 5 NO NO VISTA * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #34 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/2 MILE) DESCRIPTION OF DATABASES SEARCHED A) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 1/2 MILES NPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1.5 mile of your property. SRC#: 1948 The agency release date for NPL was August, 1994. The National Priorities List (NPL) is the EPA's database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfund program. A site must meet or surpass a predetermined hazard ranking system score, be chosen as a state's top priority site, or meet three specific criteria set jointly by the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the US EPA in order to become an NPL site. SPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1.5 mile of your property. SRC#: 1886 The agency release date for Calsites Database: Annual Workplan Sites was May, 1994. This database is provided by the Cal. Environmental Protection Agency, Dept. of Toxic Substances Control. Annual Work Plan (AWP) sites and sites where Preliminary Endangerment Assessments are a high priority are included. CORRACTS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1.5 mile of your property. SRC#: 1952 The agency release date for RCRA Corrective Action Sites List was June, 1994. The EPA maintains this database of RCRA facilities which are undergoing "corrective action". A "corrective action order" is issued pursuant to RCRA Section 3008 (h) when there has been a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. Corrective actions may be required beyond the facility's boundary and can be required regardless of when the release occurred, even if it predates RCRA. RCRA-TSD VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1.5 mile of your property. SRC#: 1832 The agency release date for RCRIS was June, 1994. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA TSDs are facilities which treat, store and/or dispose of hazardous waste. B) DATABASES SEARCHED T01 MILE CERCLIS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1955 The agency release date for CERCLIS was September, 1994. The CERCLIS List is a compilation by the EPA of the sites which the EPA has investigated or is currently investigating for a release or threatened release of hazardous substances pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (Superfund Act). VISTA For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #35 Cal Cerclis VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1884 The agency release date for Ca Cerclis w/Regional Utility Description was June, 1994. This database is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9. These are regional utility descriptions for California CERCLIS sites. SCL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1885 The agency release date for Calsites Database: All Sites except Annual Workplan Sites (incl. ASPIS) was May, 1994. This database is provided by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. These are lower priority than the SPL sites. SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1237 The agency release date for Ca Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) was March, 1993. This database is provided by the Integrated Waste Management Board. SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1962 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-Solid Waste Sites was July, 1994. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. WMUDS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1734 The agency release date for Waste Management Unit Database System (WMUDS) was March, 1994. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. This is used for program tracking and inventory of waste management units. This system contains information from the following eight main databases: Facility, Waste Management Unit, SWAT Program Information, SWAT Report Summary Information, Chapter 15 (formerly Subchapter 15), TPCA Program Information, RCRA Program Information, and Closure Information. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1898 The agency release date for Lust Information System (LUSTIS) was August, 1994. This database is provided by the California Environmental Protection Agency. LUST RG7 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1900 The agency release date for Region #7-Colorado River Basin Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing was June, 1994. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #7. LUST RG9 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1905 The agency release date for Region #9 Leaking Underground Storage Tank List was July, 1994. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #9. HE17 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1962 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was July, 1994. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. VIS1A For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page »36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Deed Restrictions SRC#: 1703 CORTESE VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1082 The agency release date for Cortese List-Hazardous Waste Substance Site List was November, 1992. This database is provided by the Office of Environmental Protection, Office of Hazardous Materials. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. The agency release date for Deed Restriction Properties Report was April, 1994. This database is provided by the Department of Health Services-Land Use and Air Assessment. These are voluntary deed restriction agreements with owners of property who propose building residences, schools, hospitals, or day care centers on property that is "on or within 2,000 feet of a significant disposal of hazardous waste". Toxic Pits VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 1946 The agency release date for Summary of Toxic Pits Cleanup Facilities was September, 1994. This database is provided by the Water Quality Control Board, Division of Loans Grants. C) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 3/4 MILE RCRA-Viols SRC#: 1832 UST's SRC#: 1612 AST's SRC#: 1826 TRIS SRC#: 1954 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. The agency release date for RCRIS was June, 1994. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. The agency release date for Underground Storage Tank Registrations Database was January, 1994. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board, Office of Underground Storage Tanks. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. The agency release date for Aboveground Storage Tank Database was June, 1994. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. The agency release date for TRIS was August, 1994. Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (also known as SARA Title III) of 1986 requires the EPA to establish an inventory of Toxic Chemicals emissions from certain facilities( Toxic Release Inventory System). Facilities subject to this reporting are required to complete a Toxic Chemical Release Form(Form R) for specified chemicals. VISTA For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 5/$ MILE ERNS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .625 mile of your property. SRC#: 1951 The agency release date for ERNS was June, 1994. The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a national database used to collect information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The database contains information from spill reports made to federal authorities including the EPA, the US Coast Guard, the National Response Center and the Department of transportation. A search of the database records for the period October 1986 through September 1993 revealed the following information regarding reported spills of oil or hazardous substances in the stated area. RCRA-LgGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .625 mile of your property. SRC#: 1832 The agency release date for RCRIS was June, 1994. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Large Generators are facilities which generate at least 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste ( or 1 kg./month of acutely hazardous waste). RCRA-SmGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .625 mile of your property. SRC#: 1832 The agency release date for RCRIS was June, 1994. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Small and Very Small generators are facilities which generate less than 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste. VISTA For more information call VISTA Environmental Information at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 067597-001 Date of Report: March 1,1995 Version 2.3 Page #38 Foul fete »0 •«*<»»i, Cellf. "1 J in-1' •PACK Aeovt tnie UN* ten HWQftDfcir*. IM.K • let out above L.;j M Ml Vllne af M inunrtg th «m 0*7 *« Corporation Grant Deed Affix I.R5. $.,,».,.^<l.,.___,. rviiNi«Mt» rr i«cumty TITLI ( FOR A VALUABLE COMSIDEKATION, mxipl o< nhirh i. berth* CROCKING OlOS INC., VINC2 DIXON POMD INC.. RORJCH (UICK INC., WESItOH CftiVMLCT CO.i DON SHAKR VOLKSWAGEN: JIM FlNNEY WNTIAC INC. GHANTfS) <<• PAUL ECKE AND MA6DALSMA EC«, and Wtf* thf following docribrd ml proj*ny in |fe* IW roonJr of San DfegO That portion or* lot "6" of the Kancho Aeva Hedlontfa, In the County of San Dieeo. of California, at shown on the partition Hap thareof No. 823, filed In the office of the Cocnty Recorder of ield County, Nov*n*er I*, I896 and «• wore tpeelfleetly described In Exhibit "A" attached hereto eonprltlna, one peea.; AMD That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the NorthMit Ojierter of Section IS, To*n*h!p 13 South. lUnoe k West. San Bernardino Nerfdlan In the County of $<m 01090, State of Catlfornla. according to Official Plat thereof and at More specifically In Exhibit "9" attached hereto comprising one page. , Dated January U, 1972 &»**• BY^f^f^, Sf U>. Cif CAfH'OHM*. u 'hi lit m» u IIP ih* . , .... . J'ff-Mml, .(!•(,.. . ..... ,. ........ tmitm I* (W l» llf . kn«»n t» HIP u W (h* prnnh (Tf|«l M rriirtrd* ri !*««ry Tillr l)f«l*r IV* . MAIi. TAX ftTATBMtHTt A* DI ,;•;*:•' ' *i&£>> -. IT* "':$&1 ftitf.3 'Ivf.-l * &.'' ';^:,1'«VJF&'f -r 4 f /••{ , "4j •t "fk'M r-"r ;';*•' Hi' ••••:'•> .-!'!'• :' -i ' 1 + ! • , ' | ' 'I i i *' THE UNO REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED »N THE STATE Of i CALIFORNIA* COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO* AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS!i i! i . . i THAT PORTION OF LOT »o* op THE RANCHO AGuAinsoiowoA* in THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEM* STATE OF CALIFORNIA* AS SHOWN ON THE PARTITION i MAP THEREOF NO* «23. FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THEJ COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIDJCOUNTY* NOVEMBER 14. lit** DESCRIBES. AS FOLLOW I - ; .. . , ; BEGINNING AT CORNER NO* 12 OF SAID LOT «G« OF THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIOMDA* ACCORDING TO SAID PARTITION MAP THEREOF NO. 629 *ND SHOWN ON RECORD OP SURVEY MAP NO* 571S* FILED'INJTHE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTYI!THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT •«•» NORTH T0*56»06* EAST -RECORD NORTH Tl<2»* EAST* 40*.90 FEETl THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF A 66 FOOT EASEMENT RESERVED FOR ROADWAY AND UTILITY PURPOSES AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO* 5719* SOUTH 1*20«*»» WEST IOJ3.0* FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1000 FOOT R'DIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY! THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE* 430*81 FEET THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 2*>*4l*03*! THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE* SOUTH 23*2D*28B EAST 103*62 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY* ,THENCESOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE* m.»* FEET THROUGH AN ANGLE OF lf*2fl'38« THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVS* SOUTH 3«£1«»0< EAfcT 339*70 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 1>34» FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OF MID.&AN DIEGO COUNTY) , THENCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY* SOUTH 70*12*37" WEST -SOUTH 70*45*93" WEST PER ROAD SURVEY MO* 1934- «3l*92 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID DESCRIPTION NO, I* AS : SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO* 571*1 THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID DESCRIPTION NO, 2» NORTH 0*11Ut" WEST; ' 2389*97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING* MHIBIT j II •i.-ii '-i ' ''i •r.1 i ?. THE; LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT is SITUATED IN THE STATE! or 'liHi •M-\k CALIFORNIA• COUNTY OP SAN DIEGQi AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSi THAT PORT I OK OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER 99 THE NORTHWEST OUARTER •'."' •;'.Of SECTION 15» TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH* RANGE *» WESTi SAN BERNARDINOMERIDIA* IN THE COUNTY OP SAN DIEGO* STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ACCORDING .TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS* BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTEROF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 151 THENCE ALONG THE . i ;MOST NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST OUARTCR SOUTH B9»15'U" ; .EAST 369.73 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED!IN DEED TO SAN Dl ECU I TO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH RECORDED APRIL '• •.:22, 1970. AS DOCUMENT NO* 6900* OF OFFICIAL RECORDS* BEING : ;THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINGI THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHLINE SOVM 89'15'13« EAST* 5U.*7 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY : : .LINE OF SAN MARCOS ROAD AS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN 011!GOBY DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 20* 1948 AS FILE NOi 203577 OF OFFICIALRECORDS! THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY, LINE SOUTH 93nl'2!>* ,EAST »|,99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVENORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF Itl.OO FfiETl TH6NC6 SOUTHEASTERLYALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF S»*Q»II« AN: ARCDISTANCE OF 6*«29 FEETl THENCE LEAVING SAID SAN MARCOS ROAD ! !. . SOUTH Q*-44'47* WEST 222.12 FEETl THENCE NORTH S»«lS«l3»' WEST 4Ut0* FEET TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID SAN OIEGUlTO UNITED METHOD I r.T CHURCH LANOt THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID LAND NORTH B'04'29" WEST 40.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 295*00 FEETl,, THENCC NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL*ANfilufi OF 70*5^'56* AN ARC DISTANCE OF 315t*2 TO A POINT THAT BCAR.S : SOUTH 1«59'1*» WEST F'JOM THE TRUE POINT OF BCGrNNINGf THENCt ! : : NORTH l«59fU* EAST 34.02 FEET TO THE TRUCI POINT OF BEGINNING*I ii I EXHIBIT "B" I p. • •;;.!Mii.•**•#I- •• ':'.- ;• :!••••! i.' J.! V..'.'K ^•'^j1/ •"^Sili ••^.•3^•.;« ii'ic a«{p:^ '••>-*' !M1