HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 94-11; Mar Vista; Tentative Map (CT) (12)McREYNOLDS PROPERTY Noise Technical Report December 1994 RECEIVED JAN 1 3 1995 LADWIG DESIGN GR / I I I I NOISE TECHNICAL REPORT I FOR THE McREYNOLDS PROPERTY MAR VISTA I I I I I Prepared for • MRS. CHRISTA MCREYNOLDS 2316 CALLE CfflQUTTA • LAJOLLA.CA 92037 I I I I REC&N I I _ RECON NUMBER2618N • DECEMBER 15, 1994 Prepared by Regional Environmental Consultants 7460 Minion Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 542-1611 This document printed on recycled paper. I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Findings Analysis Methodology 5 I A. Applicable Standards and Definitions of Terms 5 B. Traffic Noise Analysis 5 I C. Aircraft Noise 6 • Future Acoustical Environment 1 1 Mitigation 14 References Cited 16 I FIGURES I 1: Regional location of the project 2 2: Project vicinity 3 1 3: Noise receptor and cross section locations 7 4: Cross sections 8 5: McClellan-Palomar Airport contour map 9 6: Noise contour map 12 • 7: Noise wall location 15 • TABLE 1: Noise Levels 13 • ATTACHMENT I I : Results of the STAMINA analyses 2: Notice concerning aircraft environmental impacts I I I I I Summary of Findings i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i The McReynolds property lies south of Palomar Airport Road, within Zone 20 of the city of Carlsbad (Figures 1 and 2). It is about 2,000 feet west of future Alga Road and 2,000 feet east of Interstate 5. The property was included in the Specific Plan prepared for Zone 20. The property is approximately 34.3 acres and consists of the northern extent of a finger of land overlooking Encinas Canyon to the north. The northern extent of the project area is within the 60 A-weighted decibel community noise equivalent level (dBA CNEL) contour for the McClellan-Palomar Airport. With the adoption of the environmental impact report (EIR) for the Specific Plan for Zone 20, conditions were established for assessing noise impacts. Planning Commission Resolution Number 3525 presented four conditions to address potential adverse noise effects on projects within Zone 20. These conditions were superseded by the development of the City of Carlsbad Draft Noise Guidelines Manual, and revisions outlined for the Noise Element of the General Plan.. The Noise Element required that a noise study be submitted for all discretionary applications for residential projects potentially within the 60 dBA contour of a prime arterial or within the 55 dBA contour for a non-prime arterial circulation element road. For the current project, this requirement necessitates a noise study for potential effects from Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte. The former is a prime arterial and the latter a secondary arterial circulation element roadway. Potential sources of noise analyzed in this report include traffic on Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte, and aircraft operating out of McClellan-Palomar Airport. The analysis applied the criteria proposed in the draft Noise Element of the General Plan and the supporting procedures and information in the City of Carlsbad Draft Noise Guidelines Manual (1993). As a result of the analysis, a limited area at the northern end of the project could be exposed to noise levels in excess of 60 dBA CNEL as a result of traffic on Palomar Airport Road. Noise levels from air traffic at Palomar Airport could result in noise levels on the site of between 60 and 65 dBA CNEL. There are no areas on the project site which are projected to be in excess of 65 dBA CNEL. Construction of a noise barrier can reduce exterior noise levels to below the standards set by the City of Carlsbad. Typical construction practices, with the provision of forced air circulation or air conditioning, will insure that interior levels are within the noise limits required by the City. The area is within the Noise Impact Notification Area (NINA) established in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the McClellan-Palomar Airport. As AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON PROJECT LOCATION SOLANA BEACH 4 2 MILES 0 FIGURE 1 Regional Location of the Project I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT LOCATION . ! \\W:. '-Y ••, W« \ I*\\ \m^\ \$& -\ k :• \\ AW-A Vi1jk \ \? •>'•. ; v ^\''4^' \.o - »! %^. \ • 'f • Map Source: U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute topographic maps, Encinitas and San Luis Rey quadrangles ':\- v\^ .-yV -!.J''- '^ ^' -''—L"•"':i'-% X>VA -' A i • k. \ '-M - V \ « / ^T^ "''"•% ^"\ < \l^-V.rv.\V.\" W\ -.% :;;^ \. \ / , •/ : v-: v LJL\ «*\ ./••'/ •:> •' •••••••••.•iiiiimi .... inn RsnSo3E 4000 2000 FEET FIGURE 2 Project Vicinity I • such, all new residents will need to receive notice that the property is subject to overflights. With these steps, there will be no significant adverse noise impact as a result of approval _ of this project. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Analysis Methodology i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i A. Applicable Standards and Definitions of Terms Impacts to future and existing sensitive receptors (residences) within the project site were evaluated in relation to the noise level standards promulgated in the City of Carlsbad's Noise Element for the General Plan and the Draft Noise Guidelines Manual. The standards applied for this project are presented in paragraph C.5. of the proposed general plan element. This policy states: Enforce the policy of the City that sixty (60) dBA CNEL is the exterior noise level to which all residential units should be mitigated. Interior noise levels should be mitigated to 45 dBA CNEL when openings to the exterior of the residence are open or closed. The CNEL is a 24-hour cumulative measure of community noise exposure based on the A- weighted decibel. A-weighting is a frequency correction that correlates noise levels with the frequency response of the human hearing system. The CNEL adds 10 decibels (dBA) to the average noise levels (L^) between the nighttime hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. and 5 dBA to the evening hours between 7:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. to account for the added sensitivity to noise during these time periods. B. Traffic Noise Analysis Traffic noise generated by circulation element roadways on-site were analyzed using the STAMINA 2.0 model from Vanderbilt University (1991). This model is a computerized version of the Federal Highway Administration Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77- 108) (1979), which uses California vehicle noise emission (Calveno) levels (California Department of Transportation [Caltrans] 1983). This model calculates noise levels at selected receiver locations using input parameter estimates such as projected hourly average traffic rates; vehicle mix, distribution, and speed; roadway lengths and gradients; distances between sources, barriers, and receivers; and shielding provided by intervening terrain, barriers, and structures. Future average daily traffic volumes (ADTs) for the circulation element roadways (Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte) were obtained from the City (Wickham, personal communication, 1994) and were based on information from the San Diego Association of Governments. Traffic volumes for Palomar Airport Road east of Paseo del Norte are projected to be 41,500 ADTs in the year 2010. On Paseo del Norte, south of Palomar Airport Road, volumes are predicted to be 10,500 ADT. The speeds used were was 55 and 35 miles per hour (mph), respectively. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic mixes for the roadways surrounding the project were obtained from the Draft Noise Guidelines Manual (1993). The traffic mixes were the average mixes for truck routes and nontruck routes recorded in the city. Palomar Airport Road was identified as a truck route, with an average 95.24 percent cars, 3.52 percent medium trucks, and 1.24 percent heavy trucks. Paseo del None was a non-truck route with an average 97.89 percent cars, 1.83 percent medium trucks, and 0.28 percent heavy trucks. Day/evening/night percentages used were 85 percent, 2 percent, and 13 percent, respectively. Using these figures, the CNEL is approximately 1.2 decibels higher than the daytime hourly L^. Pad elevations and on-site circulation element roadway alignments and elevations were obtained from the 1"=100' scale tentative map supplied by the project engineer, and a 1"=400' scale orthrophoto with topography for the general areas. Receivers, roadways, and barriers were input into the STAMINA program using three-dimensional coordinates. State plane coordinate system and elevations were used as the coordinate base for the analysis. Exterior traffic noise levels to receptors, placed five feet above ground, were calculated and the need for mitigation measures to achieve City standards was evaluated. Figure 3 shows the location of the receptors analyzed along with the topography and lot configuration for the project Figure 4 provides typical cross sections for the topographic conditions between the project site and Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte. C. Aircraft Noise Operations at McClellan-Palomar Airport number about 19,000 per month (M. Frank, personal communication, 1992). An operation consists of a takeoff and a landing. The airport operates 24 hours per day, with about 10 percent of the operations occurring at night. Weekends are the busiest days. The majority of the aircraft using the airport are small, private multi-engine propeller planes. There are also some light jets and corporate planes. The San Diego Association of Governments has prepared a map of projected noise contours for the airport (Figure 5). This figure is reproduced in the Draft Noise Guidelines Manual and is used as the basis for assessing the potential impact form aircraft overflights in the vicinity of the project This map shows the 60-decibel contour crossing of the property. The 65 dBA contour lies off the property to the north. The project is within the NINA for McClellan-Palomar Airport. The NINA is an area three miles in radius around the airport and the BORILS corridors to the east and west. I I I I I I I I I I i i i i i i i i i \. o«o ) } >' "•»-•,<. '' '/ ' *^^^, \-\v£t /^-^, "xh CITY OB£ARLSBAI>^~' 'C m i nun i*>i m*l**-*~*i-. •. »p'1_ _. ^>-v.. __-_A --'-"• rC!tY"5rC"ARLSfe ?^^s Ss^l ^ -/50 Noise receptor location 225 FEET 0 FIGURE 3 Noise Receptor and Cross Section Locations Palomar Airport Road Palomar Airport Road Paseo DelNorte Lot 28 Lot 38 Lot 13 Horizontal Scale: 1"=200' Vertical Scale: 1"=50* FIGURE 4 I Cross Sections ir"T i re r •<i,n;*°'> u-y , '.^FLIGHT ACTIVITY.•>..• FLIGHT ACTIVITY iiitiiiliijiiiiiiiiiiiiil"' ^AIRPORT INFLUENCE AREA PROJECT LOCATION Source: SANDAG 1986 3000 F££T 0 FIGURE 5 McClellan-Palomar Airport Contour Map mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmFECm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport Carlsbad California states: / To ensure that new residential discretionary projects are conditioned to notify new property owners of their proximity to the airport, and that their property may be subject to aircraft overflight operating from McClellan- Palomar Airport, the NINA has been established. All new residential projects located within the NINA ... shall be required to record a notice concerning aircraft environmental impacts, clarifying that the property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from McClellan-Palomar (SANDAG 1994:13). The comprehensive plan provides a sample form for this notification, a copy of which is attached to this report (Attachment 2). 10 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Future Acoustical Environment Traffic Noise Figure 6 shows the future unattenuated traffic noise contours on the project. Detailed results of the STAMINA analyses are provided in Attachment 1. Table 1 presents the daytime hourly L^ and the CNEL for each receptor. Receptors are labeled consecutively within lots (e.g., Receptor 291 is the first receptor in Lot 29). The traffic volumes on Palomar Airport Road would generate noise of 61 dBA CNEL on the northern area of the project in the year 2010. Combined noise resulting from traffic on both Paseo del Norte and Palomar Airport Road cause the predicted 55 dBA contour to occur in the central portion of the property. Since the Palomar Airport Road will cause predicted noise levels in excess of 60 dBA CNEL there is a potential for a significant adverse noise impact. Since Paseo del Norte will not cause predicted noise levels in excess of 60 dBA CNEL, no significant adverse traffic noise impacts will result from approval of this project. Future-projected noise contours of McClellan-Palomar Airport show that the 65 CNEL contour line would not reach the project site. As such it will not exceed the standard set in the Noise Element of the General Plan. 11 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I CITY-OF CARLSBAD- ' 225 FIGURE 6 Noise Contour Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i i TABLE 1 NOISE LEVELS RECEPTOR 381* 382 371 372 361 351 341 291 292 281 271 261 251 231 201 161 131 111 Southern Open Space 1 Southern Open Space 2 Southern Open Space 3 Northern Open Space 1 Northern Open Space 2 Northern Open Space 3 LEQ(l) 60.0 54.9 59.6 55.0 55.2 56.3 56.0 59.8 56.1 59.4 59.4 56.5 55.1 . 54.5 53.7 54.5 53.2 53.0 55.0 54.4 53.6 62.3 59.1 59.2 CNEL 61 56 61 56 56 57 57 57 61 61 61 58 56 56 55 56 54 54 56 56 55 63 60 60 *The left most two digits are the lot number; the third digit is a consecutive number within lot. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mitigation Because a limited area of the project site will be exposed to noise levels in excess of 60 dBA CNEL, a noise barrier is required to meet the City of Carlsbad criteria. The construction of a four-foot-high wall or berm in the location is illustrated on Figure 7. With the inclusion of this barrier, ground floor noise levels due to traffic on Palomar Airport Road will be below 60 dBA CNEL. The noise standards for the City of Carlsbad also call for interior levels due to exterior sources to be below 45 dBA CNEL. Common construction techniques allow for a 15- to 20-decibel reduction when windows are kept closed. With the provision of forced air circulation or air conditioning in the units exterior noise levels as high as 65 dBA CNEL would be in conformance with the 45 dBA CNEL standard. In addition, notification of future property owners in conformance to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the airport on a form similar to that attached to this report will insure that no adverse impacts occur as a result of air traffic associated with the McClellan- Palomar Airport. 14 200 700 FEET 0 FIGURE 7 Locations of Proposed Noise Walls I I References Cited | California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 1983 California Vehicle Noise Emission Levels. Report No. FHWA/CA/T1-84/13. • August. Frank, M. • 1992 Personal communication with Jill Gurak, RECON, May 7. Manager, McClellan-Palomar Airport. P Federal Highway Administration 1979 FHWA ffighway Administration Noise Prediction Model, Report No. FHWA- I RD-77-108, with California Vehicle Noise Emissions Levels. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C. • San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) 1994 Comprehensive Land Use Plan McClellan-Palomar Airport Carlsbad £ California. April. Vanderbilt University 1 1991 STAMINA 2.0/OPTIMA Noise Prediction Program. Version 1.2. Prepared by Bowlby and Associates. • Wickham, Clyde 1994 Personal communication with Charles S. Bull, RECON. City of Carlsbad. I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ************************* STAM2VU1 Version 1.20************************* STAMINA 2.0/BCR MODIFIED FROM FHWA VERSION 3 (MARCH 1983) TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL MODIFIED TO: 1. ALLOW EQUIVALENT SPEEDS BELOW 30 MPH PER NCHRP 311; 2. CORRECT MEDIUM TRUCK BARRIER CALCULATION ERROR BY USING VEH4, VEH5 AND VEH6 FOR CARS, MT AND HT; AND 3. PLACE REFERENCE ENGERGY MEAN EMISSION LEVELS IN A DATA FILE CALLED REMEL.DTA TO ALLOW USER TO USE LEVELS OTHER THAN THE FHWA NATIONAL AVERAGES.************************* I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCREYNOLDS PROPERTY EMISSION LEVELS: Calveno Levels (trucks>30mph) PROGRAM INITIALIZATION PARAMETERS HEIGHT CODE DESCRIPTION .00 1 RECEIVER HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 1.00 2 A-WEIGHTED SOUND LEVEL ONLY .00 3 HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FOR PASSENGER CARS (CARS) .00 4 HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FOR HEAVY TRUCKS (HT) .00 5 HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FOR MEDIUM TRUCKS (MT) .000 6 HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FOR TYPE4 VEHICLES (VEH4) CARS—CALVENO CO = 5.20 Cl = 38.80 SO = .00 2.300 7 HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FOR TYPES VEHICLES (VEH5) MT—CALVENO CO - 35.30 Cl - 25.60 SO - .00 8.000 8 HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FOR TYPES VEHICLES (VEH6) HT—CALVENO CO - 50.40 Cl - 19.20 SO «= .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROADWAY Paaao Dal Norta 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROADWAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 VEHICLE TYPE CARS HT MT VEH4 VEH5 VEH6 X 5530.0 6350.0 6600.0 6800.0 7260.0 7260.0 VEHICLES/HOUR 0. 0. 0. 579. 11. 2. Y 87630.0 87600.0 87560.0 87370.0 86520.0 86450.0 SPEED 30.0 30.0 30.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Z 75.0 135.0 150.0 161.0 163.0 165.0 GRADE 0 0 0 0 0 0 Palomar Airport Road VEHICLE TYPE CARS HT MT VEH4 VEH5 VEH6 X 5150.0 6400.0 6520.0 6900.0 8550.0 9200.0 VEHICLES/HOUR 0. 0. 0. 2292. 85. 30. Y 89700.0 89650.0 89650.0 89700.0 90240.0 90410.0 SPEED 30.0 30.0 30.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 Z 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 GRADE 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BARRIER BARRIER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BARRIER BARRIER TYPE(A)Berm by Palomar Airport Road ^yi X 5400.0 6000.0 2 TYPE (A) _____ — — f*f\t X 7590.0 7440.0 7340.0 7310.0 7330.0 7270.0 7230.0 7150.0 7150.0 7240.0 JKUinAL&a- Y 89640.0 89630.0 Edge "ionTMirri?cJKUXNAi&o Y 87620.0 87710.0 87850.0 87980.0 88170.0 88280.0 88370.0 88640.0 88700.0 88700.0 3 TYPE (A) Edge f^ rt rt D n T XT fi T 1? O X Y 7250.0 7180.0 7260.0 7320.0 88720.0 88770.0 88840.0 88840.0 4 TYPE (A) Edge ^rtrtT5^T1iTT\ ft* *? X Y 7380.0 7390.0 7460.0 7550.0 7530.0 88790.0 88850.0 88920.0 88920.0 88830.0 Z 110.0 110.0 of lower lots Z 156.0 156.0 154.0 153.0 152.0 147.0 146.0 143.0 142.0 142.0 of upper lots Z 142.0 142.0 142.0 142.0 ZO 110.0 110.0 ZO 156.0 156.0 154.0 153.0 152.0 147.0 146.0 143.0 142.0 142.0 west ZO 142.0 142.0 142.0 142.0 upper lots east Z 166.0 166.0 166.0 166.0 166.0 ZO 166.0 166.0 166.0 166.0 166.0 DELZ .0 DELZ .0 DELZ .0 DELZ .0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Receivers 381 382 371 372 361 351 341 292 291 281 271 261 251 231 201 161 131 111 SOSI SOS2 SOS3 NOSI NOS2 NOS3 \^\j{jt X 7500.0 7500.0 7420.0 7420.0 7420.0 7420.0 7430.0 7290.0 7290.0 7210.0 7110.0 7170.0 7180.0 7220.0 7280.0 7340.0 7380.0 7450.0 6950.0 7050.0 7180.0 7000.0 6660.0 6820.0 ALPHA FACTORS - RECEIVER 1 * 2 * .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SHIELDING 1 * 2 * .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 FACTORS - .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ACROSS, .0 .0 .0 .0 RECEIVER .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 (U.LNAr£S Y Z 88920.0 171.0 88860.0 171.0 88870.0 171.0 88810.0 171.0 88740.0 171.0 88670.0 170.0 88590.0 169.0 88790.0 147.0 88840.0 147.0 88790.0 147.0 88750.0 135.0 88670.0 147.0 88580.0 148.0 88480.0 150.0 88310.0 152.0 88070.0 158.0 87860.0 159.0 87730.0 161.0 87830.0 91.0 87830.0 90.0 87830.0 120.0 89100.0 67.0 88690.0 65.0 88690.0 71.0 ROADWAY .0 .0 .0 .0 ACROSS, .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 DOWN .0 .0 .0 .0 ROADWAY DOWN .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 381 60.0 61.5 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 112345 33.1 33.8 34.3 37.6 22.4 2 12345 50.4 45.1 51.6 58.1 48.6 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 382 54.9 56.3 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 37.4 34.1 34.6 37.9 22.7 2 12345 46.4 39.9 46.0 52.5 43.5 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 371 59.6 61.2 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 35.9 31.8 33.5 38.2 23.2 2 12345 50.6 45.4 51.7 57.6 43.5 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 372 55.0 56.4 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 37.9 34.6 35.1 38.5 23.6 2 12345 48.0 40.8 46.4 52.0 42.7 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 361 55.2 56.8 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 38.2 34.9 35.5 38.9 24.1 2 12345 50.1 44.7 48.3 49.8 41.7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 351 56.3 57.9 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 38.4 35.3 35.8 39.2 24.3 2 12345 49.8 44.4 50.4 50.4 47.4 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 341 56.0 57.5 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 38.6 35.6 36.3 39.6 24.4 2 12345 49.5 44.0 47.1 51.9 47.2 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 292 56.1 57.5 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 33.6 30.8 31.3 34.8 20.3 2 12345 47.8 41.2 47.1 53.4 47.5 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 291 59.8 61.3 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 33.7 30.5 31.0 34.6 20.1 2 12345 51.1 46.0 52.2 57.4 47.6 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 281 59.4 61.0 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 38.8 33.2 32.5 35.8 20.6 2 12345 51.2 46.1 52.2 57.0 43.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 271 59.4 60.9 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 39.4 36.0 36.3 39.3 25.3 2 12345 51.5 46.4 52.2 56.6 46.8 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 261 56.5 58.2 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 39.5 36.3 36.7 38.2 22.0 2 12345 50.9 43.0 49.6 52.4 42.1 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 251 55.1 56.7 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 39.8 36.8 37.2 40.2 25.0 2 12345 50.4 41.6 45.7 51.2 32.8 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 231 54.5 56.1 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 40.0 37.3 37.8 40.8 24.7 2 12345 49.8 39.5 44.3 49.7 43.2 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 201 53.7 55.2 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 40.3 37.9 38.8 41.8 27.4 2 12345 46.2 38.1 42.4 49.5 45.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 161 54.5 56.0 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 40.6 38.8 40.2 42.8 25.2 2 12345 47.8 41.8 45.4 49.5 45.3 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 131 53.2 54.8 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 40.8 39.3 41.2 45.0 29.1 2 12345 43.2 35.7 40.3 48.9 44.7 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 111 53.0 54.6 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 40.4 38.9 41.1 45.6 31.0 212345 42.3 34.7 38.2 48.7 44.4 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 5051 55.0 57.1 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 44.4 44.4 46.2 46.8 30.1 2 12345 47.7 41.4 46.5 47.6 25.6 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 5052 54.4 56.4 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 43.4 43.0 45.0 46.6 30.2 2 12345 47.5 41.2 46.4 46.4 24-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 SOS3 53.6 55.5 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 42.3 41.5 43.6 46.2 30.3 2 12345 47.2 41.0 46.2 44.3 27.4 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 NOS1 62.3 64.0 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 38.2 34.2 34.3 37.5 23.8 2 12345 53.8 49.8 56.3 59.3 47.3 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 NOS2 59.1 60.7 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 41.5 37.5 37.2 39.5 25.2 2 12345 52.9 47.5 52.4 55.1 45.2 RECEIVER LEQ(H) L10 NOS3 50.2 60.7 ROADWAY SEGMENT SOUND LEVEL CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING 1.0 DBA ROADWAY SEGMENT 1 12345 40.9 37.2 37.1 39.7 25.4 2 12345 52.3 47.1 52.4 55.6 45.7 ATTACHMENT 2 I I I I I I I — - NOTICE CONCERNING AIRCRAFT | ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Sample Only I This Declaration and Notice Concerning Aircraft Environmental Impacts is made I by , hereinafter referred to as the "Owner," as developer of certain real property situated in the City of , County of San Diego, State of California. • RECITALS A. The Owner is the developer and holer of the title to certain real property in the City of • , County of San Diego, California, more fully described as: B. The property is located approximately miles from the McClellan-Palomar I Airport, City of , San Diego County (the "Airport"), operated by the County of San Diego, through which are conducted certain aircraft operations on and about said Airport and over real property in the vicinity of the Airport. • C. Owner has no control over the operations of the Airport, including the types of aircraft, flight, the flight patterns of the aircraft, nor the frequency of the flights. D. It is the desire of Owner to give notice to any potential purchaser of the real property of the air flight operation and the fact that purchasers may be subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from the Airport.I _ E. The purpose of this notice is to disclose to the fullest extent possible present and future J potential impacts of noise generated by all manner of aircraft including public, military and private aircraft which will generate noise and other environmental impacts. I I I map \\.iirivi- ) approved the requirement of the City of NOW, THEREFORE, in light of the above Recitals, as developer and owner of the _ property, does, for itself, and its successors and assigns, give the following notice: 1. Owner has and shall develop the property in accordance with Subdivision Tract Parcel Map (CT/PM- ) approved by the City of , which approval includes , that the development of the property is consistent with the Land Use Element and Noise Element of the General Plan of the City I °f 2. That Owner has no responsibility or control over the operation of the Airport, including • without limitation, the types or number of flight operations, types of aircraft (including jet aircraft), timing of flight operation, or frequency of flights. 1 3. That the flight operations to and from the Airport may create significant aircraft environmental impacts affecting the purchasers, tenants and occupants of the property and that purchasers, tenants and occupants of the property reside there subject to such • overflight, sight and sound. 4. The property shall be held, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, rented, used, • occupied and improved subject to this Declaration and Notice. This Notice shall run with the property and shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the property. • 5. The purpose of this Notice is to disclose to the fullest extent possible present and future potential impacts of noise generated by all manner of aircraft including public and private I aircraft which will generate noise and other environmental impacts. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Declaration of Notice of aircraft, overflight, sight, and sound is made this day of , 19 . I • STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ) ss. On , 19 , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, • personally appeared and personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrument as President and Secretary, on behalf of , the corporation herein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. I By: • By: I