HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 95-03; Emerald Ridge West; Tentative Map (CT)NCT RE: Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Emerald Ridge West Project - SCH #95101062 Dear Mr. Gibson: Commission staff has reviewed the above cited document and would like to provide the following comments. To begin with, it is our understanding that the project involves a 61- lot residential subdivision along with open space and 10 second dwelling units. The project also proposes a number of on- and off-site road and utility improvements including two alternative sewer alignments. Relative to procedures, the project site is located within the Coastal Zone and is therefore subject to coastal development permit review. The project site is located within the area governed by the City of Carlsbad certified Mello n LCP segment. As such, the standard of review for the coastal development permit is the Commission-certified Mello n LCP segment. Pertaining to potential concerns raised by the above cited draft document, the document details two sewer/storm drain alternative alignments (A & B). Based on the information provided, Alternative B would have significant impacts on environmentally sensitive habitat areas, while Alternative A does not have any direct native or sensitive habitat impacts. As such, Alternative A is clearly the least environmentally-damaging alternative. However, the draft document does not specify which alignment is being proposed. As you are aware, in March of this year, the Coastal Commission approved a permit for a residential subdivision south of the subject site (ref. CDP #6-94-131/Toyohara). The Commission's approval also included the extension/improvement of Hidden Valley Road north from the project to Palomar Airport Road. In its approval, the Commission found that while the road alignment would impact dual criteria slopes, such impacts could be accepted because the road alignment would also provide necessary sewer, water and access to other developable areas. In subsequent permit actions for other development in this area, the Commission made additional findings that, because of potential impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, any proposed sewer lines to serve development in STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCT PETE WILSON, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO COAST AREA 3111 CAMINO DEL RIO NORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 November 30, 1995 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Attn: Jeff Gibson Jeff Gibson November 30, 1995 Page 2 this area should be within Hidden Valley Road. Due to topographic constraints that would require the use of a pump facility, which can be costly to construct and maintain, neither alternative is proposed within Hidden Valley Road. However, because Alternative A does not involve any native habitat impacts, it should be the "preferred alternative". The draft document also states that approximately 129,205 cubic yards of grading is necessary to accommodate building pads, lots, utilities, etc., and that the grading conforms to the City's Hillside Development Ordinance. However, the document does not indicate whether a slope analysis has been completed and if there is any grading of dual-criteria slopes. As such, this should be clarified. In addition, because portions of the site drain to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, any grading that occurs during the winter rainy season could lead to sedimentation impacts to such downstream resources. Therefore, the document should make it clear that grading of the site would be prohibited during the winter rainy season (October 1 to April 1), consistent with LCP requirements. Finally, on Page 15 of the draft document, the statement is made that "no sensitive plant species were identified onsite...". Although this statement is true, taken literally, it is somewhat misleading. While it is true there are no plant species onsite that have been listed by any state or federal agencies, the site does contain several environmentally sensitive habitat areas (Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub, Mixed Chaparral and Riparian) that do support several listed/protected wildlife species. Therefore, this should be clarified in the document. The above comments have been prepared by Commission staff based on the information available at this time. Additional issues may result from further public review and input. Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment on this draft document. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely Lee McEachern Coastal Planner (ERdgEnv.doc) STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO COAST AREA 3111 CAMINO DEL RIO NORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 June 7, 1995 Jeff Gibson City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Mar Vista Project Dear Jeff, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above. Staff has reviewed the subject document and has the following comments. General Comments According to the above document, the proposed project would be confined to an area currently in agricultural use, and no impacts to native vegetation on the slopes or the on-site riparian drainage would occur from the development itself. However, utility impacts from a sewer line in the northwest portion of the site would occur to on-site riparian resources; additionally, a proposed trail along Hidden Valley Road north to Palomar Airport Road would impact off-site riparian resources associated with Encinas Creek. The LCP provides that riparian resources located outside lagoon ecosystems shall be protected and preserved. No direct impacts may be allowed unless it is found that there is no feasible alternative, and the work will be performed in the least environmentally-damaging manner. Regarding the sewer line impacts, an alignment is proposed northerly to Palomar Airport Road through biologically sensitive lands associated with Canyon de las Encinas. Apparently, this alignment is parallel to and near a sewer alignment the Commission approved in CDP #6-94-131 (Toyohara), a 68 acre site adjacent to the project site to the southeast. In that action, the Commission approved a sewer alignment within Hidden Valley Road. The Commission found that part of the resource impacts associated with the construction of this road were justified under the LCP's provision that utilities could be accepted in sensitive areas, subject to the Commission finding the alignment represented the least environmentally-damaging alternative. Based on that finding and information provided by the City regarding the above alignment now being considered to sewer the Greystone project, Poinsettia Park, and other properties north to Palomar Airport Road, any other sewer alignment that is being considered in this area other than the approved Hidden Valley location cannot be the least environmentally-damaging alternative and would likely not be accepted by the Commission. Why can't sewerage for the project site be directed to the proposed sewer line in Hidden Valley Road? It must be shown that no less environmentally-damaging alternatives exist for project impacts to be considered. Jeff Gibson/Mar Vista Comments June 7, 1995 Page 2 Similarly, an alternatives analysis regarding riparian impacts associated with a proposed trail along Hidden Valley Road to Palomar Airport Road must be done to find the project consistent with the LCP. The trail is not a LCP public access requirement but a City requirement and it is not presently listed as a permissable use of riparian areas. Therefore, how would such resource impacts be acceptable under the Mello II LCP? Can the trail alignment be moved to a location where no impacts would occur? If the trail alignment cannot be moved to a location where no impacts would occur, isn't "no project" a feasible alternative for the trail? Notwithstanding sewerage and trail impacts, does the project incorporate a 50 foot buffer from riparian resources as required in Policy 3-8 of the certified Mello II Local Coastal Program (LCP)? Five sensitive wildlife species were observed on the site or within the sewer easement, including the California gnatcatcher. The document states .that to reduce the potential for indirect impacts to the gnatcatcher during sewer construction, the sewer line should be installed during the non-breeding season (August through December). Again, does the sewer line in this location represent the least environmentally-damaging alternative considering its indirect impacts on the gnatcatcher, its direct impacts on riparian resources and the fact that a sewer line has been approved in the nearby Hidden Valley Road that could possibly accommodate project sewage? Hhy can't sewerage be handled through the sewer line proposed in Hidden Valley Road? Specific Comments The document notes that the least Bell's vireo is not likely found in Encinas Creek, but directed searches for this species according to USFWS protocol would be required. Has a recent check for this avian species been done? The document notes that no coastal sage scrub would be directly impacted by sewer construction. What would the indirect impacts to coastal sage scrub be? The document identifies erosion control and water quality measures which would be used by the project to prevent sedimentation and water quality impacts to Encinas Creek. However, an additional protective measure should be required with this project to find it consistent with the LCP. Given its proximity to Encinas Creek, grading should be prohibited during the rainy season pursuant to Policy 3-4 of the Mello II LCP. The document states an oversized culvert under Hidden Valley Road at Encinas Creek is required to mitigate the effects of fragmentation of the open space and wildlife corridor caused by the roadway, and to enhance wildlife mobility in the area. It is our understanding that the culvert that was originally proposed within the creek channel has been deleted. The crossing of Encinas Creek is now proposed with a bridge structure (Murrieta crossing) that is more accommodating to wildlife movements according to wildlife experts, and has received the support of the California Department of Fish and Game in this regard. What is the status of this project component? Jeff Gibson/Mar Vista Comments June 7, 1995 Page 3 With regard to long-range planning issues, the project must also be found consistent with the City's draft Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The goal of the HMP is to preserve and protect contiguous stands of coastal sage scrub and other habitats that are important as habitat to a number of plants and animals. These habitats are protected within Preserve Planning Areas (PPA) of the HMP. Is the proposed residential project and all off-site improvements located outside of any PPA? What role does the site play relative to connectivity or habitat preservation for the HMP? The project will require review by DFG and USFWS to determine the project's conformance with the NCCP guidelines, prior to filing the coastal development permit application, and preferably prior to completion of the local environmental review. We believe the project site's importance as a wildlife corridor and role in providing connectivity between sensitive habitat areas located between Batiquitos Lagoon and Encinas Creek should be thoroughly analyzed in the environmental document to determine the project's consistency with both the HMP and the NCCP guidelines. I apologize for these late comments. We would like to coordinate with the City in determining the most appropriate action on the project site. In addition, as part of this coordination, we again mention that it would be advantageous for the City to submit the Zone 20 Specific Plan as a local coastal program amendment. This would allow the Commission the opportunity to review the access and utility requirements, as well as the associated resource impacts, for this large undeveloped area on a comprehensive basis, rather than on a project-by-project review. Once again, we would be willing to try and meet with City staff to conduct such a Zone 20 Specific Plan review informally to identify issues early and determine what would be the next appropriate step. If you have any questions, please contact me at the above number. Sincerely Bill Ponder Coastal Planner BP:bp(0232A) STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY ^^ ^^ PETE WILSON, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO COAST AREA 3in CAMINO DEL RIO NORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 APPLICATION FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SECTION I. APPLICANT 1. Name, mailing address, and telephone number of all applicants. MSP CALIFORNIA, LLC ; MSP CALIFORNIA. LLC MARCUS PALKOWITSH DAVID BENTLEY 650 CHERRY STREET, SUITE 435 3573 EAST SUNRISE DRIVE //221 DENVER, CO 80222 (303) 399-9804 TUCSON. AZ (520) 299-2179 (Area code/daytime phone number) Note: All applicants for the development must complete Appendix A, the declaration of campaign contributions. 2. Name, mailing address and telephone number of applicant's representatives, if any. Please include all representatives who will communicate on behalf of the applicant or the applicant's business partners, for compensation, with the Commission or the staff. (It is the applicant's responsibility to update this list, as appropriate, including after the application is accepted for filing. Failure to provide this information prior to communication with the Commission or staff may result in denial of the permit or criminal penalties.) ROBERT C. LADWIG LADWIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. 703 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 300 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (629) 438-3182 (Area code/daytime phone number) SECTION II. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Please answer all questions. Where questions do not apply to your project (for instance, project height for a land division), indicate Not Applicable or N.A.. 1. Project Location. Include street address; city, and/or county. If there is no street address, include other description such as nearest cross streets. SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE number . street city county Assessor's Parcel Number(s) (obtainable from tax bill or County Assessor): 212-040-32 & 36 FOR OFFICE USE ONL Y RECEIVED FILED FEE APPLICATION NUMBER DATE PAID 2. Describe the proposed development in detail. Include secondary improvements such as grading, septic tanks, water wells, roads, driveways, outbuildings, fences, etc. (Attach additional sheets as necessary.) Emerald Ridge West is a 62 lot standard single family R-l-7500 square-foot lots minimum subdivision with '61 residential- lots on 28. Q acres with one 8.3 acre open-space lot and a remainder parcel of 27.4 acres. As one optior to satisfy Carlsbad affordable housing requirements. 9 one bedroom second dwelling units are proposed to be mixed within the 61 market rate units. Also, 1 three bedroom affordable unit credit may be purchased offsite withir Carlsbad. The project proposes 47,000*cubic yards of grading. Sewage will flow offsite through Mar Vista (Coastal Application 6-96-46) to an existing trunk line near Palomar Airport Road. *NOTE: Grades on tentative map will be raised 3' to 5' and the dirt quantitj will be reduced from 129,205 cubic yards to about 47,000 cubic yards to eliminate export previously needed to grade Hidden Valley Road. 3. 4. 5. a. If multi-family residential, state: Number of units Existing units N/A Proposed new units N/A Net number of units on completion of project N/A Number of bedrooms perunft (both existing and proposed) N/A Type of ownership proposed O rental O condominium O stock cooperative O time share n other b. If land division or lot line adjustment, indicate: Number of lots Existing lots 1 Proposed new lots 62 Nei number of lots on completion of project 62 Size o.f fots to be created (indicate net or gross acreage) Existing 28.9 AC Proposed Open— space lot is 8.3 acres - R-l lots range from 7505 sq.ft. to 19,201 Estimated cost of development (not including cost of land) $N/A Project height: Maximum height of structure (ft.) • above existing (natural) grade N/A - Site Development Plan to follow. • above finished grade N/A - Site Development Plan to follow. • as measured from centeriine of frontage road N/A - site Development Plan to follow. Total number of floors in structure, including subterranean floors, lofts, and mezzanines N/A - site Development Plan to follow. 6. Gross floor area excluding parking (sq.ft.) N/A Gross floor area including covered parking and accessory buildings (sq.ft.)N/A 7. Lot area (within property lines) (sq.ft. or acre)See 2b above. Lot coverage Building Paved area Landscaped area Unimoroved area Existing {sq.ft. or acre) N/A N/A N/A N/A ' New proposed (sq.fL or acre} Grand Total (should equal fat area as shown in #7 above) Total (sq.ft or acre) 8. Is any grading proposed?.*See Note in Item 2 above.Yes O No //yes, complete fte following. a) Amount of cut b) Amount of ri c\ Amount of import or ' export (circle which) 47.000* cu. yds. 47.000* cu. yds. 0 cu. yds. ^ Maximum height of ' cut slope -\ Maximum heiaht of . ' fill slope « Location of borrow1 or disposal site 8* ft. 14*' ft. N/A Grading and drainage plans must be included with this application. In certain areas, an engineering geology report must also be included. See Section IV, paragraph 11 for the specifics of these requirements. Please list any geologic or other technical reports of which you are aware that apply to this property Geo-Soils, inc. 9/6/94 Report/ 7/6/95 Letter 9. Parking: Number of parking spaces (Indicate whether standard or compact} Existing spaces 0 Proposed new spaces 2 x 61 = 122 min. 1x9= 9 min. 13] 122 covered std. space 9 uncovered Net number of spaces on complelion of project 122 min. s Is any existing parking being removed? If yes, how many spaces? O Yes 0[ No size Is tandem parking existing and/or proposed?... If yes, how many tandem sets? 9_ Yes D No Size 8 x 20 (Allowed for 2nd dwelling units only. All may be in garages.) 10. Are utility extensions for the following needed to serve the project? (Please check yes or no) a) water b)gas c) sewer d) electric e) telephone g Yes fl Yes 23 Yes Q Yes JQJ Yes O No D No O No a No O No Will electric or telephone extensions be above-ground? O Yes xO No 11. Does project include removal of trees or other vegetation? O Yes x0 No If yes, indicate number, type and size of trees — or type and area of other vegetation — SECTION III. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The relationship of the development to the applicable items below must be explained fully. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1. Present use of property. a. Are there existing structures on the property? Q Yes No if yest describe b. Will any existing structures be demolished? ........................................ O Yes Will any existing structures be removed? ..................... . ...................... ' CJ Yes No No If yes to either question, site, if applicable. describe the type of development to be demolished or removed, including the relocation 2. Is the proposed development to be governed by any Development Agreement? O Yes No 3. 4. 6. 7. Has any application for development on this site including anysubdivision been submitted previously to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission or the Coastal Commission?D Yes No If yes, state previous application number(s) Is the development between the first public road and the sea (including lagoons, bays, and other bodies of water connected to the sea) .................... CJ Yes NO If yes, is public access to the shoreline and along the coast currently available on the site or near the site? .....................................................................a Yes O No . if yes» indicate tfie. location and nature of the access, including the- distance from the project site, if applicable. Does the development involve diking, filling, draining, dredging or placing structures in open coastal waters, wetlands, estuaries, or lakes? (Please check yes or no) a) diking O Yes XZJ No b) filling O Yes c) dredging a Yes No d) placement of structures • YeS (Off site sewer line nearby Encinas Creek per Coastal Permit 6-95-141) (Carlsbad Municipal Water District and Mar Vista . , . _, , J ,.„ , , , Coastal Permit 6-96-46)Amount of matenal to be dredged or filled (indicate which) ___ _ _ cu. yds. No Location of dredged material disposal site Has a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' permit been applied for?Yes gk No &K No Will the development extend onto or adjoin any beach, tideiands, submerged lands or public tmst lands? .off.s..ite .s.ew?r. d?.?.s...R9.t..cross, waters r-j Yes i of U.S. For projects on State-owned lands, additional information may be required as set forth in Section IV, paragraph 10. Will the development protect existing lower-cost visitor and recreational facilities? ?/£ O Yes O No Will the development provide public or private recreational opportunities? ££ Yes D No lfye$f explain* A- portion of Emerald of a City wide trail Ridge West along the system is shown within the boundaries west side of Hidden Valley Road. 8. Will the proposed development convert land currently or previously used for agriculture to another use? pc Yes O No If yes, how many acres will be converted? 17 Acres 9. Is the proposed development in or near: a. Sensitive habitat areas (Biological survey may be required) EK Yes O No b. Areas of state or federally listed rare, threatened, or endangered species... Sk Yes O No C. 100-year floodplain (Hydrologic mapping may be required) O Yes ]Q No d. Park or recreation area rjs Yes O No 10. Is the proposed development visible from: a. State Highway 1 or other scenic route O Yes £3 No b. Park, beach, or recreation area O Yes x3 No c. Harbor area O Yes £J No 11. Does the Site contain any: (If yes to any of the following, please explain on an attached sheet) a. Historic resources D Yes g No No mitigation required - Site are not ••''b. Archaeological'resources ...iffE°£t ant..under...CEQA.&..Cari.s.b.a.d.... -•• }Q- Yes :;- O "NoGuidelines. . . c. Paleontologicaf resources g Yes O No 12. Where a stream or spring is to be diverted, provide the following information: Estimated streamfiow or spring yield (gpm) N/A If well is to be used, existing yield (gpm) If water source is on adjacent property, attach Division of Water Rights approval and property owner's approval. SECTION IV. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS The following items must be submitted with this form as part of the application. 1. Proof of the applicant's legal interest in the property. A copy of any of the following will be acceptable: current tax bill, recorded deed, lease, easement, or current policy of title insurance. Preliminary title reports will not be accepted for this purpose. Documentation reflecting intent to purchase such as a signed Offer to Purchase along, with a receipt of deposit or signed final escrow document is also acceptable, but in such a case, issuance of the permit may be contingent on submission of evidence satisfactory to the Executive Director that the sale has been completed. The identity of all persons or entities which have an ownership interest in the property superior to that of the applicant must be provided. 2. Assessor's parcel map(s) showing the page number, (he applicant's property, and ail other properties within 100 feet (excluding roads) of the property lines of the project site. (Available from the County Assessor.) 3. Copies of required local approvals for the proposed project, including zoning variances, use permits, etc., as noted on Local Agency Review Form, Appendix B. Appendix B must be completed and signed by the local government in whose jurisdiction the project site is located. 4. Stamped envelopes addressed to each property owner and occupant of property situated within 100 feet of the property lines of the project site (excluding roads), along with a list containing the names, addresses and assessor's parcel numbers of same. The envelopes must be plain (i.e., no return address), and regular business size (9 V2" x 41/8"). Include first class postage on each one. Metered postage is not acceptable. Use Appendix C, attached, for the listing of names and addresses. (Alternate notice provisions may be employed at the discretion of the District Director under extraordinary circumstances.) 5. Stamped, addressed envelopes (no metered postage, please) and a list of names and addresses of all other parties known to the applicant to be interested in the proposed development (such as persons expressing interest at a local government hearing, etc.). 6. A vicinity or location map (copy of Thomas Bros, or other road map or USGS quad map) with the project site clearly marked. 7. Copy(s) of project plans, drawn to scale, including site plans, floor plans, elevations, grading and drainage plans, landscape plans, and septic system plans. Trees to be removed must be marked on the site plan. - in-addition, a reduced site plan, 8 1/2" x 11" in size* must be'submitted. Reduced copies of complete project plans will be required for large projects. NOTE See Instruction page for number of sets of plans required. 8. Where septic systems are proposed, evidence of County approval or Regional Water Quality Control Board approval. Where water wells are proposed, evidence of County review and approval. 9. A copy of any Draft or Rnal Negative Declaration, Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared for the project. If available, comments of all reviewing agencies and responses to comments must be included. 10. Verification of all other permits, permissions or approvals applied for or granted by public agencies (e.g., Department of Fish and Game, State Lands Commission, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard). For projects such as seawalls located on or near state tidelands or public trust lands, the Coastal Commission must have a written determination from the State Lands Commission whether the project would encroach onto such lands and, if so, whether the State Lands Commission has approved such encroachment. See memo to "Applicants (or shorefront development"'dated December 13,1993. 11. For development on a bluff face, bluff top, or in any area of high geologic risk, a comprehensive, site- specific geology and soils report (including maps) prepared in accordance with the Coastal Commission's Interpretive Guidelines. Copies of the guidelines are available from the District Office. SECTION V. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS Under certain circumstances, additional material may be required prior to issuance of a coastal development permit. For example, where offers of access or open space dedication are required, preliminary title reports, 7 land surveys, legal descriptions, subordination agreements, and other outside agreements will be required prior to issuance of the permit. In addition, the Commission may adopt or amend regulations affecting the issuance of coastal development permits. If you would like notice of such proposals during the pendency of this application, if such proposals are reasonably related to this - application, indicate that desire 13 Yes O No SECTION VI. COMMUNICATION WITH COMMISSIONERS Decisions of the Coastal Commission must be made on the basis of information available to all commissioners and the public. Therefore, permit applicants and interested parties and their representatives are advised not to discuss with commissioners any matters relating to a permit outside the public hearing. Such contacts may jeopardize the fairness of the hearing and result in invalidation of the Commission's decision by court. Any written material sent to a commissioner should also be sent to the commission office for inclusion in the public record and distribution to other Commissioners. SECTION VII. CERTIFICATION 1 . I hereby certify that I, or my authorized representative, have completed and posted or will post the Notice of Pending Permit card in a conspicuous place, on the property within three days of submitting the application to the Commission office. 2. I hereby certify that I have read this completed application and that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this application and all attached appendices and exhibits is complete and correct. I understand that the failure to provide any requested information or any misstatements submitted in support of the application shall be grounds for either refusing to accept this application, for denying the permit, for suspending or revoking a permit issued on the basis of such misrepresentations, or for seeking of such further relief as may seem proper to the Commission. 3. I hereby authorize representatives of the California Coastal Commission to conduct site inspections on my property. Unless arranged otherwise, these site inspections shall take place between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Signature of Authorized Agent(s) or if no agetti, signature of Applicant NOTE: IF SIGNED ABOVE BY AGENT, APPLICANT MUST SIGN BELOW. SECTION VIII. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT I hereby authorize Robert c. Ladwig/LADWic DESIGN GROUP, INC. to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. Signature of Applicant(s) (Only the app/icantfs) may sign nere to authorize an agent) 8 APPLICATION FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPENDIX A DECLARATION OF CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS Government Code Section 84308 prohibits any Commissioner from voting on a project if he or she has received campaign contributions in excess of $250 within the past year from project proponents or opponents, their agents, employees or family, or any person with a financial interest in the project. In the event of such contributions, a Commissioner must disqualify himself or herself from voting on the project. Each applicant must declare below whether any such contributions have been made to any of the listed Commissioners or Alternates (see last page). CHECK ONE The applicants, their agents, employees, family and/or any person with a financial interest in the project have not contributed over $250 to any Commissioner(s) or Altemate(s) within the past year. The applicants, their agents, employees, family, and/or any person with a financial interest in the project have contributed over $250 to the Commissioner(s) or Altemate(s) listed below within the past year. Commissioner or Alternate Commissioner or Alternate Commissioner or Alternate ( Signature of.Applicant or Authorized Agent Date Please print your name Marcus s. Paikowitsh APPLICATION FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPENDIX B LOCAL AGENCY REVIEW FORM SECTION A (TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT) Applicant MSP CALIFORNIA, LLC (Marcus _ Proiect DescriDtion f1^? FDGE WEST ~ A single family R-l-7500 sq.ft. minimum subdivisiorrrujeci uescnpuon I — 8.3 Ac. open-space lot - 61 SFD Int-.g w-ii-b pnt-pnt-Tal for Q onsite af fordable^unif units and Purchase ®'f ' 1 of fsite credit for a 3 bedroom Location South of Palomar Airport Road - East of Paspn HPT NnrfP - West of Hidden Valley Road - Zone 20 City of Carlsbad. _ Assessor's Parcel Number 212-040-32 & 36 SECTION B (TO BE COMPLETED HY LOCAL PLANNING OR BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT] Zoning Designation R-l -l,Sbo - C? General or Community Plan Designation Rgg, Local Discretionary Approvals du/ac du/ac Proposed development meets all zoning requirements and needs no local permits other than building permits. Proposed development needs local discretionary approvals noted below. Needed Received - ••'..-•• O a a B a D ® a a o a D sr a D s a o Design/Architectural review Variance for Rezone from errTentative Subdivision/Parcel Map No. Grading/Land Development Permit No. Planned Residential/Commercial Development Approval Site Plan Review ST>f ?s- °-£ Condominium Conversion Permit Conditional, Special, or Major Use Permit No. Other \\\l\. CEQA Status O Categorically Exempt o^-^*r.~.f Class Item INegative Declaration Granted (Date) QcToW- Environmental Impact Report Required, Final Report Certified (Date). Other bounty of by Date Title SSo c 10 Application No... APPLICATION FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPENDIX C LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS WITHIN 100 FEET AND THEIR ADDRESSES (MAKE ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SHEET AS NECESSARY) 211-040-14 CHRISTA MCREYNOLDS 2316 CALLS CHIQUITA LA JOLLA CA 92037 211-040-33 CARLTAS ASSOCIATES 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 #100 212-040-35 AND 48 RICHARD & ROBERT KELLY 2770 SUNNY CREEK ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 212-040-39 JAMES UKEGAWA 6145 LAUREL TREE ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92009 212-040-47 SIM USA INC 1400 FLAME TREE LANE CARLSBAD CA 92009 212-040-41 PACWEST LTD 550 WEST C STREET //1750 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 214-140-07 SAMBI SEASIDE HEIGHTS LLC 8649 FIRESTONE BLVD DOWNEY CA 90241 214-140-13 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 11 APPENDIX D DECLARATION OF POSTING Prior to or at the time the application is submitted for filing, the applicant must post, at a conspicuous place, easily read by the public and as close as possible to the site of the proposed development, notice that an application for the proposed development has been submitted to the Commission. Such notice shall contain a general description of the nature of the proposed development. The Commission furnishes the applicant with a standardized form to be used for such posting. If the applicant fails to post the completed notice form and sign the Declaration of Posting, the Executive Director of the Commission shall refuse to file the application, or shall withdraw the application from filing if it has already been filed when he or she leams of such failure. 14 Cal. Admin. Code Section 13054(b). Please sign and date this Declaration of Posting form when the site is posted; it serves as proof of posting. It should be"retumed to our office with the application. I Pursuant to the requirements of California Administrative Code Section 13054(b), I hereby certify that on 4~( *T I '<^ , | or my authorized representative posted the Notice (date or posting) of Pending Permit for application to obtain a coastal development permit for the development of EMERALD RIDGE WEST - 1 open-space lot - 61 single family lots - With alternative for 9 onsite second dwelling units and purchase of 1 offsite Credit for a 3 bedroom affordable unit. (description 01 aeveiopment) Located at Zone 2°-- South of Palomar Airport Road - East of Paseo del Norte - West of Hidden Valley Road - City of Carlsbad, CA --212-040- (aaaress or aeveiopment or assessors parcel numoer) The public notJCS was posted at the south west corner of the property. (a conspicuous piace, easily seen oy tne puouc ana as cicse as possioie to the sne or tne proposeo aeveiopment) (signaiure)// (date) 2 & 36 NOTE: Your application cannot be processed until this Declaration of Posting is signed and returned to this office. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER RECBVED DECLARATION COMPLETE 12 NOTICE OF PENDING PERMIT A PERMIT APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT ON THIS SITE IS PENDING BEFORE THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION, PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: M»ALO £rp£.£. A ~ fe.'S Ag. g>PfeU •spjfrag UaT. fel s^i^ LeTS b.a 4 \ LOCATION: ^Q^TtV <9^ p^co^AA AiC-PortJT iM-LLE-Y APPLICANT: APPLICATION NUMBER: DATE NOTICE POSTED: 4-/4 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE PHONE OR WRITE THE OFFICE LISTED BELOW BETWEEN 8 AM AND 5 PM, WEEKDAYS, CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO COAST AREA OFFICE 3111 CAMINO DEL RIONORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-1725 C619D 521-8036