HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 95-04; HOMES FOR INDUSTRY; Engineering ApplicationCITY OF •• SBAD • ENGINEERING •• ATMENT APPLICATION . FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all aoprooriate Information Write NlA when not applicable PROJECT NAME:..Homes for Industry 'Su.-:,O\V lS\6iG DATE: March 25, 1996 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Grading Plan, water Plan & P-air-ee-l Map.& liandsca,pe Plan ~ PROJECT ADDRESS: K",lloCICI Avenne -~ LOT NO(S).: 40 MAP NO.: 11288 APNcf 2l2-0~04 . / . OWNER: Homes for Industry, Carlsbad LI ~APPUCANT: Ht"\~~ 4,strv Carlsbad LLC Mailing Addr .. : 2 2 2 3 ~~z:eId CIa De r,a EJa~a i2QQ Mailing Acfdr .. : 2223 Avenida De La PlaJ;:a #200 La Jolla', CA 92037 " -. ;--, ~ La JolJ.a,,, CA,92037 • Phone Number: (619 1 551-5600 Phone Number: (61~ . 1 551-~600 I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information I c.tify that I arv.the agent of the legal owner and that all InfOrmation on is true and c~ best of my knowledg •. Signature ~ ~.~ 'Date Jft=s1.t6 this .~ is~~ect to the ~ of my knowledge. Signature;. . ~. Date ~!'2-:.~ •. , CIVIL ENGINEER: Brpce W¥wan ' SOILS ENGINEER: Andrew Gua'telii Firm: Sillman/Wyman, Inc. Firm: Geo S'oils, Inc. Mailing Addr .. : 6lf,U CS;:n:DeJ:~tcDe Ct E 1£1Q] Mailing Addr .. : 5:Zl1J EaJme:t;: lOla:¥: SaD [ljeg:c C~ 92] 2J Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone Number: { 619 1453-4320 Phone NUI'TIber: ( 619 1 438-3155 Stat. Registration Number: RCE 23280 SbIt.'Reg,1atr1lltlon Number: 47335 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: RCbeJ:t DeLacy ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Firm: The Cambridge Group Mailing Addr ... : 43JO l,;ia ~Q;cc;:J Q;sz:a San Diego, CA 92122 Phone Number: L619 )453-7117 Stale Registration Number: -La..,18 3 6 -" NO. OF DWEWNG UNITS: 0 LFMP ZONE: NO. OF LOtS: 8 NO. OF ACRES:3.892 IMPROVEMENT VALUATION: sewer, water & reclaimed water:----w:;z:A: t3t5, '3 z.C> ; Water District (circle one): ~arlsbad Municieal Water DistricD Olivenhain Vallecitos streets and drainage: landscap~: ' GRADING aUANTITIES:~ CY cut6883 cy fill 7720 cy '1ft~ remedial 10178 import/export 0 A. -tor: cy cy - PLEASE CHECK OFF APPUCATION TYPES ON REVERSE SIDe P:\DOC8\MISfORMS\FRM000S3 REV 04/28/85 APPUCATION FOR (CHECK ALL THAT APPLy): o Adjustment Plat o Certificate of Compliance o Dedication of Easement ... "r,na"'hment Permit • Plancheck • Type: __________ _ Type' o Reversion to Acreage o Street Vacation o Tentative Parcel Map o Certificate of Correction o Covenant for Easement o Substantial Conformance Exhibit P:\DOC8\MISFORMS\FRM000S3 . FOR Plancheck . ."Type. Number .: ...... . ccx::. ··;:··;:·coe· . .. :,: ...... ,;.: .. , . "':: . ,-. ", ........ :~ . Drawing Number Project 10. Deposit/Fees Paid 277 REV 04128195 CITY OF.RLSBAD • ENGINEERING.PARTMENT APPLICATION . FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate inf~rmation Write N/A when not applicable - PROJECT NAME: 1401::1 t?:S 'Fe>tL IND\lSaT&y DATE: J"L!l~L ~:~ , J PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ,C~. or ~~~eN - PROJECT ADDRESS: '17J<1;--;'(., ,~ Z'I'2. a~'l. . 0'1 LOT NO(S).: MAPNO.:~ APN(S).: OC) -. OWNER: \~oMes FoIt.. IND~ ~~u..c APPLICANT: ?\LLM~ / Wy~r-J). J'N c..., ;10-\0\ Mailing Address: ~ 1 "2.? A\IIa;'(\j I~ DE" LA 'PLA~A Mailing Address: SSE f3.6:U>w LA ~-u.A ~. ~·ZC~1. Phone Number: ~ Co l ~} ~S-l -S-~OO' Phone Number: ( } I certify that I am tne legal. o~ner and that all the above information I certify that I am'the agent of the leg!'1l owner and that all information on is true and correct to the. best of my knowledge. this sheet is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date Signature Date - .. CIVIL ENGINEER: ~ " WMAN SOILS ENGINEER: NA Firm: SIlLMAN /WYb~, l,..lc-Firm: . , Mailing Address: '181~~~ c.:r! Mailing Address: .. : £I'D. CI/:) • C)'l.( 'GI Phone Number: ( ,,<")} J-fS3 it3'2.-0 Phone Number: ( } State Registration Number: R~ '2..11-t. e State Re!:!istration Number: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: N/A ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: .- Firm: .-'~ t~~ ~ Mailing Address: .. . -- Phone Number: ( } State Registration Number: . . ' . NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: LFMP ZONE: NO. OF LOTS: NO. OF ACRES: : IMPROVEMENT VALUATION: sewer, water & reclaimed water: Water District {Gircle one); Carlsbad Municipal Water District Olivenhain Vallc:!citos streets and drainag~: 0' ' • landscape: • ........ I ~ ..-;' : " .:. \. • I ,.! .' ~I > -~ GRADING QUANTITIES:.,' ' .. Cy cut cy fill cy remedial cy import/export cy PLEASE CHECK OFF APPLICATION TYPES ON REVERSE SIDE P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FRM00063 APPLICATION FOR (CHECK ALL THAT APPLy): o Adjustment Plat o Certificate of Compliance o Dedication of Easement o Quitclaim of Easement Type: __________ _ Type: o Reversion to Acreage o Street Vacation o Tentative Parcel Map • Certificate of Correction o Covenant for Easement o Substantial Conformance Exhibit P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FRM00063 .. ' .. REV 04/28/95 v • PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: J.b>rYleG =f9r:-lbIousrey Project No:_-----:t=T..L--q~5_-_0_=___.i4:L...__ ___ _ Drawing No: __ =-3~4~0~ ...... --,3~Alo....--___ -.,..- Sheets No._l __ through ___ 4-~ _____ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE .cHA~GE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92127 Telephone:_4.:...::;5'-.:.1.....:-6=....:1c....::;0.=0 __________ ,...-- (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.B&H " ;- , ; ·1 STEWART' TITLE·: GUAR.ANTY COM.pANY ~o. ol~is7402 .1 ..... ·Subd'ivlsion Guarantee '~~~~-.jPap of Tract N°"81"~ m. '2 ' COllsi~tip:g of up. t2f>teer(s) -., -" Issued for the benefit an,(;i,protection of th~ .Couniy of. &m :J)~. within which said subdivision is located. . and of a1i.y City -' After an examination of the Public Records which, under the-recording l~ws;'iiiipaft constructive rr~ike ofni.att~rs affecting' the title to· the laild· hereinafter describe!!; . . . " .' . '. . -' S·TE'WART'T'ITLE; ~~. -", "' , . . ~ .' -~. -~ , . 'GU A R.A:N'l'·YC 0 .:M: P',A. N V '.. .' a corporation, of Gpl veston , Texas, '. . .hereb.y guarantees, for the :benefitof Sald county: and. city,: lna sum not to exceed $1:,000:00; that:asshownby' said 'records the only pa,rties having any te~QJ;d' title: Interest in said Jap.d,and whose signatures~ are hecess.aty, under, the requireni.(,)nts of the Subdivision Map Act, on the Gertificates consenting. t6 the. recotdation of the subcUvision . Map of s!lid land and offering for dedication .anystreets·, tqads, avep,uesanct other easements offered for dedication . by said SubcUvision Map are: . The Tract hereinbefore referreci to is a subdi~isiop..otlaildsd~scribedas: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Comp<!ny has caused it c;qrporqte l1ani'~ ,and: ~~al :to·.be affixed. >1 ~r·t:'f;· vI l"'. 'f. fr ........ ! : -~ -_" --.. STEWART TITLE Countersigned,: . ~ 2t-'lt.E, c:neANY :ov smT DIEOO· CJe . ~" ; Ch9irr:; ... ~ : e,' ~~~:~<,..:~ ft1·~rY(~,.,·' -."., Autnorized Countersignature OWNER: AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, THE PARTY WHOSE SIGNATURE WILL BE NECESSARY UNDER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP AC~, ON THE CERTIFICATE CONSENTING TO THE RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP ,-OF PARCEL MAP OF SAID LANO ~ND OFFERING FOR, DEDICATION ANY STREETS, ROADS, AVENUES AND OTHER EASEMENTS OFFERED BY SUCH MAP ARE: HOMES FOR INDUSTRY -CARLSBAD, LLC EASEMENTS: THE SIGNATURE, OF THE PARTY NAMED HEREINAFTER AS OWNER OF THE, INTEREST SET FORTH, MAY BE OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a) (3) (A) (1) OF 'THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED B~ THE LOC1\L AGENCY. OWNER: RECORDED: CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTR~, OWNERS ASSOCIATION OCTOBER 31, 1986 AS FILE NO~ 1986-4978'19 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE SIGNATURE OF THE PARTY NAMED HEREINAFTER. AS OWNER OF THE INTEREST SET FORTH, MAY BE OMITTED UNDER.'l'HE PROVISIONS· OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a) (3) (A)' (1) OF TaE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH 'l'aAT IT CANNaT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. OWNER: RECORDED: TRUST DEEDS: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMP~Y NOVEMBER 21, 1989 AS FILE NO. 1989,",,'6324,69 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE SIGNATURE OF ONE OF THE PARTIES NAMED BELOW WILL BE REQUIRED AS TRUSTEE OR BENEFICIARY UNDER DEED OF TRUST~ RECORDED: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: DECEMBER 7, 1995 AS FILE NO. 199'5-0565763 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION LAWRENCE B. ROBINSON, AS TRUSTEE OF THE ROBINSON FAMILY TRUST DATED DECEMBER, 21., .1989 THE SIGNATURE OF ONE OF THE PARTIES NAMED BELOW WI~LBE REQUIRED AS TRUSTEE OR BENEFICIARY UNDER DE~O OF TRUST: RECORDED: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: MARCH 14, 1996 AS' FILE NO. 1996-12·6440 SCRIPPS BANK, A CALIFORNIA STATE BANKING CORPORATION SCRIPPS BANK THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER D~SCRtBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS GUARANTEE IS A FEE TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE T~OF IS VESTED IN: HOMES FOR INDUSTRY -CARLSBAD LLC THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PAaCEL ~ HEREINBEFORE REFERRED TO IN THIS GUARANTEE IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 40 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81'-46 UNIT NO.2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11288, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE C.oUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985.·