HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 97-14; Mariano; Tentative Map (CT) (5)STANDARD PACIFICHOMES May 25, 1999 Mr. Gary Wayne City of Carlsbad Community Development Building 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Re: Agricultural Mitigation Fee, Fund 171, Carlsbad LCP, Agriculture Mitigation Fund Dear Mr. Wayne: Attached please find check no. 14004989 in the amount of $194,150.00 for the payment of the Agricultural Mitigation Fee for the Mariano Project. Please also find a copy of the memo our company received from the office of Jack Henthorn & Associates regarding the calculation of this fee. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this payment, please direct your calls to my attention at (619) 292-2229. Sincerely, STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES \ Michelle J. Moran RECEIVED Assistant Project Manager MAY 2 5 1999 CITY OF CARLSBAD End PLANNING DEPT. Cc: Anne Hysong, Planning Dept. Mike Shirey, Engineering Dept. Mariano file San Diego Division 9335 Chesapeake Dr., San Diego, CA 92123-1010 TEL (619) 292-2200 FAX (619) 292-2260 Jack Henthorn <&. Associates 5375 Avenidd Encimu, Suite D Carkbad, CA 92008 (7<50; 438-4090 Fox (760) 438-0981 S«nt by Facsimile Memorandum TO: JBFF CLARKE, STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES FROM: MELISSA K. ALLEN SUBJECT: MARIANO PROJECT - AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION FEE DATE: APRIL 28, 1999 The total for the Agricultural Conversion Fee for the Mariano project is $194,J50 made payable to the City of Carlsbad. The chcck/transmittal should reference "Agricultural Mitigation Fee, Fund 171, Carlsbad LCP, Agriculture Mitigation Fund". The agricultural mitigation fee amount is based on the site's "net acreage". The net area, in this case, is determined by the gross site acreage of 53.7 acres minus the area of the dedicated open space lot of 10.29 acres with the "25% and greater" slope acreage of 8.1 acres on the remainder of the site. The resulting net acreage of 35.3 acres is then multiplied by the current fee amount of $5,500 per acre. **' The total amount can be paid to the City of Carlsbad at the Planning Department/cashiers desk. A copy of the transmittal or memo accompanying the check and of the receipt should be forwarded to Anne Hysong, Planning Dcpt., and Mike Shirey, Engineering Dept.. for their project condition sign off. US Fish & Wildlife Service Carlsbad Field Office 2730 Loker Avenue, West Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)431-9440 FAX (760) 431-9624 CA Dept. of Fish & Game 1416 Ninth Street PO Box 944209 Sacramento, CA 94244-2090 (916)653-9767 FAX (916) 653-2588 M iu- v, , u , -n MAY 2 ! 1999Mr. Michael Holzmiller Planning Director, City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Subject: Habitat Loss Permit for Mariano-Aviara Parkway Project APN 212-040-41; PRE 99-16/CT 97-14/CT 97-24/SDP 97-16 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and California Department of Fish and Game (Department), hereafter collectively referred to as the Wildlife Agencies, have completed our review of the project redesign and City of Carlsbad's finding of substantial conformance for the Mariano-Aviara Parkway project. We had previously withheld our concurrence with the issuance of a Habitat Loss Permit (HLP) for this project as there were substantial unresolved issues regarding preserve design and habitat connectivity which could have precluded the City's preparation of their Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The Mariano-Aviara Parkway project is approximately 54 acres located south of Palomar Airport Road, south of Cobblestone Road, in Local Facilities Management Zone 20. The project consists of the completion of the final segment of Aviara Parkway and the construction of single and multi-family residential units, a recreation lot, a recreation vehicle storage area, an access lot, and a biological open space lot. Project implementation would result in the direct, permanent loss of 3.4 acres of Diegan coastal sage scrub, although no gnatcatchers would be affected either directly or indirectly. Mitigation for project impacts to coastal sage scrub will consist of the following: retention of 0.6 acre of coastal sage scrub on-site; purchase of 6.8 acres of coastal sage scrub credits at the Manchester Avenue Conservation Bank (2:1 ratio); and restoration of cut and fill slopes within and adjacent to open space lot 155 to coastal sage scrub. The restoration plan (which will include a monitoring program and success criteria) will be submitted to the Wildlife Agencies for our review and approval. Uses allowed within lot 155 will be restricted to a SDG&E access road and native habitat restoration activities. No other uses (including the proposed 10-foot-wide decomposed granite trail system) are permitted. Construction activities will be restricted to that period outside of the breeding season (February 15 to August 30, annually). Based upon our review of the information discussed above, the Wildlife Agencies have determined that the HLP for the Mariano-Aviara Parkway project is consistent with the interim coastal sage scrub loss criteria established in the NCCP Conservation Guidelines as discussed below: • The habitat loss does not exceed the five percent guideline. While the City has now exhausted its five percent allocation, sufficient acreage was reserved by the City to accommodate the loss associated with the Mariano-Aviara Parkway project as part of Mr. Michael Holzmiller 2 Resolution 98-219 at its July 7, 1998 Council hearing. As such, sufficient acreage exists to accommodate the loss of 3.4 acres of coastal sage scrub associated with this project. • The habitat loss will not preclude connectivity between areas of high habitat values. The original project permitted the construction of a park site, 17 single-family lots, and a recreation vehicle storage area along a single-loaded road ("F" Street) in the eastern portion of the site, south of Cobblestone Road. This design would have precluded connection of open space to the south with open space to the north and east. Based upon negotiations between the Wildlife Agencies, the landowner's representative, and City, the project has been redesigned to eliminate the park site and four residential lots as well as the relocation of the recreation vehicle storage area to widen the corridor widths at both the north and in the southeast. This ensures an improved connection between on and off- site biological open space, some of which is occupied by gnatcatchers. • The habitat loss will not preclude or prevent the preparation of the sub-regional NCCP. The loss of 3.4 acres of coastal sage scrub associated with the Mariano-Aviara Parkway project would not preclude or prevent plan preparation as the project has been reviewed in light of other planning efforts and the mitigation proposed would assist in achieving the goals identified for this area in the draft City's HMP (October 1999; currently under revision). • Habitat loss has been minimized and mitigated to the maximum extent practicable in accordance with Section 4.3 of the NCCP Guidelines. Mitigation for direct impacts to coastal sage scrub has been provided for through the following: off-site acquisition of 6.8 acres of coastal sage scrub credits (2:1 ratio); conservation of 0.6 acres of coastal sage scrub on-site; and restoration of cut and fill slopes within and adjacent to project open space (lot 155). As previously stated, the project has been redesigned to increase corridor widths and configuration to assist in the dispersal of bird species, particularly the gnatcatcher. • The habitat loss will not appreciably reduce the likelihood of survival and recovery of the coastal California gnatcatcher in the wild. No gnatcatchers will directly or indirectly affected by the project and, therefore, project implementation will not preclude or appreciably reduce the likelihood of survival and recovery of the species. • The habitat loss is incidental to otherwise lawful activities. A finding of Substantial Conformance (PRE 99-16) was made by the City's Planning and Engineering Departments and conveyed to the Wildlife Agencies in a letter dated April 15, 1999. All project impacts will be fully mitigated through the conditions which have been made part of the project description and mitigation, and as requirements of HLP issuance. Based upon the project's consistency with the interim loss criteria discussed above, the Wildlife Agencies would concur with the issuance of the 4(d) Special Rule permit for the Mariano-Aviara Parkway project, provided the following conditions are included: • Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any portion of this project, evidence that credits in the amount of 6.8 acres have been secured from the Manchester Avenue Conservation Bank must be provided to the Wildlife Agencies; Mr. Michael Holzmiller 3 • The 10-foot-wide1 decomposed granite trail system must be deleted from lot 155; and • As part of project implementation, coastal sage scrub will be restored on cut and fill slopes within and adjacent to lot 155. The restoration plan will receive review and approval by the Wildlife Agencies. Please note that this habitat loss permit only allows for the direct loss of 3.4 acres of coastal sage scrub associated with the Mariano-Aviara Parkway project and expires within one year of our concurrence. The amount of coastal sage scrub mitigation should be submitted to SANDAG for use in their regional tracking system. Please provide us with copies of any notification regarding the expiration of this permit. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please contact Julie Vanderwier (Service) at (760) 431-9440 or David Lawhead (Department) at (619) 467-4211. Sheryl Barrett Assistant Field Office Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sincerely, *- William E. Tippets Habitat Conservation Supervisor California Department of Fish and Game cc: Ann Hysong, City of Carlsbad Don Rideout, City of Carlsbad David Lawhead, CDFG Jack Henthorn, Henthorn & Associates 04/29/1999 09:25 7604380S81 HtNIHUKN AcKHENTHORN & ASSOClJ^ES LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Lloyd Hubbs Of: City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 29009 Phone: (760)438-1181 Fax: (760)438-0894 From: Jack E. Henthorn Of: Jack Henthorn & Associates 5375 Avenlda Encinas, Suite D Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760)438-4090 Fax: (760) 438-0981 Date: 4/29/99 Time: 7:20 AM RE: Mariano Coastal Commission opposition to removal of easement on Aviara Parkway alignment FORWARDED BY: D HAND DELIVERY D U.S. MAIL B FAX D COURIER D PRINTER D PICK-UP Pages Description 1 Trsnsmittal 1 Letter from Coastal Commission COMMENTS: This looks like a repeat of the Wildlife Agencies issue. I have explained that we have been through the agencies, that the City has permit authority on the project and that the only issue we need to address is elimination of their open space easement. ) may need your assistance beyond providing the latter requested In their second bullet point if we are to get this road done. They have been provided full documentation on other items, but evidently want us to read it to them. I think this is continuing fall out from the old Zone 20 Specific Plan certification issue between the City and the Coastal Staff. I will send over a draft of the same letter that we sent to the agencies regarding realignment. I will then make arrangements to have it picked up and hand delivered. Coplea to: File Jeff Clarke, Standard Pacific Marty Orenyak Mike Shirey Michael Holzmiller Gary Wayne Don Ridaout Anne Hysong 04/29/1999 09:25 fbtf43tJkJyai ntmnurai MED 16:39 IDtCOASTm, COMMISSION TEL 1619SZ1 8672 P I BlimAff CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION MMWIMAKW, SM11CAMM) Ml WO «HJt*m IWW «MMNWtt) April 28,1999 Jack Henthom 537$Avciuda&>etoas,"D" Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re; Coastal Development Permit Application #6-88-53 1-A1 i Dear Mr. Heothorn: This letter is in regards to the status of the above coastal development permit. We have deemed the application incomplete and unsuitable for filing, pending your submittal of ' the following items: \ • Alternatives analysis on why the proposed impacts to the open space deed»restricted area are unavoidable, including explanation of haw much and where habitat impact*; are proposed for fire suppression on residential lots in the open space area; : • Analysis of redesigning the project to avoid the open space area, including Verification from the City Engineer that the proposed road alignment is the least j environmentally-damaging alignment; ; « analysis of why there are 3.4 acres of proposed impact rather than the 1 .6 acres that was previously identified in the Commission's previous approval; : • Submittal of 0 "Constraints Map" for the site, including a fire suppression plan; • status of the open space area that was preserved in Coastal Development Permit #6* 94- 1 3 1 in the northwest corner of the Sambl site. i When all required information is received, reviewed by staff and found to be adequate to analyze the project, your application wilt be filed and scheduled OR the next available Commiwion agenda. In order for the proposed project to be considered for scheduling on the June, 1999 meeting in Santa Barbara the above information must be received In this : office as soon as possible, but at least by May 4, 1999. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. ' Sincerely, Bill Ponder Coastal Planner CITY OF CARLSBAD Inter-office Correspondence PLANNING DEPARTMENT/SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Engineering Department SUBJECT: Request for comments to GRADING PLAN for Hillside Development Ordinance Project ID Project Planner^I' M^H-2^^ Plancheck No. Attached is a copy of the Grading Plan. Please_review 4nd return your comments to the Engineering Plancheck Division, attentiorij^/7c^Q£/ /"""^ . Failure to respond to this request to mean that the proposed project has will be interpretedI ^41 I VI I Vrf LV^ I V*>.J|^V^ • • W« V^^ H I I —* « ^^H fc**— ***• *^^T^^^^ V *^T / fit » • » i t fc*%-> ill v^>f w i •«—'fc^vo to mean that the proposed project has your endorsement as submitted (no fee, deposits, or specific conditions will be required). Thank you for your cooperation. Reply: SIGNAT City of Carlsbad Planning Department April 15, 1999 Julie Vandewier U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, CA 92008 David Lawhead CA Dept. of Fish & Game 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 SUBJECT: 4(d) PERMIT FOR MARIANO PROJECT AND AVIARA PARKWAY Dear Julie and David: Enclosed is a copy of the substantial conformance letter and signed exhibits for the wildlife corridor we agreed to for the Mariano project. Could you please send us a letter withdrawing your objection to the issuance of the 4(d) Permit for this project and Aviara Parkway. Thank you for your cooperation in solving this matter. Sincerely, MICHAEL J. HOI Planning Director Enclosure ILLER City Manager City Attorney Community Development Director Public Works Director Principal Planner, Don Rideout Associate Planner, Anne Hysong 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 City of Carlsbad Planning Department April 15,1999 Pac West 550 West C Street, Suite 1750 San Diego, CA 92101 SUBJECT: PRE 99-16 - MARIANO SUBDIVISION MAP/SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CT 97-24/SDP 97-16) SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE REVIEW The Planning Department and Engineering Departments have made a determination of Substantial Conformance for changes to the approved Mariano tentative subdivision map and site development plan. Substantial conformance exhibit mylars of the subject tentative map and site development plan have been signed and are on file with the City. The following items describe the proposal's compliance with each of the 10 required substantial conformance findings: 1. No project condition, feature, facility, or amenity is changed or deleted that had been considered essential to the project's design, quality, safety, or function: Although the project's approved RV Storage facility would be eliminated by the proposed design, an alternate storage facility has been proposed which satisfies the project's RV storage area requirement. 2. The request represents an upgrade in the overall design features and/or materials and improves upon the projects compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood: The proposed project revisions represent an upgrade in the overall design features and would not impact the project's compatibility with surrounding development. An increase of approximately 2 acres of open space will result from the proposed project revisions. This increase in open space is consistent with the City's Draft HMP in that it creates a continuous open space corridor through the project that will connect with an open space corridor to the north, This open space corridor also improves the overall Zone 20 open space system. The total number of small single family lots will be reduced by 4 lots. Grading quantities will be reduced somewhat by the proposed design, although export quantities would be increased by 55,000 cubic yards. Slopes exceeding 30' in height would result from the new design, however, this is necessitated by Aviara Parkway due to the 4d permit requirement for habitat mitigation. Eleven (11) of the approved lots along the eastern property line are reconfigured and reduced in size although all exceed 6,000 square feet. These lots would still exceed the minimum small lot size requirement in conformance with the PD Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance). 2075 La Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 PRE 99-16 - MARIANO SUBDIVISION APRIL 15, 1999 PAGE 2 3. The proposed revision does not change the density (i.e. the addition of units) or boundary of the subject property: The proposed revision reduces the density of the overall project from 150 single family lots/units to 146 single family lots/units. The project boundaries remain the same. 4. The proposed revision does not involve the addition of a new land use not shown on the original permit (e.g. adding a commercial use to a residential project, replacing single family units with attached residential units): The proposed revision involves no new land use not shown on the original permit. 5. The proposed revision does not rearrange major land uses within the development (e.g. it doesn't exchange the locations of single family units with attached units): The proposed revision does not rearrange uses except that open space lots 155 and 6 are combined and increased in area while single family lots along the eastern boundary are reduced in area to accommodate the expanded open space. 6. The proposed revision does not create changes of greater than ten percent (10%), provided that compliance will be maintained with the applicable development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as follows: a) per individual lot or structure - yards, setbacks, coverage, or height; and b) on an aggregate project basis - parking, open space, common area or landscaping: Note: The Planning Director has determined that this finding can be waived due to the required open space corridor expansion through the Mariano subdivision. The proposed revisions would result in changes to yards, setbacks, and coverage of more than 10 percent due to the reduction in lot sizes of lots along the eastern boundary. While 7 approved single family lots would be eliminated, three new lots would be created. Additionally, 11 approved single family lots would be substantially reduced in size. All proposed changes comply with Chapter 21.45 (Planned Development Ordinance). 7. The proposed change will not result in any significant environmental impact, and/or require additional mitigation: The proposed revisions are the result of mitigation required by the USFWS and California Department of Fish and Game for impacts to coastal sage habitat resulting from construction of Aviara Parkway; therefore, no significant impacts beyond those previously identified would result. 8. The proposed changes would not result in any health, safety, or welfare impacts: The proposed revisions have been found to be in substantial conformance by the Engineering Department, Fire Department, and Water District thereby ensuring that the project would not result in any potential health, safety, and/or welfare impact. PRE 99-16 - MARIANO SUBDIVISION APRIL 15, 1999 PAGE 3 9. There were not any major issues or controversies associated with the original project which would be exacerbated with the proposed change: No major project issues or controversies associated with the original project are impacted by the proposed revisions to the project. 10. The proposed change would not be readily discernible to the decision makers as being substantially different from the project as originally approved: The overall project design has been minimally changed with respect to single family lot layout and circulation design. The elimination of a local street through the SDG&E easement and open space corridor is an improvement to open space connectivity. Lot size reductions are not discernible from the street frontage since the result of the reduced lot area is that rear yards are significantly reduced in depth. The proposed reduced rear yard areas are more typical of those provided in small lot subdivisions. If you have any questions regarding the above items, please contact me at (760) 438-1161, extension 4477. Sincerely, MICHAEUHOLZMILLER Planning Director MH:AH:mh:eh Michael Holzmiller Jack Henthorn & Associates Adrienne Landers Bobbie Hoder Mike Shirey, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry 04/05/1999 16:54 7604380^1 HENTHORN JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL PAGE 01 To: Anne Hysong Of: City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (760) 438-1161 X4451 Fax: (760) 438-0894 From: Jack E. Henthorn Of: Jack Herrthom & Associates 5375 Avenida Encinas, Suite D Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 438-4090 Fax: (760) 438-0981 Date: 4/5/99 Time: 4:38 PM RE: Mariano - replot of south end of cul de sac FORWARDED BY: D HAND DELIVERY D U.S. MAIL H FAX D COURIER D PRINTER D PICK-UP Pages Description Transmittal Draft of south end revision of east side COMMENTS: This is what I spoke with you about on Friday. Please give me a call as soon as you can. We have updated the data sheet. Copies to: File 10 / +-^/H>^M J 04/05/1999 16:54 7604380J81 flPR-05-1999 15=59 HENTHORN PAGE 02 Pott-It* brand tax trangmittal memo 7671 [t of p»sa» > D»pt,Phong* TOTfiL P.01 CT March 11, 1999 Diane Ingram Hunsaker & Associates 10179 Huennekens Street Suite 200 San Diego, Ca 92121 SUBJECT: STREET NAME APPROVALS FOR MARIANO CT 97-14 The following street names have been approved for use in the above-listed subdivision, however, the items listed below must be submitted prior to Planning Department approval of the final map. These names should be included on the final map and all improvement plans. STREET "A" - MARIPOSA ROAD STREET "C" - CALMERIA PLACE STREET "D" -"TORREYANNA CIRCLE V STREET "F" - PYRUS PLACE STREET "G" - GOLDENBUSH DRIVE STREET "H" - WILLOW PLACE In addition, please submit the following items to this office: 1. Street name list; 2. 400 scale mylar delineating street locations and hydrant locations with at least two existing streets and/or intersections shown on the map; and 3. Vicinity map. Please call me at (760) 438-1161, extension 4329, if you have any questions. H:\Admin\Streets3 •L • NLCity of Carlsbad Planning Department March 11, 1999 Ronald and Marilyn Ramsey 1262 Plum Tree Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay: Mike Shirey from the Engineering Department and I have reviewed the detailed engineering drawings of the latest wall proposal as provided by Hunsaker & Associates. At this point, staff can support either of the two alternatives described below: OPTION 1: A single six (6) foot masonry wall along your westerly property line would replace your existing wood fence. At the point where the retaining portion of the wall and the slope intersect, the wall would be topped with an open view fence for security purposes. This view fence would transition from 0 to 5 feet over a distance of 10 feet to match the 2:1 gradient of your existing slope. This wall could be located on your existing property line, outside of the parkway and would result in a small (50 - 100 square feet), triangular down slope area in the northwest corner of your property. (An exhibit depicting this condition is included for your review.) OPTION 2: A two tiered wall along the portion of your lot adjacent the slope. In this instance the existing wood fence along your westerly property line would remain in place from its southerly end to the toe of your existing slope. The first tier, a low, garden type wall, would be approximately three (3) feet high and would be held back 2 !/z feet behind the back of the existing sidewalk. This will provide for planting and safe pedestrian use of the public sidewalk. The second tier would be a higher retaining wall with 6 feet of exposed surface height (above the garden wall). This wall would be held back two and one half (2.5) feet behind the first tier to provide area for planting to screen the wall. The face to the wall would approximately 1 foot inside your property. The existing wood fence would be removed during construction and replaced in its existing location immediately behind the wall. 2075 La Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 - (76O) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-O894 The walls in option 2 would be treated by the City as standard encroachments into the public right of way and would require the processing of an encroachment permit. As with all other encroachments, the improvements would be subject to removal by the City, or other agency in conjunction with maintenance and repair activities requiring access to the parkway area. The cost of replacing the structures would be your responsibility. Staff prefers Option 1 since it keeps the total wall height at a reasonable level and does not involve an encroachment into the public right of way. It is also possible that in Option 2, the second tier wall would be located approximately 1 foot inside your property due to wall thickness and the need to maintain adequate area (minimum 2 feet) for landscaping. We have asked Hunsaker & Associates to provide a revised detail to determine how far into your property the wall might have to be constructed to meet our criteria. I am providing Jeff Clarke at Standard Pacific a copy of this letter so that you may meet with him to determine which of the options you want to pursue in the context of our comments. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, ANNE HYSONG (J Associate Planner AH:eh c: Mike Shirey Jack Henthorn Ray Martin, Hunsaker & Associates Jeff Clark, Standard Pacific f San Diego Naairal History Museum Balboa Park • San l)ir<ju Society of Natural History • Kstablished 1K~-I 10 March 1999 Mr. Jeffery C. Clarke Standard Pacific Homes 9335 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, CA 92123-1010 RE: Paleontological Resources - Mariano Project and Aviara Parkway Extension Dear Jeff: This letter report summarizes the results of my paleontological resource assessment of the Mariano project site. Assessment is based upon a review of existing published and unpublished geological literature (Wilson 1972; Weber 1982), a review of museum paleontological records (San Diego Natural History Museum), and a review of the geotechnical report prepared for the project (Geocon, September 1998). These data were field checked (2 March 1999) by a walkover of the site. The site consists of two north- south trending ridges with intervening gullies. Previous small scale road grading and materials quarrying have left much of the site disturbed. A utilities access road along the eastern boundary of the site provides limited exposures of the underlying bedrock. In addition, recent construction activities for the adjacent residential projects of Sambi and Emerald Ridge East provided opportunities for Museum staff to examine bedrock in the general area. Based on the field walkover and the geotechnical report it is clear that the project site is underlain by sandstones and mudstones of the Santiago Formation (middle Eocene, approximately 40-42 million years old). Concerning paleontological resources, weathered shells of fossil estuarine oysters were observed during the field walkover in disturbed slopes along the eastern boundary of the site. In addition, the geotechnical report indicates that fossil bone was encountered in at least one of the geotechnical boreholes. Also, paleontological resource mitigation work conducted during grading of the adjacent Sambi and Emerald Ridge East projects resulted in the discovery and recovery of significant and well-preserved fossil remains of both marine invertebrates and terrestrial vertebrates. These fossils were all recovered from sandstones and mudstones of the Santiago Formation. The Santiago Formation has produced important remains of Eocene fossils from many other construction related excavations in the Carlsbad-Oceanside area (Demere and Walsh 1993). These fossils generally consist of skeletal remains of land mammals Post Office- Box 121390 - San Diego. California 92112-1390 • Telephone: 619-232-3821 • Fax: 619-232-0248 • Website: http://\v\v\v..sdnhm.or,u Acn edited hy tile Amenain Association of Museums'o including opossum, hedgehog, carnivore, primate, rodent, rhinoceros, brontothere (large extinct rhino-like browser), tapir, and protoreodont (small extinct deer-like browser). These fossil remains are very significant and represent one of the richest sources of Eocene land mammals in California. Based on the proven paleontological resource value of the Santiago Formation, it is suggested that development of the project site has the potential to create significant impacts to paleontological resources. These potential impacts will occur when mass excavation activities cut into the sandstones of the Santiago Formation. Mitigation of the impacts discussed above can be ensured by implementing the following measures: [1] A qualified paleontologist shall be at the pre-construction meeting to consult with the grading and excavation contractors. (A qualified paleontologist is defined as an individual with a MS or Ph.D. in paleontology or geology who is familiar with paleontological procedures and techniques.) [2] A paleontological monitor shall be onsite at all times during the original cutting of previously undisturbed deposits of the Santiago Formation to inspect exposures for contained fossils. In the event that fossils are not being found in these rock units the monitoring effort can be reduced. (A paleontological monitor is defined as an individual who has experience in the collection and salvage of fossil materials. The paleontological monitor shall work under the direction of a qualified paleontologist.) [3] When fossils are discovered, the paleontologist (or paleontological monitor) shall recover them. In most cases this fossil salvage can be completed in a short period of time. However, some fossil specimens (such as a complete large mammal skeleton) may require an extended salvage period. In these instances the paleontologist (or paleontological monitor) shall be allowed to temporarily direct, divert, or halt grading to allow recovery of fossil remains in a timely manner. Because of the potential for the recovering of small fossil remains, such as isolated mammal teeth, it may be necessary to set up a screen-washing operation on the site. [4] Fossil remains collected during the monitoring and salvage portion of the mitigation program shall be cleaned, repaired, sorted, and cataloged. [5] Prepared fossils, along with copies of all pertinent field notes, photos, and maps, shall be deposited (as a donation) in a scientific institution with permanent paleontological collections. Donation of the fossils shall be accompanied by financial support for initial specimen storage. [6] A final summary report shall be completed that outlines the results of the mitigation program. This report shall include discussions of the methods used, stratigraphic section(s) exposed, fossils collected, and significance of recovered fossils. In summary, the project site possesses a strong potential for producing significant paleontological resources. Development of the project site will likely result in impacts to these resources. The measures proposed above will ensure proper mitigation of these impacts. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning my findings. Sincerely yours, Thomas A. Demere, Ph.D. Department of Paleontological Services REFERENCES CITED Demere, T.A. and S.L. Walsh. 1993. Paleontological Resources, County of San Diego. Report prepared for the Department of Public Works, County of San Diego, 68 p. Geocon, 1998. Update Geotechnical Investigation - Mariano, Carlsbad, California. Technical report prepared for Standard Pacific Homes. Weber, F.H., Jr. 1982. Recent slope failures, ancient landslides, and related geology of the north-central coastal area, San Diego County, California. California Division of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 82-12, 77 p. Wilson, K.L. 1972. Eocene and related geology of a portion of the San Luis Rey and Encinitas quadrangles, San Diego County, California. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of California, Riverside, 135 p. City of Carlsbad Public Works — Engineering March 3, 1999 Jack Henthorn JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES 5375 Avenida Encinas, Suite "D" Carlsbad, CA 92008 SCE/CT 97-14: MARIANO TENTATIVE MAP SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE EXHIBIT INITIAL ISSUES REVIEW Engineering Department staff have completed a formal initial issues review of the revised design/substantial conformance exhibit for the above-referenced project. Prior to staff making a determination on the project, the following issues of concern must' be adequately resolved/addressed: Engineering Issues of Concern Traffic & Transportation 1. As previously indicated, the proposed location of the RV Lot is acceptable to engineering, with the caveat that it operates adequately; and, as currently designed, it does not seem to do this. As previously indicated, the following design parameters should be met: • AASHTO RV turning radius, of a minimum of 42' must be indicated for ingress and egress to the proposed lot (curb returns, rather than driveway "X's" may be required); • for maneuverability, the middle space should have a minimum length of 36', and many of the "parking spaces" that are now being shown, must be deleted; • clearly indicate the width of the proposed aisle way (base the width on the design vehicle turning radius). Indicate this revision on the Site Development Plan (SDP 97-16). Planning Department Substantial Conformance Exhibit also. 1. Your revision submittal letter (to Anne Hysong, dated, 2/2/99) indicates that the engineer of work (Hunsaker) is currently reviewing the plans with CMWD regarding the revised proposed sewer alignment. Again, CMWD must approve the revised sewer alignment before the tentative map can potentially be found to be in substantial conformance. As previously requested, please provide documentation from CMWD that the revised sewer design is acceptable. 2075 Las Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 431-5769 SCE/CT 97-14: MARIANO TM SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE EXHIBIT 2 INITIAL ISSUES REVIEW J. HENTHORN LETTER; MARCH 3,1999 Drainage 1. Please indicate storm drain inlet elevations from the proposed de-silting basin to the storm drain shown in "E" Street. Miscellaneous 1. Please revise the Substantial Conformance Exhibit Signature block as indicated on Attachment No. 1. Planning issues of Concern # 1. Planning Department substantial conformance issues, for the TM and SDP, are being forwarded under separate cover. Their issues must also be resolved before staff can determine whether or not the TM and SDP can be found to be in substantial conformance. If you have any questions, please call me at 760/438-1161, extension 4388. MICHAEL J. SHIREY Associate Engineer - Land Development Attachment c: Principal Civil Engineer - Land Development Associate Planner - A. Hysong SCE/CT 97-14: MARIANO TM SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE EXHIBIT INITIAL ISSUES REVIEW J. HENTHORN LETTER; MARCH 3, 1999 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 FOUND IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE DATE: MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER; PLANNING DIRECTOR RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: DATE: LLOYD B. HUBBS; PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BY: ROBERT J. WOJCIK RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: City of Carlsbad Planning Department March 3, 1999 Pac West 550 West C Street, Suite 1750 San Diego, CA 92101 SUBJECT: PRE 99-16 - MARIANO SUBDIVISION MAP/SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CT 97-24/SDP 97-16) SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE REVIEW The Planning Department has completed a review of the subject Preliminary Review application requesting a determination of Substantial Conformance for changes to the approved Mariano tentative subdivision map and site development plan. The result of this review is that: 1) the private/public trail and SDG&E access from Street "E " requires relocation outside of the proposed RV Storage lot; 2) the RV Storage lot requires additional design work due to circulation problems; 3) an approved residential unit must be proposed on Lot 17 that conforms to the required Planned Development Ordinance setback and private open space standards; and 4) the Planning Director has determined that Finding 6 identified below is waived due the required open space corridor expansion. Upon satisfactory resolution of these issues, a substantial conformance finding in accordance with Administrative Policy No. 35 would be possible. The following items describe the proposal's compliance or non-compliance with each of the 10 required substantial conformance findings: 1. No project condition, feature, facility, or amenity is changed or deleted that had been considered essential to the project's design, quality, safety, or function: Note: This finding cannot be made until the RV lot has been redesigned to address circulation issues and the public/private trail and SDG&E access on Street "E" is relocated. Although the project's approved RV Storage facility would be eliminated by the proposed design, an alternate storage facility has been proposed. The new facility provides approximately 3,200 square feet of usable RV parking space compared to the approved 3,840 square feet. However, the proposed area complies with the PD standard for RV storage since the minimum requirement for 146 planned development units (excluding the 27 apartment units) is 2,920 square feet. The proposed RV facility design has some circulation problems identified by the engineering department which will have to be resolved. Engineering comments will be forwarded under separate cover. A related issue is the location of the private/public trail and SDG&E access from Street "E" which was approved at the location now proposed for the RV lot. If and when the City accepts the 2O75 La Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 • (76O) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-O894 PRE 99-16 - MARIANCTSUBDIVISION MARCH 3, 1999 PAGE 2 irrevocable offer of dedication for a public trail, the access point would be through the Mariano RV lot. This location is unacceptable since the Mariano HOA will most likely want to lock the RV lot for security reasons. An alternate trail access point will need to be proposed. 2. The request represents an upgrade in the overall design features and/or materials and improves upon the projects compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood: The proposed project revisions represent an upgrade in the overall design features and would not impact the project's compatibility with surrounding development. An increase of approximately 2 acres of open space will result from the proposed project revisions. This increase in open space is consistent with the City's Draft HMP in that it creates a continuous open space corridor through the project that will connect with an open space corridor to the north, This open space corridor also improves the overall Zone 20 open space system. The total number of small single family lots will be reduced by 4 lots. Grading quantities will be reduced somewhat by the proposed design, although export quantities would be increased by 55,000 cubic yards. Slopes exceeding 30' in height would result from the new design, however, this is necessitated by Aviara Parkway due to the 4d permit requirement for habitat mitigation. Eleven (11) of the approved lots along the eastern property line are reconfigured and reduced in size although all exceed 6,000 square feet. These lots would still exceed the minimum small lot size requirement in conformance with the PD Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance). 3. The proposed revision does not change the density (i.e. the addition of units) or boundary of the subject property: The proposed revision reduces the density of the overall project from 150 single family lots/units to 146 single family lots/units. The project boundaries remain the same. 4. The proposed revision does not involve the addition of a new land use not shown on the original permit (e.g. adding a commercial use to a residential project, replacing single family units with attached residential units): The proposed revision involves no new land use not shown on the original permit. 5. The proposed revision does not rearrange major land uses within the development (e.g. it doesn't exchange the locations of single family units with attached units): The proposed revision does not rearrange uses except that open space lots 155 and 6 are combined and increased in area while single family lots along the eastern boundary are reduced in area to accommodate the expanded open space. 6. The proposed revision does not create changes of greater than ten percent (10%), provided that compliance will be maintained with the applicable development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as follows: a) per individual lot or PRE 99-16 - MARIANO SUBDIVISION MARCH 3, 1999 PAGE 3 structure - yards, setbacks, coverage, or height; and b) on an aggregate project basis - parking, open space, common area or landscaping: Note: The Planning Director has determined that this finding can be waived due to the required open space corridor expansion through the Mariano subdivision. The proposed revisions would result in changes to yards, setbacks, and coverage of more than 10 percent due to the reduction in lot sizes of lots along the eastern boundary. While 7 approved single family lots would be eliminated, three new lots would be created. Additionally, 11 approved single family lots would be substantially reduced in size. All proposed changes comply with Chapter 21.45 (Planned Development Ordinance) except that a building footprint is not shown on Lot 17 which is one of the new proposed lots. An approved building footprint and dimensioned setback/yards must be shown on this lot to determine compliance with the PD standards. 7. The proposed change will not result in any significant environmental impact, and/or require additional mitigation: The proposed revisions are the result of mitigation required by the USFWS and California Department of Fish and Game for impacts to coastal sage habitat resulting from construction of Aviara Parkway; therefore, no significant impacts beyond those previously identified would result. 8. The proposed changes would not result in any health, safety, or welfare impacts: The proposed revisions must be found in substantial conformance by the Engineering Department, Fire Department, and Water District thereby ensuring that all potential health, safety, and/or welfare issues are addressed. 9. There were not any major issues or controversies associated with the original project which would be exacerbated with the proposed change: No major project issues or controversies associated with the original project are impacted by the proposed revisions to the project. 10. The proposed change would not be readily discernible to the decision makers as being substantially different from the project as originally approved: The overall project design has been minimally changed with respect to single family lot layout and circulation design. The elimination of a local street through the SDG&E easement and open space corridor is an improvement to open space connectivity. Lot size reductions are not discernible from the street frontage since the result of the reduced lot area is that rear yards are significantly reduced in depth. The proposed reduced rear yard areas are more typical of those provided in small lot subdivisions. PRE 99-16 - MARIANQSUBDIVISION MARCH 3, 1999 PAGE 4 Please submit three sets of the subject tentative map and site development plan substantial confonnance exhibits that include the redesign of the RV storage facility, relocation of the private/public trail and SDG&E access, and proposed building footprint and dimensioned setbacks/yards on Lot 17 for further review by staff. Please retabulate the lot area, project area and recreation summaries provided on Sheet 6 of the approved Tentative Map and include as part of the substantial confonnance tentative map exhibit. If you have any questions regarding the above items, please contact me at (760) 438-1161, extension 4477. Sincerely, ANNE HYSOT Associate Planner AH:mh Michael Holzmiller Jack Henthom & Associates Adrienne Landers Bobbie Hoder Mike Shirey, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry MEMORANDUM DATE: March 1,1999 TO: ASSOCIATE ENGINEER - Mike Shirey FROM: ASSOCIATE PLANNER - Anne Hysong SUBJECT: CT 97-14/PUD 97-11/SDP 97-16 - MARIANO SUBDIVISION SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE The Planning Department has completed a review of the subject Preliminary Review application requesting a determination of Substantial Conformance for changes to the approved Mariano tentative subdivision map and site development plan. The result of this review is that: 1 )the private/public trail and SDG&E access from Street "E " requires relocation outside of the proposed RV Storage lot; 2) the RV Storage lot requires additional design work due to circulation problems; 3) an approved residential unit must be proposed on Lot 17 that conforms to the required Planned Development Ordinance setback and private open space standards; and 4) the Planning Director has determined that Finding 6 identified below is waived due the required open space corridor expansion. Upon satisfactory resolution of these issues, a substantial conformance finding in accordance with Administrative Policy No. 35 would be possible. The following items describe the proposal's compliance or non-compliance with each of the 10 required substantial conformance findings: 1. No project condition, feature, facility, or amenity is changed or deleted that had been considered essential to the project's design, quality, safety, or function: Note: This finding cannot be made until the RV lot has been redesigned to address circulation issues and the public/private trail and SDG&E access on Street "E" is relocated. Although the project's approved RV Storage facility would be eliminated by the proposed design, an alternate storage facility has been proposed. The new facility provides approximately 3,200 square feet of usable RV parking space compared to the approved 3,840 square feet. However, the proposed area complies with the PD standard for RV storage since the minimum requirement for 146 planned development units (excluding the 27 apartment units) is 2,920 square feet. The proposed RV facility design has some circulation problems identified by the engineering department which will have to be resolved. Engineering comments will be submitted under separate cover. A related issue is the location of the private/public trail and SDG&E access from Street "E" which was approved at the location now proposed for the RV lot. If and when the City accepts the irrevocable offer of dedication for a public trail, the access point would be through the Mariano RV lot. This location is unacceptable since the Mariano HOA will most likely want to lock the RV lot for security reasons. An alternate trail access point will need to be proposed. 2. The request represents an upgrade in the overall design features and/or materials and improves upon the projects compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood: The proposed project revisions represent an upgrade in the overall design features and would not impact the project's compatibility with surrounding development. An increase of approximately 2 acres of open space will result from the proposed project revisions. This increase in open space is consistent with the City's Draft HMP in that it creates a continuous open space corridor through the project that will connect with an open space corridor to the north, This open space corridor also improves the overall Zone 20 open space system. The total number of small single family lots will be reduced by 4 lots. Grading quantities will be reduced somewhat by the proposed design, although export quantities would be increased by 55,000 cubic yards. Slopes exceeding 30' in height would result from the new design, however, this is necessitated by Aviara Parkway due to the 4d permit requirement for habitat mitigation. Eleven (11) of the approved lots along the eastern property line are reconfigured and reduced in size although all exceed 6,000 square feet. These lots would still exceed the minimum small lot size requirement in conformance with the PD Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance). 3. The proposed revision does not change the density (i.e. the addition of units) or boundary of the subject property: The proposed revision reduces the density of the overall project from 150 single family lots/units to 146 single family lots/units. The project boundaries remain the same. 4. The proposed revision does not involve the addition of a new land use not shown on the original permit (e.g. adding a commercial use to a residential project, replacing single family units with attached residential units): The proposed revision involves no new land use not shown on the original permit. 5. The proposed revision does not rearrange major land uses within the development (e.g. it doesn't exchange the locations of single family units with attached units): The proposed revision does not rearrange uses except that open space lots 155 and 6 are combined and increased in area while single family lots along the eastern boundary are reduced in area to accommodate the expanded open space. 6. The proposed revision does not create changes of greater than ten percent (10%), provided that compliance will be maintained with the applicable development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as follows: a) per individual lot or structure - yards, setbacks, coverage, or height; and b) on an aggregate project basis - parking, open space, common area or landscaping: Note: The Planning Director has determined that this finding can be waived due to the required open space corridor expansion through the Mariano subdivision. The proposed revisions would result in changes to yards, setbacks, and coverage of more than 10 percent due to the reduction in lot sizes of lots along the eastern boundary. While 7 approved single family lots would be eliminated, three new lots would be created. Additionally, 11 approved single family lots would be substantially reduced in size. All proposed changes comply with Chapter 21.45 (Planned Development Ordinance) except that a building footprint is not shown on Lot 17 which is one of the new proposed lots. An approved building footprint and dimensioned * must be shown on this lot to determine compliance with the PD standards. 7. The proposed change will not result in any significant environmental impact, and/or require additional mitigation: The proposed revisions are the result of mitigation required by the USFWS and California Department of Fish and Game for impacts to coastal sage habitat resulting from construction of Aviara Parkway; therefore, no significant impacts beyond those previously identified would result. 8. The proposed changes would not result in any health, safety, or welfare impacts: The proposed revisions must be found in substantial conformance by the Engineering Department, Fire Department, and Water District thereby ensuring that all potential health, safety, and/or welfare issues are addressed. 9. There were not any major issues or controversies associated with the original project which would be exacerbated with the proposed change: No major project issues or controversies associated with the original project are impacted by the proposed revisions to the project. 10. The proposed change would not be readily discernible to the decision makers as being substantially different from the project as originally approved: The overall project design has been minimally changed with respect to single family lot layout and circulation design. The elimination of a local street through the SDG&E easement and open space corridor is an improvement to open space connectivity. Lot size reductions are not discernible from the street frontage since the result of the reduced lot area is that rear yards are significantly reduced in depth. The proposed reduced rear yard areas are more typical of a those provided in small lot subdivisions. I have asked the applicant to submit three sets of the subject tentative map and site development plan that include the redesign of the RV storage facility, relocation of the private/public trail and SDG&E access, and proposed building footprint and dimensioned setbacks/yards on Lot 17 for further review by staff. PUBLIC WORKS LAND DEVELOPMENT SECTION MEMORANDUM February 22, 1999 TO: ASSOCIATE PLANNER - ANNE HYSONG FROM: Associate Engineer- Land Development PRE 99-16 (CT 97-14): MARIANO SDP SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE EXHIBIT PRELIMINARY REVIEW Engineering Department staff will review the Mariano Site Development Plan (SDP) Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE), and forward any comments to the developer, as part of the tentative map SCE review. Therefore, staff has no comments on the SDP-SCE at this time. If you have any questions, please either see or call me at extension 4388. MICHAEL J.SHIREY Associate Engineer - Land Development c: Principal Civil Engineer- Land Development HUN SAKE R &ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC. PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING Februarys, 1999 IRVINE LAS VEGAS Mr Michael Holzmiller RIVERSIDE planning Director SAN DIEGO City Qf Car|sbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Mariano Project Substantial Conformance Submittal Dear Michael: DAVE HAMMAR |ACK HILL LEX WILLIMAN 10179 Huennekens SI. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 558-4500 PH (619)558-1414 FX www.hunsaker.com lnfo@HunsakerSD.com FEB 1 2 1999 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT We have met with members of your staff and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game to come to a resolution to the issues associates with the 4-D process, Aviara Parkway and the Mariano project. The enclosed substantial conformance package is submitted in response to items requested by the agencies and to expedite the process in order to begin construction of the remaining link of Aviara Parkway. In order to accommodate the items requested by the agencies it was necessary to make the following modifications to the plan: 1. The portion of the project westerly of the 150' wide San Diego Gas and Electric easement will develop as per the approved plans and any modifications granted by the City of Carlsbad; 2. The portion of the project easterly of the westerly boundary of the San Diego Gas and Electric easement will develop according to the attached plat which incorporates the following modifications: a) Lots 6 through 12 will be eliminated, b) Lot 12 will become a new "F" Street access from the extension of Cobblestone Road, c) Grading as necessary for the extension of utility services to lots 13 through 26 will be permitted. All slopes will be revegetated with native species. Future disturbance for repair or maintenance will be revegetated, d) The portion of "F" Street from the intersection with "E" Street easterly 350 feet, to the northerly boundary of lot 12 will be eliminated, e) The "F" Street cul de sac will be moved 75' north of it originally approved location, f) The R.V. parking area and open space lot 157 will be incorporated into a native habitat area adjacent to the southeastern corner of the property. KS:kd k:\1758M999\a56.doc w.o. 1758-7 City of Carlsbad Mariano (w.o. 1758-7) February 11, 1999 Page 2 These modifications will result in the following items: 1. A northern open space corridor opening of 526 feet adjacent to the Cobblestone Sea Village and BCS high quality slope areas, 2. An increase in native and revegetated open space in the northern area by 67,870 square feet (1.56 acres), 3. An increase in the native ungraded open space at the southeast corner of the site from 8,000 square feet to 20,000 square feet, 4. An increase in the width of the native ungraded open space near the southeast corner from an average of 45.5 feet to an average of 142.5 feet, 5. Relocation of the R.V. parking area to the flat area at the entrance of the SDG&E access road, 6. Miscellaneous modifications in grading necessary to accommodate the loss of lots. Consistent with the Substantial Conformance Exhibit Submittal Checklist, this submittal package includes: • Three sets of bluelines of the conforming tentative map • Four sets of bluelines of the propose substantial conformance exhibits • One set of a clear transparency of the proposed substantial conformance exhibit • Four copies of this letter • Check in the amount of $600.00 for the Substantial Conformance Review Fee • Redline markup/comments. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your earliest convenience. \ssociates ta®, rip. -*• i I y/n Director of Planning cc: Sam Holty, Ayers Land Jeff Clark, Standard Pacific Jim Hanson, Fieldstone Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director Don Rideout, Principal Planner Anne Hysong, Project Planner Mike Shirey, Project Engineer KS:kd k:\1758M999\a56.doc w.o. 1758-7 Henthorn & Associai 5375 Avenida Encinas, Suite D Carlsbad, California 92008 (760)438-4090 Fax (760) 438-0981 February 2, 1999 Anne Hysong City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Subject: CT 97-14 — Mariano Dear Anne Hysong: Enclosed is the submittal'package for Substantial Conformance Exhibit review of the Mariano project. The following items respond directly to the numbered items in the City's letter dated January 14, 1999. Planning 1. The proposed slopes that exceed the 30' permitted height restriction by the Hillside Development Ordinance, are due to the construction and mitigation of sensitive biological impacts for the remaining link of Aviara Parkway. 2. The RV parking configuration has been modified to accommodate the full 3,000 sq. ft. required. The proposed configuration incorporates fifteen spaces at 10' x 20' each. 3. The attached plans have the approved units plotted on each of the revised lots. Engineering 1. All items found on the substantial conformance checklist have been included within this package along with the items outlined in the City's letter. 2. The following table illustrates the amount of grading that is being proposed with the changes. Grading Quanities for Mariano Project (CT 9 7' 14) Cut Fill Export Approved w/ Avaira Parkway 692,190.00 598,960.00 93,230.00 w/o Aviara Parkway 508,940.00 417,170.00 91,770.00 Proposed w/ Avaira Parkway 691,100.00 542,500.00 146,600.00 w/o Aviara Parkway 507,800.00 360,700.00 147,100.00 Difference w/ Avaira Parkway (1,090.00) (56,460.00) 55,370.00 w/o Aviara Parkway (1,140.00) (56,470.00) 55,330.00 3. Drainage from the out-fall of the proposed storm drain is illustrated on the attached plans. . -1- 4. Fail-safe overflow mitigation measures for the sump, conditions along "F" Street have been examined and incorporated into the attached plans. 5. The drainage patterns for the benches on slopes greater than 30' in height are shown on the attached plans. 6. The RV Lot has been redesigned and is illustrated on the attached plans. 7. Hunsaker and Associates are currently reviewing the plans with the District Engineer atCMWD. 8. The CalTrans Corner Sight Distance sight line of 440' has added indicated on the plans at the Cobblestone Road and "F" Street intersection. 9. The following table illustrates the revised Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for the project: . (Average Daily Trips (A0T) Jo* Mariano Project : Approved 150 Single Family Units 27 Multi Family Units Proposed 146 Single Family Units 27 Multi Family Units Difference in Totals , ADT 1500 216 1460 216 Total ADT 1716 , 1676 :. 40 If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to call our office at (760) 438-4090. - Sincerely, n / Bryan D. Bennett Assistant Planner encl. cc:file E:\Projects\Mariano\Mariano - Substantial Conformance Letter.doc Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director Don Rideout, Principal Planner Anne Hysong, Project Planner Mike Shirey, Project Engineer -2- Tack Henthorn & Associ^s ^P 5375 Avemda Enemas, Suite D ^& Carlsbad, California 92008 January 14, 1999 (760) 438-4090 Fax (760) 438-0981 Mr. Michael Holzmiller Planning Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, California 92009 Subject: Aviara Parkway/Mariano Project Habitat Loss Permit Dear Michael: I have met with members of your staff and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game to review a proposed resolution to the issues associated with the 4-D process associated with Aviara Parkway and the Mariano project. The property owner has agreed to modifications requested by the wildlife agencies that will allow for the immediate release of permits subject to the following: 1. Immediate filing of a replacement habitat loss permit (4-D) incorporating the agency required modifications 2. Confirmation of fire suppression zone locations from the Fire Marshal 3. Owner granting an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to the City of Carlsbad or other responsible agency as designated by the City. The owner's only condition of granting these items so that Aviara Parkway construction can proceed is that this process be completed by January 22, 1999 In order to accommodate the items requested by the agencies it was necessary to make the following modifications to the plan: 1. Eliminate 6 residential lots immediately east of the intersection of Cobblestone Road and E Street 2. Eliminate F Street between E Street and the extension of Cobblestone Drive 3. Eliminate the R.V. lot and incorporation of the open space lot near the southeastern corner into a open space lot at that location. (See 8.5 X 11 electronic overlay, Exhibit 1) The modifications resulted in: 1. An increase in open space and habitat 2. A reduction in residential lots by 4 3. Increased slope heights (above 30 feet) 4. Access via Cobblestone Drive extension 5. Deep sewer and storm drain to serve the remaining lots east of the power line easement 6. Relocation of the R.V. lot and establishment of 14 additional spaces on lots meeting R-l width minimums 7. Miscellaneous modifications in grading necessary to accommodate the loss of lots The most expeditious method of resolving this issue appears to be through the conforming mylar procedures. This procedure has been used in the past when Coastal Commission conditions required modifications to design on projects previously approved by the City of Carlsbad. The purpose of the conforming mylar is to create a document that reflects all final modifications and conditions of approval imposed by various approving agencies. I am enclosing a red line print showing the modifications that have been discussed with the City staff and accepted by the wildlife agencies Exhibit 2. This exhibit covers only the portion of the project east of Aviara Parkway, The portion westerly will not be impacted. I am also enclosing a comparative analysis of the original and modified plans as Exhibit 3.. I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter so that final resolution of this issue can be documented and construction of the final link of Aviara Parkway can begin.. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your earliest convenience. 'Very truly yours, cc: Sam Holty, Ayres Land Jeff Clark, Standard Pacific Jim Hansen, Fieldstone Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director Don Rideout, Principal Planner Anne Hysong, Project Planner Mike Shirey, project Engineer LEGEND. Approved Ran ^Proposed Alternative Layout •V- Property Line MARIANO i Exhibit 3 MARIANO ALTERNATIVE LOT STUDY ANALYSIS Background/Description The Mariano project, CT 97-14/PUD 97-11/SDP 97-16/HDP 97-13/CDP 97-34, was approved by the Planning Commission on October 15, 1997. The project is located in Area A of the Zone 20 Specific Plan and also within the Mello II segment.of Carlsbad's LCP. The project, as approved, included a total of 177 units, 150 single family homes on small lots and 27 affordable apartment units, on 53.7 acres of land. The project site consists of two general plan designations, Residential Medium (RM) and Residential Low-Medium (RLM), resulting in a density of 4.16 du/acre for RM and 4.11 du/acre for the RLM portion for the project. The total number of approved lots are 157, which include 150 small single family lots, one multi-family lot, two open space lots, two recreation lots, one RV lot and one private access lot to Sudan Interior Mission. The alternative lot study for the project redesigns those lots along the eastern property line, Lots 6-24, 155 & 157-158. In order to comply with the requests of the wildlife agencies, access to these lots has been taken from Cobblestone Drive and the lots northwest of that intersection have been eliminated. This configuration will provide a longer and wider, approximately 520 foot, corridor for habitat purposes. The table below illustrates the differences between the approved site development plan and the alternative lot study. ^v#&^Vc ' Alternative Mt Study% "v"' ^ • *" r *'1 «^. ^iiTp .*.. SL. )tr ;> ( *(fj» t a * , WM t 4. Acres Density Lots Units Open Space Acres Approved RM 17.2 4.16 du/ac 73 71 0 RLM 36.5 4. 1 1 du/ac 84 .106,- 8.32 Proposed RM 17.2 4. 16 du/ac 73 71 0 RLM 36.5 3.95 du/ac 77 102 10.1 Design Modifications The alternative lot design for the approved Mariano project addresses the concerns and requests expressed by the wildlife agencies. The resulting design eliminates 6 residential lots and a portion of "F" Street parallel to Cobblestone Road between "E" Street and Cobblestone Drive, preserving the area as native open space. The issues that are associated with the alternative lot study include manufactured slope heights that exceed the 30' maximum, a deep sewer and a deep storm drain. In order to acquire access from the intersection of Cobblestone Drive and Cobblestone Road, "F" Street and the adjacent lots were elevated to ensure that the slope gradient did not exceed the maximum percentage of 12%. "F" Street and the adjoining lots were elevated, at the highest point, approximately 20 feet. The raising of "F" Street to meet the requirements of street design forces the sewer and storm drain system to be buried deeper than usual. At their deepest points, the sewer will be buried approximately 20 feet and the storm drain will be buried approximately 25 feet. These depths have been approved by the City Engineer in other areas in the vicinity of the project. The sewer will connect with the existing sewer system within Cobblestone Road at a road elevation of 165. The alternative design incorporates a bench in the manufactured slope along Cobblestone Road that will contain the sewer line, until it catches grade with the existing system. These areas will be revegetated and will require revegetation if it is necessary to repair or maintain the sewer. Policy Analysis The alternative is subject to the following adopted land use plans and regulations: General Plan with RM and RLM Land Use Designations; . Specific Plan 203; Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP); Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21, including; Chapter 21.45 — Planned Development Ordinance; Chapter 2.1.06 — Qualified Development Overlay Zone; Chapter 21.85 — Inclusionary Housing; Chapter 21.95 — Hillside Development Regulations; . Chapters 21.201,21.202 and 21.203—Coastal Development Permit Procedures, Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone and Coastal Agriculture Overlay Zone; Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance); Habitat Management Plan (draft); Growth Management Ordinance, Zone 20 LFMP; and Environmental Protection Procedures and CEQA. The alternative lot study is consistent with those policies and programs within the General Plan. The proposed density, as shown above, is 3.95 du/ac for the RLM land use designation, which is within the density range of 0-4 du/net acre for RLM designations. However, the density is above the growth control point of 3.2 du/net. The additional density is due to the 27 unit affordable housing project that the General Plan allows for as "density increases above the maximum residential densities permitted by the growth control point to enable development of low income housing." There are no proposed changes to the RM designated portion of the project. The project is located within Area A of the Zone 20 Specific Plan and is designated for medium and low medium density residential development. The alternative lot study is consistent with all parts of the Zone 20 Specific Plan in dealing with inclusionary housing, land use, open space and RV storage space. The alternative lot study reduces theR.V. lot size and relocates the RV storage lot. The reduction is offset by the the location storage space throughout the subdivision on lots that meet R-l width standards that can physically accommodate the space. The project is located within the Mello II Local Coastal Program and is designated for low and medium residential densities. The Mello 11 LCP requires the preservation of "dual criteria" slopes. The policy exempts activities required to construct circulation arterial roadways. The slopes impacted from the project are directly related to the mitigation associated with the alignment of Aviara Parkway. . The project is required to comply with the Planned Development Ordinance due to the small lot single family configuration. The alternative lot design is consistent with the findings made in the project's staff report. However, the location of the RV storage has been altered from the approved plans. The storage space is now located throughout the subdivision on lots that have a minimum width of 60' and a minimum side yard of 10'. The alternative lot design meets all other development standards contained within the Planned Development Ordinance. The project site contains slopes of 15% or greater and an elevation differential greater than 15 feet and as a result has an approved Hillside Development Permit. As with the approved plans, the alternative lot study does include manufactured slopes that are greater than the maximum 30' height standard contained in the ordinance. The total slope height, which is traversed by a drainage swale, is approximately 45 to 50 feet at its highest point. The increased slope height results from design modifications necessary to mitigate construction of Avirara Parkway and previously approved road alignments and grades related to Cobblestone Road. The project is consistent with all other relevant ordinances in the Carlsbad Municipal Code that were applicable at the time of approval. They include the Subdivision Ordinance, Coastal Development Permit Procedures, Inclusionary housing, and the Qualified Development Overlay Zone. In regards to the Habitat Management Plan for the City of Carlsbad, the project is not located within any of the Preserve Planning Areas. The disturbance of the CSS habitat has been mitigated by the purchase of habitat in an off site habitat mitigation bank. The alternative lot design does decreases the amount of disturbance to the natural habitat and provides a wider corridor that is being requested by the wildlife agencies. Conclusion In conclusion, the alternative lot study for the approved Mariano project decreases the number of lots by 7 and decreases the number of single family units by 4. The study does not propose anything that is considered to be inconsistent with any of the adopted land use plans and regulations for the City of Carlsbad and incorporates the concerns and requests of the wildlife agencies. The main items associated with the alternative design include, deep sewer and storm drain at the. knuckle of "F" Street, and the slope height in conjunction with the previously approved road alignments and grades for Aviara Parkway and Cobblestone Road. The alternative lot study provides a valid solution that balances the concerns of the wildlife agencies for the preservation of natural habitat and the rights of the property owners to develop an economically feasible project. The modifications as proposed should be capable of being accomplished within the conforming mylar procedure since they have been requested by an outside permitting agency and did not substantially modify the previously approved development concept. City of Carlsbad Planning Department January 14, 1999 Jack Henthorn & Associates 5375 Avenida Encinas, Suite D Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: CT 97-14 - MARIANO TENTATIVE MAP REVISIONS Dear Jack: The Engineering and Planning Departments have reviewed the tentative map revisions you have proposed and offer the following comments regarding the proposed changes to the Mariano subdivision map: Planning: The Planning Department will review the Substantial Conformance Exhibit submitted for substantial conformance review in accordance with Engineering Item 1 listed below. The Planning Department requests that you submit a red lined exhibit of the approved map to illustrate the proposed changes. 1. The proposed 50' slopes exceed the 30' permitted by the Hillside Development Ordinance, however, modifications are permitted for circulation element roadways. Since the 4d permit is required for habitat required to be taken due to the roadway, the slope height modification would be supported by staff if substantial conformance findings for the overall changes can be made. 2. The proposed RV site would provide only a portion of the project's required RV storage space. The Planned Development Ordinance states that the area provided for storage must be exclusive of driveways and approaches; therefore, the proposed spaces do not satisfy the total RV storage requirement. Since you have previously indicated that there are lots with adequate side yards to provide a 10' x 20' storage area, please identify the lots and dimension the areas proposed for this use on the redlined exhibit. Please use the site plan with units plotted on each lot to illustrate that space is available. An alternative would be to locate another RV lot on one or more of the perimeter residential lots within the subdivision or lease adequate space elsewhere in Zone 20. 3. Please provide a site plan with approved units plotted on each of the revised lots to illustrate that these lots are adequate in area and dimension to accommodate the approved units. 2O75 La Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 • (76O) 438-1161 • FAX (76O) 438-O894 Engineering: 1. The applicant has asked if the revised project can be approved through the conforming mylar process. The conforming mylar was previously approved on October 7, 1998. This approved plan cannot be changed. However, the applicant can submit the revised project for substantial conformance review. If the revised project is found to be in substantial conformance, then a tentative map revision will not be necessary. Attached for the applicant's use is the Substantial Conformance Exhibit Check List. 2. Please indicate the amount of grading proposed for the revised project in cubic yards of cut/fill and import/export. Indicate the difference in this grading from the approved project's proposed grading. 3. Please indicate how drainage will be conveyed from the out-fall of the proposed storm drain at the new "F" Street knuckle to the Laurel Tree on-site storm drain. Remember that a basin is still required in this area. 4. Sumps are now being proposed at two locations along "F" Street. Indicate fail- safe overflow mitigation measures for these sump conditions. 5. Please indicate benches on slopes greater than 30' in height. Show how drainage on the benches will be conveyed and discharged. 6. The proposed location of the RV Lot is acceptable to engineering, as long as it operates adequately. The 8.5" x 11" exhibit that was submitted was not clear enough for staff to review; however, the following design parameters should be met: • AASHTO RV turning radius of a minimum of 42' must be indicated for ingress and egress to the proposed lot (curb returns, rather than driveway "X's" may be required); • for of 36'; | I Wt^^J 141 I VI WVJI WvJvJ LW UIVX |^l W|^^SWSV4 IVXh y VSVI I \~t I WIV41 I IV, I Wltl IWI II IUI I veway "X's" may be required); maneuverability, the middle space should have a minimum length 36'; • clearly indicate the width of the proposed aisle way (base the width on the design vehicle turning radius). 7. The CMWD, District Engineer, must approve the revised sewer alignment; specifically, the fact that the sewer is now proposed within a slope. How will this segment of the proposed sewer be accessed for maintenance purposes? Also, please indicate sewer inlet elevations. Provide documentation from CMWD that the revised sewer design is acceptable. 8. Please indicate a clear CalTrans Corner Sight Distance sight line of 440' at the Cobblestone Road/"F" Street intersection. Indicate horizontal and vertical (profile) sight distance sight lines. 9. Please indicate the revised Average Daily Traffic (ADT) now being proposed for the project. 10. Attached is a red-lined check print of the project for the applicants use in making the requested revisions. Please be advised, this check print must be returned with the project revisions to facilitate continued staff review. If you have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact me at (760) 438-11 61, extension 4477 or Mike Shirey at extension 4388. Sincerely, ANNE HYSO Associate Planner ^-^i^ , (J AH:eh Attachment MEMORANDUM January 13, 1999 TO: ASSOCIATE PLANNER - ANNE HYSONG FROM: Associate Engineer - Land Development CT 97-14: MARIANO "WILDLIFE AGENCY REDESIGN" PRELIMINARY REVIEW Engineering Department staff have completed a preliminary review of the revised design for the above-referenced project and have the following comments: 1. The applicant has asked if the revised project can be approved through the conforming mylar process. The conforming mylar was previously approved on October 7, 1998. This approved plan cannot be changed. However, the applicant can submit the revised project for substantial conformance review. If the revised project is found to be in substantial conformance then a tentative map revision will not be necessary. Attached for the applicant's use is the Substantial Conformance Exhibit Check List. 2. Please indicate the amount of grading proposed for the revised project in cubic yards of cut/fill and import/export. Indicate the difference in this grading from the approved project's proposed grading. 3. Please indicate how drainage will be conveyed from the out-fall of the proposed storm drain at the new "F" Street knuckle to the Laurel Tree on-site storm drain. Remember that a basin is still required in this area. 4. Sumps are now being proposed at two locations along "F" Street. Indicate fail-safe overflow mitigation measures for these sump conditions. 5. Please indicate benches on slopes greater than 30' in height. Show how drainage on the benches will be conveyed and discharged. 6. The proposed location of the RV Lot is acceptable to engineering, as long as it operates adequately. The 8.5" x 11" exhibit that was submitted was not clear enough for staff to review; however, the following design parameters should be met: • AASHTO RV turning radius of a minimum of 42' must be indicated for ingress and egress to the proposed lot (curb returns, rather than driveway "X's" may be required); • for maneuverability, the middle space should have a minimum length of 36'; • clearly indicate the width of the proposed aisle way (base the width on the design vehicle turning radius). 7. The CMWD, District Engineer, must approve the revised sewer alignment; specifically, the fact that the sewer is now proposed within a slope. How will this segment of the proposed sewer be accessed for maintenance purposes? Also, please indicate sewer inlet elevations. Provide documentation from CMWD that the revised sewer design is acceptable. LmFCT 97-14: MARIANO "WILBTiFE AGENCY REDESIGN" PRELIMINARY REVIEW A. HYSONG MEMO; JANUARY 13, 1999 8. Please indicate a clear CalTrans Corner Sight Distance sight line of 440' at the Cobblestone Road/"F" Street intersection. Indicate horizontal and vertical (profile) sight distance sight lines. 9. Please indicate the revised Average Daily Traffic (ADT) now being proposed for the project. 10. Attached is a red-lined check print of the project for the applicants use in making the requested revisions. Please be advised, this check print must be returned with the project revisions to facilitate continued staff review. If you or the applicant have any questions, please either see or call me at extension 4388. MICHAEL J. SHIREY Associate Engineer - Land Development Attachment c: Principal Civil Engineer - Land Development