HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 97-23; MAGNOLIA SUBDIVISION; Engineering ApplicationPROJECT ADDRESS:. ______ ...,.-___ -:-: ____ """?~_ ........... -------__;Iif(r_----- LOT NO(S).: 5: . NUMBER OF LOTS: MAP NO.: cr 9]-23-2-APN(S).: NUMBER OF" ACRES: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: . Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail~ I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above of my knowledge • . Phone Number: 2' (!) 9 -s--o (... 6".s J 0 Phone Number: Fax Number: . Fax Number: E-Mail: 1nc!)yen.. ~et:A.yf6 {'''n/<.' n ef E-Mail: State Registration Number: 6.J!$ b 7 State Registration Number: ADDmONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) Dearlsbad Municipal Water District . DOlivenhain 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% DValledtos contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal' Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ Of fill ___ CY remedial ___ Of import _. __ Of . export __ _ ~-r t{7-23-L, Revised 1/14/02 .... ·/ns::\/J:I npUJ:NT ~~R\lIr.I=~/MAP;TI=R,!::;'/Annllr.Afinn fnr FnclnRp.rlna Plan Check SEE REVERSE SIDE CIWF CAJlLSBAD ~ ENGINEERIN,GpE'PAWENT ' ,.",.., 'I." " ' -)',' " " , " " APPLICATJOtf. ,-' EN~INEERING PLAN CHECK > ". , Complete all appropriate information. Write NJ A when not applicable. I . . -, ',,- ,FOR CITY USE ONLY, , APPLICATION FOR PROjECT' " < DRAWiNG. ,:DEPOSIT IFEES ' COMMENIS':\ : , ( v all that apply) I.D; , 'NUMBJ:R :'" ; ! .: PAID',Y , . ' 0 Adjustment Plat (AOJ) \ , , ., • 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) 0 ' \ Dedication of Easement (PR)" Type: "\ , , , ' . : ~I ; •• Type: \ ' Type:. , , . 0 Encorachment "ermit (PR) .. • 0 Final Map', (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (OWG~ 0 Improvement Plancheck (OWG) 0 Parcel Map (PM) . -. '- 0 Quitclaim of Easement (PR) '" " " .. " " " Type: . " t . ' .. Type: '. \ , Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) , 0 Street Vacation (SlV) 0 Tentative Parcel M,!p (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) '0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) 0 Other APPLICATIO~ ACCI;PTED BY: ' H:lDEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Em:"neer/n~ Plan Check Pa~e 2 ,1-1, DATE STAMP' APPLi~ATON REC'~IVED Revised 1/14/02 ' " , .. \;: I,. Cier: CARLS_~~.~, ~~,~~~,,~~:~~~~ ',D,EP9ENT __ ': "':~,N'~i,~;:' ',", ~ " '~;~~,-~~~:,;--:,i:;);:''-':'\: ::, , Complete 'all, ~pp.ropFr~te!J(ifo.r ,. '" .. lqh~"~',~r,i;:~:irJl:~JN:~~*;,~9t{~~,pnc~ble. PROJECf NAME: DATE: ..=;.::~.w..,~~- PROJECf ESCRIpnON:-,,-..JL_~)..-~:¥..~~~+L~~"4~~~~=-__ '71-__ _ _ ~~ __ MAP NO.:cr" 7-:0";;" APN(S).: NUMBER OF LOTS: NUMBER OF ACRES: OWNER: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above Information Is true and co e the st of my knowledge. Signature-Date: 't) 1; 'Il Signature: CIVIL ENGINEER: • OS j FIRM: :D 1) C- Mailing Address: .e~ttuhJ Phone Number: '1191( 5Z>~"'kiSD Fax Number: 'll?1 S1>4z -4l£3D Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: State Registration Number: State Registration Number: R..(!£ d..t Ie&?; ADDmONAL COMMENTS: E?ARTMcNT IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) ~ad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain DValiecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water Dlstrlctl what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvemen (if applicable)? $ " GRADING QUANllTIES cut ___ cy fill ___ c:t remediallJ'iS-c:t import j-z,o cy export 6 cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H IDEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application lor EnQlnea~ng Plan Check Revised 1114102 PROJECT ADDRESS:' __ ~~~~!...--;-L:...2:.:~::;=':~~ __ -:"' __ ~=~--=--:-__ LOT NO(S).: <)- NUMBER OF LOTS: OWNER: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: W L( .... 1("["'0. '1 Fax Number: E-Mail: E-M~iI: I certify that I am the legal owner and that aU 'the above CIVIL FIRM: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Signature: qq 52:0~ -t:&.53ZJ Phone Number: Fax Num~er.: E-Mail: State Registration Number: ADDmONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located In? (check one) gca;;ad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain 2. If in the carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate,including the 15% DVallecitos , , contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal, Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? ' $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy, fill ___ CY remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export __ _ SEE REVERSE SIDE Revised ll14/02 CITY QK:ARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DE'PART_T .. APPLICATION' ... ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK Complete all appropriate irformation. Write .N/A W~t!ri 119t applicab'e~ APPLICATION FOR ( ,f all that apply) D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Encorachment Permit (PR) W'Final Map (FM) [j]/'Grading Plancheck (DWG) W-Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement CPR) Type;..: _____ _ Type;..: _____ _ Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation (SlV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant of Easement (PR) D Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: ~(}f(J;; ~/kA PROJEQT DRAWING 1.0. NUMBER. CT1?--bl3 I "f;t'}q 1-.~J-J. crCf;Z':;3 ~~o'1a-34 6TQ,.·J.3 ~(.ol~'a~-3B I·Nnl=\/I=1 nPMI=NT ~I=R\lIr.I=~IMA~TI=R~IAnnll""tlnn fnr Fnnlnpprinn PIAn r.hAr.i< PAnA ? FOR CITY USE O.NlY. DEPOSIT JFEES. PAID ,. COMMENTS . RECEIVED FEB 2 1 2003 ENQINESRING .. DEPARTMENT •.. ·.DATE$J4MP APP~X~AT9N· .Re~.t;IVED Revised 1/14/02 :,;' . ...', ~ ::, :{~~ '. '_ ;"":1" .~. '1\' . " ,I :'" ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~-\------------. DATE: ____ ~ ______ _ PROJECT ADDRESS: __ ~;....:...:.o~~=~~--:;.:.;:;..;;..;~::........j~";"':=~-"...'::;;'-___ """" ____ """;:';~ LOT NOeS).: '2,3 A.-.~ 4- NUMBER OF LOTS: OWNER: Mailing Address: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: ~c;.e;. .. \c.,... C'1j'''.e ... r ..... ~ I'''' ..... 31 \ ~ 1.. J \ ":ll A W ~ I "S.,,'-\rL ":1;.0 \ OLe. A.J'>, } a. t.A. <t '-0 r:; cc. , . Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: CIVIL ENGINEER: _?_"'....:.';,..;.;\'4':e:.....::w~.=-~=(...(.::::..;o;..;..\ DJ~ __ FIRM: ~u..o\a" E"'3' .... AllZr,"":j ,\oc... Mailing Address: '?\'\.1-\ltc;,\~ \.U~'!s SU,~Q,.~Q\ O(£~~>hJ ~~. '\(.~Sl." Phone Number: Fax Number: "'~) ,?.\~ 7.0'\\0 E-Mail: ~C!."'J\".5 <t \quc.c.o \.,.. e.",~ • C.Ol\;\. State Registration Number: Q.c.~ '2..'''"R.l,.. ADDmONAL COMMENTS: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: SOILS FIRM: Mailing·Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) DCarlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain Dvallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut __ _ fill ___ C'f remedial ___ Cf import ___ C'f export ___ C'f Revised 1114/02 SEE REVERSE SIDE , •• In .... , ,,.... 1""1"1":="''''' c:-eO\IIt""C:~/"'I\.C'TC:DC:fA ....... It ...... ti •• ",., ,,.., CrU'",inQArin,.. Ol'On t"':h.I"tt-.• ~:- ---------------------------------..,..--------------. CITY WARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEP~R"WNT APPLICATION ' , ' , ENGINEERING PLA~ CHECK Co,nplete all appropriate informat!on~ 'W'rii~ ,,., A wh~n ,",ot, ~pplicable. , , FOR CITY USE ONLY, :' "', .. " , . APPLICATION FOR PROJECT 'DRAWING DEPQsiT/FEES ,COMMENTS ( -/ all that apply) 1.0. NUMBER PAID 0 Adjustment Plat (AOJ) 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) 0 Dedication of Easement (PR) ~ Type: "T:ype: Type: 0 Encorachment Permit (PR) 0 Final Map (FM) " 0 Grading Plancheck (OWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck (OWG) 0 Parcel, Map (PM) > 0 Quitclaim of Easement CPR) Type: Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage CRA) 0 Street Vacation (STV) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) 0 Other APPUCATION ACCEPTED BY: I RECEIVED JAN 1 5.2003 J,.I·/nl=\lr:=1 nPMJ:NT ~r:=R\lIr.~~/" .. A~Ts:R~/Annll~lInn fnr Fnninp~rinn PI::tn r.hAI'",k P~nA' ENGiNEERiNG DEPARTMENT DATE STAMP APPLICATQN RECEIVED Revised 1114/02 i i I I' , I , PROJECT NAME: CITY O.ARLSBAD • ENGINEERING DEP'ARttENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable'. PRruEcrDESCRIPTION:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROJECT ADDRESS: 1~~~~~~~~~ ____________ ~~~;=~~==~~~ LOT NO(S).: /-4(5~ Itd-. ) APN(S).. 1J'i -/9/~/,a , "'! .. /J,;,/91-:-11. ' NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: _...!.-_ ~--:;';"-"'-i'''-'-''~-# LOTS: ' " S: t.l4 ~~-~~~~ APPLICANT: (f4,'chtJellJ. 0 ~al1J Mailing Addr~ss: jJ, f). /J() 't 1& ~3 \ ~ \ " j :' j: I', f!ar/66()t/. 44. tJZIP t Phone Number: (160 >/#4-15b.!J .. " Phone Number: . (160 ) 4Df .... 1StJ,g 'Signature -4-~~~¥-H~~ Signature .;;,s=e..e.;;.....;...Ie;;...;,t+..:..-____ Date _....,........ __ CIVIL ENGINEER: /'h/t'p /J. {!;ltecoM Firm: 81L(J,MIa EIl~'neer;fJ'J /(It-. SOILS ENGINEER: n~ftls~'pt(!rI '1u ' Firm: Mailing Address: .314 z, V,51'a tJa'1 Mailing' Address: oeUwI'6idJ.., I eA· 9'ZIJ5b Phone Number: ( 1bO) 1il ~ Z-()()o Phone Number: '\ State Registration NU(TIber: State Registration Number: Z 118 z.. ~----~---------------------~~- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Firm: Mailing Address: Phone Number: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: jJlIW is ,: //7ased I, fi/"61 #Aa5,t, /5 ItJi.5 1h1;;/ · }1().P!f(;a. ike, "IJ1/l12re,ndtils. NpPdi"1 1-1t1Ylt'tl'§ rifj'cllOr ,rJ/1Q$f;. I. State Registration Number: ... IMPROVEMENT VALUATION .' .: 1. What water district is the proposed project located in (circle one)? Carlsbad Municipal Water District Olivenhain Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad MUnlcrpa a er istrict, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? . 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for'sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation; and drainage improvements (if applicable)? ' 4. What is th~ total cost of landscape and irrigatioQ ,improvements on private property (if applicable)? GRADING QUANTITIES Nj /I $ Z/11£" $ ZI;I/9 $ -/lilA ... - cut fill ___ cy remedial ___ -,--_ cy imporUexport _.........:.---. cy. DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV:6110197' FOR CITY USE ONL Y I APPLICATION FOR: Plancheck Drawing DeposiUFees ; (w' aI/ that apply) Number Type Number Project 1.0. Paid o .Adjustment Plat ADJP I I o Certificate of Compliance coc I o Dedication of Easement DOE I I Type: I : Type: o Encroachment Permit ENCROACH , . .. o EngIneerinq Standards Variance ESV ~alMap vYl Q10D 7.?' FM C-Tctrl.3 lI41't., "3 o Grading Plancheck GRPC o Gradinq GRADING ~ovement Plancheck IPC 13 $ll)-3 t-r'17/l..j ?-?-3;l. ;71- o Landscape Plancheck LPC o Parcel Map PM o Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: Type: o Reversion to Acreage RTA .0 Street Vacation STV o Tentative Parcel Map MS o Certificate of Correction CCOR a Covenant for Easement COVE a Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: ~~ MASTER PROJECT 10: A~ 70 l{ 7b-z- RECEIPT NUMBER: ~Oe PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: ftt4t I ~.o SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: ~~ < ~ R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: O~,() G4V~ ~99 ~J?)') ~Ji'11fv. It?!:''tv7'G MASTER FILE NUMBER: F a OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCSIMISFORMSIAPPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6110197 L-_________________ ------- CITY OF CARLSBAD· ENGINEERING .DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROJECT NAME: (\1A'llOl,.../A 5v6DlLnS~olJ DATE: (;/7/0 0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: -r,Wt/£ E)(f€.'P'S~OU tC(f?Que:-ST _ F~!J2-'CtCjl-2~_/~DP97"U.; - / f"<2~ P-t*A:"S£..It C PH~"S£ .:r H-ItS i(?CO(fl..P\~D -,,*~p 1:\ (~?bef"). PROJECT ADDRESS: 't-\,LY. 0 F )'11A-(00~t~ f.Wrz: ~ A'PA-U S '>-t. LOT NO(S).: ' ~ MAP NO.: Cr't1"·H!c;r;pcn.,~ APN(S).: 'Z~> -\q 1-Z $ NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: (p LFMP ZONE: I # LOTS: # ACRES: -1. ~"3 OWNER: €lToteE. ~ 'eiUk-'t>IA>e ~e/t.-rA' f.)f>l.l .. :, Mailing Address: ..p.O. f,D)( 1{p~3 . CA(J.~MrO!CA!6f1..0lf , Phone Number: (1~) 4.;+-1~(p3 CIVIL ENGINEER: jQSltft\ 1<. L.v\o(OS'{<:'l Firm: Mailing Address: f.D. fk>x l7~J CAr2.l..<)'f3A:-O. CA.. q '2-01 f • Phone Number: <1"" ) '11..'1-+-740 State Registration Number: \ee\Z:. '201 'S'~ APPLICANT: LADc,u/Ci Ot''SllaU AAove. 11Jc... Mailing Address: 7 0 ~ Pkootll AfJ.. :Ail t2..4>vz.r ~f) =t:f ~oo - eM _~ s,44t),< CA ( qz 0<::' 2:. Phone Number: (1Do) 4-~f .. ~ 1&,"2- Signature ~~~:-JZ~~~ Date b/7/0 C) SOILS ENGINEER: JoS-gft4 C. S"~ rTM Firm: $bIt. frg,eP .. S . Mailing Address: PC)'-~X !lq r LA~t.~l'O&: CA .. qUfO Phone Number: (b.lq) 4+~ -(lObo State, B,egistration Number: ~ CI£ Z \ ttJ SO IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (circle one) Carlsbad Municipal Water District Olivenhain Valla'citos 2. If in the arls ad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? ,$ 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad -:--- Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drain~ge improvements (if applicable)? $ '. - 4. What is the total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private property (if applicable)? $ _. ' GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy fill ___ cy remedial _______ cy importlexpor:t _____ cy l-. ~/04-4 . REV. 10106199 APPLICATION FOR: (.{ all that apply) o Adjustment Plat o Cerdfib,cm::: of Compliance Planchee~ NUB1b~i Type .AlD.!P coe Drawing Numb~r 'Proje~n.p,. Deposit/iFees Paid o Dedication of Easement \ ··DOE-• ~., ~. Type: '_-_"~ _____ _ .Type: _. '_,._---"-___ _ ' .. o Encroachment Permit o EngineeringSt9n~ VaJiC!nce i, ESV," o FinafMap o Grading Plancheck o Grading '-. ., J • o Ii 11~J1 UVt::IIIt::1 if Plan'Check I '. " 'IPC o Parcel Map , ' l PM. o Quitclaim of Easement Type: ________ _ Type: ~ __ ~_. ____ __ o ReversjGn to Acrt::aye k'TA .... , o Street Vi:lI.,;C:lthJI.I ' .. STY o Tentative Parcel Map' MS o Certificate of Corl t::~tiu..!1 . ; . , .ceoR' o SUbstantial Conforma,nce Exhibit . '·SG.f= . ' .. , R6C5'IP.T .. NUMB~ER~ , ", , , .... .' , " I :' C " .~~----~~--~--~~---- PRELIMINARY SIERRA $YSTEM INPUT IN!ITIAli SIERRA SYSTEM ··IN·PUT INTfIAL: , ." .,,-':':""-- R:BASE.INPUT IN:ITIAL: --- MASTE'RFIUE NUMBER: F" ------------~-------- Q OTHER: --------~---------------------- DOCS/MISFORMSlAPPLlCf-TION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING . '. : . , I'" i .. ' .' ""I !., '. /, to, .' . " " ,,~:. , ~ , f., ; , ; ; .; I'" I.: .. ,"'; '"1 f ' \ ". ' ~ , " • . , " ,: ,', RE' 'C' E' lVED"" ". ~ ... ' .' :". . ~:.~ .. :.~ ,\.' ~ JUN 0 9' 2000 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • , REV. 10/06199 PROJEcr AOORESS:.----Iw.:J.~~...!._..L::..t...:..J,..!!~~I:...:...:..~::...:...::~~=~~~........:....:...-----=::;;........;~--- LOT NO(S).: _.....:S:::...-__ _ NUMBER OF LOTS: '5" OWNER: c:-rro~\C.. '~~Af.,DI#..>t: I APPUCANT: \...AOW Le... OiS/4J.l (;(l.oo(>,t'f.lc- Mailing Address: 'f.{). BP' l b 33 CA-(l.t.-<;Si4-P I efT. , Mailing Address: 103 ()t4L.omA& At tt.po.Rr~ CAr2.LS8f4;1). CA .. '1? 00, . , . Phone Number: "1(po .. 4-~4--'15 (p ~ Phone Numbef.V: JhO -~f-"$I!12.-. .j.. . . .. ,. Fax Number: 'Fax Number:' . ,b 0 4~ -0 113 E-Mail: ";r.,r. {'! "!!£dlf i/cJWlfp..or?en7 · E-Mail: CIVIL FIRM: jo~ Lvl<'oS~\ CO\,)~\J~"T1""4 ll.1U~I~t~ Mailing Address: ~.O. &i<. . \ ~ \~ \4- ! ~ Signature: SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: seL Mailing Address: C~~~~/C~' __ ~ __ ~4=~~~_~~~Z~7~O ____ __ Phone Number: 7(PO -~~ Phone Number: L~tE:S'r~, CA ... q'2.c)~ 6/ q -4-+ ~ -00 6 Cl Fax Number: " 41f> .. ~8l4-Fax Number: - E-Mail: E-Mail: -- State Registration Number: (Jete '2.1$41-State Registration Number: AoomONAL COMMENTS: THl $' 1$ 4-a..fQcJ .,ST. ~oe,..A. '"Z-1'e:4.P-EX1i!IJSLP~ Cs-e"c.o~ ~EqlJeS'T) Of! "\1C.JUTI41111E: Wt~p c-r '11-2.3 ,41)(1:> Sl,:>? 9·7.:"2~ PM-ASi.. '"1..-. ~~Rr~'-\ HAS 'R~~o~:J> C""'~& 13FhY),~· t+ov\.\':;'C:; \ IJ ffil1Si.. I H-A-V E l!>1Z:~1J CD \N\ Pt..-£t'-D ANl' 11+2-. 4-!!;l.tto 1U1r.. . l S 4 of", eo r", :n±g kfJpJ..,.,l c.AtJT A- IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) ~rlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain Dvallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including'the 15<>/0 contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District onlv), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainageimprovements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut -cy fill ____ cy remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export_.'---__ SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1/14/02 CITY . lR~~R~Il: .. :.,,-.... ,,~ .... {ING·· APPLICATION ·ENG:i:NE~RING PLAN CHECK Complete all ~P .... ':'~,~:~~~,,~,.,u''''~'i.IQn. Wt.i,t. N,Aflhera n~t·· Ihle. APPLICATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) - .0 Adjustment Plat (AD]) o Certificate of Compliance' (CE) o Dedication of Easement CPR) Type,;...: _____ _ ,Type: ~-------- Type: o Encorachment Permit (PR) o Final Map ~FM) o Grading Plancheck (DWG) o Improvement Plancheck (DWG) o Parcel Map (PM) o Quitclajm of Ea,sement. (PRJ " Type: " Type.;..: _____ ..... ' __ -=-- Type: o Reversion to Acreage (RA) o Street Vacation (SlV) o Tentative Parcel Map (MS) o Certifi(at~ qf Correction (CCOR) , o Covenant,of Ea~ement (PRt, . 0 Substantial Conform'ance > • Exhibit (SCE) APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: : . ' .. . , 0, -. ~ •. ',' f I' • " : I· H:JDEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 ; . 'FOR CITY USE ONLY " I \ ,>,' I' .' , ~ .' .. . ' . ; ... ~~. .' . '.' ! •• Revised 1114/02 \' \ ' \ CITY'OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHt;CK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. , , PROJECT NAME: (VlA'klOL../A S'''601()LS~()1J DATE: t?/7/oo PROJECT DESCRIPTION: -h Wt t£ ~xrt-~S LO 0 lQie..Qo &ST 'Fd>!IL 'Cr Cf1' -t ~ /'5 DP 91 ... u~ - , , ' . , , F"&.a-P't+AOS£ Jt C PHA"i£ ..r tf*s y!¢COCIL:P~D -ti1-~P ~ (~?bj) PROJECT ADDRESS: 'B·lJ)· 0 F yl1A{po~O()~ !:WI£, ~ ,41)A-U S '>-t.' LOT NO(S).: . 5" MAP NO.: ct'f1"ZS/C:;f)P'i'1"'}M APN(S).: t()'$ -\q 1-Z~ NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: CP LFMPZONE: I # LOTS: # ACRES: 11.~3 OWNER: €1Totef. ~ 'e~IA)l! ~elL.-rA"J&&.,l..i Mailing Address: 'P.O. 60)( I {p ~ 3 , CAAViW CA. ~1..0lf I . Phone Number: ,( 1fi.o) 4-, ~ + -1 S" & '3 Firm: Mailing Address: f.e;. ~)< 11 ~ 1 CAa.l,<)'640. CA. q '2-01 f , Phone Number: nbc> ) "1'2-'1-+-740 State Registratio,n Number: \te-€,' '2-1 ~~ , ' ~PPLICANT: LAo tt.J1l; Ott'SII.U W'3pve IIJ~ Mailing Address: 103 P~_AA ;~I t2.~T ~P:# 3'0:0 CM!",s,440. elL Qzoo2: Phone NUll)ber: (1/;0) 4-~{' ~ 1(2;... Signature ~~~:..:JZ.~~~ Date b!7(OO SOILS ENGINEER: ' JO$'£f#.! C. S"tc1 fTrf Firm: Sb,t.. f!f!$fL.f '. Mailing Address: &C;,'!k>X /('1 r LA~t...; It>,~ CA. ' 'l'UJ4-0 Phone Number: ( b 14) 4f-~ -()O ~o State)~egistration Number: @ct£ il~ sn " IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the pr9Posed project located in? (circle one) . Carlsbad Municipal Water District Olivenhain Valle'citos 2. If in the' ar soad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% , contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? , 3. What is the total cost estimate; including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drain,age improvements (if applicable)? ' 4. What is the total cost of landscape'and irrigation improvements' on private property (if applicable)? GRADING QUANTITIES , $ -- $" - $ - cut ___ cy fill ___ cy remedial _______ cy importlexp0r:t ___ cy • PROJECT MAP REVIEW COMPLETION The following project maps have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name:~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Project No. : _____ cr-+----'-9~7-_-_Z__"3:..__ ___ _:____..,._----- Map No.: ________________________ ----- Sheets No.: through --------------------------- DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE hereby declare that I have exercised responsible chqrge over the map review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the maps are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. --. Map review of these project maps does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer -of Work of the responsibilities of compliance with state and local ordinances. Berryman & Henigar 11590 West Bernardo Court San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 451-6100 Michael L. ' K:\admin\fieldser\proj rev map comp.doc '. PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: /I/Its..rJOL-(A: 5c,,/5;:?((/( S (0""/ Project NO: __ a_T_9:........;..7_-_~_:>--.-.,;.A_fh_Vf5_;1'_£-_ Drawing No: ____ "3_f}_t}_r_3 _______ _ Sheets No. __ I_through,_L _______ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Diego. CA 92127 Telephone:_4=5;..:..1-..;::6;..:..1=00=--_________ _ By: f)j,QiL J.J -~. Date: '3 -/I -9 <j P.E. (Civil) No: Co 4'88'1'1 Expiration: q. 30 '00 (seal) Rev. 'Z/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.8&H • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No. 7333135 -U50 Fee: $ 300.00 Dated: September 7, 1999 at 7:30 A.M. Subdivision: CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 97 - 2 3 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES The County of SAN DIEGO and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1 ,000.00 that, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map oUheabove referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting tathe recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues, and other easements offered for dedication by said map are as set forth in Schedule A. Issued by: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 925 "B" STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 PHONE NO. (619) 239-6081 FAX NO. (619) 544-6277 President ~.~~ Thomas J. AU&ms Secretary ".-- Order No: 7333135 -US. Dated: September 7, ~9 at7:30 A.M. eMaPNo: CT 97-23 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 97-23 Fax Number: (619)544-6292 SCHEDULE A The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 97-23 MAGNOLIA SUBDIVISION, PHASE I, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 15 AND 16 IN BLOCK B OF RESUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF A~LES AVOCADO ACRES IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AC~ORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 2027, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY MAY 17, 1927. The parties hereinbefore referred to are: OWNERS: ETTORE S. BERTAGNOLLI AND GERALDINE BERTAGNOLLI HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS. TRUST DEED HOLDERS: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, AS TRUSTEE VNOER DEED OF TRUST RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1997 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1997-642754 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS JAMES T. HOOKER AND TONI P. NEVERS, TRUSTEES FOR HAND N BAY PROPERTIES, INC., RETIREMENT TRUST, AS BENEFICIARY UNDER DEED OF TRUST RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1997 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1997-642754 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS SUBDIV A -12/'12/83 An employee-owned company PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION The following project has been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: Magnolia Subdivision Phase II Project No.: CT 97-23-2 ---------------------------------------------------- Document No.: PR 03-36 thru 40, Exhibits A, B, C DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the review of these documents as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code and determine that these documents are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Review of these documents does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. e or G. Ramos, R Expiration Date: 6/30/06 PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION. doc c(;3o/03 175 Calle Magdalena • Encinitas, California 92024. Telephone: 760.753.1120 • Fax:-760.753.0730· www.pbsj.com PBS] An employee-owned company PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION The following project has been reviewed and is recommended for approval: Project Name: Magnolia Subdivision Phase II Project No.: CT 97-23-2 ~------------------------------------------------ Document No.: Dwg.380-3A --~~-------------------------------------------- Sheets No.: 1 Through: 5 ----------------------------------------- DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code . and have found the project to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Review of this project does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. PBS&J 175 Calle Magdalena Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 753-1120 Signed ~C=:::::.::..~~~t~.~U~.¥-Ll:....::::::::~~_~ ___ Date Charles R. St. John, IRCE C57649 Expiration Date 12/31105 PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION.doc Co! 1,0/ o"'!> 175 Calle Magdalena • Encinitas, California 92024 • Telephone: 760.753.1120 • Fax: 760.753.0730 • www.pbsj.com PBSJ An employee-owned company PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION The following project has been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: Magnolia Subdivision Phase II Project No.: CT 97-23 ~-------------------------------------------------- Document No.: FM 97-23-2 ---------------------------------------------------- Sheets No.: 1 Through: 4 -------------------------------------------- DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the review of this parcel map as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code and determine that these documents are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Review of these documents does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. Signed Date --~~~------~~-----------------estor G. Ramos, CE 17121 Expiration Date: 6/30/06 PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION. doc 175 Calle Magdalena. Encinitas, California 92024 • Telephone: 760.753.1120 • Fax: 760.753.0730 • www.pbsj.com PBS] An employee-owned company PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION The following project has been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: Magnolia Subdivision Phase II Project No.: CT 97-23-2 ---------------------------------------------------- Document No.: PR 03-36 thru 40, Exhibits A, B, C DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the review of this parcel map as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code and determine that these documents are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and . standards. Review of these documents does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. Date ~~~~~--~~~--------~------- Expiration Date: PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION.doc 175 Calle Magdalena. Encinitas, California 92024 • Telephone: 760.753.1120 • Fax: 760.753.0730 • www.pbsj.com An employee-owned company PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION The following project has been reviewed and is recommended for approval: Project Name: Magnolia Subdivision Phase II Project No.: CT 97-23-2 ~~---------------------------------------------- Document No.: Dwg. 380-3B --~~-------------------------------------------- Sheets No.: _l __________________ Tmough: _4 __________________ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code and have found the project to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Review of this project does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. PBS&J 175 Calle Magdalena Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 753-1120 Signed ~o... t-. .2t l:J. Charles R. St. John, RCE C57649 Expiration Date 12/31/05 PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION. doc Date fo 1-S010.3 175 Calle Magdalena • Encinitas, California 92024 • Telephone: 760.753.1120 • Fax: 760.753.0730 • www.pbsj.com