HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-02; COLINA ROBLE; Engineering ApplicationPROJECT NAME: ~ '--',-JA \'.<..o~'-1c: DATE: C\.:. CS -d"L ----------------------·--------- PROJECT DESCRIPTTON: C.e<"~,~,1:.A.l.~ oF ~-rrcz.t...\..,..J PROJECT ADDRESS: L Ac:.:> . C!> l-.0-"> Cov r"'\" ___________ __,__....;;;.;;:..... __________________________________ _ LOTNO(S).: ____ -_MAP NO.: ·l~o\"Z-APN(S).: ~~\c '25S ?"'2,e,°?'"2.. NUMBER OF LOTS: NUMBER OF ACRES: OWNER: Mailing Address: APPl,.ICANT: Ma{ling Address: ~C..t...o '-A E ,JCo,.,.-t.c. r,,...j I lu'\C:.., -::,,'-l"2.. 0\s~o. v.Jil'j S ... ~~<1\ Q(e;A,-1 ~, ~tz. C:.A , 9.c..o<;;~ Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: ------ Phone Number: ( ~(:;,) --=tL.\-£..~l:)Q Fax Number: E-Mail: CIVIL ENGINEER: ~. \. ~. \J, ~uc.t..o \...; SOILS ENGINEER: N /4. --=-----1.--------- FIRM: FIRM: Mailing Address: °?l'-\:"l.. '1l~'t-.,,. v.;)~1 s..,.>ce. ~\ Maillng Address: . ~tfc:A.,J~,~e. Q...o..., C\"2.oSc... I Phone Number: \ '"11c:,~) -i1.., -1...00 o Phone Number: Fax Number: ( ,~o) ,1..\ --i.o · Fax Number: E-Mail: e.cna:, \@ bvc.c.o \o... e.i-.j, C.e""' · StateRegistration Number: 'Rc.E '2."11~'2. . E,,.Mail: State Registration Number: ADDmONAL COMMENTS: ,, IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What w~ter district is the proposed project located in? (check one) Oearlsbad Municipal Water District Oolivenhain Ovallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total co~ estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ______ Cf fill ___ cy remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export ___ Cf SEE REVERSE SIDE Revised 1/14/02 CI"F CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING oe·P-~ENT ,, · APPLICATION . . Er,.IGIN.EERJNG PLA!'i CHECK . Co.mp,ete all aP.proprj"te in~ormr:1.tion; ·w·r,i{~} A w~~!1 fl?~ ~pplicab_le. . .. · .. .,.;FOR,CITY.U$E ONLY .. · ..... · .: ... : ... .. , ~ '• ,· ... ,,,:. .. • "I' ' . APPLICATION FOR PROJECT DR.AWING. DEPc;>SIT /FEES COMMEN:rs ( ./ all that apply) I,D; NUMBE.R, ., .PAIQ . , . D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) , "I • J D Dedication of Easement (PR) .. Type: . ', ~ ,·, '' ..... -. ~ .. .. Type.: . . . J : • Type: D Encorachment Permit (PR) D Final Map (FM)' .. ,. , D Grading '.Plaricheck (DWG)', · . ; D Improvement Plancheck (DWG) [I · Parc:~J Map (PM) . ' -......... ' D Quitclaim of Easemen~ (PR). Type: Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation (STV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) l]Y"certificate of Correction .CfCf6"ud (CCOR) D Covenant of Easement (PR) ·o Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other ' , ' .. .. . ' ~/1'3/6~ s4o-- : ·' ' . .. . .. SEP O 5 2002 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE STAMP APPLIC:AT()fi REC~~VEP . . Revised 1/14/02 . \ \ crrYtF CARLSBAD • E~GINEERING DE.TMENT APPLICATION FOR .ENGINEERING PLAN CHEC.K OR PROCESSING · Complete all appropriate information. Write NIA when not appiicable. /fl/ · PROJECT NAME: to'J tna_ Roble DATE: o//5"' fr ~.i.1..1.~...-i------.-------=------, l PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 3o 1ot· -28 unit -R--1 subdivision PROJECT ADDRESS: South West comer of Rancho Santa Fe' Road and Oliv~nhain Road LOT NO(S).: 30 _ MAP NO.:. __________ APN(S).: 255-040-55 NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: 28 LFMP ZONE: ll" ·#LOTS:.· -30-.--#-A-CR_E_S_: __ 3_5_ OWNE;R: Wiegand. Propert~es Partners iPAPPLICANT: Colina Roble, LLC Mailing Addre~s: P. 0. 1Box 9 9 8 ------------Mailing Address: · 3573 East Sunrise Dr,, #221 Dixon, cA 95620 · · ·Tucson, AZ 85718 · Phone Number: (520 ·) 299-2179 · Signature (I (\+P Date !2/3/ q 1 · David M. Bentle SOILS ENGINEER: . Ra~dall K. Wagner Firm: Firin: · Leighton· & Associates Mailing Address: Mailing Address: 3934 Murphy Canyon Rd., IIB-20 San.Diego, CA 92123 Phone Number: Pho!')e Number. ( & l41·) Z42--fr;a,3o State Registration Number. State. Registration Number. CEG 1612 --------- . LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Tony Lawson . ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Firm:' ADL Planning Associates _ MailingAddress: 5315 Avenida Encinas. //230 Garlsbad, CA 92QQ8 Phone Number. ( 760) 931-8637 State Registration Number: 23_48 -------------•I IMPROVEMENT VALUATION . . 1. What water district is the proposed project located in ( circl ne )? Carlsbad Municipal Water District Oliverihain Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad ;Municipal W~ter District, what i~ the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? $ 3. What is the.total cost:estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad ---- Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and . drainage; ir,nprovements {if applicable)? $ 4. What is the total ·cest'·oflandscape and irrlgatiori improvements on private property (if $ ---- applicable)? · · GRAPING QUANTITll;:S cut -..----cy fill ______ ·cy remedial cy ----import/export ____ cy DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6/10/97 _ _,, a, - FOR CITY USE ONLY .. APPLICATION FOR: Plan check Drawing Deposit/Fees ,, (./ all that apply) ·Number Type Number Project I.D . Paid . . O Adjustment Plat ADJP •' -O Certificate of Compliance ... .. coc 0 Dedication of Easement DOE '• .. Type:· Type: .. / '/ L'_L_ _ ft ... I ,...._ \I " <.'1 "/'}..,-.,')ntl'\"J -,,,, ,,, JI f ll.!/Vl u.. . ·o Encroachment Permit ... ENCROACH ii Engineering Standards Variance ESV ~\/ q~.Qz_ CT C(':'( .. ~2-35"'cJ Cl Final Map FM .. I Di) 1Y'c.Mf k Cl Gradino Plancheck ·GRPC 1-u:,;.o--0 Grading .. GRADING 0 · 1morovement Plancheck IPC Cl Landscape Plancheck" LPC .. 0 Parcel Map PM . 0 " e9 Quitclaim.of.Easement QUITC Type: s·lope, installation, Type: n1airite~ari~~~ drainage, access, inunda·tion o Reversion to Acreage : RTA .. · ·O Street Vacation STV .. 0 Tentative Parcel Map MS Cl Certificate of Correction CCOR .. 0 Covenant for Easement COVE· .. Cl Substantial Conformance -Exhibit SCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: U ,£.~c Le_ .. .. MASTER-PROJECT ID: RECEIPT .NUM~ER: RECEIVED : PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: APR 2 3 1998 SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: ENGINEERING R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: DEPARTMENT MASTER FILE NUMBER: F .. - Cl OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED 0,0CS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION_ ENG PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING ..W.• REV. 6/10/97 -- PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: __ ~C--=o:..::L-'1 __ r-.J_4--_· .... /4<d ___ -___ 4_L_c_ .. --- Project No: ___ C __ r_---"-~ .... ~"---__ CJ_Z-___ __,. Drawing No: ____ ...;;.5..:::fj;;......:..'f_::-_>:;....-____ _ \. Sh~ets No. / through_,....,__..r-_. ---------------- ~DECLARATION-OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ··, .. l hereby d~lare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan· review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. · Pran review of these project drawing$ does -not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibi_lities for the project design. (seal) Firm: ·Berryman & Heniaar Address:· ., , 590 W. Bernardo -Court. Suite 100 San Dieao,. CA .92i27 :::~;~ Oat~: ~. zo-oo P.E. (Civil) No: 1:C.t./'13 Expiration: ~ • ~ (, o( C 26493 Exp.:s' .. st,Cf-1 F:\USERS\RAU.E\WPOATA\PLANREV,S&H Rev. 2/8/96