HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-05; De Jong Property; Tentative Map (CT) (10)i i t i i I o i—n |—|V PIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ^ |""^ I I • £ 742 GENEVIEVE STREET, SUITE G, SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 + + 619/259-3140 FAX: 619/259-3157 I I I I I I a i March 29, 1999 Mr. Arie de Jong c/o Mr. Dave Shibley 1923 Bedford Place Escondido, CA 92029 Dear Mr. de Jong: RE: Environmental Site Assessment of the property referenced as APN 215-080-01, Carlsbad, California PIC Environmental Services (PIC) is pleased to submit this correspondence regarding an environmental site assessment (ESA) of the above-referenced property referenced as APN 215- 080-01, Carlsbad, California. This assessment was performed on behalf of the AdJ Enterprises, Inc. (AdJ), prospective buyers, and lenders. The scope of work consisted of the following: • An inspection of the property for evidence of hazardous materials releases; • Recovery and laboratory analysis often (10) subsurface soil samples from areas of former agricultural use; • • Interviews with the current property owner; A reconnaissance inspection of adjacent properties; and • • A review of governmental database records regarding properties in the vicinity. I On the basis of our investigation we have concluded that there is a low likelihood that the subject property has been significantly impacted by releases of hazardous or regulated substances. PIC inspected the property and interviewed Mr. Dave Shibley, a representative of the property owner, between March 9 and 19, 1999. Governmental database records were compiled in a report dated March 5, 1999. The results of our investigation are briefly summarized as follows: 1. The subject property consists of a 33.4 acre rectangular parcel located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Black Rail Road and future Poinsettia Lane. The subject property is currently vacant and there are currently no structures present, with the exception of a recreational vehicle trailer located in the southwest portion of the property. I I 1 I I I a t i i i i i i i i i i i Mr. Arie de Jong March 29, 1999 AdJ Enterprises, Inc. Page 2 The southern and western portions of the subject property are characterized by low relief, however the grade in the northern, eastern, and central portions of the property slopes steeply towards the Canyon de las Encinas. A San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) easement bisects the property, running from northwest to southeast. 2. The subject property is currently owned by Arie de Jong, who purchased the property in approximately 1984 from the Don Koll Family Trust. Land use at the subject property has reportedly been agricultural from sometime prior to 1984 until approximately December 1998. Potential sources of environmental impacts as a result of historical land use appear to be limited to the storage and/or use of pesticides at the subject property. 3. Small quantities of irrigation hose, PVC pipe, and miscellaneous debris were observed throughout the property. These items did not appear to consist of or contain hazardous and/or regulated substances. No evidence of current or previous hazardous or regulated substances storage, spillage, or contamination was observed on the subject property. 4. On March 9, 1999, PIC personnel recovered ten (10) subsurface soil samples (SI to S10) from the areas of former agricultural use. Soil sample were collected at approximately one (1) foot below grade using hand digging equipment in the locations indicated on Figure 1. Soil samples were collected in glass sample containers, sealed with plastic caps, labeled, placed in an ice-chilled cooler, and delivered to a California certified analytical laboratory using standard chain-of-custody procedures. Soil samples were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides by EPA Method 8080. Laboratory analyses indicate that the only organochlorine pesticides detected at concentrations above the respective laboratory detection limits were 4,4'-DDE, dieldrin, and 4,4'-DDT (Table 1). The maximum concentrations of 4,4'-DDE, dieldrin, and 4,4'-DDT were 12 fig/kg, 29 ug/kg, and 20 ug/kg, respectively. Organochlorine pesticide concentrations are well below soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC) and total threshold limit concentration (TTLC) values (Table 1). In PIC's judgement, the above-referenced pesticide concentrations are negligible. 5. The subject property is bounded to the west by Black Rail Road, to the north by developed commercial and/or industrial property located south of Palomar Airport Road, and to the east and south by agricultural properties. A residential development is under construction west of the subject property, across Black Rail Road. No evidence of hazardous or regulated substances storage, spillage, or contamination was observed on adjacent properties. 6. PIC reviewed a governmental database report dated March 5, 1999 that listed sites in the vicinity of the subject property where hazardous materials were stored or where there was a history of releases. According to the report, 27 listings are located within PIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I Mr. Arie de Jong March 29, 1999 AdJ Enterprises, Inc. Page 3 approximately !/2-mile of the subject property. Two (2) of these sites have a history of releases from leaky underground storage tanks (LUST). At one (1) of these sites the problem has been resolved and no further action is required. At one (1) of these sites, investigation and/or remediation work is underway. In PIC's judgement, it is highly unlikely that the subject property has been adversely affected by releases at the locations listed in the attached Environmental Record Search. 7. PIC recommends No Further Action at this time regarding environmental site assessment and/or mitigation. This correspondence is proprietary and confidential, to be delivered to, and intended for the exclusive use of, the above referenced clients only. Please note that the scope of work excludes inspections for asbestos containing materials or lead-based paint. PIC Environmental Services assumes no responsibility nor liability for the reliance herein or use hereof by anyone other than the above named clients. Laboratory work cited in this report was prepared under the supervision of Edward Caballero of Advanced Technology Laboratories, who is responsible for the contents and conclusions of the laboratory data. Furthermore, the results of the government database review was prepared and provided by VISTA Information Solutions, Inc., which is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. Thank you for the opportunity to work on your behalf. If you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this report, please contact me at (619) 259-3140. Respectfully submitted, /^I^T^":^, PIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES //\ ~/'"' \ r %J' '" *Cr Daniel C. Oliver "'v^i/.^ California Registered Geologist No. 4781 :r:: President attachments PIC\REPORTS\ES7833.001 PIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I Mr. Arie de Jong AdJ Enterprises, Inc. March 29, 1999 Page 4 TABLE 1 Soil Analytical Results Sample ID si-r S2-1' S3-1' S4-T S5-1' - S6-1' S7-1' ss-r S9-11 sio-r TTLC STLC 4,4'-DDE (US/kg) 11 <4 <4 <4 4.9 <4 <4 4.3 12 11 l,000(1.0mg/kg) 100ng/l(0.1mg/l) Dieldrin (Hg/kg) <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 29 27 8,000 (8.0 mg/kg) 800 |ig/l (0.8 mg/1) 4,4'-DDT (Hg/kg) 20 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 8.9 7.9 1,000 (1.0 mg/kg) 100ng/I(0.1 mg/I) Organochlorine pesticides analyzed by EPA Method 8080 TTLC - total threshold limit concentration STLC - soluble threshold limit concentration PIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FIGURE EXPLANATION (•) Soil Sample Location Approximate Graphic Scale I inch = 275 feet North Notes: 1. All soil sample results in ug/kg 2. Only detected compounds are represented on this figure ,ffU"-\ pic ENVIRONMENTAL » SERVICES 742 GENEVEXESTRBET-SUITE G SOLANA BEACH CA92OT6 AdJ ENTERPRISES, INCAPN 215-080-01 Carlsbad, California SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project No.: ES7833 Date: March 1999 Figure 1 I I I I I I SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) PROPERTY INFORMATION Project Name/Ref #: ES7833 ADV ENTERPRISES, INC. POINSETTIA LANE BLACK RAIL ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Latitude/Longitude: ( 33.114158, 117.284526 ) CLIENT INFORMATION SCOTT GREEN PIC ENVIRONMENTAL-SOLANA BEACH 742 GENEVIEVE ST STE G SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Site Distribution Summary Agency / Database - Type of Records A) Databases searched to 1 1/4 miles: US EPA NPL National Priority List US EPA CORRACTS RCRA Corrective Actions and associated TSD (TSD) STATE SPL State equivalent priority list B) Databases searched to 3/4 mile: US EPA CERCLIS / Sites currently or formerly under review by US NFRAP EPA US EPA TSD RCRA permitted treatment, storage, disposal facilities STATE SCL State equivalent CERCLIS list STATE REG LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks CO STATE/ SWLF Permitted as solid waste landfills, incinerators, or REG/CO transfer stations STATE DEED RSTR Sites with deed restrictions STATE CORTESE State index of properties with hazardous waste STATE TOXIC PITS Toxic Pits cleanup facilities C) Databases searched to 1/2 mile: US EPA RCRA Viol RCRA violations/enforcement actions US EPA TRIS Toxic Release Inventory database STATE UST/AST Registered underground or aboveground storage tanks within 3/8 mile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3/8 to 1/2 mile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1/2 to 3/4 mile 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 - m 3/4 to 11/4 miles 0 0 0 . - „ . - - - - _ For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Paget/1 Site Distribution Summary Agency / Database - Type of Records within 3/8 mile 3/8 to 1/2 mile 1/2 to3/4 mile 3/4 to 11/4 miles D) Databases searched to 3/8 mile: US EPA ERNS Emergency Response Notification System of spills US EPA GNRTR RCRA registered small or large generators of hazardous waste STATE SPILLS State spills list COUNTY HE17 SD County unauthorized release list 12 This report meets the ASTM standard E-1527 for standard federal and state government database research in a Phase I environmental site assessment. A (-) indicates a distance not searched because it exceeds these ASTM search parameters. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Customer proceeds at its own risk In choosing to rely on VISTA services, In whole or in part, prior to proceeding with any transaction. VISTA cannot be an insurer of the accuracy of the information, errors occurring in conversion of data, or for customer's use of data. VISTA and its affiliated companies, officers, agents, employees and independent contractors cannot be held liable for accuracy, storage, delivery, loss or expense suffered by customer resulting directly or indirectly from any information provided by VISTA. NOTES For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 • 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #2 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) Map of Sites within One and One-Quarter Miles Subject Site * Category: Databases Searched to: Single Sites Multiple Sites A 1 1/4 mi. B 3/4 mi. Highways and Major Roads Roads ' Railroads '•-. Rivers or Water Bodies • - Utilities NPL, SPL, CORRACTS (TSD) CERCLIS\ NFRAP, TSD, LUST, SCL C 1/2 mi. A A UST D 3/8 mi. o ERNS, GENERATORS If additional databases are listed in the cover page of the report they are also displayed on this map. The map symbol used corresponds to the database category letter A,B,C,D. For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #3 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) Map of Sites within Half Mile Subject Site Category: Databases Searched to: Single Sites Multiple Sites A 1 1/4 mi. B 3/4 mi. Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities C 1/2 mi. D 3/8 mi. o O NPL, SPL, CERCLIS\ UST ERNS, CORRACTS NFRAP, GENERATORS (TSD) TSD, LUST, SWLF, SCL If additional databases are listed in the cover page of the report they are also displayed on this map. The map symbol used corresponds to the database category letter A,B,C,D. For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5, 1999 Page #4 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) Sites Represented as Polygons These boundaries are approximated from agency records or other sources such as published maps. They may represent property boundaries, impact zones, or study areas. For more information contact the agency referenced by source number in the site listing. Subject Site Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #5 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) Street Map Subject Site Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #6 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) SITE INVENTORY MAP ID 1A 1A 1A 1B 1B 1B 2A 2A 2B 2B 2C 3 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION G G DESIGNS COMMUNICATIONS 4038892 6359 PASEO DEL LAGO a221^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INCORPORATED mm? 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO STE 102 °'23 ™ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 INTELLIGENT MEDICAL SYSTEM 4038891 6339 PASEO DEL LAGO a24^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 DECOM SYSTEMS INCORPORATED 3497893 1 945 PALOMAR OAKS WAY a28 "j[f CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASYMTEK 4038(45 1 949 PALOMAR OAKS WAY a29 "* CARLSBAD, CA 92009 SENDX MEDICAL INC 6521870 1 945 PALOMAR OAKS WY a29 ^' CARLSBAD, CA 920091 307 BIRCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERTIES 200097273 1 979 PALOMAR OAKS WAY a27^ CURLSBAD, CA 92009 KW MICROWAVE CORP09RATION 4048539 1 985 PALOMAR OAKS WAY a27^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 3*4435 1 989 B PALOMAR OAKS WAY a28^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 GIGATEK MEMORY SYSTEMS 5297624 1 989 PALOMAR OAKS WAY a28^' CARLSBAD, CA 92009 MTS VEKTRONICS CORP 287183 6349 PALOMAR OAKS CT a28^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS INCORPORATED 9508 1 969 PALOMAR OAKS WY a28^' CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A n.z f^ KCO ORRACTo fL CO B a. QC 0DC LUo a<ni-o CO CO— > LL. CO QC CO QC aUJ UJa ORTESEo COi—a. o Xo1- C 1 CRA VIOQC COnri- 1 3 D CO QCUJ X PS QC O X X X X CO JE CO r- UJx X X X X X X X X X X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 • Report ID: 236240001 Version 2.6.1 767 - 0403. Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #7 MAP ID 3 3 4 5 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION SMISER FREIGHT CO 200)57356 1 969 PALOMAR OAK WY °'Z8^ CARLBAD, CA SCHUMACHER "74066 1 969 PALOMAR OAKS WAY 0'28^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 349)372 2065CAMINOVIDAROBLE °'35^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 AM/PM MINI MARKET #5366 ^048541 1991 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD a36^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A a.z CORRACTSfTSD)a. CO B OL<QCU. dOC111 O OCO d CO CO =3 U, CO QC OC 111LUa CORTESETOXIC PITSC RCRA VIOLCO EE X UST/ASTX X D CO oc111 X QC DC o X d CL CO N. UJ X X X MAP ID 6 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/8 - 1/2 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION PACIFIC BELL CRLSCA12/DB412 4022691 2175CAMINOVIDAROBLE OM™ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A a.z f^ P. 0 ococo0 a. CO B OL OC dQC111O Oint-0CO I— 3_j u. § CO oc QCoUJ111Q CO£ocoo CO 51 o Xoh- C — i ><ocooc CM 1— § £=> X D CO QCUJ EEocz U 3 a.CO UJX • MAP ID 7 7 8 9 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 -3/4 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL 3077946 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER aw Ml CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MAY BE PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFIL 4824590 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD ELCAMINO a64W/ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PACIFIC RECORDERS AND ENG CORP 3)7402 2070 LAS PALMAS DR a64Mj CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HUGHES HELICOPTERS 2024)8 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD °'73^ CARLSBAD, CA 92009 A _ia.z CORRACTSfTSD)_ia. CO B CERCLIS/NFRAPo CO dCO CO X X u._l CO X X DEED RSTRCORTESEta. O X g C RCRA VIOLCOoc UST/ASTD CO DCUJ oc1 o • • CO _J a.CO h- UJX • • X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 • 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page ttB I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/4 -11/4 miles) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION A o_z ftet°s oc DC OO a.CO B a. oc ~ioocUJo atn d CO co _i JCO QC COoca UJ LLJa UJ ffi ocoo CO SIo Xo1- C _i 0><ocooc CO H- CO<u=) D CO ocUl ^ DC a <o_l 51 CO UJX No Records Found X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNMAPPED SITES VISTA ID FOUR SEASONS RESORT AVIARA 40/9204 7227 AVIARA CARLSBAD, CA 92009 FALLBROOK LANDFILL 70043/4 9S 4W25SW CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CARLSBAD LANDFILL 70043/3 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 EVANS POINT 5598376 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 EMERALD RIDGE EAST 66/360/ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 R.F. WHITE FUEL TRUCK SPILL 7250842 HY 5 AT S-78 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NORTH COUNTY LINCOLN MERC 7430800 5434 CARLSBAD, CA 920080000 MARINERS POINT 652/675 NWC CAMINO DE LA ONDAS/A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MISSION BAY LDFL 7629895 BET SN DIEGO RIV MISSION BAY SAN DIEGO, CA 92100 A OLz CORRACTSfTSD)0. CO B CERCLIS/NFRAPX o 0 CO co X X X X g X X CO DCo HI HI Q HI CO oo X TOXIC PITSC RCRA VIOLCO DC UST/ASTX D CO DCHI GC 0 CO oTCO UJ X X X X X X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 • Report ID: 236240001 Version 2.6.1 0403. Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #10 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) DETAILS PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) VISTA Address*: G G DESIGNS COMMUNICATIONS 6359 PASEO DEL LAGO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HE-17/SRC#5458 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: YES Inspection Date: SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: 4038892 0.22 Ml /N Point H32963 SAME AS ABOVE 'Only 1 waste or 1 inventory' "UnknownO" NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Reinspection Date: SEPTEMBER 1, im Map ID 1A VISTA PACIFIC ANALYTICAL Address': 6349 PASEO DEL LAG CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HE-17/SRC#5458 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: wo Inspection Date: JUNE 11, ma Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 1333-74-0 Annual Qty (Units): 10000 (CFT) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 7440-59-7 Annual Qty (Units): 13m (CFT> Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 7727-37-9 Annual Qty (Units): 9728 (CFT) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 7782-44-7 Annual Qty (Units): 1686 (CFT) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 7440-37-) Annual Qty (Units): 5448 (CFT) Chemical Name: INCORPORATED VISTA ID#: DSTE102 Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: Aqency ID: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO #102 CARLSBAD, CA 920091307 Agency Code (K66) 'Unknownf)' NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Reinspection Date: AUGUST 1, 1999 HYDROGEN:COMPRESSED GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 390 (CFT) Carcinogen: wo HELIUM:COMPRESSED GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): usofCFT) Carcinogen: N0 NITROGENiCOMPRESSED GAS AND LIQUIDNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 4800(CFT) Carcinogen: wo OXYGEN:COMPRESSED GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): seofCFT) Carcinogen: wo P-5 GAS (95% ARGON, 5% METHANE)NOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): moiCFT) Carcinogen: wo AIR: COMPRESSED GASNOT REPORTED 1601247 0.23 Ml /N Point CAD982494619 H23378 Map ID 1A * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page H11 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description RCRA-SmGen - RCRA Agency Address: Generator Class: 7727-37-9 2000 (CFT) CARCINOGEN '(CFT) GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED Small Generator /SRC# 551 4 Qty Stored (Units): 7so(CFT) - Carcinogen: NO CARCINOGEN /OR REPROD TOXINS, LESS THAN STATE DISCLOSURE AMTS.NOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 6' (CFT) Carcinogen: NO # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: MARCH 25. 1995 HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ARE NOT KEPT CLOSED WHILE IN STORAGECCR 662 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: MARCH 25. 1995 BUSINESS PLAN DOES NOT HAVE A SITE MAP WHICH PROVIDES ADEQUATEINFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES HSC 2550 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: JUNE 11,1993 GENERATOR OF HAZARDOUS WASTE HAS NOT COMPLETED THE HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST WITH ALL INFORMATION REQUIRED CCR 66262.23(A) # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: JUNE 11, me HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ARE MISSING LABELS, ACCUMULATION DATEAND/OR ARE IMPROPERLY LABELED CCR 66262.34 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: JUNE 11, 1993 PERSONNEL TRAINING RECORDS ARE INADEQUATE TO DOCUMENT COMPLIANCEWITH REQUIREMENTS FOR CURRENT AND FORMER EMPLOYEES CCR 662 EPA ID: ICAD982494619 PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO SUITE 102 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Generates 100 kgJmonth but less than 1000 kgJmonth ol non-acutely hazardous waste VISTA Address': INTELLIGENT MEDICAL SYSTEM 6339 PASEO DEL LAGO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HE-17/SRC#5458 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: Agency ID: 4038891 0.24 Ml /N Point CAL91 2240035 H32961 Agency Address: INTELLIGENT MEDICAL SYSTEMS 6339 PASEO DEL LAGO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Business Type: Agency Code (K67) Status: 'Unknown!)' Notice of Violation Issued: NO Inactive: YES Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Inspection Date: MAYU,1996 Reinspection Date: MAY 1,1997 Map ID 1A * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID: 236240001 Version 2.6.1 800-767-0403. Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #12 I PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. VISTA DECOM SYSTEMS INCORPORATED VISTA ID#: 3497893 Address*: 1 945 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HE-17/SRW5458 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: N° Inspection Date: JUNE w, ms Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 101-68-8 Annual Qty (Units): 360 (GAL) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: W16-87-9 Annual Qty (Units): 360(GAL) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 124-38-9 Annual Qty (Units): 2000 (LBS) Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOTREPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOTREPORTED Violation Description: Distance/Direction: 0.28 Ml / N Plotted as: Point EPA ID: CAL000157386 Aqencv ID: H36225 DECOM. SYSTEMS INC. 1939 PALOMAR OAKS WY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Agency Code (K36) 'Unknownf)' NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Reinspection Date: AUGUST 1, 1999 4,4, DIPHENYLMETHANE DIISOCYANATE, FOAM PT.ANOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 12° (GAL) Carcinogen: N® OLIGOMERS, FOAMPT. BNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 120 (GAL) Carcinogen: N0 CARBON DIOXIDECOMPRESSED GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): ™(us> Carcinogen: N0 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: MARCH 19, 1996 GENERATOR OF HAZARDOUS WASTE HAS NOT OBTAINED AN EPA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER CCR662 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: MARCH 19, 1996 PERSONNEL TRAINING IS NOT ADEQUATE TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH HAZARDOUS WASTES/MATERIALS REGULATIONSCCR 6 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: ^RCH 19, 1995 BUSINESS PLAN DOES NOT INCLUDE AN ADEQUATE EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAM WITH EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION,MITIGATIONEVACUATION PROCEDURES.H # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: MARCH 19, 1996 BUSINESS PLAN DOES NOT HAVE A SITE MAP WHICH PROVIDES ADEQUATEINFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES HSC 2550 i of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: APRIL 2, 1997 HAZARDOUS MA TERIALS HANDLER HAS NOT SUBMITTED A COMPLETED BUSINESS PLAN TO THEHMMD. HSC 255 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: JUNE 10, me PERSONNEL TRAINING RECORDS ARE INADEQUATE TO DOCUMENT COMPLIANCEWITH REQUIREMENTS FOR CURRENT AND FORMER EMPLOYEES CCR 662 # of Occurrences: 2 Inspection Date: JUNE 10, 1993 BUSINESS PLAN DOES NOT HAVE A SITE MAP WHICH PROVIDES ADEQUATEINFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES HSC 2550 Map ID 1B * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #13 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. VISTA Address*: ASYMTEK 1949 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HE-17/SRC#5458 VISTA ID# : Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: Agency ID: 4038145 0.29 Ml /N Point CAL000047977 H25244 Agency Address: ASYMTEK1949 PALOMAR OAKS WY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Business Type: Agency Code (K67) Status: -Unknown!)- Notice of Violation Issued: NO Inactive: YES Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Inspection Date: OCTOBER 11, 1994 Reinspection Date: OCTOBER 1, 1995 Map ID 1B VISTA Address*: SENDX MEDICAL INC 1945PALOMAROAKSWY CARLSBAD, CA 920091307 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: 6521870 0.29 Ml/N Point Map ID 1B HE-17/SRC#5458 EPA ID: Agency ID: CAL000177744 H28628 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: NO Inspection Date: JULYS, SAME AS ABOVE Agency Code (K67) •UnknownO' NO Permit Exp Date: Reinspection Date: UNKNOWN SEPTEMBER 1, 1999 Chemical Name:CARBON DIOXIDE, NITROGEN OXYGEN MIXTURESNOT REPORTED C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): 124-38-9 40000 (CFT) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: (0000 (CFT) NO Chemical Name:NITROGEN GASNOT REPORTED C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): 7727-37-9 8400 (CFT) Qty Stored (Units): we (CFT> Carcinogen: NO Chemical Name:ARGON GASNOT REPORTED C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): 7440-37-1 10200 (CFT) Qty Stored (Units): 676 (CFT) Carcinogen: NO Chemical Name:NITROGEN LIQUIDNOT REPORTED C.A.S. #: 7727-37-9 Annual Qty (Units): eoo (GAL) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: Chemical Name:CARCINOGEN /OR REPRO TOXINS LESS THAN STATE DISCLOSURENOT REPORTED C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): CARCINOGEN 1 (GAL) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: 1 (GAL) NO Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: i JULYS, 1998 Violation Description:MEDICAL WASTE MGMT. PLAN HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED TO COUNTYHMMD (ANNUAL REQUIREMENT) 68.1206 AND 117935NOT REPORTED Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: 1 JULYS, 1998 Violation Description:CONTAINERS HOLDING IGNITABLE OR REACTIVE WASTES ARE NOT GROUNDEDOR ADEQUATELY PROTECTED FROM ACCIDENTAL IGNITION CCR662 Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: i JULYS, 1998 Violation Description:BUSINESS PLAN DOES NOT HAVE A SITE MAP WHICH PROVIDES ADEQUATEINFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES HSC 2550 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page l>14 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. VISTA BIRCHEN CAMPBELL Address*: 1979 RALOMAR OAKS CURLSBAD.CA 92009 PROPERTIES WAY ERNS - Emergency Response Notification System /SRC# 4939 Agency Address: Spill Date Time: Case Number: Spill Location: Source Agency: Discharger Org: Material Spilled: Material Spilled: Waterway Affected: Fields Not Reported: Air Release: Land Release: NO YES SAME AS ABOVE OCTOBER 15, 1990 08:00:00 AM 91-0211 1979 PALOMAR OAKS WAY E BIRCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERTIES ARSENIC, 3.00 (DRU) OIL, 2.00 (DRU) CREEK (UNKNOWN NAME) Discharger Name, Discharger Phone VISTA ID#: 200097273 Distance/Direction: 0.27 Ml / NE Plotted as: Point Agency ID: 91-0211 Water Release: Ground Release: Facility Release: Other Release: YES NO WO NO Map ID f\ A2A VISTA KW MICROWAVE CORP09RATION VISTA IDS: 4048539 Address': -| 935 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HE-17/SRC#5458 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: NO Inspection Date: JULYS, 1997 Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: MIXTURE Annual Qty (Units): ZO<GM.) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: MIXTURE Annual Qty (Units): 20 (GAL) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 124-38-9 Annual Qty (Units): ««» (CFT) Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: 7727-37-9 Annual Qty (Units): »««» (CFT) Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Violation Description: Violation Type: GENERAL VIOLATION Waste Type: NOT REPORTED Distance/Direction: 0.27 Ml / NE Plotted as: Point EPA ID: CAL0001 13288 Aqency ID: H33702 KW MICROWAVE CORP 1985 PALOMAR OAKS WY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Agency Code (K36) 'Unknownf)' NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Reinspection Date: SEPTEMBER 1, 199$ GESOLVE FLUIDNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): ss«W Carcinogen: wo COOLANT FLUIDNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): ss(GAL) Carcinogen: wo C02 GAS CARBON DIOXIDE GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 8720 (cm Carcinogen: wo NITROGEN GAS GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): ISOO(CFT) Carcinogen: wo # of Occurrences: 3 Inspection Date: FEBRUARY 7, 1995 HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ARE MISSING LABELS, ACCUMULATION DATEAND/OR ARE IMPROPERLY LABELED CCR662B2.34 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: FEBRUARY 7, 1995 HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ARE NOT KEPT CLOSED WHILE IN STORAGECCR 662 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: FEBRUARY 7, 1995 Map ID 2A * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 PagettIS PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: DISPOSAL OR CAUSING THE DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE TO AN UNAUTHORIZED POINT(GROUND, STORM DRAIN, SEWER SYSTEM, TRASH OR AIR) HSC 251 GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: 2 JUNE 4, 1996 HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ARE NOT KEPT CLOSED WHILE IN STORAGECCR 662 VISTA Address*: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 1 989 B PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRCI 5514 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 314435 0.28 Ml /NE Point CAD982329724 Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Generator Class: Generates 100 kg./month but less than 1000 kgJmonth ot non-acutely hazardous waste Map ID 2B VISTA Address*: GIGATEK MEMORY SYSTEMS 1989 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: 5297624 0.28 Ml/NE Point Map ID 2B HE-17/SRC#5458 EPA ID: Agency ID: CAL000048018 H34301 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: n Inspection Date:APRIL 27,1993 GIGATEK MEMORY SYSTEMS INC 1989 PALOMAR OAKS WY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 'Only 1 waste or 1 inventory" 'Unknownf)' NO Permit Exp Date: Reinspection Date: UNKNOWN APRIL 1,2000 Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: 1 DECEMBER 26, 1995 Violation Description:GENERATOR OF HAZARDOUS WASTE HAS NOT SENT THE APPROPRIATE COPY OF THE MANIFEST TO THE CAL-EPA. CCR66262 Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date:DECEMBER 26, 1995 Violation Description:HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ARE MISSING LABELS, ACCUMULATION DATEAND/OR ARE IMPROPERLY LABELED CCR 66262.34 Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date:DECEMBER 26, 1995 Violation Description:HAZARDOUS MA TERIALS HANDLER HAS NOT ESTABLISHED/IMPLEMENTED ABUSINESS PLANHSC25 Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: 1 DECEMBER 26, 1995 Violation Description:BUSINESS PLAN WAS NOT AMENDED WITHIN 30 DAYS FORA 100% OUANTITYIN- CREASE,NEW DISCLOSABLE MATERIALS OR A CHANGE IN BUSINESSINFO. Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: 1 DECEMBER 26, 1995 Violation Description:BUSINESS PLAN DOES NOT HAVE A SITE MAP WHICH PROVIDES ADEQUATEINFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES HSC 2550 Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: i DECEMBER 26, 1996 Violation Description:HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLER HAS NOT SUBMITTED A COMPLETED BUSINESS PLAN TO THEHMMD. HSC 255 Violation Type: Waste Type: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: i APRIL 27, 1998 Violation Description:GENERA TOR OF HAZARDOUS WASTE HAS NOT COMPLETED THE HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST WITH ALL INFORMATION REQUIRED CCR 66262.23(A) * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page 1/16 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: Inspection Date: 1 APRIL 27, 1998 PERSONNEL TRAINING IS NOT ADEQUATE TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH HAZARDOUS WASTES/MATERIALS REGULATIONSCCR 6 VISTA MTS VEKTRONICS CORP Address': 6349 PALOMAR OAKS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 HE-17/SRC#5458 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: YES Inspection Date: JUNE28. 1990 VISTA IDS: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: Agency ID: VEKTRONICS INC 6349 PALOMAR OAKS CT CARLSBAD, CA 920091428 "Waste and Inventory' •Obsolete' NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Reinspection Date: JUNE 1, 1991 RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC# 5514 Agency Address: Generator Class: 287183 0.28 Ml /NE Point CAD981 164429 H11750 EPA ID: | CAD981 164429 MTS VEKTRONICS CORP 6349 PALOMAR OAKS COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Generates 100 kgJmonth but less than 1000 kgJmonth of non-acutely hazardous waste Map ID 2C VISTA Address*: AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS INCORPORATED 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 RCRA-LgGen • RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 551 4 VISTA IDS: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 9508 0.28 Ml /NE Point CAD982053092 Agency Address: AIR PRODUCTS CHEMICALS INC 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WA Y CARLSBAD, CA 92054 Generator Class: Generates at least 1000 kgJmonth of non-acutely hazardous waste (or 1 kgJmonth of acutely hazardous waste). Map ID 3 VISTA SMISER FREIGHT CO Address*: 1 959 PALOMAR OAK WY CARLBAD, CA ERNS - Emergency Response Notification System / SRC# 4939 Agency Address: Spill Date Time: Spill Location: Discharger Org: Material Spilled: Fields Not Reported: Air Release: Land Release: NO yes VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 200157356 0.28 Ml /NE Point N/A SAME AS ABOVE MAY 17, 1988 10:50:00 AM 1969 PALOMAR OAK WY SMISER FREIGHT CO CHROMIC ACID SOLUTION, 15.00 (GAL) Case Number, Source Agency, Discharger Name, Discharger Phone, Waterway Affected Water Release: Ground Release: Facility Release: Other Release: WO NO NO NO Map ID 3 VISTA Address*: SCHUMACHER 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 FRIS - Toxic Release Inventory System / SRC# 4946 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA ID: 1174066 0.28 Ml /NE Point CAD982053092 Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Chemical Abstract Service Registry: Quantity Released: 1.2-DICHLOROETHYLENF 4000 00 (POUNDS} Map ID 3 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Paget/17 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. HE-17/SRC#5458 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Inactive: Inspection Date: Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S.I: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: Issued: NO JANUARYS, 1998 121-43-7 on 150-46-9 or) 78-10-4 on 71-55-6 on 156-60-5 on 67-63-0 1030 (GAL) 121-45-9 on 1309-64-4 on 1310-73-2 1125 (GAL) 7664-93-9 345 (GAL) 10294-33-4 on 10025-87-3 on 1333-74-0 1 764000 (CFT) EPA ID: CAD982053092 Agency ID: H19507 SCHUMACHER 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Agency Code (K68) •Unknown!)1 NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Reinspection Date: MARCH », 1999 "NOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO "NOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO "NOTREPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO "NOTREPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO "NOTREPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO ISOPROPANOLNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 110 (GAQ Carcinogen: NO "NOTREPORTED Qty Stored (Units): or; Carcinogen: NO "NOTREPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO SODIUM HYDROXIDE 50% CONCENTRATIONNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): zsofGAL) Carcinogen: NO SULFURIC ACID 93% CONCENTRATENOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): 85(GAL> Carcinogen: NO "NOTREPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO "NOTREPORTED Qty Stored (Units): on Carcinogen: NO HYDROGEN GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): soiooo (CFT) Carcinogen: NO NITROGEN GASNOT REPORTED * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID: 236240001 Version 2.6.1 800-767-0403. Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #18 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. f : Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): 7727-37-0 218764000 (CFT) 7782-44-7 799000 (CFT) 7440-59-7 26840 (CFT) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: OXYGEN GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: HELIUM GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: 600000 (CFT) NO 170000 (CFT) NO 1376 (CFT) NO PUMP OIL-PARAFFINIC HYDROCARBON OILNOT REPORTED 64742-65-0 200 (GAL) 68334-30-5 110 (GAL) 512-56-1 on 75-09-2 on 7647-01-0 220 (GAL) 78-404 55 (GAL) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: DESIEL FUELNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: "NOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: "NOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: HYDROGEN CHLORIDENOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: TRIETHYLPHOSPHATENOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: 110 (GAL) NO 220 (GAL) NO on NO on NO 75 (GAL) NO 110 (GAL) YES HYDROGEN FLUORINE, ANYHYDROUSNOT REPORTED 7664-39-3 5(LBS) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: S(LBS) YES DIETHYLBENZENE (DOWTHERM J COOLANT)NOT REPORTED 25340-17-4 110 (GAL) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: 110 (GAL) NO DIE THYLBENZENE (DOWTHERM COOLANT)NOT REPORTED 25340-17-4 110 (GAL) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: 110 (GAL) NO CARCINOGEN AND/OR REPRO TOXIN, <THAN STA TE DISCLOSURE AMTSNOT REPORTED CARCINOGEN 1 (GAL) Qty Stored (Units): Carcinogen: 1 (GAL) NO VISTA Address*: HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 1612 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 3491372 0.35 Ml /NE Point N/A Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Underground Tanks: 2 Aboveground Tanks: MOT REPORTED Tanks Removed: NOT REPORTED Map ID 4 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 • 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #19 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Toow Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE OTHER Leak Monitoring: Agency Code C) NOTREPORTED Tank Piping: UNKNOWN eooo (GALLONS) Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS TOOW Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNLEADED GAS Leak Monitoring: Agency Code 0 NOTREPORTED Tank Piping: UNKNOWN 2000 (GALLONS) Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5458 Agency Address: Underground Tanks Aboveground Tanks Tanks Removed: Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): County UST - County Agency Address: Fuel Type: Size: Pipe Type: Tank Id: Test Status: Inspection Status: Fuel Type: Size: Pipe Type: Tank Id: Test Status: Inspection Status: SAME AS ABOVE 2 : NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Agency ID: I H29250 TOOIU Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE UNLEADED GAS Leak Monitoring: NOT AVAILABLE 9 Tank Piping: SUCTION 2000 (GALLONS) Tank Material: DOUBLE WALLED T002U Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE DIESEL Leak Monitoring: NOT AVAILABLE 9 Tank Piping: SUCTION eooo (GALLONS) Tank Material: DOUBLE WALLED Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5458 HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 920091402 REGULAR UNLEADED Tank Number: 2000 Tank Type: EPA ID: CAD087574943 Agency ID: H29250 T001 DOUBLE WALL MULTI-COMPARTMENT PERMIT TO OPERATE SUCTION Alternate Monitor: 'Not Available' NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status Date: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Year Installed: 1989 DIESEL Tank Number: eooo Tank Type: T002 DOUBLE WALL MULTI-COMPARTMENT PERMIT TO OPERATE SUCTION Alternate Monitor: 'Not Available' NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Tank Status Date: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Year Installed: ™® HE-17/SRC#5458 EPA ID: CAD087574943 Agency ID: H29250 Agency Address: HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 920091402 Business Type: Agency Code (K70) Status: 'Unknown!)' Notice of Violation Issued: NO Inactive: NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Inspection Date: FEBRUARY 10, ms Reinspection Date: APRIL 1,1999 Chemical Name: C.A.S.#: Annual Qty (Units): OXYGEN-ACETYLENE:COMPRESSED GAS: CUTTING TORCHNOT REPORTED T7K-44-7 Qty Stored (Units): 1700(CFT) 3500 (CR) Carcinogen: NO * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 • Report ID: 236240001 Version 2.6.1 767 - 0403. Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #20 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Chemical Name: C.A.S. #: Annual Qty (Units): Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: 8002-05-9 2150 (GAL) 74-98-6 1500 (GAL) GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED RCRA-SmGen - RCRA-Small Generator / SRC# 5514 Agency Address: Generator Class: OILS-MOTOR OILS. TRANSMISSION FLUID, LUBRICANTS(3-350G TANKSNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): mo (GAL) Carcinogen: N0 PROPANE:COMPRESSED GASNOT REPORTED Qty Stored (Units): S?S(GAL) Carcinogen: N° # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: FEBRUARYS, 1995 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAVE NOT BEEN ADEQUATELY LABELED WITHIN 10DAYS AND ARE NOW DECLARED HAZARDOUS WASTE HSC 2512 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: FEBRUARYS, 1995 HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ARE NOT KEPT CLOSED WHILE IN STORAGECCR 662 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: OCTOBER 24, 1996 OWNER/OPERATOR HAS NOT TESTED THE PRESSURIZED PRODUCT LINE LEAKDETECTION DEVICE ANNUALLY AS REQUIRED. HSC25292(B) ( $ of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: OCTOBER 24, 1995 WRITTEN RESPONSE PLAN FOR RELEASES INTO SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ISNOT AVAILABLE. OCR 2632(E)(2), 2634(C) # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: OCTOBER 24, 1995 SPILL CONTAINER/OVERFILL PREVENTION SYSTEM IS NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED OR MAINTAINED AS REQUIRED. CCR 263 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: FEBRUARY w, im PERSONNEL TRAINING RECORDS ARE INADEQUATE TO DOCUMENT COMPLIANCEWITH REQUIREMENTS FOR CURRENT AND FORMER EMPLOYEES CCR 662 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: FEBRUARY w, ms WRITTEN ROUTINE MONITORING PROCEDURE FOR THE UNDERGROUND STORAGETANK SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN PREPARED AND IMPLEMENTED. CCR2632(E)(1),26 # of Occurrences: 2 Inspection Date: FEBRUARY w, ms WRITTEN RESPONSE PLAN FOR RELEASES INTO SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ISNOT A VAILABLE. CCR 2632(E)(2), 2634(C) EPA ID: | CAD983650557 HAWTHORNE RENT IT SVC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Generates 100kg./month but less than 1000 kg./monlfi of non-acutely hazardous waste VISTA Address*: AM/PM MINI MARKET #5366 1991 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5458 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: 4048541 0.36 Ml /NE Point H32235 Agency Address: SAME AS ABOVE Underground Tanks: 4 Aboveground Tanks: NOT REPORTED Tanks Removed: NOT REPORTED Map ID 5 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID: 236240001 Version 2.6.1 800-767-0403. Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #21 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): County UST - County Agency Address: Fuel Type: Size: Pipe Type: Tank Id: Test Status: Inspection Status: Fuel Type: Size: Pipe Type: Tank Id: Test Status: Inspection Status: Fuel Type: Size: Pipe Type: Tank Id: Test Status: Inspection Status: Fuel Type: Size: Pipe Type: Tank Id: Test Status: Inspection Status: HE-17/SRC#5458 TOOW UNLEADED GAS 6 10000 (GALLONS) T002U UNLEADED GAS 6 10000 (GALLONS) T003U UNLEADED GAS 6 10000 (GALLONS) T004U UNLEADED GAS 6 10000 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE NOTAVAILABLE PRESSURIZED DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED ACTIVE/IN SERVICE NOTAVAILABLE PRESSURIZED DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED ACTIVE/IN SERVICE NOTAVAILABLE PRESSURIZED DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED ACTIVE/IN SERVICE NOTAVAILABLE PRESSURIZED DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED Underground Storage Tank /SRC# 5458 I Agency ID: |H32235 REGULAR UNLEADED 10000 PERMIT TO OPERATE D NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED REGULAR UNLEADED 10000 PERMIT TO OPERATE D NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED REGULAR UNLEADED 10000 PERMIT TO OPERATE D NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED REGULAR UNLEADED 10000 PERMIT TO OPERATE D NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: NO Inspection Date: MARCH n, 1993 SAME AS ABOVE Tank Number: Tank Type: PRESSURIZE Alternate Monitor: Tank Status Date: Year Installed: Tank Number: Tank Type: PRESSURIZE Alternate Monitor: Tank Status Date: Year Installed: Tank Number: Tank Type: PRESSURIZE Alternate Monitor: Tank Status Date: Year Installed: Tank Number: Tank Type: PRESSURIZE Alternate Monitor: Tank Status Date: Year Installed: I Agency SAME AS ABOVE Agency Code (K28) 'Unknownf )' NO Permit Exp Date: Reinspection Date: T001 DOUBLE WALL 'Not Available' NOT REPORTED 1992 T002 DOUBLE WALL 'Not Available' NOT REPORTED 1992 T003 DOUBLE WALL 'Not Available' NOT REPORTED 1992 T004 DOUBLE WALL 'Not Available" NOT REPORTED 1992 ID: | H32235 UNKNOWN MARCH 1, 1999 " VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 • 767 • 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page 1/22 PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 3/8 mile) CONT. Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: Violation Type: Waste Type: Violation Description: GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOT REPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOTREPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOTREPORTED GENERAL VIOLATION NOTREPORTED # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: NOVEMBER®, 1995 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING/MAINTENANCE/CALJBRA TION RECORDS ARE NOT MAINTAINED ON SITE. HSC 25293; CCR 2712(B), # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: NOVEMBER 29, 1995 WRITTEN ROUTINE MONITORING PROCEDURE FOR THE UNDERGROUND STORAGETANK SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN PREPARED AND IMPLEMENTED. CCR2632(E)(1),26 # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: NOVEMBER 29, 1995 WRITTEN RESPONSE PLAN FOR RELEASES INTO SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ISNOT AVAILABLE. CCR 2632(E)(2), 2634(C) # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: NOVEMBER*, 1995 BUSINESS PLAN WAS NOT AMENDED WITHIN 30 DAYS FOR A 100% QUANTITYIN- CREASE.NEW DISCLOSABLE MATERIALS OR A CHANGE IN BUSINESSINFO. # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: MARCH 17, ma OWNER/OPERATOR HAS NOT HAD MONITORING EQUIPMENT TESTED ANNUALLYAS REQUIRED. 23CCR2630, 2641 (J)NOT REPORTED # of Occurrences: ' Inspection Date: *MHCH n, ma OWNER/OPERATOR HAS NOT TESTED THE PRESSURIZED PRODUCT LINE LEAKDETECTION DEVICE ANNUALLY AS REQUIRED. HSC 25292(8) ( SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/8 -1/2 mile) VISTA Address*: PACIFIC BELL CRLSCA12/DB412 2175CAMINOVIDAROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 STATE UST- State Underground Storage Tank/SRC# 1612 Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: TOOW Tank Contents: OTHER Tank Age: NOTREPORTED Tank Size (Units): 1000 (GALLONS) SAME AS ABOVE 1 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: EPA/Agency ID: 4022691 0.48 Ml / NE Point N/A Tank Status: CLOSED REMOVED Leak Monitoring: Agency Code (') Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Material: OTHER DESCRIPTIONS STATE UST - State Underground Storage Tank / SRCI 5458 | Aqency ID: Agency Address: Underground Tanks: Aboveground Tanks: Tanks Removed: Tank ID: roow Tank Contents: DIESEL Tank Age: ' Tank Size (Units): eooo (GALLONS) SAME AS ABOVE 2 NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED H20072 Tank Status: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE Leak Monitoring: NOT AVAILABLE Tank Piping: SUCTION Tank Material: DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED Map ID 6 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1-800 Report ID:236240001 Version 2.6.1 767-0403. Date of Report: March 5,1999 Page #23 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/8 • 1/2 mile) CONT. Tank ID: Tank Contents: Tank Age: Tank Size (Units): T002U DIESEL NOT REPORTED 6000 (GALLONS) Tank Status: Leak Monitoring: Tank Piping: Tank Material: ACTIVE/IN SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE SUCTION DOUBLE WALLED OR SINGLE WALLED I County UST - County Underground Storage Tank / SRCf 5458 I Agency ID:IH20072 Agency Address: Fuel Type: Size: DIESEL 6000 PACIFIC BELL CRLSCA12/DB412 217SCAMINOV1DAROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 920091404 Tank Number: Tank Type: 7001 DOUBLE WALL Pipe Type: Tank Id: PERMIT TO OPERATE SUCTION NOT REPORTED Alternate Monitor:•Not Available' Test Status: Inspection Status: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank Status Date: Year Installed: NOT REPORTED 1997 Fuel Type: Size: DIESEL 6000 Tank Number: Tank Type: T002 DOUBLE WALL Pipe Type: Tank Id: PERMIT TO OPERATE SUCTION NOT REPORTED Alternate Monitor:'No! Available' Test Status: Inspection Status: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED Tank Status Date: Year Installed: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 - 3/4 mile) VISTA Address*: PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA 92008 STATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 5457 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Facility Life: Permit Status: Waste: VISTA IDS: Distance Plotted as: Agency ID: 3077946 0.64 Ml Polygon 37-AH-0002 PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY CLOSED NOT REPORTED UNPERMITTED/UNLICENSED NOT REPORTED Map ID 7 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 • 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #24 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 • 3/4 mile) CONT. VISTA MAY BE PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFIL Address*: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMINO CARLSBAD, CA 92008 WMUDS/ SRC* 5368 Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Threat To Water: Complexity: Facilty Status: Waste 1 (Nature/Type): Waste 2 (Nature/Type): Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: VISTA ID#: Distance Plotted as: Agency ID: 4824590 0.64 Ml Polygon 9 370097NUR MA Y BE PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFIL PALOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMINO CARLSBAD, CA NOT REPORTED Not reported NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 Not reported Not reported Not reported NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED 11 NO NO • Map ID 7 VISTA Address*: PACIFIC RECORDERS AND 2070 US PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ENG CORP County LUST - County Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 545fr Agency Address: Release #: Release Date: Substances #: 001 JANUARY20, 1990 2 P.A. Start Date: JANUARY 31, 1994 C&A: Case Type: Case Status: Status Date: R.A. Start: PACIFIC RECORDERS ENGINEERS 2080 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 920091518 Case "T" #: Priority: Substance: P.A. End Date: NO VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: NOT REPORTED 03 •Heavy Metals' NOT REPORTED 317402 0.64 Ml / E Point H23257 'Non-Tank/Permitted Site • problem is not tank related Ian underground tank may be on site), establishment on site has or had a permit from Hazardous Materials Management Division. ' NOVEMBER 30, 1990 Enforcement Action: R.A. Type: "Case Closed' OCTOBER 4, 1993 R.A. End: NO NOT REPORTED FEBRUARYS, 1991 Map ID * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 • 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 - 3/4 mile) CONT. VISTA HUGHES HELICOPTERS Address*: 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 County LUST - County Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5458 Agency Address: Release #: Release Date: Substances #: P.A. Start Date: C&A: Case Type: Case Status: Status Date: R.A. Start: Enforcement Action: R.A. Type: 001 OCTOBER 24, 1990 0 FEBRUARY 15, 1996 HUGHES HELICOPTERS 2006 PALO/MR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Case "T" #: Priority: Substance: P.A. End Date: NO VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction: Plotted as: Agency ID: NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED 'Not Available' NOT REPORTED 202418 0.73 Ml /NE Point H21760 "Non-Tank/Pemitted Site • problem is not tank related (an underground tank may be on site), establishment on site has or had a permit from Hazardous Materials Management Division. ' 'Preliminary Assessment (initial investigation)' JANUARYS, 1991 SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 R.A. End: NO NOT REPORTED JANUARY29, 1991 Map ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 3/4 -11/4 miles) No Records Found * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 • 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNMAPPED SITES VISTA FALLBROOK LANDFILL Address*: 95 4W25SW CARLSBAD, CA 92009 WMUDS/SRC#5368 Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: VISTA ID#: 7004314 AaencvID: 9000020N90 FALLBROOK LANDFILL 9S 4W2SSW FALLBROOK, CA 92009 NOT REPORTED SOLID WASTE S/fES-CMSS /// - Landfills lor nonhazardous solid wastes. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 5 NO NO VISTA Address*: CARLSBAD LANDFILL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 WMUDS/SRC#5368 Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: VISTA ID#: Agency ID: SAME AS ABOVE NOT REPORTED 7004313 9000024N90 SOLID WASTE SITES-CLASS III - Landfills lor nonhazardous solid wastes. Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 5 NO NO * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page/127 UNMAPPED SITES CONT. VISTA Address*: MISSION BAY LDFL BET SN DIEGO RIV MISSION BAY SAN DIEGO, CA 92100 VISTA ID#:7629895 |NFRAP/SRC#5279 EPA ID:CAD980881353 Agency Address: EPA Region: Congressional District: Federal Facility: Facility Ownership: Site Incident Category: Federal Facility Docket: NPL Status: Incident Type: Proposed NPL Update #: Final NPL Update #: Financial Management System ID: Latitude: Longitude: Lat/Long Source: Lat/Long Accuracy: Dioxin Tier: USGS Hydro Unit: RCRA Indicator: SAME AS ABOVE 9 42 Agency Code () UNKNOWN unknown SITE IS NOT INCLUDED ON THE DOCKET NOT ON NPL Unknown 0 0 NOTREPORTED 3245430 11712450 RESEARCHED BY THE REGION AND MANUALLY ENTERED Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown Unit Id: Unit Name:ENTIRE SITE Type: Qualifier: Name: Plan Status: DISCOVERY UNKNOWN NOTREPORTED Unknown Lead Agency: Category: Actual Start Date: Actual Completion Date: EPA FUND-FINANCED Unknown NOTREPORTED UNKNOWN Type: Qualifier: Name: Plan Status: HAZARD RANKING SYSTEM SCORE UNKNOWN NOTREPORTED Unknown Lead Agency: Category: Actual Start Date: Actual Completion Date: EPA FUND-FINANCED Unknown NOTREPORTED UNKNOWN Type: Qualifier: Name: Plan Status: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT LOWER PRIORITY NOTREPORTED Unknown Lead Agency: Category: Actual Start Date: Actual Completion Date: EPA FUND-FINANCED Unknown NOTREPORTED UNKNOWN Type: Qualifier: Name: Plan Status: SCREENING SITE INSPECTION LOWER PRIORITY NOTREPORTED Unknown Lead Agency: Category: Actual Start Date: Actual Completion Date: EPA FUND-FINANCED Unknown NOTREPORTED UNKNOWN Type: Qualifier: Name: Plan Status: SCREENING SITE INSPECTION NO FURTHER REMEDIAL ACTION PLANNED NOTREPORTED Unknown Lead Agency: Category: Actual Start Date: Actual Completion Date: EPA FUND-FINANCED Unknown NOTREPORTED DECEMBER 1, 1989 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT (EXTENDED BY 1/4 MILE) DESCRIPTION OF DATABASES SEARCHED A) DATABASES SEARCHED T011/4 MILES NPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1.25 mile of your property. SRC#: 5280 The agency release date for NPL was January, 1999. The National Priorities List (NPL) is the EPA's database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfund program. A site must meet or surpass a predetermined hazard ranking system score, be chosen as a state's top priority site, or meet three specific criteria set jointly by the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the US EPA in order to become an NPL site. SPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1.25 mile of your property. SRC#: 5455 The agency release date for Calsites Database: Annual Workplan Sites was October, 1998. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites') in California where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites that may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL: Annual Work Plan (AWP) sites are cleassified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. CORRACTS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1.25 mile of your property. SRC#: 5514 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was November, 1998. The EPA maintains this database of RCRA facilities which are undergoing "corrective action". A "corrective action order" is issued pursuant to RCRA Section 3008 (h) when there has been a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. Corrective actions may be required beyond the facility's boundary and can be required regardless of when the release occurred, even if it predates RCRA. B) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 3/4 MILE CERCLIS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5278 The agency release date for CERCLIS was October, 1998. The CERCLIS List contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List(NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The information on each site includes a history of all pre-remedial, remedial, removal and community relations activiies or events at the site, financial funding information for the events, and unrestricted enforcement activities. Cal Cerclis VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 2462 The agency release date for Ca Cerclis w/Regional Utility Description was June, 1995. This database is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9. The agency may be contacted at: . These are regional utility descriptions for California CERCLIS sites. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 • 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NFRAP VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5279 The agency release date for CERCLIS-NFRAP was October, 1998. NFRAP sites may be sites where, following an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. SCL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5454 The agency release date for Calsites Database: All Sites except Annual Workplan Sites (incl. ASPIS) was October, 1998. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites") in California where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites that may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL: Annual Work Plan (AWP) sites are cleassified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. The CalSites database includes both known and potential sites. Two- thirds of these sites have been classified, based on available information, as needing "No Further Action" (NFA) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. The remaining sites are in various stages of review and remediation to determine if a problem exists at the site. Several hundred sites have been remediated and are considered certified. Some of these sites may be in long term operation and maintenance. RCRA-TSD : VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5514 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was November, 1998. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA TSDs are facilities which treat, store and/or dispose of hazardous waste. SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5457 The agency release date for Ca Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) was November, 1998. This database is provided by the Integrated Waste Management Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-255-4021. The California Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database consists of both open as well as closed and inactive solid waste disposal facilities and transfer stations pursuant to the Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act of 1972, Government Code Section 2.66790(b). Generally, the California Integrated Waste Management Board learns of locations of disposal facilities through permit applications and from local enforcement agencies. WMUDS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5368 The agency release date for Waste Management Unit Database System (WMUDS) was October, 1998. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-892-0323. This is used for program tracking and inventory of waste management units. This system contains information from: Facility, Waste Management Unit, SWAT Program and Report Summary Information, Chapter 15 (formerly Subchapter 15), TPCA and RCRA Program Information, Closure Information; also some information from the WDS (Waste Discharge System). The WMUDS system also accesses information from the following databases from the Waste Discharger System (WDS): Inspections, Violations, and Enforcements. The sites contained in these databases are subject to the California Code of Regulations - Title 23. Waters. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identity all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5366 The agency release date for Region #7-Colorado River Basin Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing was August, 1998. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #7. The agency may be contacted at: 760-346-7491. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5456 The agency release date for Region #9 Leaking Underground Storage Tank List was October, 1998. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #9. The agency may be contacted at: 619-467-2975. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5459 The agency release date for Lahontan Region LUST List was October, 1998. This database is provided by the Lahontan Region Six South Lake Tahoe. The agency may be contacted at: 916-542-5400. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5497 The agency release date for Lust Information System (LUSTIS) was October, 1998. This database is provided by the California Environmental Protection Agency. The agency may be contacted at: 916-445-6532. HE17 LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5458 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was October, 1998. This database is provided by the San Diego County Dept. of Health Services. It contains information concerning any sites which fall under the jurisdiction of this agency. Cases classified as Releases appear under "County Lust" in this report regardless of the "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites classified as USTs appear under 'County LIST", and Solid Waste facilities appear under "County SWLF". Sites with violation and/or disclosure information are reported under "SDC Site" in this VISTA report. CORTESE VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 4840 The agency release date for Cortese List-Hazardous Waste Substance Site List was April, 1998. This database is provided by the Office of Environmental Protection, Office of Hazardous Materials. The agency may be contacted at: 916-445-6532. The California Governor's Office of Planning and Research annually publishes a listing of potential and confirmed hazardous waste sites throughout the State of California under Government Code Section 65962.5. This database (CORTESE) is based on input from the following: (l)CALSITES-Department of Toxic Substances Control, Abandoned Sites Program Information Systems; (2)SARA Title ill Section III Toxic Chemicals Release Inventory for 1987,1988,1989, and 1990; (3}FINDS; (4)HWIS-Department of Toxic Substances Control, Hazardous Waste Information System. Vista has not included one time generator facilities from Cortese in our database.; (5)SWRCB-State Water Resources Control Board; (6)SWIS-lntegrated Waste Management Control Board (solid waste facilities); (7)AGT25-Air Resources Board, dischargers of greater than 25 tons of criteria pollutants to the air; (8)A1025-Air Resources Board, dischargers of greater than 10 and less than 25 tons of criteria pollutants to the air; (9JLTANK-SWRCB Leaking Underground Storage Tanks; (10)UTANK-SWRCB Underground tanks reported to the SWEEPS systems; (11)IUR-lnventory Update Rule (Chemical Manufacturers); (12)WB-LF- Waste Board - Leaking Facility, site has known migration; (13)WDSE-Waste Discharge System - Enforcement Action; (14)DTSCD-Department of Toxic Substance Control Docket. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 • 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 ' Page #31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Deed Restrictions VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 1703 The agency release date for Deed Restriction Properties Report was April, 1994. This database is provided by the Department of Health Services-Land Use and Air Assessment. The agency may be contacted at: 916-323-3376. These are voluntary deed restriction agreements with owners of property who propose building residences, schools, hospitals, or day care centers on property that is "on or within 2,000 feet of a significant disposal of hazardous waste". California has a statutory and administrative procedure under which the California Department of Health Services (DHS) may designate real property as either a "Hazardous Waste Property" or a "Border Zone Property" pursuant to California Health Safety Code Sections 25220-25241. Hazardous Waste Property is land at which hazardous waste has been deposited, creating a significant existing or potential hazard to public health and safety. A Border Zone Property is one within 2,000 feet of a hazardous waste deposit. Property within either category is restricted in use, unless a written variance is obtained from DHS. A Hazardous Waste Property designation results in a prohibition of new uses, other than a modification or expansion of an industrial or manufacturing facility on land previously owned by the facility prior to January 1,1981. A Border Zone Property designation results in prohibition oi a variety of uses involving human habitation, hospitals, schools and day care center. Toxic Pits VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 3/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 2229 The agency release date for Summary of Toxic Pits Cleanup Facilities was February, 1995. This database is provided by the Water Quality Control Board, Division of Loans Grants. The agency may be contacted at: 916-227-4396. C) DATABASES SEARCHED T01/2 MILE RCRA-Viols/Enfs VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5514 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was November, 1998. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Violators are facilities which have been cited for RCRA Violations at least once since 1980. RCRA Enforcements are enforcement actions taken against RCRA violators. UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 1612 The agency release date for Underground Storage Tank Registrations Database was January, 1994. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board, Office of Underground Storage Tanks. The agency may be contacted at: 916-227-4337; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5458 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-UST Sites was October, 1998. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. The agency may be contacted at: 619-338-2268; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 • 800 • 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HE17 UST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5458 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was October, 1998. This database is provided by the San Diego County Dept. of Health Services. It contains information concerning any sites which fall under the jurisdiction of this agency. Cases classified as Releases appear under "County Lust" in this report regardless of the "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites classified as USTs appear under "County UST", and Solid Waste facilities appear under "County SWLF". Sites with violation and/or disclosure information are reported under "SDC Site" in this VISTA report. AST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5513 The agency release date for Aboveground Storage Tank Database was December, 1998. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-227-4364. TRIS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 4946 The agency release date for TRIS was January, 1998. Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (also known as SARA Title III) of 1986 requires the EPA to establish an inventory of Toxic Chemicals emissions from certain facilities( Toxic Release Inventory System). Facilities subject to this reporting are required to complete a Toxic Chemical Release Form(Form R) for specified chemicals. D) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 3/8 MILE ERNS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .375 mile of your property. SRC#: 4939 The agency release date for was July, 1998. The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a national database used to collect information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The database contains information from spill reports made to federal authorities including the EPA, the US Coast Guard, the National Response Center and the Department of transportation. The ERNS hotline number is (202) 260-2342. A search of the database records for the period October 1986 through July 1998 revealed information regarding reported spills of oil or hazardous substances in 1 RCRA-LgGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .375 mile of your property. SRC#: 5514 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was November, 1998. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Large Generators are facilities which generate at least 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste (or 1 kg./month of acutely hazardous waste). RCRA-SmGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .375 mile of your property. SRC#: 5514 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was November, 1998. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Small and Very Small generators are facilities which generate less than 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page H33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPILL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .375 mile of your property. SRC#: 5458 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-Spill Sites was October, 1998. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. The agency may be contacted at: 619-338-2268. San Diego HE17 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within .375 mile of your property. SRC#: 5458 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was October, 1998. This database is provided by the San Diego County Dept. of Health Services. It contains information concerning any sites which fall under the jurisdiction of this agency. Cases classified as Releases appear under "County Lust" in this report regardless of the "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites classified as USTs appear under "County UST", and Solid Waste facilities appear under "County SWLF". Sites with violation and/or disclosure information are reported under "SDC Site" in this VISTA report. End of Report For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 236240001 Date of Report: March 5,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #34 LABORATORY REPORT 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1m 1 March 17, 1999 PIC Environmental Services 1 768 Arrow Highway, Suite 1 02 La Verne, CA 9 1750 ATTN: Danny Oliver Client's Project: ADJ Enterprises, Inc., #ES7833 Lab No.: 33807-001/010 ELA Enclosed are the results for sample(s) received by Advanced Technology Laboratories and tested for the parameters indicated in the enclosed chain of custody. Thank you for the opportunity to service the needs of your company. Please feel free to call me at (562) 989 - 4045 if I can be of further assistance to your company. 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ^| Sincerely, / /L~ - — Cheryl De Los Reyes ** Technical Operations Manager CDR/jh Enclosures This cover letter is an integral part of this analytical report. This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. use of the client to whom it is addressed. Any reproduction of this report or use of this Laboratory's name for advertising or publicity ^iw Advanced Technology"• ^— /<•//! IT ?7. — i o. t c;~.,~/ u:n /^ A (1/1O/T7 ^Laboratories I5W E' 33rd Street Signal Hil1' CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562 989-4040 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Client: Attn: Client's Project: Date Received: Extraction Method: Matrix: Units: PIC Environmental Services Danny Oliver ADJ Enterprises, Inc., #ES7833 03/10/99 3550B. Soil ug/kg Lab No.: Client Sample ID.: Date Sampled: QC Batch #: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Analyst Initials: Dilution Factor: AKALYTE Alpha-BHC Gamma-BHC (Lindane) Beta-BHC Heptachlor Delta-BHC Aldrin Heptachlor Epoxide Endosulfan I 4,4'-DDE Dieldrin Endrin 4,4'-DDD Endosulfan II 4,4'-DDT Endrin Aldehyde Endosulfan Sulfate Methoxychlor Chlordane Toxaphene M>I* 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 Method Blank_ _ G998080S068 03/11/99 03/15/99 YM 1 DIJR 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 Kesttlts ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-001 Sl-11 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/15/99 YM 1 HER 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 ; Stewlfc ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11 ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND 33807-002 S2-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/15/99 YM 1 BLR 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 JR«S«lts ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-003 S3-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/15/99 YM 1 ij^UR 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 8e$«lfc ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-004 S4-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/16/99 YM 1 DOC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 JtssuJts ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-005 S5-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/15/99 YM 1 mM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 Jfes«fts ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4.9 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR). DLR = MDL X Dilution Factor NA = Not Analyzed Reviewed/Approved By: EC Ingvaldson Department Supervisor Date: letter is an integral part of this analytical report.Aavancea Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562 989-4040 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Client: Attn: Client's Project: Date Received: Extraction Method: Matrix: Units: PIC Environmental Services Danny Oliver ADJ Enterprises, Inc., #ES7833 03/10/99 3550B Soil ug/kg \\ Lab No.: Client Sample LD.: Date Sampled: QC Batch #: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Analyst Initials: Dilution Factor: &NAi>rr8 Alpha-BHC Gamma-BBC (Lindane) Beta-BHC Heptachlor Delta-BHC Aldrin Heptachlor Epoxide Endosulfan I 4,4'-DDE Dieldrin Endrin 4,4'-DDD Endosulfan II 4,4'-DDT Endrin Aldehyde Endosulfan Sulfate Methoxychlor Chlordane Toxaphene MDJ, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 Method Blank_ —G998080S068 03/11/99 03/16/99 YM 1 J>JM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 Results ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-006 S6-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/16/99 YM 1 81M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 fcawltri ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-007 S7-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/15/99 YM 1 BLR 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 R«£Ufts ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-008 S8-11 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/15/99 YM 1 DI3R 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 Resqffc ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 33807-009 S9-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/16/99 YM 1 mM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 JfesuJts ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 12 29 ND ND ND 8.9 ND ND ND ND ND 33807-010 SlO-1' 03/09/99 G998080S068 03/11/99 03/16/99 YM 1 m& 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 170 S&sufts ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11 27 ND ND ND 7.9 ND ND ND ND ND MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR). DLR = MDL X Dilution Factor NA = Not Analyzed Reviewed/Approved By: Letflngvaldson Department Supervisor Date:05/fr fft iver letter is an integral part of this analytical reportAavancea Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562 989-4040 Spike Recovery and RPD Summary Report - Soil MetiiGi i Tit :•; I Las;: -;;;;a' R,, ,,--... •IX ._,..,!,.- _ N^n f >.-.;. I'.-?'1• Fil- IP : S amp i -3 : I Aca '"-Line : - L -— - j -- — -- j — — j_- — — — — — \ — ^t f j ' : C:\HPCHEM\1\METHODS\PCBPES16.M (Chemstation Integrator) : 8081 Pesticides Advanced 3 : Thu Mar 04 08:56:39 1999 la : Initial Calibration Sample: GB0312B.D Spike Sample GMS0312B.D BLKMS PEST E: 03/11 S068 12 Mar 1999 7:27 pm Technology Laboratory Spike Duplicate Sample GMD0312B.D BLKMSD PEST E: 03/11 S068 12 Mar 1999 8:01 pm I Sample Spike Spike Dup Spike Dup RPD QC Limits Cone Added Res Res %Rec %Rec RPD % Rec fj ~ii;i;r,. i - [LI i'.J I HeP^-Thio: Al- 1:.".:: Die-... ;i'i:. I Endrin 4 , -1 ' -!T>PT 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 40 40 40 80 80 80 38 37 40 89 78 83 34 34 38 82 73 77 96 89 99 111 98 104 86 82 96 102 91 96 11 9 5 8 7 6 9 12 15 8 16 22 50-127 35-136 47-143 54-134 61-138 15-155 VI I I I I I I I I I j // pproved By:Date: Lee rfigvaldson Department Supervisor Advanced Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562 989-4040 Advanced Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 (562) 989-4045 • FAX (562) 989-4040 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY: Batch #:_ P.O.#: D.O. # Logged By: _Dale:,Time: Method of Transport Walk-in Courier UPS FED. EXP. ATL Sample Condition Upon Receipt 1. COOLER TEMP'C (2-6) 5. SEALED YD r 2. CHILLED YyB^iTn 6. * OF SPLS MATCH COC YB"ND 3. HEADSPACE (VOA) YD ND 7. PRESERVED YD ND 4. CONTAINER INTACT YJ3^NID 8. CONTRACT* Client: Attn: Address: City State Zip Code TEL:( FAX:(-g/S"? Project Name: Received by: (Signature and Printed Name)Relinquished by: (Signature and Pri Time: Relinquished by: (Signature and Printed Name)Date :Time:Received by: (Signature and Printed Name)Date:Time: SHIP TO LAB: (SUB CONTRACT)_ TEST: ATL »:. DATE: CLIENT I.D. I hereby authorize ATL to perform the work indicated below: Project Mgr /Submitter: Date:: S , Print N Signature Send Report To: IX Special Instructions/Comments: Attn: Unless otherwise requested, all samples will be disposed 45 days after receipt. Sample Archive/Disposal: D Laboratory Standard D Other D Return To: Circle or Add Analysis(es) Requested * $10.00 FEE PER HAZARDOUS SAMPLE DISPOSAL. LAB USE ONLY: Batch #:Sample Description Lab No.Sample I.D.Date Time CIRCLE APPROPRIATE MATRIX Container(s) TAT Type Q A/QC RTNE "P RWQCB D WIP D NAVY D CT D OTHER REMARKS S|«\\Oa X-oot X x X S4-I'X HDDS'<>5-r x-end x X -001 X SB-11 X X TAT starts 8 a.m. following day if samples received after 5 p.m. TAT: A=Overnight <24hr B=Emergency Next workday Critical 2 Workdays D=Urgent 3 Workdays E=Routine 7 Workdays Container Types: T=Tube V=VOA L=Liter P=Pint J=Jar B=Tedlar G=Glass P=Plastic M=Metal Preservatives: H=Hcl N=HN03 S= Z=Zn(AC); O=NaOH C=4'C DISTRIBUTION: White with report, Yellow to folder, Pink to submitter.