HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-14; Thompson/Tabata; Tentative Map (CT) (118)C '. Se.ptejnbe.1 6, 2001 May 01 LewX-4 '.: Ope.nA.ng Ro4e Vii.ve. to Poi.n4e.ttiM. o£ Spi.nna.k.e.1 \\JLLL I am weJLl awaii o£ the. to bJtoc.k th.<L opznJing o^ Ro-6e VtJjjt thiougk to JkLf, wLtt appa^nntty oc.c.u.fL uukin Standard Va.c.L^Lc. d<L\jQJLop& tke. pn.opn.ity Ln that atea. I approve, o^ tkiA opiyiivig and ^1<UL -it wLtt be. duJjiabio. a.4 an QU.I neJ~gh.boih.ood. Contiaiy to the. oppone.nt^> ate. VaJJ>y Auenu.e to a LU&<L>I rfegtee. £..5. to the. noith 01 e.OL&t ^n.om Spi.nnake.1 HLtt. LYI tome. o£ the. aigwme.nt4 pat ^oith to the. ? LO.YIYU.YIQ Ve.paitme.nt, Li> kouj many pe.op£e. iue.ie. appioadkid 01 YiotJL^L?.d o^ the. oppo^i-tLovi to the. above. me.nt^ione.d ope.ni.ng, but de.c.tine.d to joJin that oppo-f>JjtLon. I LYnag<ine. aLt o£ the^Li c.omme.nt-6 to be. u.n+.te,d be.hA.nd theJUi poJint ofa uxew. I vuante.d to le.t you. know that the.it Lt> anothe.i poJint o£ \)Lm £avoi<ing the. piopo<t>e.d ope.nA.ng. the.oiy....I wouJLd tahe.ne.ve.1 I wa-6 What may fee Cdiotine. Oaku ML RECEIVED