HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-18; Carnation Property; Tentative Map (CT) (25)JLJL-06-1999 13=59 CITY OF CftRLSBflD 760 720 9461 P.01/09 City of Carlsbad FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: rj/^|C| 9 TIME SENT: | ', M t? p (^r NUMBER OF PAGES BEING TRANSMITTED (including cover Page) q To:Fax Number From: ui ToJhct>€rA. Fax Number (760) 720-9461i Special Instructions; 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2821 JUL-06-1999 13=59 CITY OF CfiRLSBflD 760 720 9461 P. 02/09 13AGENDA HEW *ullly o r *VW Carlsbad City Council C! 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive , - Carlsbad f CA 92008 Cily ManagerCity Attorney Re: ZC 98—11- LCPA 98- City Clerli 08-CT-98-18 CDP 08-18 ,^_^^_p<ICDP 98-85 H.D.P. 98-20 _ Dear sirs: The undersigned takes exception to the Hillside development permit constraints nap in the following issues. 1. The easenent notes #4 & 8 dont aention these documents as a "Pro-Qnid-Quo" convenant vherein the Grantor exchanged Bights of Way for construction and dedication of a collector Public Road. (Please see Exhibits 1/2,3 attached) The costs for conversion of Blade Rail Road froa a secondary to collector road should be entirely horn by the developers and no further assessments aade against existing owners. 2. This issue is the construction of a 6 foot high aasonry vail along the east property line of the sub- division. (The vest edge of Black Rail Road.) This wall vould block the view of the Pacific Ocean to the vest and is contrary to the Hillside developaent paraaeters. City staff managed to convince the planning coaaission that the City had no ordinances regarding view sheds. WRONG !!! The Hillside ordinance protects any natural resources and view sheds as shown and high lighted in exhibits 4 and 5, on page 2 of Hunsaker and Assoc. Hillside constraint naps the vertical scale has been so compressed (1"=SO') that it apppears as flat as a billard table when in reality the slope is quite substantial. See exhibit 6. JUL-06-1999 13=59 CITY OF CftRLSBflD 760 720 9461 P.03/09 I find it difficult to understand why a fastfooted developer from Irvine, CA can con to Carlsbad and build a replica of the Berlin Wall along a quarter »ile of Black Rail Road which obstructs the view of the ocean not only those living easterly but the public in general, while in nearby Del Mar to plant a single tree that obscures the Pacific Ocean is a capital offense. G. S. Mooref Jr. 9ft Guy 3 Moore Jr 6602 Black Raft Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA JUL-06-1999 14=00 CITY OF CflRLSBflD 760 720 9461 P. 04/09 T^ : *r'11' ' • 174500 CHAHT OF EA5EHEKT /7 <•/• CORDON 0. OLTOH and «*»* JANE OLTOW, hi* »if«, do ftertby trant tn FRANK H, ATBES i SON. • corpor»tlon, »n c»*o- •nnt for roidwar purport and rl«ht-of-««JT (or tn«tt!Utlen of public utiiitlr* and plprMnei oy»r property •ituitttf In the County of 8»n Utceo, Stit« of C»Ufo»-nIt, described ••folio**: Portion* of section ai md Srctlan 21 «t To«n*hip 12 South, H»nfi> 4 »>»t, SBBM, County of Sin DUto, Jtate of California, d*fortb*d «• follo««t B4>ftnnlPI! it thr lflt*nr«tlon of th* Nortll-So«th contor linr of miO 9«etlonn 23 «m» 27 «lth tliv Southerly boundary "^ S*«tioi» 23 tbfl"* «l«e th» Kortberly bound iry of Section 37) tnenec at right •(!(!*• with laid ctntcr line Bt»trrly 30 fi»i»lj tbrne^ Northerly pirallrl with • •id e«-«trr llnr rtnp frrt| thrne*. ««oti»rly. it rifbt incU* »ith tajil crntrr llnr «o frrt> tb«nee Simtborty parallel with «ald crntcr Mm? JBIO f»ct{ th>ne» At j-ilht anglra with nald cnnt«>F lln* 3D feet to nld cpntor tlnr; thrner Knrthrrty alone »»l«l 'ernter lino 1330 frot mnr<- nr Imn to pMat of brflnnlnc. to hi- 'toed by lb<- Crant«xr, to<rlhrr with other* and thi, public in C" "«•«•»!. fnr nuch rnadway piirpoarn and rirht»-of-»iy for inataiiatlnn »r piibiif nUUtim and pipciino*, with thr full povrr »r»\r«i in tli«- Orantrt- t« Rrant or rtedicatf nuch rai«>«ent or rlel»l"»f *»*y '" Jl|y imullo U«'ly an ? public ntrrrt and thr rlKht to ({rant to niitrrn iJir rlfihl to »jy pipp I ln«-» or inntall utllttlr* of th«- UKiidl hind over »atd prnprrty. Datpdt . " GORUON u. OI.TOK • fli.TON STATE Or CAMPUMKIA, > : County «f ^an >H>-RI>. } v ' •• On •-?-, fi-r.i.fn - inso. bfforp mr>, thr umlpr- iixl (nr n« lit Cfninly anil Jtalp, pi-r-I, • Nn't'-iry i'«li 11 ly »|i|u-jrr'l tiillllM^i II. (II.TI1N anil M.\HV JAKII Ol.TUN, Hnn»n to if. to bn thr- i» |>. iinn «li!>i,i nam « trr itihacr I lit rl t" tli'4 vllhln •jintl rfi'l.ii'A li >i|<i>i| llial llipy pvrut'il thr> xani . \ilTM. ' " ;,•<(" .1 M<| "I (trial i;i a I . ./ / ' JUL-06-1999 14=00 CITY OF CflRLSBflD 760 720 9461 P.05/09 •••;;.:. •'• war- •• ','.*. . •$ '-136S AFTER RECORD I MS HAtL TO: ' ' ' Woodslde/Kubota i Associates, Inc. P. 0. Box 1095 v:': . .... . Carlsbad, California 92008 -77-003507.IOOK 1ST? Sheet ]j> of Right of War HOT CHW.D 76-1C8 Jn 5 OFFICIAL '"''SaVtV-MtCCOIBEl OF RI6HT OF FRANK H. ATRE5 t SON. A Corporation NO rtE RBJUtREB PER COVDWMEW' . as Grantor, for and In considera-tlen of the SLJ of On* Dollar and other valuable considerationpaid by CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL HATER DISTRICT, a aunieipal water dis-trict organized and existing under the Municipal Water District Actof 1911, as attended, as Grantee, receipt hereof is hereby acknow-ledged; do hereby grant to said CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT.Us sveeessors and assigns, an easeaent of right of way *»»*/feet in width In, upon, over, under, and across the lands herein-after described, to erect, construct, reconstruct, replace, repair,•aintaln and as* * pipeline or pipelines for any and all purposes.together with their necessary fixtures and appurtenances including but not linited to conduits and cables for power transolssion andcommunication purposes, at such locations and elevations, upon,along, over and under .the hereinafter described right of way as Grantee way now or hereafter detai convenient and necessary froatine to. tine, together with the Hght of ingress thereto and egressthe re froa. to and along said right of way by a practical route orroutes, in upon, over and across the hereinafter described lands.together with the right to clear and keep clear said right of wayfroa explosives, buildings and structures. The center line of said easaent of right of way Is particularlydescribed as follows: Beginning at the South Quarter Corner of Section 22, Township 12South, Range 4 vest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to UnitedStates Governaent Survey approved April 21, 1890; thence northerlyalong the North-South center! Id* of said Section 22. 990 feet, aore or less, to the northwest comer of the SouthWst Quarter (SW 1/4} of the Northwest Quarter (MH 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4)of the Southeast Quarter (S£ 1/4} of said Section 22. said pointbeing the TRUE rOlMT OF BESINItlNG: thence Southerly retracing theNorth-South center! ine of said Section 22, 990 feet aore or less.to the intersection with the Northerly line or Section 27, Township12 South, Range 4 Vest, San Bernardino Meridian, according toUnited States Governaent Survey approved April 21, 1890: thencecontinuing Southerly along the North- South eenterline of saidSection 27. 1.320 feet. ;m eft JUL-06-1999 14=00 CITY OF CflRLSBflD 760 720 9461 P. 06/09 . I • Sheet 2 of 4 'Right etTHy Ho. CHW Jji-t_QiJ The easement 'herein granted Is subject-to grantor's" reserved andexcepted rights to construct, pave and maintain; a street or highwayever the surface'of same and'to Install?end'maintain other utilities'therein and to grant'the right.to others.'tojley-pipelines or .Install'"public-utilities ever, said property:and/or to grant ordedicate sued eascmnt or right of;way to; any pobllc^ody as a- public streeti^such;grants :oir dedications'to,be; Mde;iui»Jectr:j' to^tht herein granted easement. • .. •* 'i-J:';-:;^/•••-A.-^'' »'. • Grantor agrees that no other easement or nsemts. except thehereinbefore specifically designated easements or grants shallbt granttd. on. nadir, or ovtr said it.r1p,of.Jand,bjr Grantor..«1thoatth§ prtvlous-vrlttM.ciBNSMtlBf «rantoov.^'j^;^"-.%:7y-*vv":'.' .•'•'^-.v-.-- Grantor and their successors In estate shall not erect or structure, plant any trte.tr trots, or drill anjTWell or wells,within the.limits of~sI1d right of way. . . Grantee shell nave tho rigat to erect, maintain and use gatesIn all fences which now cross or shall hereafter cross said routeor routes, and to trim and cut and clear away any trees and brushwhenever In Its judgment the same shall be.necessary for the con-venient and safe exercise of the rights hereby granted, the rightto transfer and assign this easement In wtftl_e_»r_<n_pajt being hereby granted to the Grantee. ' ~~ ,,,. y It 1s also understood and agreed by the parties hereto that theGrantor and their successors or assigns.- shall.net Increase or ..decrease. »r permit to bo insMiied OP «e_ejea.m> the existing **ground elevations of the above descHbYd right of way, existingat the time tals document is executed, without the previous written •consent of the Grantee. ... IN U1TRE5S VHERCOF, the firaatorthis IX day of ExiCBtid In the fresenee of: execvted tbese presents FRANK I. ATRES 1A Corporationvitness Hltness .f--' T.Vri *«:> KOTAftlES - USe PROPER FORM"yp*i *:^cl- JUL-06-1999 14:01 CITY OF CfiRLSBAD 760 720 9461 P.07/09 E. Vltw prtstrvatlon and enhancement: Ont of tha major focuses of Carlsbad's Hillside DevelopmentRegulation* Is to assure development sensitivity considers the yjjw the City will have of the Hillside OevetopnentT There are almost as many ways to do this as there are hillsides. The following Illustrations show some standard design solutions. Other designs can also creatively and sensitively assure the views of hillsides and from hillsidesare aesthetically pleasing. Sonet1wes the best way to get an understanding of view preservation/ enhancement is to view from the hillside and write down what areas of the Cityyeu can see. Then go to those places and look up at thehillside area. What is good about the view to the hillside? How can development be designed to assure the view to the hillside Is enhanced and attractively blonds Into or is hidden within the natural hillside environment? VIEW ENHANCED FROM HILL1IOI SITE see 490 LANDSCAPING OP HlUSIPE 3COPEe MAMIt HILL9IOE ^«C4U • tt'.f'ta' i frf'f ,4 JUL-06-1999 14=01 CITY OF CPlRLSBflD 760 720 9461 P. 08/09 ZC 98-1 1/LCPA 9/CT 98-18/CDP 98-85/HDP 98-20 - CA\TION PROPERTY May5, 1999 the Coastal Program. An Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee will be applied as a condition of approval. The proposed project is in compliance with the requirements of the Local Coastal Program. Hillside Development Permit Chapter 21.95 requires that a Hillside Development Permit accompany any development proposal which involves slopes of greater than 15 percent and an elevation differential greater than 15 feet in height. A Hillside Development Permit may only be approved if the six hillside findings" can be made. The first two findings require that hillside and undevelopable areas have been properly identified. The proper identification of these circumstances are provided through the project submittal in the form of a hillside conditions exhibit and a constraints exhibit. Both exhibits were provided as required. Approximately 0.02 acres are comprised of slopes greater than 15 percent, however there is " d<ip*- The third criterion is that the development must be consistent with the purpose, intent and requirements of the Hillside Ordinance. The stated purpose and intent of the ordinance includes the avoidance j>f substantjaJ damage ^ or alteration of significantTTnataral resource areas; preserxaflLorjL oLjhjg^natural appearaQce^o^ hiirsutes: consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan; prevention of erosion and protection of the lagoons from excessive siltaiion; and assurance that development is compatible with existing topography. Generally, the project site does not have any significant natural hillside resources. The proposed grading includes terraced pads which follow the site's natural slope progression from the low point at the south west to the high point at the north east. The project site is not located within a General Plan designated significant open space area and will therefore not have any impact on open space, Erosion control is a standard function of the grading permit process and compliance will be assured through conditions of approval. The project is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Hillside Ordinance. Criterion number four requires that no development or grading will occur in those portions of the propeny which are undevelopable pursuant to the provisions of Section 21.53.230. The undevelopable lands include beaches, permanent bodies of water, floodways, slopes greater than 40" o. significant wetlands, riparian or woodland habitats, land subject to major power line easements, land upon which other significant environmental features are located, and railroad track bods. The project site does not include any constrained undevelopable lands. The fifth and _suah criteria relate to the project's design. j:he__ minimize disturbance to hillside lands and substantially conform to the inlenLQOhe .concepts illustrated in the hillside design guidelines manual. U x I I