HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-19; Roesch Property Residential Subdivision; Tentative Map (CT) (46)Natural Resource (Onsultants nJune 22, 1999 Mr. Gregg Linhoff Standard Pacific Homes 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 Subject: Methods, Results, and Conclusions of a Sensitive Plant Survey on a Portion of the Roesch Property located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California Dear Mr. Linhoff: Natural Resource Consultants (NRC) was retained by Standard Pacific Homes to conduct a sensitive plant survey within a portion of the Roesch Property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California. The portion surveyed (referred to as the site) is the area that would be disturbed by proposed grading and by the fire suppression zone around the perimeter of the Roesch project. NRC also conducted a survey to confirm that no northern harriers (Circus cycmeus)or other raptor species are nesting on this site. This letter provides the methods, results, and conclusions of this survey. Table I summarizes conditions at the time of NRC's survey. The survey included a complete walkover of the site, to allow for counting and mapping of all sensitive plants present. Other plant species were also noted, and the compendium of plant species, originally produced by NRC during earlier surveys in March 1998, has been updated and is attached as Appendix 1. TABLE 1 NRC's BIOLOGICAL SURVEY INFORMATION, ROESCH PROPERTY, CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Date June 16, 1999 June 19, 1999 Time 11:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 6:45 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. Weather Hazy sun, 74 to 80 degrees F, very light wind Overcast skies, approximately 70 degrees F Biologists Nigel Hancock David Levine Comments Sensitive plant survey; update plant species list Focused search for nesting raptors. NRC has recorded four sensitive plant species on the Roesch Property. These species are white coast ceanothus or wart-stemmed lilac (Ceanothus verrucosus), western dichondra (Dichondra occidentalis), Nuttall's scrub oak (Quercus dnmosd), and ashy spike-moss (Selaginella cinerascens). The quantity and location of these species on the site is shown on the attached map. Two other species of interest were noted during the survey, and are shown on the attached map. They are Weed's mariposa lily or foothill mariposa lily (Calochortus weedii var. uncertain) and blue sage (Salvia clevelandii). These two species are locally uncommon; however, are not sensitive species nor would impact to these species require any mitigation. Endangered Species Studies • Environmental Compliance 30 Crystal Cove, Laguna Beach, California, 92651 1 Biological Resource Assessments • Conservation Planning • Telephone: 949.497.0931 • Facsimile: 949.497.2971 Mr. Greg Linhoff June 22, 1999 Page 2 of4 Sensitive plant species White coast ceanothus or wart-stemmed lilac (Ceanothus verrucosus) White coast ceanothus is often one of the dominant species in southern maritime chaparral. It is scattered throughout the chaparral on the site, but becomes most abundant within the fire suppression zone on the northern edge of the site. In two thickets here, mature shrubs are so closely packed together that accurate counts are impossible, and the numbers are therefore estimated. The total estimated number of white coast ceanothus in the impacted area is 296. This shrub is a former federal category 2 candidate, and is on List 2 of the California Native Plant Society inventory. It is restricted to chaparral close to the coast, and ranges from Carlsbad south to San Diego, and on into northern Baja California. Western dichondra (Dichondra occidentalis) Western dichondra occurs as creeping, more or less buried runner-like stems, which can form extensive mats. The leaves stick up just above the ground, often in lines which mark the locations of the buried stems. It is not possible to count individual plants for such a species as this. The numbers on the attached map represent an estimate of the number of square feet of ground within which dichondra occurs at each mapped location. Dichondra grows in the shade beneath shrubs in chaparral and coastal sage scrub, often where the shrubs are densely clustered together. This has made it impossible to accurately locate every occurrence on the site, and so the dichondra mapped within the impacted area, which totals 1591 square feet, must be treated as a minimum estimate. Western dichondra is a federal category 3c species, and is on List 4 of the California Native Plant Society inventory. It occurs only within two or three miles of the coast, and ranges from southern Orange County southwards into northern Baja California. NuttaH's scrub oak (Quercus dumosa) This intricately branched shrub is a sporadic component of southern maritime chaparral, usually becoming more common in valley bottoms and on north-facing slopes. Only a few isolated specimens and two small groups of eight shrubs each have been mapped. The total number of NuttaH's scrub oak in the impacted area is 20. NuttaH's scrub oak is a former federal category 2 candidate, a regionally sensitive species in a "southern maritime chaparral listing package" from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and is on List IB of the California Native Plant Society inventory. It grows only within about 6 miles of the coast, rarely in Orange County, commonly from Encinitas south to northern Baja California. c Mr. Greg Linhoff June 22, 1999 Page 3 of4 Ashy spike-moss (Selaginella cinerascens) Ashy spike-moss is a tiny prostrate moss-like plant that forms dense matted masses. It carpets the ground in many openings in chaparral and coastal sage scrub, especially on flat mesa tops and gentle slopes. It is not possible to count individual plants for such a species as this, and the numbers on the attached map represent the number of square feet covered by ashy spike-moss at each mapped location. The total mapped amount of ashy spike moss within the impacted area is 484 square feet. Ashy spike-moss is on List 4 of the California Native Plant Society inventory. It is almost totally confined to coastal San Diego County and adjacent northwestern Baja California. Other species of potential interest Weed's mariposa lily or foothill mariposa lily (Calochortus weedll var. uncertain) A single specimen of a mariposa lily, in bud, was noted in southern maritime chaparral during the survey, and is marked on the attached map. Identification is not possible at this stage of the plant's development. However its general appearance and its budding state at this late season makes it almost certain that this is one of the varieties of Calochortus weedii. There are two potential varieties of this mariposa lily. Weed's mariposa lily (Calochortus weedii var. weedii) is common farther to the south in San Diego County. It is not considered sensitive. However foothill mariposa lily (Calochortus weedii var. intermedins), which occurs principally in Orange County, is a federal species of concern, and is on List IB of the California Native Plant Society. Blue sage (Salvia clevelandii) Several specimens of this attractive blue-flowered low-growing shrub are present in southern maritime chaparral in the southern part of the impacted area, and are marked on the attached map. This species of sage is confined to coastal San Diego County, and adjacent northern Baja California. It was considered for inclusion in the 1994 5th edition of the California Native Plant Society inventory, but was excluded because it was still sufficiently common. It may well be included in the next edition of the inventory, which is expected soon. Conclusions In the area of the site that will be impacted by grading and fire suppression activity, there are about 296 white coast ceanothus, 20 Nuttall's scrub oak, 1591 square feet of western dichondra, and 484 square feet of ashy spike-moss. The vast majority of these sensitive plant species on the Roesch site are located immediately adjacent to the area of proposed impact and would not be harmed. Preservation of these unaffected plants (within preserved open space areas on site) would adequately mitigate for the loss of the above-described resources. Mr. Greg Linhoff June 22, 1999 Page 4 of 4 Northern Harrier In 1998, NRC's biologist detected a pair of northern harriers foraging on and adjacent to the Roesch Property. In Mr. Couffer's list of birds recorded during his 1998 field surveys he documented the presence of these harriers and in parens noted that the birds may be nesting there. Based on this notation NRC stated, in our 1998 report to the City of Carlsbad, that a northern harrier nest occurs on site. After the City's inquiry pertaining to this unusual siting, Mr. Couffer re-evaluated his notes and determined that he never confirmed a nest on the Roesch site and that these birds were probably only foraging on the Roesch site. On June 19, 1999, David Levine did not detect any harriers during a two-hour survey of the Roesch site. In addition, no other nesting raptors were observed on site during the June 19, 1999 survey. Based on these data it is evident that the northern harrier is not nesting on the Roesch site. NRC and Mr. Courier apologize for the provision of misinformation in our 1998 report. If you have questions or comments about any information provided in this letter, please contact me directly at 949.497.093 1 or Michael Couffer at 949.644.7127. Sincerely, LJURAL RESOURCE CONSULTANTS Dave Levine attachments: Biological Resources Map Updated Floral Compendium Table 1 Vascular Plant List for Roesch Property, Carlsbad (data collected by N. J. Hancock 3/13/98, 3/23/98 and 6/16/99) Scientific Name (Names based on Hickman, 1993) Common Name Community Status PTERIDOPHYTA: FERNS AND FERN ALLIES SELAGINELLACEAE — SPIKE-MOSS FAMILY Selaginelia cinerascens ashy spike-moss PTERIDACEAE — BRAKE FAMILY Pellaea mucronata Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis Pentagramma triangularis ssp. viscosa ANGIOSPERMAE: DICOTYLEDONES AIZOACEAE — FIG-MARIGOLD FAMILY Carpobrotus edulis hottentot-fig *Carpobrotus sp. fig-marigold ANACARDIACEAE — SUMAC FAMILY bird's foot cliff-brake goldenback fern silverback fem Malosma laurina Rhus integrifolia APIACEAE — CARROT FAMILY Apiastrum angustifolium Conium maculatum Caucus pusillus Foeniculum vulgare Sanicula arguta Sanicula crassicaulis laurel sumac lemonadeberry wild celery poison hemlock rattlesnake weed sweet fennel sharp-tooth sanicle Pacific sanicle ASTERACEAE — SUNFLOWER FAMILY Ambrosia psilostachya Artemisia californica Baccharis pilularis Baccharis salicifolia Carduus tenuiflorus Centaurea melitensis *? Chaenactis sp. leaves Chamomila suaveolens Conyza bonariensis Conyza canadensis Cotula australis Encelia californica Eriophyllum confertiflorum Filago gallica chicory leaves—probably two species Galinsoga parviflora var. pan iflora Gnaphalium bicolor Gnaphalium californicum *Grindelia sp. Hazardia squarrosa var. grindelioides Hemizonia fasciculata western ragweed California sagebrush coyote bush mule fat slender-flowered plumeless thistle tocalote pincushion pineapple-weed flax-leaved horseweed common horseweed Australian brass-buttons California bush sunflower golden yarrow narrow-leaved filago small-flowered galinsoga bicolored cudweed California everlasting gumplant sawtooth goldenbush fascicled or golden tarweed SMaC 4 SMaC N CSS-S N CSS-S N SWS I SMaC 1 CSS-M, SMaC N CSS-R, SMaC N SMaC N MFS, SWS I CSS N CSS-D I AGL, CSS-S N CSS-S N SWS N CSS N CBS, MFS, CSS-M N MFS N AGR I AGR, RUD I SMaC N AGR I AGR I AGR N AGR, CSS, SMaC I CSS N SMaC N SMaC, CSS I AGR N AGR I SMaC, CSS N CSS-S, SWS N NGL, CSS N CSS-S N SMaC N Roesch Property plant list Heterotheca grandiflora Hypochaeris glabra *Lactuca sp. Lasthenia californica Lessingia filaginifolia Osmadenia tenella Senecio vulgaris Silybum marianum Sonchus asper Sonchus oleraceus Stephanomeria exigua Stephanomeria virgata Stylocline gnaphaloides telegraph weed smooth cat's-ear wild lettuce common goldfields cudweed aster southern rosimveed common groundsel milk thistle prickly sow-thistle common sow-thistle small \\reathplant twiggy wreathplant everlasting nest-straw BORAGINACEAE — BORAGE FAMILY Amsinckia menziesii common fiddleneck Cryptantha intermedia common forget-me-not Pectocarya linearis ssp. ferocula slender pectocarya Plagiobothrys sp. popcorn flower BRASSICACEAE — MUSTARD FAMILY Indian mustard black mustard field mustard lesser wart-cress shining peppergrass wild peppergrass jointed charlock wild radish London rocket hare's-ear cabbage Indian fig coast prickly-pear pancake prickly-pear Brassicajuncea Brassica nigra Brassica rapa Coronopus didymus Lepidium nitidum Lepidium virginicum var. pubescens Raphanus raphanistrum Raphanus sativus Sisymbrium irio Sisymbrium orientale CACTACEAE — CACTUS FAMILY Opuntia ficus-indica Opuntia littoralis Opuntia oricola CAPRIFOLIACEAE — HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY Lonicera subspicata var. denudata southern honeysuckle Sambucus mexicana Mexican elderberry CARYOPHYLLACEAE — PINK FAMILY Cardionema ramosissimum sand mat Cerastium glomeratum mouse-ear chickweed Silene gallica windmill pink Silene laciniata fringed indian pink Spergula arvensis spurrey, starwort Spergularia bocconii Boccone's sand-spurry Spergularia villosa villous sand-spurry Stellaria media common chickweed CHENOPODIACEAE — GOOSEFOOT FAMILY Atriplex semibaccata Australian saltbush Chenopodium album lamb's quarters AGR AGR, AGL, CSS. SMaC AGR, RUD DEV SMaC SMaC AGR, CSS SWS CSS-A. CBS AGR, RUD SMaC AGR SMaC AGR, RUD SMaC CSS SMaC AGR AGR. RUD. CBS AGR AGR CSS SMaC AGR AGR, RUD AGR, RUD. SWS AGR RUD CSS SMaC CSS CSS-M. SMaC SMaC CSS-S AGR. SMaC CSS-S AGR DEV SMaC. DEV CSS-S SMaC RUD N I N N N N I I I I N N N N N N N I I I I N N I I I I I N N N N N I I N I I I I 1 I Roesch Property plant list c Chenopodium murale nettle-leaved goosefoot Salsola tragus Russian thistle CISTACEAE — ROCK-ROSE FAMILY Helianthemum scoparium peak rush-rose CONVOLVULACEAE — MORNING GLORY FAMILY Dichondra occidentalis western dichondra CRASSULACEAE — STONECROP FAMILY Crassula connata pygmy-weed Dudleya lanceolata lance-leaved dudleya CUCURBITACEAE — GOURD FAMILY Marah macrocarpus manroot, wild cucumber CUSCUTACEAE — DODDER FAMILY Cuscuta sp. dodder ERICACEAE — HEATH FAMILY Xylococcus bicolor mission manzanita EUPHORBIACEAE — SPURGE FAMILY Ricinus communis castor bean FABACEAE — PEA FAMILY Lotus salsuginosus Lotus scoparius Lotus strigosus Lupinus bicolor Medicago polymorpha Melilotus indica FAGACEAE — OAK FAMILY Quercus agrifolia Quercus dumosa GERANIACEAE — GERANIUM FAMILY Erodium botrys long-beaked filaree Erodium cicutarium red-stemmed filaree Erodium moschatum white-stemmed filaree Geranium retrorsum New Zealand geranium GROSSULARIACEAE — GOOSEBERRY FAMILY Ribes speciosum fuchsia-fiowered gooseberry HYDROPHYLLACEAE — WATERLEAF FAMILY alkali lotus deerweed strigose lotus miniature lupine bur-clover yellow sweet-clover coast live oak Nuttall's scrub oak Eriodictyon crassifolium Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia LAMIACEAE — MINT FAMILY Salvia clevelandii Salvia columbariae Salvia mellifera Stachys ajugoides var. rigida MALVACEAE — MALLOW FAMILY Malacothamnus fasciculatus Malva parvifiora Sidalcea malvae flora MYRTACEAE — MYRTLE FAMILY Eucalyptus sp. thickleaf yerba santa common eucrypta blue sage chia black sage hedge-nettle mesa bush-mallow cheesevveed checker bloom eucalyptus CBS, CSS-S AGR SMaC, CSS-A SMaC, CSS-S SMaC SMaC SMaC, CSS-R CSS SMaC SWS SMaC CSS, SMaC AGR AGR, AGL AGR AGR, RUD CSS-M SMaC I 1 N C3c, 4 N N N N N I N N N N I 1 N C2. IB CSS,NGL I AGR, RUD, NGL I AGR, RUD 1 FWS, CBS I CSS-S, CBS N SMaC,CSS-D N CSS-R, SMaC N SMaC N CSS-A N CSS, SMaC N NGL, CSS-S N SMaC, CSS N AGR, RUD I NGL, FWS N AGR, EW I Roesch Property plant list c NYCTAGINACEAE — FOUR O'CLOCK FAMILY Mirabilis californica wishbone bush ONAGRACEAE — EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY Camissonia bistorta California suncup Camissonia intermedia intermediate primrose OXALIDACEAE — WOOD-SORREL FAMILY Oxalis albicans California wood-sorrel Oxalis pes-caprae Bermuda buttercup PLANTAGINACEAE — PLANTAIN FAMILY Plantago erecta California plantain POLEMONIACEAE — PHLOX FAMILY Linanthus dianthiflorus ground pink Navarretia hamata skunkweed POLYGONACEAE — BUCKWHEAT FAMILY Eriogonum fasciculatum flat-top buckwheat Pterostegia drymarioides granny's hairnet Rumex crispus curly dock PORTULACACEAE — PURSLANE FAMILY Calandrinia ciliata red maids Claytonia perfoliata miner's lettuce PRIMULACEAE — PRIMROSE FAMILY Anagallis arvensis scarlet pimpernel Dodecatheon clevelandii Padres" shooting star RHAMNACEAE — BUCKTHORN FAMILY Ceanothus tomentosus var. olivaceus Ceanothus verrucosus Rhamnus crocea ROSACEAE — ROSE FAMILY Adenostoma fasciculatum Heteromeles arbutifolia Ramona lilac white coast ceanothus, wart- stemmed lilac redberry chamise toyon narrow-leaved bedstraw San Diego bedstraw RUBIACEAE — MADDER FAMILY Galium angustifolium Galium nuttallii SALICACEAE — WILLOW FAMILY Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow SAXIFRAGACEAE — SAXIFRAGE FAMILY Jepsonia parryi mesa saxifrage SCROPHULARIACEAE — FIGWORT FAMILY Antirrhinum nuttallianum Nuttall's snapdragon Castilleja exserta purple owl's-clover Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. setigerus dark-tipped bird's beak Linaria canadensis blue toadflax Mimulus aurantiacus bush monkey-flower SOLANACEAE — NIGHTSHADE FAMILY Nicotiana glauca tree tobacco Solanum douglasii Douglas' nightshade Solanum parishii Parish's nightshade CSS N SMaC, CSS N SMaC N CSS-S N SWS, RUD I CSS, SMaC N CSS N CSS, SMaC N CSS, SMaC N CSS-S N AGR, CBS I SMaC, AGR N CSS-R, SMaC N SMaC, AGR I NGL, CSS N SMaC N SMaC C2,2 SMaC N SMaC N CSS-M, SMaC, N CSS-S CSS-S N CSS-S N SWS N CSS-S N SMaC N CSS-A N SMaC N CSS-A, SMaC N SMaC, CSS-S N SWS I CSS-S N CSS N Roesch Property plant list D TROPAEOLACEAE — NASTURTIUM FAMILY Tropaeolum majus garden nasturtium URTICACEAE — NETTLE FAMILY Urticaurens dwarf nettle ANGIOSPERMAE: MQNOCOTYLEDONES CYPERACEAE — SEDGE FAMILY Eleocharis macrostachya IRIDACEAE — IRIS FAMILY Sisyrinchium bellum JUNCACEAE — RUSH FAMILY Juncus rugulosus Juncus spp. LILIACEAE — LILY FAMILY * Calochortus weedii var. ? *? Chlorogalum sp. Dichelostemma capitatum *lily-family leaves Yucca schidigera Zigadenus fremontii POACEAE — GRASS FAMILY Avena spp. Bromus diandrus Bromus hordaceus Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens Cortaderia sp. Hordeum spp. Lamarckia aurea Leymus condensatus Muhlenbergia rigens Nasella pulchra LEGEND * = Too earlv in season to pale spike-rush blue-eyed grass wrinkled rush rushes Weed's mariposa lily soap-plant blue dicks, wild hyacinth ? Mojave yucca chaparral star-lily wild oats ripgut grass soft chess foxtail chess pampas grass barley goldentop giant wild rye deergrass purple needlegrass determine species/variety RUD I CSS-A I FWS N NGL, FWS N FWS N FWS N SMaC possible FSC, IB CSS, SMaC N CSS, SMaC N NGL N SMaC N SMaC AGR, AGL, NGL AGR, RUD, MFS AGR AGR, AGL, NGL CSS AGR, AGL AGR, SMaC CSS-R. SWS, FWS N SMaC N NGL, SMaC N Roesch Property plant list Community SMaC = Southern maritime chaparral CSS = Coastal sage scrub—all types CSS-R = Coastal sage scrub—lemonadeberry (Rhus integrifolia) CSS-S = Coastal sage scrub—black sage (Salvia melliferd) CSS-A = Coastal sage scrub—California sagebrush (Artemisia californica) CSS-M = Coastal sage scrub—mixed dominance CSS-D = Coastal sage scrub—disturbed CBS = Coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis} scrub SWS = Southern willow scrub MFS = Mulefat scrub EW = Eucalyptus woodland AGL = Annual grassland NGL = Native grassland FWS = Freshwater seep RUD = Ruderal AGR = Agricultural DEV = Developed (dirt roads) oRoesch Property plant list Status FSC = Federal species of concern C2 = Former category: federal listing possibly appropriate, but data insufficient C3c = Too widespread for federal listing and/or not threatened IB = CNPS list: plants rare, threatened or endangered throughout their range 2 = CNPS list: plants rare, threatened or endangered in California; commoner elsewhere 4 = CNPS list: plants of limited distribution cRoesch Property plant list N = Native species I = Species introduced at this locality LIMITS OF GRADING 30' FIRE SUPPRESSION BUFFER LEGEND Sensitive Species Cv = white coast lilac (Ceanothus verrucosus)— with count of individuals Qd = Nuttall's scrub oak (Onerous dumosd)— with count of individuals Do = western dichondra (Dichondra occidentalis)— with area in square feet Sc = ashy spike-moss (Selaginella cinerascens) —with area in square feet Other Species of Potential Interest Sal. = Blue sage (Salvia clevelandii) Cal. = mariposa lily, possibly foothill mariposa lily (Calochortus weedii var. intermedius) Feet 100 200 Roesch Property Biological Resources Map 300 Natural Resource Consultants O LEGEND Sensitive Species Cv = \vhitecoastlilac (Ceanoihus verrucosus) — with count of individuals Qd = Nuttall's scrub oak (Quercus dumosd) — with count of individuals Do = western dichondra (Dichondra occidentalism — with area in square feet Sc = ashy spike-moss (Selaginella cinerascerts) — with area in square feet Other Species of Potential Interest Sal. = Blue sage (Salvia clevelandii) Cal. = mariposa lily, possibly foothill mariposa lily (Calochortus weedii var. inttrmedius) Natural Resource ConsultantsBiological Resources Map LEGEND Sensitive Species Cv = white coast lilac (Ceanothus verrucosus)— with count of individuals Qd - Nuttall's scrub oak (Quercus dumosd)— with count of individuals Do = western dichondra (Dichondra occidentalis)— with area in square feet Sc = ashy spike-moss (Selaginella cinerascens) —with area in square feet Other Species of Potential Interest Sal. = Blue sage (Salvia clevelandii) Cal. = mariposa lily, possibly foothill mariposa lily (Calochortus weedii var. intermedius) Feet 100 200 Roesch Property \\ s LIMITS OF GRADING'"' ' ' \ ¥./ ...-./. 300 r-'VV 7; '•••'.•j , :.. \ ; / |: :! :^.:'^r^;-p:- ;iW^!;"i;••;;.) ,-xv-v\-.^\\imiAv-^.^;%»;--:-/pB^^;iv.^Av-^^i^y^pi^^ ;!V.VF-\ Avr%^l^Xf^^:[rf:^\-^; •, '• ' • •. •; • . • A.M--. .vV// ^•='.•;;,".i . h.u IIMU v-.V:.-;-.\.- .\ \ FIRE SUPPRESSION BUFFER Biological Resources Map June 1999 \ Ik; Natural Resource Consultants VX