HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 99-02; POiNSETTIA PROPERTIES PA 7; Engineering Application===- CITY AARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPA&ENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate Information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROJECT NAME: poltJG&7TIA OOVe CrA7) DATE: II 0#/4' -Of) ,- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CA!<LG8AD TRACT NO. CT cr~ -0'2 PROJECT ADDRESS: :Z LLI -J'5D -17 1-3 . 14-0/0 < LOT NO(S).: MAP NO.: APN(S).: NaTA' fA 'tb'''8Jli3 ' ; NO. OF DWELLING UNITS:'· / 17 LFMP ZONE: # LOTS: .3 # ACRES: 18, 71 OWNER: F/~/"o G'7arJ6 PoltJGB7I/A ~V& {,; ~CAPPLICANT: GAMe A@ OWNBf{ Mailing Address: 54~e M~FeH~VG13 ~ '250 Mailing Address: GANOI(~&O, CA CJ2/Z1 Phone Number: (8G!1 54(;;" 8t> 81 Phone Number: ( ) : I certify that I am the legal owner and that aI/ the above information is true ~st of my knowledge Signature ( Date \ I ~ \ '5 -00 Signature· Date " CIVIL ENGINEER: eRe C/or<1 GH I E5 /... DG SOILS ENGINEER: OHAR~e~ Of/JeIGTIAN Firm: PRoJ8C, OBGIbN CfJriGUt.;J . Firm: OHK/G-rIAN Wtll$tfJ~fZ-~tJe; Mailing Address: 701 B GT!<eer 8re 80() Mailing Address: 4q29 MeFaltet G11?BeT SAtJ 018(70, OA OJ21t? I GAt-l /?I Bt3~ 0,4 12/1/ -P--hone-Numbe~~ ~~ -(iJ.~ZI-----,-P-hone;Number:=:d~~q:J.c;LJ.--,-.....: ' Stat~-Registrati~~-Numt&.e 4-2 '7 ~l State Registration Number: f!..eB 6~1-15 ' ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (circle one) ~arlsbad Municipal Water DistricD Olivenhain Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% N/A contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applic:able)? $ 3. What is the total cost estimate, Including the 15% contingency fee, fot sewer (for Carlsbad N/A Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? . $ fRiVIrle Gr. 4. What is the total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private property (if applicable)? $ '{V(A GRADING QUANTITIES N/A cut cy fill cy remedial cy imporUexport cy H:WORD/DOCSIMISFORMSIAPPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 10106199 • FOR CITY USE ONL Y APPLICATION FOR: Plancheck Drawing DeposiUFees (./ all that apply) Number Ty(!e Number Project 1.0. Paid o Adjustment Plat .I\DJP , o Certificate of Compliance COC o Dedication of Easement· 'DOE' Type: : Type: ~ I!f Encroachment Permit' ENCROACH VR01"'~-f , . . 0 Engineering Standards Variance ESV o Final Map FM ' \ " o Grading Plancheck GRPC o Grading GRADING ' , . o Improvement Plancheck IPC . ~ ~ .. , , o Parcel Map PM o Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: Type: ., o Reversion to Acreage RTA ' , ·0 Street Vacation STV, o Tentativ~ Parcel, Map ., MS o Certificate of Correction CCOR . .' o Covenant for Easement COVE -c:r-SUDstantiarConformance EXffiffir ,.' . ----"sec- , , APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: MASTER PROJECT ID: RECEIPT NUMBER: RECEIVED PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: ~O~ , 7 2.\l~J SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: NG\NEE.R\\'1G R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: E f.\Ri\\llENi ,. oE.P MASTER FILE NUMBER: F . " o OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCSIMISFORMSIAPPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 10/06199 i L-____________________________________________ ~ • ' .• CITY OF CARLSBAD· ENGINEERING DEPAmMENT V \ APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING .!;c99-78 Comolete all aoorooriate information Write N/A when not aoolicable .. PROJECT NAME: PO/YJ~ ~ Plan/V 14~ Y) DATE: LQ~zz· 11 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: t?;66=~ ~/oJ2-t& ~~ is - PROJECT ADDRESS: /LJ~ ~-Iz ~ '!:tu.> Inf.-cp:r-eg/·/OO '1 Vur/sba . .L Ilid, ~kIl:. ~ LOT NO(S).: I ,"L,3 MAP NO.: '"7' . APN(S).: 2.14 --IS-o--lJ NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: III LFMP ZONE: Z-Z # LOTS: 3 # ACRES: t'8..-~1 OWNER: APPLICANT: II.:JJs/-u/V.. ~n?lJ.'2.'I.t2.d·l~ Mailing Address: Mailing Address: 540/5 JVLO~Iby-· ~2S"~ S4n I) f~f). 2 C/.A ?Zl'z. ( Phone Number: ( ) Phone Number: (~ l ~p '$Z/;(p-Ba:> ~ l I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above ~Date information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Signature Date Signature l-O~~c'1._1 (./' /y, CIVIL ENGINEER: SOILS ENGINEER: ,1 / '-'" ~~ ~ Firm: P~ed acbx1~_~&01DMT Firm: ehn't+/C?t'/ W~ ~{~ Mailing Address: lA? I B ~i . ,,:Q da. '~ bc9-e> Mailing Address: 41~.5 Mer-~ s.4. £a.-r7 O\L~O_ CjA ~~I61 ~an 1)~Q l. C4 .1"Z.-tt'l Phone Number: {6/V d6S -~4-Z1 Phone Number: ( Ci (1) 4q(~ '-q"lCbQ State Registration Number: 4"7 ~51 State Registration Number: O-OG.-l~~ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: .- IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (circle one) ~Isbad Munici(2al Water Distri~ Olivenhain 'Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? $ 4 13,,3<01. 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ /, 81.0000 4. What is the total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private property (if applicable)? $ 1::!./lB. GRADING QUANTITIES cut ~1,ooo cy fill &:J.. I {kJO cy remedial ]::?t.l~/O cy import/export ---cy , DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 10106/99 ~~----~---~-------------------------r------~--------..... • FOR CITY USE ONL Y APPLICATION FOR: (./ aI/ that apply) o Adjustment Plat o Certificate of Compliance if Dedicatio9 of Easement Type: $rv-'( ~ t: Type: _______ __ o Encroachment Permit o Engineering Standards Variance o Final Map o Grading Plancheck o Grading o Improvement Plancheck o Parcel Map o Quitclaim of Easement Type: _______ __ Type: _______ __ o Reversion to Acreage o Street Vacation o Tentative Parcel Map o Certificate of Correction ~ Covenant for Easement o Substantial Conformance Exhibit Plancheck Number Type ADJP COC DOE ENCROACH ESV FM GRPC GRADING IPC PM QUITC RTA STV MS CCOR COVE SCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: _...:::..l6k __ ~I--___ _ MASTER PROJECT 10: tT c~:f,)---o -1---::= RECEIPT NUMBER: --------------- PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: --- R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: __ _ MASTER FILE NUMBER: F ----------------- Drawing Number B~-S Deposit/Fees Project 1.0. Paid o OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 10/06/99 i i e I' I CITY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPA MENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROJECT NAME: Po lIJS c: ttJ! c<-Cov~ rltfU11 pp AVeA-'7 DATE: LO-;:)3' q1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ([) If' -s /I-e..-oior/YJ :Prat/-> , ~, PROJECT ADDRESS: /.vOrr.Ju qj.. -t-Ju..., ll1ferredk)YI 4. PO/YLg~ ~ ~/s bM/8lVJ, LOT NO(S).: I) G., .3 MAP NO.: -APN(S).: Z/4-IS-o-l:J , NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: Lt] LFMP ZONE: 2Z # LOTS: 3 # ACRES: IB" - OWNER: APPLICANT: Hehk-lo7U--en rnCZ2.tPl ! /./{U:' Mailing Address: Mailing Address: f5'4(IJo MtJr-e.-6{2J4~e pY. ~Z50.; ~al? 1)),%; 0 .. CA 'lzlZ I Phone Number: ( ) Phone Number: «(PUn S4(.o -~Q~l I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above Signature ~Date tD-X/ ,1'1 information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Signature Date c.--#\ CIVIL ENGINEER: SOILS ENGINEER:./!1 ) Firm: A---qjc:-c.l DC;;:/7n (\-mslI1mJJj-& Firm: C~II--j~+)(ctYl l'k/~P#J)~ ~ Ineen'!y} Mailing Address: 'lVI PJSIr-ee f, ~ 8 c9--O Mailing Address: 4q25 1'-1 erCe.14~ K"h .. > cSo.D J) fiJO:J C-A '?ZL 0 ) ban :Dj~?) • CA :12·1 n Phone Number: «(PJ1) ;;){35 -G'4"l1 Phone Number: (85&}~{/2.-9.'7UJQ State Registration Number: 42q 5 I State Registration Number: OO'LlS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: " IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (circle one) e9arlsbad Munici[2al Water District~ Olivenhain Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? $411 B(n] 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad ) Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ 11 810000 4. What is the total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private property (if applicable)? $ IV/-A GRADING QUANTITIES cut /J;1,(~6 cy fill (/;>'1 ! 0-0'0 cy remedial 3~ D{)D cy import/export -cy DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV, '10/06/99 . FOR CITY USE ONL Y APPLICATION FOR: (./ all that apply) o Adjustment Plat o ~rtificate of Compliance g'" Dedication of Easement Type: dP'~VfW&< Type: ______________ __ o Encroachment Permit o Engineering Standards Variance o Final Map o Grading Plancheck o Grading o Improvement Plancheck o Parcel Map o Quitclaim of Easement Type: ' ______________ _ Type: ______________ _ Plancheck Number Type ADJP COC DO~ ENCROACH ESV FM GRPC GRADING IPC PM QUITC o Reversion to Acreage RTA o Street Vacation STV o Tentative Parcel Map MS Drawing Number Deposit/Fees Project 1.0. Paid o Certificate of Correction CCOR ,I~~~~~~~~~~-----+--------~-------+--------~--------r-.;------~I 'I;t Covenant for Easement COVE '38z-s-'F' ~q D o Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE 'V I APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: .\../'1IVv1 ... r=~~~T---------- MASTER PROJECT 10: C'1 ( cy; --bJ V RECEIPT NUMBER: PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: __ _ R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: --- MASTER FILE NUMBER: F ~--------------------- o OTHER: DATE STAMP ,APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV, 10/06/99 CITYe CARLSBAD· ENGINEERING DE+MENl' . APPLICATION . FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING Comolete all aoorooriate information Write N/A when not aoolicable DATE: I Joto/ Cf 1. • I PROJECT NAME: Poinsettia Properties (PA 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 117 Condominium Uni ts ~~~~~~~----------------------------~----;-----~- PROJECT ADDRESS: Carlsbad Boulevard (north of . . ._' ~v POl.nsettl.a Lan .... ' y-..... LOT NO(S).: 2 and 3 MAP NO.: CT 99-02 NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: 117 LFMP ZONE: OWNER: Shea Homes Mailing Address: 10721 Treena Street, Suite 200 San Diego. CA 92131 Phone Number: (6:1!9) 84~-9522 ... APtj{S).:~ . Z 14:-1 50-17':/ 22 # L&r=s. ". 4h1:CRES: APPLICANT: Fi~ldstone. Co~unities .. Mailing Address: 5465 Moreh'Ouse Drive, San Diego, GA.92121 Phone Number: . ... . 18.7 Sllit~ 250· I certify that I am the legal owner and tliat all the above .information is true and correct ~the b~st of my knowledge Signature ~~ Date l)T~AF~ON~ Asst. ;,c\,;u:: Signature ~Date 7-&-11 . /'/)... . " . CIVIL ENGINEER: Gregory Shields SOILS ENGINEER: _~rles H. Chdstian Firm: Project Design Consultants 701 B Street, Suite 800 Firm: Christian W4ee1er Engineering Mailing Address: Mailing Ad~ress:4925 Mercury Street San Diego. CA 92101 . San Diego, CA ~21i1 Phone Number: (619) 235-6471 Phone Number: (619) .496-976Q State Registration Number: IS C G: 4 .?.q 51 State Registration Number: RGE 1100215, ~=-~~~----~--- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Dennise Gillespie ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Firm: Mailing Address: 8910 University Center Lane SUl.te 15 San Diego, CA 92122 Phone Number: (619') 558-8977 State Registration Number: RLA ttl362 ~~~~~--------- IMPROVEMENT VALUATION .1. What water district is the proposed project located in (circle one)? ( Carlsbad Municipal Water District ) Olivenhain VallecitQs 2. ·u in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for C~rlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? 4. What is th~ total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private property (if applicable )? GRADING QUANTITIES $ 423,993 $1,754.555. $ cut 45 • 600 cy fill 41,300 cy remedial 18,400 cy import(export) . 4. ' 300 cy OOCSlMISFORMSlAPPLICATlON ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6110197 • FOR CITY USE ONL Y APPLICATION FOR: Plancheck Drawing Deposit/Fees (./ all that apply) Number Ty~ Number PLgl~ct 1.0. Paid o Adjustment Plat ADJP o Certificate of Compliance COC o Dedication of Easement DOE Type: Type: o Encroachment Permit ENCROACH o EngineerinQ Standards Variance ESV CVFin~1 Map Ivm~~b"L FM ~~()V if ~racf. atJ Q/C3rading Plancheck 1.3£2J;/1 GRPC (-(I q Cj-o 2,..-c;l.) ,1)00 , . o Grading GRADING '" Q/fmProvement Plancheck 31)d--5 IPC r rr~()2. 37(JL-- o Landscape Plancheck LPC +-.;).0 " _ I!rn W o Parcel Map PM ' , , ,-.0, '" , , o Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: Type: o Reversion to Acreage RTA o Street Vacation STV o Tentative Parcel Map MS o Cer lifiVdlt: of Correction CCOR o Covenant for Easement COVE o Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: MASTER PROJECT 10: ~T'5/-o ~ RECEIVED RECEIPT NUMBER: JUt 1 9 1999 PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: -" R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: MASTER FILE NUMBER: F -.. , o OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV, 6110197 PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: A,r',c-rr,A Co,I It! 7 Project No: .c..:..r ~'if..-,d; ~. Drawing No: 3 9 z, .5 .~. Sheets No. / through_--,-t_~ _____ _ ·DECLARATION-OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ~ hereby deClare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and. standards. . Pfan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work. of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Heniaar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Dieao. CA 92127 Telephone:_4.:..:5~1...::-6::...:1-=0=0 ____ ----,, _____ _ By: £JilL JJ ~ Date: 3.)t· do P.E. (Civil) No: CQtf'S~/2 Expiration: 9-.3 0 . ·00 (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.S&H IR -, ~ .' 6.'.'.. ~ PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: &frJ,6rrfA ~tltF /17 ~~-',,' "",' ,'",' -',' " ,'-~ Project Nb.7 '; , "C;-r:, ,. '1:1~~r , Drawing No: '1 !J z.. ,. .;-/I ~ ¥ .L Sheets No. thrgl.lgh I,.,.t/'" 7 ;' ,(,Ji1-:/() DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE t hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business ahd Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. Firm: Berryman & Heniaar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court, Suite 100 San Dieao. CA 92127 Telephone:_4.:.::5;...:.1-=-6'-'1..=;0=0 _____________ _ BY:1L:~ IJ ~ate: 3-~-Oo Expiration: 9·.3 Ch00 (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPDATA\PLANREV.8&H lV ' ' PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: &Mtfrrl4 ;1tct?61(rd?S (" /.11 7 , Sheets No. I through, __ I-I...=CJ:::...-____ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. . Firm: Berryman & Henigar Address: 11590 W. Bernardo Court. Suite lOO. San Diego. CA 92127 Telephone:_4~5~1-....::6:...:.1.:..00=__ _________ _ By: VI Qt /J ~Date: ~ tQ ·';6-99 P.E. (Civil) No: co 1f~8H Expiration: 9-.30'-00 (seal) Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERS\RALLE\WPOATA\PLANREV. B&H • PROJECT MAP REVIEW COMPLETION The following project maps have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ____ ~---IO'!..:....;N~S(l=..srn~rA~=C..=:.O.L.:Cle.~--Lf..:...lAL.-7-'--______ _ Project No.: _____ C_T""--_9'-J19:....----:tJ;;...2-_________________ _ Map No.: ______ fl_~___:_9-=-9,_7..:.-...!-9 ______________ ___: Sheets No.: _____________ through ___________ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby d.ecIare that I have exercised responsible charge over the map review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the maps are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Map review of these project maps does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Enginr;!er of Work of the responsibilities of compliance with state and local ordinances. Berryman & Henigar 11590 West Bernardo Court· San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 451-6100 .< • J •• PROJECT MAP REVIEW COMPLETION The following project maps have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ______ P_O-=-''--N'--s.<t~:...!..tt.::....t_A...!.._CC _ _.:u:._E,...=_ _____ ____,,..__-- Project No.: ______ C_..-.....;T~---L9_· q,~-_()._/L_=__ ________ _ Map No.: ______________________________ -----...: Sbeets No.: _____________ through ___________ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby d.eclare that I have exercised responsible charge over the map review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the maps are found to be in substantial complianc~ with applicable codes and standards. . Map review of these project maps does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities of compliance with state and local ordinances. Berryman & Henigar 11590 West Bernardo Court San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 451-6100 Michael L. FrMIIM!:I K:\admin\fiefdser\proj rev map comp.doc .. -' .. FORM 1359 (4/75) CLTA SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FORM NO. 1 SUBDIVISION: POINSETTIA COVE ORDER NO.: 1236902-11 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FEE: $250.00 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, GUARANTEES THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND ANY CITY WITHIN WHICH SAID SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED IN A SUM NOT EXCEEDING $1,000.00. THAT, ACCORDING TO THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH, UNDER THE RECORDING LAWS, IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS AFFECTING THE TITLE TO THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY SHOWN ON' THE MAP OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED SUBDIVISION, THE ONLY PARTIES HAVING ANY RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN SAID LAND WHOSE SIGNATURES ARE NECESSARY, UNDER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, ON THE CERTIFICATES CONSENTING TO THE RECORDATION OF SAID MAP AND OFFERING FOR DEDICATION ANY STREETS, ROADS, AVENUES AND OTHER EASEMENTS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION BY SAID MAP ARE: FIELDSTONE POINSETTIA COVE, LLC, ADELA WARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS OWNER BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, A NEW YORK. BANKING CORPORATION, BENEFICIARY UNDER DEEDS OF TRUST RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1999 AS FILE NO'S. 1999-0697399 AND 1999-0697400, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. THE SIGNATURE OF THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISION OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a) (3) (A) (i) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT. THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY: SAN DIEGO CONSOLIDATED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17,1917 IN BOOK 723, PAGE 481 OF DEEDS. CITY OF CARLSBAD, HOLDER OF EASEMENTS RECORDED JUNE 10, 1974 AS FILE NO. 74-152824; AUGUST 21, 1974 AS FILE NO. 74-227600 AND MAY 18, 1984 AS FILE NO. 84-186516, ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. • THE MAP HEREINBEFORE REFERRED TO IS A SUBDIVISION OF: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 2 AND 3 AND THE EAST HALF OF NORTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 7476, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER IN SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE EAST SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 29 SOUTH 0 ° 38'14" WEST 1359.80 FEET TO A POINT ON THE PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE ALONG SAID PROLONGATION NORTH 89 ° 27'20" WEST 1345.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOUTH 20°28'04" EAST 1673.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE 102.00 FOOT WIDE ROAD KNOWN AS POINSETTIA LANE, AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 IN DEED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECORDED AUGUST 21, 1974 AS FILE NO. 74-227600 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOUTH 76 ° 56,'54'" WEST 495.69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE STATE HIGHWAY AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 5A OF FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION IN SUPERIOR COURT OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CASE NO. 165983, A COPY OF WHICH BEING RECORDED APRIL 23, 1952 IN BOOK 4444, PAGE 395 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER IN SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 19°09'02" WEST 1652.37 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 19,846.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00 ° 22'36", A DISTANCE OF 130.47 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE SOUTH 89 ° 27'20" EAST 482.20 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THEREFROM ALL OIL, AND MINERAL RIGHTS BELOW 500 FEET WITHOUT RIGHT OF SURF ACE ENTRY AS RESERVED BY A.L. SHIPLEY, JR., CONSERVATOR OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE H. CAPRON IN DEED RECORDED JUNE 30, 1969 AS FILE NO. 116905 AND RE- RECORDED JULY 23, 1969 AS FILE NO. 132460, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DATED: MAY 16,2000 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ce.. ROY PONCE -TITLE OFFICER DIR T DIAL PHONE -231-4652 FAX NO. 231-4647