HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 99-10; Buerger; Tentative Map (CT) (20)10/02/2882 07:59 8584864523 BRIAN F SMITH ASSOC PAGE 01 BRIAN F. SMITH AND ASSOCIATES AROUEOiOGICAi/HlSTOWCAl/PAtEONTOtOCICAl CONSULTING 14678 IBM Coinn, SAN DIEGO, DUOORNU 92129J2S28 KIMCHAM COURT, Sons 3, POWAY, UUTOWOA 92064 PHONE «S8> 484-091S; ftx (858) 486-4523 Email: Bftarchaeo@aol.cum October 2,2002 Aviara Point LLC %Dave Garrect CIVCOM 3665 Ruffin Road, Suite 230 San Diego, California 92123 Re: Paleontological evaluation and monitoring. - ^ Dear Dave: Brian F. Smith and Associates is an independent company specializing in archaeological, historical, and paleontological services. We offer paleontological monitoring to fulfill the permit conformance requirements of the City of Carlsbad for the 5-acre Aviara Point Project. Based upon the City of Carlsbad's specifications for this contract, a paleomological analysis and report of findings is required for this project before ground is broken. We are quoting a fee for this background research and report (below). In addition, a paleontological monitor, working under the supervision of a qualified scientist, shall be on site full time to monitor the grading process for this project. Because we cannot control the time necessary to provide the monitoring, we will stipulate the daily rate and the contractor can estimate the number of days our services will be necessary. For this project, our scope of work will include the qualified paleontologist's attendance at one preconstruction meeting, paleontological records search and report, field monitoring by a paleontological monitor, and the completion of a negative monitoring report. Our monitoring services are based on an hourly rate for one paleontological monitor (1 person) up to eight (8) hours, with a half day minimum. This monitor will be supervised by a qualified paleontologist at no extra charge. Time is calculated from our Poway facility and return, plus mileage. The paleontological records search and report will be charged at a flat fee of $700.00, which includes institutional research fees and all report graphics. The hourly flat rate for a paleontologicaJ monitor is $45.00 with a four (4) hour rninimum. Time and a half will be charged over 40 hours per week. Attendance at the preconstruction meeting is a flat rate of $180.00 for the qualified paleontologist. Round trip mileage from our Poway facility is charged at the rate of $0.40 per mile. Preparation of a negative monitoring report is charged at a flat rate of $600.00 for paleontology, including the required graphics. In the event a paleontological .deposit is encountered within the project, separate charges for collecting, analysis, identification, specimen preparation, placement of the collection with a research institution (curatipn), and reporting will be calculated as additional costs in accordance with the "Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program" requirements. Execution of a standard consultant contract will be required prior to commencement of services. These charges will be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date of this letter and may be applied to other projects. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (858) 484- 0915 or Larry Pierson at (858) 486-0245. Sincerely, 10/82/2002 07: 59 85848S4523 '•BRIAN F SMITH ASSOC PAGE 02 October 2,2002— Brian F, Smith and Associates — Page 2 Brian F. Smith BFStlpConfidential Page 2 02/10/2002 Accepted by: Title: Date: Z