HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 99-10; Buerger; Tentative Map (CT) (26)/21/99 MON 11:21 FAX 760 431 7842 JUS. 21. 1999 10:02AM WESTERN PACIFIC D U D E K AASSOCIATESJINC. , •-••* ••W -*-*-» HENTHORNtiu. Jiu r' ' Ewironmtntol Xcwiew wf M*mwMwrf Seniee* Corporw* Wa»: Enelnlias, Cilifornii 92024 'W.J42.S147 •ftk 760.63Z.0164 21 June 199J9 Scndra Harris Western Pacific Housing 2385 Camirio Vida RoWe #107 Carlsbad, CJ\ 92009 !i Dear Sondiaj; 2277-01 RECEIVED AU6 1 1 1999 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT. I mad* a brief reconnaissance visic to che Buejrger Property in the City of Carlsbad's Zon,: 20 pazcel 43 on. 17 Jun« 1999. The site i$ located immediately east of Bluck RaU Ro«d a few hum Ired yards north of Aviara Parkway. During the site reconnaissance, I was able to identify only th»fc native plant species: co retebrush (Bflcckarifpittitdris), de«rveed (LoWfscoparius) and laurel sumac (/Htf/ocnw lauriita). The nai ive plants are present in very low numbers (less than IS individual coyotebush, 20 or so deerweec •, and one laurel sumac), all of which we scattered throughout the property arid would not be nw pped as » native habitat type. The balance of the plant species present op»8ite arc non-native spec;» and/or ornamental erotics. The entire site would be mapped either as either "developed* (i.e., giee ihouses), "agricultural";(i.e., cultivated flower fields), 'ornamental" (i.e., exotic horticultural p &ndng$), "ruderal* (i.e., dominated by vweds but act non-native grasses), and "disturbed habitat" i.e., bare soils/cleared areas, or areas with very low vegetative cover}. In this case, the bare/cleared a -eas were being cleared of ornamental species such as bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginat]. i Dudek Si Associate*, Inc. sees no reason to prepare a biological study or survey report for this site. The property (contains no native vegetation communities, no impacts w native comnw nities or sensitive resources would result from the development of the property, and mitigation i measures would not be required. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to call me at (760) 942-514/. Very truly yours, i DUDEK 8c ASSOCIATES, INC. Paul Walsh Biologist cc: Anita M. Hayworch, Fh-D.