HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 99-10; Buerger; Tentative Map (CT) (28)o ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS "PLANNERS January 10,2000J-1227D ' •••'•-• • : ,•;••• .'.;- • ;. . . , _.:;••; ; Ms. Anne Hysong, Associate Planner -••Planning Department City^rf Carlsbad 2075 Las Palrnas Dr. Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Subject: ZC 99-05 / LCPA 99-03 / GT 99-10 /PUD 99-08 /CPD 99-17 BUERGERSUBDIVISON Dear Anne, In response to your comments for the above noted project as outlined in your letter dated September16, 1999, we have modified our design and incorporated changes as follows: A. Planning 1. The on site design has been revised to gchieve a standard subdivision consisting of 60' road right-of-way that provides access to surrounding areas both north and south of our site. . ' '"; ..;."•••. '•' " ..'• '„ .• '"''•..''-.-,'••.::'•.•.':;'.''•''":' 2. Attached architectural plans include scale and height dimension and square footage ofeachmodel. 3. All units are proposed with the following minimum setbacks Front: 20' ; Side: 7V •"• ; . ' :'• • Rear:' 1$ \ •. ' . . " ";.: . V;-.'-''; All dimensions are shown on the revised TM. B. Engineering 1. The proposed entrance has been developed in consultation with Mr. Clyde Whickham and eliminates various previousiconcems regarding intersection spacing. 2. No longer applicable. Reasonable access to adjacent properties is provided Sugino Property will not need aceessfrbm Black Rail Road as it will haveraccess north and south to public roads. 9449 Balboa Avenue, Suite 301, Sdn Die^/Cfliifornia 92123 U.S.A. Tel: (858) 505-8800 • Fax: (858) 505-8866 , ^ .. Ms, Anne Hysong January 10,2000 Page 2 of 2 ^ " 3. intersection spacing/Circulation exhibit attached. 4. Due to revised design it is no longer applicable. t 5. Gate has been eliminated. 6. Lot lines have been clearly marked. 7. Drainage has been modified so that all cross lot drainage is eliminated. 8. The existing inlets on Black Bail Road have adequate capacity to accommodate ultimate flow contributed to the road. There is no need to extend the storm drain to receive flow from the proposed development. 9. No longer required as the yard drain system has been modified. 10. The subdivision design has been revised to a standard subdivision with only one flag lot. AH lots conform to setback requirements for a standard subdivision. 11. No longer applicable. , Should you have any questions or require any additional information please call me at 858- 505-8800. Sincerely, CIVCOM & ASSOCIATES Roger Bhatia, M.S..P.E. RB/ha Attachments , cc: Sondra Harris, WPH CIVCOM ,V. : O. .. : -:.•ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PLANNERS , RECEIVED Date:January 11,2000 To: From: AnneHysong City of Carlsbad Roger Bhatia Subject: Buerger Property Job No.: 1227 PMAIL The Following items are enclosed: QPICK UP Q No. of Copies " "•"" '' • '• ' ' 'Description Bluetines of ReyiSed Tentative Map (folded 8 1/2 X 1 1). Previous Check Print.'.'.".' •.•'''-.'"'...•.•..'• ' - • •. Letter., -\ -\";'".. :\ -.•:'•. ,'•'.' .. •• ' ' Intersection Spacihg/Gircufation Exhibit. For: Remarks: USE Q REVIEW pGOMMENTS INFORMATION Q SIGNATURE Q D APPROVAL cc: Spndra Harris, Western Papific Housing 9449 Balboa Avenue, Suite SOIvSdalDi^, Cflli^mia 92123 U.S.A. Tel: (858) 505-880Q'«;te(858);505'8866