HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 00-21X1; NEXTEL - LOKER AVENUE SITE; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)July 8, 2005 Ms. Bridget Desmarais City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 VIA HAND DELIVERY RE: CUP 00-21-Nextel Loker Avenue Site Request for Extension of CUP Dear Ms. Desmarais: Nextel of California, Inc., d/b/a Nextel Communications, respectfully requests extension of CUP 00-21, which is set to expire on October 4, 2005. Enclosed is a completed Disclosure Statement, Land Use Application, and two checks in the amount of $685.00 and $285.00 for the Noticing Fee. Please contact me if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, rf:3" • C,fhd for Nextel Communications Office: Mobile: Fax: e-mail: enclosures (858) 650-4225 (858) 688-0955 (858) 650-4315 cathy.lim@nextel.com Nextel Communications 5761 Copley Drive Suite# 100 San Diego, CA 92111 Phone 858.650.4200 Fax 858.650.4202 NEXrEL r POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL {S) --~C~it_y_o~f~,,~2~t-nsbad c.;-J). I f t I 1) (' I I t DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicanfa statemant or dlldolure of certain ownership ll'llanlstl on I I •ppllcationl which wtll require I dis action on the rt of the Cl Council or any lntad Boarc I Commllllon or Commlttae. _ Thi follllWinQ Information !WII be dsclolled at the time of appUcatlon 1ubmltlal. Your project cannot be revlewell until this informatlof'I Is completed. Pie•• pitnt. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applleanl'I agant) Provide 1h11 COM~ 1 EOfU:. names and addlMSeS of 61.b persona havlna a llnancilll lntereat In the appll(:allon. 7F epplfcant lncluclea a cqporatlon gr Pf 1Dfflhfp, lnduae tne name,, fltle, addnlllMI of all individuals owning more than 10% otthe ..... IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE iHAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PL!ASe INDICATE NON-AF.:,UCABLS (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a pubffqy-ownag SP'A9ll!IOO, Include the namN, till 11, and acfdw• of the oorporate officers. (/1, aepanila page may be llltaChed it M'!eH•'Y-) PelsCIII, _________ _ CotplPart NpfQI 9' GIIKemi• Inc, Tit . .._ ________ _ TIiie._ _________ _ AClc:llaN, ________ _ Add~ 2001 Edmu 1CI HallfY Drtwl, Raatan1 VA 20181 2. OWNER (Not the CM!ler's agent) Provide 1he CQMPLEJE, LEGAL, namu and ac:ldte$1R ot ~ Mo PfflMII having any ownership lnillrast in U,. p(Op8lty Involved. Alacl, pmylde the natunt d I ,e leQaf ownanshlp (1.e, par1ner1Np, tenants in common, non-pn,ffi, airporatlon, Ilk:.). If Iha o mershlp Induct• a cg,ppratipn QC pal'lnl[Sblp, Include the namee, title, lddresa• of all lndvld 1ela owning more than 10% of Iha ■twas. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 101' OF • 'HE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a Jlllt !gy-qwned pgrpgratiQQ, lnclud6 1h11 .-.mM, titles, and lldd-ea or the corpcnna offiClll'S. (A •~ page may be attaehtlcf If nocNaa,y.) Perso,._ ________ _ TJUa, _________ _ Cofpt'Pett I effl " """'(Mlltf, LP. TIiie 1M'!M-:------Address, ________ _ A 1333 Can Ina Del Rio Salltll, Sulla 310 ~~------------Sen Oleg ), CA 92108 too·o oLas, • eoaiL6t6t9 cg:6o gooz,to·ois 3. NON-PROFITOROANIZATION OR TRUST If any person ldenlifl•d pursuant 10 (1) or (2) .i,ove Is • nanprot t orpanJPVeo ar , l(y8l 111t 11'1• 1111m11 and addnlseel of 6t£l pereon l&Nln; u an offlcl ,r or dlreclor of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary Of the. NonProllt/True,.__ _____ _ NonPraliVTrust___ ______ _ Title, ________ _ r111a. _____ -------Address, ________ _ Addres1. ___________ _ 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of bUSln■ss tratl-.&ec: wllh any member or City staff, Boards, Commissions, committees end/or Council within 1n8 pa it twelve (12) momhs? 0 Yes ~ No If yea, pleasa Indicate pe,-,(s}: ________ _ NOlE: AtlllCh addlllonal •heeta If neceuary. Cslhy Um, fwNE _c1111 ______ _ Print or~ name of ()llln8r Print or ~ 1111me of appllCllnt SlQnab.lre or owner/appUcant's agent If appllcallle.'dlltAI Print or type name of owner/appllcanl's agent -NOTe: To. Appliar,t, M-' of C.llfornl•. lne., •hell be the 110le llnancil ly .-onsible party for any C08ll fas, em., aaeodatad with lhla Appllcallon. NIIXl81 ls alSo 1ha "Del alaper." • ref<nnced In CUf CUP 00-21, ■nd Is IOIOly niaponslble fOr rr,aetlng aH oonclltlCNI lm1 oucl by lhla AppiQtlon Pag12of2 SOO'd OLSS# 808ZL6t6t9 tS•60 SOOZ,tO'diS NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS PROPOSED COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY 2765 LOKER A VENUE WEST APN 209-081-18 LOKER; CA7-411A The proposed communications facility is located at 2765 Loker Avenue West. Nextel of California dba Nextel Communications and the owner of the property have entered into a lease agreement for the placement of a communications facility at this location. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Nextel proposes to construct, operate and maintain an unmanned Digital Mobile Radio communications facility at this location. Nextel's communication facility will consist of a 200 square foot prefabricated equipment shelter located behind the main building on the west side. Sixteen (16) panel antennas, measuring one foot wide and four feet in length, will be installed on the east, west, north, and south building facades. The panel antennas will be mounted on the face of the existing building walls and painted to match the background color of the walls to camouflage their visibility. Two (2) global positioning satellite (GPS) antennas and one (1) base mobile radio (BMR) antenna will be mounted on the building rooftop and will not be visible from street level. The facility will be unmanned and operate 24 hours a day. A technician will visit the facility approximately twice per month after installation. SITE SUITABLILITY This specific site was chosen based on its location to provide needed coverage near the intersection of Loker Avenue and Palomar Airport Rd. in the City of Carlsbad and the surrounding industrial and commercial businesses. This particular location was chosen due to its location and high elevation. This site is necessary to provide uninterrupted service to mobile customers traveling from one area to another in the City of Carlsbad along Palomar Airport Rd., and within the adjacent industrial park on Loker Avenue. PROPOSED USE OF FACILITY The project site location is an existing light manufacturing business with a zoning designation of PM by the City of Carlsbad. Application for a minor use permit is made pursuant to the City's Zoning Ordinance. The proposed use of this communications facility will fulfill Nextel's and the community's need for digital mobile radio communication service in this area. This project will not adversely impact the surrounding industrial community. SYSTEM BACKGROUND INFORMATION Nextel of California has been authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to construct and operate the first multi-purpose enhanced specialized mobile radio system (ESMR) in the United States. The system will provide superior service to the public in several ways: I) it will be a fully digital alternative to current "cellular" telephone systems; 2) it will provide digital dispatch services to large fleet users (this "dispatch" service will make the system able to handle a one-to-many form of communications wherein one dispatcher can contact numerous mobile parties simultaneously); 3) it will provide traditional paging services; 4) it will provide wireless data transmission. All of these functions will be available in one hand-held unit. Page2 Nextel Communications Description of Proposed Project CA 7-411 A Loker HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS The service area is divided into a grid of theoretically hexagonal geographic areas. At the center of each area is a low power unmanned radio repeater station, which handles the calls to and from mobile customers within the area. As a mobile customer moves from one area to another with a call in progress, the call is automatically "handed off' to the next repeater station, without interruption. Telephone line connections between repeater sites and the switching office, and from the switching office to the telephone company central office permit mobile customers within the serving area to utilize their mobile phones just as they would a home or office telephone, with direct dialing. HEAL TH AND SAFETY The proposed use of this project will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area and will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. All Nextel installations conform to FCC adopted ANSI and IEEE standards. BENEFITS TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR) provides better quality dispatch service through both its interconnect abilities and digital efficiencies. As discovered in the aftermath of the Northridge earthquake, the wireline telephones had inadequate capacity to serve the emergency crews. Nextel provided radios and service to the Red Cross to assist their operation in sheltering and feeding the families whose homes were damaged. ESMR provides emergency contact to 911; has authorization to provide emergency services during periods in which normal communications facilities are disrupted as a result of hurricane, flood, earthquake or similar disaster; and is authorized to transmit communications necessary for the implementation of civil defense activities as assigned by local civil defense authorities.