HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 00-46B; Pacific Bell Harding Street Building Addition; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (9)p
Allied Design Group
Allied Design Group
2359 Fourth Avenue, Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 233-6777
E-mail: iwda@,iwdainc.com
Fax: (619) 233-3868
DATE: October 09, 2001
TO: City of Carlsbad
ATTENTION: Anne Hysong
Dear Anne Hysong:
This is in response to the plan check number 01-216 dated September 26,2001 addressed
to our office. We made all necessary revisions to the above referenced project.
Response to the comments has been addressed as follows:
On additional comments under item-# 1 “sheet A-1: item 3 under plan notes: revise
to require replacement of existing‘chain link fence with vinyl coated chain link or
iron rail fence (no slats)
Carlsbad 11 - PacBell Bldg. Addition
Submittal of revised plans to The City of Carlsbad
Item # 1 -the note is revised, please refer to sheet A1 plan note # 3
Item #2 Please verify that the attached mitigation (sound
incorporated into plan.
ttenu ti n) is
Item ## 2- the attached mitigation (sound attenuation is incorporated in the drawing set.
For item ## 1: Air cooled chiller and pump.....
Please refer to A1 plan notes # 13, # 30, and A 3.3 the 14 feet high chiller yard,
and 8 feet high chiller pump enclosures respectively are incorporated in these
dwgs. Please also refer to sheet A7.1 door # 118 under doorframe note 18.
For item # 2: Air handlers and emergency generator .....
The air handler in the first floor room should have seven-foot long sound
attenuators.. . . . . . . . .
F:\l700-1799\1739-Carlsbadl l\Transmitta\l00901 -CDSUBMTLS-CITY .doc
The air handler in the first floor room has seven-foot sound attenuators. Please
refer to MO.l - under sound attenuators schedule - at row # 5 - SN5. Please see
M2.1 for the corresponding plan.
The air handler in the second floor room should have five-foot long sound
attenuators.. ....
The air handlers in the second floor room have five-foot long sound attenuators,
please refer to MO.l- under sound attenuator schedule- at row # 1 and row # 2 -
SN1 and SN2 respectively. Please see M2.2 for the corresponding plan.
0 Place a five-foot long sound attenuator in the generator room.. ......
A five-foot long sound attenuator has been placed in the generator room
Please refer to MO.l - under sound attenuators schedule - at row # 3 and row #
4 - SN3 and SN4 respectively. Please see M2.1 for the corresponding plan.
Install a super critical grade muffler on the generator.
A super critical grade muffler on the generator has been specified; please refer to
A2.2 under plan notes # 31.
‘0’ Install a sound rated door with a sound transmission class (STC) 45 or
greater ......
A sound rated door with a sound transmission class (STC) 45 or greater has been
specified to install in the generator room, please see sheet A7.1 under “door
schedule” - door # 106, and the corresponding door & frame notes # 20. Please
refer to A2.2 for the location of the door.
0 Install minimum two-inch thick, semi rigid fiberglass sound absorbing
material... ...
An Owens-coming type 703 of 2” thick rigid fiberglass has been specified to
install in the interior wall and ceiling surfaces of the generator room. Please refer
to A2.2 plan note # 25. .
Item # 3 - Install low (4 -6 foot high) bollard lighting in the parking lot. .....
Item # 3 - A 36” high bollard lighting has been specified to install in the parking
lot, please refer to E2.0 detail D/ E2.0.
Please call should you have further questions regarding this project.
Best regards,
melaku Qebru - Allied Design Group
F:\l7OO-1799\1739-CafIsbadl l\Transmittal\lOO901 -CDSUBMTL5-CITY .doc