HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 101; Bank of America; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (5)lz00 ELM AVENUE
Mr. James Buckley CONTINENTAL SERVICE COMPANY 1335 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90015
Dear Mr. Ruckley:
The City of Carlsbad apnroved Ordinance 9258 on De?cember 1, 1970 which permitted the construction of a temoorary bankinq facility for the Bank of America East of El Camino Real and 5outherl.v of Haymar Drive. The Ordinance was subsequently amended by Ordinance 9333 on October 17, 1972. Said amendment extended the period of time for the temporary structure to November 17, 1974. A Condi- tional Use Permit was approved pursuant to Section 21.42.050(5S) which stipulates conditions uncier which tempGrary uses cf trailers or mobile homes for offices may be approved. Planning Commission Resolution 1113 was approved on November 12, 1974, adopted on November 26, 1974 and became effective o.n December 6, 1974.
Under Section 21.4Z.O10(5S),thetem~orary facility which houses the Bank of American is in violation of the City of Carlsbad's Zoning Ordinance inasmuch as construction of the permanent facility was not commenced within one year of the CUP'S effective date.
The Planning Commission at its regularly scheduled meeting of De- cember 10, 4975 has requested the staff to set January 14, 1976 as the date on which the Bank of America temporary facility will be reviewed and appropriate recommendations made to the City Council.
point, it appears that you have two options:
By December 19, 1975, file a request for a Conditional Use Permit under the same circumstances of Planning Commission Resolution 1113.
Allow the existinq facility to .cease operations and immediately commence construction of your permanent faci 1 i ty .
Mr. James Buck1 ey December 15, 1975 Page 2
This staff is aware of the problems attendant to securing permanent facilities in any development during these times. Notwi thstanditig the difficulties of building a permanent structure, it is imperative that the ongoing temporary facility be consistent with local zoning ordinances and planning policy.
The Planning Commission during tke hearings emphasized their appre- hension about permitting temporary facilities to exist beyond the normal one year requirement. It is anticipated that the Planhing Commission will be equally concerned about a new CUP without any strong indication of when or how the permanent facility is going to be constructed.
Any questions you have regarding this matter, please call this office at your convenience.
Si ncere 1 y ,
CC: Frank L. Hope & Associates Attn: John D. Drew Box 2488 San Di ego , California 921 12
Santa Anita Development Corporation Attn: William W. Hughes 363 San Miguel Drive Newport Beach,'California
Azalea, Inc. 450 North Roxbury Drive Beverly Hills, California 90210 Attn: John Newel1
Clty Manager
City Attorney
Planning Commission Resolution 1113 Section 21.42.010(5S) of Carlsbad Municipal Code
(5) All zones except residential:
(A) Airports and' landing fields,
(B) Commercial circuses and .carnivals operating
within the city 1imit.s of Carlshad shall, in addition to
filing all necessary documents for a Conditional Use permit, also submit for consideration by the planning
commission, a schedule of operations, including availability
of parking, types of garnes, rides and amusements proposed,
and .p.roposed hours of operation,
(C) Columbariums, crematories and mausoleums, not located within a cemetery,
-(D) Hospitalz, .
(E) Esta.blishxnents or enterprises involving large
(F) Amusement parks,
(G) .Institutions for treatment of alcoholics,
(H) Privately-operated recreaticnal centers,
(I) Race-tracks ,
(J) Stadiums,
(K) Mental hospitals,
(L) Veterinarians and small animal hospita.ls ,
(M) Automobile repair facilities (not pennitted
(N) Drive-thru. restaurants,
(0) Take-out restaurants (where food is not served
(P) Open air theaters,
(Q) Radio 'or television transmitters,
(R) Fairgrounds,
(S) Temporary uses of trailers or mobile homes for
. assemblages of people or automobiles ,
in C-1 zone. 1,
within a dining area),
commercial offices under the following conditions :
( i) The occupancy shall not exceed one year after
the issuance of the permit unless otherwise extended by the
planning commission. The conditional use permit shall not bo
extended unless construction of the structure intended for
occupancy by applican-t has begun and reasonable progress toward
completion is being macle;
1anAscaping and other design aspects shall be approved as part
of the conditional use. permit.
(ii) The method of placement of the trailer, the .
(6) Industrial zones .only :
(A) Automobile laundries,
(B) Auto storage or impound yards,
43.5-2 . (Carlsbacl 10/1-5/73 )