HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 133; Car Country Dixon Ford; Conditional Use Permit (CUP), -R- APPLICATION NO. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 133 CITY OF CARLSbqD + t Date: January 12, 1977 (Please Type oE Pi int) , '5 1) , REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit to retain an additional free (briefly explain) standing sign on Lot.10 (Dixon Ford) in Car Country, Carlsbad. 2) LOCATION: The subject property is generally located on the \ East side of Interstate 5 between Cannon Road - '4 and Palomar Airport Rbad 3) ASSESSOR'S NUMBER: Book 211 Page 060 Parcel 07 Book Page Parcel (If more, please list on bottom of this page). 4.) PROPERTJ WEE'S SIGNATUkE Add r'e s s City Zip Phone -1405 Crestridge Dr. Oceanside 92054 757-1504 5) Person Responsible for Pre'paration of Plan: Name. Address City Zip Phone 253 So.. Oubce Escondido 92025 745-0195 Comet Neon and Plastic Sicrns 6) Registration or license No: 282196 7) Applicants Signature: I hereby declare that application is true; on the attachment have been read, understood and agreed to. City Zip Phone Name Address - FEIST, VETTER, KNAUF & LOY 810 Mission ave.,Oceanside 92054 722-1914 Representing (Company or Corporation) Owners, Car Country . Relationship to Property Owner(s) Attorney . The City of Carlsbad Planning Department would appreciate the opportunity to work with the applicant throughout the Planning Stages of the pro- posed development. In an effort to aid the applicant, the Planning ' Department requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate and . discuss the application and plans prior .to submittal. This request .is not a requirement; however, it may avoid major redrafting or revision of the plan which only serves to lengthen the processing - *. 7-++ time. -a Ad %+& &{ p &yg , %q.P- .. ' * 9 ycr 72-3\ .e ATTACHMENTS : Supplemental Information Form - Planning 22 Standard Condition-Planning 27 Preparation Check List - Planning 32- Procedures - Plannlng 36 13 -3 .. . -. I' - SUPPLEMENTAL.1NFORMATION FORM CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 4 .? 1. : ' . . Acres (or square footage if'less than c-2 Gross acre) N/A . Zone General Plan Land Use Designation ,Commercial .* RRE 8. 3) 4) The Present Use of the Subject Property Retail Car Sales' By law a Conditionil Use Permit may be approved only if certain facts are found to exist. Please read these required facts carefully and explain how the prop.b'sed project meets each of these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary: a) Explain why the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements-and objectives of the General Plan, and is not- detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located: Additional signs will provide identification of the franchises . existing in the Car Country Center. The signes will be consistent with th e architectural development in the Center and promote sales which will b enefit Carlsbad. b) - Explain why the site for th'e intended use is adequate in size and shape to accomodate the use: The siqns - W~,JJ beme than 300 feet apart on the lot desisnated which has 1080 feet of frontaqe on Paseo Del Norte a C) Explain why you believe the proposed yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, etc., will b'e adequate to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the ne i g h b o r hood : N/A _-- .. -- -*d) Explain why you believe the street system serving the. proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic gener- ated by the proposed use: N/A ,, .. ** ** If YOU need more space to answer the above, please use ' reverse side of to this form. NOTE: THE 300' THE SAME AS THE this form or separate sheets and attach RADIUS MAP AND PRO~ERTY OWNERS APPLICATION FOR CUP 129. ' $, IS * ' LIST . ... FORM Planning 22 Date of Planning Commission Approval Donald D. Sharp Feist, Vetter, Knauf and Loy & LOT 8 Rorick, Trustees FIRER = 5.984 RCRES Porsche LOT 7 Scale: 1”=200’ i II- SD-5 STAT E HWY 5 i ..-.. . T 9.31' . Conditions of ,Approval Car Country Freestanding Sign 1) The Dixon Ford freestanding sign shall be removed within 60 days of the approv'al herein; or; 2) An application for a Conditional Use Permit to accommodate the above sign shall be submitted to the Planning Department within 30 days. 3) The foundation (not including pole) for the subject sign may be installed immediately, however; the existing lighted wooden freestanding sign (with car country copy) and all other non- conforming signs advertising car country, not on dealership properties, shall be removed prior to erection of the subject sign. RFCEIVED DEC 1 51976 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department D I STR 1 BUT ION L I ST Leiicadia County Id.~Li:r Dist. 1959 L1 Caniino Rea1 I.eilcadi '7, CA 92024 Ciii*lsb?.d I4unicipal Watfr Dist. 5780 11 Caiii;tio Rcai Carisoad, CA 92008 ri Jack i;iibcJta & Assoc. Carlsbad. CA 92002 D P.O. Box 1295 Attn: Jbhn Fierce San Ila:-cos County Eater Di s t. 788 W. Encinitas Rd. San blarcos, CA 92069 01 i vet: ha i n t4t:n i ci pa 1 !.!a ter Di s t 1466 31 iveiihai il Rd. Encinitas, CA 32924 f? ary PlcCleiland, Supt. DG Richir,ii':- Union Sclicol Dist. 274 San Llarcos Avc. San Ilarcos, CI: 92069 Rol~ci-t; Cr?v;ford, Supt. El Carlsbad Ur. licif'ied Schcr.1 ilist. 801 Pine P,ve. Carlsbad, CA 920011 Bi -I 1 Berri er , Supt . San Di c9ui to Uniiiii sk Sc!?oc?1 Ui s t 21 51 iiciiLast1 e Avenue Cardiff, CA 92007 Robert L. Brickman, I?hU Encini tas C1 e:i:(?ntai-;/ School Ui st. 185 Union Street Encinitas, CA 920::4 Director of Pub! ic IHP~ ti: Oepartnicni: of Pub.; i c I:eal tn Civic Center Sat1 Diego, CA 92irj1 17 c_? San Diego Coast Ke5ioi:al Comin 6154 Flissiori Gorgc Rd. Suite 220 San Diego, CF, 92123 Hr. R. L. Brown. Jr. D. M. Quade, Supt. San Dicgo Flood~Coi!trol Gist. Escor,cl!do Union Higli Scilccl Dist. 5555 Ovci*lar!I: Griv? 240 5. PiiiDl e San Dieqo, California Escondido, CA 92025 Po s t ma s te r City 0.F Car!shad Carl sbad, Cal i foriii a 92008 Edwin J. Iisinlicil Federal /ioi.isi 119 Adillin. P.0. Box 2648 San Uiego, CA 92112 n iratrr Quality Control ~d. 6154 bl-ission Gorge Rcdd Suite 2!15 San Dicgo, California 92120 Attention: Greg Luke F 0 R I N F 0 R b? 4 T I 0 Ii _-__ - San Dieyo, CA 92101 Fittn: Larry Kelly Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CP 92008 Dent OF Ftsh !i Giinc_-A F Bruce El iscon 350 Golderi Si,ore Long Beach, CA 90002 PacX-ic TelcphonF: CO. Right-of-blay Dspt. 2436 Howard Ave, RI? 120 San Diego, CA 92103 California Div. of Real Est. 137 S. Broadway, Rm 8003 LOS Angeles, CA 90012 C I TY P E RS Orlii EL T. C. I-ltirtin Program!. 8, Ciid<!iit Engineer State of Cal ifortiia Dept. of 1-ransport. District 11 P.O. Box 81406 San Diego, C4 92138 FORM PL/?E!:IING 53