HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 194; Aquaculture Systems International; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)3) APPLICATION NO. CONDITIONAL, USE PERMIT I? % -- CPTY OF CAKLSBwU (Please ~ype or Print) Date: January 5, 1981 ._ . -- --- -- .- -_ -* LOCATION: The subject property is generally located on thc si.de of Carlsbad Blvd. between the SDG&E Encina --. East Y~QH Power Plant discharge pond to the south and - the public fishing area to the nort ASSESSOR'S NUMBER: SBE Map Page 141-37-73E 111- PaTcel 3 Book 210 Page 01 0 Parcel 29 (Tf niorc, please list on bottom of this page)'. -I_ - - -c PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE: Address City zip--- Phone San Diego Gas & Electric Company, 101 Ash St. , S.D., CA 92112 232-4252 I ---- - Person Responsible for Preparation of Plan: %c\lu Address Cit Zip Phone -- Name 3on C. Van OlSf, Presydent, Aquaculture Systernsktional. 11211 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite E, San Diego, CA 92121 Registration or License ~9: 452-5765 city Of Sari Diego Municipal License # 58066 ."II Applicant's Signature: $- cxbJ3kr I HERXBY DECLARE THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAIN WITHIN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE; AND THAT ALL STANDARD CONDITIONS AS INDICATED ON THE ATTACHMEIJT HAVE BEEN READ, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED TO. a Name Address City Zip Phone 7 . van 11211 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite E, San Diego, CA 921 21 452-5765 Representing (Company -, or Corporation) Aquacul ture Systems International - -c. Relationship to Property Owner(s) Leasee The City of Carlsbad's Planning Department would appreciate the opportunity to work with the applicant throughout the planning stages of the proposed development. applicant, tbe Planning Department requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate znd discuss the application and plans prior to submittal. This request is not a requirement; however, it may avoid major redrafting or revision of the plan which only serves to lengthen the processing the. In an effort to aid the ATTACHMENTS : Supplemental Information Form - Planning 22 Standard Condition - Planning 27 Preparation Check List - Planning 32 Procedures - Planning 36 - , I?OPJ~: Planning - 4 Date of Planning Commission Approval CUP I i. 4) .. I - -~ .. P s4\ SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Gross Acres (or square footage if less than acre) 3/4*cre . Zone 0-S General Plan Land Use Designation Open Space The Present Use of the Subject Property Vacant By law a Conditional Use Permit may be approved only if certain facts are found to exist. Please read these required facts carefully and explain how the proposed project meets each of these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary: . a) Explain why the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in hargony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically (team-electri c generating stations are the 1 argest nonconsumpti ve industri a1 users of water in the U.S. In addition, they are relativelv inefficient in converting fossil fuels to electrical enersv. There is a growin need to m serve nonrenewable fossil fuels. waste heat in thermal effluent to increase supplies of valuable fish &hellfish and reduce our dependence upon the a1 ready over-expl oi ted fi sheri es . **SEE REVERSE b) Explain why the site for the intended use is adequate size and sha e to accomodate the use:There is over 1100 ft. of property less than half of the,length of available land. The triansle Darcel immediately to the north of the existing Aquaculture Laboratory and the lonqer strip of land to the north is ideally suited for traditional methods of intensive tank culture. ermitted in the zone in which the proposed u'se is to be located: .. Aquaculture is one method of beneficTa1 use of t he 3 DE between the ef P luent pond and the public fishing area. We are proPosins to use c) Explain why you believe the proposed yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscapinq, etc., will be adequate to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhcod: The laboratory addition would be adjacent to existing structures. The installation of low profile circular culture tanks will not impare thescenic view and could enhance the aesthetic value of the lagoon. wire tence will be upgraded to match. the newer redwood, chain link fence that encloses the power plant property; perimeter landscanina cou l'd be provided. The Pacific Telephone Company's pole line is within the dedicated street area, and therefore there is no easement on the property. d) Explain why you believe the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic gener- ated by the proposed use: Carlsbad Boulevard parallels the site and would provide immediate access. The existing vehicular inaress andearess at ubl i fishing area to the north could be used for access to the laboratory site. T here will be minimal traffic enterinq the site because of the small staff reaw. desired,a Visitor's Center could be added to include displavs of modern tm ique of aquaculture] the general public. The existinq barbed- There will be sufficient off-street parkinq to accommodate persul. f. f ** If you need more space to answer the above, please use reverse side of this form or separate sheets and attach to this form. FORM Planninq 22 Date of Planning Commi5;sion Approval I_ It after the information you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further information is required, you will be so advised. ' APPLIC~JT: AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndicqtion) 11211 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite E, San 'Diego, CA 92121 . Business Address (714) 452-5765 AGENT : Telephone Number Name Business Address Telephone Number MF.Ml3ER.S : Jon C. Van Olst 8167 La Jol'la Shores Dr. , La' Jolla, CA Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address 92037 venture, corporation, syndication) 11211 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite E, San Diego, CA 92121 Business Address (71 4) 452-5765 Telephone Number Telephone Number James M. Carlberg 5721 Bellevue Ave. , La Jolla, CA 92037 Name Home Address (71 4) 459-4595 11211 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite E, San Diego, CA 92121 Business Addr :: s s __I-- (71 4) 454-6453 .- (71 4) 452-5765 Telephone Number Telephone Number Theodore H. Smyth 4234 Cresta Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 682 - 2981 (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it wiil remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. , went, Owner, Partner . .J .I 'j - t .- GRACE OARES JACOBSEM, GAIL FRANCES LATHAX, a married wonan, C-RACE KATHRYN BURDEN, a married wcman; and GRACE OAKES JACOBSEM as trustee under the last will and testament of GROVER C. JACOBSEN,deceased8 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, do hereby 1 . ).- ' GRANT TO '- SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, a Corporation -+ c the real property in the County of $an Diego, State of California, described a3: All that portion of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the Courrty of San Diego, State of California, according to Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, ~$96, situated within that portion thorcof described in deed to San Diego County 'dater Company, recod.c$ June 17, 19N ir! 3aok 1035, page 301 of Official Records by DocwnenL No. 28%5 , described as follows: is ?arallel with and distant 2000 feet at righb ang2as SoL:...therly from the Southerly line of Block No. 2, according to the Map thereof No. 1803, filed in the 0fl"ice of th? County Rdzorrier of Sm Diego County August; 25, 1924, the bearing of which parallel line ar,d its Westerly prolongation thereof is recorded 8s North 72u258 East on said Map of said Palisades KO. 2, with the WesSerZy line of ";e right of tilay of i;ko At,chi.~~i~3 Topeka Grid. Santa Fc Railway Company, as said ri@t of way ws established on Se?";ember 22, 1948, said point. of beginning bcing also the most Itartherly CO~RCW ~f the la112 tlesc~ibed in the deed fro= W, D. Cannon, et aL, 'coklie Snn Diogo Gas afid Electric Company, a corporation, recorcicd Octobers 8, ~948, in Book 29'74, page 493 of Official Records; thence along said parallcl line and along thr! NJor+,l:crly line of said Sm Diego Gas and Blectric Co;npar,y*s land SouCh 72O25' West to t.ho mean high tide lfne of the Pacific Ocean; thence 1Jor.t;herly along said mean high ttde line 1x50 fect mure or less to the most Southerly comer or" that parcel of lard conveyed to k"au1 Ecke eP; ux by deed rccoydcd April 29, IC,>.$$ as Docxncnt fTo. 1,3671 in Fcok 2778, page 357 of 0fEir:ial I?t?conr!s; tl~m~x z?-cm,q thc Southeasterly line of said Ecke Land North liS,*21'30*T Bast 1720 fect more or less to tho most Easterly corner or" said Eckc Land in the Ples5erly Xino of iihs right of way or^ the At;ch<'r;ion, Topeka and Santa Fo Railway Company as said Is'cater3y line was eatnblished in deed rccorderl :hgusjt 33, i90g as Document KO* 3033- in Book l+73, page lil of Deeds; thence Morthcrly along said Westerly Railway right of way iine so astablished I Beginning at the point of intersection of a line which of Palisades 4x1 rigid rlranrl fifin fG+a+. mnrp fir "i,hs lJr,pt;herly b_odarv APR 3 0 1981 CONTROL PROJECT SUYNARY./FRZ LI MINARY iiE COiQl’ENDAT I ON ------ I_ c)Ty OF CARLSBAD Hannlng Department - . Installation of 40 circul.ar fish culture tanks (18 ft. climeter X 5 ft. deep) 4. fish culture raceways (46 Et. X 8 ft. X 5 ft. deep) , and an access road as an expansion to the existing Aquzculture Research L?kratory at the Encin5 Power Plant. Also, installation of a 8-ft. high redwood, chain-link fence to sursoud the facility. Lot area : 33,000 sq.ft. Structural coverage : 2,500 sci.ft. ( 8%) ?avem&nt coverage: 30,500 sy.ft. (92%) Landscape coverage: 0 (. 0%) Current Zoning: 0- s Hgt abv avg fin grade: 4 ft. Plari Ilesignation : open Spacn Discretionary approvals : SITE: 4600 Carl sbad Blvd. ; east side of Carlsbad Blvd, between the SDG & E EnciAa Power Plant and the Ayua HedionF, Lagoon ( APN 14 1-0 1 0- 2 9 ) c$r/Sb~J. APPLICANTS : pqu? culture Systems International’ 11211 Sorrento Valley Rd., Suite E Sai.1 Diego, CA 92121 SI>G & E 101 Ash St. S,an Diego, CA 92101. OTIIER REQUIRED APPP.0VALS: City of Carlsbad Conditional Use Permit (obtained) City of Carlsbaa Negative Declaration (obtained) SUBSTANTIVE FILE DOCUMENTS : None STAFF IJOTES: 1. Detailed Proiect Description I_ - The proposed project is the expansion of the existling aguaculture facility to install 40 low profile, circular cultGre tanks for breeding fish and shellfish for research purposes and commercial dist- ributuion to-local. rcsturmts and markets. The expansion woulc! also be utilized for further research in the iise of theimal effluent in aquaculture. The proposed project: would cxtcnd approximately 600 feet south along Carlsbad B1. frmn the current laboiatorj. A thrcc year phased construction plan is proy;oscd by t.hc applicant; 8-19 tanks would Lo ir.strallcd the first year# 10 the second year, and 20 the tIiixd year. -- 4/28/81 TI~ : lrf/am/el . -- -. STIFF NOTES: -_I (Continued) Four fish culture raceways, long rcctanqclar tanks in which fish are grown to mat- e;.ity, are plcmned for the southern portion of the project, adjacent to the exist- i:ig laboratory. The raceways would be 46 feet by 8 feet by 5 feet high. Surrounding property is zoned open space to the north and public utilities on the other three sides. ~lso proposed is an 8-Eoot high reclwoor? chai:i 3.ink fence which will surround the projet, s-ite for security and a@he.tic reasons. 2. - Public Access - Access fcir-.-the proposed project would be from the public - * fi.sh.i.ng area to th.e north of the site. The City of Carldhad expressed concern xcijardj-ng potential traffic impacts ; therefore the applj.cant hired a traffic mgineer to review the propsed plans. ?%e er:gineer concluded-that the project w~~ld have no !Lmpact on traffic. Die current aquaculture laboratory generates six trips per dsy and the proposed expansion is not expected to increase that number. There is al.so sufficient off-street parking to accomodate the staff which will be 2-4 employees (see attached report). '- 3. Visual ~isp~ct.~ of the Project - 'fie elevation map (see attached? gives a good inilicatmn of the anticipated visua:. characteristi.cs of the proposed pro j ec't I The 18' dianc'tf:x, 5' high tanks extend aloiig Cnrlsbad Blvd.. -The elevation of the %bps of the tanks j.s 1. 1/2 feet above the mad. between the. road and, the slte, The prc;?osed inst.allztion of a redwood chain link fence woulrt help obscure th6 facility from passing motorists. The Carlsba.6 Cor:di+.ional Use Permit required the a2Gl.ica;lt to subnit a landscaping arid irrigation @an as a condition of czpproval, in order "to preserve the scenic view along Carlsbad "ulwd. and to minirfiize the visnal impacts of the proposed. ---.-_._-- A srnal.!- sand berm is sj.tuatec1 p'oj ect . 'I 4. Land Use - The City of Carlsbad Conditional Use Permit stat.es that: "As designed, the project i.s in harizony with the ohje&ti.ves of the General Plan. ultural use by the California legislature. axe allowcd a.s permissa1Ae land us36 in open space. AdditirJn- a1 ly, the open space deslrjnntion in the coning c:rclinaiice rcwog- nizes agriculture as a pcnnitted use." Aquaculturc has been'designated as an agric- Agricilltural uses The draft EIR for the Agua Hedionda specific plan states: "Because of the water qualj-ty and availability of heated effluent from the Encina Power Plant, future possible uses of rhe outer Laqoon should include alternatives for aquaculture production. It is certaiii that naximizztion of thc prodnction of aquatic foods cari be achieved only if the importance of aquaculture is realized, and its development. aidcd by government and industry-sponsored research and dcvelopmcnt progrms such as currently exist at the Encina Power P'Fant . If . There is 1100 feet: bctween the cxi stjiij dqadculture laboratory at13 the public fish- illy area on Agca Hediondn Lagcori. The prcqmsed pro jcct , upon ccrnyl.cti On, WOUI i! -2- , PROJECT SUMMARY/FFU~LIMINARY-RE COMEEN DATION F97 6 3 PAGE 3 STAFF NOTES: - (Continued) extend approximately 600 feet if that -distar.ce and would be approximately 55 feet wide. 5. splicable Policies of the Coastal Act - - Section 30210 - fr. carrying out the requirement of Section 4 of Article X ofthe California Constitution, maxima access, which shall be conspicuously posted, and recreational opportunities shall be provided for all tine people consistent with public safety needs and the need to protect public rights, rights of property oirJn:%rs, and natural resource areas from overase. Section 30251 - The scenic and visual qualities of coastal. areas shall be considered and protected as a resource of public impor- tance. Permitted development shall he sited and designed to protect views to and along the ccean and scenic coastal areas, to minixize the alteration of natural. land forms, to be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas, and, where feasible, to restore and enhance visual quality in visually de- graded areas. h'ew development in highly scenic areas such as those designated in the Cal.iEornia Coastline Preservation and Recreation Plan prepared by the DepartIRent of Parks and Recre- ation and by local government shall be subordinate to the 'character of Lts setting. .Section 30255 - Coastal-dependent developments shall have priority over other developments on or near the shoreline. Except as provided elsewhere i'n this division, coastal-dependent develop- ments shall not be sited in a wetland. When appropriate, coastal- related developments should be accombdated within reasonable proximity to the coastal-dependent uses they support. -fcEY ISSUES : 1. Public Access - Carlsbad Blvd. is a major coastal accessway and a public beach is located near the site. Will the proposed project result in possible impacts to public access by introducing additional vehicles for pick up and delivery of comrnercial fish products onto CarLsbad Blvd. I 2. Visual Impacts - Will the proposed project. result in impact to visual or scenic coastal resources? 3. Land Use - Is aquaculture an appropriate land use for the site in light of its potential for recreational use?. PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATION RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends that the San Diego Coast Regional Commission ISSUE a develop- ment permit €or the subject project, subject to the following special conditions: - 3. -- % ~ M’ /-4 - ’ PROJECT SUMMAfIY/PRELIMIl i IIECOMMENDATION F9763 - Page 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to transmittal of a coastal development permit for the subject project, a detailed landscape plan indicating the type, size, extent and location of plant nacerials, the proposed irrigation system, and other landscape featvlres shall be submitted to, reviewed, and determined adequate in writing by the Executive Director. Native plant species thaL are compatible with the associated wetland shall be utilized to the maximum extent feasible. FINDINGS: , 1. Conformity with the Coastal Act of 1976 - Section 30604(a) of the California Coastal Act of 1976, requires that the Regi.onal Commission find, ~ prior to issu.ance of a permit, that the proposed development. is in con- formity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. finding can be made for the proposed development based on the following specific findings. This general A. Public Access - Section 30210 of the Coastal Act states that maximum access and recreational opportunities for the public shall he provided. The traffic report prepared for the proposed project indicates that a total of 6 vehicular trig,’; per day would usually be the extent of traffic generated by the project. Additional trips from delivery and supply trucks (coinpany pick-ups) would be less frequent. Commercial fish products would he trans- ported from the site approx. twice per week (1 truck each time) during the harvest season. The Commission finds that the praposed project is not expected to adversely impact public access by increasing traffic, and thus the.project is found to be consistent with Section 30210. B. Visual Impacts - Section 30251 of the Coastal Act states that the scenic and visual qualities of coastal areas sball be protected. project will be situated on 600 feet of land lying between CarlsSad.Bl;rd. and the Lagoon. As shown on the attached elevation map, the 5 foot high tanks .will not significantly block the view of the Lagoon from Carlsbad Blvd. The proposed redwood fence surrounding the site will help screen the prcject from public view. Additionally, Special Condition #1 requires-the applicant to submit a landscape plan. The proposed As conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed project would be consistent with Section 30251. .- C. Land Use - Section 30255 of the Coastal Act states that coastal dependent developments shall have priority over other developments near the- shoreline. Section 30210 states that recreational opportunities shall be provided. ... 4 I PROJECT SUMMARY/PRELIMII 1 RECOMMENDATION F9763 Page 5 Immediately to the north of the subject site is a public fishing area on the Lagoon. , The area where the project site is has been fenced off, and has not been used for recreational purposes. The Commission finds that use of the site for aquaculture is a coastal- dependent use and is therefore consistent with all applicable policies of the Coastal Act. Also, adequate shoreline recreaticnal opportunities ai-. pro- vided in the area (west of Carlsbad Blvd. ddto the north on the Lag \ ). 2. Preparation of Local Coastal Program - Section 30604(a) also requires that a coastal development permit shall be issued only if the .Regional Commission finds that the permitted development will not prejudice the ability of the local government to prepare a local coastal program (LCP) in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. Tne use of the project site for aquaculture is consistent with the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan, which recommends an aquaculture development to be associated with the Encina Power Plant. The Commission thus finds that the proposed project will not prejudice preparation of the LCP, and is thus ccnsistent with Section 30604(a). 3. Feasible Alt.ernative or Mitigation Measures - Under the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Commission must review any feasible alternatives or mitigation measures which would avoid any potentially sig- nif icant adverse environmental impacts associated with development. attached special conditions, the proposed project will not create any substan- tial impacts on the environment. With the -5- 1 i -44- n W LOCATION MAP 4 Pacific Ocoon c., SlTE PLAN h tr c F ,- ELEVATION /29,4P SMALL IMPOQT CAR - +/ . .. . -.. r AQUACULTURE . I SYSTEMS 1121 1 Surrerilo Vy 1. y Rd S.in C*eiJC'CA 52121 1714J352 5i65 452 5766 <3 , PACIFIC OCEAN i I STRWED BASS ?RO:IT I .. ENCINA ?OWER ?LANT -1 W z L 0 w 0 I 0 Q r a t i I LOCATION MAP PRlNCl PALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE, SUITE E-G NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92660 HERMAN KlMMEL ' H. WILLIAM DICKSON February 2, 1981 1714) 546-9819 . y' Aquaculture Sy s t-ems International 11211 Sorrcnto Valley Road, Ste. E San Diego, California 92121 Attention Michael J. Massingill Senior Biologist Traffic Engineering Analysis Aquaculture Research Facility City of Carlsbad Gentlemen: We have reviewed the information contained in your letter of. January 22, 1981, and other transmitted data. Based on this information and data, coupled with our familiarity of the site of the proposed project, we have arrived at the following con- culsions. The proposed expansion of the research facility will not involve any increase in the number of employees on the site. -----I-____* Deliveries of supplies to the pro'ject site will be made'by a company owneu pickup truck. No other vehicles or persons will be on site on a daily basis. Therefore, the maximum number of vehicle trips to and from the site, on Carlsbad Boulevard, would'be 6 per day cn a daily basis. No change from existing. Gas and Electric Company personnel. These tours.normally involve 5 to 10 persons. People involved in these tours enter and park at the adjacent generating facility, not through access to the public fishing.area at the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. Therefore, if each person arrived in a separate vehicle, this would generate a ' maximum of 20 vehicle trips on Carlsbad Boulevard 2 or 3 times a year. This would not be a change from the existing, . Two to three tours are to be conducted annually for San Diego There is no public'access to the facility and no sales conducted. Therefore, there would be no additional public activity as a re- sult Of proposed expansion. chainlink fence would obscure the facility from passing drivers. This would be an improvement from that existing. The proposed installation of a redwood- In our opinion, based on the information provided, expansion of your facility as proposed would have no traffic’impact on Carlsbad Boulevard or adjacent traffic circulation facilities. / Very truly yours, HERMAN KIW ASSOC., INC. 2F+--- Edward F. Granzow,- .E. Traffic Engineer c e 6134 M!SSION GORGE ROAD, SUITE 220 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120-TEl. (714) 2W6992 -- .. . -. i .. -_ - 3/01 . EXPANDED IST OF APPLIC ADDENDUM TO PERMIT APPLICATION NTS AND ALL PARTIES HAVING A FINANCIAL INTEREST IN THE PROJECT So that they might better avoid any potential conflicts of interest, as required by the California Administrative Code, the Commissioners have requested that thc nmes of all applicants and persons having a financial interest in the project be available. Accordingly, please list the following information. A. Names of all applicants (i.e., all owners, lessees,. or optionees of record): PLEASE PRINT - B. If the applicant is a iessee, please provide the name, address and telephone of all superj-or lessors, including the ow.er of the fee interest in the land. PLEASE PKINT (use additional sheet if riecessary) I Telephone C. If the applicant is other than an individual(s1, please pr.cvide th& following information. P.TJEASE PRINT (attach c LJ ~ll partners of a general or limited partnership or joint venture : u A11 officers, directors and -____ sha-reholdcrs of a private corporation: . [zl ~11 proprietors of a small busincss : a, All officers and directors -- of a public corporat.ion : otilcr (picasc :;pcciEy naturo of intcrest) : additional sheet if necessary) Timothy Cohclan, Chai.rnian Roger 1Icdqccoc:k , Vicc-chairman I?zTriet All-cn , State Rcprcsentativc Jiin Bates ADDEN DUt.1 TO PERM IT APP I, I CAT I C?X DECIARATION OS? CAMPAIGN CO3iTRIRUTIONS The Comdssion's conflict of interest regulations prohibit any comnissioner voting on a - project i.f he or she has received campaign contributions of $100 or more within the pist year (but not before April 17, 1980) , from project pi-opznents or opponents, thcir agents, exployees or family, or any person with a financial interest in the project. In the event of such contrdbutjons, a commissioner must disqualify him or herself fiom voting on the pmjcct; failure to do so may lead to revocation of the permit. The rpp3.icank must dcclare below whether any such contributions have heen made to any of the conmissioners or alternates listed above. CHECK OSE - I Th3 nppiicants , their agents, employees , family and any person with a financial. interest in the project HAVE NOT' CC:JTI?TDIJ'fED _I $100 or more to any Commissioner within the past ycar. (Contributicns rcccived prior to April 17, 1300 are exempt.) d The applicants , thcir agents I cmployces, and/or interest in the pro jcct !IAW cwriimiir!'D $100 or inore to .the Corrunissioncr I s listed bclow wit1ii.n the past ycai. (Contri.hutions 1 cxrlivcd prior to April 17, 1300 arc cxenyk..) fGmily; and/or any person 1izving a fi.mncia1 -_ -_ _.__--- .. .1 /n I Assessor's Parcel Number /,4 SECTION B (To BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL PLANNING OR BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT) Zoning Designation &J SPALE/OS\ . RE5 I~RL ~?MIc~LT&€/RA] 4do &LAL dflbpf~?)dulac General or Community Plan Designation o&j sf& # . QJ 6 ut 117 JU ?'I EJflAppLlt@ulac Local Discretionary Approvals D Proposed development meets all zoning requirements and needs no local permits other than building permits. Proposed development needs local discretionary approvals noted below. Needed Received D D DesignlArchitectural review D I3 Variance for 0 D Rezone from D 0 0 0 cz 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 FB Tentative SubdivisionlParcel Map No. GradinglLand Development Permit No. Planned ResidentiallCommercial Development Approval Site Plan Review Condominium Conversion Permit Conditional, Special, or Major Use Permit No. -- Other CEQA Status IJ Categorically Exempt Class /tern n Environmental Impact Report Required, Final RGort Certified (Date) Negative Declaration Granted (Date) cjp ,94./3/,,/& A,J~ cdp q3-m /&./q 3) L" - I 12 CITY OF CARLSBA\..4 -'<I Communi'ty Development' , 1 b- File Review FO~ ,r Please list below the project(s) for which File(s) you would like to review. ,n, Engineering Planning Building Engineering @ Planning Building Engineering Planning Building n I Dh;O h& Le.&L'u of GQ 5 pr AI request to review City of Carlsbad file(s) onw%e above named project(s) and agree to return the file(s) with all documents in the order and condition in which they were presented to me. - wature COMPANY : I have reviewed subject City of Carlsbad file(s) on the project(s) listed above and have returned the file(s) with all documents in the order and condition in-which they were presented to me. s i3na tur e Printed Name a QWLD WttL7ECf t LC ' ~~~~~~~~ File Use Authorization: By: Dept. : Date: