HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 194A; Aquaculture Systems International; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)A* Irxationof Project 4 The subject property is located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard, between the SDG&E _-_ & Encina Power Plant discharge pond to the south and the public fishing area to the north. - - mal Description (complete) w - ,104q 3:/b I 1 Assessors Pard Nmbr i 17. =E.! WUIWflmJ / A. Site Plan: Shall include the following information: Ns;ne and address of zpplicant, engineer and/or I architect, etc. easenents GD~J~ Dimensioned locations of: access, bth pedestrian and vehicular , showing t service areas and pints of ingress and egress of€-street parking and loading areas showing location, nmr and typical dimension of spaces, m.d wheel stops. distances betmen builditqs and/or structures building setbacks (front , rear and sides) location. height, and materials of walls and fences location'of f;eestMing signs all driveways to scale on adjacent and across the street properties for a distance of 100 f eet beyond the limits of subject site. existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and existing Davins vidths within 100 feet on adjacent and across &e street proprties. typical street- sectton any existing median islands within 100 feet of subject site . nearest cross streets on bth sides with pius Or minus distances from silbject site. location of all buildings within 100 feet of subject propcrties. a vicinity nap showing major cross streets a smary table indicating the following infomtion: cite ;icrcaqe .-..-.I- ex1::thq zmc and land USQ proposed land us@ - total buildiilg mvcrage - building sq. footage - percent lm..dscaping - nmker of parking spaces sq. fcufagc of opn/recreational spam (if applicable) - cubic fmtaGe of storaye space (if apl ic'able! - c-3-L Preliminary Gradin? ad msinqe Plan* (24"x36") - r3* -.I*---.- existinos pr&:;cd mntours on tie site and wiL!in 100,feet of the boundaries of the site, existing on-site trees: t90se t~ be ~CZWKI an4 LIOS to bc Laved. - elevations of the site - C, Preliminory ia.x?scay ad Irrication Plant (24"x36* 1 7ocation OL plsritiriy areas typical plant materials (quantity and size) locstio:~ 05 areas to tx irrigated .. - A:> Che (1) copy of colored site plan (24"x36") A- &e (1) mpy of colored elevations (24"x36") Che (1) cow each of 8 f/2"xllE site pian and elevations he (11 copy of 8 1/2"x11" location map (suggested scale 1:200" - vicinity maps on the site plan are not acceptable) (5g Qmvirornental Impact Assessment mm ($100) 4. Public Facility Agreement: 2 copies: me (1) notarized 4. Disclosure Statement original, Che (1) reproduced copy. Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal descripticn of subject pmperty or other form of description acceptable to - . the Plannim Director. Property owners' List.and Self-Adhesive Labels (Not needed tor Site hveloanent Plan. Swcial Use Permit 2 ' & Minor Condominium PermiGI names and addresses of all property owners and occupants within a 300 foot radius ofithe exterior boundaries of the property involtred. me list shall include the San Diqo County Assesso<s parcel nuher for each parcel, which shall bepbtained from the latest Assessor's rolls. 2) rn separate mpies of typewritten self-adhesive latx?ls (fwx copies €or sondominim conversions) of the names and addresses of a11 property Owners and occupants listed. mr any address other than a single family residence, apartment OT suite nmhr must be included. Do NUT TYPE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL WMBm mmEE. Iwt needed i~r Site Developerit Plan, Wial ~sc.Permit: and Minor Condominium Permit). A map to scale not less than ?* = 200) showing each lot within 300 feet of the exterior Ix>undaries of the subject pmwrty, Each of t!!ese Lots shall be msccutively nrrmbered and mrrespd with the proprty mmer's list. me scale of the zap may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Planriq Director if the required scale is inpractical, 1) a tkkitten list of the I plf 300 FWt Wius Map 1 0. For residential mmiccts within Vista. San Marms. Ehcinitas or San" Dikuito School Districts, the-aklicant shall indicate mether he prefers to dedicate land for schcd facilities, to pay a fee in lieu thereof, or do a combination of these. If the applicant prefers to dedicate Lad, he shall sqgest L!e specific lad. For residential pjects within "che Carlsbad ilnif id Schml District, tk applicant shall suhnit written confirmation that school faciiities will be available and serve the project 2t ti! of need. mC of sewer availability if located in the Leucadfa awty Water 3isktict. , General Plan Amadn?ent/Zane. ChE 2, Gcnera? Kcquircxent 1te.s I!-Q 3, eiicatioh Fonn Repducijle 1:5!N scale map of subject property showing requested zoning and surrounding zoning and land uses. Fee: 4. General Plan Amendnent: $ZCO.OO + $5.00 per lot tX ' acre. Zone Change: $500.00 b'aster plan/Syecific Plan AppiZXition FO~ 2. General Requirement ItE!: - eighteen (18) copies of kenE3 A-D - items E-Q 3. ~ee: Yater plan $1,000 c $2.00 pr/acre i specific Plan $1,000 .OO blaster plan &m-drnent: Minor $50.00 Major $500.00 + 2.00 acre f 2.00 acre Tentative Wact Map 2. Eiqhteen ( 1 8) copies of the Tentath Trta@t Map 07. Applicat-ion Fom 3, Gcjleral Requiremint Items ' - ciqhteen (18) mpies of items A-C 4. ~ee: S500,OO (1-25 lots or units) $750,0c) (26-100 lots Qr units) $1,003 (100 + lots or units) Ftutension; 112 of original fe2 Rvision: - items E, GX, Mil 1/4 of tentative mp ;-?nd xt?qullg~ fw -Sditio~.al lo% or $cresP . _- I I' : ' . 1.L . 1 !, .: I I I 'I If 2. &&eta1 miremint Items: 3. 4# - Oonversion to Condominiums - list of names and addresses oi all tenants of the unit3 to be converted to conckminiuns. pee; . $!N.OO + $1.00 per unit three (3) mpies of items A-D b .. ita Kr Lp 0, PI Q Site Dwelopnent Plan 07. mlication FOG 2. GenejCal Requirement Items - ,thirteen (13) =pies of items A-D St- E-L, 0, PI Q 3. Fee8 8350.00 ' Cbnditional use.Permit 1. Application Form I , 2. General Requirement Items: .. - - *ltemsEQ 35 . -8 $400.00 ., thirteen (13) copies of items A-0 .. ... . \. Variance 2. General Requirement Items: U~icattion mA APPLICANT DISCLOSERE FOR? In order to assist the members of the Plaiing Cornmission and City Council to avoid possible conflicts of interest, all applicants ars: required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their aE>,olication- When this form has been completed and signed, the info-mation will be relied upon by them in determining if a conflict aay exist, sa please- ensure that all of the information is completed and accurate, final action on your application has been rendered, any 05 the information required by this disclosure changes, an acendment xeElecting this change=- be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnershi3 [eithir general or limited) or a joint venture, please state the full name, address an& phone number of each person or individual (including trusts) who own any kneficial. interest in the proprty which is the subject of this application, parties to the application be a partnershis or joint venture, then please state the Eull legal name of the partnerskip or joint ver,ture, its legal address and the name and address of each izdividual perso2 who is a general and/or lLrited partner or member of the joint-venture, If at aslytine before a Should one or mare Should one or more of the parties be a privately held cor-,oration [lo share- holders or less) or a real estate syndication, then pleass state the state of incorporztion or syndication, corporate nder, date uf izcor-pration or syndicatim, corporate or syndicate address, and the fu3.1 nactes and addresses OZ each inZivi2ual shareholder or syndicate rztmber .I a publkzll~ held corporation, then state +&e full. nme zn5 address CB€ the corpora+Son, the place of its incorporaticx, nLmd-Jer of shareholdews, zncl the name an? a2Zress of the officers of the ccrparation, ShaLfc? thz corporation hz Should yoi: feel that additional information needs ta be provided in order to provide 3 full disclosure, pk.ase include Lt, 1 .? -- -.€.,m-m & .,, I u CITY OF CARLSBAD rt 1200 ELM IJIZ;.(UE CARLSBAD, CALIFORhi1)17)2008 438.5621 REC'D FROM S&J L5b-L-L DATE 3-23-90 Ck&/ 7KL I I ACCOUNT NO. DESC RI PTlON AMOUNT I I I I I CL/P/7~/A(X / 1 MARINE BIOCULTURE abalone hatchery and grow-out facility A Brief Project Description A facility for the culture of young abalone is planned for con- struction and operation at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, using land leased from the San Diego Gas and Electric Company. A seawater system will supply tanks shielded within wood frame, panel and screen shelters and controlled environment units. All elements of the facility are to be designed and placed to maximize effec- tive use of the narrow land strip (west shore of lagoon, adjacent Highway 1011, but tastefully constructed to minimize any changes to features of the location (see map), All structures are con- sidered temporary, since the land is to be leased on a 6-year basis (with option to renew for an additional 4 years). Drawing high quality ocean water from an intake near the mouth of the lagoon, burried pipes and sheltered pumps will deliver water to receiving tanks, sand filters and reservoirs at the north end of the strip for distribution to the six low-profile (8t-10') enclosure and controlled environment units. Warm sea- water necessary to maintain appropriate temperatures for abalone culture will be drawn from the SDG&E Discharge Basin beyond the south end of the strip. Three elevated small-volume reservoirs are planned to allow water distribution by gravity flow (necess- ary to avoid nitrogen gas supersaturation in water supplied to abalone rearing tanks). Those towers will be carefully designed and constructed to blend well with the general features of other structures in the immediate area (diagonal redwood board siding and flat top is recommended). In the overall profile, tops of building units, and about one-half the height of the header tank .columns would be observed from the beach walk. Spacing of the buildings should provide open view over at least 20% of the ex- tent of the strip used (see facility plan). An existing wire fence will be replaced with a sturdy chain- link fence which may support redwood lath along the west and north borders. A height of 8' is planned, but 6' would suffice, Fencing along the lagoon side is to be 4'-6', and should not, have the redwood lath. Building units are to be durable, but disassemblable if necess- ary. As natural light is highly important to the culture of abalone and appropriate food plants, controlled environment buil- dings and enclosures will include translucent panelling (fiber- glass) and light-controlling shade screen. Opaque wooden panels will also be employed, with different buildings having differing requirement for opaque siding and roofing. . L - \ Proposed Seawater Intake Marine Bioculture 711 IfWY 101 ENCINA CRNEMTINC PI Y- If If PACIFIC OCEAN AN1 GENERALIZED LOCATION AND LAY-OUT OF PROPOSED MARINE BIOCULTURE ABALONE HATCHERY SYSTEM A seawater system with specially designed screened intake situated near the entrance to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon will supply approximately 500 gallons/minute (via two 4" ABS lines) during a single four hour per- iod of incoming tides daily. Seawater, sand filtered, is delivered to reservoirs and header tanks for distribution to laboratory, juvenile culture tanks and raceway grow-out systems. aeration. Warmed seawater pumped from the SDG&E effluent basin is acl- mixed with ambient seawater to optimize the thermal cnvironmcnt for cul- ture of green abalone (20°-280C) and pink abalone (18°-220C). Water'dis- charged from the Marine Bioculture system is pumped to the SDG&E efflhent basin for exit to the sea. All tanks receive vigorous AGUA HEDIONOA / SI TE PLA N MARINE B'ocuLTURfJ 1167 SIDONIA LEUCADIA, CA 92024 MARINE BIOCULTURE ABALONE HATCHERY AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON GENERALIZED PROFILE (not to scale) Raceway enclosures and controlled environment buildings to be wood frame with textured redwood ' ply-panel and fiberglass panelling. Enclosures will be more open, .with shadescreen and fiber- glass panel roofing. 3 Y Line MARINE BIOCULTURE ABALONE HATCHERY AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON tower (18-20') --- GENERALIZED CROSS SECTION (not to scale) . 3 ... .. L I r- .. I -- PLAN VIEW MARINE BIOCULTURE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY AT AGUA HEDIONDA 10' CROSS SECTION City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 I I Owner 1 r" I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Proposed Zone I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Proposed General Plan - Fee SIGNATURE Date Application Rec'd $420.00 Complete Description of Project (attach additional sheets if necessary) Local Facility Management Zone General Plan (Zone I) s Site Acreage - 0.3 acre3 IName (Print or Type) City and State Zip Telephone Sau\D;ego, CA 't2iC2 696--2+86 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE Received By Applicant Name (Print or Type) Mailing Address 116'7 S<&r\ich sT* City and State Zip Telephont 1 CERTIFY THAT I AM THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION 'IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. &<td 1,. Lei+& (less0 r) LeoCd-Jicx., c A q 2024. W2-9077 DATE Fees Received Receipt No. PROJECT NUMBER (S) I Lune 10, 1982 I DATE RECEIVED: mF'IdCANT: AOUACULTUF!E SYSTEEE ~m. IWUEST: Laboratoq addition to aquaculture facility - East side Carlsbad Blvd. between SDG&E Plant Discharge Pond & public Fishing Area ---- MEMPT OR EXCEPTED: Posted: Prior Compliance: Published : Filed : Filed: --... Posted: 7 - 14-82. Published: 7- 17-8 2 Notice of Determination: Notice of Notice of Notice of Preparation: Capletion: Determination : "ENVI- IMPACT REPOFT: - PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Date of Hearing: - 2. - Publication: 'd (continued to: 1. Date of H-g: 2. Notices to City Clerk: 3. Agenda Bill: 4. Resolution No. Date: ' ACTION : 5. Ordinance No. Date: aff Wprt to Applicant: - Dlution to Applicant: n