HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 85B; Pilgrim Congregational Church; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (36)2001 Avenue of theTrees
Carlsbad, CA 92ooFs June 11,1997
Mr. Bill Compas Carlsbad Planning Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Ciirlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Cornpas;
As a member of the Baud of Trustees or Pilgrim United Church of Christ in Ciirlsbd, I have been Mowing the noise complaint from our neighbor, Dwight Vallely, regarding the Children's Cenler.
Our Children's Center operates five days a week from 7 am. to 6 p.m. There are a maximum of 72 children in attendance, not all at the same time, some for 2 days, some 3 and some 5 days. The Center is ii great asset to the wmmunity. It is excellently operaled, has a slellar skiff, and is ii~~dlert by lhe National Academy of Early Childhood Programs.
The Center has an extensive scholarship program benefitting single parenls, Families in transilion, laid off workers and others. It is multi-racial, multi-faith and serves a broad spectrum of the community.
The Childen's Cenler was in operation when Lhis neighbor moved inlo hs home adjacent
lo the Center. His daughter allended our Children 's Center. The church officers met with the complainlant, his complaints were recorded and addressed. He requested a sewnd meeting, but he cancelled. He then went lo the City or Calsbad lo file a complain 1.
The church has done ik best l~ be a gd neighbor. We would hope terms or a new conditional use permit would not impose impossible burdens on the life or the Children's Center.
Ruth 0. Lewis