HomeMy WebLinkAboutEA 13-03; 6608 NW Quadrant Storm Drain Program; Administrative Permits (ADMIN)cU 01-r , V7wr u 1l 1 I ~-o ;, 0 (~I) CITY OF ~CARLSBAD FILE COPY Memorandum July 29, 2013 To: Sherri Howard, Associate Engineer From:(,D • Pam Drew, Associate Planner Via ~Dave de Cordova, Principal Planner . Re: EA 13-03-NORTHWEST QUADRANT STORM DRAIN PROGRAM-GRAND AVENUE Thank you for submitting an Early Assessment to install and repair/replace the storm drain pipe and appurtenances at Grand Avenue, which starts approximately 150 feet east of the intersection with Madison Street and connects to the twin 48 inch pipes at the State Street alley. Per RBF Consulting, in their Hydrology and Hydraulics Report, dated March 8, 2013, the piping is undersized which results in flooding in this area. No new impervious surface is proposed with this project. The increased pipe will not result in an enlargement or expansion of the stormwater capacity in this area. The proposed project includes the following pipe and appurtenances: • Install 850 lineal feet of 48-inch reinforced concrete storm drain pipe • Install 280 lineal feet of 36-inch reinforced concrete storm drain pipe • Install 80 lineal feet of 18-inch reinforced concrete storm drain pipe • Install five (5) curb inlets • Install six (6) storm drain clean outs • Resurface trench areas • Remove and replace 200 square feet of sidewalk • Relocate potable water system including water main and fire hydrant • Install bio-retention cells • Remove and replace approximately nine trees In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that the purpose of an Early Assessment is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept of your project. This Early Assessment does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal. This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans. policies, and standards may be in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review. Planning: General 1. The project will not need any permits from Planning; however, the project must comply with C.M.C. Chapter 8.48-Noise, which regulates permitted hours for construction. Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax EA 13-03 :-NORTHWEST QUA .. NT STORM DRAIN PROGRAM-GRAND INUE July•29, iln' '"' ; ' Pa e 2 2. The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15302{c), concerning replacement or reconstruction of existing facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity. 3. Street trees are an important feature in the Village area and should be protected in place as much as possible. 4. Please coordinate construction activities with the city's consultant Urban Place. Land Development Engineering: 5. Separate comments were previously submitted to you. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with your staff planner, please contact Pam Drew, Associate Planner at ext. 4644, or your staff engineer, Glen Van Peski, Engineering Manager at ext. 2783. DD:PD:bd c: Don Neu, City Planner Bill Plummer, Engineering Manager Scott Donnell, Senior Planner File Copy Data Entry DATE: PROJECT NO(S): PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: TO: JUNE 17, 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO EA 13-03 REVIEW NO: ~~~~-------------------------------- 6608 NW QUADRANT DRAIN PROGRAM GRAND AVENUE CITY OF CARLSBAD/BILL PLUMMER 1 IZJ Land Development Engineering 0 Public Works (Storm Drain)-Clayton Dobbs D Public Works (Wastewater) -Don Wasko D Public Works (Water)-Jase Warner 0 Police Department-J. Sa sway 0 Fire Department -Greg Ryan 0 Building Division-Will Foss 0 Water/Sewer District 0 Parks & Recreation (Parks/Trails)-Liz Ketabian 0 Parks & Recreation (Trees & Medians)-Mike Bliss 0 Public Works Department (Streets)-Nick Roque 0 Public Works Department (Traffic)-John Kim 0 Public Works Department {Design)-Bill Plummer *ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DIVISION D Landscape Plancheck Consultant-PELA D School District 0 North County Transit District-Planning Dept. 0 Sempra Energy-Land Management 0 Caltrans {Send anything adjacent to 1-5) Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the PLANNING TRACKING DESK in the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue, by 7/5/13. If you have "No Comments," please so state. If you determine that there are items that need to be submitted to deem the application "complete" for processing, please immediately contact the applicant and/or their representatives (via phone or e-mail} to let them know. Thank you COMMENTS: PLANS ATIACHED Review & Comment ~xdJ; Signa ure 03/13 CONSULTING A-Company RBF Consulting 5050 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 To: Sherri Howard City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 June 3, 2013 Carlsbad NW Quadrant-Grand Avenue-30% Submittal Discussion Items General The plans show that several existing traffic loops will be impacted by the proposed improvements. It is our understanding that some of the signals (Roosevelt Street for example) have video detection and no longer require the existing traffic loops. Please confirm which of the loops are currently in use so that we can clarify on the plans which loops require replacement. There are several apparent discrepancies between the linework in the topo file from the City and the utility mark-outs, particularly as it relates to water lines and water valves. Additional potholes are recommended in order to more accurately identify the horizontal location of the water line (Round 2 pothole exhibit forthcoming). Please let us know exactly which water valve and service relocations the City would like us to show on our plans. Please confirm that the City would prefer to abandon the existing storm drain system (as opposed to utilizing it in addition to the proposed improvements). We previously provided an analysis and recommendation that the existing system be abandoned since utilizing it would not result in any cost savings. Sheet 4 After a detailed analysis of the pothole information, it is clear that the current proposed alignment will require some significant utility relocations as well as a new junction structure. There is not sufficient room between the existing 10" ACP water and the electric vault for the proposed pipe. The plans currently call for the relocation of the water with the assumption that the pipe will be built as close to the electric vault as possible to minimize the length of the water relocation. An additional alternative alignment has also been shown on the plan for the City's consideration. The newly suggested alternative alignment would cross over to the north side of Grand Avenue through the State Street intersection. The alternative system would connect to the existing system at the existing junction structure. The intent would be to utilize the existing junction structure. This alternative alignment would have the added benefit of avoiding the numerous electric lines near the connection point on the south side of the street. Relocation of a portion of the 10" ACP water would still be required with the alternative alignment, but the limits of the relocation would be less than the original proposed alignment. However, this alternative has a possible conflict with the abandoned 36" interceptor sewer (see below for additional discussion). Additional information is needed regarding the tie-ins of the existing 18" RCP (from the east) and 15" RCP (from the west) to the existing dual 48" RCP. The topo file we received from the City makes note of an abandoned 36" interceptor sewer running down the north side of Grand Avenue. We have not been able to find any as-builts for the system on the City website. Additional potholes are recommended, particularly if the City is interested in the alternative alignment discussed above (which crosses over to the north side of Grand Avenue). Sheet 5 There are several gas laterals near station 11+40 that were not included in the first round of potholes. The profile shows these with assumed depths based on the pothole information for similar utilities. We recommend that these be included in the next round of potholes. At each of the pop-outs near the intersections with Roosevelt Street and Madison Street, the distance between the existing gutter and the proposed pipe is reduced to only about 1-2'. In order to construct the pipe in that location, the curb and gutter will likely need to be removed and replaced (approx. STA 8+10 to 8+50, 9+10 to 9+70, 11+70 to 12+20, and 12+90 to 13+50). Removal and replacement in those isolated locations is considered preferable over the alternative, which would be to move the proposed pipe further from the existing gutter and replace significant portions of the existing 10" water main. Sheet 6 Although the majority of the utility relocations are near the downstream end of the proposed system, there is one location on Sheet 6 where the proposed storm drain pipe crosses between an existing 8" VCP sewer and an existing 12" PVC water. There is not sufficient room for the 36" pipe (with a typical RCP thickness) between the services. The plans call for the relocation of the water line. Summary of Action Items The following is a summary of action items. We would be happy to discuss these in more detail at your convenience. City of Carlsbad (to be completed in conjunction with 30% submittal review by 6/24) • Identify water valves and services for relocation • Identify which traffic loops are still active and require replacement • Confirm the abandonment of the existing storm drain system • Determine if the newly suggested alternative alignment is preferable • Provide any additional information regarding the location of the abandoned 36" interceptor sewer RBF (to be completed by 6/10) • Provide exhibit with suggest locations for 2"d round of potholing • CONSULTING Carlsbad Northwest Quadrant Drainage Improvements CITY OF CARLSBAD 30% Cost Estimate -Grand Avenue June 3, 2013 General Grand Avenue Total TBD $674,143 $674,143 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260, Carlsbad, California 92008 #760.476.9193 # FAX 760.476.9198 Offices located throughout California, Arizona Nevada • www.RBF.com RBF JN: 133979 1 of 3 H:\PDATA\133979\Calcs\Cost Estimates\Grand Ave 30% Cost Estimate.xls General ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 Mobilization 1 2 Trench dewatering (project-wide) 1 3 Storm Drain Pollution Control 1 4 Potholing and Utility Coordination 1 Subtotal • UNIT UNITS PRICE LS TBD LS TBD LS TBD LS TBD RBF JN: 133979 2 of3 AMOUNT TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Grand Avenue ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 UNIT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE 48" RCP Storm Drain Pipe 850 LF $230.00 36" RCP Storm Drain Pipe 280 LF $188.50 18" RCP Storm Drain Pipe 80 LF $123.50 Type B Curb Inlet (SDRSD D-2) 4 EA $6,160.00 Type A Curb Inlet (SDRSD D-21_ 1 EA $6,160.00 Type 85 Storm Drain Cleanout (SDRSD D-9) 4 EA $7,200.00 Type A4 Storm Drain Cleanout (SDRSD D-9) 1 EA $6,368.00 Trench Resurfacing, Per SDG-107&108 1,200 LF $41.25 Trench Shoring (up to 1 0') 1,200 LF $14.34 Modified Type B Cleanout 1 EA $14,400.00 Demo Existing Curb & Gutter 400 LF $3.30 6" Curb & Gutter (SDRSD G-2) 400 LF $22.00 Sidewalk Removal and Disposal 175 SF $2.01 Sidewalk 175 SF $8.00 Tree Protection/Relocation 15 EA $300.00 Connect to Existing Storm Drain 4 EA $320.00 Sign Relocation 1 EA $500.00 Utility Relocation-Water Main (4) 1 EA $50,000.00 Replace Signing and Striping 1 LS $1,000.00 Fire Hydrant Relocation 1 EA $3,190.00 Demo and Remove SO Inlet 4 EA $4,000.00 Replace Traffic Detector Loop 3 EA $544.50 Allowance for Construction of Bioretention Cells 600 SF $45.00 Demo and Remove Existing SO Pipe 60 LF $50.00 Demo and Remove Existing SO Manhole 1 EA $3,500.00 Replace Decorative Pavers 140 LF $30.00 Traffic Control 1 LS $53,300.00 Subtotal 15% Contingency Estimated Total Bid 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260, Carlsbad, California 92008 #760.476.9193 # FAX 760.476.9198 Offices located throughout California, Arizona Nevada • www.RBF.com AMOUNT $195,500.00 $52,780.00 $9,880.00 $24,640.00 $6,160.00 $28,800.00 $6,368.00 $49,500.00 $17,208.00 $14,400.00 $1,320.00 $8,800.00 $351.75 $1,400.00 $4,500.00 $1,280.00 $500.00 $50,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,190.00 $16,000.00 $1,633.50 $27,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,500.00 $4,200.00 $53,300.00 $586,211.25 $87,931.69 $674,142.94 H:\PDATA\133979\Calcs\Cost Estimates\Grand Ave 30% Cost Estimate.xls Notes and Assumptions 1) Water valves are assumed funded through other financial mechanism RBF JN: 133979 3 of 3 2) No additional surface improvements beyond trench restoration and curb reconstruction (i.e. general surface overlay) is included 3) Relocation of Gas, Telephone, or other Dry Utilities assumed to be the financial responsibility of others 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260, Carlsbad, California 92008 #760.476.9193 # FAX 760.476.9198 Offices located throughout California, Arizona Nevada • www.RBF.com H:\PDATA\133979\Calcs\Cost Estimates\Grand Ave 30% Cost Estimate.xls PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FORM FOR EARLY ASSESSMENT BY THE SPECIAL PROJECTS TEAM PROJECT PROPONENT/DEPT CONTACT SIGNATURE: DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SIGNATU Please type your responses in the boxes provided below. The form may be expanded to accommodate as much . fi . h "d m ormation as you c oose to provt e. PROJECT NAME/TITLE: 6608 NORTHWEST QUADRANT STORM DRAIN PROGRAM-GRAND A VENUE Have you submitted any previous early assessment applications for this project with Planning staff? If so, please attach a copy of the original request and the Planning Department's response. No Is the project part of an approved CIP budget or a future CIP budget? If so, please provide the CIP Project #. Yes-6608 List any previous and/or anticipated future Planning Commission or City Council actions (e.g., permit approvals, activity authorizations, etc.) related to this project. Authorization to Bid and Award of Contract List any previously certified environmental documents (e.g., EIRs, Negative Declarations). Not for this project List any technical studies that have been prepared or that you anticipate will be prepared (e.g., biology, archeology, traffic, noise, etc.). Hydrology and Hydraulic Analysis Is the project on City property? If not, has property owner authorization or an easement been secured? Yes, it is within City public right ofway Identify the project location. Include specific parcel numbers if possible. Grand avenue between State Street Alley and Jefferson Street within the public street right of way for Grand Avenue Identify the project schedule. List critical and desired milestones including dates in the development review and construction process (e.g., public hearing dates, grant application submittal deadlines, public workshops, construction phasing, etc.). February 2012 -Initiate project design RECEIVED November 2013-Finalize project design JUN 1 ~ ?"~1 December 2013 -Authorization to Bid Project to City Council December to March 2014-Bid Project CITY OF CARLSBAD April 2014-Award project PLANNING 01\/iStON May 2014 -NTP for project construction June 2014 to October 2014-Project Construction Early Assessment For City Projects-Revised 1/3/11 Page 2 of3 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL-Describe the project in as much detail as possible. Use as much space as needed. Attach additional sheets (drawings, etc.) if necessary. Be sure to identify, if applicable, estimated quantities of grading (including import/export), construction staging areas on and offsite, areas of sensitive vegetation, unique construction technologies, proposed facility technologies and byproducts, and any public art component. If preliminary or conceptual plans or exhibits are available, please include two sets with this transmittal. Grand Avenue has flooded historically during storm events. Some of the flooding blocks driveways and sidewalks and could flood buildings. This project will improve the drainage in the general Grand A venue area by conveying storm water in an appropriately sized pipeline. The existing pipeline is undersized. It is also located under the sidewalk and under landscape planters. Removing and replacing the existing storm drain pipeline in the same location is not feasible due to utility conflicts. The result of the hydrology and hydraulics report indicated that the pipeline needs to be 48-inch diameter. The existing undersized pipeline is 15-inch diameter. The new pipeline will be constructed using open trench construction techniques. The project includes the construction of the following improvements: • 850 linear feet of 48-inch reinforced concrete storm drain pipeline • 280 lineal feet of36-inch reinforced concrete storm drain pipeline • 80 lineal feet of 18-inch reinforced concrete storm drain pipeline • 5 curb inlets • 6 storm drain clean outs • Trench resurfacing both asphaltic cement and pavers • 200 square feet of sidewalk removal and replacement • Potable water system relocations including water main and fire hydrant • Installation of bioretention cells Early Assessment For City Projects -Revised 113111 Page 3 of3