HomeMy WebLinkAboutEIA 672; OLIEVENHEIM MUNICIPAL; Environmental Impact Report (EIR)• • APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONIVillN'rAL H1PI.>,.C'l' ASSESSr"lEN'E The purpose of an Environment.al Impact Assessment (Ell\.) I is to determine if a proj ect will have adverse effect·s on the environ- ment... If i·t is determined that tbe project ·will have minimal or no impac·t (negative) , then the City shall prepare a "Negative Declaration", which, if approved, shall constitute the City's environmental review. If, however, it is determined that the projec·t could have substantial environmental impact f an Environ- mental Impact Report shall-be required to fully address these impacts and methods to mitigate them if possible. 'ro save time and expense in reviewing EIA! s, the City has determined that, in most instances, certain projects will re- quire an EIR, and therefore an EIA, as contained in this applica- tion, is not necessary. Please review the following list to see if your project will require an EIR, as listed. If your project does require an EIR, as listed, you will be re- quired to provide (as determined by the City), either 1) en- viror@ental inofrmation for .the preparation of a draft EIR, or 2) funds for the City to acquire environmental information. This mu,st be accomplished prior to submitting application for your development project. If your project is· not included in this list, please complete the attached EIA f·)r further review. Please be· aware that EIR's may also be required for certain projects not on the list. LIST OF PROJEC'rS REQUIRING EIR r S 1) ') ) ~ 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) A proposed residential development of more than 100 dwelling uni·ts. A proposed shopping center or business establishment employ- ing more than 100 persons or encompassing more than 50,000 .square 'feet or floor space. A proposed commercial office building employing more than 100 persons or encompassing more than 25,000 square feet of. floor space. A proposed hot:el./motel development 0.£ more than 100 rooms. A proposed industrial manufacturing or processing plant, or industrial park planned to house more than 200 persons, occupying more than 10 acres of land F or encompassing mo:r:e than 65,000 square feet of floor space. Public buildings or facilities serving more than 100 people on site or over 25 acres in area. Public or quasi facilities for the generation of pmver r waste water treat.rnent, or storage of more than 100 T 000 gallons of water. ; ,,; I I .1 • • 8) Private \vater treabnent facilities processing more than 1000(000 mgd. 9) A project which would result in the cancellation of an open space contract made pursuant to the California Land Conserva- tion Act of 1965 (Williamson Act) for a parcel of 100 or more acres. 10) A project located in and substantially impacting on an are~ within the California Coastal Zone as defined in, and mapped pursuant to, Section 3Q103 of the Public Resources Code. 11) A project which would substantially affect sensitive wild- life habitats including but not limited to riparian lands, wetlands, bays, estuaries, marshes, and habitats for rare and endangered species as defined by Fish and Game Code Section 903. 12) A project which would interfere \1J"i th attainmen-t of regional water quality s-tandards as stated in the approved areawide waste water management plan. 13) Large grading projects involving 1,000,000 yeds. (total of cut and fi1~) of earth, slopes over 35' high, filling a flood plain or water course causing a rise in water surface profile of 6" and removal of large areas of natural vegetation or natural slopes in excess of 10%. 14) Projects that would remove 50 acres or more of agricultural land. FORM !Q, Page Two -PLANNING DEPT DEC, 1978 @ • ., r-' -.... --.. .... ' ..... ~ --"y.~ .~-~ ...... ".~".~-.-.. -. , ~ i f CITY OF CARLSBAD I 1200 ElM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ! • \ 729-1181 l I I I· I' 4/04/806580 I 5g~Q9 !11; r ~ /7 11..: t RECEIVED FROM A2-1'/ (,// I' P::Jf '/ '-'l/ !/'-"C.-~ ~OiJ165a6 4/04/88, ~--;:#."....c~J OA TE . 7' - 5f.J V 7/'-fi f I ) i ! I I ! i t , t f i f I ! r I t i t i ( I r \ /;// .$, .. ,.v. / ADDRESS A/C. NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FJ 7 /;/ c7.r..£.2 /t //? .-' ___ 1# ~<7 , .. .. : -.. .. - -'-i:: 4 . -) . , TOTAL d/# ......... ~.~~~>;;:.">'~~--....~ ......... -....,~ .. ~-~~'"'~-... -~~~~ ~ ~~"i-"~~ .....----..