HomeMy WebLinkAboutGPA 15; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT LAND USE #4; General Plan Amendment (GPA)i , :; I~ u c t io n5 ' to Ap ~ J i c ~ n J ). Complete Parts A,B,C and 0 2. Filing Fec -$100.00 plus $5.00 for each additional lot or parcel 3. Make' check payable to City of Carlsb ad 4. fnformation t6 typewritten. PART A -GENERAL INFORMATION FOR: • CHANGE OF ZONE TO PLANNED COMMUNITY and, ADOPTION OF A MASTER PLAN Na~e o.f Applicant Rancho La Costa, a limited partnership c 10 Don a 1 d H. Ay res, Sr. App!'ic'ant's Mai I ing Address Drawer A, Huntington Beach, Telephone· (714) 962-6683 Ca 1 if. 92648 Lo.cation o.f Property by Street Cam i n 0.. Rea 1 • North of La Costa Road, and West of El PART B -LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach to. this application One Co.py of a co.mplete legal description o.f the pro.perty for which a Change of Zone and Adoption of a Master Plan is being requested. PART C -REQUEST other zones and Change of Zone from S.D'.County A-l (8) & C-l to.i\PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE (P-C) and, Ado.ptio.n of a Master Plan fo.r 17Q6:t Acres. PART D -APPLICANT'S STATEMENT (Attach separate sheet if required) 1. Do.es public necessity require the proposed change? Is there a,Teal need in the communi ty for more o.f the types of uses permi tted by the Zoning requested than can be accommodated in areas already zoned for such uses? Yes.' in the time reference indicated such zoning will be needed.: Such zon~ng will permit total planning. Agricultural use will continue unde~ a zone variance until it is phased out. 2. Is the property involved in proposed reclassification more suitable fo.r the purpose permitted in the proposed zone than fo.r the purpose perm'ittcd in present classification? Growth of Carlsbad will ultimately require that this land, currerrt~y zoned for agriculture will' be required for residential '~nd related uses: ..... _--_. --, ----. .~ ---------------_.------.-----------, - , I l , ", > 1" 3. i-;ould the uses perrnittlbY ,"' ~', td ·su~rounding propcrt .... 11 ~.... I " I;-i-:.-' (.l.~ 'j' '.'; 7, I ~o~ . in any 'way 4. Hhat were the original deed restrictions, if 'ctffy, ,c6rtt:erning the type and class of uses permitted on the property involved? Glve the expiration date of these restrictions, :t n • ."" None. The following spaces are for signatures of owners whose properties lie within a radius of 300 feet of the propetty proposed to be reclassified and who approv~ of the change (attach extra sheets if necessary), ~ No.on Map Name . " .. Address Lot Blqck , Tract " -2- vie.; ~:e ~n~e;sj.g~~~~rope_owncr§ h=with request at our respective properties which are included in the reclassification petitioned for, 'b~ reclassified and for the reasons above enumerated. (This space is for" ,: ,signatures:o~ owners ,of property actually included in the proposed ,', ,~~ reclassification. Attach extra sheets if necessary.) ";<,,>l;. ': . ~" No."on . Map :, Name Address Lot Block':'! Tract Assessdrs Parcei '#' Acres . , .G). 441 S. Beverly Drive 62017 216-121 -01',' McMurphy Corp. Beverly Hills, California 62017 r215-051 -04 " m: Howard and Barbara 400 N • La Costa Drive " ", . Murohv Ca rl s bad~ California 92008 62017 215'-0'51 ~O5"', G) , -, 40-42 Produce Row 62017 216-121 -u~_ .. Edwi n J:I f Sell mey_er St. Louis, Missouri 63102 62010 216-121 -0 3:'- .. , , , ' .. }. , . .~. . , , -, ~ -, , ' , ..; .. .. ~ . ~ : OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) SS CITY OF j' I, ~x, o'o"nald H. Ay,res being duly sworn, depose and say that It;' (we) ~ (are) the owner (s) of part t<X.l(XcX.x.x~ of the property involved and this application has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the (20 ( 1 8 C 1 ~~~ C 6 City Planning Commission as printed herein and that the foregoing'information thoroughly and completely, to the best of ~y X~~~~ ability, presents an argument in behalf of the application herewith submitted -and that the' ,- statements,and information above referred to are in all respects true and .00) .73 ) .21 .77 ) .93 ) correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief. . Rancho La Costa, a limit~~' partner- Telephone Number (714) 962-6683 Signed by ship , .! .:. Mailing Address: Drawer A, Huntington Bead!.';, Ca:lif. 92648 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ' ,19 ----..,. " ,!,. . Filing Clerk or Notary Public l •• This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and found to be cpmplete and acceptable for filing with the City Planning Commission. ,. ' ; :.i.. ~:'. . Receipt No. ------------------------------- . .' ~ . By __ =-__ ~--~~~~--~--~--_r--T-__ For the City Planning comm(~ . : '. • ~: f ". ,: . ~ , ' .. r' :ji'" >,' "'. SOUTH BAY ENG(NEERING CORPORATION 304 TEJON PLACE PALOS VERDES ESTATES, CALIFORNIA 90274 RAYMOND L. q,U'IGLEY DONALD Eo DAWS0N CONS'ULTfNG ENGIN",ERS' October 6, 1972 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED IN ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION BY RANCHO LA COSTI\, A LIr~ITED PARTNERSHIP All that land in Sections 22, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34~ and 35, T12S-R4W, S.B.H., County of San Diego, State of Califarnia described as follows: --'-------_ .. _._._".,,,... -_. ----" Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the south half of section 26, T12S-R4W with the easterly line of Road·Survey No~ 682, 60 feet wide, known as Green Valley Road, thence westerly along said northerly line to the easterly line of section 27, T12S-R4W; thence hortherly along the easterly line of section 27 a~d 22, T12S-R4W to the southerly boundary of Rancho Agua Hedionda as said southerly boundary was established May 5, 1913 by decree of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for San Diego County in that certain action No. 16830. entitled Kelly Investment Company, a Corporation vs. Clarence Dayton Hillman and Bessie Olive Hillman; ·thence westerly along said southerly boundary to its intersection with the westerly line of lot 1 ~section 22, T12S-R4W according to the U.S. Government Survey of lot 1 approved April 21, 1890; thence southerly along said westerly line and the westerly line of the southeast quarter of the so~theast quarter of section 22, T12S-R4W and southerly along the westerly line of the east half of the northeast quarter of section 27, T12S-R4W to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter; thence westerly along the northerly line of said southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter to the easterly line of the west half of the north- west quarter of said section 27; thence northerly along said easterly line to the northerly line of section-27; thence westerly along the northerly line of said section 27 to the northwest corner of said section 27, T12S- . R4W; thence southerly along the westerly line of said settion 27 to the northeast corne~of the southeast quarter of section 28, T12S-R4W; thence westerly along the northerly line of said southeast quar~er to the easter- ly line of the west half of the northeast quarter of said section 28, T12S-R4W thence northerly along said easterly line to the northerly line of said section 28; thence westerly along said northerly line to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said section 28; thence CD southerly along the:westerly line of said northeast quart~r and the \' I westerly line of the northwest quarter of the sout~east quarter of. ' section 28, T12S-R13W; thence easterly along the southerly line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter to the westerly line of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 28; thence southerly along said westerly line to the southerly line of section 28, T12S-R4W; thence continuing southerly and southeasterly along the westerly'and southwesterly 1 i n e s 0 flo t 2 ins e c t ion 33, T1 2 S -R 4 W S. B .. M. a c C; 0 r din 9 tot h e U. S . ~over nt Surv Y ~.p'pr,-oved May 3 t .1,.8.83", t th~ most s·outh,er sou,~ L " -1 ·1 , :1 , . ~ " ~. -~\ -, ;',''/f ;i.~ .;, .,-;-' -' '" '". ~-< ~./"-'. J_ -~ ... - _ -~ r~\ .~,.:, ::~~' ~ ~~ , ~ 11-." . 15rte6f,l~t 3 in section 33, T12S-R4W S.B.M. according to the U~S. Gg·vernmetlt Survey approved October 25, 1875 to the southeast corner of' , ~atd lot 3 and the westerly line of said section 33; thence southerly , 11 long sa i d we s t e r 1 y 1 i net 0 a poi n t w h i ch be a r s nor thO 0 42 t Q 7 II We s t ,565.84 feet from the southwest corner of Lot 5, section 34 T12S-R4W accord,+ng to the official plat thereof; thence South 68 0 31 t 1711 East 1 2'8. 5 5 f e ~ t; the nee Sou t h 28 0 40 t 06 II E a s t 82. 0 0 fee t m 0 reo r 1 e sst 0 t'h e South line of lot 13, section 34; thence northeasterly and easterly along the s'Qutheaste,rly and southerly lines of lots 13,.14, 15 and 9 of section 34,.,T12S-R4W according' to the U.S. Government Survey approved October 25. laT5 to the southeast corner of said lot 9, section 34 thence southeasterly ,an-d northeasterly along the southerly lines of lots 13,17, an'd 16 of section 35,:T12S-R4W according to the U.S. Governme~t Survey approved ' October 25, 1875; thence along the easterly lioe of lot 16 to the northerly , • < ,.-.:, -";; line of La Costa Avenue; 'thence east~rly along the northerly line of ~. La Costa Avenue to the easterly line of Road Survey 682, 60 feet wide, k now n as G r e e n Vall e y ·R 0 ad; the nee nor the r 1 y a 1 on gsa ide a s t e r 1 y 1 i net 0 the point of beginning. .. , " ,. • South Bay Engineering Project 8-0138-6 -2- " 'APPLICATION BY Rancho "~? Costa, a Ilrnlted partnership drawer 'A Huntington Beac,h, Calrf. 92648 oct 6 197'2. SO'OTR BA.Y ,BNGINBBR'ING dORPO'RA.T,tO'N ] c::l ~ 304 TEJON PLA(:E ";', c::> PALOS VERDES ESTATE:;S CALI FO'RNIA 90274' ~ (213) 375-2556 '772-:1555 ~ RAYMqND L. QUIGLEY R.C.E.7191'