HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 94-02; Affordable Housing; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (5)CH CORSTAL COMM,ISSION TE! :619-521-9672 Chris DeCerbo Don Neu C3 ty of Carl $bad 2075 La$ Palmar Drive Carlsbrd, CA 98009 RE: CIty of Carlsbad local Coastal Program Clrnendment 11-95 Cent 1 emen I , .*, . " .. Thls letter 1s tn reference to the status of thr above local coastal pragtbm amendment (LCfW. Both components of CCPA #I-95 are roposed as zona clbde amendments to the Cwlrbad Locrl Coastal Program (LCP!. Regarding the Wfordable houslng'l amendments (LCPA 94-02), we believe the two proposed revlslonr addresslng second dwelling unl ts and tenlor cltlrsn housing need companlon land use plan chan es stnce they have the potentfa1 to allor Increases tn denstty above t II me dentltfet currently cettlffed In the stx segments of the Carlrbad LCP, As currently certified, the max1muln density ermltted in the Cwltbad LCP f5 houslng that would a1 low dent1 ty increases abovr the rnaxlnum permitted denslty. Wen that the proposed smendment could allow unlIalted denslty for a?fordable houslng and given that -d af rovlmw for ran- , ne cannot su port the proposed amendment as presently submltted. %s, we believe P t would be prudent tor the Clt to withdraw the amendment request at thls tlme, You Cons1 strnt wl th our meetlng recently, we understand the Clty'r; Interest and goal tu comply wlth state law regardlng affordable houslng. A$ ne dfscuwed at length, we wfll work wlth you on provldlng tpsclffc land use plan pollcy dlrectlon for a future amendment that would accorrrrrodate posslble Increases In dens1 ty wl thout resul tlng tn posslble adverse Impacts to coastal tesourc80 or public access. Regrrdlng the MOevelopment Aqreements1l amendments, revisions to an "existln 'I 23 du/ac. As ou know, LCPA #?-86 deleted a ! 1 affordable housing provlstons from the Carls t ad LCP, Including those provisions assoclated with affordable indicated your wlll T ngneos to proceed In thlc manner. s conformitv wrt US@ ~l Chapter 2) ,70 of the GI ty's MunlcIpal Code are proposed. Upon rwlew of th P 6 CFI JOFISTFIL COMMISSION TEI-619-521-9672 .. . FIpr 25,95 12:23 No.003 P.02 DeCerbolNeu Aprll 25, 1995 Page 2 chapter and the presently certlfled LCP. Chapter 21.70 is not part of what constltutes the certified zoning code (1.e. many of the chapter's ordinances were approved after Coastal Commisslon certlflcatlon). Thus, ne should be reviewing the whole chapter Itself rather than just the proposed revisions, Given our concerns, you Indi cated your ni 11 I ngness to wl thdran the, amendment provided the amendment would not have to be renotlced through the sin week publlc avallability provirions of the Coastal Act. Given that the amendment was lnl tlally noticed subject to those public notlclng provlslons and the tent of' the entire chapter was avallable to the publlc at that tlme, we can support your request. As 6111 Ponder discussed with you, given the circumstances and the fact that we will not prepare staff reports at this tlme, the resubmittal would not be considered as a new amendment to be counted against the 1 lmi t of three maSor amendments identified In the Coastal Act, However, to assure this approach, ne must have your wlthdranal by tomorrow (Aprll 26, 1995) at 5:OO p.m. Otherwlse, we are compelled by our statutory limlts to process the ordlnance amendments and prepare the denlal recommendatlon, I appreciate your cooperation on thls matter and believe this action will result In a better decislon. Please don't hesitate to call B-~onder. or me It' you have any questions e Deborah N, lee Assistant Dlstrlct DIrector DNL:BP:bp(0218A) cc: Chuck Dam