HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 369; PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK; Engineering Application• ·CITY OF CARLSBAD A PPL' CAT' ON FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARC ELMA P .. FOR' A M'I NOR SUB' 0 I V IS' ON OF LAND-( INTO 4 OR .LESS PARC ELS ) AS PROVIDED .FORI N CHAPTER 20.24 OF 'THE \ , ,CARLSBAD MUN I C IPAL .CODE F I LING, FEE: $ 17"5. 06 '. , ',' FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. 02:70 7 . ·M I N08· S'UBD I V',,I:~', ON' NO.' MS 36 ~ {for-"office use} ACCOUNT NO. 1-22 . DATE 10-11-17' to THE CITY ENG!N~ER OF THE C~TY OF CARLSBAD: I. Request is hereby ma~e for apptoval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subd i vis i on No. --..,.--'---~ cons i s t i ng bf .3:8.058 g ros s ~cres, having 2 lots, being a 'proposed ~ubdivision of land for property described as. : (Exact L~9al Description) LQt 12, Carlsbad Tract 73-49, Map No. 8054, City o~ Carlsbad. . . " . I ... gene r a 11 y . 1 ocat e don the -rs-:-;O_U_t-:-h;--~ _____ :--;----,=---:---;-;--~ _____ --,-_____ .,.-__ ...-...,..- (North, South, East, West) . side of Camino Vida Roble .( Name of St reet) and E1 Camino R~al between Yarrow Drive .( Name of Street) (Name of Street) ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 231-050-12 Book Page Parcel T YP E 0 F ~ U B 0 I V I S ION _..,..-;::-I...;.,;:rl-,d;-.u.'rs t_r~;:I..",;-· a_1-;---:::;--'--''_----;-"'"""'-.-_:---;---:--'.....-..,..". __ ____ ( Res ide n ti a 1, C omm e r cia], I n d u s t ria '1 )" Are the existing' or proposed parcels or lots in this minor sub-divi5ion subject to other discretionary approval (for, example, ·a v~riance or con- ditional use permit)? Yes ______ .... . No· ~ ~R~~T ZONE _____ e ___ ___ ( I " We) t'h~ unders.i gned. state that the . (I am; 'We are)' .. . .' of the property descr~bed herein and hereby --'(-:::O~w-n-e-r-,---;:;O--vJ-n-"e-r-s~)-' -r'{"7"A-u"':-t·h-o-r .... j zed Age nt.) .' . give authorization to. the fi ling of this proposed tract (My, Ou r) map.. aware of and have ha.d· a.n opportun.ity to read ( I am,We are) .. Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the Carlsbad MunicJpal C.ode .. -. Name ·--~(~T~y-p-e-d.-o-r~P'r~i~n~t~e-d·.-a~s--s~.h~o-w--n~o-n~R-e-c-o-r~d~e-d~D~e-e-d~)r-------~--------~-- Signatu1e_· ____________ ~----------~----------~------~----------~--__ -- Name and Address of Subdivider: . Palomar Airport Business Park, 6231 Yarrow Dr., CArlsbad, CA 92008 Name, ~ddress and phone number of Engineer orL1censed· Land Surveyor: No. Municipal Engineers, Inc., 615 Ash St.,·Suite 202~ SAn Diego, CA 92101· Telephone: 239~8171 (R.C.E. 1534) .' ..-t. . PARCEL,MAP CHECK ~IST Hinor Subdivision No. S~ '2 Property Owner (s)i/:;{ ·jJl:"'·~·~.s. ~ -Date Recei.ved 10 ... 3/-7'7 ~z::.~1' yQ:).I-""~-u /)~ No. of Lots __ ~ Address Phone .4?~'-Z>~ Final Hap $ __ .. ______ Date' Pd. . Rec. # . . _--' ---. Phone J'ype of Minor subdivision and Requirements Variance Reg'd. St. Ded. Regld. Fut. st. Agr~ --------- Date be:tore :P.C. _-:--'--on map -----~ Date of C.C. Appr. Other Req.s Separa-te Doc. ____ R~c. Date & # _____ _ Rec. Date & # ---------------.-----~--. '-- Te·pt. Map 1st check In Out Improvement Plans Final Map 1st: check In Out -'-.--. Dwg. # ----p:to:i • # 2nd -check In Out 1st check In Out ---.- 3rd check In Out 2nd check In Out ---- Pi,.cked up by Ti·tle Co. ---:-------3rd check In Out Recorded Signed by City Engineer Bynds City Deposjts Req'd. .----~----------------~~~ $ IInpr. Agr. $ 1. Plan check (imp. plans) -'---' •. _-- Faithful Perf. ~ Me. terials & Labtl:r $ BC?nding Co. Address Hplding Account Number Date paid Rec~7:dp:t No. 2. Plan check· final map 3. Parks-:-ih-lieu fee $ 4.' Sewer cost· $ .-$ 5. Water cost $ $ 6. Street trees deposit $ 7~ Monumentation deposit $ 8 •. Inspection fee $ 9 .•. Str'eet light deposi-t $ Street light energy fee $ . 10. Duplicate tracing deposi t$ TOTAl •. DEPOSITS· $ .-----'----. ~;-- _._--- .. -.1 , . I I I , 1 j I . j i 1 I - ·PARCEl ~AP tUARA~TEE (\ ~S Te ITE~S WHICH CAN RIPEN I~ic A F~E. FEE: $ 1 C C • C·O· NlJ.: l030533""A TR~CT· NO.: PARCEL MAP' TITLE INSUAA~CE A~O TRUST COMPANY A-CORPORATION G U A RAN T EE S· HI·E COUt\TY CF SMI DIEGO ;oND lINY ('ITY WIll-IN WHICH SAID ~LJBDPvISIO.N lS LOCATED IN A SU~ NOT EXCEEbr~G Sl,OOO.On_ - THAT, ACCCRDING'TO T~CSE PUElIC RECORDS WfICH, UNDER ThE 'RECORDING lAKS. IMPART CO~S;RUC.Tr\jE NOTICE (f r-ATIE~S .AFFECTli\G THE, TITLE· TO TH'E LAND HEREINAFTER OESCR[SED, THE ONl't PARTIES HAViNG ANY RECCRD TITLE INTEREST If\: SAle lAND ~.·;OSE' SIGNATURES ARE NECESSARY, U~'CER T'HE REQUIREfwlEt\TS O'F.IHE SUBDIVISICN MAP ACT, ON THE CERTIfICATES .. CONSENTING TO TfE RECORDATICN CF iH~ ~UeCIVISION MAP OF S.ID LANt ·ANfi CFFERING FOR OEUI'CATfON ANY STREETS, ROACS, 'AVENUES AND eTHER .. EASEMENTS CFFEREe FOR OfOICATI0~ ~y SAID SU8DIVISI0~ ~AP ARE: 1. PALOMAR AfRPCRT BUSINESS PARK. A PART~ERSHIP, OWNER. THE TRACT HERE1N.EEFORE REFERRED TC IS A SL80[VISION Of' lA~DS OESCRtHED AS: Lor 12 CF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 13"':'4<7 le.c. E F PALOMAR AIRPORt BUSINESS PA~Ml Ut\IT NO.1, IN THE CIT~ OF CARLSB~C, I~ THE COU~TY OF S~N DltGC. STATE OF tAlIFOR~IA. ACCOBDI~G TC~AP r~EREOF NO. 8054 FILED 1~. THE OFF[CE OF COUNTY RECCROER OF SAN DIEGG CGLNTV, DECE~BER 31, lq74. , . D.4TED-: ~1ARCH Ei, 197 8 A T 7: 30 A.. t.J .. T IT LEI N SU R A t\ C E ·A N 0 1 R U S l' COM P A~ Y ____ £.M'_d~~-: ---.:..-~ ASS I Sf ANT SECR.ET A RY . " lC3053'3-A F.AG E . 1 "