HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 373; LYMAN, JOHN; Engineering ApplicationjO-~ ~-. :, ~1 '\m_ j~'" "'~" '! ,. •• CITY OF CARLSBAD ':~,;;APPlICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIV.E PARCEL MAP '.,:fOR A MINOR SUB1DIViSIONOF LAND-(INTO It OR'LESS PARCELS) ~·-AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAP-rER 20.24 OF THE ----~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FILING FEE: $175.00 FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE .. MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. MS :.-ACCOUNi NO. 1-22 -----(for office use)-- DATE _~ _________________ :_. 70 THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CiTY OF CARLSBAD: Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative'Parcel Map of Minor Subdivihsio~ No. 4 1 consbis~in9 of lO'd~4-, .. 9frolssd f acres, aVlng _ ots, elng a propose subdivIsion 0 . aQ ", or ,proper~y described as '. (Exact Lega 1 Desc r i pt i?n) A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ~UARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ~ --------------------------~----------=---------~~~-----------­.... SECT.ION 28.'. TOWNSH~P 12' SOUT-H, RANGE 4 W~ST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY .OF,CARLSBAD, COUNTY· OF ~AN DIEGO, STATE OF.CALIFORNIA • . ' -~------~-------------------------~--------------------------- . ge ne ra 11 y 1 o~a t ed 0 rr the _. -r:.-:'.-;E;::A:.:.::S;;-:T~_ ~~~--;:=---7---;-;---:--r--------- .. B,A.TJ::QurTo~ L.A,NE (North,1 South, _E_ast, West) s ide, ofTNa~reA~Of~tL~:i-) , hetween ~'BAif~~~tT~ ~~Gfeo:t) and POINSETTIA LANE ' -(Name bf 'Street) ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 214-,17,0-17 , . ' -=B-o-o~k---P~a-~-·e-~--~P~a~'r~c-e~I------- TYPE OF SUBD I V IS' ON RESIDENTIAL , --(~R~e-s~i~d're-n-t~i-u~l-'J-'~C-o-m-m-c-r-c~ja~l-,~ln-d~u-s-t-'r~j~u~I~)--~~---- Are the existing or proposed parcels or lbts in this minor subdivision subject to other discretionary approval (for example~ a ~ariuncQ or con· dltlonnl use pennit)? , Yes_ No, x' . ' . • . • . - , . . :.t-.~ ~ ).. \.~ ... ..I''';'''''--. '''; • ';'PRESENT ZONE __ L_o_C_o __ -:--__ _ . . 'j • r the ~nder's i gned state t~at -(I $ We) 'owner of the property described .. {Owner, Owners J. (Author ized Agent) " am ,-the (T am, We are) herein and hereby ":'give My , authoriz9 ti'on to the'.fi l'ing of this prop'osed tract , ' : (My,Our) '""map., I am aware of and have had an opportunity to read ~'{~I--a-m-,~W~e--a-r-e~)--~ 7ttle 20 (Subdivis~on OrdinanG~)'of the Carlsbad'Municip~l Code. on Recorded Deed .. ~ame __ '~~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~~~~ ____ ~~~ __ ~~~ __ ~ ____ ~ ________ ~~ __ __ shown tin, Recorded Deed . -Name' (Typed or Printed as shown On Recorded Deed) Signature '.Name' (Typed or Printed as shown on Recqrded Deed) S i gnatu re 0 Name and Address of Subdivfder: ,oJ John C. Lyman 7400 Lagoon Lane, Carlsbad, cal.i:f;ornia 920.08' Name" address and phone number. of Engineer or LicensE!d Land Surveyor: No." LoSo 3189 Rjck Engineering Coropanu, Robert C~ Ladwig V~ce ~resident 3088 pio Pico Boulevard, Carlsbad( California 92008 " . , " ' ~I I , .. , : ' . • " '-- -' ~. PARCEL MAP CHECK LIST J1.1inor Subdivision No. Property Owner (s) 'j64~' C':.._LyU'l~ -Date Rec'eived 1/!'""Z'Z-77 74t:?o c::~~~ c:.Q~~4~~~~~ --- No. of Lots 4-~------------~--Address --------.---------------------~---- Filing F'ee Phone ~entative Map $ 1?~~Date Pd .. /(-22.-77 Rec.# -----'-----"-----......... "--:------tJi9?1: En~r .. ~~ ~ ---, -- Final Map $ Date Pd. Rec.# l\ddr • ''1~ f,'e; R'ct:J Type of Minor Subdivision and Requirement.s - Vari'ance Reg I d. Fut. St. Agr. Date before P.C. on map __ --'-___ Da:te of "C ':-~.~ Appr ~ •• w -, Other Reg.s Separate Doc. ,Rec. Date & # Rec. Dat.e & # --~---------.------ Ten-t. Map 1st check In Out Improvement Plans Final Map 1st" check Xn 011t ___ _ Dwg.# Proj '. # 2nd check In Ou-t 1st check In Out -~----- 3rd check In Picked up by Title Co. Recorded Bonds Impr. llgr. $ Faithful Perf. $ Materials & Labor $ Bonding Co. Address Holding Account Number Date paid ------------------ Receipt No. -' -~, . ---. . . ---.- Out 2nd check In Oht 3rd check In Out Signed by City Engineer City Deposits Reg'd. 1. Plan check (imp. plans) $ 2. Plan check final map $ 3. Parks-.-in-lieu. fee $ 4. Se'\ver cost $ ,-$ 5. Water cost $ $ 6. Street trees deposit $ 7. Monumentat'ion -deposit. $ 8 .. Inspection fee $ 9. Street light deposit $ Street light energy fee $ 10. Duplicate tracingdeposit$ TOTAL DEPOSITS $ " ,