HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 514; LUNDEEN; Minor Subdivision (MS).-C ITY OF CArZLSL~r\D e APPLICATION FOR APrROVAL OF A lTN"TATIVE PAf(CEL MAP c.f!~-'\-.l1l~9R· SUB 10 I V I S I O~J OF LA NO -( I ~JTO 1~~J::.f-S S pJ\Re EL S ) AS PROVIDED FDR IN CHAPTER 20.~1+ OF THE . C A In 5 B II. f) tJ\ UN I C I P 1\ Leo 0 E FILING ·F I L I h!G FCE: $ 300.00 rl,] FEE fU.CE"1 rT 'NO .---Jli]1...[ .. .. .. . d~~rv MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. MS I" ~ (for off i c:e usc r---.- TO HIE CITY' ENG I NEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: DATE 12-22-80 I. Request is hereby made for approva) of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision No. ____ -:-consisting of 1.17 ~ross (Jcres, havin.g 3 1ots, being a proposed subdivision of lonel for . property descr i bed Cl5 (Exact Legal Description) Lot 7 in Block "E" of Bellavista in the City of Carlsbad, .coun~of __ ., . S~n Diego, State of California, according· to 'the Map No. 2152, filed in th~ office of the County Recorder of San D' lego Coun~ ____ ... 3-7-1929. --.~---------------,--_._-----_._------_._ .. _- gener~11y loc~ted on the East ( Nor t h , . Sou l h, ELl S t, vJc s t ) betv.Jeen Hoover Street ------_._--_._.-- ----_ •.. _---_. side o~ Highland Drivy (NCJllle of St rect Adams Street { Name or st ree-t""')---"-' -- and -TN;ll1le of Streot) I\SSLSS()I{S PI\I\CCL NO. 206-192-18 (\ook hl~j(~--j'7! rcc 1--. --- Type or SUnOIVISION Residential . -(f(C~; IC'/Cllt i ;i-I-, --CZ;Il·IIIl-c-rc:.....· "-j iJ~l -, II'ldu ~j t r i <1 I ) ---.. ------. Arc the o(istin9 or r>ropo~;('cI pOI-cels or lots in thi~; minor suhdivj~)i()ll !='uh,icct La other discrction,:lry llr)pr~wcJl (for example, a'variilllCc or COli- c! i t ion;) 1 usc penni t:) 'f Yes _ x No ____ _ Variance -,,-~ -.-~. -;:-<-- " ..... e' • PRESENT ZONE R~1-15,000 I the undersigned state.that· I am (I am, \war-c-r the , owner of the property de~cribed herein and hereby lOw n e r, Ow n e r s) ( Aut h 0 r i zed Age n t) . . give my authorization to the fi 1 ing of th.is proposecl"~:C1ct : -l/-1y'-, -O=·u-r-)r---- map. I am aware of and have had an opportunity to reCJd ~(~I--a-m-,~W~e--a--r-e~)----- Title 20 (Subdivision.Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Name . Ellen M. Lundeen . (TY.92d. 0h_~I-! nted as shown on Reconled S I gnc:Jtu re 1/) . .J..)~,,0W :lA-A., ~ .AJ\,A..J 9..0AA) Deed) Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature Name ( Type d or Printed as shown on Hecorded Deed) Signature ,. Name (Type? or PI-i nted as s hO\r.Jll on Recorded Deed) S i gnatu re l-!c:Jme and Address of S u'bd i v j' d e r : 'Ellen M. Lundeen , . 4334 'Highland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Name, address and phone number of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: N RCE 13817 o. BRIAN SMITH ENG!NEERS, INC. 2656 State Street, Carlsbad, CA' 92008 Phone: 729-8981 r. 'If _;; ~ . . -'CAL,'i=O:R N', A "W&LD , . -'- .,-..t~ .. ,: _ d , ~304 CLAIREM'ONT.· (V1F;SA .S.OULEVI\RD -.sAN DIEG.Q. ,CA!-IFQRNI-A '92.i 11 Date R6NALD G.LNtIDEltN: '. lSGl CAWAIID AVE~ PLACENl'IA~CA", 9261G· DEmmER 11 1~8fAttentio:i1: Dated as of' ...... ~1Q~~~~~· .. ?~ .......... 19 .... ~9. at 7 :30 A.M. Your No. Our No. .. l.UNDEEN 42109-{l2 ,I ,i '.'. In response to the above. referenced appl~cation for it policy of title insurance, the 'jnsure~ hereby reports that it is pr~pared to issue, as of the date hereof, ~ Califorpia Land Title Association Standard Coverage Form Policy of Title Insurance describi~g the land and the estate or int(jrest ther(jinhereinafter set forth in Schedule A,,insuring agafnst loss which may he sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an ExceptIon in. Schedule B or not excluded from coverag~ pursuant to the p;rinted Schedu~es, Conditio~J.s and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplenientsor amendments thereto) is' issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the is.suance 'of a policy ·of title insurance and no liability is. assumed hereby. If 'it isd~sired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder' or Comniitmentshould be requel:1ted. I.A~")· '. ~ . . ' .. ; ......... ~~.l! ......................... .-. TITWE OFFIC~R . scotr KOBLER ../.1 ·~I ·1 1 , j I I ·1 ·e , , SCHEDULE A Theestl3.~~Qr inte!est in the l~uld described OF referr€q·to in thi,s seheduie covered by this :report is: .A, 1l'E~ Title to said estate or interest 'at l the date he~,eof is vested in': '. ~ER'rIt F ... 'LmlDEENAND. ELLEN M~, LUNDEE1..ll\. :TRUS1'EE UNDER, DECtA'RATICN OF 1'RUS:X ':qA'l'~;l}, }iOVWER 29" 1979~ " The land referre<;l to in tbis report is situated in the State of California, County of and is described as follbWS:' , LOX 'SMN .(7) m 'BLOCK nEn, Oll B¢:tA..Vt-Sl'A :n~, THE GITY' OF. CARLSnAli!t-(;BUl:!T¥ ' ,,op sAli nI~{{()'~':Sl'ATE OF CALnrQRt;."IA".. ACCORDING' "£0' TIt'll: '}JAP or 00" 21:$-2" FILED It~ 1NE"QFlr+CE ,OF mE ::COOOIY RECO:RIJER :OF SAN DIEGO. COUN:O: MA1?CH i;: . _ ],929 .. , ' . -, eLlA PreliIIlinary Report Form " SCHEDULE B , " At the date hereof Exception,s to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and, exclusions c~n~a~ned in sai¢l policy form would be as follows: ' -, ' , 1. G~NERA1. ANn SPECIAl. COUNTY ANn CITY TAXES FOR tHE fiSCAL "YEAR ! 'l'9So-t981 ' , INct®:mG, 1?ERsmr~t ;tI~PER'fi T.AX,. I.1!"' ANY ~ . ' FIRST JJlS'1!ALI.MENT ,t OPE:N " SEOONB INS'J,'~1MENT :,. 01?E!1f "TAX FIG'f1R:ES,FOR:. _ ! G$DEA~ t PARCEL 'NO .. , 7 :LAND ;' 'iMPReW:MENTS' , 1 PERsor~ ~ EXEtmlOn _ :: ANY-O'TIlER .EXEMPTIONS~ ;: F!RSr,INSTALtNIDrr' ~ SECQW INSTAtYfENX, ~ 198U-1981 09000 -2{}6-'l~2-1S $7,959JlO $4,~ 9$7,~a-O -~~(}nE $1~i50&{)t): 'NQNE $251" 94G~EN -:$253. 9li {)PEN Z:o: _ Al}l 'EASEMENT Al'FECTING $HE POR'rI{)N OF SAlD LANli ,AliID FOR THE' PfJRP0S~S. STATlSf) lIEPJ1'.l:N, AND mCI1)BNTAL PURPOSES /- IN 'FAVOR i;}11 ' ' . ~ THE SAN DIEG(t, GAS &' 'ELE.CTRiC CQMP'ANY" ~(iOR.POltAT:t{JN FOR " ,~ THE 'mAt-l$MI13SIO:N AND JiISTR,IJruT+{)N 'OF EfiE:C'fR1.Cn.'Y :.~ .. RECOIU)JID ' ,: 'MAY l&'} 1.'9l.S IN Book IB68~ PAoi",4G10F OFFICJ.A1;. RECORDS AFFRC1:S t" AS FGl .. LOW'S: " . RE(}INlIIING AT A PO'IllT ON WE'vlESTBltL-Y'ttm;"QF SAID tOT SEVEN(1)~, DIStANT TREROON FORTI-NINE .wn fOURtEEN HUNDREDTHS (49.14) FEET troRTllBRL.Y. FROM Tali: *, SQUTRNEst ,.comnnt THEREOF'; THENCE F.RGri SAtB J?QI-NT OF ,BiG!Nm~,G NORTH SEVEN.TY .... 'lHRKE (13) Dn:Gli15ES' TWBN1Y -'ONE (2..1) mmn'ES -EAST'" 'ONE au:t;nmED TlURtt .... mnt- AND fro TENxRS (l31"dJ) FEET;. ' ,3 : ' AN EASEMENT AFFECTING TaE Pnltl'rOl:l' OF SAW' UtID ANn li'@R- -'Tmr :elhtroSE$ STATED 'llEREIff." .AN}) I'NGlnmAL PURPOSES ' 1M 1"AVOR OF -: 'S/itJ 'llt:ooO -GAS .& 'ELECTRIC GOMPA~"Y lfOR nm 'I.'RANS}llSS100 AND l1IS'l'RP3lJTI0'N OF ·1mE'CTIlICITY ltEOOImED .:' JAWUARY 14 ... , 1~41 IN -roOK 2;ll-6~ PAGE 406, -OF emerAL'RE;CGRDS -AF:F.:ECTS'· -' ~' AS WLLOWS! ' , 'BEGUINING AT A roINT WICH ,BEARS NORTH 16'(>39:f WEST:. 49",11~ FE~T;, THENCn " NGRT.R T3:~l't WEST:; 13LO FEET' 'F1ID!iI 'l1tE SOIJTRWEST, {!(fRNER ,OJ! SAIl} LOT 1; , 'i'RmlCl1: FR0M 'SAU}' POINT ()F BEGl~ING: COh"TI'NUING 'NOR'flf 7::3'°21" $ST 1'0 THE' , 'EA$TEm.-Y 'I.INE OF 'SAID 'LOT 7 ~ , , -/- " CL T A Preliminary Report Form '" , " '!~ :-:;;: D ~/ [) I\JI °1 'r)- J ' .. '" ,.) t-..) :; r::J -= j'71 ) I- I ~;:.. ,< -..... ;:U'l -i , :> ., ) I -, j\J :0 j;o CD I ~ I V1 ) , rrI 1 : ." • '.0) '. :'. \ .",' '\~ ': . '. .® ) / "<./ co . ".@. POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL (5) ••• \ .... ,.-~---. \ \ , . \ \ "'\. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE • CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 729.1181 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS A/c. NO. DESCRIPTION \ !:.. .. ' ~'i r.' ,. ...,. /. I ~/! /7 /;Y. ~ /}/ / L,.;1Y/l //: I "t-.. !".: :' " ,:..' .," --' I TOTAL • AMOUNT "11l1(~·~~~?~;\ •• ~ rC;-,. " , . ,."~"" ';',';' ,.", . ~:~.' " ., . . .... ~, . . ;~~::.~: ~:' ' ... : . ; .. ..,~ .... - f----------+------~:::::::...:::::.:.:::::!:::::;::::....---~--··-----f._.----_B_---I:. A;.~~f.~~<· . ""-:;.... #. -----------t---,-----.-------------~--_:-__II_-..,..--_;---~t;' :;~It~~~~-<\,. , r·, ~~~,::!;: .. : ,'~ ... :~:. -----------t----------------------------li------S---4 .~g;./.,'/; .. ::~.~}~;?-... , :-';, TOTAL .. ' ... ' ~~ --~ ..... -"'--' ---------------- .', .-:<.;' r; . . : ,,~:':"i~i~~~;),~;5:; .~ ">¥; .. ! • -~---~-----. .,.-.--~--'.--'~.' ------.---~.--" ADDRESS CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE Ii!) CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 729-1181 DATE i 1 1 ! 1 j 1 j 1 ! ~ . A/C. NO. DESCRIPTiON AMOUNT . , '-.k A ., ! "--"} _ !. \ . " '-7~' I --i __ .. ,/.. j .... / .:-~. I I ./ .-' • ----' -----1 , J 1 j I i i 1 1 ! l ! i , , 1 .) ----------~------------------------------------+-------~----j ~ -." ::;') , . " .. ~ ~ TOTAL /e .... j I ~.' '.../ ,.-..... ; -. . , ,I ~ ). e , . l\GHEEt11\JJ'[' J1E'nmr:N DEVELOPER-O\VNER l\NJ) 'hm C) 'l'Y OF Ci\lUJ;,nl\J) fOR 'rHE pl\y)·mNT OF 1\ PUBLIC FJ\CIJ,J'J'Il~S FEO 'l'Jl1~; J\GREm1EN'r is cntcn~d into this 22 dny or December ---------.-"~,--------------. 19 __ 8_0_, by anc1 bc1:wccn _E_l_l_e_n_M_..o_'_L_u_n_d-.e_e_n _________ ._ n ' ............ 1 __ (n li'iii0"()" C"u (! ve J ope r -uWll er) t) • d an individual ,hereinafter ref~rr~d f~ ~8 (Con lO),<1tio~ f par l.ner;;hip, etc:) I "Deve16per", whose address is 4334 Highland Drive .. III (street) Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~"'T-:"--.-,----.,-----.".,--.------------' and TIm CIT,Y OF lCity, state, zip coue) Cl\RLSnl\D, a municip~l corporntion of thQ ~tate of California, " . hcireinnfLcr referred to as "City", whose ,addres8 is 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Cnlifornin, ·920080 WIT N E S S E'T H: WIlER1:::l\S, Developer in the owner of the real property describec.1 , on Exhibit "Ali, C\ttach0.c1 hereto and mnde a part of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and l1JJEREl\S, the Property lies \oli thin U1e boundaries of Ci ty; and , . WIlEJmJ\S t Developer propor.cs a dc!vclopillent project tw [01] ow!';: Developer proposes to split an existing lot into 3 parcels, #. t t • creating 2 additional single family siteso ... r I dk , t ) ·e on ~:;() icl Pl.-operty, ,,,hj ch cleveloprncnt carrie!)· the proposed name of Tentative Parcel Map and 15 hereafter referred to an "DBvclopment"; and December WlIE)'ZEM:; I Developer filed on the 23 dny of ------------~~------- 19 80 , with tho City n rcquc~t for Variance, ErA and Tentative Parcel Map approval. (.herc'inaftcr referred to uS ":Request "; und WrmnBl\S, the Public Facili ties Elo1l1ent d£ the City General Plnn reguire~ that the city Council find that all public ,facilities necessary to serve a development will be ~vailable . . . concurrent· with need or such development ~h~ll not be approved . (Baid clement is on file \~rj_ th th'e City Clerk and is incorporl1tec1 by this reference; and \VIJEHEl\S, Developer and Ci ty recognize the correctnOGS of . Council Policy No. 17, attnchcd to and mad~ a part of this agreement, and that tho City'~ public focilitics and services are at capncity and will not be Bvnilablc to accommodate the additj.onol nced for'public facilities and,services te~ulting from fhe P]~opor.;cd Dcvclopm0.nt; and \'illmnEl\S, Deve:) opel:' hL!r: i1nkNl t.he Ci ty to find that publ ic f~lC.i.l.i LicD nno ;.cl"vicc!1 wi) J. b0 (lvn:i.] ah] (' to meet tho f:ut\l)"~ needs of the Development (1!:; it: is presently propor:edl but the Develop0.r ir; (1\'v'c::re th;\t th.:'!-City cnnnot and 'vill not be able to mnLr. (IllY Due)) rj.ncl:i.J"l0 \Vi thont fil'l.'l1cinl (lsGl.stancc to 1"<11' for mlc.:h '!;el"vJce~~ <\lid filCiLl tic~;: nnc1, U1C:Tcfor0, Devoloper p'-OpO;'C;' '. ·e' to help satisfy the General Plnn as implemented by eriune!l Policy No. 17 by p~yment of n public fncilitiqn f~o. NOW, ,]~l1EnEFORE, in consideration of the r~citn1s and tho COV011unts contained herein, the partien tigree os follbws: 1.' The'Developer shnll pny to the City a public 'focilities fcc in an amount not to ~xcced 2t of the building permit valuation " of the buildings or structures to be constructed in the Development pun-mont to the Request. Tho fee shnll be pnid prior to the , irHHHlhCE.! of building or other oonstruction permits for the develop- ment Bnd shall be based on tho valuntion at that tim~. This' fce sholl be in addition to ariy'fees, dodications or improvem~nts , , ,required pursuant to Tities 10, 20 or 21 of the Cnrleba~ Municipal Code. A credit toward ~uch fG~ shall be ~iyen for l~nd ~hich hns boc;!'} cloclicntec1 for prl)~k purp'osc~ or for any f~es paid in lieu t.hcn:-of pur'r:lUl1nt to Chapter 20.11 4 of tho Carlsbad ~luniciphl code. Developer shall pay a fca for conversion of e~iBtinq buildingn or , otru~turo~ into condominiums in an amount not.to exc~sd 2% of the b\tllr1ing pormit vnlunt.:l.on at the time of oonvC!rsion. Tho fee for n conclominium cOl1vcrrdon shnl1 b~ p!!liCl' prior to the 1~rJ\lancc of a condomihium convernion permit n9 provided'in Chapter 21.~7 of the Carl~'biJ.cJ Hunicipnl Code. Condominium r;hail include oommunity npnrtment or stock cooperative. The terms "other construction permits", ,"other c.oll!:itruction permit" und "entitlement for. U!:iC" as used in thin agreement, exccpt in reference to mobilchome ej ten or P)~ojccts I Chilll not refer fo <)rnding parmi ts or other penni ts for the C0l1f;tn1cl,;,on of \llldc17<)round or stn!ct improv(~mcnt!:'l unlesc no OthC17 penni t in net:c;;~jllry prior to the, n!Jc or occ\lp~ncy for ",hich . ' 3. e. !,; ,e ; "I~!(; ~ '. 'I~-i " ;< , • '1,' . (,l;:O' , .;",: , ", . the (1cvclopmC!nt is intancjNl. £acil.1.tlc~ 1t3~ in the sum bf ~v . '.If.~ -:,' •. "", q; ..... DC!v(\)lOper ShAll ~b.y to dt'~i a pUblic $1 t 1~'8' f~t en~h 1ndbil.aHt'jtrt~ ~ ~\j~cc t:o be oonntructed pursuant to the Reque.~. ~ha feG ~hnll b~ ~id prior to the issuance of builaing or othd~ construdt16n pdtMit~ fo~ the - development. This fee shall be in, 'hddition to any .fe~flt t5t:!dicatiorI!" . or improvemonts required accoroln9 to Titles 19, 20 o~ ~1 of the Carlsbnc1 Municipal Code. A credit to''1ard: 8ueh:~i-tee Sh~l): b~ given for land ,,'hiCh has been dedicated tor park putpOs~e 'ot iot any fees • ~ I ... ~) • paid in lieu thereof' purmuant to ehlpter 20.44""6'£ th<! 'CI1!rlsbad for .~~~ t" :'~. . \l~' '.I ,'. '" " • , } oJ " a "~1te ot '~ites Municipal Code. 2. \ The Developer may off~t' to donate .. : .... . I , , 'public faeili ties in lieu of all 'or part of. 'th'. finnndiAl ~bligation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 abov~~: I If oev~l~per."Offer~, io :,' ': ;.It.. • ~ ·ri.. • '.:'" ), ~~I donate a site or 'si tee tor publio facili tiee, thlli City" Mhall 'consider, but is not ,obli~nted t~':;~ocePt tha ,:61fer. iK~' time for . i '\ ~. .' I. ~ •• ,donation and amount of etac1i t I1q~~riilt the' f<!e':'8hh11 blj'i,'~~t~rminec1 ': by C3. ty pri6t to the is'9uartoa ot~~~ builditl~~!4~~ otH''1'~: p~tmi ts. . ',"',J . 'i.' 1'.,.(.: Such deterMina.tion, when made, 8Yt~il become 'a"'~'~ttrt of thi~ ngree- 'l'l matnt. Sites donntod und~r 1:hilll '~':f'a~rltl'h .h'f~' ~e~ U,'~hude improvements roquircd pU~~titmt td rrit:l~s 10 .~.""Q tJf t~il ~~~l'i:}li~"~U'~H¢iplll , .. "\Ii~' }""~;l+' "llIliJbi!t~: ' e .... ·>1 .I,s . . ,;-!k~~;. .'~ '\ ~, \.~ ,iSI!, : vuP.. ":'j' , .,'!I'Ij' ... ' • . If'''' • ,1'<:. y~:: , 3. This l'lgrct1m(!-rtt and tl;<t' tt10 pnid\.,utnunnt }~(!t6ta arc requircd to enc\\rc"tho ~onOif.ltol~d~ 'of the!' ncv~lopm~ht With tho , ci ty' s Gcnornl Plan. I r tho fO<1 19 hot poid n~ l'rdvitl'~h horcin ~ , the City will not havo tho funtl!l t6 t,')rovi{lo public r~b'ii,i tic!) l1nc1 '. ncrv1.,con, and thc l)cvoJ..opmcnt ~i1i not be c6rf'cf.1.rlt011t Wit'h the Gonond. rli.ll1 :111<1 nny nln")t.'ovnl or.',':1'6rn·;{ t' r~~':~l~~, pov~lt))~thbni! r.:linJ.l J' " 4. t, I ~:,~t1. 'r \ \ . ' be void. No buildi.ng or othol:' con.cJtruction permit or. enti tlemcn t for usc ~;holl be i!:)sucd unt:ll the. public fncili tien fcc requirccl hy thi!:) agrocment is paid. Ii. Ci ty fl~1rcc~s to c1 cpo rLi. t the fees pa:i.d pur.suant' to lh i s agreement in a public facilities. fund for the financing of pul)lic . fncilitics when the City Conncil dctennincn the need exists to provide the facilities and sufficient funds [rom the pnymcnt of this ~nd similar public facili~ias fees are available. 5. City agrees to provide upon request reasonable assu]"(]nces . . to enable Dev~lopcr to domply .,.,1 th any requirements of other ptlblic agencies as evidence of adoquate public facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the' Development herein . described. 6 .• All obligations hereunder shall 'terminAte in the event the Requosts made by beveloper ri~e not approved. ,7. hny notice fr.om one pnrty to the other shall be in ,,,ri ting ( Dnd shnll be dated .and signed by the party giving such n'oLl.co 'or by' a duly author.i.7.cc1 rcprc!Jentwt.i.vo of ouch pnrty. 7\ny ouch notJ.co 811n11 not b~ affeotive for Flny purpo!.;q whatnocver unlcoH serVed in 0110 of the fol10\.,i219 m;mncru ~ 1.1 If notice is given to the city by pernonal del.ivory . i:horoof to t.he ci l~(. or by elopo!):\. t:i.hg Dnme' :1.11 the tJl1i ted Sta te~l Mn:t 1. t udclrc!Jned to the City nt the oc1tll:'cr;s set forth herein, Cl1clo~](~c1 in n scaled envelo11o, tlc1(ll~cnsed to the ci ty fot n t tell tion ot t:hD C:i. ty NnnaCjcr t pootW',c J?l:r.pn.i.r.l .:tnd ce)~tiricc1. 7.2 If notice .i.n qive!) to J)oVt~lopcr by pcn~onnl·clt;l.i.v(~ry then:n[ to n(,!VC10p(!1~ or by (lcpooit:inlJ tho E1n1110 in tho UI1.l.t:cc.1 ntil1.C."j 5. \. Nnil, cnc1ocod in a scn1ed envelope, addrcsccd to Developer nt the uddroos DS may hnvc hocn designated, pootnge pr~pdid and certified. 8. ~his agreement shall be binding u~on and shall inure to the bonefi t of, nnd r;hal1 l-lpply to, : the respect! va succ'C::!ssorn nnel 6RAignn of Developer and the CitYI nnd refcrenees to beveloper . or City hercd.n 13hn11 be deemed to b~ t"eforcmce to and indludc thci:c rcopccLl.v8 SUCC(!DnOrS Sonc1 llnni9ng wi thoui: specific mention of S\1ch OUccD~Dors and assigns. If Develop~r should ~e~s~ to have any in~crcst in the Prophrty, all obligations of Daveloper h~rcundcr . . Rhall' t:ormintlte: provid~d, h0\10ver t that Clny tguccessor of Devc}oper I:; j,n'l:cront In the Property shall have first as~;umed in writlng the .' nevclopcr's obligations hereunder • . 9. This ~grec~ent Rhall b~~cc6rded but shnl1 ~ot create El lien or security interest on the Property. When the obligation:: of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall record a relG{1sc. III III III • III .. , III 1/1 III .,. III .. III III .. G~ r _-: __ c=. =============.: ii STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ( of 'j , SS. I COUNTY OF S <>-r... D I G2 g () } II Ii 1 '1 . ! ,I IjI , I OFFICIAL SEAL MIll ...... NOTAIW IIWUC-CAIRIIM __ CIUIIY .. _. __ .... t.a ON De. Co e ~ b ~ y ,,, ;;, , 19~, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Statel: personally appeared £ Ilea h /'1 t... U h d e <2.. V'1. , , known to me, to be the person_ whose name_ I ", subscribed to the within Instrument, ··m(\·amtl;~ITf)wledged to me that 2he_ executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~ e.. ~ Notary Public in and for said State. ACKNOWLEDiiMENT-General-~lcottsFo;m 233-Rev. 3·64 A SUBSIDIARY OF A~E~;C:"N~A;'~N'ER~-;;;'~~':S';O~~~ ._-.-. ~~::---"'::"'":'--~------ -~----~ •• ~l , . .. .e IN NI'l'HESS "nlEr~EOF',. thi~ ugrecmcmt is cxccutcc1 in Sun Diego Coui'lty; Cali fornia as of the date 'first ,.,ri ttcn llbovc. DEVELOPEH-m'JNER: . .' Ellen M. Lundeen (HanK.:) ){ BY§J. O;Air1JL{.9wv~, Owner-Developer (Title) By __________________________ ___ . (~i tIe) . ., ., .' li'PTEST: J\PPROVr.D AS TO FOHM: Vi.TfcrrN"Fl:'. h'IoN'ho, JH.", City 1\ttOl~n<:Jy ." CITY OP'CnRLSBnD, n municip~l cdrpor~tion of the State of Coli [onli;t ny ______ ~ll~~~ __ --____ ------------ Cl.ty Muni19Cr " • )(N01-.(I)~:l.ul ocknowlcdqcmcl1t of cxcdution by DEVBLOPEn·-m-lWp.n InllSt DO <.lfD:1'Cficcr:l ---- 7. 01 'f • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot seven (7) in Block "E" of Bellavista in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Map of No. 2152, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County March 7, 1929. 12-22-80 J. N. 5168 gh BRIAN SMITH ENGINEERS, INC. • -----~-_ .. __ .... --~ ... -... --.... --.----~------~~ NO. : 42709-02 PARCEL MAP REFERENCE: TPM 1'514 PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LnfITS .OF LIABILITY, AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GUARANTEE, CALIFORNIA-WORLD TITLE COMPANY A CORPORATION, HEREIN CALLED "THE COMPANY". GUARANTEES (THE COUNTY SAN DIEGO WHICH THE LAND IS LOCATED), AND ANY CITY InTHIN HEREIN CALLED THE ASSURED, AGAINST LOSS NOT EXCEEDING $1,000, WHICH THE ASSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF ANY INCORRECTNESS IN THE ASSURANCE WHICH THE COMPANY HEREBY GIVES THAT, ACCORDING TO THE PUBLIC RECORDS ON THE DATE STATED BELOW, 1. THE TITLE TO THE HEREIN DESCRIBED ESTATE OR INTEREST WAS VESTED IN THE VESTEE NAMED, SUBJECT TO THE MATTERS SHOWN AS EXCEPTIONS HEREIN, WHICH EXCEPTIONS ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN IN THE ORDER OF THEIR PRIORITY; AND 2. HAD SAID PARCEL MAP BEEN RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID'COUNTY, SUCH MAP WOULD BE SUFFICIENT FOR USE AS A PRIMARY REFERENCE IN LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PARCELS WITHIN ITS BOUNDARIES. DATED: APRIL 15, 1981 AT 8:00 AM BY: ______________________ ___ CLTA Guarantee Form No. 23 PART 1 January 13, 1978 -JHE ESTATE OR INTERES"N THE UNO, HEREINAITER DESCRIID OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS GUARANTEE IS A FEE. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: ELLEN M. LUNDEEN, AS TRUSTEE OF THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF TRUST, DAT-ED NOVEMBER 29, 1979 AS TO AN UNPIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST AND RONALD G. LUNDEEN, A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST AS TENANTS IN COMMON TEE LAhTI) INCLUDED WITHIN THE BOUN"'DARIES OF THE PARCEL MAP HEREINBEFORE REFERRED TO IN THIS GUARANTEE IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT SEVEN (7) -IN BLOCK "E" OF BELLAVISTA IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF NO. 2152, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY MARCH 7, 1929. EXCEPTIONS: SEE ATTACHED CLTA GUARAf\'TEE FORM NO. 23 PART 2 JA~~ARY 13, 1978 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL COUNTY AND CITY TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1980-1981 INCLUDING PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX, IF ANY, FIRST INSTALLMENT OPEN SECOND INSTALLMENT OPEN 2. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF THE SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION FOR THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY RECORDED MAY 16, 1945 IN BOOK 1868, PAGE 407 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT SEVEN (7), DISTANT THEREON FORTY-NINE AND FOURTEEN HUNDREDTHS (49.14) FEET NORTHERLY FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING NORTH SEVENTY- THREE (73) DEGREES TWENTY-ONE (21) MINUTES EAST, ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE AND NO TENTHS (131.0) FEET. 3. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF FOR RECORDED AFFECTS STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY JANUARY 14, 1947 IN BOOK 2316, PAGE 406 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 16°39' WEST, 49.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 73°21' WEST, 131.0 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING CONTINUING NORTH 73°21' ~ TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7. PAST ~-~-._-....... ':~ --........ -~--------.-..,., -~-.:-~ --. ~.~ ........... ~-... -...... .,........._ .. ~------.-. -~ ~-.-.. ~-~ ... -------- ~:~ 5~ .., .... 0'" -,. ~~ ~~ 4.t .. ~ I .. ,. ':'C ;!',.. ..... tv ;" ~g ~ ... ~ ",,,, 3_ ~/ "'''' " .". '. :.: :. :.:.~ " .'1) .. " , "'," ", . ~ . ..... ',' ~ . ...... .~., ... ~. "':' -; i. .~._.:. ... ! -'] . , , I" '<~ .... -' 'f. I . ~,' -, . .,.. :": " . llllllllllill --I I I 'r! ! I :.I I ••• .. ~,.' ;\ • .:'>;<. • -• ,-".~. ~ : : ': ... .'... . , . - ., ',,' "", .~ ! '.< " .' ~ -~ ',' ·~:5i·: . -,~:.-! -..... '. "' r.;::l!:'"ll -.~' '<1111 ~ "'~ '" '0 '~I\.::>I N .... .... -• 'r\) I ~r;" l~l 1-. ~(of'l\l\)t'--t,::,,::::1 ""IP 1.-:::,_'1 t~~h~~~r.'r (; I ~ :'~.! . .,.. . ; • ' .• :' ," r- " . -........ .~'. ,~ , i ~" '-. 't" ... , " ' , -,.; -, '~" ':"~}:);::I \ ~'.~ . , ...... .. : .'.,;. "" ','-.. .. . ~ .. ...., . ,;', . _" ': -( .. ::7,::' ':'~i ., ..... :.r '. .. ' . ,. '~. ", r