HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 514; LUNDEEN; Minor Subdivision (MS) (2),. , J '. Receipt No. • APPLICA ION NO. VARIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD (Please Type or Print) Da te: 12-22-'80 1. REQUEST: Variance to create two additional lots of whiCh (brief1y explain and indicate section of Zone .one is a panhandle lot. Ordinance affected) 2. LOCATION: The subject property is generally located on the East si de of Highland Drive between Hoover Street ------ and Adams Street AS~ESSOR'S NUMBER: Book 206 Page 192 Parcel 18 ------------------ Book Page Parcel -----------------(If more, please list on bottom of this page). 4. OWNER(S): ~N~am~e~ __________ ~A~dd~r~e~s~s ________ ~C~l~t.~y ___ -__ ~Z~ip~ ____ ~Phone Ellen M. Lundeen, 4334 Highland Drive,Carlsbad,CA 92008 729-4107 5. PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARATION OF APPLICATION: ..:..;N..:..;a..:..;m....;:.e __ J_o_r..;..g_e_n_H_o_f_l_u_n_d __ --::.." ....;A..;...d.;.;..d_r..:..;e;;...s"-s"--___ --'-C_i _tY"--_____ Z_i ...... p ____ p h 0 n e Carlsbad,CA 92008 BRIAN SMITH ENGINEERS,INC. 2656 State. Street 729-8981 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6. APPL1CANT'S SIGNATURE: I hereby declare that all information contained within this application is true; and that all standard conditions, as indicatpd on the attachment have been read, understood and agreed to. ___ E_l_l_e_n_M_. _L_u_n_d_e_e_n ____ A_d_dr_e_s_s _____ C_i_t~.Y. ____ Z_-l ..... p ____ Phone 334 Highland Dr. Carlsbad,CA 92008 729-4107 Representing (Company or Corporation) Relationship to Property Owner{s) Owner The City of Carlsbad Planning Department would appreciate the opportunity to work with the applicant throughout the Planning Stages of the proposed development. In an effort to aid the applicant, the Planning Department requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate and discuss the application and plans prior to submittal. This request is not a requirement; however, it may avoid major redrafting or re- vision of the plan which only serves to le~gthcn the processing time. ATT~CHMENTS: rORM: Planning 5 6/11/79 Supplemental Information Form -Planning 23 Standard Conditions -Planning 27 Preparation Check List -Planning 32 Procedures -Planning 36 Date of Planning Commission Approval 1 ) 2) • SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM VARIANCE • Gross Acres (or square foot~ge, if less than acre) R-1-15000 1.17 acres ------- Zone ------------------------------------------------------------ 3) General Plan·Land Use Designation Residential -------------------------------Low-medium density 4) By law a Variance may be approved only if certain facts are found to·exist. Please read these requirements carefully and ex p 1 a i n how the pro p 0 sed pro.i e'c t me e t sea c h 0 f the s e fa c t s . Use additional sheets if necessary. a)' Explain why there are exceptional or extraordinary circum- stances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended use that do n~t apply qenerally to the other property or class of. use in the same vicinity and zone: ___________ _ The property is a large deep lot. In order to split the pr~perty and enjoy similar rights of otber properties, in the nelghborhood, a panhandle is required for one of the lots b) Explain why such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of ~ substantial property riqht possessed by other property 1n the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the prooerty in question: ______________________________________ __ A panhandle is the only logical way to gain access to the vacant rear portion of the lot. Other pan.band] e lot,s have been created in the surrounding area. c) Explain why the grantinq of such v~r;ance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located: ' ~--------------------------------------The granting of the variance will not affect the public welfare or be injurious to the property or improvements because there are other panhandle.lots .. in tbe area. d) Explain why· the qrantinQ of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan:~, ______________________ __ Panhandle lots such as the subject request, do not create circumstances that would have negative affects OD any element of the general plan. j t '~) ) '- Hjchard hi. Flelll:in~J N,·,,, Haskins Nu~~ent NcwnhllJTI 1(,:10C ~I")".'·. & Z vetin<l <.In :',. 7752 Fay Avenue .,,...516'001 FILE/PA'E '0. ----SOOK 1979 R(CORDED REOUEST OF ATTORNEY OEe In A 09 ~M '7Q OFFICIAL HECORlJ~ RECOROER ,$AN DIEGO COUNTY. CALIf $3.€ :''''', .La J'olla, California 92037. I Tax FarGel No: 206-192-18 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR .~ECORDER'S USE ---- N>M-:'!: MAIL TAX STA'TEr-.te;NT3 TO r .. ' , Mr. & Mrs. Bertil F. Lunde~d 4334 Highland Drive Ca.rlsbad, California 92008 DII( Illltt'lIl.lIY Ir,tn .• fl!" la\. s.~'~· 'M (!J,.~.E ....... . [ I C"Il'I':licd 1,1) fllJ! \,tllIl' flf I'rIJ!,1' I 1\' f'I>fI\f>,. .. d, llr [ I ('''~I''1i('d Oil filII \ .!I II t' II'~~ 11"11-S, I'rll IHl:~,rilr"'p- I t'[l), illl II!! Ihereon al~' .J/ 'L ... ~.l,"~.W~ __ ........................ >~6l' ~ .h:~~n.lttlrt~ of decJ:1I <.lilt OJ' :J;::::t'l1t dt"rerrninin:! tax hr~~'~~n~l Ctf" 0: SrATE I L .. [J Utl!Tll'orpnrated area 0 City of.. ............................. . _______ J Grant Deed t·l THIS FORM FURNISHED BY SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CO!'\SIDERATIO~, receipt of which j5 hereby acknowledged, Bert F. Lundeen and Ellen McNeill Lundeen, Husband and Wife hereby CHANT(S) to Berti.l F. Lundeen and Ellen M. I,undeen, Trustee Under Declara tiol1 of rl'rust Dated November 29, 1979 the follu\yjng dC5criberi reul property in the cpunty of San Diego , state of California: Lot Seven (7) in Block "E" of Bellavista in the County of San Diego, State of California, According to the Map of No. 2152, Filed in the Office of the County Recorder o.f San Diego County March 7, 1929. Commonly Known as 4334 Highland Drive,. Carlsbad, California 92008. (~~~~ G ~ ~ Ldvu-v- I~ .. lo,:~L vl{, ~ -LA ~~ \,(1.1 / .'J f'. C ......-i A .I Q --1 . t. r { ... ='/e..Y. )Q"J.J ~_ .. :,_,~ . ./v\. ~\.LLLl( i . ~ I .... ...... _ .. ~;_Y-\AA_\.~-_(,jL ~'--=--)---,')'--____ _ FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMF" ___ , known to m~ _.'-'-'" .... -----------------------j I f"t _-.J • --''.-".~. ' • SCHEDULE A The eslate oi-interest in the land described or rel'crrcd to in this schedule covered by this lcport is: A FEE Tille to said eslatc or interest at the date hereof is vEsted in: BERTIL F. LUrDEEN AND ELLEN N. L\JNDEEU., TRUSTEE cr-lDER DECLAH.ATION OF TW]Sl' DATED NOVE1::DER 29, 1979 ~ The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California, County of and is described as follows: SAN DIECO LOT tmVEN (7) IN HL,OCK tiEl! OF B1:-:LU\.VISTA IE 'HIE CITY OF CAH.LSBAI1 .. COUNTY OF Sl' .. N nIEGo? S'1~\TE OF C!·'.LU'OP-lHA .. ACGOimrNG TO THE 1:~AP OF r:O~ 2152, F1:LE'D IK THE (WHeE OF THE COUNTY Rf.CORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUHTY EARCH 7. 1929. CU A Prdimillnr) JtcpOJ'l Form ! t \, f· 1 T :'i • i '.t., Street -Page 7A 17. STREET NAME AND TRAFFIC SIGNS The developer shall pay for the installation of street name and traffic signs as follows: A. Two street name signs at every intersection. B. "Stop" signs on local collector intersections and above, or where required by the City Engineer. C~ "Not a Through Street" sign when the end of the street can- "not be seen. D. Other signs as required by the City Engineer. 18. STREET WIDTH AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE A. B. Where the literal interpretation and enforcement of these standards would result in practical difficulties, environ- mental degradation or results inconsistent with the general purpose of these standards, the Planning Commission shall have the authority as an administrative-aet~to grant a vari- ance to these standards subject to the provisions stated below. In all cases, the variance shall be in harmony 'with the general purpose and intent of the standard~ and w~th the safety and the welfare of the public. , , The areas wherein the design standard's for street widfhs and improvements may be deleted or modified, may include, but not be limited to, narrowing the right-of-way width"narrowing of the roadway width, deletion of sidewalks, ,deletion' of curbs, separation of opposing traffic lanes-around sensitive environmental features, reduction of lighting standards in sensitive environmental habitats and other design modifica- tions consistent with the conditions and intent of this sec- tion. c.· Before any variance may be granted, it shall be shown: (1) That there are extraordinary or unusual circumstances or conditions applicable to the situation of surrounding property necessitating a'variance of the standards. (2) That the granting of such variance will not casue sub- stantial drainage problems. (3) That the granting of such variance will not conflict with existing or future traffic and parking demands or pedestrian or bicycle use. (4) That the granting of such variance will not be detri- mental to the public welfare or injurious to the prop- erty or improvements in the vicinity in which the vari- ance is granted. (5) That the granting of such variance will not ~dversely affect the comprehensive general plan. 'St~Det -Page 7B D. The applicant or other affected party may file an appeal of the decision to the City Council within ten days of the Planning Commission's decision. 19. GUARDRAILS ~'. ' . • "1 .~ " ," •• "'.'. ~ l-~ . .., .. ~-...... . -~r~'rk~ :' j~t;, A. Guardrails or reinforced block walls shall be provided along the tops of slopes adjacent to roadways in accordance with Figure 7-1 of the California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual. ( ) '" \ s" "- ".l i'{\ '-.! If ~ ~ ~ 6'\ Dc ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ , ~ .... : ~ / 1:(' "-" , ~" f.. " r:P ~ ~ a ~ () ~ \'f\ 4' N 7~ ·Z/,t E 25Z. all ~ t#~7. 0) P#rce/ /. /5. 770 Scp. I='T, /Si ~ P~"'cel 2, OR' 'OJ /.5; 500 SQ.t:'T. ,-. J r--, L_l/ I '-_,. I __ ~ " " L_~ o tfl,~ _~ . ,?, 'XJtf / y// / /.s;,/~() S, /'//' N~~ // ......... ~c:9 ~ fJ,,9f P4rce/ ..,g 95' Ai! N73°Z/'E. z tJZ. 78' \ \ ~ <;"'" " I "'- / ",. , ~ ~ t\ " ~ G) tt) 0 11) , ~ \ '. " I'" '.J ~ 1 \ ~J,~ ~I~ I ~ '-~ 11) . ;"_ . i • 1 ~ i • l !j ; l ~ l ! I i i ~ " 1 I I l , i i ~ ~ i ;; t i ~ ~ ~ ~ t i i ~ ) ~ I I I I ( ) '- '( " , '-' ..,. ;..-~ -. ::::.. ~\ ~ I i If '/ I ! I 5 10' 25' I 25"' I I ~ '0 'i ~ 0', I ")i • i ~ ~,I "- , I <! , it )\ ~\ ~, c ~ '< ( ., .. ~~ .... I ,I ~\, ~ , -" I I r ,\ , . , J / ,'-\../ , , ," , '" ~I "- "r-" 0 \' D " '1) <::-'- C0 ... ! ~ i / N 7r::. " Z / I' E C ~"'7. 0) parce/ / Parcel : , \ J ,,"' " ,{ "- I' • 'J , 1\" r J _ ",I , J ' '. , ~, ':-C.) \ " I '.' , , . " , " ' oj ~\: J , \~ a ~ () ~ \'(\ \ \ Z52. 0/' \ \ Parce/ ...3 h<:: <?6' S> \ , 2SZ. 78' \ / / o 1'1) " , '~,~UBJECi PfJOP~R-r, ~ CASE NO. V·320 APPLICANT LUb!DE..EN MAP . . VIC.IN 11'1' MAF