HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 520; OGARA 3540 MADISON; Engineering Application--, • • , . CITY OF CARLSBAD / APPLICATION FOR APPRO~A.l-' OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FORA MINOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-,(INTO If OR 'LESS PARf'ELS) AS PRQV JDEO FOR. IN CHA PTER 20.24 OF THE CABL$BAD MUNICIPAL CODE F I LING FEE: '$300. gO F I LING FEE RECEI PT NO .~.J.r.P 1 'i' h.J M ,'NOR SUBD I V I S,I'ON N,O. MS 5:20 -(for office use) , I /J !d'i/ . --'--:'-'-":::':~A' .. /'" "',.~ .... DATE \~ 1~-,81 ~o THE CITY ENGINEER OF 'THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: a5f<J/(~~ I. Request is hereby made fo.r approval of 'Tentative Parcel Map 'of Minor Subdivision ,No. 52-0 c0r'lsisting, of gross acres, having I lots, being a proposed subdivision of land 'for property descr,ibed as :(L'EGAL DESCRIPTION) PARCEL # 2 -. All "Pf :tots 7 ang 8 in Block "c" of the Townsite of CaJ:'lsbad, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, accord.ing to Map thereof No • 775', filed tIl the O£ftce of the County Recorder of 'San Diego~ounty, February 15, 1894, tOGETHER'WITH the Southwesterly Half of that portion of the Alley in said Block "G", adJoining said Lots on.' the Northeast, as said Alley was vacated and closed to public use on May 4, 1925 by Order of the Board of Superv~s.ors· of, the County of San Diego, a GOpy of which sai·d Order :recorded'May 9, 19.25\~-i:n·.'l30ok 1091, Page 200-:6f Deeds, records of San Diego County, ,. describe.d as' a whple as follows': Beginni.ng at the most Southerly corner' of said Lot 7'; thenc~ along the Southwesterly 1:ine of s'aid Lots 7 and 8, NOl;"th 34°33'00" West, 50·,00 feet .to the mos,t Westerly corner ot said Lot 8; thence a:long the. N'orthwester1y line of said ,Lot 8, ahd the -North~asterJ:y prolon-- 'gatiori th.e;reof, North 55027'00" East? 150 t OO, feet to the' Northeasterly Half of the Alley in said Block "e"; thence a10,ng said Northeaster.1y line South -34033' 00f1 East, 50.00 feet to the Northeasterly p:r;~lotigation of the' Southeasterly line of said Lot' 7; thence' along· said Southeasterly :lin~;' South 55,027 '00" West, 150.00 feet to thefoint olF Beginning. , gene ra 11 y 1 oca ted I-J.0n the ._---!-~~:=__~;___-_;:::'_----_:____.7.,...---i"7\----~~--------.-.......,. ~l.~.. "\North, South, East, Wes·t) side of .::...~-::et~I;:....,~....::·::---~ __ · _ between Palm .. U".N6i{t-Name of St~reet ) (Name of St teet) andt;: _~ ___ "''Co {Name of Street ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. -.~~~~--~~~---n-~~--~ BoOT< . Pa ~e'I • TYPE OF SUBDIVISION C omm e r cia 1 ,. I n d Ll 5 t r i q ]. ) Are the existing or proposed parc.els or lots ill this minor :·ub~Avi'sion subject to other discretionary approval (f?r example, a varIance or can- d it iona 1 us.e permi t)? . . Yes _XX . No ~ ...... ----,-C'~N DtJ. p~J1lr -------.... ,----.~~--:-----~ -_ .... .-.--.... _--- e· '. PR ES E NT ZONE _-=R .... -.=,2 ______ _ :r the lInders igned· state that: I.am· , ,. ·the ( I, We) ( I am, ·We· are) Owner \ of the property· described herein and hereby -1 Owner , Owners ) (I-\lIthor i z"ed Agent) . give MY,.------::,-o--.......-___ authorizat ion to the fi 1 ing of this propos·ed tract : . ----rMy, Ou r ) map. I am aware of and have had an opportunity tq read ~(~I--a-m-,~W'e--a-r-e~)---- Title 20 (Subdivisi.on Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code .. Name Michael ri. 0 I Gara· . Signatu~!Y~~~~-O-:~~~~~~~~~Rec~ed De·ed ) Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Q·eed ) S i gnatu re Name ( Typed or Printed as shown on ReeD rded -Deed)- S i gnatu re ,:; Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) S ignatu re Name and Address of Subdivfder; Michael D. O~Gara 3229 Valley Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Name, address and phone number of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: No. LS 4525 Bprch Dewitt 900 5th Street, Oceanside, CA 92054 (714) 72.2-4754 ; . , -{ j I ., ! j I j <J", .j j ·1 .i ---- .. II • SUBDIVISION LOG , .. .. -. '" """ ~-~ ... SUf3DIVISION NO. MS 520 . DATE RECEIVED.'~ ·1'3\ 81 . . OWNER ~. '?'~ ENGINEER . -& Ue.W,·· . "B, . _11'" a " .. .ADDRESS :i:2,; -- _ =.JE:Y . C'BAb . ADDRESS 90a .SIJf. S:1" 'CEltNSllJE . .1 PHONE ·PHONE I TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SENT LETTERS . DATE '1-,6-81 r! .PRELIM. DUE :2.. .. 2.:L-BJ .. .. .PLANNI NG I!I FIRE tJ PRELIM. SENT UTIL/MAINT. ~ CMWD 0 0 FINAL 'DUE g-'! +~, 6.1 . PARKS . LeWD 0 FINAL SENT .. .. .. REQUI REMENTS: .. i PLANNING REPORT FOR DATE TO. DCC DATE TO P .C .. ACTION·: 0 APPROVED o DENIED . . . DATE TO C.C.· ACTION: 0 APPROVED o DENIED" .. o STREET DEDICATION DEED NO. : RECORDED .. 0 FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT. TO C.C. '0 APPROVED o OTHER C .. C. CONDITIONS: TENTtrrlvt PARCEL MAP . IMPROVEMENT PLANS . ist Check IN OUT PROJECT NO. DRA\~ING' NO ... -'2nd Check IN OUT ./ 1st Check IN OUT 3rd Check IN . OUT 2nd' Check IN OUT -APPROVED 3rd Chec;:k IN ' OUT SIGNED BY C.E. . ·FINAL·OR' PARCEL MAP SIGNED "AS:"BUILT" .. • WJ' • .. ., PLANS 1st Check .IN , 'OUT GRADING 2nd Check IN OUT .·GRADING PERMIT NO. 3rd Check IN OUT 1st Check IN OUT .. .. SIGNED BY C.E. '. -2nd Check IN OUT 'TO CITY CLERK 3rd Check IN OUT \ .. .. , ~ RECORDED SIGNED BY C.E • .. . COPIES RECEIVED ISSUE.D .-, PERMIT - BONDS . DEPOSITS RE.QUlRED ENGINEE'R I S ESTIMATE $-.-,. ITEM AMOUNT PAID .. :·AMOUNJ IN TENT. EXAM FEE .3OC::>!!L. . .~.-: F1\lTHFUL PERFORr,1ANCE O· PARKS-IN~LIEU FEE l'8'2ibJt.-~ MATERIALS & LABOR .0 GRADING PERMIT FEE ' . '. 0 GRADING & EROSION 0 FINAL PROCESS. FEE l~·'~ ~' MONUMENTATION " _·0 IMP. PLAN CHECK FEE . ' .. 0 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ., . .. 0 INSPECTION FEE . lJ.; .0 WATER CONNECTION DEPOSIT O~ . BONDING CO. ... STREET SIGN DEPOSIT D· , .. .. STREET TREE DEPOSIT D: ADDRESS GRADING PLAN CHECK 'FEE D·· STREET LIGHT ENERGY FE,E .V", TRIjST ACCOUNT DUPLICATE TRACING FEE S>~ NO. p~. .·;;yj7~ ov.-DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIPT NO. 0 ,$ .. . , TOTAL DEPOSITS $.- -REPORTS COMMENTS OR PROBLEMS REQUIRED .. IN j1 .,;:y~ p~ # ~/~' . -.- TITLE REPORT "~ ~5~Z ' __ -r-"'-,b SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE .. 0 ' , SOILS REPORT 0 .0 : ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ~ '.0 TRAVERSE CALC. .0 - 0 .0 .. 0 0 -. , .. " ' . " I I " .. • ,'1 ... • <..#." .-:...<--.. ~ ) ... -,t .t~<' ) " i ' • OlJR No.'.: 9309,..S FEE: $.70'.0'0" J;>ARCEt. MAP NO.: MS' No., 520 GERALD A. McDANIEL TITLE OFFICE!R ," I .' 'p I:NAL )?ARCEL MAP GUARANTEE We s,t,l and ,Title Company" a<;:al ifornia ,corpo1;ati~n, gu,arantees :" the City of Carlsbad. 'a9a,inst loss not, .to excee'd $:1,,00,0 •. 0'0.,' ~uch li~bili ty,' bein<j 1 imi ted solely to loss or' damage'resul t.ing 'from defe,cts in said Parc'el' Map which, ·theparties gU'clranteed, sh.ail., sus't'ai:n: .by reason of, any int!orrectn~ss in th'e ·assurance which the Company h~reby. give:s that, according. t<;:> those pliblic, re.c()rdS 'which impart constructive notice of matters relating to.' said land, ,on the date "stated below. " , " '" The title t6the 'h~re:Lndescribed: land" wa's vested ,in, the' vestee named, s~bject to the matte'rs showria$ 'exceptions hetein. " '. ' 2~, 1981 at 7:00 A.M. . "", ,.' " , ,,I , ' , , ,,~ . " , " ._' LEGAL DESCRIPTJ:ON ' b~DER NO. 9309-8 :e All of lJot~ 7. 'and' a '.in Block "e" 'd,t: the, Townsite ot CaJ.:ls,bad" ',in tbe City of Carlsbad, COUj;l,ty of .sari·,Die90~· sta'te, of Cal "fornia, accor4:ing to ~lap t1)el;'eof No • .' 77fi;filed 'in tne Office of the, county Recordet; .Of San ,Dtego. CoUnty, Fe};>ruary 15, 1894,' TOGETHE.R.WITI{ .the Southwesteriy HaJ.£ of' tha"t por1don o£the 'Alley :i;n' ·sa.id ,Block Itc,tt,. adjoining.', s'aid' ,:Lots; on' the ,Northeastl ' . as s<;lid' Alley was' yaca t¢dand-tlosed.:·, to publ:;ic use on May 41' 1925 by order Of the Board·' O:~ Surpervisors o£' the , . County of San oiago, '~ -copy 'ofwhich 'said ord'er recor<;iedMat " 9,1925 in Book·l:091, Page .200 of needs,·reco.~ds, of Sa.J'l. Diego County, described: ·as a whol.e as follows; , :. . . . . . . '" .. ..' '. , Beglnnl,ng 'at 'the'lllost$outherly corner 'of said' Lot 7; thence. along the Sout.hwes~erly : line ,of said Lots' 7 ~nd a, North 34°:3,3"00" We$t" 50.0.0 feet. to ,the'most .Westerly corn~rof saio Lot 8~ thence along.: the, NQ~thwes.terly line of· $aid. Lot 8, ;and .the· Northeaste,rly .pr.(,)longat.ion:there~f, North 550'27'00'"-Ea's't, "1:50~O'0 :'feet. . to the .. Nortpeasterly line :·of ... the ,Southwesterl.y· Half 0'£ the Alley in' said Block' "C"; thenc:;::e along' lSai(i . Northeaste'rly line sou.tn 340'33 '00· .East,' 50.(lQ feet· to' the, ,Northe.fts,t~rly p+olongatltQti of. the 'Sout'he~st-erly : line of~ said Lot. 7;· . thence along s'a,id S09·theasterlyl.ine,.' South' 5$°21"00'" West, i50~OO .feet to the' point of. Begirming:.'. ' . . ' " , r : , 1 t" ,I· '. , .' t. .:- " " , to ~ ,~ 'j '1 ,1 ,~ ~ I .. ',' ~ j I j \.' . ;) ,,' 1 .'.' . .' " ". ' -., y, ,41 ' ~J. , J' • .. -.' " ' The' Estate., or, ,interest '1:n 'the' land deser'ioad or re:ferred to in this sched:u1e' co~eli:ed"'bx tliis':re.port is:. ' · "" -', , A~FEE 't., ' MICHAEL Ih 9'GAAA.', AND 'VXCKI a~-O!GAAA,,' hUsband and ~if,e as joint ,tenants, " " , - " , :.-, The 'Lano' 1;ef:erred.' to -i,nth iSl;eportis si tua t'ed 'in the, ·$v.a te ,of, Callforn,ia" County 9f San Diego and' is d~seriped as follows;,· • • ' 'I' . ~" ' . ' tJSEE ATTACHE;D' FO:RLEG~r..:DESCRIPT:tO~Jt " '. " ~'" ' ~ , ", , " , . , ' . :, . ,,, ." .'. ~';" '. ! ,I., .. f,' , " ".', " ' , . . -j , , I ; -, '1 " 'J 'J , J I -I , :~<. 1" " , ,,. e, 1. 3. . ~: e, '\ . ,'ORDER NO.:' 93.'09-S , SCHeDULE ·B.' : , , , At the d'a;te hereof Except'ions 'to ,cov'erage infu:Idition to the, '. i pt:int~Q ,e.xcep,tion~ arid exclus:ions, ,c6nt~ined "in said', poli.cy form'" would be a.s follows: .. , ' .', , ,: '.' ' , " . " , , " , ,1 General 'an,d "Special ta~es fO~ ,the -fiscalyea;r ,1981:"S~, a lien,'" 'l , not yet payable~ . " " , ',j ,'A 'Certi;ftc~t.e ·o~· COInpliahce a~.£ectirig, .thehereih. 'deSCl;ibeq' .:' II property ,has been 'recorded Oo,toberl9, 1'918, as File No;' 'I , 78 .... 4467404, ·of Official Re¢orqs. . . .' . ' '.l -" '" A De,ad .of Trust. ,dated 11a';rch'20 ~·.L981, ~,execu,te4 by MtCH~~L, D.: 'j 01GARA, :A~J) VICKI B.' ,':(f'GARA, , h,usbanda,'ild . wife,'to: SEiRVICE' 1 · DI~ENSI.ONS ,INCQRPORAlI'£th· aCaliforn,ia c~J;'porati~:m" Tru~tee., t~L' ':j 'se,cure, an" indebt~d'ness: 0·£ $,83,300 .• 00, ','and anyottter am(;n~n.t·s·", payabl~ uljder the te:1;msthereof, in' fayor "of ANAHEtM. SAVINGS' .' '1 . " AND, LOAN ASSOCIATIONr a Ca11,forhia corporati.ori,., 'reeorded. AprfL' ' 1, 1981 'a's File, NO~,81~a.98664 of Q:t'f'icial 'Record's,; '. ',.,' . ,I . ! - ·The beneficial iaterest und,er ,,' sald' ~ed' 'o'f 'T~ust, was ,':~,: 'as$ignea " to, . FEDERA·f;;. , NATJ;ONAL, MORTGAGE ASSOPIA~lQN!-· by,' . . assigm:nent, . ,l:'ecord'ed',~ay 4'; 1,981, as . Fiie . No~ ,81-~371'90 of', Official· Records. ,,' . . . ~ , ,TAx I.NFORM~WlbN 1980':";8.1: code Area,:, .' ' : {)9O'O,O" · pa,r'cel No~; , , ' . 2'O'4-17~""04 · Laild:' '., ,.': ~~'i 967i> 00 Impr,O\1e~en: ts:: $' . , ., • 0"0 " Exemptions.: '.... $," .00 · .1st Installment:" . '$ '123.85 PAID' .2n.d Instalimen t:,' ."', $' 123. 8.5 PAID , '. " t,." .'., :., , " , . .;., ,'" , .} .' . .-.' , .',,", , .'" , .' , .' , ' "" '. " . I ~ . .. .. ST --------""J ff)' " ~ ST . , ::':~}-::I-"\N' (,:,~-;:':,-~ ~:..:-.~ " ~v~ -~:~_ 1172'/( ,/ 2,'~j,,;4.: 11 ~,' ~c -~4,?S 7.7>~' ;,' l'71 24;!.~ :.&~ .7-:'>5! ",i ~ ,'" J. _::;-~ .:.!.!:-t,:t.J. . "" j '~,J ?~~£. /'..J lJ.: '7 ,,«i . ' "~' .. ;-.... -. . '--I _. -__ M ,.. -. --4 ·::~-f;~~ ~---j~1 i _ .. _ L. ____ ..... _ , , I .-~ I , , MAP 775 (~65,535)-TOWN OF CAHLS,SAD AMENDED I I ---.... ·--....-.-,.1I:" ... " ... "' .... -.----... · ......... ,..-. ... ~,..-,..~ .... ~1 ~ -; .. 0- j -! II Do" k' [J,r, I if{ k'ii/~' I ,,> " 11 t ! 1 1 J I I i I I i I 55f: 2 tJ 3 ::;·[U) :3:: Cl cn)·Ci"CO~i 2 .~31~=;:; 2 t:: :::;':;;:CFCf 1 4 Sf = ;3 ~j C}'C~i)-!J fJ J: ~J Cl·Ci [I c~ Cl ~3~Cl = ,C; Ci Cl Ci Cf Cf i 4 '3. 9':;(1)i)O 0 -12:3= 52742:3 0-f~f 5 = Cl r' E: 2 ;~:'E, 1000{t. OO'OOJ] Cl~ CiCJ 151.6 5::!;t 2"E, l-l 7"5 :::;i= GO'Cn)(Il) . ( l.~",_.-~_,~~~'"".,''''-J