HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 564; BLANKENSHIP 3138 ROOSEVELT; Engineering Application• "'e C I ry OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PAR.CEL MAP FOR A MINOR SUBIDIV1SION OF LAND-(INTO 4 OR LESS PARCELS) AS PROVIOED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.24 Of THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE F I LING FEE: ,~~3,OO .,00 F I LING FEE RECE IPT NO . __ --,-_~ TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. MS -(for office use)--'- DAtE November 25, 1981 I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Pal-eel Map b'f Minol- Subdivision No. consisting of 0.32 gross acres, having 1, lots, being a proposed subdivision of land for property described-as: (Exact Legal bescription) Lots 10, 11, 12, ~nd 13 in Block 40~ of the TOWNSITE OF CARlSBAD, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego. State of California, . a~cording to Map-thereof No. 535, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 2, 1888. gene ra 11 y 1 oca t ed 0 nth e --rE-;;as;-t __ ·"7O""_-;=:----:-;--~--:--_;_;_-~----------­(,North, South, East, W-est) 5 i de of Roosevelt Street (Name of Street) Cl nd OaR Avenue between Pine Avenue -( Name of (Name of Street) ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 204-084-13, 14, and 15 Street) Book Page Parcel TYPE OF SUBDIVISION _CoTm~m_~r_c~iTal~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~--~~ -(Residential, COmmercial, Indus-trial) Are the existing or proposed parcels or lots in this mino-r subdivision subject to other discretionary approval (for example, a variance Or con- d i t i o~ use permit)? Y.e.s Xe 'ct 1 1 P No . .,...-___ _ Ml nor' on om n urn ermlt • • PRESENT ZONE C-2 ----------~-------- We the undersigned state that we are the . ( I, We) ( " am, We are) --r-::--O.:..;w.:..;n;..:e.:..;r.:..:s -o:::-__ -.--r-,;,---,---'-:-o f the pr op e r t y des c rib e d her e ina n d her e b y (Owne r, Owners) (Author i zed Agent) . give our authorization to the filing of this proposed tract ( My, Ou r) map. We are aware· of and have had an opportunity t.o read ~(~I--a-m-,~W~e-a-r-e~)-~ Title 20 (SubdiviSion Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Name Jeffrey Bl ankenshi Typed or Printe Signat.ure: __ ~ ________ -b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~L-______ ~ ___ Name Susan J. B1 i;lnkenshi p . (TyP~ or Printed as Sh~~ on R~9rded Deed) . Signature ~C.4Q.,CZ';~. ~ .... ~ Name Thomas H. Al exander .. (T~nte~s s~~o Recorded Deed) Signature~ ~." ~_q 570._ ... . Name __ ~=-__ ~_~~~ __ ~ __ ~ _____ ~~ __ ~~~ __ ~ _______ ~ ___ ~ __ _ (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature. __________________ ~~ ______ ~---------------~~-----~-- Name and Address of Subdivfder; Roosevelt Street Associates, 3138 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Name, address and phone number. of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: No. 30022, R.C.E. Ben 'Martin 3441 1/4 Via Lorna Vista, Escondido,'CA 92025· --PhbQ~·-Nd. 714-743-4243 , ," .' .," STl'.TEI1ENT or ,hGREEHENT TEN'J;'I-\.TIVE PARCEL HAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Hap Act and the Car·lsb-ad ,l'1u~Jicipal COdE; sets a fifty (50) day time restriction on Engineeril'lg Departmen·t ,pro- cessing. This time li:m:i t can only be extended by the mut:u,al conc:l,1rrence of the applicant a.ndthe city. By accepting appJ).-,. cations for Tcntptive.Parcel Naps concurrently with applications' for other approvals vlhich are prerequ~si tes to the map; i. e. , Environme:ntal li.ssessrnent, Environmental Impact Report, .Condominiu:n Plan, Planned unit Development, etc., 'the fifty (50) day time limi'ts are often exceGded. 'If you v,rj~sh to ha'lG your application' processed concurrently, this agreement must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, . t;he City will, not accept your application for theT~nt:ative pal;'cel Map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved. . J ~ The undersigned nnderst,ands that the processing time rE:'gt::tired by the ci'ty may 8'xceed the time limits i therefore, the undersigned a.grees to extend the time limits for City Engineer action arrd fully concurs vli th any extensions of time up to one yea1;' from the date the application viaS accept,ed 'as coinp16te to properly review 'all. of the applic?-.tions. ~rrl€EY Name (pririit), " / Relationshibto Application . @ope~'l:y Ovm~Agent) { . ,-\ .. ~ i' :-. -'/~., ~~:'~, ,~"~ ~~~~,~~~.~~r; L to .. . , .' I,"" . .$ ~-l GUARANTEE-NUMBER, PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE MS 564 . 312-001628,' . .. Liability $ l,OOO.{)O ORDER NO ~ 10689-$ Fee $110 .. 00 SUB1ECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM' COVElU,GE, THE LIMITS OF LIAB.ILITY, AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXEDANDMADE APART OF THIS GUARANTEE,,' I' COHMONWEAlTH lANI) TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY (a stock company) PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA a corporation, he)."ein' called the Company, GUARANT~ES ' ern OF -c.ARtSRAD_ herein called the Assured, againstlQss not exceeding $1,OOO;whkh the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incotrectness til . the assurance which the Company hereby gives that, according to the public records on the date stated 'below, . -1 .. T)1e title to' the' herein described estateor .. interest was vested in the vestee nameu; subject to the ~atters' shown as_ Exceptions:herein, which Exceptiol,ls :aie not neces~ari!-Y Shewn in the -order of their priority;. and " 2. Ha4 said Parcel'Map beim recorded in'the ofnce of the'~County Recorder ,of said county, such map would be ,sufficient for use asa primary reference in legal desc,riptions of the parcels within its,boundaries: Dated: Countersignea'· . _ ,,-:, ..' .~.. '>T~P' T:1:TLE -cwPANY V~ By ,... .... AuthorizedOffjcer or Agent_ 285 COMMONWEALTH LANDTITI,.E INSURANCE COMPANY .BY'~~~: , ."' _ -' ." 'Preshle'rit . , . ' AU,,, A~ J fJ~} (/ Secretary etTA Guarantee Form No. 23 Part i (1-13-78) . , C:C1PY Form \o7~"1 -a ~ GUARANTEE NUMBER 312-OOl{)2g- ORDER NO. 1.0689-8 The estate or interest in_ the land hereinafter described,orreferred to covered ·by -this Guarantee is aJee., Title, to said estate or interest at the. date hereof is vested in:; ROOSEVELT STREET ASSOCIATES, a California 1.imited Partnersh1p- " The iand'included within the-boundaries of the. Parcel Map herein!:>e:tor~ referred.to in-this Guarantee is described QlJ. -attached description page. EXCEPTIONS: eLTA Guarantee Form No. 23 Part 2 (1-13-78) Form 1076-2 COpy I I I I, I I~ " .' :;e" .. ,t.EGAL . PE!SCRIl?Tto~ 'ORDeR NO,' lO'6S9;""S" .. ' " .', ,." . " :-.' . " ", , ,'. I, .. ' ... " . .~ " t. , ":', L.ots 10, 11·, 12 :and :'13 ·in :Bloc:k l1\c,.ity· (~O) Q:f' the: T~fNS~'T~': OF ...... : CARLSBAD;!n the·.City c·t'.Carlsbad" COunty.Qf satl.n-i~9:6:',-State. of Ca.li!o~nia·,acc6r:-d'irig tor4c;ip ttiereof No~ ·S3.5,j< .r'te.coJ;ded in. the Of'fi,ce of t~e .COUhty·R~·co'r4e.t; 0'£·' S,a-n .Diego Coutl'tY f. ?1ay', ~f' ' 18tl8. ' " , ,t' ,." .. ,. • . • .' I'·.. .', . " >\ • . " t, '. . ., ;' ,. " .. , .,'. , ',' '., .. '" >,' \ r, \ .J.:" " -.; :, " " '. ", . ",L . ~, . ' . ' " ,"' .~. .-:. . '. . ;-- \ " , , ~' ' . ,; .. , .. ' . ,~.\ . ,_... " ~ ',,~~-.:. . .... " , ::. '1 ',,,-. -. ,'; ',',- , . ,.,' .' " _, '10, : ,I. ~. . , '~~. ! " ". .~ ." ,t' .' [. , '. -..... _; I , . , . .-" ~. Ji _ " ': . ",,~' .'. .' . . " .;. f t" ",' ." " ,;; ,,: ',' .' I'. . , --... ", .. , .. , , ','. , , " " .. ,'.\ .: 'f . ; , ., .. . " .. " <~:;~. ' .' '. " .:' , " :, <" ;. -,' : > .. " • 't' ,l . , ,',-' " ... .. ... " . • t., ' .. . . '. ' , ~. • -"'f' :. .\, ___ , _______ . ______ . _________ '_~-----~~ _____ ,_ .. _;:-:'~-_~_~-~-____=_---J~------.--~"--I :.~ J>. " I " ,- [. --. I" I' f I ! ,1. 2·. 3 .. 5. , . , .: . ' . ~ . e······· -.' -- '~~ ., . '. , ..... ' , ,~ . _, ,'1. ' ." " , ... ,' \ ,,(. ; . :.... :-1 :' 1 -':1 ...... , .': .. - . General' . andSpeo:!al·. tai:€':s for-th~ :fj.scal year. '1982-8:3, '.f!t' . '--' lien, not yet payable.. '. :<:' . -"',_. . ~ . ." -. , " , . ' A re.por't . tQf~flciw()n: TAXES for. ~he i~·a'S ~~80-ar~ , ' ,,' -,' " A CErrti~ica.te of _.Compiiaf\c~.;.affectin9· the h~ret~· d.$cribed,> .<,~ :. propet"ty' has been t'ec'orded Ju-ly' 9 t -\ 19-79 as.·' File. Mo" ; .. . 19;-2H:2i4tt Qf· Off'j6ia~ Re(i(')r;ds~. ." ;':'. :; .. , ~" :'The e:f:fect ·.·of . a . QUib::.laim. J)~~d' d·at,eo.·· AugU.$.t 17-,·. ·19-80·.·.·; ... " . . e;}~eeuted by Francis: J.: ·b'Ne'illto ~Re.g.in·a .,:t1f·feJ.n}~m 'O'Neill, : amaJ:ried ""oman -at,; hei'. _$01e. and separat.e P1fQPEU;ty / Fecot:)1ed -.. · AU'gust 25,' 1980; as: f;i,.ls' No. 80,:",27217'3 of Otfi-eial' .Re,eord~. -,:" f' :' ~ . ' <.. I _', , ,p.' , _ ... • • .' ':, ,'_~ , • '~ • ~'. '. _.' " ~ " At the da'te of sa. id' IilstrUlueJ.?, t ,said, f.RANCIS J.," 0 t tiI$.irtL: 'bad' · nO '. record. inte,l;:'(t~t' in" ~a,i.d ·li.ln(l-' nq.r,., ha$ ,since .acquir,ed .. an" It .: '::: ' ,. . '\, .',. :' .... 1-. ,z .. " . 'A ,Dee;d',·'Qi t.lY~~st d~ted OQt~~er".·l~·~ :,-·i~~1~',.'~xe6:uh~d· j;y: ... -:.,,,: ROOptVE.~T.· $'J;.RE2T ASS()CIA~aS, . a; 'califQtl.l,i~ "'. r.hl'~ted .. ,'; . ' -·.!?,artnership, toCAL~FQnl'l.IIl G:st~ERAL ~lOR'rGAGlr. fllURVICE, lti!C'. I. '". a ' corpo.t:.ation, . Tt~s tee',: ' ... 17.0 :sec~re ' '. an., .. ipde,l?~E.;dn¢ss·,' of :, ': . ' · $3J.5" 0-00.00 ( and any ot;.her. amGllln ts' payable-l1naer th~, tE{rms,· .; ,:': ·t;.hereof,· in favor of' SA!-~ DIEGO FEDEiRAL SAv.tN.OS Al\ft)·, LOAN .' " '. '. AS$Q~_IA'J!.rON', . a corpora.cion, .r~¢orded. O¢tober ;-'16,' +9~t ,as·' :,'. " File'l'lQ. 81-329096 of Official Record·s.' I' ',' •. • , 'J. ~'~ .. · A. Dee.d.of Trust' dated.Sep~~mbe.r' :~O',,' '19~,i, . exec~·.te~.: .by·, ..... . ROOSEVEL$' STREEW ::, AssoatA-TES t .·il . Cal iforn!a .. , Ltmi ted . ". :' I ~ar-trhir$hip';· t.o 'LAJOLtA BAN~' $( TROST' COI~'PA~lYI a C.al!.fornia '/' , • ~ '. cQrporat.ioTl,. ~ Ttuate~~ :to.:' :,s·ecur.e. an ... indeb'tfJ}dnes$ . of ~ . . $~~5JQO& .•. o:n, ·andany Q·the):' af:'\~tints' payable;'. llnd'a-r, tht} t~rms' ,;":: ." . t'hex;eof, ' in .. favor o;f .LA.' JOLLA" J3;~NK At~l) TRt}$'T:' COMPAtJ'Y,;-a \.: .: .Ga-lJfo:~niai.cClrpo~a,tioi):t' ·recor:d~.d ·Octob.et:.·, 15;:}.)~~.8l. as Fil}~" i:, .. . 'No.: ,a'l:'::'J:29,O.5l7 ~f -officiiu' Re.cQrds •. ··-.: .'. '.' .',,: ' . .' .",', ;"\ .... " , r • ' • • " / ~ • ~ ,'~ t ( ,; An 'AStr~~merit re9ar'~1nSl'the.'p~yrtlej)t .~·f '.a :puhlic ·,f~qilitie$ ... : ... fee,'. dated.' OotoberB, '11!.8:l',· executed by· . and" ·b~;t.\teen -, '. HOOSEVE-V,r . STREET ASSQCJ;ATES, a' r..lmitEt~ Partn~r$hip and. 1.'HB:~ I , • CI*fY OF; CARLSBA;D,. .a munia~pal ~orpQl1ationr, 'up(in the' ~Efrins,.·: aoven·ants.i-and ,conditions ¢ontained th~i~in, 'teQQrded' ".' pecem.helt 15, . l~Hll as F i 3. e' NQ.$1-39:2 4 ~2,' of" Of ,t:i.ciai· " ~e'cord s.. . . .' , .. , '.;. , "" . " .. " ,-. ~" , -" " " .. ., { .. , ' .. f ,I , '-: .... , '. ~ '. , / -' ': .. " . :-. :",' . . ' " . ' :, ..... ~, ... #' • I I, I -' , ,~, < e,' , " PARCE~ r~l? GUA'RAN'rEE ORDER -'NO. 1('):689"-5 .... ' ... ' •. I ••.. ,., , -t, . ':, ,~, - .,', . -'. " " I.' ... t .. ',' • TA& iNFOru1ATI~N ,'l9al'::'SZl, " ",' " < I • ' <. "\ ' " " ' ... , ' , " " ," . , .. : ~ '., .: . , jo', : < '\ "", ,i :," ' : :, II , ",' ::.-' , j ,'.-, I Cod~ Al."ea.: " "": , '": ,0'9000 ',' ',,' ~. Parcel No.:',," 404-O-S4-i3,' :- LandI ,'~l 4a~Qpg~O~ Impr'ov,e~ents: , -. ,$l-25, coa ~'o.{} : ' <" Ex~mpti,otjS;', _ '" : ',$',~,: ,,",',' .,00' ' lstlnst~11m'en:tr' $' ,;~;fJ52~ltt 'PAXn, :'_ 2nd~l'U3ta;l.),meilt1 " ~'2iO,.5~ .18 PAID,',,' '~ .,. , ; I.. ~, .\ '_,," , ' : " , • •• J " , .... • ~ • I ,,_ 'TAX :r:NFOruilATio~(,!9S1-,82:'" ' , :..; , Code Area; ',' ' , 09'O'OQ, '.' ;:. Pal;'oel NO~:, 204,-084:"'14. Landt i", ':~2G/·B.OS.OO " '. ",. , Imp1:'oV amen ts: <,:: ,$ ,,' .. O,{}:~,,' , , Sx~mptlQns';, , ,'. c' ~ , ,'::$",' ,~,oo: .. : ',,' lS,t Installmen.t:', ' $', 124 .. 11.~ PAID' A'na lnst.al-lment<;",,' $:" i24:.1,l ,PA,tP , .. , -.:'~ " TAX tN'l!'O~~1~~ION, f9Si";'a.:a: "" " . ~ -. ~ " Code 1\t~a: ' ' . ' ,0,9000" parcel No • .: ", 2G4~Og'4-15'. , Lal1ih, , ' .... ", , " $'20; fHHL. DO .. " Impl;ov~ment$: t? .;," ',.00 ' .B;!temptions: , . $': :.' '.00 ls,t Install;lltent·:'\" '$' 12·hll·,PAli,) ';2nd lnstallme:rft:, $',,:'124.,11 PAIP' .. . \ ' . :' ' .. '- , • I' , 1_ : , , ','" ... , ' .. ',' j ,.. , , " , :l " ,. ", '-l ,,-' ' .. , ''''', . " >,-: . ~. ' ... ,. ,':-'.' . ~ . , " , , , ' , ',; ~'-. . , . " . ~ \ " ", ,J " ..... , to .'~ , " -,.,' ; ~ , , . " , , , " , . ' .. , -, , . ,'-- , \ " , < ••• ,I • '" .' • , " ',. " ., ' ~ " ',' ,.' " . " i, \ . . ~ : ' " ',-. ,--,. I , ~, , '.' '. < .. ' " ' . , '" ", . i " ~,