HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 590; MCCAULEY, KATHRYN; Engineering Application• • CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION' FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARC·EL M.A.P FOR A NINOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-(INTQ·~' OR LESS PARCELS) AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER ·20.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE: ,~300.00 FILING FEE RECEIPT ~0. '~I'NOR SUBDIVISION NO. Ms@10 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: ,', -(f 0 r of f i ce use) DATE ~ ~ 16J ~g2-.-. !. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor - Subdivision No. consisting,of 3.8. gross acres, having ~ lots, bePng a proposed su.bdivision of ,land for property described as : (Exact Legal Description) see attached legal discription .. ?" -------------------------------------~--------- -----------~~~,~------~- gene ra 11 y 1 oca ted on the' _n-r0:-:-r_t_h-,-----:::.-----.,.._"""'""""_--,:-:--_...-________ _ Elm (North, South~ East, West) side of between Vvalley Street d ' Mon .... ~-:-:~-ae-m-eS-€-r-:='fe-~:<""'tF-r-e-e-t-.· )r----( Name of St ree't) an . (Name of Street) ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 156-220-20-18 ------~----~-----~ Page Parcel Book TYPE OF SUBDIVISION --c Res-, dent i a 1 , Are the existing or proposed parcels or subject to other discretionary approval d i. t ion a 1 use perm it) ? Yes CO,mmercial, Industrial) lots in thi,s minof subdivis~on (for example, a variance or con- No X --, • , ~ I ; . j . -i-' ft. ... ' • I~ '" • PRESENT ZONE R-1 7500 -------------------- I the undersigned state that I a~ the ( I am ~ We are) .. .;:::.·o~w-=n~e:.=r __ -:-__ -..---r-.:"'--'-;-~' of the prop e r t y des c rib ed her e ina n.d her eby (I, We) ( OWner -lr Owners) (Author i zed A.gent) . . , give _m-rJ..,..,.-_-:---...... ___ authorization to the 'fil ing of this proposed tract ( ~1y, Ou r) map. I, am ( I am, We are) Title 20 (Subdivision aware of and have had an op'portuni~y to read Ordinance) of the Ca.rlsbad Mu~icipal Code. . " Name Kathryn A. Mc Cauley ~ (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature ___________________________________ ~ Name --~(~T~y-p-e~d~o-r~P~r~i~n~t-e-d.-a-s--s~h-o-w-n--o-n~R~e-c~o-rd~e-d~D~e-e·dT)--~-------~---~- Signature ___________________________________ ~ __ ~ ____________ ~ ____ __ Name --~(=T~y-p-e-d~o-r~P~r~i~n~t-e-d.-a-s--s~h-o-w-n-o-n~R~e-c-o--rd~e~d-=D-e-e~d~)-----------~~~ S·ignature _________________________________ ~ ______ ----------__ ------- Name ---.~(=T-y-p-e~d~o-r~P~r~i~n-t-e-d.-a-s--s~h-o-w-n--o-n~R~e-c-o-rd~e-d~D~e--e~d~)----~---~---~--- Signature _________________________________________________ ~ _______ __ Name and Address of Subdivfder; Kathryn A •. Mc Cauley 2988 Valley st., Carlsbad Name, address and phone number of Engineer or Licensed Land'Surveyor: No. LS4394 Charles D. Thompson 1650 Linda Vista Dr., San Marcos, 9~069 727-2335 ~! . , -\ f , , . .' . 1 j y • . , " I . I -.1 ," '-. .( • CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPRQVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL 'MAP FOR A MINOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-(INTO 4-0R LESS PARCE~S) AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.24 OF THE j CARLSBAD MUN I C I PAL CODE F I LiNG F~E: ~$300. 90 vi ~O 'SfIl18~ F I LING FEE RECE I PT NO.____ MI NOR SU~D IVISION NO. ,MS __ a'd8S1~\fO .:10 A11~ _ ' -(for of f i ce'u s e) OAT~ -. ----~--------------~- • TO THE CITY ENG I NEER OF 'THE £e6.~ 11 ~tlW CI1y OF CARLSBAD: , pa.4!e~~J.T . I. Request is hereby made for approval' ~Tentative Parcel Map of Minor S u bd i vis ion No. con sis t i ng 0 f ____ 3 ...... """4 ..... 6'-;------,.--:-.::--.---=-__ g ro 5 s acres, 'having one lots" being a proposed subdivisiqn of land for property described as .. ' (Exact Legal bescription) .' A., portion of Lots 30 .and 31 of Patterson r s Addi tiori t,o the Town of . , , Carlsbad, in t~,e City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State 6f Cali- 'fornia, accDrding to Map thereof No. 565, filed ;j.n the 'Office' of the. ,I I Recorder of the County of San :D±ego 'on 'September 22, 1888 and ~f . - Section .31, Township ]] South, Range 4 West. San ae.t:.uardino Base and '. 'Heridian, in the c;ounty of San Diego r State' 9f California: .generally located on the _N,o~r_th~r-_~ __ ~~~~~~~ ________ ~~ __ ~ -,) -, (North, South,. Ea.st, West) ~ : ..... : .. side of Elm Avenue between Valle~ Street . . ~ {Name of StreeD . '. . . (Name of Stre~tl 'and Buena Vista Way ~ '\Name of Street) $ ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. _1~5_6~-_2_2_0-~2_0 ____ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ Book Page Parcel l' TYPE OF SUBDIVISION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ;t. Resid'ential,~Commercial, ,Industrial . Are the existing or proposed parcels or lots in this minor subdivision' ~ subject to other discretionary approval (for .example, 'a variance or con- ~ ditional use permit)? Yes x No ___ ~ ____ ~ .-:.- •• j\:~ .... -. - .j( ," PRESENT ZqNE R-l ,<.1 • ..:;..0",-) __ _ ... the I the' unders i gned state that I ani ( I , We) ..' (I, am, q Wea re) authorized agent' of the property descr ibed here in and hereby ( OWner,. Owners) (Aut~or i zea Agent) . give m$. auth<;>rization to the fi 1 ing of this p,roposed tract lMy, Ou r) . map. I ani awar~ of and have had an 'opportunlty to. ,read ( I am, We are) .~. Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the CarJsbad Mun.icipalCode. Name JOHN M. KRATT for Carlsbad Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses ,Inc. • (Type~dPrinted as show%n~d Deed) SIgnature __ 111 l~ Name --~(~T~y-p-e-d~o-r~P~r~i~n~t-e-d~a-s--'s~h~o-w-n--o--n-=R-e-c-o-r~q~e-d~D~e-e-d~)~.----~------~------- Signature __________________________ ~----------------~~------~------~-- Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded,Deed) Signature Name Deed) (Typed or Printed as shown on Record'ed . Signature , . Name and' Address of Subdivider; . ~~.-'" _.-.. - Carlsbad Congregation, of Jehovah Witnesses: Inc. , . 1570 Basswood Ave~, Carlsbad, CA. 92008 ( 6·19 ) 729 -0 750 ~ . . _--.... -. - Name, addre~s and phon~ number ~f Engineer or ~icensed Land Surveyor: No. L.S. 439.4 .--_ .. -. " ._-'--,- Charles D. Thompson- 1010-203 Linda Vista Drive, San Ma,rcos, CA ~2069 '(619).744-1371-' -'-'. _._ .. _-._---------. ----. . -... ---!. ... -------- -,~ , .t ---. -----.- . . , " .. .' .--. '1'\.'. " I . " _ .. -.... --.... ----..:'~~---~-------.. ~,. ...... --" ... ------.---~ .. ~----·.,--->;..'''''!''''''--..... --.. -----~..,..~~-.. .........--...-...... ~~~,~\\~, ... 1f~/ .. , \ .', , If after the .. 'L.hat further informat10n you nave Sugm1tte~ nas Deen information ." -required, you wi~~ be so e reV1eWeQ, adv· ~'ed_ .e 1t loS oeterm1nea. APPLICANT: Car] shad Coo~regat;oo of Jehovah, 5 lAli+n esses IOC. N~e·(indivlodual, partnership,. joint venture, corporation. syndication) 1570 BassWQod Aye., Carlsbad Ca., 92068 Business Address 729..()750 Telephone Number , AGENT: John M. Kra.t,t Name 1570 Basswood Ave'.,' Carlsbad Ca., 92008, Business Addr~s~ " ,.,' , 729-075.0 " '" ", " ' .. ' OJ.. .. - .. '. !oIEHBERS : Telephone Number Thomas R<?we :" ,: " ': " " ~Iame -(individual, partner, joint. ' venture, corporation, syndication) , Same Business Address 434-5700 Home Address Same Telephone Nwnher: . Telephone Number John D., Antol' 4304 'Sierra :f.foreno Carlsbad,' Ca. 92~,' 3~siness Address 7~9..;l6l9 Telephone N~er " Home Adcb:ess Same' , Telep~ne ~iurnber , (Attach more sheets if necessary) '~ ...... . :. . ,. .. " I/Vle ~ecla::e under, penalty 'of perjury that the in'formation contained in this c:Iis- . closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and'correct and may be· relied upon as being true and correct until amended. John m. ~r~tt • Applicant ~ " f , " • -~ 11""'",---" ~_. t,. " ..,.-"', -Form 1359 (4/75) CLTA Subdivision Guarantee Form No. 14 SUBDIVISION .GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: ·PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE • ORDER NO. 847525-9 FEE $ 150.00 First American Title Insurance ComPany a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Diego and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced. subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering. for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: 1. KATHRYN A. MC CAULEY, a married woman, as her sole and separate property, as Owner 2. CITY OF CARLSBAD, holder of an easement recorded June 4, 1976, as File No. 76-170697 of Official Records. 3. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, holder of an easement recorded September 7, 1976 as File No. 76-291821 of Official Records. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE EXHIBIT "Ali ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Dated: March 9, 1982 First American Title Insurance Company _ BY PRESIDENT BY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. 847525-9 • The Southeasterly 223.03 feet of that portion of Lots 30 and 31 of PATTERSO~'~ ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CARLSBAD, in the City of Carlsbad, County of 'S'an Diego, State of California, according to 'Map thereof No. 565, filec;l in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 22" 188~, and of Section 31', Township 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardi~o Base, and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to :tJnited States Government Survey, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Valley Street, distant thereon North 34°33'00" West, 528.52 feet from the intersection of said center: line'of Valley Street with the center line of Oak Avenue; thence North 3'4°33'00" West' along said center line of Valley Street 657.07 feet to intersec,tion with the Southerly line of said Section 31; thence along said Southerly line; North 89°07'00" West, 47.31 feet to the most Westerly corner of the tra~t of the land conveyed by Roswell N. Wi.1son to South Coast Land Company by Deed, dated November 1, 1923 and recorded in Book 976, page 435 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County; thence North 54°13'30" East along the Northwesteriy line of ·the land so conveyed to said South Coast Land Company, 759.75 feet to tJte most Northerly corner thereof; thence South 35°29'00" East along the Northeasterly line of the land so conveyed to said South Coast Land Company" 563.12 ~eet to the said Southerly line of Section 31; thence South 89°07'00" East a~ong s~id Southerly line, 176.33 feet to intersection with the c~nter line of Canon Street; thence South 19°26'00" East along said center line, 36.81 feet, .mQre o'r less to intersection with a line drawn parallel with the said center line' of Oak Avenue through the Point of Beginning; thence South .55°27 '00" Wes·t along said parallel line 864.32 feet to the Point of Beginning. ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion described in a Deed to the City of C~rlsbac;l, recorded June 4, 1976 as File No. 76-170697 of Official Records, descr:ibed. as, follows: All that portion of Lots 30 and 31 of PATTERSON'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CARLSBAD, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Ca1iforn~a, according to Map thereof No. 565, filed in the Office of, the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 22, 1888, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerline of Valley Street, distant thereon Nor'th 34°02'15" West (Record North 34°33' West) 528.52 feet from the intersection of the centerlines of said Valley Street and Oak Avenue, said Point of Beginn~:ng being the Southwesterly corner of the land conveyed by South Coast 'Land Company to Carl G. Strock and Blanche D. Strock, by Deed dated September 22, 1930, recorded September 27, 1930 in Book 1814, page 3,27 of Deeds; thence along the Southerly line of the land so conveyed to Strock, North 55"58'59" East (Record North 55°27' East) 464.14 feet; thence leaving said Southerly line, South 69°25' 54" West, 96.42 feet to the beginning of a ,tangent 1242.00 foot radius curve, concave Southeasterly; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve, 291.54 feet through a central angle of 13°26'55"; thence tangent to said curve, South 55°58'59" West, 31.54 feet to the beginning of a tangent 20.00 foot radius curve, concave Northerly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, 31.41 feet through a central angle of 89°58'46"; thence radial to said curve, South 55°57' 45" West, 30.00 feet to a point in said centerline of Valley Street; thence along said centerline, South 34°02'15" East (Record South 34°33' East) 76.46 feet to the Point of Beginning • . EXCEPTING THEREFROM any portion lying within Valley Street. : -~ m ~ I I !:', ~ )' I .' .. ;/ ,( -.(f] '~:, • •. 'i .. ~ 't , " e l:' .6j l~.wc. CDdo) SWZ . .. E§j '/1,46 ... } .PAR. A CREST. OR~~ , t\j ~. ~. W ", ~.I1 '. J 6£;·10-1 ... I ' r"" ': {f) "" <l: ~' l-IIJ (J) Il.\' > ~ ~ " tl) \91~ -~-...... I9i ~ ,,!lSON ST,~ .~ ~, -----.... ~~ IS ~ ~ 1) "r"'~ ... - ~ ~ Q~ " ill i . ".1 @~, .~ ~ '\i D) , l ,,:v. 35°/S '.$o"w, ("m,.q~ 21.(;.9) St:.<;'. ,~ ~ • a: ... (/) --r ... I i '. I gl t"'I • ',I I , I, I , I , 4~7. 77. ... CD 3.09 AC. I ./ .'[\:7:,,~;i ... ~ -'/0' #L" , ,., / OJ :~ to 6~ ~' ,. 'A .~ ,"/ ., . .~ ,: ,I ·Il:~' ." 0 :' 110' / . o~ 0 I tc)~ I \ ~ I~ ,,, II \"'l~ ~ ~ ;1 I:i I\'~ ~., ~I': ''-1 I~j ;-.1 ' ~ ~I ~I t-. ~ ~I ~.! "/.' PAR. C. ~ "i 'I)' ~ " II 1Ij, ~ } ~ ., ~~. , .. ~, ~ r..: /, , , . , " I I' ~::130 24-3 "~o .. :, .. ,.' ........ ,,, .. ,.--1 '-. '':', , . I , I . ; 01 t--t: •• '. :-..1 ~: iU ~. , .-...... ,. -. 'I ... ,. t • t t '. 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I I .. ., " 211 55 yr.!/.';8:=~~~"'-~97. 7/ ::. /53 <I f, .'> .' • :;;l . ""~"'-:-I"'~ ... 1 ~-___ _ .. ,~ .~ p"'l<' "'" :::- <C ~. ...J l:U 6P . . . '; .. ~ .... ~.... . t.'''':':::'~~! .~~ .... ~ ,30 2B3·30 '~'" /'I3",-33'w "S)' I\) , . MAP 565 SEC 31 PATTERSON'S AOD -LOTS 30.31 Tl1S-R4W -POR SE 1!~' ..... ', j " r~''':';'1 ~, i' ,$.{ , , __ ,,_~),l ......... t) t' • .0 (l.tI Ii !ji l:~~Ao;:' .g,~;'':~:' I') tI' a: c+ ' .... ~ .. r.I>'" ,:1~:O:J :: J:oEJ .. ~· ~~ !i~ J: c~·li~ . i 'i ~ ~:tL .. 0, , 'i~ , '" ao .• 3 ~ ~ 'f;"~ ~F.lr:tq 1I;s.'~Aoll, .,i~tf~:' " e4 d-!: " ":t" .... ,t ~ If a' c-~a~~l tJ ~ '\ ' ...... ~ ;:-. . >--