HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 591; CALAVERA HILLS; Engineering Application-------,;-----,--, " • • CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPRQVAL OF A TENTATI.YE PARCEL MAP .' ' FOR A MINOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-(INTO 4-0RtI.:ESS PARCELS'> AS PROV I D ED FOR IN CHA PTER 20.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE " F I LING FEE: ,·~~300. flO' --~ILI N~ FEE RECE IPT NO. ;J.S<17fiJ " : 9/lq~V • TO THE CITY ENG I NEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: M (NOR SU6D I V I S I ONNQ. Ms5~" --(for office use)' I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tenta:tiive. Parcel 'Map of Mjr:nor, Subdivision No. consisting ofS04-,. ' g'ro'5s'" " . ':: acre's, 'having 4 lots, being ,a pr<?posed! sl,1~~ivision of land for, property described as, (Exact Legal 'Description) .. , .. , < .generally 10cated on the -r~~~~~~~--~~~~~~====~~~~~ ...(')J) i3~J North, South" :-""~ .. ' ,'s ide: 0 f ( N'aiFe ~fitre~ be twee n 4.:...-!:~~i:lSW.d:f.~~~l..-....:.-o.,t-c:::....-- "'and~ , /(J:,B -/(X) -250 ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. I(PB~ tJ46-1J /~8-oso-Z7 ,Book Page, Parcel TYPE OF SUBD I V I S I ON --:~~¥~~.J'i4:-~~~-:!!.' ~~~~~,~' ;"':"~~-+'~~~_ Res i d'ent i a 1 , ~ Commerc Fad!, Indus ria 1 Are the existing or proposed parcels or lots illl thiiS mi'nor subdivision, subject to other discretionary app~oval {for examp~et a va~iance or con- ditional use permit)? Yes ' No ~. , " "r -~ ".'".: h'I-• ',- ... .,j , . . ,;"", -, ' .~..:' -" ~'c'"",,, ' ~'_'~"" Z~NE '. ---~ -~~. ~ .. e" PRESENT " , ,the'undersigned state'that the ---""(-;-"'-, -rW"Te-)r----.-'-_'-_--'--.~---~, , ", ( I" am, We are) , . ' of.t"he property'descr.ibedhe"reir'l:and hereby (Owner,' Owners), (~ut~or.Lzea Agent) " " ' .. , . give aut:h9r.ization to the f.i1i.ng .of this 'proposed tract" ", " (My, Our}' -.: "",-=-,-• '-'-' map.'awar~ of and have had an 'opportuni,ty, to, read (, am, We are) Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code . . --.' ~i ;..-_ ..... :-=~-;..-, J/.' Name --~~----;---~~~~~--~~--~--~----~.-~--~--~----~------~~~ Typed or Print~d as shown on Recorded Deed Signature ______ ~~--~~~~ __ ----__ ----__ ------------~~~~--~~~~-- Name __ -,~ __ ~·,~,~-~·~,~,_'~~~,'~--~------~~--~._~,--~,n .. ~--~+r--~~--__ ~~ Typed or Printed as· shown on Recorqed,Deed " S i gnatu re . ,-'~, ~-. -"=-.::..:. .. -.-, Name __ ~_~ __ -r~~'~~~~~-__ ~~~~~~~ __ ~~~ __ ~~ __ ~~~ ____ ~ ____ __ , (Typed or Pri nt'ed as' shown on Recorded Signature ----.-.-.. -.-'-"-.-=---~--. Name --~~T-y-p-e~dr-o-r-,~P~'r~i~n~t-e~dr~,-a-s--.s~h~o-w-n~-'~p-n~R~e-c-o-r-d'e-d~~~r-~~---------------- 'Signature ,'.' " '~";"~'" - '~.'-. --" .. --~ -- ~---.. ".:-:'~-', .: ..... -.... _;:::---.-- Name and" Addr.ess of-SubC!tyiider: -:.-:=.-.. ~ .. -. .:.- ~ -"""" --' .... -.--.. Name, address 'and 'phone '_n~ .. lniber -of''':Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: .. ,_-J.. :.j _._-._" _.'-' .. ' , . , , .' "'. . '.=-";"--'. ~.'-':-_'~'~.-=---7".--"",-1!-'~.-;-~~?~-:'--= -. -.... ::..._;., . ~~-~ ~ ... :. ~. ~:"~7~:'3:;;; .~:.::-=--: ~ ~¥ • .-' ~4i~';;~: -~ -.~-~~. ~. -;=~~ ~d~:-~-~ _ _....,....,.' ........ '--'--,--,.--=--. : .':- ". ''*'!'' . '-:---, . ---=---'=-c.,~ " ,c, -=-'-'-:-.", .... ;.: _. -.. -_...:.". -' -=---~, ----.-___ ... ,, ___ ~ ..... -:e-:-~-!:.{:-:::--_~-:.~ . n -.,;.;~~=:--.. ---.::::~~~-~~:.._ ~~ ___ ';'::_':--7~~/~:,":- ~ -.. '::::.-;'.::::~,,~";"'-"';:-:--="''''''r:'---.:-=----_ -:=-. -.-, -.,.-.--"-.... _ .... ;_. ~. --... ..;...~ .. ,;~ :,.- . '-.-. . ' .... _-_ . . 1 -..' -.. . ........ ---.- --. • ...... ---.-.", -.. ..& ------• --:.-.; ---: -;':v--4~"" -~-_ -'e-... ~'-f--~~""""":--_- , ---~ -: :;.:=-: ~ .. , .. -~:--:-::,.. -: :.-" " , ,'.£--:::::; -- •... '~' -:;;=_ .. ' • 'to • ,_ , " • \ ~ . . .. , .. ~-_._-------....... -'-" " ----.~~--.;".;::.; . , -•.• -.~: ~-.Z: l~ _._~ .. _ ••• ,to' • '. " ., .--' ',' " ,', ,., .... ' i," '0 ': ' f .. }-.; ... - . :~'-" , .~' , " .. , . .-:!o -.', . ,( t ,~, .. ',-------------------------------------------------~--~------------~--~--~--~ REQUEST o Zone Change 0 Precise Develo:pnent Plan o General Plan Amendment 0 Specific Plan :m Tentative ~;{:t;<,;;g;LMap 0 Site Development Plan o Plann'ed Unit Development 0 Conditional Use Permit o Major Condominium Permit' 0 Variance o Minor Condominium Penni. t, D'Planning Commission Detennination OI'1aster Plan ' 0 SJ?8cial Use Permit, ,OMajor Condominium 'Conversion: : , : : , : : ' : ' , ,O:Administrative Variance' , --,--, Complete Description of project (attach additional sheets if necessary) .................................. ', .............. -...... , .............. . 1---------------------"------------------------------------~--------------~--~--~--__4 The 'proposed prcij ect 'i~ 'to' 'divid'e 'the' portion.' of' Caiavera' Hiiis ' stjj j 'owned 'by 'Lake Calavera lIillsAsso'c'ia't'es: in:t'o' 'four' legal parcels~' , This' is' being 'done 'for 'financing' purposes. ..... location of Project The proj ect is located 'iIi :the' N6r'thea:st' Corher' of' the' Cit~~ 'East' of' El 'Camino 'Real, ,West Zon~ ~~' General Plal1 Existing Land Use -'-- Residential, Commercial, Open PI d C . t ' Agricul tu?=,!=, a, nd, vaca, n, ~, , " , . _ anne, ,ommuUl. 'y Space'Master, Plan 'No.' l50A ' Proposed Zone I Proposed General Plan Site Acreage Same . Same 5'04+ Acres Owner' Narne (Print or Type) Lake Calaveras H':iI11:s Associates Don N. Bowker Trustee, Martha Killefer " Mailing--:Aa:2Lress Trust, 1207 Elm Avenue" Suite D City and State ,Zip Telephone Carlsbad, CA 92008' 7l4~729~49l2 ' I CE...~TIFY THAT I AM 'l'HE LEGAL OWW....R AND 'rHA.T ALL T.EIE ABOVE INFORMA.TION IS TRUE AND CORP..ECT 'IO THE BEST OP MY KNOWLEDGE Name Lake 'Clavaeras I:lills Associates Vailing Address 1207 Elm Avenue, Suite D City anQ, State ~Zip Telephope " If after the information you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined '" ·.~.~~a~ further information .equired, you will be so adv.. , APPLICAl-lT: LA1(£ b! I LL£ Name (individual, partnership" joll;lt venture, corporationp syndication) Business Address \ 'CD7 ELM 'Su'jt-€ ,J) " .', . Telephone Number , AGENT: -"-----------,--------------------------------------~------~--~------' Name Busil~ Addres~ ~ .. . :., . ----------------------------------Telephone Number' '. NEZ-lBEES : ~~-.-----~~~--------~----Name '(individual, partner,' joInt. ~. venture, corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone N~~er . Home ~.ddl:"ess T?lephone Number Home Address: 3~siness Address ----~~--------------.----~----~----~ Telephone Ncmbe:r Martha Kil1.efer 'Tr~st . ..--- --_._--_._------- " , -, (Attach more sheets if .. neces$~ry) . l/\'7e decla=e ur.der penalty of perjury that the information contain,ed in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it .vill remain true anc;t correct and may be' relied upon a3 being true and correct until ame.nded. ---... ir __ •