HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 823; OAKTREE-ROCHESTER; Engineering ApplicationCITY OF CARLSBAD !4c)~ , LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FORM 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) (For Dept. Use Only) PAGE 1 OF 2 (For Dept. Use Only) o 0 Master Plan ........•...... _--/-_ General Plan Amendment ...... __ _ o 0 Specific Plan ............. Site Development Pl~n ...... . -----o Preci se Development Pl an ... --:-+ __ D· Zone Change ................. ______ _ o 0 Tentative Tract Map........ Conditional Use Permit ....•. _____ ...,.-_____ o Pl anned Development Permit 0 Hill side Development Perm . .it. ~--.,..-,-- o Non·-Residential Planned 0 Environmental Impact Deve 1 opment Perm; t. • . . • . . . Assessment .•..•........... _____ -".."._ o 0 Condom; n; urn Permit ..•....... +--___ 1 Var; ance .............•.•.... ____ _ o Special Use Permit ......... Iv--T--"-- o Redevelopment Permi t .. [!J Tentative Parcel o Administrative Vari ~-~- 2) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE I ' North o Pl~nned 'Itldustri a 1 Perin; t. .. ___ --,---,- Coastal Development Permit •. ...,--0----- Plann;ngCommission Deter ... f} P 5· ;J; It' r-'--3-?'-{ ----..... ISIDE OFI Magnolia Avenue (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) (NAME OF SiREET) . BETWEEN 1 Adams Street . ,I AND I Highlanq Drive (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 42 bf Carlsbad Parcel map 3316 4) ASSBSOR PARCEL NO(S)·I~ ____ 20_5_-2_1_0-_4_2 ______ ~~~~ __ ~_.~, 1 5) LOCAL FACILITIES~ 6) EXISTING GENERAL/ RLM 7) PROPOSED GENERAL 1 , I MANAGEMENT ZONE L=..J PLAN DESIGNATION . PLAN DESIGNATION .Lo-. -_ ....... 8) EXISTING ZONINGI R-1-7~00 ' 19) PROPOSED ZONINGIr--------,110) GROSS SITEI 0.94 r .. . 'ACREAGE . . 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OFI 3 112) PROPOSED NUMBER 1 ~hfi~~ 113) TYPE OF ,/r-r-e-sJ.-·d-en-t-i....,a~ RESIDENTIAL' UNITS . ·OF LOTS . . SUBDIVISION . . (RESIDENTIAL 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL UNITSI 1 COMMERCIAL INDUSTIRAL) 15) PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL I 116) PROPOSED COMMERCIAL I' 'I OFFICE/SQUARE FOOTAGE' Lo.-. ----', SQOARE FOOTAGE L...--______ ......J ARFMOOO8.DH 4/89 , ..... , CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FORM PAGE 2 OF 2 17) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE 1~'_N_/_A_----,119) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC I~ 18) PROPOSED SEWER USAGE IN EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS I~~ __ ~ _3_---..11 . 20 ~ I --... ,I 20) PROJECT NA~I Rochester ReSidenti~sUbdiViSion: .. 21)BRIEF DESCRIPiION OF PROJECT: 'I Rochester Residential Subdivision: the construction of two single family detached homes on the.two adc'!itional lots generated by the three-way split of a parcel with an existing single family home ~ . 22) OWNER 23) -APPLICANT NAME R6~p[iNf'o~~~~fh Hawkins Rochester .. . . NAME (PRINT OR iYPE)Michael ROSE! MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 1274 Magnolia Avenue P.O. Box 404 , CITY AND STATE 'ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Carlsbad, Califnrnia 92008 729-0171 Carlsbad, California 92009 438-1113 .. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT I'CERTIFY THAT I AM THE QWNER'S REPRE-ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT SENTAtIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ,INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO ~~~~~ DATE. THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. _~ . 13 July 1989 S~NATURE ~ DATE ~~ ./~. 13 July 1989 , - -- * ~~***********;;********************************************************************* FOR CITY USE ONLY FEE COMPUTATION: APPLICAiION TYPE /J1f-/z-:3 e/t!) ~5lfrfe rr~ f,,7D FEE REQUIRED 7!O 0- /7:5- :PI - 31/' TOTAL· FEE REQUIRED'I . 7/?J - RECEIVED JUt 14 18S'? CITY OF CARLSBAD DATE stAMP. A?9Cl~~ECEIVED RECEIVED BY: I fr , RECEIPT NO.I5P'?ar-2 ; DATE FEE PAID ARFMOO08.DH 4/89 » SUBDty ISION SUBDIVISION lOG STAff" SUBDIVISION ENGINEER Of WORKlm VGha L::GD ADDRESS, e-Z-;Z? ~ &r... , ~~~~'~'~~~~~}~C~a~'~t __ ~q~~~o~s~G _______ PHONE:~~~4b " ' TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAl: ______ _ 1ST EXlENSION' ____ _ 2ND EXTENSION' ______ _ IMPROVEMENT PLAN NO. , _____ _ GRADING PLAN NO. , _________ _ IlI,AS BUll Ts" APPROVED' _______ _ GRADING PERMIT N,O~ , __________ _ EROSION CONTROL PlAN' ___ ....... _--- BONOS AND AGREEMENTS fAITHfUL LABOR & HONUHEN-SECURITY AGREEMENT TITLE EXPIRATION PERfORMANCE MATERIALS TATION TYPE (CASH, COMMENTS DATE BOND AMT. BOND AMT. B~OND AMT. SURETY LOC) SURETY COHPANYI ____________________________ ~ ______________ ~ __________ _ ADDREss' ________________________________________________________________ ~ CONTACT' ___________ ~-------------------------------PHONE:-._-----_---- EASEMENTS USE lOCA flON RECORD NO.' REPORTS TYPE Of REPORT STATUS (IN, N/A) CHECKED BY ee I ·Soils Re ort DR A IN AG E AR E A I-~--.,.---...,..,.-"¥_"I"""""---___,r__--- PLANNING ACTIONI ~nba;;lle tI~~on COMMtNTS. ~ P /f) -it )621 'l. SEWER DiSTRICT I (1AeL~D P L ANN I NG AR E A 1_ .... W{""Q,,;::J:t..lo.::Jt;;;s;;;· ~l---....... -------- SPECIAL ZONESI (ASSESSHEN'T, THOROUGHFARE., BR lOGE 0 I 5 TR 1 C T 5,1...,... ________ --___ _ \~ \ \ ~ I· CITY OF CAILSBAD ~ EI611EEII16 bEPAIT"EIT ~ fEES AIR DEPOSITS WOllSNEEr PREPARED BY: ~ ... PROJECT NAltl: $ fjJzgJ?{ -/401 QA:12b DATE: ~g 1'V TENTATIVE PARCELltAP FEE •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " ~ ,. eo ~. "AP FEE ( ?z LOTS)(PARCEL MAP/FINAL MAP NO. OF L.OTS __ ). " l25CO,co ( (EXPEdITED/NOT EXPEDfTED) ~ PARCEL "AP EXTENSION FEE IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK FEE; • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .----....------ DIPOUT WITH SUI"ITTAL ____________ RECEIPT HO •...... ___ _ IMP'AYIMINT DisCRIPTIAN BONDER vALue TOTAL: IMPROVEMENT INSPECTION FEE: lIlA TOTAL: x ~------~PE~R~C~E~N~TA~G~E~ YALUE X ---~--------rpE~R~C~E~NT~AMG~E~ • • PARK-IN-L.IEU FEE (CIRCLE ONE): DWELLING TYPE: ~OR DUPLEX MF «4 UNITS) "IF (> 4 UNITS) MH ~ AREA: 1 2 3 4 J.)LOau~ e1-djf(~/ ~ .4~ 7i?'b NUMBER OF UNITS: tUb? tr2-i X tUJ...::f-i' .( ___ .-f~'5~4..;;..-. _t ....... _w_· tREA FU/U IT STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING: 5,800 LUMEN AT 81.00 • 9,500 LUMEN AT 111. 06 • 16,000 LUMEN AT 152.10 • 20,000 LUMEN AT 169.38 • TOTAL: GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE DEPOSIT RECEIPT NQ. (EXPEDITED/NOT EXPEDITED) GRADING PLAN CHECK 'EI ( CUIIC YARDS) ••••. .... GRADING CASH DEPOSIT • r ,,~./. l~' • • • • • •• • • • • DUPLICATE TRACING FEE. l.';1...Itt? . ~) •.••.•.... STREET SIGN DEPOSIT: ________ AT ___ • ______ _ _____ AT ___ a ______ _ _____ AT __ ..,.... • ______ __ TOTAL: STREET STRIPING DEPOSIT I, • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . a . .. ,--------· . .. . ------------• • • • ____ ..... -::c?Q .. ~q:;:),,)-'- · ... _........,--....,.....--FRO~T L.INE OR AREA FEES (TYPE ) •••••••• DRA INAGE AREA FEE (AREA NO. t7k ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -._----.....,.---. . . , . . . ,---------TOTAL ACRES: X • _____ _ AREA FEE . . :. '-~-~"S ".ALUE· O~ -MA~i'~~·"·",,,,,.~-:,,,,;;;2. 2~~~':!"f"~~f~"! AS NOTED 1" "'''~ I iR DRA·I NAGE PLAN DOCUMENTS MULTIPLIED IY CURRENT INFLATION FACTOR •. bINI VAI-UI . X EA'Igl • a~AUttI X • X • X a TOTAL: DRAINAGE FEE OUE: • • • ADDITIONAL FEES: TYPE : ...... M? ___ .~~ __ ?W...:::;.: ..... _. _____ -. • • • • • • • • • • . . • . "·~,-9~1%2~. __ -----TyPE: __________________ _ ............... ,--------- TOTAL FEES AND DEPOSITS: . .. ,---------(IN ADDITION, A GRA'OING PER~IT FEE OF _____ _ IS OUE UPON ISSUMKE OF THE GR~OING PER/IIIT.) Form 1359 (4/'75) CL TA SUbdivision Guarantee Form No. 14 • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: M. S. 823 ORDER NO. 1006049·<L4 FEE $ 500.00 First American Title Insurance ComPflny The County of San Diego located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00. a corporation, GUARANTEES and any City within which said subc!ivision is That, according to those public records which, under the rec()rding laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown 'on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties ,having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: RUTH HAWKINS ROCHESTER AND OAKTREE CORfORATION, a California corporation, as record owners. CALIFORNIA GENERAL MORTGAGE SERVICE, INC.., a, California corporation, as Trustee under Deed of Trust recorded January 23, ).987 as File No. a7~035040 of Official Records. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, as Trustee under Deeds of Trust recorded December 15, 1989 as File No. 89-678669 and 89-678671, both of Official Re,cords. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCR1PTION Dated: JUNE 1, 1990 AT 7:30 A.M. First American Title In$urance Company BY ~"<--"Z PRESiDENT )(~}tfc ~ AS'SI$TANT SECRETARY BY KEVIN MC CAR!HY/bjw • ORDER NO. ~006049"'14 tEGAL DESCRIPTIoN THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAl;» NO. 3316, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN 'nIE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 17, 1974 AS FILE NO. 74-327300 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. PARCEL B: LOT 5 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 84-34, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY Of SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO .. 12048, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF .SAN DIEGO COUNT~, APRIL 20, 1988. PAGE 6 Form 1359 (4/75) CLTA Subdivision Guarantee Form !'10.' 14 • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: M. S. 823 ORDER NO. 1006049':'14 FEE $500.00 First America,n Title Insura,nce Compa,ny The County of San Diego located in a sum riot exceeding $1000,00. a corporation, GUARANTEES and any City within which said subdivision is That, according to those public records which; under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any recor.d title interest in SC)id land whose signatures are necessary, under the ,requirements of the Sl,Ibdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads~avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said' map are: RUTH HAWKINS ROCHESTER AND OAKTREE CORPORATION; a Ca1iIornia corporation, as record owners. CALIFORNIA GENERAL ,MORTGAGE SERVICE, INC., a Californi~ -corppration, as Trustee und?r Deed of Tr'l,ls'.t ~ecorded January 23, 1987 as File No. 87-035040 of Official Records. FIRST AMERICAN TITL~ INSURANCE COMPANY, a California c,orporation, as Trustee under Deeds of Trust recorded December 15, 1989. as Fil.e No. 89-678669 and 89-678671, bo,th of Official Records. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE ATTACHED 'LEGAL DESCRIPTION Dated: APRIL 2, 1990 AT 7:30 A.M. First American Title InsurQ,nce Company BY ~MR~ PRESlb'N' /c,,~~ ~-Y BY ASSISTANT SECRETARY KEVIN MC CARTHY/bjw .. -. -. • ORD~ NO. 1006049-14 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE Of CALIfORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRlaEDAS FO,LL()WS: - PARCEL A; PARCEL i OF PARCEL MAP NO. 3316, IN THE .CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY-OF SAN .DIEGO, STATE OF CALI"FORNIA,FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TaE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEG,O COUNTY, DECEMBER 17, 1974 AS FILE NO~ 74-327~QO OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ' TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF .sAID PARCEL MAP ADJOINING 'SAID ~ARCEL 1 ON THE SOUTH AND LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF' THE SOtJTHEAST~RLY pROLONGAT~ON OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY L:tN~ OF SAID P~CEL 1. PARCEL B: 'LOT 5 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 84-34, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO;, STATE .OF aALIFO~IA, ~CCORDING TO MAP 'l'HEREOf NO. i2048, FILED IN THE OFFlt~ OF THE COUNTY.RECORDER OF SAN .DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 20, 1988. PAGE 6 , " .' " I:~ I· , CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY. < 1301 Third Ave. . San Diego, California 92, ,,," '. (619)232-4031 Fax: (619)235-7279 PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE Order No. 909366 -51 Fee~ $ 500.00 Map No: PM 12803 Dated: September 6, 1989 at 7: 30 A.M •. Subdivision: PARCEL M4P NO. 12803 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY . a corporation, herelncaJled the,Company GUARANTEES The.County of San Diego and any City wlthln·Whlch said sUbcllvlslon Is located In a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which, under the· recording laws, Impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land Included within the exterior boundary·shownon the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title Interest Insal(j land whose signatures are . necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certlfl~tes consehthig to·the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any str~ets,roads,avenues, and other·easements offered for dedication by said map are as set forth In Schedule A . PMGFACB -12/21/"" Thomas J. Adams Secretary Richard L. Pollay President ••••••• ~ .................. s-•••• Authorized Signature : :' , ; ~< .. -' \ '-f' . Policy No. 909366 Page i DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: Parcell of Parcel Ma,p No. 12803 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, July 14, 1983. PARCEL B: An easement and right of way for drainage over, along and across that. portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 12'803, 'in the City of Carlsbacl',' cp,untY---bf ... ;San D~ego, State of California, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San, Diego County, July 14, 1983, delineated thereon as "Private 10' Drainage Easement".- PARCEL C: An easement for ingress and egress for road purposes over, along and across that portion of Parcel 2 -of Parcel Map No. 12803, in the City of Carlsbad,County of San Diego, State of California~ filed in the Office of the' County Recorder of San Diego County, July 14, 1983, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Southeasterly line of said Parcel 2 at it-s " intersection with the Northerly line' of Tamarack Avenue as shown on said Parcel Map; , thence along the said Northerly line of Tamarack Aven~e, North 63° 49' 23" West, 1.10 feet to a tangent 534 foot radius curve concave to the SQuth; thenc~ along said curve through a central angle of 3° OS" 32" for a distance of 2.8.82 feet to the most Southerly corner of Parcel 3 of said Parcel Map; thence along t1:le' boundary common to Parcels 2 and 3, Nort;.h26° 11' 00" East, 95.00 feet; thence continuing North 26° 11'- 00" East, 56.93 feet; thence at right angles South 63° 49' 00" Ea!?t,30.00 feet to the boundary line common to said Parcels 1 and 2; thence along said common boundary, South 26° 11' 00" West, 50.00 feet to the most Westerly corner of said Parcell; thence continuing along the boundary of Parcel 2, South 26° II' 00· West, 101;15 feet to the Point of Beginning. _ ..... 1. Order No: 909366· -5J. .-.. . "Dated: September 6,.--at7:30 A.M. 'Subdivision: PARCEL MAP NO. 12803 . Iit=~PNO:PM 12803 Fax Number: (619)235-7279 SCHEDULE A The map hereinbe~c;>re referred to is a. subdivision of: SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION .....,,. "-"~~t -'.1\ ...... ~ .... ... ",. ~\..':i""'" " : ...... , The parties hereinbefore referred to are: OWNERS: ROBERT B. BURKE and CANDACE P. BURKE, hus'band and wife, and KENN~TH E. REED and DONNA L. REED, husband and wife, and BARBARA SANDERSON HOLST, an un:mil.rried wo~n;' all as joint tenants LESSEES: NONE 'J TRUST D~ED HOLDERS: HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation, B,·sY Trustee under Deed' of Trust recorded April 13, 1988 as File No. 88-168392 EASEMENT HOLDERS: (1)' The signe,ture of WH. G. KERCKHOFF CO. , Owner of an easement as di~closed by deed recorded Sept;.ePlber 18, 1944 .in Book 1745, Page 197 of Official Records of San. Diego ,County has been omit'ted under .the provisions of Section 66436, subsection (A)(3)(A)(i) of Government Code, their interest is such that it cannot ripen ~ntQ a fee title ftnd said signature is not required by the governing body. PMODIVA -12/'J:J./8S I .j. e· i' i·.· • I ~ . ," " \ )' .,'., , .. ~:.. :,. ... : ~ ·~·-·-·----"""'------I'· :~-... -"'--"---~-.----. ·PAR.CE£'. MAP' NO~: "12~OJ ;'. -~--:-""----,,:~.-~~ ... . . SCALE \. -~NTr_~ "rNT .',ALI. '. .' . ....... \ ..... ~;:!.~. 'Ji"'J ... '. . . '~I!BOJVID£R"S: CERTlFIC~ ,#E~"''''-,,", _s/" .~~~ 5"(· . '. . .. \< ....... ~ ... "~_,,. :0< . ....." __ ~ ~. ____ .-..~. .. . ,. -;,; '. Y: ~... : • .J' .... 4> .... A~; H~' a. *,:,~.~ A-..~"""""" _ ~. ,',.. •. o-& .. ~~.~P"""pitt~ ....... ~ ....... .,/~.)C'~. . \ "= ''t ~ 'J ,w....-~~..c-Ir .. ~ ~ ~ ................ ; .......,. ~ \ ' \ f . "Z'I_"..c r .. 6 ,~~ ", ... ,; .......... ;..........., .-c~-. . . .s . '.. ~ . A'.~£~ h'C M'" \. "I • ' • . \ .' ~: : ... ,. ""... ;,,,,#', MI"Sl1I'~'''' .... '\. ." . \ ". ..... ,~~,. .... :P~., .. ~.; .. : .. "S ... ·' ...• , ..... !, .,; ....... ,·\.I,n'·I\,Ir.-bJ''':'l~-~V'Q ' . \ .~ \ t '~.dL~ '<::..,1,.....' ,_,,!.-.·c~,: ~ ~-~ .1& T~IISTCE UNREI 7Itusr"'"~£.EMI""T ':.1'-::;~ , .. ~ . 1"-:'~.fflDD"E J6 •• ,".. • DAT.£II JULY ;T."~T' AS IIWN~& '. '.~' :~ N#rF"'IItIr::"""""i"':::::-tl,jr : .. '; ..... 71' 1~Jll..S"· __ ~ ,. ~/"""""'~.T~7T--:-"':;"'---'l>, "r"6" " .~ ·UU).e~:. ~ ~Dii:~' .;~ ,:!:r;.6g" ~:;:.\ .~ ~ ~.!. 1. .. r~ AlrrA: "I \ t" "~1f'M' ,.,;.' ~ .. 1..C N*. Z.,. . .. I 'i)': '::' . ~" ~~DSS· q.,.u SF. ~' TM-It:.CLt'.1T I . : • ... "",,101> ..... t.. ~i~ ~rT -/11",,"'1 sJ.; ~" ", ~/II«./llIltf. - ,.---..., ..... ~~~.; PARC£l j ;ii~ -~~. I . I· I: ~-L; ",' ,; "'E.A'TI"S" .. ~:t~ PARCEL 2 ~h;;R" !~";'''7''~~. . -,-.......1It I, ;' ~. " " ~~ rrAPIA4J ..;" ,,,..r"".:P£Q,f~:S __ ":'· HZ,;. "rDtr'E :lS'&&~.!' 1. ... '1' 'V~TE ~" CJ..,.-'C:> po ~~. ---9 l.(: t{2 .... H"(?? ... " .. :--,.(-........ "'.1 ·t' "" 4 • ..r&l'~~· 'R",cU)~&E toe:o.' 1*'1 ~ ~Ar&'I;".1rA' /-z I· • :~;,~ • : .. " -. '7L .·ZI.6Z" _ M~t.I"':";:-~l~· C)~; ISS" . _;;.,J.!~.~J: -'4!' t*". ~ -,,'OD':' /. -t"''' '~~~,--,' ~ ~i , .... N-~-".rr---.:;:-• .~ ..•. "1' I.' ~e"'J7 ts '0' 'S" --. I... ..I , :\.~-I '"I , ':';' i --"#o''''''''E :0,u;c"1""" I .;, ~~"'T I ~I t; .. -, ).. I. Q : S~It;' DETAll.... f:. !:! .'r.!'4"JI"£ " .. _ , ' . d' • ~/"("'T .", .""~-•. s:.z..&JI.c .. ;; .... :">r:--,-AIL ..i ..... "'.. I"' S!! • .-... ND Krt:D~D ~ . 1:1; l,/c,. M ,,-=-"I ... ,\,~ "!\. I -:---J l· .. ~, \ ,.·T4-:r;" ~US· ~,( I-/"" S&AJ.I ,-'.. :~.~ ~ :~' . . . ,\~J ~ "-1t..tJAb ~ttt ~~ ~ ::. , I l(t !~ ... ~ A ,.' " .S'i-2:UJ4If. ~ I" : . A' \) ~ . ~... ~ C':' .. ~'\ ~ . ~ fit '> r~ .. ~? '\ "(:~·~i ~ :"<ir .. PARCEL 1:.1 .}'-:ll:, h 1.-1,10411' ., . ct .... j ~... -.:". . .. • '" .. t' I "t"j.":' I ,of-" ",eI.A·~"',407JF" :l' :. :;. 't I ~;; ~!' .' 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C' JUNE' IIAI TW£ y~ .... ~~, BE'DIUC ME,----1JI££L-i ~;.":I$~, A A/(;TAI:Y' PU8LIC IN AND ro~ SAIII CIJUAITY AND STATE, pr~$o.vAl.l.'t' .A"E,A.II("$'D M"c~J"RI£ HOwAIrD -.10"'£.$, "E~5CNALL"" 'ROv£~ TD ME 0"" THE ~t"-!'S OF .sAT/SrA(;TO~Y EVID~J.I&£ TO.,£ Tf4E I'~SDN J!VHCSI!. NAM£ IS S'U6SCRli5ED rD TJlI$ INS-rRUME"VT~ AND A&KNaN'" LEDceD rH.AT SHE EXECUT£Q IT. WITNe-SS MY HAWD AA,f/J b,TICIAL SEAL" r-~' =:::-_~ ___ _ .~ ""':llI::fAl 1..;.-.:: "! ,...~ •• ~. :..;,. ... <.-:'.:-~ -.--.~ t cI', J! tUCINITJJ' /I't' .. ,* THIS JI',A~t:.Fl.MAP ~$ .'PItDV~D I.I""N TH6 Ex,*~"sS eDNDIT~t:~ THAT J!Iq/£D;M& P£RMtTS NUL N"T III I$SuEo FPIt.::lln'-ElOPA-fE'NT o~ THI S"~I'&'-'~O"EJrTY uNi.Es~ T~£ &~ry E"'':I;.~rA' SJETE~ "T"'AT SEWEIr C-A~LT"':S ~VAILA.l.E AT TN. TIME' OF """'L"t:' ... r,c", ~D~ .:1A::I' 'PE~Mlrs AND "'~LL C~IV"''',NV$ T&.!Ie AII'.4IL.,.,6L1 LlNrll. T,"'r O'oCct:VA""Cr. .' 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