HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-03; Ballot PamphletsCity of Carlsbad Sample Ballot & Voter !ildrmation Pamphlet SPECIAL MUNICI PAL ELECTION TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1987 Administered by: ALETFIARAUTENKRANZ Carlsbad City Cletk Gompiled and Distrihrted by: REGISTR/AR OFVOTERS County of San Diego 5201-lRuffin Road San Diego, CA 92123 (61e) 56$s80O POLLS OPEN AT 7 AM. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. To simplify voting on Eleclion Day, take your pre-marked sample ballot to the polling place shown on the back cover. TI{E LOcATION OFYOUn POLLING PIACE IS SHOWN (tr{THE BACK COVER Spanieh tranglatioirs ol cendddcs' !'trtilEils and the propostlon are anilaHe tpofi rrcprst frorn the RcgBEer ol Vders. Traducdoncc sq Elpdfd Oc f propocU#y dc bs dedaracioncc de los canclidatos ctCn dsponttea a prwb pGtddn d RqFtrador d€ Votantes. 6l CITYOF CARBAAD SPECIAL IIUTTICIPAL ELECTIOiI Tuesdry, March 3, 1987 MEIIIBER of the CIIVCOUNCIL(ShortTerm) Votsfsgne *ommrat coooerativeManeaer + ( *'ffi*o*'raAffirisfdor .} € IIEASURE SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS PROPOSIT|ON A Do the voters d the City ofCarlsbad Spmve spending approximately $7 million for trs acquisition of 52.68 ere of undeveloped land krurwn as Hosp Grove the purchase to be ftnanced wtth deH requidngpayments from the goneral fund d approximately $6S0,000 per year lor 20 years. VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET The lollowlng pages contaln CANDIDATE'S STATEMENTS together wlth the ARGUMENTS AND REBUTTAI,S ARGUT'ENTS AND/ON REBUTTALIS Arglmsnta h ruppori ol or h opposldon to the proposed laws are the ophkrns ol lhe- anthore and have not bsr cfi€ck€d lor acorracy by any ofichl egancy. CAT{DIDATE'S STATEM ENTS Tho iolonflg p.gcs oonteh r complste H ol std€rnctts. Esch ddqn€nt b vohmteced by the crnddate, b thc ophlon of the anthor and hac not brn cfid€d tur eoaraoy by my dlldal egrncy. .aolt^rltt roLgo CITY OF CARLSBAD llember oltlu GIU Gouncll (ShortTerm) :EnlC UnnSOX Age: 37 Agrlcultural Cooperatlve Menager As a lfe{ong Nwth Cannty resident" Edc tareon haa bean csrfi{tr€d to cen(tS hb conxnrnlty. -His past hvotoqnent wlth the Clty ol Cadsbad has hofud€d: Phnnhg Coffinissibn€c Parks and Recration Comrnlssioner; Cifzens Lend Use RsYiow Comr{ttee; Coastal Pbn Agricrrfrurc Cornmittee. Erlc has dso b€an hvolved ea a vobnteer h many comrunfi fffifie ho&t*tg: Dhecior, Frienda ol The l.bra4a Buena Meta Scttool $te Counc[; O*ecior, Buena \rbta Lngmn Fqrndatoni Dkeclor, CatlBbed E&caffonal Founffion. This b e odtcal pedod lor Carlsbad es The Cfi boks for l€ed€rshp h itplemenfing voter-approved furth Manag€rnfft Phn. E ic hes aupported this phn lrom hc€ptim and beffeve thgt nouv b the llne to geil on with ils enlorcement Edc has broad-bascd comrrunlty €illpport.fld bellevae that hls op:n mhdd approadt, end wlffingrres to lsten to atr olttsens wlthin thg oruumity, rr$ hsure hk std reponslble dedalon maklng, Etk hae lhe proven ablfty and soqmdenoe to pro$de the bad€rshh lhat is ao knportant lor Cqrtsbad'g trrture. CITY OF CARLSBADtemberof $s CfiCouncll (ShortTerm) ALIIENDOZAHdred Cellfornla Stets Admlnl*rdor E&ceton cnd Oualficalbng: 8S D€greeBushcs AffidsflUon-tHy*elty d 8.n Fnncbco. Mgnd@ b a cecond C€n€rskr ne&e Grtfomhn md h cmceinod Sqtt whd tns tnppeled to Cdomh - unoonto[ed dsv@rnent, dfic arHqck md deoecnffoa ol lh€ srvlronm€nt and ufl wori to prs'rent ! sknfiar hte lor CcdBbqd. l$s 2E yars adnhffie cepsience h gcvunmat wlth date, lrdqd ltd cotr*y gxogfsms end problams ufl prove d b€ndt on the Councf,. He hee ssyed on the Cqftbrd t niled Sohool tXstlct Budgd Revlerr Conrr{tee, b e Dtcc{or on lhe ttqth County thilod ltry Board, ! yolrntlcr u,m &? Ar:odaffon ol Rdrrd.d CftLans. Prsident, Bcca Fannda&n - r sctrobr*F bunffd1 rntrtk ol U€ Ndth Oolst Vtt€rEna Erp$fnsnt Csrrr*ll€o, Dhecior on lha SER Bud. He wes r cor$d v*elan rffi $e tEt Arrny Alr Corp. Affig Wlfl|. $e utfl brhg io $e Clty d C*Sed e gent*re errd[nrrt to ormr*y tanlca end r md oonoen tor0te prcandon d Ceil$ada n&$d ttsowa.E, trbtodcd nanq* urd envhonm*rt rtd rcgnrd tor d rucldants'nae&. lle uf, ercourage oorrr#d srd h*rctial eabprat coflFffis iffi wsFphnnd rcsk en$el grovl$ for a beuffiI srd gotvant Cerlsb.d. lleufl rcpresentafl ol Cerhbad c&€m oapeblyand cffipess]m$*. lhe frB ARGUf,IEiTTINFAV OFPROPOSMONA Hoap Cfove b a magnlfrcent ancatyptrs loreef jtrst south-of-Bueie Vh tegoon af,d Plaza'Cafi*to Ral. Ot€ ol Garlsbad's most tcsured end d*tdfue hnd{|8*8' the grore seryes !s a malestlc gateway to the dty and as a netural futftr bctweqt commcrOd devdopment and resldential neighborhoods. Hosp &ove b a woodand canctrary lor bhds, small animals, and peopb who need to "get eway lrom lt r[." On March 3rd, Carlsbad vot€ra have the historic oppoltrntty to proeenre thlg bdoved foret. A ES vote oh nopogtton A will approve the Glty's purchase ol Hosp Grove. ll Proposlilon A falls to wln a majodty yote, nuch of the loresi u,il b€ doomed. Bulldozers wlll mow down thousands of tees and le'rd a malor hHside. hstad ol open space, Carlsbad wil gct yet another Ehoppkrs c€nt6r, yst another ofrce ounplex" and over a hunded more condordnbms. Though aome wooded arcas would Fsneftlt Gadsbad'e last unbroken str€tch of lorcst wqtld be logt lorcv€r. Carlsbad needs the lorest now. WeX need lt wen more h t€n yerB, when halt a rtron people lve on the North Cornty coast End moet of our op€n spaoe b gone. ll we try. llolp Grovr, lt can become I grat forcst pad( udth hl&rg te[s urd pcnlc grounde. Lkrk€d to the ocan by patha dong Buana VHa Legoon, the torcsi wI be a ficdeee op€n-spaoo reSouroe. The c-ttolce b ours: mor€ stores and condos - or a great br€st prrldand. ftopocltion A la our lagt chance to acquke Hosp Grove. Now, bcfore h's too hq lct's vot6 YEIS on Ptopet[on A to save thls bautfr.rl forest lor oursdves and qr ch[&en. JI,LIE FISH Neighborhood Alfiance to Seve Hosp &ove O. B. ADATIS Gofqrnder, b Co6ta Conrunlty Awareness KAY CHRII'TIANSEN Cedsbed HHodcal fteseryatlon Cormhsion DAN MMMER Friende ol Hosp Glrwe MARK PETNNE City Council Mernber Oty ol Carlsbad 00atA / 5 REBUTTALTO THE ARGUMET IN FAVOR OF PROPOSIT|ON A VOTE NO ON PfiOPOSMON A lYe love thc bees and we carc rbort otrr clty. We tr Pl€.lcd that thc ot/s present ownershp and agreenrant u,ith the dadop€rs aiovrc us to cave dgltty Pscstt 6t ttre tees and keep sb( mlllion dolars lor dty needs. ln hct, of the ecrvsrty-sevgt end one tenth f7.1) acres of tees now odstng, ffiy-nlne and three tenths (583) ecret ufl rqnain undstubed. ln addttion, lhe devdopgs wff be rccpked to telant ancallptue trees on appro*nately thres (3) addldonal acrca, thereby sa*tg we $dy-two (62) acres ol fees. I{e checked the dervdope/s phns m lle wlth the dty. No mapr hilside wil be kild€d, hrt a few rdnor slope ad|.tstrnents wfl be made to the propeily. Thse edpstments uil be made to fit the contours ol the prop€rty. Furthcr, we lound that thousands of taes w[ be seved, not buldozed. Over r*ghty pecenl (80S) ol the teea h the loresr wll rcmain under the anneil agrearcrt. ln dserealng propoaltion A, proponents say that tnlls and pathrvays are phnned wllhln the grove. We could not frtd uty plans on fle wlth the dty lor theae tafls md pethways. Nor could we ffrd the peths dong the Buila Vista Legoon hltrtg the toes to the ocan. We are happy, holever, thel a[ ol the bees dong lhe hgoon wI Ifitah undlstu6€d under the prafit clly agneernant. K€€p the r6e8 and keep the dty ftrandalty sound. VOTE NO ON PROFOSITION AI MARY H. CASLER Mayor,1982-1988 GI.ENN McCOITIAS Councftnan. 1968-1975 SCOTTWRIGHT Patks & Recrea0on Comr{ggloner DAVID V. CASTNER, PrerEsnt Carlebd Senlo,r C&ena Associadon MARY M. MARCUS Fbnnlng Comdsslon€r ARGUMENT AGAIN. . PROPOSIT|ON A Prooonqils wouu havo yoters b€[srre $et a[ teee wouE b€ lost unhes the hltbtive'b passed. They donl tdl you thgt a total ol s ecr* ol the odsthg lorcat would remrh at only a Emall cost io the Glty. Votss ghould be aware of theee facts:1l The Glty ol Cadsbad cun€nlty orvns 27 acres ol Hosp Grove._ 4 Under dn adstng negotieted settlem€nt wlth the owners, the City would acguire an additional 32.3 acres of hnd through ptrchase end dedlcations.- The agreed price lor the add'idonal hnd and ddicgflons would be t975,000 or $30,186 per acre.- The qrnent oryn€rs would be requlred to put h d neoesaary roads and stom drelns.tl thh bailqt masure ls approved, the above negotlated agreement would be euperseded by lt, reaulUng h a algnificant llnendel hnpact on the Cit/s gmeral fund. The lollowlng iacts descdbe the g,llecte ol the hltiative:1l The ballot hltlatlve requlres a ganeral tund ogendittre ol 7 millon do$ars to prrchase 52.68 acres ol land.- Thls would be hcreaed to 13 millon dollart dte to htsrest paym€nts ovsthe nod 20 yers.- An overall cost ol 13 mllllon aquates lo$P46,TV P€r ecrs.2) Addldond efeet and etorm draln elpendturea wlll be rcquked to be pald by Clty. There le graye concem over spendlng hrge amounts of money lrom the Cttfs general fund, thereby rieking government aupport ol vitally needed c€rvlces. O€nerd fund money b ueed to Eupport the operation ol police and lhe csrdcos, as wet as perfts, [brarles and gencral govornment actMties. Wc bderre thst the negotlaied gddernent will provide lor the preaavation of moet ol the Grove without causing a eevena finendal lmpact ro Cedsbsd. Hep us reve 50 ecres ol lorcat hnd at very ltfle cost to the Clty. VOTE NO ON PROPOSMON AI MABY H. CASIfR Mayor,1982-1986 GLENN McCOlvlAS Gounctman, 1S6&1975 SCOTTWRIGHT Pa*s & Becrealion Commlesloner DAVID V. CASTNER, Presld€nt Cerlsbad Senior Clttsene Assodadon i,IARY M. MAFCUS Phnnhg Gorm*saloner 00.!A r 7 REBUITALTO THE ARGUrlt ,'AGAINST PROPOSITION A mpootton A h rcry rknple: dhs we revr Ho? C.oYr or wo ld I be hildezed. U/e ean't treye our ioreot and dwCop t too. Hosp Grove contahs torr parcels-52.68 acrc. tl ftopod0on A pegges, the Qtyhr1la aI loirr lor Ss.s rnflfion. ll not, weI pay $975,000 for one 9ecra parcd phs the lees artxrnd thrse nerv rnajor devdopments. Opponents of hposlton A couni tsees h the pa*ing lot and cel lt open gpace. ftoponenta wani a ral foreat thal Cadsbad can use as paddand. h deaobkrg ftopoelton A" opponents hfled to mention the tolotrhg hcts:1. The purchase may be paid ln cash or financed, at the Cty'e option.2. Csrlsbrd can allord lo buy Hoap Grove wlthout artaktg CIU servlces. Roaertt Clty repolta Ehow r hrge aurpfua lor fiacal 1SS86 rnd elmort $5.5 mffion h cash ava[abl€. Thoes unrcotlded funds could be eppled to the purchaee fice.8. $eet utd storm drah requkasnenta wil be rfihtsed ll the forcst rff€hs op6l sproe. The cocts wf, be sharad byadiacent devdopments.L Both purchase pdcee-for the whole forost end ths "efisneWe"<re bas€d on the game Ctty appnlaat. The dlfierence ls p*nefiy d.rc to the hnd's uge vdue. Even lf they're cherp, ths cteep, unuaable slopec ol tha dtfiirllve ere no bargdn, Vota YES Otl A and get a ral vrlue: anotgh eccessble, uraH€, tor€Eted parldand to prcvlde refrJgp fom ulban congesdon. llop Gtow: W. Hrt lt Wr nocd lt Wc c]t dlord lt JULE FISH N€lghborhood AHiance to Save Hoap Grove PERMANENT ABSENT VOTER OUALIFICATIONS Any voter who has lost, or has lost the use of, one or more. limhs; has losi, or has lost the use of, both hands; is unable to move about without the aid of an assistant device (e.9., canes, crutches, walker, wheelchair); is suffering from lung disease, blindness, or cardiovascular disease; has a significant limitation in the use of the lower extremities; is suffering from a diagnosed disease or disorder which substantially impairs or interferes with the person's mobility, may apply for permanent absent voter status... (E.C. Sec. 1451). By completing the Absent Voter Application and checking the box on the back cover, the voter is acknowledging his/her right to permanent absent voter status. As a permanent absent voter, an official ballot will be sent to you each time there is an election within your precinct. Once you have claimed permanent absent voter status, you need not apply again unless you change your residence or mailing address, your political party, or your name. lf the voter fails to return his/her official absent voter ballot for any statewide direct primary or general election the vote/s name will be deleted from the permanent list and he/she must reapply. (E.C. Sec. 1456). ASSISTANCE FOR THE HANDICAPPED The Registrar of Voter's Office has a TDD (felecommunication Device for the Deaf). For assistance please call 565-3966. The County of San Diego ;": 1rJt *oiscriminate on the basis ofdisability. lf you are disabled and feel you have been denied participation in the electoral process, please contact the Registrar of Voter's Office at 565-5800 immediately. A voter unable to mark " u"lrotirly ,""]'r" the assistance of not more than two persons selected by the voter. lf there is no accessibility to the polling place, the physically handicapped may request a regular ballot from a precinct board member and vote it at a location as near as possible outside the polls, which is accessible to the physically handicapped. Ito15A/S Srn Oi!go INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS (ABSENTEE VOTERS: Please disregard the lollowing instruc{ions). SIEP f . hacrt thc brlot crd dl thc wry hto th. Votorn tb. STEP 2. Br rurr lhc lwo rlots h tht ttub ol your crrd fit down ovr lho two rod plnr. STEP 3.Udng thc punch dodcc rtirchcd to thc Voiomrtic, punch through tha brllot crrdrt th. polnt ol thr rrow oppositc lh. nrmc ol thG crndldrtc ofyour oholce. To vot! on rny ,nGaluit. punch the brlot cerd h the holc rt thc poinl ol lhc rnow opporhc thc word 'YES' or oppolltc tht word 'NO". Hold punch vcttlcal (stnlghl up). Do not usc pcn orpendl. Do not Yotc lor morc candldetes ihm hdcetcd tor ach contest. After vothg, wlthdraw lhe balot cerd. Check to bc rure the punchout ls not henglng lo thr b.ct ol thc cerd. - Fold thr bqllot crrd et thc pcrfon$on (la dsooncrrtcd rl thr pols), wlth ths !t b rhordng. md rctum h to thc picchct borrd marbcr. Al drthrylrhhg mr*a o. .rrrurcs rn! lorbHdcn end rnekr thc brlot vold. ll you mrkr r fitbukt, rrfum your br[ot crrdrtrd obtrh rnoihcr, STEP.l. STEP 5. STEP E. NOTE:' To votc for a quallficd wrlte-ln cendldrtc, wrfte the namc of thcofncr md thc pcruon'B nlmo ln thc blank rpaces prwldcd br thetpurposo on tho ballot card. ABSENTEE VOTING il you nnd lor eny racon )rou uf, bc uneble to votr h pcoon m rlccilon dey, prorp{y complc{c end Cgn the rpplicdiot br en rbsant yotGr's b.lot Ehtcd on lhc beck covr ol lhlc pamphlet end ntum I to: REG]STFAR OF\TOTERS, P.O.lOX !ss20, SAN D|EGO, CA 1113r-6520 Your rpplcetlon nxrt rrch thc olllcs of thc RcAlrtrr ol Voln no 5cr $r.n F6n .ry ?a,1*7. For funh.r hfonnrtlon, plerrr cr!: 56s-5563 AN EOUAL OPPORTUNIW EMPLOYER