HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-03; Notices Proofs (4)Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (619) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: February 21, 87 19, 19 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on the 21 .qt. day of February, 1987 /Clerk of the Printer #202-2M-786 NOTICE IS HEREBY $IVEN thatat the Special Municipal Election to be Held in the City of Carlsbad onTuesday; March 3,1981, there shallbe thirty-seven (37) voting precinctsconsisting of the regular electionprecincts in the City of CarlsbadeStSPUretf tyr the homing of state ' and county elections, that the poll-ing pfarces for the respective pre-cincts shall be the places desig-that the persons named haveppointed olStes of electioneir respective voting pre- ng Prefchict 1, comfrisiiigr election precinct(s) 40830;4 Place: Community ServicesBldg., 2909 Carlsbad Blvd.; Accessi-ble to Handicapped Yes; Officer:jjgham, Agnes M.; Officer:fculine L.; Officer: Jackson.'5.; Officer: Veach, Pauline Winnii . Stott, 1• Jean*w.Voting Precinct 2, comprisingregular election precinct(s) 40840;Polling Plate: Garage, 2667 DavisAve.; Accessible to Handicapped:i:Vei; Officer: Paulson, Howard I.; TMn'eftffWtfre, Darlene; Officer: W,hM»y, VMa M.; Officer: Baird, LeroyjOfficer: Bradbury; Sarah E. — Voting Precinct 3, comprising regular election precinct(s) 40850;Polling Place: Union Church Hall.COB Jefferson and Pine; Accessi- ble to Handicapped: No; Officer: Ferri, Joseph; Officer; Matsubara,NorirOfilcer.Geisler, Christine L.; Officer. Romero. Soledad T. Voting Precinct 4, comprisingregular^tection precinct(s) 40860; Polling Place: Garage, 246 Hemlock Ave.; Accessible to Handicapped: Yes; Officer: Waters, Esmeralda C.; Officer: Monroy, Marjorie A.; Offi- cer: Acuna. Molly E.; Officer:^rit- . ten, Joanne J. Voting Precinct 5, comprising regular election precincKs) 40870; Polling Place: Garage, 3675 Hard- ing St.; Accessible to Handicapped:Yes; Officer: Waters, Ray L.; Offi- cer: Castro, Irene O.; Officer: High- tower, Clotilde A.; Officer: San-chez, Este,la V.; Officer: Price, Leo F.Voting Precinct 6, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40880and 40881; Polling Place*: LanikaiLane Recreation Room, «5SO PontoDrive; Accessible to Handicapped: iNo; Officer: Sims, James H.; Offi- cer: Rssati, Theresa; Officer: Prit- %en, Lew; Officer: Ferri, Ann./ Voting Precinct 7, comprisingregular election precjncKO 40882;Polling Place: Lakeshore Gardens,W off Poinsettia Ln.; Accessible toHandicapped: Yesi Officer: Hutch-croft, Ruth L.; Officer; Botsford,Velda M.; Officer: Rushworth.• Evelyn D.; Officer: Lawler. Barbara B.Voting Precinct 8, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40884;PollingPlace: Garage, 1707 Catalpa Road; Accessible to Handicapped:i YesjOffieertMaynard, Helen E.; Of-"fic.gr> Alleys Maryon= It; Officer:Pieratt, Betty J.; Officer: Pringle. Margaret P. fft: •. VotingTJPlietitfSi 9, comprising regularJfectionJJfecihetff) 40885;Polling1 Place: Garage, I(fle Fox-glove View; Accessible to Handi-capped: Yes; Officer: Mitchell.Raymond L.; Officer:'Mitchell, Fijothe* M.; Officer: Carrington.Rosalind H.; Officer: Gillette, Kathryn L.Voting Precinct 10, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40886; Polling:«ac«; North Clubhouse #1, CaminoD*! P»rque; Accessible to , Handicapj>ed:"No; Officer: Thomas, JosepM ni'Cr; tofficer: ChriStofMrs, Clarice H.; Officer: Derby, DorothyE.; Officer: Albright, Ruth M. Voting Precinct 11, comprising regular election precincKs) 40888; . Polling Place: Altamira Clubhouse ,#2,904 Cafnto Madrigal; Accessibleto Handicapped: No; Officer: Pen-ner, Rosemary A; Officer: Lehman,Dorothy J.; Officer: Cross, Alice F.;Officer: .Otsea, Elsie C.Voting Precinct 12, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40890and 40893; Polling Place: Garage.4600 Park Dr.; Accessible to Handi-capped: No; Officer: Moss, ElaineR.; Officer: Negaard, Shirley M.; Of-ficer: Freedman, Edward H.; Offi-cer: Nef, Dorothy C.Voting Precinct 13, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40891and 40900; Polling Place: Carlsbad.. High School, 3557 Monroe St.; Ac-cessible to Handicapped:'Yes; OBi- (cer:'Lander, Elizabeth ft.; Officer: Omhn»8TMargar^tM.?Officer:Oza- 'ki, Rinko; Officer: Jones, Marguerit .M. , •• •:•:•'• 1Voting Precinct 14, comprising'regular election precinct(s) 40892;Polling Pl4«e: Garage, 4215 Isle Drive; Accessible to Handicapped: Yes; Officer: Nossett, William A.; "Officerrodar, JohTff W: fOTTice'r: Edebohls, Virginia G.; Officer: Hale, Loretta M.Voting Precinct 15, comprisingregular election precinct(s) 40910;Polling Place: Pilgram Church 'Hall, 2020 Chestnut Ave.; Accessi- ble to Handicapped: Yes; Officer: Kilian, Jane S.; Officer: Johnson, Pearl E.; Officer: Bertics, Dorothy; Officer: Glenn, Barbara P.Voting Precinct 16, comprising regular election precincKs) 40911; Polling Place: Garage, 4823 Nebli- na Dr.; Accessible to Handicapped: Yes; Officer: Auguste, Maryanri A.;;Officer: Quint, Frederick A.; Offi*",cer: Graham. Donna M.; Officer:Miller, Charles.Voting Precinct 17, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40914;Polling Place: Garage, 4836 KellyDr.; Accessible to Handicapped:Yes; Officer: La Violette, MildredM.; Officer: Fox, Catherine F.; Offi-cer: Peters, Marie C.; Officer: Ma-jeske, Chester J.Voting Precinct 18, comprisingregular election precincKs} 40920;Polling P-(«c>r Fire Station, 3701Catalina Dr; Accessible to Handi- capped; je^Mfew:;:Wght,Severine : Joyce C.; Officer. Lo| Voting Precinct 19, comprising regular election precincKs) 40921; Polling Place: Tiberon Recreation Center #2, 3115-Ave De Anita; Ac-cessible to Handicapped: Yes; Offi-cer: Weir, Elsie M.; Officer: Nelson, Ruth E.; Officer: Dieterle. Domeni- ca J.; Officer: Robinson, Ethel H. Voting Precinct 20, comprising regular election precincKs) 40922; 'Polling Place: Garage, 4505 Trieste Dr.; Accessible to Handicapped:Yes: Officer: Roger. Joyce C.; Offi- cer: Geiger, Mary E.; Officer: Messi- na, Ralph J.; Officer: Thornberry,Marion B.Voting Precinct 21, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40923;Polling Place: Tiberon RecreationCenter #2, 3115 Ave De Anita; Ac- cessible to Handicapped: Yes; Offi-cer Kozdera, Dorothy E.; Officer:Todd, Sarah F.; Officer: Burkman,Genevieve E.; Officer: Smerdu, Bet- .tyj.Voting Precinct 22, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40930and 40951; Polling Place: NazareneChurch, 1400 Las Flores Dr.; Ac-cessible to Handicapped: No; Offi-cer: Andler, June V.; Officer: Bru-nache, Katherlne J.; Officer: Hill,Grace M.; Officer: Ziegler. Lucile S. Voting Precinct 23, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40931;Polling Place: Carlsbad WomensClub, 3320 Monroe St.; Accessibleto Handicapped: No; Officer:Eggleston, Patricia J.; Officer: Clif-ton, William A.; Officer: Hlrsch-berg, Sylvia; Officer: Salm, Hen-rietta.Voting Precinct 24, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40940;Polling Place: Carlsbad Fire Sta-tion, 1275 Elm Ave.; Accessible toHandicapped: Yes; Officer: Dunne,Katherine E:; Officer:. Meier,Yvonne; Officer: Bremer, DorothyR.; Officer: Slack, Jane A.Voting Precinct 25, comprisingregular election precinct(s) 40941;Polling Place: Carlsbad WomensClub; Accessible to Handicapped:No; Officer: Perkins, Elliott L.; Offi-cer: Carson, Verna L.; Officer; Con- .dry, Esther K.; Officer: Copley, Zel-ma B. Voting Precinct 26, comprising t1 regular election precincKs) 40950; 'Polling Place: Garage, 2972 Lancas- ,"I ter Rd.; Accessible to Handi- , capped: Yes; Officer: Otwell, Bar- Jbara W.; Officer: Carroll, Jean E.; .'Officer: Carroll, Ann H.; Officer:Laurence, Patricia G. Voting Precinct 27, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40966;Polling Place: Garage, 3120 HatacaRoad; Accessible to Handicapped. .Yes; Officer: Oddi. Frances J.; Offi-cer: Balog, Helen E.; Officer: Mas-sey, Eunice J.; Officer: Wright. Julianne. Voting Precinct 28, comprising regular election precincKs) 40967and 40968; Polling Place: Garage,7051 Alicante Road; Accessible toHandicapped: Yes; Officer: Dalitz,Shirley S.; Officer: Ronning, AnneM.; Officer: Brown, Mildred G.; Offi-cer: Hess, Barbara S. Voting Precinct 29, comprising regular election precinct(s) 40971;Polling Place: Garage, 2611 ColibriLn.; Accessible, to Handicapped: 'Yes; Officer: Wist, Henry P.; Offi- ' cer: Waldschmidt, Charmaine S.; Officer: Kressin, Mary F.; Officer:Bradley, June E,Voting Precinct 30, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40975;Polling Place: Oarage, 3340 Caden-cia St, Accessible to Handicapped: YeS; Officer: Shriver, James G.; Of- ficer: Diets, Charles W.; Officer:Otte, Gretta M.; Officer: Largen.Suzanne K. : "wl<8ting Precinct 31, comprisingregular elec,tion precinct(s) 40976;Polling Place: Olivenhain WaterDistrict. 1966 Olivenhain Rd.; Poll-ing Place: Garage, 6546 Calle Val- -perizo; Accessible to Handi- capped: Yes; Officer: Kirschen- mann, Carol J.; Officer: Snyder, Fay E.; Officer: Paris, Ruth E.; Officer: Clark. Lillian E. Voting Precinct 32, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40977; Polling Place: Garage, 6546 Calle Valperizo; Accessible to Handi-capped: Yes; Officer: Neuman,Eleanor E.; Officer: Millington,Elizabeth L.; Officer: Neuman,Alvin A.; Officer: Millington.Harold J. Voting Precinct 33, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40979;Polling Place: Leucadia Water Dis-trict Bldg., 1960 La Costa Ave.; Ac-cessible to Handicapped: Yes; Offi-cer: Burton, Schuyler; Officer:Thornberry, Robert T,; Officer:Simpson, Mary J.Voting Precinct 34, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40980and 40982; Polling Place: Garage.2804 Sombrosa St; Accessible toHandicapped: Yes; Officer: Frau-stein, Cheryl L.; Officer: Vedyjck, Claudia J.; Officer: Mercado, Don- na M.; Officer: Wist, Auriole. Voting Precinct 35, comprising regular election precincKs) 40981;Polling Place: Garage, 2008 Pin-toresco Ct; Accessible to Handi-capped: Yes; Officer: Heynacher,Joan T.; Officer: Heynacher. WalterM.; Officer: Lyon. Frank W.; Officer:Lyon, Esther G. Voting Precinct 36, comprisingregular election precincKs) 40983;Polling Place: Garage, 2746 Galicia Way; Accessible to Handitapped:Yes; Officer: Diets, Laura G.; Offi-cer: Jacobs, Eleanor N.; OfficeDawson Page, Tina; Officer:man, Theresa D.; Officer: KennATheodora. Voting Precinct 37, comprising regular election precincKs) 40990;Polling Place: Rancho CarlsbadRecreation Room, 4200 El CaminoReal; Accessible to Handicapped.Yes; Officer: Sha De, George J.; Of-ficer: Larson, Betty V.; Officer:Lempart, George E.; Officer: Ped-low, Mary F.The polls will be open betweenthe hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.Date: February 19, 1987 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZCity Clerk CJ 4538: February 21, 1987