HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Building; 2014-06-26 (15)RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE: 02/05/2014 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BUILDING DIVISION REQUESTER: JANEAN HAWNEY DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. G2O DEPARTMENT HEAD: RECORDS MANAGEMENT: CITYATTORNEY BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS PERIOD SMEADSOFT BARCODE (If applicable) BLDG 1005 CB 11-0842 12/01/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1049 12/01/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1660 12/01/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 09-1874 12/05/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 10-1653 12/05/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 10-1777 12/05/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1166 12/05/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2189 12/05/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1492 12/06/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1674 12/06/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A w ^^1-1237 12/07/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 10-2510 12/08/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1914 12/09/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2016 12/12/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2301 12/14/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2359 12/14/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. Revised: 2/5/2014 CARLSBAD 11-2403 12/14/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A \y 11-2088 12/19/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2320 12/19/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2350 12/19/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11*-1338 12/20/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1211 12/20/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1254 12/20/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1578 12/20/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2433 12/20/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2507 12/20/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1607 12/21/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1930 12/21/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2477 12/21/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2487 12/21/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 10-0386 12/22/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1219 12/22/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2104 12/22/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2476 12/22/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2519 12/22/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2529 12/27/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2678 12/27/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 10-2427 12/28/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1609 12/29/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-1755 12/29/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2296 12/30/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2466 12/30/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A 11-2518 12/30/2011 0570-36 CL+2 N/A END OF BOX 1005 This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. Ar^ Revised: 2/5/2014 CARLSBAD To be filled out once records have been destroyed. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY: CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? SMEADSOFT BARCODES DELETED BY: YES • NO DATEiC^^2^lS:^y^ DATE: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. A •' o, Revised: 2/5/2014 CARLSBAD 0G36 - San Diego 9466 V^ea 31 Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92121 Phone #(858)-678-0460 Fax # (858) -678-0894 Certificate of Destruction City of Carisbad 1636 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7314 Document #8005499711 Document Date 06/23^14 Cintas Roula/SSR R0G36.0061/Matthew Heard Customer* 10213041 Service Type Purge Cuslomsr Group On-Slte Next Service Date MalarM* 8V000042e DMorlptlen Purge Svc (PyOfO-UgM (Urge) Box GManUty 999.00 EA Order Notes: *" AM STOP "* 70 -100 Boxes worth of Blue Prints located at: 5816 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Hours: 8 amjjS-pm. Please equate ail blue prints to file boxes. (1) 64 = 6 boxes ^^4X11175 = 20^(eSr They want to keep the empty boxes. Contact Is P^^imle /B0-6U2-'2738. An on site truck will be here ^redding regular paper as well. Two separate tl(d<ete. WHl invoice. Scheduled per Sales Rep. Uz. MANUAL PUSH 20140617 212016 tiuuJL- :rULne Dil^ oJr\{ 7<=>^rin This oeitlflcata Is ID oertfy 0wt Cintas Document Management shreds oonfMentlal data per mwtomer's Instructions for the above-mentioned company. The following services are NAID certified: Hard Drive Oestnjotlon, Mobile Destnjcdon and Offsite Oeetrucdon. The foNowIng sen^lces are not NAID oertWed: Non-paper Destnictlon. Service Representative Signature Date 0^ Page 1 of 1