HomeMy WebLinkAbout; 2202 Highland Dr 3-Acre Lot Split; 2202 Highland Dr 3-Acre Lot Split; 1989-02-17i i 1 1 ^H GBOTECHNICAL ^INVESTIGATION att PROPOSED LOT SPLIT • THREE-ACRE SITE 2202 HIGHLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA iH PREPARED FOR: ^B Karen H* Blunienshine 2202 Highland Drive « Carlsbad, California 92028 PREPARED BY:M Ron Gutter (C.E.G.) ^^ and • Erik J. Nelson (P.E.) CITY OF CARLSBAD DEVELOP. PROG. SERV. DIV> Job No. GN-1 Log No. 1 February 17, 1989 I I GEOTECBNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED LOT SPLIT THREE-ACRE SITE 2202 HIGHLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF Page 1.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES ............. * • .......... 1 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION ........................ 2 3.0 LABORATORY TESTING .... ................... 2 3.1 Classification ....................... 2 3.2 Particle Size Analysis ................... 2 3.3 Expansion Index ....... ...... ....... , . 2 3.4 Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Content .......... 2 3.5 Direct Shear ........................ 2 3.6 Consolidation ................ ....... 2 4.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ...... .... .............. 4 4.1 Geologic Setting ...................... .4 4.2 Proposed Development ......... .... ....... 5 4.3 Geology and Soils Engineering ............... 5 4.4 Seisaicity ......................... 6 5.0 CONCLUSIONS . . . . . ................. ..... 8 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................... 8 6.1 Earthwork ........ ........ .... ..... 8 7.0 SLOPE STABILITY ............. . ........... 9 7.1 Existing Slopes ...................... 9 7.2 Constructed Slopes ..................... 10 7.3 Temporary Slopes .................. ..... 10 7.4 Settlements ........................ 11 7.5 Surface and Subsurface Drainages . . ............ 12 7.6 Foundations and Slab Recommendations ............ 12 7.6.1 General ..................... 12 7.6.2 Foundations ................... 13 7.6.3 Slabs On-Grade .................. 13 7.6.4 Retaining Walls ................. 14 7.6.5 Reactive Soils .................. 15 7.6.6 Plan Review ................... 15 8.0 LIMITATIONS . ...... .................... 15 I I I GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED LOT SPLIT THREE-ACRE SITE -2202 TTT<rFTrATan DRIVE BAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued I Figure 1 Location Map Tables .1 2 Seisnicity for Major Faults Equivalent Earth Pressures (Ib/ft*) Plates 1 2 Geologic Map Cross Sections APPENDIX A References APPENDIX B Field Exploration Figures B-l through B-4 Figures TP1 through TP5 Log of Borings Logs of Test Pits APPENDIX C Laboratory- Testing Table C-l Particle Size Analysis Table C-2 Expansion Index Table C-3 Maxima Density/Optimum Moisture Content Table C-4 Direct Shear Table C-5 Consolidation I I I February 17, 1989 Dr. Karen Blrmenshine Job Not GN-1 2202 Highland Drive (. Log No: 1 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Dr. Karen Blunenshine SUBJECT: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED LOT SPLIT THREE-ACRE SITE 2202 HIGHLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Dr. Blunenshine: This report presents the results of our Preliminary Soils Investigation at the subject site. Our investigation was performed from October 1987 through February 1989 and consisted of field exploration, laboratory testing , engineering analysis of the field and laboratory data, and the preparation of this report. 1«0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services provided during the preparation of this Preliminary Geo- technical Investigation included: • t(a) Review of previous geologic, soils engineering, and seisnologieal reports pertinent to the -project area (See Appendix A); (b) Analysis of sterographic aerial photographs to evaluate the topography and geologic structure of the area; (c) Geologic napping of existing exposures and outcrops} (d) Subsurface exploration including 2 bucket auger borings to a mfly1nnim depth of 85 -feet* and 10 backhoe test pits; (e) Logging and sampling of exploratory excavations to evaluate the geo- logic structure and to obtain ring and bulk samples for laboratory testing? Dr. Karon Blumenahine • 'ob Nos GN-1 February 17, 1989 log Ho» 1 Page 2 (f) Laboratory tasting of samples representative of those ancounterad during the field investigation; (g) Geologic and engineering analysis of field and laboratory data, which provide the basis for our conclusions and recommendations. (h) Preparation of this report and accompanying napsr and other graphics presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations. 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION Subsurface conditions were explored by drilling 2 bucket auger borings to depths of 34 and 85 feet, the approximate locations of the borings are shown on the Geologic Map, Plate 1. The -borings were drilled with a truck-mounted 30-inch diameter bucket auger. In addition, eleven test pits were excavated to a maximum depth of 25 feet using a track-Mounted backhoe. Drilling of the test pits and borings was supervised by a registered geologist who logged the geologic materials and obtained bulk and relatively undisturbed samples for laboratory testing. 3.0 LABORATORY TESTING 3.1 Classification » Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Classification was supplemented by index tests, such as Particle Sice Analysis, Hydrometer Tests, and Atterberg Limits. Moisture content and dry density determinations were made for representative undisturbed samples. Results of moisture-density determinations, together with, classifications, are shown in Appendix C. 1 1I 1 I 1 1 11 1 Dr. Karen Blumenahine February 17, 1989 ' 3.2 Particle Size Analysis Particle size analyses were performed on representative samples subgrade soils in accordance with ASTM D 422-63. Test results are C-l. 3.3 Expansion Index Expansion Index tests were performed on representative samples soils remolded and tested under a surcharge of 144 pounds per Job Not GN- Xiog No: 1 Page 3 of the site's shown in Table 4 of the on-site square foot in accordance with the Uniform Building Code Standard No. 29-2. The test results are summarized in Table C-2. 3.4 Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Content The maximum dry density/optimum moisture content relationship was determined for typical samples of the onsite soils. The laboratory standard used was ASTM D 1557-78. The test results are summarized in Table C-3. 3.5 Direct Shear • Direct shear strength tests were performed on representative undisturbed and |• 1 1 |m 1i remolded (to 90 percent compaction) samples of the on-site soils To simulate possible adverse field conditions, the samples were saturated prior to shearing. The tests results are presented in Table C-4. 3.6 Consolidation t A Consolidation test was performed on a representative remolded existing *in aaiia *^> fxijp ^ffimin^ w3«pr*BfflbUity charaeterii sample of the itics at a 90% relative compaction. The sample was saturated at the beginning of the test to I * i. J»_« _• ft - r. .. . --simulate possible adverse rleia conditions. The test results an Table C-5. e presented in ! '. _I i I I I I / I I I I I I I i i i i i i i Dr. Karen Blumenahine Job Hot GH-1 February 17, 1989 * ' Log Hoi 1 Page 4 4.0 SUB UESCtUrTll The sits consists of an irregularly-shaped 3-acre parcel of land located at the northern terminus of Highland Drive in Carlsbad, California (see Location Map, Figure 1). A wooden frame, single-family dwelling and garage presently exist on a ridge -top-in -the eastern portion of the parcel. Vegetation consists of scrub brush and cactus over most of the site, although eucalyptus ±rees are present on slopes in the northern portion of the property. Topography over the site varies from relatively flat in the east, to locally vertical in the canyon which bisects the parcel -in the north-south direction. A large culvert functioning as a part of the City of Carlsbad storm drain system is buried at the head of the canyon in the center of the site. This culjrert empties into ^the bottom of the canyon, although the pipe appears to have broken at some time prior to this investigation, causing ffon>idinr<iM^ subsidence ffnd erosion of surrounding fill soils. 4.1 Geologic Setting The site is situated near the western margin of the peninsular ranges batholith. Topography within the area of the batholith, which outcrops in the eastern portion of San Diego County, is steep and mountainous. Topography within the western portion of the county, where the site is located, is wVn-lMft by imirimt and non-marine sediments of Cenocoic age*, and is more subdued. Specifically, the site is underlain by sandstone and conglomerate of the Linda Vista and Santiago formations. The sandstone is poorly bedded (massive) and well indurated. An approximately 5-foot thick cobble conglomerate unit locally exists at the base of the Linda Visa Formation. •*>.••• v^^rT1 ?••• \ • • s- i ADAPTED PROM U.8.Q.8. 7.6* BAN LUIS REV CALIFORNIA 1976 TOPOGRAPHIC OUADRANQLE LOCATION MAP FEBRUARY 1989 Dr. Karen Blumenahine Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 • Log No: 1 Page 5 4.2 Proposed Development The site is to be developed into three parcels. The existing home and appurte- nant structures are located on what is to become the easternmost lot. Two additional building sites are to be developed on the two new lots proposed for the central portion of the site. Proposed grading will include removal of the existing nonengineered fill on the site and replacement as properly engineered compacted fill. Some elevation changes may also occur as a result of this grading. At the time of this report, final grades and site topography had not yet been determined. 4.3 Geology and Soils Engineering Red sandstone and conglomerate of the Quaternary age Linda Vista formation covers ridgetops throughout the site and surrounding area. White sandstone, cobble and pebble conglomerates, and minor' siltstones of the Santiago formation underlie the Linda Vista formation and crop out at lower elevations. A distinctive cobble conglomerate unit marks the base of the Linda Vista formation throughout much of the region. Numerous surficial slope failures exist on the site. In addition, one relatively large landslide and an area of bedrock downslope creep were observed to the west of the area of proposed grading. Colluvium covers natural slopes to maximum depths of under four feet and is absent on steeper slopes. The colluvium'consists of silts and sands in a loose condition. In addition, nonengineered fill has been dumped over slopes and into canyon heads in the south central portion of the site. This fill consists of silts and sands in a loose to moderately dense condition, and contains considera- ble amounts of a cable, pipe, and other types of debris in some areas. As much as 2-feet of settlement has been noted on portions of this fill since its place- ment. In addition, the fill was not properly benched into bedrock and is not considered suitable to support foundations in its present condition. Dr. Karen Blunenahine . Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 Log No: 1 Page 6 • 4.4 Seismic!ty No active or potentially active faults exist on or adjacent to the site. There- fore, the potential for fault rupture is extremely low. However, as is all of Southern California, the site is in a seismically active area and will likely experience varying degrees of ground shaking as a result of movement along active faults in the region. Based on work by Greensfelder (1974) and others, the most significant active and potentially active faults in the region are the Whittier-Elsinore, San Jacinto, San Andreas, Coronado Banks, and Rose Canyon faults. The greatest impact on the site would moat likely result from movement along the active Whittier-Elsinore fault or along the potentially active Rose Canyon fault. For events along the Whittier-Elsinore, Coronado Banks, or Rose Canyon faults, we estimate a peak bedrock acceleration at the site of approximately 0.15 g for a maximum probable event of 7.0m on the active Whittier-Elsinore fault, a 6.5m on the Coronado Banks fault, or 6.0m on the potentially active Rose Canyon fault. We do not expect fill accelerations at this site to differ significantly from bedrock accelerations. The repeatable high bedrock acceleration is about 65 percent of the peak accel- eration and is used as a design value for events occurring within 20 miles of the site. Beyond 20 miles, the peak acceleration is the recommended design value (Ploessel and Slosson, 1974). Because the Coronado Banks fault is more than 20 miles from the site, we recom- mend the use of .15g for a repeatable acceleration on the design of structures at the site. 1 1 i• iI . ji i• 1 Dr. Karen Blumenahine February 17, 1989 Fault ffltittier-Elslnore San Jaclnto San Andreas San CleMOte Hevport-lpglcNOod Rose Canyon Coronado Banks Table 1. Distance From Site (•lias) 19 45 65 50 40 8 21 Seismicity Maxima Probable Earthquake 7.0 7.5 8.0 7.3 6.5 6.0 6.5 for Major Faults Estimated Peak Bedroc*2 . Acceleration .15g .09g .09? .060. .04g .15g .15g Job No: GN-1 Log No: 1 * Page 7 Repeatable High Bedrock Acceleration .10g .09g .09g .06g .04g .10g •isg Seismic Safety Study City of San Diego (1974) and Bonnilla (1970) 2Seed and Indrlss (1982) 3Ploessel and Slosson (1974) 4Potentlally active NOTE: Accelerations are based on anticipated bedrock accelerations and do not take Into consideration topography, loose topsail and alluvial deposits. We do not consider proposed constructed slopes to be susceptible to failure under the design earthquake loading, provided the grading recommendations herein are incorporated into design. However, some minor sloughing of the existing canyon walls nay occur. The bedrock under this site does not appear likely to undergo significant settlement as a result of seismic shaking. However, the loose and medium dense fill soils are presently considered compressible. Any measures taken to mitigate the compressibility of the fill during grading would also affect the potential for seismically induced settlement. Recompaction during grading should reduce the potential for seismically induced settlement to accept- able levels. In the event of a significant seismic event, liquefaction within fill soils at -this site is not considered likely due to the high relative density^ of proposed recompacted fill and the absence of groundwater. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dr. Karen Blumenahine Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 • ' Log No: 1 Page 8 The site is not subject to inundation by tsunamis or seiches because of its elevation and distance from a major body of water. No reservoirs currently exist that are capable of flooding the property. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the soil exploration and testing, it is concluded that slope and site soil modifications will be necessary for the proposed develop- ments. Modifications which have been recommended are: (a) Removing and replacing the existing uncompacted fill soils with uni- formly compacted structural fill. (b) Regrooming of the existing slopes to a slope ratio of 2.5si horizontal to vertical. (c) If regrooming of the slope will not leave adequate building area at the top of the slope, slopes may be retained with a cribwall, permanent * soldierpile and lagging wall or other applicable retaining walls. • (d) Foundations for proposed structures should bear entirely on bedrock or fill, or if placed over a cut/fill transition, the cut portion of the building pad should be excavated to a depth of at least 5 feet below the bottom of footings and replaced with compacted fill and designed s for a moderate bearing capacity. I 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS \_ 6.1 Earthwork *f Earthwork and grading on the site should be performed in accordance with Chapter **70 of the Unified Building Code. Continuous observation of grading by a quali- '• fied geotechnical engineer is essential to confirm the findings of this report f and to confirm that grading is accomplished in accordance with the recommenda- I tions of this report and those of local governing agencies. Dr. Karen Blumenahine Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 Log No: 1 Page 9 All uncompacted fill soils located on the site should be completely removed down to competent bedrock. Any organies or other deleterious materials encountered should be removed and disposed of offsite. If structures are to be placed across the cut/fill transition, the cut portion below the building 'and for 5 feet beyond I the perimeter should be removed to a depth of 5 feet below the bottom of the lowest footing. This excavation should then be brought back to the desired grade I by placing fill in 8-inch thick lifts (loose) and compacting to 90% of maximum dry density at or near optimum moisture content as calculated by ASTM test method D-1557. All excavations should be observed by a geotechnical engineer or engi- neering geologist, prior to placing any fill, reinforcing steel, or concrete.I I I Fill soils may be derived from the onsite soils or bedrock. The existing uncom- I pacted fill may be reused provided all organies, large rock and other deleterious materials are removed. Sufficient observation and testing should be performed in order than an opinion can be formed as to the degree of compaction which has been I achieved. I [ [ [ [ ( [ The intent of this recommendation is to reduce differential settlements to a minimum. Differential settlements will not be completely eliminated and some settlements will still occur. Details regarding settlements will be presented later in this report. 7.0 SLOPE STABILITY 7.1 Existing Slopes As previously mentioned, the entire northern side of both lots is bounded by steep slopes of both uncompacted fill and weakly cemented bedrock. The slope ratio of these slopes approaches vertical in several areas and is typically between 2:1 (horizontal to vertical), and 1:1 with total height of up to 100 feet. These slopes have been created by end dumped fill and erosion. Although these slopes are currently showing no signs of deep-seated instability they are I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I Or. Karen Blunenahine Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 Log No: 1 Page 10 * most likely standing at a very low factor of safety. These slopes should be considered unstable in this present condition. Excessive rainfall or irrigation causing saturation of the soils, significant seismic events or even surcharge loading, such as that resulting from placing a structure 'at the top of the slope, could cause failure of the existing slopes. 7.2 Constructed Slopes If the existing slopes are regroomed to a stable slope ratio, it is recommended that a maximum slope ratio of 2.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) be used. Such a slope may be constructed from the onsite materials provided proper compaction is achieved. Due to the height of the slopes in question, the above slope ratio should be used for both cut and fill portions of slopes. Any fill materials placed on the face and/or the toe of slopes should be properly benched and keyed into competent bedrock. All benching and keys should be observed by a geotechni- cal engineer or geologist, prior to fill placement. Soils on this site are generally susceptible to erosion. It is therefore recom- mended that slopes be planted as soon as possible after construction. It is recommended that deep-rooted plants, well adapted to a semi-arid climate, be used. Site drainage should be directed away from the top of all slopes. 7.3 Temporary Slopes Temporary slopes cut into the site materials should be stable for short periods at a slope ratio of 1:1 for slopes up to 15 feet. Temporary slopes, which exceed 15 feet, should cut at 1.75:1 in order to provide adequate safety for workers and adjacent property. If steeper slope ratios are necessary shoring or bracing may be needed to provide A safe and stable working area. I Dr. Karen Blumenahine Job Not GN-1 February 17, 1989 ' Log No: 1 Page 11 Although calculations and observations indicate construction slopes should be stable at these heights and slope ratios, local backcut failures are possible due to variations .in onsite conditions. No warranties are made as to the stability of temporary slopes. The contractor should proceed in such a manner as to provide safe working conditions and to avoid impacting adjacent properties. The contractor should be responsible for the stability of all temporary slopes. Actual backslope ratios are left to the discretion of the contractor, who should abide by the regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 7.4 Settlements | Due to the unacceptably high settlements expected in the existing fill soils, it has been recommended that these soils be removed and replaced with compacted I fill. It should be noted that this will not completely eliminate settlements, and that some settlements will still occur. It is recommended that a period of I time of at least 6 months be allowed between placement of the fill and construc- * tion of buildings to allow some settlements to occur without impact on struc- S tures. It is further recommended that this settlement be monitored by survey monuments placed at the surface of the fill. The elevation of these monuments should be checked periodically and plotted on a graph. Once it appears that I settlements have been mostly completed, building construction may begin with minimal impact due to settlements. I I I I Provided the recommendations contained in this report are completely complied with, settlements should be less than 1 inch total and 1/2 inch differential for structures founded on fill soils. If structures are founded entirely on bedrock, settlements should be negligible. Although settlements are expected to be within tolerable limits, some minor cracking of slabs and walls should be expected. These minor cracks can be due to small differential settlements over short dis- tances and to expansion and temperature stresses. I (Or. Karen Blumenahine Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 . Log No: 1 Page 12 7.5 Surf ace and Subsurface Drainages ' The performance of foundations is highly dependant on maintaining adequate - surface drainage both during and after construction. The ground surface around | structures should be graded so that surface water is directed quickly away from the structure without ponding. It is recommended that a ™< ninnm gradient of 2 I percent be maintained in paved or lawn areas and a Biiniimm gradient of 5 percent in heavily landscaped or areas with flow-inhibiting ground cover. Roof drain I runoff should be carried across all backfilled areas and discharged at least 10 feet away from foundations. Planters should be constructed so that moisture is not allowed to seep into foundation areas or beneath slabs and pavements.m I I I I I I I I Poor drainage could result in moisture penetrating into the fill soils and causing settlements of structures in excess of those presented in Section 7.4, Settlements. 7.6 Foundation and Slab Recommendations 7.6.1 General | The recommendations contained in this report are considered consistent with standards of practice in the Carlsbad area at the time this report 'was prepared. I Reinforcement recommendations presented are considered the minimum necessary for the soil conditions encountered in our exploration and are not intended to super- I sede design recommendations made by the Structural Engineer or governing agencies. All excavations for foundations and overexcavation should be observed by the soils engineer prior to the placement of forms, reinforcement, concrete or additional fill. All excavations should be trimmed neat, level and square. Loose-, or unsuitable materials should be removed prior to the placement of concrete or fill. Materials from footing excavations -should not be spread in slab-on-grade areas unless compacted. I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I Dr. Karen Blumenahine Job No:. GN-1 February 17, 1989 ' • Log No* 1 Page 13 7.6.2 Foundations It is anticipated that a shallow foundation system will be suitable to support the proposed structures. Such a foundation system should bear either entirely on bedrock or on at least 5 feet of compacted fill material. Footings which bear entirely on bedrock may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 3000 lb/ft3. Footings which are founded on fill soils should be designed for a i»*»tm^ allowable bearing capacity of 2000 lb/fta. All foot- ings should be at least 12 inches wide and founded at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent compacted subgrade. All footings should have an equal amount of reinforcing steel placed at the top of the stemwall and the bottom of the foot- ing. The minimum amount of steel considered necessary is that resulting from designing stemwalls as a simply supported beam capable of supporting the applied loads over a span of 12 feet. If footings are placed adjacent to slopes it is recommended that the foundations be deepened to provide a minimum horizontal distance from the slope face of at least 10 feet. If footings are placed which will require the implementation of this recommendations, foundation plans should be reviewed by the geotechnical consultant prior to construction. Lateral loads may be resisted by passive pressure against the vertical faces of foundations or by friction between footing bottoms and the underlying soils. Passive pressures may be assumed as 200 lb/fta per foot of depth. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be assumed between concrete and soil. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the latter should be reduced by one-third. 7.6.3 Slabs On-Grade On-grade slabs may be used in conjunction with shallow foundation systems. The design of these slabs should be calculated by a structural engineer. This design I I I I I Dr. Karen Blumenahine Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 ' I»og No: 1 Page 14 may be based on a modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 kips per cubic foot. It is recommended that slabs be underlain by at least four inches of crushed rock or coarse washed sand as a capillary break. If a moisture barrier is used, it should be overlain by at least 2' inches of sand to decrease the likelihood of curing problems. Due to the low expansion potential of the onsite soils, special slab recommendations regarding expansive soils are not considered necessary. 7.6.4 Retaining Walls Lateral earth pressures bearing against the back of retaining walls or cribwalls may be expressed as an equivalent fluid pressure (efp). This efp will vary depending upon the type of wall constructed and backfill slope ratios. Walls which are free to rotate at the top, up to 0.1 percent of the wall height should be designed for the active condition. Walls which will be tied'back or re- strained at the top should be designed for the at-rest condition. Table 2 presents equivalent earth pressures which should be suitable for the onsite soils. If import soils are used, or soils other than those indicated in this report are encountered, some adjustments to these earth pressures may be neces- sary. Table 2. Equivalent Earth Pressures (lb/ft3) 2.5:1Ball Condition Level Backfill Sloped Backfill Active 51 62 (Unrestrained Wall) At Rest 75 88 (Restrained Mall) The lateral earth pressures presented above do not include allowances for addi- tional-surcharges-at the-top of the wall or hydrostatic pressures. All backfill placed behind walls should be completely drained to prevent the buildup of water behind the wall. Passive pressures used to-resist..sliding were presented previ- ously in Section 7.6.2, Foundations. Dr. Karen Blumenahine . Job No: GN-1 February 17, 1989 Log No: 1 Page IS 7.6.5 Reactive Soils . . Although no testing was performed to determine the corrosivity of onsite soils to concrete, the soils in this area typically contain sulfates in quantities high enough to be detrimental to Type I cement. For this reason the use of Type II cement is recommended for all concrete placed in contact with soil or water on this site. 7.6.6 Plan Review It is recommended that all grading plans and foundation plans be reviewed by a geotechnical engineer prior to implementation. Review of plans may necessitate additional investigation or a change in recommendations if the project is signi- ficantly different from the project currently proposed. 8.0 LIMITATIONS 4 * The findings, recommendations and other information contained in this report are # valid only for the proposed lot split at 2202 Highland Drive, in Carlsbad, Cali- fornia. This information is not applicable to any other site regardless of v* proximity or geographical location to this site. This investigation was per- * ,v; formed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised in the Carlsbad I area at the time this report was issued. As with all fields of science, tech- ||f nological advances are made in the field of engineering daily. This report may ^ not reflect advances made after, or recent to, the date of publication. No fftwarranty either express or implied is made as to the conclusions and professional : ~|| advice included in this report. H • • x" 4The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based upon geologic and engineering inferences made from data obtained at selected locations on the site. Geologic structures or strata may vary between borings or trenches. Therefore, some inconsistencies may be encountered during grading. Should this occur, additional investigation may be required for the continuance of the project. I 11 1 Dr. Karen Blumenahine February 17, 1989 It is the owner's responsibility brought to the attention of the Job No: GN-1 Log No: 1 Page 16 to ensure that the information in this report is architect, engineer; and contractor, and that «A«^MA A^.«*WM M«kJl ••••W.«4*«t4*w*fc.M4>«*«>« *«^IP^«B «***^ ^1*A0A *»A44^MflMAi*«4 m 4* 4 MM a I V WAA U-t AW US* B AUU B UWWUAA U*. CM* UWA 9 WCU. Jb JT WU *• *•**«»*» J. 9 w WWHWMMC* w^%«««9 • The individuals responsible for this report do not practice in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct, and may not even be aware of the con- ( 1 tractor's operations. Therefore, the safety of workers and adjacent properties are the responsibility of the contractor. The findings of this report may be considered accurate for a period of three years. After this time, the report should be reviewed by a geotechnical engineer to determine the accuracy of the findings. If significant, changes have occurred due to time or acts of man, an additional investigation should be performed. 1 1 1 • I 1 1 I I 1 1 - 2~&><*e&Z- . Erik J. Nelson R.C.E. No. C44102 Expiration Date 6/30/89 ^***"*^^ X*!2§*XAtxplx<l\ §!l^ <fiH\BHKiJ *!Jjs J \"-** 'If iWii-X' WSjl -v^_«^ ^^^^^^&^rRon Gutier ^^ Engineering Geologist C.E.6. 1407 Expiration Date 6/30/90 • • ''-• • APPENDIX A REFERENCES I I I i I I I I I I I I REFERENCES I I Greensfelder, Roger W., 1974, "Maximum Credible Rock Acceleration from Earthquakes I in California," CDMG Hap Sheet 23. W* Kennedy, M.P., 1975, Geology of the San Diego Metropolitan Area: California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 200. Kennedy, M.P., and Welday, E. E., 1980, Character and recency of faulting offshore metropolitan San Diego, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet 40, 1:50,000. APPENDIX B FIELD EXPLORATION I I I I I I I I \ I 1 I I I I I i i 1 LOGS OF BORINGS \ OATP OBSERVED! , JJ,/7/R7 UBTMOO Of DRILLING? 30 inch bucket HUBCr 4113 Ibs to 25'. 2981 Ibs to 47'. 2168 Ibs to 70' LOGGED BY? R.G. GROUND ELEVATION- J551,,. t ORATION- See Geotechnical Map ** UlUlu x h-CLUl0 5- is- • 20- 2S- 30- . - 35- " - - 10 ** 2o u u. CO CO .Ju •• IMI ^hMBIB • •^••MB t« O Ou. M •SO o 7 5 » «•• -4 — — oUlOD(jj a"1 t-Sj QW a x^^>s X ••» <R 5?<USi WMMM Ul 0.2 CO 3 CD !«• _- • ••M ^^••M* J° N " GN-1 ^^uj» a!; nul '30 i U •^ ^MM. )^ *••.* ««I«MMV ^ UU5°00. Ul** °H a*" 5S S \ ^^^v^ •*» ^ X • -* ^ __ _ ' BORING MO B-I • DESCRIPTION Fill: Dark brown silty medium SAND, wet, loose contact: erosional, horizontal Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation: Red, brown medium SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense, becomes coarse below 5* contact: horizontal red pebble and cobble "CONGLOMERATE, coarse sand matrix contact: horizontal, gradational below 21* becomes white contact: N75E, 2°E, erosional, undula- tory Santiago Formation:. White/brown silty fine SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense. grey SILTSTONE, contact: gradational, he UnTten^ne~SANT5StoHET slightly" moist ,~3en contact: gradational, horizontal below 29* becomes silty @ 31* sharp horizontal erosional contact, iron staining contact: gradational * horizontal belowl2 ' becomes fine to medium sandston contact: horizontal, gradational, undule SOIL TEST undisturbed direct shear rizontal se e tory "GreyVBreen "STETST01IE", slightly" mblsF, sHff, 1" thick discontinuous stiff clay seam at upper contact contact: horizontal, gradational LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B-1 I n*Tf np«m,crv 11/7/87 uPTwon OP nnii i iMfl. 30 inch bucket auger &m Ibs to 25'. 2981 Ibs to 47'. 2168 Ibs to 70' LonosB Bv-R.G. onoiiun PI GVATION- 155± LOCATION- See Geotechnical Map 1 U33J) HIa IUo 45- 50- 55- 99- 70- ' 75- - 80-SIFICATIOMJV)< u WS/FOOT |Oua 9 ISTURBED 1AMPLE |o« X K SAMPLE ]aa X JOB NOj GN-1 Ul£N 5=UZso.u |uQQ. Ul** 0 / / BORING MQ B-I (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION White, fine to medium SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense bedding: horizontal, gradational, undulatory 1" thick clayey silt seam bedding: horizontal, erosional, undulatory 5" thick siltstone bed contacts: horizontal, gradational, undulatory bedding: N55W, 6°E bedding: horizontal contacts: horizontal, gradational White fine sandy SILTSTONE, slightly moist, stiff White tine SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense SOIL TEST sieve, particle size analysis • LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B.2 I I I I I F I " I DATE OBSERVED:11/7/87 ucTwnn np DRILLING- 30 inch bucket auger 4113 Ibs to 25', 2981 Ibs to 41', 2168 Ibs to 70' L.o<?«en BY; £:£;„. .GBOUNO ^PVATION- . 155±_ LOCATION- See Geotechnical Map r ••0 DEPTH (FEET) |85- 90- 95- 100- 105. 110- 120-CLASSIFICATION|'BLOWS/FOOT 1UNDISTURBED 1SAMPLE |BULK SAMPLE |JOB NOJ GN-1 MOISTURE 1CONTEIIT (%) 1°Jb BORING MO B-I (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION White fine SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense SOIL TEST contacts: horizontal, undulatory, gradational @ 83' clayey siltstone, 7" thick Total Depth 85' No water ' ' LOG OF BORING (FIGURE: B_3 i DAI-P OBSERVED: 11/7/87 uBTMon np QBiLLiMa- 30 inch bucket auger 4113 Ibs to 25;, 2981 Ibs to 47 '. 2168 Ibs to 7U1 Loooen BY- JL.fi,,,,, Gnoiiwn PI CVATION- 155± , LOCATION' See Geotechnical Map *% u z Okuo 5 _ 10- • 15- • • 20- *• • 25- " 30- . • 35- — - 40- zo <0 Ik 55 (0< u H 0 U.•» (02o_1 a ^ 5 a Ul 00 uiclil30.Jrs2<awz 3 • X <v7 ^N UJ a2 CO -i 09 JOB NOj GN-1 ^t IsjflUJ Oz20U ^*£L5°Q(L si ig "^>>^_ PORING MO, 87.2.. DESCRIPTION Fill: Dark brown medium SAND, very moist, loose Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation; Red brown coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense, roots in upper 12* below 15* red and dark brown medium sandstone bedding: horizontal contact: horizontal Santiago Formation; white, fine SAND- STONE, slightly moist, dense contact: horizontal, gradational white .brown pebble Conglomerate, slightly moist, dense, minor cobbles contact: N10W, 4°E, undulatory, sharp white silty fine SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense cross bedding: N55W, 8°N contacts: horizontal, gradational • Total Depth 34* No water SOIL TEST undisturbed • LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B-4 I I 1 I I I I LOGS OF TEST PITS k DATE OBSERVED:10/23/2.7,,, ueYunn ne non t mn- Hatachi Track Hoe Lnr.rrFr> ?Y- R.G. ROOUNO Et F«*TlftM' , 150± , LOCATION- See Gcoteqhnical Mao ' DEPTH (FEET) j« 8- « 20_ •* 25 CLASSIFICATION> •••^BLOWS/FOOT 11'UNDISTURBED ISAMPLE 1BULK 8AMPLE JX • X MOISTURE 1CONTENT (*) 1Itl PLACE DRY IDENSITY (PCF)j* -•». TF«T PIT NO „ 1 DESCRIPTION Fill; Red brown silty medium SAND, moist , loose @ 8' tree limb » Topsoil?: Dark brown clayey SAND, moist, loose, slight organic odor, roots ' Total Depth 25': No water SOIL TEST LOGGED av. R.G. anni.iMp ElFVA<rt^H- ,., ,15,Q±_ lac*™*"- Sec Geotechn^cal ^ao m 5- 10- 15- - JOB NO.: CN-1 ^^-"•* TEST PIT tan 2 Fill; Red brown silty medium SAND, moist, loose contact: N60E, 60N Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation: Red coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense bedding: horizontal below 6* grades to light brown medium sandstone NOTE: Fill exposed in northern half of pit to bottom @ 8-10* pipe, wire and debris in fill Total Depth 16* No water LOG OF TEST PIT (FIGURE: TP-l I IHATC DRSPRVPD- 10/23/8Z_.,, ueTunn nr npiLiiNo- Hatachi Track Hoe Lnr.r.Fn BY- ^RJL. RPOIIWD EI F«*TIOW- JL5Q+.,, , LOCAT«ON- See Geotechnical Mao Ku UlIk > DEPTH (• • . 8- m to- * 15- 0 »-<t^CLASSIFK>-O 0it BLOWS/Ou S"!UNDISTUSAMPIUl.j& <a X.j a •• * •iu£ Si- S*oz20u - ••»>u. S "OCL Ul*"IN PLACDENSITYK^ NS TFST PIT NO ...a.,.,, DESCRIPTION Fill: Red brown medium SAND, moist, loose contact: N60E, 60°N Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation; Red brown coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense bedding : horizontal below 6' grades to light brown medium sandstone NOTE: Fill exposed in northern half of test pit to bottom @ 12' concrete pieces in fill Total Depth 14' No water SOIL TEST LOGCPD fv: _,.RjCi.., e»OMNP PIPV*TION- 150± LOCATION- See Geotechnical Map • • 5- ^ _s< < < * iO_ . > > ^> JOB NO.: CN-1 TEST PIT NO._1_ Fill: Red brown silty medium SAND, slightly moist, loose Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation; Red brown coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense NOTE: Fill exposed in western portion of test pit to bottom Fill/bedrock contact: N35W, 50°w contact: horizontal, undulatory Santiago formation; white brown fine to medium SANDSTONE, sliRhtlv moist, dense Total Depth 21' No water * LOG OF TEST PIT (FIGURE: TP-2 I I I R ^ or.r.rn BY« .JLiJ&*.-, fiPQiiwn EL Puwu. Z1-OLuo • - . 8- - * 10- - 15- 5 Q H CLASSOOIk 9) o to o °UJe3?s On S u a2 a a • y.2ec.= 55?OZsou |oOo. id <c II VX frx/ATirtM- 150* LQCAT'ON- g^g fjggfechnlral Map TEST PIT NO 5 DESCRIPTION Fill: Red brown medium SAND, moist, loose contact: NAOW, 75 °E Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation; Red brown coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense bedding: horizontal below 7 ' grades to light brown medium sandstone Total Depth 11* No water . SOIL TEST LOGRirn nv- JUG. ABOUND BiPV^TWH- . ilQi—, IftCftTinu. See G^pt;echnical Mao • * *- 15- JOBNO-: CN-1 \ TEST PIT NO._J_ Fill: Red brown medium SAND, moist, loose contact: E-W, 63* S Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation; Red brown medium to coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense Total Depth 10' No water • LOG OF TEST PIT (FIGURE: TP-3 I I I I I PATC nnsimvirn. , 1Q/23/87 MFTHr>n ^r npii i iwo- Hatach}. Tra9k Hoe LOGGED HV- R.G. r.onimn EL ^ Ul Ulu. X. &0 • « . 5- " 10- - 15- zO »-<A33IFK_i U »- Oou.^»«*oj CO oLJ§311on 3 Ul_i a. «CO x«j CB X • ^u£ *£ 5*oz20u >u.£ wOa. iu** •ss*s»UISo \\ fVATintj- 1202 LOCATION- See G^technical Mao TEST PIT MD 7 DESCRIPTION Fill ; Red brown silty medium SAND, slightly moist, dense contact: N45E, 50°W Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation; Red brown coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense NOTE: Fill exposed in west portion of test pit to bottom <? 3' wire and debris Total Depth 12' No water , SOIL TEST ' " 1 sieve, particle size analysis to«i?FP «v- R-G. ABOUND fit POTION- , 15°*.. lfC*firiM. See Geotechnical Map • « ft— * • 10- • 15- V J08 NO.: i;N_! TEST PIT MH 8 Fill: Dark brown silty medium SAND, moist, loose contact: N25E. 75W Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation; Red brown coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense below 7* grades to light brown medium sandstone Total Depth 14' No water r* onfio 1 \A&^\ nn .. T£«» molded direct shear expansion, moisture density, sieve particle size analysis (fill) • LOG OF TEST PIT (FIGURE: TP-4 f>MT nflRPBVen? JJJ/2^/87 ucTunn OP non I tun- HafarM Trai-lr Hoa LOGGED av- R.G. ftamiMD EL ~ Ul Ulu. Z Uo " •* - 8- lO— 15- 0 Jr o e) ^o Koo « 5o o OUl °UI ^ 2<On u 0.2 e X a "X* • *+ c^ «?0220U >C Qcf Ul <ts*** ^UJSo ^^.^ pV^TinM- ISO* LOCATION- «?op flpnf ar.hn-(oa1 Map TEST PIT NO. 9 DESCRIPTION Fill: Dark brown silty medium SAND, moist, loose contact: E-W, 60° S Bedrock: Santiago Formation; white brown medium SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense crossbedding: horizontal Total Depth 11' No water • r SOIL TEST LOGGED BV. R.G. eaOVHf> !M FWATION' . ,15 OS. „,, ' f»eATM>W. Ran qanrarh^-f ral Map • • »- 10- 1S- JOB NO.: (W-l TEST PIT NO.JO Fill; Dark brown silty medium SAND, moist, loose contact: N40U. 75 "W Bedrock: Linda Vista Formation: Red brown medium to coarse SANDSTONE, slightly moist, dense fracture plane: N3SW, 78*W Total Depth 11' No water LOG OF TEST PIT |HGURE: TP_5 I I I APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING Table C-l Results of Particle Size Analyses Percent Passing (Sieve No.) Sample Location TP7 « 5' TP8 § 5' Bl § 60' 4 10 20 40 100 200 99 98 97 80 40 32 100 88 60 75 37 28 100 100 100 99 43 8 Table C-2 Expansion Index (UBC-29-2) Sample Location Expansion Index Expansion Potential TP8 § 5' 2 Very Low • Table C-3 Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Contents Maximum Density Optimum Moisture Sample Location (lb/ft3) (%) TP8 § 51 128.4 8.0 Table C-4 Results of Direct Shear Tests Boring Soil Description Peak Phi Cohesion Residual Phi Dry Remolded/ Density Moisture Cohesion Undisturbed (Ib/ft ) (%) TP8 § 51 B-l @ lO1 B-2 § 33' Dark Brown Sllty Sand Red Brown Clayey Sand Yellow Brown Clayey Sand 28 35 34 250 160 260 30 29 35 60 140 0 Remold Undisturbed Undisturbed 116 108 99 10 7 6 I I I Table C-5 Results of Consolidation Tests Boring Number B-8 at 5 Feet Initial Void Ratio « 0.44576 Void Ratio at 0.5 ksf Void Ratio at 0.5 ksf Void Ratio at 1.0 ksf Void Ratio at 2.0 ksf Void Ratio at 4.0 ksf Void Ratio at 8.0 ksf Void Ratio at 0.5 ksf Percent Consolidation Percent Consolidation Percent Consolidation Percent Consolidation Percent Consolidation Percent Consolidation Percent Consolidation » B » m m m « 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. at 0 at 0 at at at at at 1 2 4 8 0 44200 44200 (Si 43983 43578 42971 42002 42899 .5 ksf * .5 ksf - .0 ksf - .0 ksf - .0 ksf - .0 ksf * .5 ksf » it 0 0 0 0111 urat .260 .260 .410 .690 .110 .780 .160 (Saturated) Initial Moisture Content * 9 Percent Final Moisture Content « 14 Percent Initial Density - 115 pcf Final Density - 117 pcf March 4, 1991 Karen Blumenshine P.O. Box 850 Carpenteria, California 93013 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO CITY REVIEW Minor Subdivision No. 818 Carlsbad, California Reference: City of Carlsbad, January 30, 1991, Review of Grading plans Ron Gutier, Erik J. Nelson, February 17,1989, "Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Lot Split, Three-Acre Site, 2202 Highland Drive, Carlsbad, California" Dear Karen: I have received the city engineers comments regarding my review of the grading plans. My review of the plans indicates that the plans shown are in conformance with the intent of the recommendations of the referenced report. Some minor differences do exist as outlined in the city's response. 1. The slopes shown are steeper than was recommended in the original report. The recommendations presented in that report were purposefully conservative to allow for some flexibility in the design process. 'In addition the full height of the slope is achieved by using two smaller 2:1 slopes which result in an overall top to bottom slope ratio of 2.3:1. I have performed additional calculations on the slope as shown and have obtained a factor of safety of 1.5. Copies of the calculations are included attached to this report. 2. The city does not feel that the map shows the removal of all unsuitable fill soils. It is my opinion that reconstruction of the storm drain will result in the replacement of all uncompacted fills in the main canyon area. No new fill should be placed over previously uncompacted fill, and all new fills placed against slopes need to be benched into competent soil or bedrock. This recommendation includes any fill soils located below or over the new stormdrain pipe. Uncompacted fill soils may still remain in other areas of the site but are not expected to have an effect on the planned structures. There is a possibility that a minor amount of unsuitable fill will be encountered in the eastern building area once it has been cut to the proposed grade. Since the majority of this area is expected to be in bedrock cut, any fill soils left should be minor amounts which can be easily removed and replaced during grading operations. 3. The proposed grading plan shows a 1 percent typical drainage for the site instead of the 2 percent recommended in the report. Due to the relatively high permeability and non expansive nature of the on-site soils, a one percent slope should be sufficient. Karen Bluraenshine Subdivision No. 818 March 4, 1991 Page 2 This opportunity to be of service has been appreciated. Should any questions arise or if further services are necessary please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Respectfully yours, Erik J. Nelson, P.E. C 44102 Registration Expires: 6-30-93 Civil Engineer I ** PCSTABL5 ** by Purdue University --Slope Stability Analysis-- Simplified Janbu, Simplified Bishop or Spencer's Method of Slices Run Date: Time of Run: Run By: Input Data Filename: Output Filename: 12-27-90 6:17 EJN SECTZ-Z' SECTZ-Z'.OUT PROBLEM DESCRIPTION SECTION Z-Z', KAREN BLUMENSHINE, LOT SPL IT BOUNDARY COORDINATES 6 10 Top Total Boundaries Boundaries Boundary No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X-Left (ft) .01 32.00 94.00 106.00 195.00 254.00 32.00 102.00 250.00 250.00 Y-Left • (ft) 74.00 80.00 110.00 110.00 150.00 150.00 80.00 90.00 134.00 134.00 X-Right (ft) 32.00 94.00 106.00 195.00 254.00 350.00 102.00 250.00 254.00 350.00 Y-Riqht (ft) 80.00 110.00 110.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 90.00 134.00 150.00 134.00 Soi 1 Type Below Bnd 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 ISOTROPIC SOIL PARAMETERS 3 Type(s) of Soil Soil Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure Piez. Type Unit Wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant Surface No. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Param. (psf) No. 1 2 3 120.0 120.0 120.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 50.0 140.0 .0 28.0 29.0 34.0 .00 .00 .00 .0.0.0 1 1 1 A Critical Failure Surf*r*3 . I I I I JL l-i vl tr »"" •-* t \_f t= t i vi i tA w A. i I Ui \- . 100 Trial Surfaces Have Been Generated. 10 Surfaces Initiate From Each Of 10 Points Equally Spaced Along The Ground Surface Between X = 10.00 ft. and X = 60.00 ft. Each Surface Terminates Between X = 200.00 ft. and X = 250.00 ft. Unless Further Limitations Were Imposed, The Minimum Elevation At Which A Surface Extends Is Y - .00 ft. 17.50 ft. Line Segments Define Each Trial Failure Surface. Following Are Displayed The Ten Most Critical Of The Trial Failure Surfaces Examined. They Are Ordered - Most Critical First. * * Safety Factors Are Calculated By The Modified Janbu Method * * Failure Surface Specified By 12 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 91011 12 X-Surf (ft) 43.33 60.65 77.83 94.81 ill. 57 128.05 144.22 160.03 175.45 190.44 204.96 207.95 Y-Surf (ft) 85.48 87.98 91.34 95. 55 100.61 106.49 113.19 120.68 128.96 137.99 147.76 150.00 *** 1.463 *** /•* Failure Surface Specified By 12 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 43.33 85.48 2 60.56 88.58 3 77.63 92.41 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 127.68 143.86159.75 175.31 190.52 205.35 208.09 108. 17 114.83122. 16 130. 17 138.82 148.12 150.00 **#1.473 **# Failure Surface Specified By 11 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X-Surf (ft) 60.00 77.50 94.90 112.08 128.91 145.26 161.01 176.04 190.23 203. 48 205. 13 Y-Surf (ft) 93.55 93.86 95.68 99.01 103.81 110.05 117.68 126.65 136.89 148.32 150.00 ***1.476 *#* Failure Surface Specified By 13 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 X-Surf (ft) 32.22 49.58 66.82 83.90 100.80 117.49 133.92 150.07 165.90 181.38 196.49 211.19 217.26 Y-Surf (ft) 80.11 82.35 85.37 89. 15 93.69 98.97 104.99 1 1 1 . 74 119.19 127.35 136. 18 145.68 150.00 ***1.479 *** Failure Surface Specified By 12 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 X-Surf <ft) 48.89 66.39 83.85 101.15 118.20 134.88 151.09 166.74 181.71 195.93 209.31 213.27 Y-Surf (ft) 88. 17 88.03 89.26 91.86 95.82 101. 11 107.70 115.54 124.59 134.79 146.08 150.00 #*#1.492 **# Failure Surface Specified By 13 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 X-Surf (ft) 43.33 60.62 77.80 94.84 1 1 1 . 72 128.41 144.90 161.15 177.15 192.88 208.31 223.42 224.05 Y-Surf (ft) 85.48 88.19 91.55 95.54 100. 16 105.41 1 1 1 . 28 117.76 124.84 132.52 140.77 149.60 150.00 ***1.545 *** Failure Surface Specified By 12 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 X-Surf (ft) 43.33 60.83 78.29 35.60 112.63 129.27 145.38 160.87 175.62 189.52 202. 49 ">f7>7 PtQ Y-Surf (ft) 85.48 85.13 86.25 88.82 92.85 98.29 105. 11 113.26 122.68 133.30 145.06 1 «=:oi rani ***1.548 **# Failure Surface Specified By 11 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X-Surf (ft) 60.00 77.36 94.59 1 1 1 . 66 128.51 145.11 161.43 177.41 193.04 208.26 219.44 Y-Surf (ft) 93.55 95.76 98.81 102.70 107.41 112.94 119.27 126.39 134.27 142.91 150.00 ***1.557 *** Failure Surface Specified By 13 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 X-Surf <ft> 37.78 55.25 72.65 89.93 107.04 123.92 140.54 156.85 172.80 188.35 203.46 218.08 228.68 Y-Surf (ft) 82.80 83.74 85.61 88.40 92.09 96.68 102. 16 108.50 115.70 123.73 132.57 142. 19 150.00 ***1.571 *** Failure Surface Specified By 14 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 er X-Surf (ft) 15.56 33.04 50.53 67.93 Y-Surf (ft) 76.92 76.23 76.83 78.69 o 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i. (Ui- . i (u 118.68 134.81 150.40 165.37 179.64 193.14 205.79 206.75 Ow • * -/ 91.79 98.58 106.52 115.58 125.71 136.85 148.94 150.00 *#*1.628 *## .00 43.75 87.50 131.25 175.00 218.75 X .00 + --------- + ------ * — •+• --------- + ----- • 0 "" * mm — *• • • ^» ... .0 9 43.75 + ....... 1 ....... 045. .... ...713 ....... 0.4. ........... 9 . ......... 518. A 87.50 + ........... 04 . .......... 7.18.* ............. 0* . ............. 7 1 * ............. 054 . "" •••»•••*••• • • 17 •• X 131.25 + ........ .....7512 . .............. 9 . .............. 731 .. ............. 054 . ..... . ........ 9731.. ............... 54 I 175.00+ ............... 9712 ............... 54 . .............. 9.631 ................. 4. * ............... 9. .71 .............. 641 S 218.75 + ............... 94 .......... ...6 262.50 306,25 ** PCSTABL5 ** by Purdue University --Slope Stability Analysis— Simplified Janbu, Simplified Bishop or Spencer's Method of Slices Run Date: Time of Run: Run By: Input Data Filename: Output Filename: 12-27-90 6:26 EJN SECTZ-Z' SECTZ-Z'.OT2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION SECTION Z-Z', KAREN BLUMENSHINE, LOT SPL BOUNDARY COORDINATES 6 Top 10 Total Boundaries Boundaries Boundary No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X-Left (ft) .01 32.00 94.00 106.00 195.00 254.00 32.00 102.00 250.00 250.00 Y-Left (ft) 74.00 80.00 110.00 110.00 150.00 150.00 80.00 90.00 134.00 134.00 X-Right (ft) 32.00 94.00 106.00 195.00 254.00 350.00 102.00 250.00 254.00 350.00 Y-Right (ft) 80.00 110.00 110.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 90.00 134.00 150.00 134.00 Soil Type Below Bnd 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 ISOTROPIC SOIL PARAMETERS 3 Type(s) of Soil Soil Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure Piez. Type Unit Wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant Surface No. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Param. (psf) No. 1 2 3 120.0 120.0. 120.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 50.0 140.0 .0 28.0 29.0 34.0 .00 .00 .00 .0 .0 .0 1 1 1 Point No. X-Surf (ft) Y-SurfCft> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 43.33 60.65 77.83 94.81 111.57 128.05 144.22 160.03 175.45 190.44 204.96 207.95 85.48 87.98 91.34 95.55 100.61 106.49 113.19 120.68 128.96 137.99 147.76 150.00 Spencer 's Theta (deg) FOS (Moment) <Equil.) FOS (Force) CEquil.) 12.50 18.75 24.89 20.58 19.57 21.77 20.77 20.88 21. 14 ,641 ,554 ,250 ,506 ,535 ,463 ,500 ,496 1.477 1.484 .492 ,487 ,485 ,488 ,487 ,487 1.487 1.487 Factor Of Safety For The Preceding Specified Surface = Spencer's Theta = 21.14 Factor Of Safety Is Calculated By Spencer's Method of Slices *** Line of Thrust *** Slice No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 X Coord. Y Coord.L/H 60.65 77.83 94.00 94.81 106.00 1 1 1 . 57 128.05 144.22 160.03 175.45 190.44 195.00 204.96 207.95 90.08 94.36 99.07 99.31 103.10 105.01 111.14 117.71 124.73 132.22 140.37 143.27 160.23 160. 17 .357 .278 .254 .260 .377 .370 .346 .323 .298 .266 .239 .247 5.566 .000 Side Force Ubs) 2100. 5708. 9075. 9264. 10608. 11231. 11841. 11040. 8928. 5846. 2403. 1286. 19. 20. A .00 43.75 87.50 131.25 175.00 218.75 43.75 + S S S 87.50 + S * S * 131.25 + S S _ €2 175.00 + S S S 218.75 •*• # * 262.50 + 306.25 350.00 + * * ****** STOP - Illegal Command ****** ***************************************** Legal Commands - PROFIL LOADS TIES WATER SURFAC EXECUT RANDOM CIRCLE CIRCL2 BLOCK BLOCK2 LIMITS AN I SO SURBIS SPENCR >L ^i „£>ri t Xje^aasF/ \ \ X X "X.X XX