HomeMy WebLinkAbout; El Camino Mesa; Soils Report; 1964-04-20SOfLs INVESTIDAT1IDN FOR THE PROPCBED EL CAAAINO MP;SA SUBDNISXOON CARLSBAD. CALDFORNXA KAMAR CONSTRUCTKIN COMPANY 529 Elm Street carbad C8liforaia Aprtl to, iper Denal F. Dr~s~~tIaus corw?sltfiy lbgiaeer DRESSELHAUS BXGINEERS Civfl end ConmMag Engbers 928 500th Hill street oce8nside, calif0mia t-2114 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Tmmxnittal s-w Chmral Side aad SW Coaditioru FLstd Lare8tigation Laboretary Taste GowIumion~ Rwomanendationa APPEMXX Ylptc site Pfra Loga Of Test Borfngrr 2-8 st&bmty of Sour 9 Mobture ikn*ity Curve8 10 Tomt for PoteEtW Expsnrion 11 Specifications for the Construction of Contrilled Fills DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS CONSULTlNG C/V/L ENGINEERS 528 SOUTH HlLL STREET + OCEANSIDE, cxL,.=ORNlA + PHONE 72cs21*6 nacaabcr I.?, 1964 thWi8T &lkUt’U~tiQU COn‘QaQy 329 Elm stm4t cbrlsba& Calmmda a*: Job Ph. L-2li4 El tzamauQ &44m Culrbed CalLf. The folksuiskg mpcmt ~evom our lrupmtlen of the ground 8urkua ccmd,&kww mui fnvrrtlg&icra of tlu wnderly&g 8ollr eeadkiaa at tlm rite of the propmad El C&&W Mea 5xaWvMca, in t&e City of Crriabe& califomi& caw iawertig~tioa irI&CU4~ that the pmporcld reridutm. weed ftamo ~txuetur8*. cm br daty sap$Kw-&*d en squur CTr CarrtlatMPr foetlnp~ placed a II inirwm cf twelve inches into natural uadisturbed aofls, or la crmMet@d filks, if the reeommfmWiosr h tkr foliewhg repot are foitewod Ikstgn hearing values crf 1500 popado per square fwt mry b4 ared. Sulrfaatory fill mrtari4k em he obtaia4d mm the w-site rxca#tioQ~. The rsport iucluder tha nr~tie of tbm 81bu~fme rxplorbtbaa ubd Iaberatcry t*otQ l wall 8s tbo rrWxti?&g tupgortiag the cakalu*Qaa aud tetmr maadatiaaa coe&alaed therob. ItmJputfally l uhmltted, DRESSELMAUS ENonw.EEl:S _.’ /;g<&t , I ,“o Ld “ ,’ lE. Brlu Fmitk RCE I,, $17 SCOPE Tbi8 ismeatigation WM x1-&8 to drtarmine the following: 1 / Tb4 extent of eYi&ag fill material. vetgetation aad &brim. 2. The mbrurfcce 8oil8 condttiosu. 3. The extent aud nature of up8m1iw 8&s. if any. 4. The allowable beartgs cap8city of tlm n&urJ found&ion eoib and proba?ale fill material A series of test borings were mule at tha rft8 to determim4 the d4ptb of doting fill rolls and the natural soils coadtliona. The roile encountered weme examined coatinuourly doting the drtlliag oparaticms. Bamplae of tbe mile ware recovered from the boriag8 at frequut iutsrval8. Laboratory tests wua performed on tha sunplea to deter- miae the php8ical ehamcteristics of the 4dlr. The charac~eristico of the eoUe found in the laboratory tests w4re nib4equmtAy utilised in conjunction with the mmulte of oboervatioar, on the site in determiaiug tha suitability of the locsl coils for the proposed construction and in rtbachiug 0th~ conclu8ions and r4ccunmendaticns roporte& GENERAL SITE AM, SO& CBNDITIONG The site inveaig4t4d covers appro&Mely St+ acre8 located 14fscW to urrd easterly of El CMino Real on th8 Cul8brd Airport 8ite, in the City of Carlrbad, CaW~ruir. (S4u P14te 1) Th4 8it8 ir loc4ted 4n a ~1484 which lmr been gra&d in th8 pl8t to provide airplan raawayr, aad maintuauce and baRdlug arttao. ‘Sweral utural draiuage raviws ar4 located aramd the periphery of tha mite. Aephrlt paving and structures ware found oa the rite at location8 indiceted on Plate 1. Eadetiag fill matehI and debrir were fapnd in a ravim at the sosttlwrly end of the property. Old lumhu. auto bodies aad debris were found aro~ad eaieting structums cm the aorth444t4dy portion of the s&e. The 1ocJiaa of all exkting fill and dsbri8 is *how-a on Plate 1. Eueal* trees sad light vegst8tima w4r4 famd on the no&h4rly portion of the *tie. Light vegmom covers the raviar areas. POELD INVESTBOATXON seven tut borlttgr, locti u ebvwa oa Plats 1. won CQm- @ted to l maxh-mm depth of 16 foot wlng a 2 diameter power drill. The drilling wu &ne on Much 26. 27. mad 28, 1964, under the oupervidom of a soilr mgineu. Continwum loge of the l oilr mcountared in the boring4 were recorded while. drilling aad are &own in detail on Plater 2 to 8, iaclurivs. Recovered rample# were l e&d in the field to prevatat moisture lou sod scat to axr laboratory for tetiog. Sample locationa and record blow cowta (penetration re@intaace) required to advance the sampler are ahown on th4 Log of Boriugr, PXUes 2 to 6, inclusive. The information obtatned from the borings corn- Wed ratirfactorily with the redimenta exposed in exietiag cut slope face@ aloag El Camino Real and in ravine& 8. Borrew kwe8tigatQa Repseuntative umplu of the typical borrow m4tari4la wbi& w4ll be uMd for Waachg the earthwork were obt.ahad fxan tbaxiui6gcut~*aTkdraviw#. fhv4rJ~D4fth44dl4 from ths401ocrtion4w444 Irtwwd to tba laboratory to dotar- mine the moieturs-den&y rrlatioao+ aad gr’rdbtg umlymis. c. 56il# Enc6imte~ A geurally conriueat soil prdtls i# bUi.vad to exist threqh- out the l tte. Tha booring in&lute th4t tlm prsd6minuat roil type i8 granulu. No upanmiva r&l wu ound on the &ta. D. CIround Water. No grand wUor wu aceuntered ame dsSlUsg or dter ~~l-w. -2- LABORATORT TESTS The variou8 laboratory tutr ccmplrted for tki# bkvWt&gtitOa are pre4ealed on appropriate plate8 in the Appendix. 1. sbear Tests Pbtee 2-8 2. st&bality of soilr PI&e9 3. Mdmtuaw-Density Curve8 pktr 10 4. Tmt8 for PotentW %kpumiaa Plats 11 CONCXJiTSSON5 A, Site Clearing. kmpection of the sita indicatem that coa8idor~~ chuiag of debrio. wwd rad junk till b4 required. Arphrlt pavimg md 4tn~ture4 M located oa the rite aad will have to ba remwad. B. Eating Pill 5oila. The srtating ffllr are loe4e 4nd will nat 8efely 8upport additioarl fill and/or reri&ntiJ 4tm4ture8. C. Nstnral Fcuadrtion Soils. The resulta of our fbld imw8tigetioa md laboratory tertr in&ate the naturli foundaticm roil4 will ruppcrt both fill and rmidas%3 dwelling8 withowt detrimeatai rettlemed when prepued ia accord- ance with the recommend8tionr aed 4p4ciftcation4 contained in thi8 report. D. Expansive soil& Atterberg Limir tear md expm4ion test8 (Plate 11) were perfarmed on 84mple4 of clayey rilica sad The remulta of thew teats indicate that no appreciable expanrivs movsmeds will occur in thir 4oil should tha matutal become ramWad after ceaetructim, Clamifica- tion te8t4 of other roil4 at tlm eite further muggoat that the rample te4ted hu the highert awell potential which was not detrimental. E. Bearing tapacity. The rxmtrolled fill mu3 a.aturJ uadWwb4d 80118 will rmfaly 8apport footing4 laded ta 1500 petuwla per equare foot when famded at lout 12 inche8 below the 4dJwent grade. I?. Eroeion and Slope ProtectioaL Due to the granular nature of the 80114. the upoud rlqto will require immediate growth of adequate gramd cover to urea erorien ob the d@pO fUO8. hdditbd~?OtOCtiVO dWiCO8 8UCh&#tOpkZ'IZI# and intercepting ditches asa muggested whers applicable to fort&r mtnkniee erodes huards. especklly in puk w&y between aidewalk areaa and curbs. RECOh4MENDATLOEB) AUvegetation, debris, uph&tpaviag. ext~8tm4ture8andfsamdatiot18 ahell he removed fram the Me. ~bntm~48uetob4r4mwe8. th4 entire root 4y8Wm mU#t b8 excavated aad th8 area recompected through the astir4 depthofthe 83umv4tioB. The edmting fill material eheli be remwed. The exbttag fill m8terial may be re-used if cleaned of Jl vegetation end debris rsd rep&cod W&r th4 4Upb~~id04 Ofthe Soil4 OngbSer. The sulrf8ce 8&l8 in all cut andnatur8l grade u4umxwtb8 scarified to et leaet S&X (6) bd!W# deep, moietaed cad recempacted to ad lerr thrn9@%OfmurbnUm delL#ity. The recommend8tiana prwsmtsd iu this report are hoed on the HIflS aad Caadtt~S notfrd chufoe the SieM earpkaetien aEd lbberatoay tSStb# or the #oil8 encotiered at the alto. &I the event other 8oilr or conditiona are encoutiered during the gra&ng of the a&e, they &all be aaelyeed by the roil4 e~ineer, who mhy then revi the recommaadetiow pre8mt4diathi8 report. * . DKESSELRAUS ENGINEERS E?i a : .I, Hili Sc;ee: 0 :ear.c:,, c , Cailfomia Dote: _ ,_ . A!f&&~L~.m-.~- _.. ,. . LO\? OF BORINGS -_-, ,- ‘. _- Dapth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - iii j ,1* .i ‘1 “* .,, SunPla c *t ! I 1 t 1 I 1 j I i I i I I I I 25 30 Plate 2 Jcb No. Z-2114 Sheet Nc. 1 of 7 Reference BORING NO. 1 I I -__ Brown Sandy Loam with 112 inch to 6 inch rocks. Light Gray Sand Unable to hold sample Grey Brown Medium Sand Unable to hold sample in sampling tuk I’ i Plate 3 7 DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS ,25 si;.y,-., *iI! S’;=ee: OYsw.elr~?-, C&fcTn;a .: :,P-::a&lll&t .-.-. ~.~ ‘. ~‘yf* ?tf3L!wBl~M -_.. _ .- i i ..‘,,~~JEC~:~.~l C8miao M*#a ___ E ,,. I,+~- )’ t \. ,_’ . . .-\ h -* . . - 24 *. : : x*: .;.-. .\. . 3* ‘. -. *.&L. 2.. / 4.: \ I’--: ‘.. ’ .\ 4 - -. . . ( -. * 5 . -- , - .,,:-- ;..I .*- . x\. -,._. . ll- ..-. -., , e.-... 12 7 For&i 75 i&wised &IO- 63 LO<; OF SORMGS --.- i 1 i I ~, 6.. 0 I I 19-71 5.3 0.91 : . I I I t 53 58 50 Job No. 2-2114 Sheet No. 2 of 7 Reference BORING NO. 2 - Brown Sandy Loam Brown Fine to Medium Clean Sand Unable to hold sample in sampling tube . Plate 4 Cte: .;- _ .,.~~kFL l%M By: _. ,.I -.JPR~RW fLH.- _. sUBJEC’i:.,“,F1CCmno__Me~.~,~ _ lx? >t?, Ft. .- o*. ” J-1 ‘-- ,: . . ..- “: ..,. . . 1’ . . :. ._ ‘. 2. ‘..:: ;: .+’ : _) 3, :: y-y .., ,. -7 ._ 4’,,T, . , -:. ; . . . 5. *. y-,. 6--.‘~ ‘:: ‘I.< * . . . . :: . 7 - . ‘; 1.:‘. . .( ‘. I). ,.. .: ‘;, : ; .Q, ..* .-,. 9 - ‘. .‘.‘I ;.:,:r; t. ‘ . - .*-e 10 - ‘._ *.--_. ,, . ,.. . .- 11 - 3. : .i:. ,y: ,...! ‘.. . . ,:*:.- 12. .-.-.. . 13 . . ). . .:,. *; .i ‘, “Z -- * . 1,. . . .::; :7.. (’ I5 * : ::-.s *. . . . . . . : &cif ‘.- . I f I I I~~.ESSELHAWS ENGINEERS !Z? , : rI.i: Si:;ee : - 0 ‘rar.c’ -, Caiiic.r:;ld 1011 I t;’ BORMW ; ! Jnb NC. z-211, Sheet NC.3of 7 ‘-- _l~..l. Referc?cce - BORING NO. 3 25 Brown Fine To Medium Sand Reddish Brown Fine To Medium Sand . t, y;. ‘- i\.< ‘~. * _” ), PLATE 5. T>RESSE;LHAUS ENC;INF:ERS Civi,l and Consultinp EilgiTleer5~ 52s Soll!h Hill Street Ocea,n*i~!e, California Date:- March 27, !964 By: FPR/xVIl! LH _____ ~.~ -_____ ..__ - _.. ,~~ ..,~. Subject: El Camincj Mesa __I__ .__. ~._._.... .., . . . J <: 1, N G . 2 - 2 114, _--~-.-.w :ji:r..r.t ‘!- _^-, of 7 1i.c __ .._,_ ~.. ~.. .,~“..---. ‘1!~ Y - ( ., ’ t . . 7---.~..~~..~ __,. L \ - ,A h .\ r a* ,, * I I,\ . ., I . \; @‘. ; 1 I 1~9.2 -_ ~-~ I I- I i ! -- 4. ‘1 8 -_ . . ,,.i.. _,,:.m, fill Bottom of !oose fill Natural Grounil Red Brown Fine 7~ Medium Sand -.-. -_- * A void exists at. catch point of loose fill and natnml groand-- Lost Water. &F, **L- . ,- . ..** ’ ‘_, 1 .&>$ L : 2. : Plate 6 :)AE~ELMUS ENGINEERS 525 Sk:..:,::. Hii: S;:-ec: G.:tar.b::i, CaXf;rnia LOO OF BORINQS !.S i‘ ,,* _., ~ ;\: ‘?S j . .p;. 1. . . $. , 1.’ -,~, j ,,. )I J ‘i I I 1 I c / ! J& No. 2-2114 Sheet No.5of 7 Reference i BORING NO. 5 i --- Red Brown Sand with 1/Z” to 6” Rocks. Very Rocky Surface covered with suculent plants Plate 7 .v\! i.~,ATjb O&\;.NEF,RS ‘> ,..>. 3 -ci ; C>.~l. -“a L. t No. 2-2114 _--.-.-.~- .--_ 5: .: : N 6 .f 7 .._,, -_. .- .-._ __ Rrie-c ::r‘, ii]:, tz March 27. 1964 FPRIRVH&H !?s $3 -r(; ; : El Camino Mesa L_OC OF BORINGS !A t ! R ;‘: +$ ~ -_ je _ . . . . : I+ . &Y, : &!‘j, i $, ,)’ O,>,(.(./:)’ L ‘-,: L I.~ > . ,1$. Red Urowr; Sand with 1 /2” to 6” Rocky. Vvry Rocky Surface t.ov~rcad with suculent ol?nts I la ( _ , jl j 5 R‘ :; -, i : .~ i . Plate 0 DapedAarrh Z&1964 =v ,-.- ~JiTRlRVE. _ Sm3JECT: -El WDQ Mesa ’ c>i.I.HAU> j2.>!;,.NEE;RS 3 : ,‘A r:_;. 5 -ie : C” “rc’c) C>ili,~,:r.la ‘,t NC. “. z-2113- -_-- Si.ee: N:.& cf .-.~I __ Rc.feprr.vr II-- --- LOG OF BORrPvCS BOh.fNc;-NO.-,_- 31 4- s- 6- 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 I4 . : 'jL j I I / I I , 4”’ I.. ,:~ : ; !; i y F. ,i Ti, coarse ‘,ilica Sand 5.7 1.23’ 40 I -.--.- R..: Job No. Z-21 14 El caanfw, Mesa SuMivido3I Cartsbut Cdforaia STABtLlTY OF SOXLS Sample No. 1 Lidat Groy Cm Silica Sad Sample No. 2 Brown S~FL& Soil Sample No. 3 Red Brown Fiar fo Medium Sand LMORATORY CCMPACTION TEST A 8 T )A D-1557-58T SAM-Pi&l NC. 1 SAMPLE NO. 2 SAMPLE No, 3 % Dwrity % D-&l* % Drnatty TrW i MoWare Lb. /Cu. Jpt. hloirture Lb. /Cu. Ft. Mobtur* Lb. /ck 3-L 1 4.82 114.77 2.66 116.89 8.00 1ao.96 2 3.23 123.90 5.28 121.96 11.10 120.48 3 la. 74 118.94 7.97 123.64 12.32 118.45 c&norn Dik::y 112.04 124.7 C/k3 10.19 124.4 120.06 #f ft. 3 111.20 114.20 122.3 #/ft. 3 optixntrm Moihwa 9.3% 7.9% 4.0% MEGMEAL ANALYSPS: 5hhWL.E NC. 1 simm I: 96 Finer than shown 4 100.00 14 99.02 20 94.44 4a 44.44 100 26.14 200 8.82 SAMPLE NO. 2 SAMPLE NO. 3 %FhxtrtbattSbown $FllbSYthn@lMBQtl 100.00 100.00 78.21 9s. 77 60.33 92.15 20.67 39.95 9.50 14.80 3. 36 6.34 n, “?‘A,.. 7*.*.,*_ / .~~.~ i + I I ,~ ‘-‘-or T ._~ ! !; :. i L .~ .,.._...~ . ,..~.. ,.~,., _~_~_ ~. ..~ ..- ‘ ~. ,.. ., : .,.~.. -‘I- / I r ~1~. I ,- : .~~~. ; , ; r. -, I I ._. i,,~.. I::~.,~, 2 : ,. :~ ) .* ;~i in : ;&&: ” I j ; ( ~: !; ; ; j 1 ; 1,~ I : 1 %i; cL!J~~ 4 ,.._...~ . “/:y /.( 1 / I ” j’(; : ~ _* __._ -ANT_, .-+~. ~:. ___-. _ :.:):.: .I:,\. y*: ,~ .‘.:. ,“’ /,, ... 1 ,,. ,, __~. .~,~T~1 ~. ,,. ~~~ Med. Sand : 122:3 #leil: Ft. .~ : ,9.5% : , 1 .j. ., .~ ~~..~. -.~_~- .~, f r5.. ~F)~LS~FID: j CRLIfiORNIf? 3 ~.IVZES5ELHRUS ENGINEERS DRTEl ; ; Li.%3,.% HRL ; OCESNSIRE,&iLIF; +-2%+ / ; PER.CEjXT MOI5TUj-U PLATE 11 TESTS lFOR POTENTIAL EXPANSDN SAMPLE NO. 1 Lkht Qlrr chyev Sfucu samd Plastieiey timdRx 13.9 shr‘fatye Limit 6.2% Probabb E.rrpuuion 2.6% WY=) Prsbrble Expanriou tests weta run from an Jr-dry condlttan to l aatarated eoadltian at I. OPBZ Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROLLED FILLS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This item shall consist of all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures and foundations, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, spreading. compaction and control of the fill, and all other subsidiary work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas to con- form with the lines, grades and slopes as shown on the accepted plans CLEARING. GRUBBING AND PREPARING AREAS TO BE FILLED. (a) All timber, logs, trees, brush and ot,her rubbish shall be removed, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of so as to leave the areas that have been disturbed with a neat and finished appearance free from unsightly debris,, jb) Ail vegetabie matte2 stiall ‘;x re;wc: .<.i. From U’QP i:,;~.if.ac,e upon which the fill is to be placed, ;r!x! .c.‘r-,c s: rfr ,< 1 e shall. t\:ti, ‘Le sc:i:fied 10 a deprb, of at least six inches (6”) and until !hc swtdce is f:ee from rw,:s. nurwnocks cr other uneven features which wotrld tend 10 prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Fills over three feet (3’) high shail have steps cut in the original ground at two foot vertical intervals on the slope The sleps sh;ll be eighteen inches (18”) wide, more or less. and ma:/ be constrwted by dozing or biading The general direction of the bench shall run parallel witn the c~ountours and the maximum slope shall be three horizontal units to one vertical unit id) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared or scarified~, it shall be disced or bladed until it. is uniform and frte from large clods brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not less than 90% of maximum density in accordance wit,h A So T M D1557-58T No fill shall be placed until t,he soils engineer has given written clearance that the foundation is acceptable for receiving fill MATERIALS; Material for the f-11 shall be free frow vegetable matter and other deleterious substances and shall not ccni:am rocks or lumps of greater dimensions than sir inches (6”) No pockets of rock,s ehali, be allowed PLACING SPREADING AND COMPACTlNG FiLL MATEIXIAE, -------__- -_------ (a) The selected fill materi shaii he piaced in laye:; s whi,cb when compacted> shall not exceed six inches ro”j Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade mixed d.uring the spr esdi g :x, irxure u~i.formit.y of material in each layer Form if78 -I- (b) When the moisture content of the fill materials is low, water shall be added to bring the fill within the specified density range. (c) When the moisture content of the material is above that specified by the density range, the fill material shall be serated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is within the density range. (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the specified maximum density in accor- dance with A. S. T. M. D1557-5gT. Compaction shall be by means of tamping or sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers or other types of rollers. Rollers shall be of such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer shall be contin- uous over its entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. (e) Fill shall be compacted one foot beyond the finish grade line and cut back to grade line by removing fluff and undercompacted fill. (f) Field density tests shall be made by the soils engineer at intervals not exceeding two feet of fill height provided all layers are tested. Where sheeps- foot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density readings shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. When these readings indicate that the density of any layer of fill or , portion thereof is below the required density, that particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density has been obtained. (g) The fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6”) compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. SUPERVISION: Supervision by the soils engineer shall be made during the fill and contracting operations so that he can certify that the fill was made in accor- dance with accepted specifications. SEASONAL LIMITS: No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen or thawing or during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. In the event that, in the opinion of the engineer, the soils unsatisfactory for grading purposes are encountered, they shall not be ‘incorporated in the grading and disposition will be made at the engineer’s discretion. Form #7g -2-